Janet Jackson & Rihanna | #HeresTheThing

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on neither check my instagram you got three dollars off uh which is still a steal to me it is a steal i thought you would talk i got so confused because i was like tony roberts isn't he the motivation that's what i was thinking the same thing i know i had to look it up i was like that's booty tay that's banana i was like he's a comedian listen we have all we have people you've never heard of your people who are on social media that do stand-up comedy we have the pros and we have um people who are just amazing we got embryo allen is a phd she's also a writer on the one of years who ambria allen okay uh she has one of the funniest jokes i've ever heard i'm not going to tell you guys because she might use it you know embryo she'd be writing it's just a lot of funny people i'm excited to see uh so yeah so check that out we'll be doing keep your distance monthly uh at least until the summer oh really look at you yeah okay why are you looking at us like that i didn't tell y'all no of course you didn't know what i've been telling y'all everything in the world i called y'all both at 3 a.m uh construction school next to the office they have class on wednesday night wednesday night oh because it's a nice terrible so parking is terrible it makes a big deal they make a lot of noise so tuesdays until it can only be tuesday or wednesday because comedians are basically back on the road so they can't it can't be any other day i wish it could be friday but they'd be working so i'm sorry josh but if you need to hire another photographer we can put that in the budget because of the podcast because i don't understand get your boy who came i won't hold it against you maybe every other one yeah maybe i want to shoot him that's the thing i know josh but you can't do everything you're handsome you got that going for you you get jeffrey for like 50 don't don't don't do that he's so sweet though i see why you you i was kind to him you were because you got caught where's jeffrey anyway let's get to the topic who's jackie also get those votes in for the naacp image awards because this is the last week is it the last so i saw a thing i don't understand voting ends on the fifth and i was like i know from my category last year it was way closer to the actual awards i feel like within a week to the day of i feel like are you ever going to do like josh happy angel plans i can find out can you hit your your source and ask if it really ends on the fifth or is that some categories okay i'll find out because i haven't been able to figure it out because if it really is this week we don't have time to do it's not happening you don't have to just do something yeah just relax we can do something so anyway uh lots to talk about today we're gonna start off with a rock and roll hall of fame end up the legend pop icon janet demeta joe jackson she had the two hour i'm sorry two nights i guess it was four hours four hours four hours of uh her documentary on lifetime it was fantastic i watched every minute of it um and there was a lot uh-huh there was a lot uh i want to start with this then i want to hear your thoughts the thing that i thought was most interesting that she said pretty consistently or the narrative that she was trying to correct was the joe jackson narrative oh yeah her joe jackson uh was like we know how y'all feel about him and how the media's portrayed him and even how he was in the jackson 5 american dream but joe jackson got us out of gary indiana joe jackson is the one that believed in us yeah he beat us everybody got beat they were growing up in the 60s 70s yeah she was like we are in our community meaning the black people yeah everybody was getting a spanking so don't make it yeah don't make it seem like it was just so cheap it's a little red mark you know it's just a wealth amongst friends she said something i thought was interesting she said discipline without love is tyranny and we had love uh she i mean she said it in every episode you know i and i get what she was doing but i also realized she was is the youngest of the jackson clan and parents do run out of energy it is ammar is running amok here's the way i drove my house yesterday ammar had a cigarette and he was playing guitar he was getting a tattoo of a heart with an arrow through that said i love mom absolutely he was but the way my eldest marcus will describe the way we disciplined him and the way ammar will describe it will be night and day that's a fantastic point so it could literally be the truth it could be the truth for her but for the her siblings who are all older than her if they have a different point of view that could also be the truth as well truth is relative to you your vantage point your projections how you live will smith was talking about this in his book he was talking about how his dad beat them and beat his mom and they all have a different view or i'm sorry they had a different uh response to that uh his brother was to get angry get strong his sister was to like crawl inside of herself yeah oh and his was to become will smith he said they have fight fight flight and freeze and his brother was fight his sister was flight i believe and he was freeze or one of the other ones uh but i didn't think about that and also he probably used so much energy being beating michael and marlon because in that pool scene the american american dream when she said go to bed joseph right go to bed he was about to beat them because there was something left in the pool in the middle of the night and it was michael mullen now get off that point all of his energy michael and then by janet was ninth yes or tenth it was one boy no one girl one girl three boys three boys one girl three boys one girl so that makes eight nine okay so she was the ninth yeah and also by then you not only had he like they had moved out of uh they had moved to encino which is kind of crazy that they lived in it that their house is not far from us at all where we sit right now we could possibly just hey jack how you doing that is crazy but the fact that the jacksons lived there in regular regular white folk that's that chris uh rock joke chris regular white people and mary j blige me and then a dentist not even the greatest world greatest that is just a dentist all smiles dentistry dentist now uh they just said this in the patreon i did want to bring this up and then i want to hear your thoughts as a black woman and a fan of janet uh did you notice how randy kept saying your father no i saw somebody pull that up yeah i didn't i noticed that too but i i don't know if that was like people on twitter were like oh that ain't hurt that i don't think that's the case you know people you know black phobia there go your boy yeah like melissa uh and her sisters be like you know uh when they call each other after your mom their mom or dad calls like your mama don't call me that's what to say that's what i do with my sisters y'all didn't call y'all mama y'all didn't call her did she tell you what's going on the stomach ain't acting right yeah that's what it is my stomach ain't acting right y'all call her so what were your thoughts as a black woman and a fan and just a person in the world i felt as though it wasn't transparent enough what did you want to know she talked about everything well no it's the same as what's in her book well i didn't read her book i didn't know she wrote a book it wasn't like put like this it it seemed as if it was going to be eye-opening to something that wasn't already revealed or seen the biggest thing that stood out to me was that and they could have edited this yeah um when they asked about her secret child that she didn't just say no i do not yeah she was like why would i keep a child from their father why would i do such a thing why would a girl just tell them no so this could be put to bed and the way they cut to review ruby was just like it was just like and again it could be how it was edited she could have blatantly said no at some point in time and they were just like let's keep the rumors dramatic yeah um i also thought it was hilarious how that third husband they didn't they didn't say a thing about that billionaire listen they they talk so much about the barge so much about renee yes that third dude it was like who then they went right to jermaine dupree oh yeah she was with that dude for a minute what was his name no no no she was with your main dupree before the third husband oh she married now she's divorced now i don't know that man yes exactly because he's a billionaire and that man knows how to not be known go ahead and do your little documentary but let me see my face in there janet oh no she is still wait a minute hold on hold on she is still married but is the baby daddy and the husband the same person is what i'm trying to figure out i could have sworn the baby daddy they're extr uh their estranged is what they're saying regardless i'm not gonna be up in your little picture [Laughter] a little picture show i also didn't like the editing at all they kept changing yeah they kept going the changing the timeline so i was getting confused on are we talking about something that happened after that or something that happened before that i am very confused and i also didn't like how so much of the first day was about her brothers bruh i was like we get it i know them we had a whole movie we trying to get to know you i was like fam that was uh no they had that one shot in the back of that of expedition it was like we gonna talk for eight hours that was the that two thousand that day in 2017 they were like we gonna talk today i thought that same thing i was like and maybe i understand like i can give you every documentary every book should talk about the subject as if you don't know anything about them yeah right so i get that but fam i felt like the first part one is the jacksons yes then two three and four is janet jackson i mean they veered off a little bit but i was like okay man i want to learn about her janet yeah joe what did you what did you think what did you think about it because i know i'm sure you're not that big of a janet fan but you are a fan in what she's meant in our culture that's fair uh love janet i can tell you honestly uh i was had a different experience didn't know she married the barge oh you didn't didn't even know it was supposed to be salacious or a secret melissa was like okay now they finna talk about it never heard the rumor of the secret baby i was just enjoying janice music in my life scandal-free i was just like controlled i was like oh she mattered to barge didn't even know but it wasn't l or chico janet was such a the difference between my love for beyonce and my love for janet i wanted to be janet jackson that was who i was i most of the documentary i was like i remember taking that picture to the hair stylist and being like can we do this yeah how she did it my red hair is not just from chaka khan it's also from janet when she had her red curls i was like oh velvet robe aaron huh yes listen people are saying i'm a church boy i think when people understand like that shapes a lot of who i am yeah so and also this is prior to the internet so you got to remember back in that day you found rumors by someone telling you or listening on the radio or seeing it on tv i just was listening to janet's music i wasn't searching for right her stuff i was just listening to the music on the radio watching rhythm that you know her music videos i remember seeing scream eight billion times yeah if youtube were out then we would have broke it that's something i remember this summer that came out yeah like me and my cousins i used to spend the summers in atlanta where my cousins told me i talked to white because i couldn't say it nah shah i don't know how to even atlanta people don't all say the same some say shaw shoddy whatever really talk yeah it is and i really couldn't say nothing against me like you talk while but i was like i don't talk why i i just speak of the way i speak but anyway me and my cousins knew when that song was coming out i mean knowing that music video was dropping i remember when janet did this and i was like i saw a little bit i saw a little i saw a little i saw a little bra and that was enough for me uh i forgot that's where we got that whole challenge of doing that thing was from the screen video but no i wasn't aware of that part of her scandal i thought one thing that was like uh super interesting that i didn't know uh coke wanted to do a deal with her and then mike got in trouble and they were like yeah she lost out so much men ruined her stuff oh absolutely men ruined her stuff too much of her documentary was about the men in her life because they really had facilitated a lot of the things that happened whether it be for the good or for the bad like the story around her trying to give michael the song of scream to kind of like revive his career and then the way the studio did her doing wasn't that so crazy it broke my heart i said dog she over here being like you are getting killed in the media i'm i'm cold right now right i'm doing just fine i'm doing i'm killing loki right now let me lend you some of my good you know nature and now the record your record label want to separate us like i'm just some little piano like janet demeter joe jackson right and this is this is about to be a smash hit because it's both of us not because it's just you screaming because it's and when we were getting ready to watch it it wasn't like oh michael and sister was like oh michael and jamie right absolutely and she would bruh if you didn't know them you watch that video you don't it ain't like he watched her no she's right there holding her oh he was killing it killing it that's why we loved it was all y'all think is this y'all i want y'all to watch the throne tour i wanted michael and jennifer go on tour and it was so sad that's the only song they did together ain't that crazy out of all that long career but like she gave some backstory just of even like her being like i want to open for y'all if y'all go on tour together and him just not even saying anything and just kind of just just dismissing it he was like oh exactly and i was like girl you're about to have i'm about to be even though he's may he rest in peace wherever he's at but what you do to my girl like why you do that to her wherever is that we just i know they don't believe in heaven or hell now they jehovah's witness they should be like just we over in this middle yes jesus listen oh but it did it it hurt my heart to hear how how much of her life even though she sang about control felt like it was not in her control and how much she had to like just i don't know try to find her own voice but it felt like people just kept trying to stomp it out of her they just oh you want to do this no don't do this her for my sister daisy her first album cover was her in the water with us saying janet jackson at the bottom of her hair was wet and she's like it's just her head above the water and my sister daisy was talking about when she was a teenager she was washing her hair and her cousin april was like when she came from up under having her hair while she said oh you look like janet jackson on her album cover daisy went back in the water and was like how how long do i have to leave it in here for it to stay like that because i'm trying to look like like that for forever but yeah no it was uh i wish there was just i don't know something more that she would have let us learn about her that i feel like the people who are already fans for instance when i think about beyonce's what is it life is but a dream yeah her that documentary i felt like it was an intimate experience that she was giving the fans there was a lot of like vlog style footage where it was just her no cameraman talking to the camera so even if she didn't give us specific details even though she did tell us about her miscarrying i'm not saying you got to give us details that you don't want to share because everybody has a right to privacy but it would have been nice to have seen a different side of her that didn't seem like we had already seen years prior we sat there for four hours i i had a great experience oh because you you're not a huge janet fan i i don't know if i would have i don't know how to classify that but i guess that's fair i'm a janet fan but i guess a huge means you're delving into the yeah like let me delve into your life i enjoyed janet as she was presented right and i respected her artistry and how dope she was but i didn't i was like ooh no janet no she's one of my she literally was my first love i wanted to be her ev i at least five of her hairstyles i had just because she had no now now listen don't don't get me wrong i'm well aware of everything jenna did there were some you know i there were some times i said man my god today when she had nobody told me it was weave this is before i knew about weave the one uh when uh doing if when she was wearing the honey blonde curly hair i was like now how is that a curl i was willing to get a jerry curl to match janet is that a jerk is that a jerk because if it is we just gonna have to get a jerk didn't nobody tell me no that is malaysian sew-in i was buying janet merch i'm sure she was using ship station to uh ship it off to people but i was buying it she would why wouldn't she i know she using it today because her numbers are up up books everything all her music is in the top 10. if she's doing fulfillment i'm telling you right now she is having to use ship stations oh she got to do it because if you're selling online you're definitely in the right business and janet's always in the right business you're never wrong because more people are shopping online than ever and that means a lot of orders coming in and a lot of orders you need to ship out fast that's why ships i was burping i was like john keep talking get the burp out and that burp was delivered from ship station on time no matter how much you sell ship station makes it super easy to manage and ship all your orders from all of your sales channels faster cheaper and more efficiently truly because marcus and i are delving more and more into actual physical products that do have to be shipped out and right now we are a two-person team we have to have as many things automated as possible because there's not enough time in the day we're still on camera personalities and then we also you know vendors so being able to have shipstation to automate a lot of the shipping details just makes life easier and being a small business we need every discount possible listen we ain't bought like that where we can't where we can just walk across the savings we need every savings possible and that's what's great about shipstation as well you'll get access to amazing discounts with major carriers including ups fedex and usps easily compare 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well i'm gonna talk about joe first i love that the albums we know and love came from janet literally taking control literally and figuratively uh joe jackson he got fired from his kids his kids was like that's what happens with all of these every father and dad is yours mom and dad that's why uh matthew and joe's probably like hey man we did our thing huh for the time we did it and then our kids was like nah no get about here and then they was like because beyonce after she let matthew knows go she was out of here janet host joe oh was phenomenal i ain't gonna hold you y'all say what y'all want about me didn't know about that first album at all oh a lot of people didn't i came into north janet when she was like all right joseph you go to bed joseph yeah go to bed and hush uh but after that that three album run with her uh post joe jimmy jam and terry lewis i need them to give up the the outfits i need them to stop being in the costumes my kids were so confused they were like are they blind i met them at the at uh this event they did men in black before a minute black wasn't saying that's exactly what uh little marcus says he was like are they were they men in black what is going on they were so confused i was like oh she had two albums i know about angel janet jackson 82 dream street listen to the name of it dream street then i'm dreaming on the street for life for you and me is that a real song no okay she looked young uh then it was control man control and rhythm uh control rhythm nation janet velvet all for you that's five in a row that are like she's the she is one of and even though janet jackson's singing style is not my cup of tea because she's even though she be hitting some notes actually like she'd just be going up places and i'm like you really did that you're looking at all the no i'm just thinking of that five-hour run yeah control rhythm nation janet vela rope and all for you from 86 to 2001. she was murdering it damn all the girls in the party looking at parties [Music] she is when i think of truly truly truly truly when i think of the people that we have loved more so in our generation as we were coming into our own because janet janet was on her run when we were still young still she was releasing music when we were out in the world playing yes exactly i remember like that rolling stone cover i was like i like women this is michael this is it but like when we think of anybody in this and as we became more so like coming into our own as adults or young adults there is nobody for them at least in my brain to look up to more than her like when i think of a sierra when i think of uh when i think of a beyonce other than maybe like tina turner maybe because tina turner was a little wild but like janet jackson really set a blueprint as far as in black female pop-up oh absolutely you know what i'm saying absolutely uh whitney houston and mariah carey they were voices you were not looking for them to move you didn't want to yes it's still sweating like she was doing fallout dances sweating is this she's doing a full-blown routine i remember on her super bowl thing the sweat on her lip as much as how amazing the performance was i was like she was calmer she was sweating oh she's the wind is hot yeah but like i i really was because i was a little perturbed if i if i can be 100 honest i was a little perturbed that they had um janelle monae give her induct her into the rock and roll hall of fame would you like to see somebody that's her peer like who is up here that is when i realized who is your contemporary i was like i would have loved i mean this i mean while it's beautiful to have a another black woman give you kudos so i'm not trying to take that i was like but i would have loved like a madonna to have to be like this woman was revolutionary it's always beautiful to have people look up to you but to have a peer or someone who is also considered legendary in what they've done to also say i see that you did just as much if not more than me i feel like means a little bit more you know what i'm saying yeah i know what you're saying um it's interesting we we're talking about verses and stuff and she's one of the people who is like your verses should just be you playing your songs because nobody matches up with you it's just like and nobody probably can go i i can't think of anybody who could go hit for hit with her maybe mariah uh yeah they're different their genres are so different but i mean like hit wise for hit wise you know like anthony hamilton music soul child makes sense because y'all make the same type of music yeah yeah you make greens he made cornbread it's soul music yeah but mariah was like poppity pop pop yeah r b j i mean i guess jenna was really pop too though janet was pop all the way i wouldn't even put her that she had a couple of oranges why i feel like that we had this argument before didn't we yes we did was it you and tony yes was arguing janet was almost pure pop right yeah she had no she had i mean she had a couple of the velvet rope felt like more of an r b album though she brought it down a little bit but pop was her i mean because you got to understand like she came out after michael had already separated and michael was in a very pop plane he came completely up out of r b it was like i'm gonna pop all day long and i feel like that was the lane that her dad was like and then you do pop yeah everybody's pop uh so yeah this again i feel as though even yes britney spears uh if it wasn't for janet brittany wouldn't have been doing backhand springs and crap in the middle of her dance routine you know what's also interesting about janet and this is why it's hard to have a contemporary the album run starts in 1986 that i'm talking about and to me to joe i i can't i can't speak to that because i didn't listen to that one that much nothing against her i just it was 2004. uh her the the breadth of her career the length of her career i mean 1986 is controlled 2001 is all for you like not only she's making different type of music because like rhythm nation was like i listen to that front to back almost every day but uh the velvet velvet rope 97 like i'm just thinking about my life when when control came out i was three when offer you came out i was graduating high school and with melissa we both was listening to those her music that whole like it's like i just realized i don't remember janet jackson not releasing music yeah my whole life i remember her music she was being on the radio i i just have always loved her when she reposted me and breisha at the top of the pandemic i was like i can die happy you got janet you got chaka khan all you need is beyonce i'll die um but even this this little not that afro puff is anything special i loved wearing an afro puff because penny wore an afro puff penny's mom man was burning her with a goddang on iron her full back was this like kid i still kind of hold my breath when i see that scene that's who i meant to ask to do crafts and cocktails god dang it who janet jackson yeah that's exactly what i was gonna ask your mother alexis fields ah she would have did it yes i i said it let me ask her and then forgot and then i ended up with season three that's how patrick ended up on there because i came up with patrick patrick was great though now two things i want to say one i didn't realize how much renee and her creatively did stuff he was the hands behind the hands that we all wanted to be as young men i want to redo that picture with me and melissa just for my own thing but i want to be like and you want to put your face right here and two she was like y'all let justin timberlake go and black folks was like no oh no we're gonna they're gonna drag him forever he lost someone and i was in love with justin timberlake but once he did that to my janet i was like well but she is like justin loki she covered for men forever right that's what black women that's what black women do ain't no reason she had no reason to cover for justin like that but she did told him hey they're after me loki we've been used to this i'm a jackson my whole life has been the media coming at me but then she looked directly to us in the camera so she says she told him not to say nothing she harbors no ill will towards him for not saying nothing because she told him and then in today's day and age she was like y'all chilling we were like nah nah you can forgive him we ain't you janet because we didn't know and now that and this is why you should never tell people in relationships uh what's we don't we don't heal when you heal we're still mad for you right and us being mad does not stop us progressing as humans it might it might stop you it might stop you and your personal growth but we'll keep growing being mad at this person in our peripheral this person ain't even in our life but you know what i'ma stay angry because i ain't got nothing better to do i ain't got nothing on but yeah no i uh it was just nice it was still nice just to see her face and to actually sit with her for those uh four hours but i really was like after four hours one thing i realized i was like ah that must be how i ended up with my taste in men as a little girl because i was in love with elder barge i didn't know what he was i was like what type of black people was it was some light and curlies i was like but they would what are they they're uh what are the barges what are the bar el debarges people i used to always be like where the [ __ ] el de barge what are they anybody know i don't know what you got to know kevin you know everything i know i know they're from michigan but what is they they're canadian and black feet canadian black they just biracial that's what they said canadian and black that's what somebody said that's like saying american and black i had no idea they were bi-racial i was like they from someplace else they're just black and white yeah i ain't never i had never seen people that look like them they might as well have been the smurfs to me or the snorkels you've never seen uh light-skinned people i didn't know they were light not this is a different type of light they were and we lived in baltimore where all of us looked yeah a certain type of black baltimore's as black folks baltimore be cold and the people would be looking like they are cold all the time you stupid and then even when i came to kentucky i mean by that time i i still didn't know that they i was like they from some other place they from the place right beside where the rock is from they have the that's where and i don't know why i was in love with elder barge so much and i was like it was janet being with uh uh what's his name jane james i said well i'll take ill janet you can have james and we'll be sister-in-laws but she had a type cause renee look look like they little crazy look like renee look like lin-manuel miranda yes a young lin-manuel we don't talk about brood no no no no kenya i know the jets too they all look like they were from the same place i was like the jets you don't remember that group it was another family group jenny and the jets no the jets were another family i've heard of it what's her song oh it's been a long oh i know this song we are the jets i'm trying to think of what they're doing from hawaii mel green said they're from minneapolis ccf inc debarges are cookies listen i was i was in love with elder barge i said that's gonna be my boo then he got on that they were all doing drugs on that stuff i didn't know nothing about the barges they were all on them drugs and they all still out here singing izzy you really i just realized i don't like uh butter pete cam because of joe jackson what what because when he was cheating on um when he was cheating on catherine he told that girl on the phone you can give me some ice cream butter pecan you know how i like it this is the ice cream of infidelity men no when you are faithful you be on the phone you say wife you better have that green chef ready when i come home that's right that's what i want i want a ccof certified meal kit company fix okay i want eating well and i want it to be easy and i want it to fit around my lifestyle your lifestyle every lifestyle i'm keto and you paleo and michael's vegan and janet's vegetarian marlon he gluten-free and i want green chef because it fits all of it and the recipes are suiting our preferences y'all green chef is a company you need to become friends with today in the 2020s not tomorrow not tomorrow but today because you know why you need to be doing right by yourself okay that's what you do you need to be having the good fuel in your body so that your colon can thank you for it and green chef is going to give you the type of food that makes you feel good about what you put in your body green chefs pre-portioned ingredients mean you actually reduce the food waste by at least 25 compared to grocery store shopping listen i bought some 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minneapolis listen minnesota has produced some people what is prince because prince but yeah but he'd be looking like them folk too i think he's just black regular black is he just regular black with my folks prince rogers nelson i'm pretty sure it's just black huh is he just black i'm pretty sure listen this is what i'm gonna play it lightly because i don't want it to i want you to hear the song real quick so you'll know what i'm talking about this is jets you've never heard the song where's the chorus you've heard this song kevin i haven't you body rolled in your mirror alicia creek said prince purified himself in the waters of lake minnetonka lake minnetonka wait a minute somebody said princess filipino i could see a little pinoy somebody said black and italian they said his dad was a white man prince that was white oh that's something the biracial people back i didn't know bob marley's dad was white did i know that no but you know who that who i didn't know was somebody white was one of the people with the dreadlocks besides bob marley billy but italy no not dreadlocks with a lot of hair come on y'all troy palamalu no he had a guitar jimi hendrix jimmy hendricks no he's alive slash slash slash is white no i think he is i don't know he's got he's got curly hair he's half jewish half black oh my god yeah well i gave a good description they're not lenny you describe things like a black male glennis he did have lots at one point in time he did he did yeah i described lenny him zoey i mean uh lisa bernay them is some people that are gorgeous yeah they are well man i had a crush on denise huxtable especially when she went away to college i went away to college in uh hillman college uh-huh i loved her i said man you are i like your face there was something about they were all like i feel like people ash is mixed that's what i said i saw that look at him he's mixed it they were really light biracial people were really light back in the day nowadays they got a little more color i think maybe it's more you know more acceptable for them to allow their melanin to shine through but back in the day they were like very light which made me think are they are they from a different place that's why my kids think my mother-in-law is white this is uh one of lily kravik's songs hold on have you heard this song for learning traffic have you ever heard this you playing no this is really biracial girl if i could get shot two people i would love to get sean fury and crash cut oh cry [Music] i want to get him for the church i'm working on who knows crash cut i want put me in contact with crash cut grandma did you get tickle man crash cut the secret is out [Music] i can't play the whole thing it's six minutes long i love that scratch got also dead serious about what he's doing he has music videos i was the biggest crash cut fan not just you i was in it like what is he going to do next he was in the water in the yes yes he was yes he was listen if he would have did a gofundme i would have donated oh my god i want to see you go where you want to go in your head all the way to the top wherever you have imagined in your head i want to see it in other news this is just this was really funny to me uh robin rihanna fenty announced or i don't know if she announced it but it was announced yes trying to make her had a funny video about that mm-hmm that she is with child with the um with asap rocky and no she just decided to take a stroll in new york bro also there's a blizzard out protect that baby she's too warm oh yeah the the cold just the cold is like is that rihanna it's just a form of perimeter yeah uh and the thing i found two things what i found really funny uh the amount of men who were like ah dang well didn't they all dang it like they had a name that's what was funny on twitter these there was a large amount of men who are like man that should be me and i was like what whatever was that even a possibility why did you even wake up in your dream you should have woke up and said that's crazy come on brain you know that that ain't even a possibility this is rihanna you couldn't even get robin before the rihanna the one singing on stage at her middle school uh talent show i saw a tweet that said the streets came back making good but immediately that's the truth lost everything man i saw this tweet what does it cost let me see if i can pull it up because i was like now this is men are in pain and i ain't never heard this term before rihanna uh pregnancy let me see if i can find it i mean she looks so cute like that little belly that's that i never had something ruined my stomach before belly oh yeah that's i've never had a stretch mark on my stomach that little cute that i would be excited if that is just what my stomach looked like right now no pregnancy today today i would have cut a hole in the middle of this got dang on outfit y'all wanna see those little beans this is the tweet that i was like men men are not okay this dude tweeted yesterday worst part is rocky ain't even meet it up like that we seen the tape she really liked this [ __ ] for who he is i'm sick and i said beat it up that's what he's saying another man told a man i can't even meet it he ain't even on the arby's like that why would you say we saw that he's just like i know i ain't the only one who thought it don't be trying to just put it on me we all saw the tip the thing that i want to understand angel is with the dude saw the tape and and rocky was muted up would he be like well at least he's meet it up because you know like does the meet it up make it okay like i think so i think in in this man's mind well i mean at least his his dick is just uh enormous it's meeting up i'm not meet it up i just beat it up makes him understand angel i guess so i guess that is the only aim in his mind for a woman that's wealthy well then she needs a [ __ ] just meet it up she don't need anything else she's a billionaire all by herself so she ain't got her own meat so she needs a [ __ ] just meet it up and the thing is she like him for who he is like like asap rocky is just a regular person living in the world he's not like a a rapper i feel like he has he's a model i know i've seen him model sometimes he's definitely a rapper hey brock is definitely right yeah i'm saying he's a rapper he's a mom he said he's like before he is like he he's a referee for children's game you know what i mean like i think he's rich he's he's the biggest asap of the basement yeah i don't know the other asap goddard yeah yams rest in peace ferg oh there he is and then just the acronym of like as soon as possible i feel like rocky's even bigger than maybe they're probably second to none yeah the acronym is right none of the asaps beat out the acronym put it like this asap stood tall you could just if you just said she's having a baby by asap i would automatically assume it was rocky i would not be like ferb who no i don't know anybody else after ferg i know rocky ferg yams rest in peace i don't i don't even know asap didn't i don't know what the acronym stands for what's that for always driving prosper yeah this is what i'm saying why is that a money sign man i think i don't know that's that's driving you're striving for that oh double entendre don't even ask me i never looked at the but this is the thing this baby gonna be cute in a mug yeah this baby is gonna be hella cute i'm gonna tell you though usually the best most cutest babies are from two ugly people or one and a half ugly but two beautiful people if it's lisa bonay and someone god be like oh lisa was in there yes you thought she was rich before where she drops his baby fancy line oh yeah you can i just look single me out navy you can forget about another album don't ask this woman for nothing else but motherhood okay there are 700 other businesses that are more lucrative and easier to run than music maternity wear baby skin lines whatever y'all go listen to anti good girl gone bad and remember the good old days that woman have a child running around no matter how much money you have nanny's in the children gonna be children let it go maybe one day she'll surprise you 10 15 years don't ask that woman about nothing else okay she got a baby on the way let rocky make some music um hmm now i disagree i used to have that same two uglies yeah i used to have that same uh thing of oh when two ugly people together they make a baby but i've seen two ugly people make an even uglier child the child was so ugly that as the child grew it finally got to the point of just ugly what was it who was the child got to the point of just like i was like oh that baby's getting ugly now yeah is that ugly because at first it was like people don't usually call babies ugly you said it's strange people don't tell the truth i was a ugly baby my kids were terrible looking i meant to tell you what your kids said i picked them up and i was like andrew can i take your kids at mcdonald's she was like i don't usually take them but i know you're trying to bribe their way to their heart so you can take it exactly pick them up sweetest children ever i mean just sweet say hey y'all want to go to mcdonald's kai said mom does not allow us to have that so i said i want to go he was like i'll tell you that she ain't this you see my guy was like we don't really i was like but if i think i talked to her she said it was okay he was like mom does not allow oh they already know what the deal is so i was like i'll just blame you listen y'all i didn't ask i had sellers by the way your kids came in with collard greens hold on let me do this add and we're going to get back into it let me do this they're doing these babies at that private school got my dog on nephews coming home with collard greens in their hands it's one of the other okay listen uh where are you living at this is probably the season where it's like cold and rainy and wet and it's just hard isn't it hard to get motivated when it is cold outside when it's cold in the house i'll be like i don't want to get get out the bed i i don't want to do anything well listen we still have goals to meet in miles to log we're still supposed to be out here doing what we need to do for our health keep your feet warm and dry with the weather repellent wool dasher missile shoe from all birds the wool dasher missile is the first shoe of its kind a weather repellent performance running shoe don't let winter storms put a damper on your run grab a pair of the weather repellent wool dasher mizzle from all birds so what's really great about the uh the all bird shoe one they are super duper comfortable and they come in all types of really great colors like for instance there's this really like nice charcoal gray one it has a white sole this is like the perfect shoe to be able to wear especially when i drop off these kids in the morning to the bus stop it'd be cold it's all get out and i ain't out here trying to dress up for these parents i need something comfortable on my shoe so um the wool the wool uh runner is the one that i really love that it's super duper sleek you already know that if you gotta run around like if you're running late like we typically are we've gotta run from the truck to the bus stop you ain't about to hurt yourself because you got a good shoe on and yes they will meet your performance needs all birds printed the wool dasher missile carbon footprint right on the shoe so you know its impact on the planet then they offset their footprint to zero to make it a carbon neutral company all birds built the wool dasher missile using natural materials to have a low environmental impact so you can break a sweat without breaking the planet this winter well let me say this real quick i'm all about supporting companies that are trying to do something bigger than just make a profit so whether it's helping women in need whether it's helping save the environment you won't get my attention because we have to start giving back in a way we have to start directing our dollars to companies that are trying to actually do good so uh kudos to all birds for that so this winter keep your feet cozy and dry with all birds wool dasher missiles discover your perfect pair at allbirds.com today that's a-l-l-b-i-r-d-s dot-com so the school has a garden and kai is like his mother whenever there's free food around he's going to grab it so that was bok choy and something else so you could do a stir fry at your house oh it wasn't collard greens no it was bok bok choy i think it's pronounced oh yeah it's there's no s i don't know i don't think there's a u in it's bach b o c b okay i mean b okay and then choi c h o y no c h o i i believe but what was i saying bok choy bok choy vegetable but yes no i'm telling you every time i pick them up it's like he just came from ralph's he just had a bushel of it he had his backpack on he got off the bus first i see a bushel i thought it was college so i'm gonna call it caller he got off the bus he had the greens in his hand i was like what he gets in the car he's just cutting it with his fingers it's a friday afternoon son why do you have a uh psy had a he had like they had a like a sack full of school snacks and they like looked like they doubled up they had that and he was up and i got these greens i'm gonna put this i got some mustard to come i got some mustard on tuesday i'm gonna put this bottle like why does this little five six-year-old boy have raw vegetation in it he carried greens from the school sat it down on the bus yes got up it was like well let me get these greens on on like he remembered when we were on wick that's what kayak like like he remembers i remember when you used to go to wick mama to get the milk and the cheese and the juicy juicy fruit yeah i'm like who he literally there's not been one day that he has not come home from school and with them their free meals diego culture joe does that too he don't even like the stuff he'll pick out you can't just pick one thing so if you want orange juice you have to take the whole thing but um it was the so what does he do with it when he gets home well usually a mars scavengers through it to get usually the fruit cups if there's something that's like a pizza or calzone they ask if they can warm it up and then they just waste the rest pretty much but he ha he he is your child then because he has to take it yes he is my baby he has to take frustration from this week he was bringing home food for little marcus he said can i have my big brother's home can i have one so we would have three bags of food this man was truly bag lady coming off the bus i'd be like what is all this they have the food for us mommy they have the food for us i was like they're gonna they're gonna kids always want to embarrass you yeah let me get a bag of that let me get two bushels of them greens y'all got that sweet corn oh yeah that sweet corn came out good if he could get something for the whole family he would have six this one's for daddy this one is oh the coffee when they have the coffee cakes the little coffee cake crumbles yeah he'd be waiting to get home with that now that was my thing joe loved him with coffee cake that was my best thing in school it's also funny i was like y'all want to eat the car and kyle was like oh my god this is just i have a moral i have morals because marcus don't let them eat in the car so first you took him to mcdonald's and he's not supposed to go there that's one thing okay maybe we can eat this and throw it away i thought y'all want to eat in the car and he was like oh jeez just saying all the drugs it's happening right i was like yep oh yeah he's so irresponsible i just not care science with the crime you don't get to do this let's do it and eat in the girls two things we don't get to do he's back here eating uncle kev you got any coke yeah absolutely kai is that boy don't want to he don't want no problem no no he's like listen i know what's going to happen mama's going to light us up she's going to take away our switches and then give us a switch it's going to be both things actually we thought it was a hidden camera show he's like this is a test okay he's going to tell mom sigh hey guys over there to smoke it happens the chicken nuggets have been eaten already okay i got the crayons and the drawing stuff it's too late for me you go ahead he does not care but yeah no they always got food but i was also at the beginning of the pandemic always going to get the free lunches they were like you can pick up oh angel yes i didn't know what was going to happen at the beginning of the pandemic i said we got to get this food you did not go up to the school absolutely did you really yes it got food for everybody and the kids were excited it was like a surprise bag every time guess what they gave us this time you can't have it because it's got pork in it but look at it that's really good while also having a truck full of costco i was just like i don't know what's going to happen i don't know if the zombies are coming i don't know so we're storing up food i'm going to be a hoarder i'm going to visit him at 23. he like listen i gotta agree i got a little uh what's that thing called joy no no when you grow stuff in the house green yard greenhouse yeah growing his own i ain't gonna be mad at it sweet little boy but he ain't gonna waste that's what i'm saying they were just i felt so good picking them up i was a little nervous because angel said 3 10 kev they gonna be here by three to nine when i go pick my son up i go to the parents area and i lay down right right right and then my son know hey knock on that window but at a new school i called marcus and said i'm here it's 3 12. where's the button i haven't seen the butt i keep looking he's like oh no uh park behind this white uh car it's angel's friend she get out you get out by the way i meant to tell you this lady uh went a little caring on me i parked behind your homegirl the bus didn't come to like 3 45 so i couldn't relax really yeah it was i mean it was in traffic how was the trip i said i couldn't relax i couldn't run i can't fall asleep it missed the kick because they don't let you off the bus unless you have somebody you have to point that's like i'm not mad at that kai stands there and if he like he's looking for his mom and then he's uh he's our did you tell him i was coming okay so he looked for me he saw me the bus driver made eye contact him you him you okay go right so i was parked not in a red zone not in a red zone clear curve so your homegirl got out i parked behind her this asian lady came out and she was mad the bus can't park here clearly the bus has to have a place to park so i say i was talking on the phone and i was like i've never picked up children from here before yes you put her in her i don't know where you're supposed to park right because i'm a black man i can't really go too hard but i just said that out loud and she got the hint she looked over two quick glances oh he's six foot two honda i'm gonna be quiet and also and i have to put them in their place all the time oh do you absolutely they are done with me the school or the parent the parents they realize angel it does not care about being nice i remember one time they were like if you could scoot up it'll give the bus more room but i'm not going to and it says i have my own bus oh no they were like they were like no they were like they were like since this road is already clear we want to give room for the bus can you park on the other side of the street and i was like no i'm not you can you can move your car did you really say that yes i had this was when little marcus was only one at school i had twin babies in the car i'm not parking across the street and leaving them in there absolutely not shut your face you could shut up what did they look what did it look like after you told them that you know that like let me know that face well let me not make eye contact like if you could mind the business that pays you bro why you need to you hall passing the world they were like we have a group chat on whatsapp if you want to i don't want to be on there with y'all the woman was like oh oh okay i don't i don't want to be on there and i better not get here that's the last thing angel wants because and this is the thing because they are so integral in your kids life in school yeah but i don't want to be integral with those people and this is the thing because they used to piss me off if uh because especially before the pandemic trying to get there on time if i had to audition so i might be like uh so i have finally made like they have this after school thing where they when after they're in the second grade they can get off the bus and go into the after school yeah care of the school that they're at so i'd already told lil marcus this is what you do get off the bus you go right there where the kids are go straight there in the group chat because my friend that you parked behind she's in that group chat there's a little boy here where's the parent i said tell them to keep my child off of that check his name out your chat i said because this is a micro aggression y'all trying to make it seem like i'm a reckless mama out here and i'ma come and be reckless i'm i'm gonna make it a self-fulfilling prophecy i i am prepared i said what he was supposed to do it ain't none of y'all got dagg on business and if i needed it to be your business i would have had a conversation with you personally it ain't got to be all the others they already know i do not fool with them listen i get it i i i don't be with that parents of the world i don't that's what school talked to me or i talked to lis the parents of the the soccer team they're all sweet and nice but i'd be i do my own thing no you not that's why i had the bus driver his first bus driver she had my number you just called me don't worry about them call me and she still be texting me she'd be like let me tell you what's going on with the school board so you know what's up i ain't got time for it period oh man that is funny [Laughter] the reason it's funny is because nobody turns down that group chat so when you said no they're probably like oh oh no is an option no is an option that i don't want to hear from y'all because then they get upset about stupid stuff and then it becomes the neighborhood app that's exactly what it is the neighborhood app in in uh suburbs there's some tea on that though oh there's one one homeless person in our zip code one oh yeah they don't nice and these people act like we live in a the whole area is going to crap crime ridden you see the homeless population it is one man in one tent literally i don't know how he got way up here but he don't bother nobody he don't even ask for money he's probably thinking i am safe up here i don't have to worry about someone taking the little bit that i have and and you you would think this man has stolen food out of their cupboards the way i'd be like y'all be up here come play this neighborhood is safe have you been on next door what did i say neighborhood next door is what i mean oh i mean they're both similar but it might be next door next door is probably what you want that's the one that's more popular that's the one melissa went on there because people were stealing packages only to be like hey did this happen to y'all it's everything but that oh yeah it'd be big racism it is big racism that's why i can't be on there and i'm not because if i hear if i even remotely hear you talking about my child i'ma find you you personally personally and i'ma cut you out to your face this won't be no passive aggressive you've got to figure out the tone of how i'm typing this text it's black and white i just when it comes to my kids and my rationale is not as good as it could be so i'm not gonna give y'all room for me to you know have to check you that's mama bear it's so much it's so it's so simple you're really doing it for them honestly yes you're protecting the parents from you 100 because i don't have a personal relationship with them i don't have to i don't want to have to also figure out what are your intentions what are you assuming and then you get mad when i snap at you and then you're crying and then i can't get on my white woman mess you can't i'll be trying but i forget cause you're well it won't work it's the black skin that gets in the way it won't work but then i will still come off a little less aggressive if i can cry like them and then it's a battle of who's the most victim but i'd be forgetting that i could even play victim i'd be forgetting that no because you it's again the black skin i mean it's not going to work but it'll look less bad instead of me being you know yeah yeah yeah yeah but you know it's not even are you able to cry on cue um yes it depends on it's got to be for the right reason it's not crying on cue for nothing if you like do you have to go to like a really sad place um depends on the script okay it depends on what it is i've always wanted to ask that to somebody to the professional jojo can cry on i can believe it what does he think about he thinks about how sad his life is so here's that is awful that's what he but he really makes himself cry i put a youtube video up but it was almost like scary he literally sat there was like and then within like a minute and a half he was crying he's like and here it is i was like see are you okay what you mean how sad my life is like you know just you know it is you're my dad you know but we was living that other house then you know we had the bees and stuff i can weigh along i can well like we've been national teeth yes like there was a study that we did in grad school where you approached um emotion from a physical place instead of from an internal blade so like what does your body naturally do when you're crying so recreating those to bring out the emotion versus getting in your mind that's good it was a very interesting exercise and i was like oh i mean cheers i was like really slavery type of so your body remember your body is like oh we know this yes you know something's missing the water is missing turn it on so i was like oh that's a but it because of how physical it has to be it's not a technique that i would use normally it would have to be a stage play got it because on camera it would be like well she's all the way there huh that's a lot wow this is a fun episode uh love you guys we'll see you patreon on friday uh did you have something on friday because crafts and cocktails was why we didn't do it yeah no congratulations to you on another completed season thank you for alcoholism and crap no i didn't throw up i was prepared every morning and you the bonus episode you were in rare form but not like drunk wise you were completely yeah i was really on top of it knowing what i was saying knowing what part was funny knowing what part was risque i was completely you were i was impressed he didn't believe in me but i didn't i didn't is it because you don't think you could would you be saying absolutely maybe i was projecting on you yeah i can believe that you would let your mind actually out of your mouth your thoughts because kevin has the the cleanest filter like i feel like you take it out every morning and spray it off and put it back in because that's the only way kev on stage is going to be able to stay careful what okay i am a mormon monk i'm too very serious all right we love y'all from the cusp when the cameras are off [Applause] bye bye go to kevin save studios and download it if you haven't man we need your help [Music] is [Music] jail
Channel: KevOnStage Studios
Views: 107,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 3sec (4503 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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