KevOnStage: Funny In Real Life | Full Comedy Special

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a lot of seats a lot lot of seats people outside already what are you thinking about it you know I'm nervous but not in the sense of like can I do this because I know I can do stand-up but like what this could be for my life and career young man how are you man I'm sorry brother don't worry about it part of my life God bless you thank you guys for coming thank you guys so much for coming look at you guys I'm so nervous I'm so nervous Josh I don't know what I'm acting like I don't have an eye control I'm sweating like crazy it's gonna look so good that's just a little excitement please indoors I mean come on man let's open this one let's walk back let's do it again it's a cool joke every time ready ready let it close let it close gotta close all right and we're walking along the page yeah you've gone Mommy thank you so much [Music] oh he reversed it he reversed it he reversed it bill s oh he's going he's doing the article 15. she's doing it two three we thank you that you are at the hill you are at the center of it all father we humble ourselves before you and we thank you for as you Minister joy to your people you even Minister Joy back to us we bind every assignment of the enemy and has this tour travels we thank you for your traveling mercy your grace and your blessings and your Supernatural favor Upon Us in Jesus name it is so amen amen with this being the first show I have to say this he ain't gonna like it but Kev on stage saved my life not even kidding multiple times uh I recently got let go from a job and he had to be the person to give me the bad news but literally two weeks later he came and was like yo would you want to do this tour with me and now we're doing 41 cities and going to London I love this man in life I would fight your grandmother in the middle of the street for his honor bare knuckle soft paw style Lefty I'm coming swinging hard ladies and gentlemen reason you're here tonight Mr Kev on stage what's up Rancho Cucamonga yes I have a leather jacket on because I'm a comedian now I feel like I'm special because I have a leather jacket on but it's expensive leather jacket on so I'm taking it back tomorrow I'm kidding you hold on let me get my wife you know take the picture for the ground babe let me see like I was killing is that portrait mode all right cool now take this because the tag is still on this jacket right here going back to Macy's no don't take a picture of this they're gonna see the tag no I was giving it to you for real it's going to Macy's we got to stop by there after JoJo's soccer game it's 148 dollars that I need back because my small children that's going back look at all you guys looking beautiful and amazing today give yourself a round of applause and for all the comedians you saw tonight everybody was funny everybody was funny you guys look great you look healthy you look in shape that's where I'm trying to be in my life in shape it's my New Year's resolution for the last 10 years I failed time and time again I'm just not a good looking body person okay people often ask me you ever think about cheating on your wife first of all why are you saying that out loud because I know she hears you second of all have you seen this body this is not a cheat on you body this is a stay faithful pick the kids up early body for sure I'll drop something off at the post office type of body it's not introduce to a new person as a cheat type of body now y'all understand this body is not for cheating now look at it look at it look at it I'm gonna be still look at it don't nobody want to see this including me look at the belly button you can't see the end of it it's dark in there and you want me to cheat with this this is what I have to show nothing to cheat look at it I got a mole no AB do you see your abs do you see your abs no I keep this under wraps where it belongs you know you're overweight when you do your shirt like this all the time just I don't know it's down in the back on this side just feel nervous about it all the time especially when you got to bend down entire shoe you got to hold it in the back that don't feel manly at all as a man you don't feel strong about yourself when you got to do that to pick up a coin but the problem is man we don't have stuff for our bodies we don't have waist trainers girdles Spanx cling wrap all that police Under Armor women be having to wear some of y'all ladies got some on tonight you've been here since six you can't breathe good by now it's hard it's hard it's hurts you trying to laugh good and every time you laugh it tightens up you're like this is it it's funny when I'm passing now I'm seeing Stars you can't wait to get home and take that girdle off pop you out like biscuits you be in the bathroom alone like who girl oh Jesus thank you girl thank you God for your grace and your mercy who you didn't have to do it but you did Father thank you Jesus ah thank you I stand like this sometimes and people make fun of me they say it's not manly but after 30 you don't really care you just do what's comfortable now you don't care I've been married for 13 years I don't need you to think I'm manly I know I'm not my wife knows I'm not she's like can you stop standing like that I'm like why I like it I stand like the girls on Instagram this is how they take their pictures looking at the ground what is what are y'all looking at on the ground and they're always moving their hair what is that y'all are doing it it's not it's not original and I get it I get why my wife don't like me to stand like this because it doesn't make her feel safe you know women want to feel protected they don't want you know their man to be soft and this ain't supposed to be like oh he's gonna knock somebody out you don't go from this to throwing hands quickly like are we gonna fight all right well all right I mean where we want and I imagine it we're in a dark alley okay I'm walking down we're talking about the theater or something we just saw the Great Gatsby and somebody runs up on us and pulls a gun on us she's not gonna feel safe if I stand like this like no babe get behind me I got it you listen sir this is my wife I will protect her at all costs I get it I was trying to be a vegan for for 30 days but yeah Don't Clap I didn't I didn't last before God told me that wasn't his plan for me [Applause] hard to be vegan there's milk cheese meat and everything especially when I make it I'll be putting meat and stuff that don't have meat let me get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a side of bacon that don't even go together but you would you would eat it though wouldn't you you thought about it so I gave up on being vegan because I don't know I just didn't care that much I don't like healthy people I don't like them I don't like especially vegans like I get it but they always be judging you when you eat meat they're like well I just had a kill smoothie with a quinoa base like bro I don't care I had a bacon and cereal have you ever tried that I um I've gotten so bad with my body I used to I used to work out a lot but then I stopped because I just feel like you know what if God wanted me to have abs he would have gave it to me I don't have to the Bible says we're Made In His Image so I feel like God is built like me the ones who are fit that's the devil's build if you ask me because we come like this you got to work to be strong and stuff but you just eat the fat of the land you'll look like me and the Lord if you want to oh man and I really start off with my diet bad because I grew up poor anybody grow up poor in here see some people are clapping some are not because some people didn't know they grew up poor until you tell them because when you're poor and everybody else around you is poor y'all don't know you're poor y'all just living life when you grow up you'll be like oh people had power windows because we had a crank that you had to pass around we'd even have four cranks we had one let me get the crank and you had to pass it down and then you pass it to the back to the kids and I was the youngest so I was just sitting there dying and he like please can I have the crank so I gotta pour people's quiz to help you uncover if you grew up well or not question number one what did you feed your pets see if you're rich you feed your pets pet food pictures of dogs on the food so your dog knows oh this is me this is I see what I mean that's for me if you grew up like me you fed the pet with y'all ate fried chicken macaroni and cheese collard greens Black Eyed Peas your dog got diabetes too both of y'all got this blood pressure pill for Rufus one for Grandma he got the sugar he lost his hind leg use in 88 he can't even chase nobody y'all getting robbed he like y'all know I can't even get out there like that he got all these years of fried chicken bones stuck in his throat he can't even buy here all right take it take it out he's smoking a Newport out on the porchy there y'all want to get on these Spades question two what'd you do with your grocery bags you rich so you go to the grocery store put some groceries in there go home take them out put them away throw the grocery bags in the trash you poor there's a ball of grocery bags underneath your sink today you have money in your account you still have a ball because you use it for everything and that's the whole thing about being poor you use stuff for everything so those grocery bags are not just grocery bags they're trash cans in every room you hang them on the back of the door and then you got a trash can in there in your bathroom you put it on that little little bathroom trash grocery bag in there take it right out don't have to wash it ladies in here you lose your shower cap you tie a grocery bag on there in a pinch it's not your go-to but in a pinch you got a little Rouse back Safeway Select what I think it's free to hold it'll hold being poor is about being resourceful like Tupperware that's the rich people thing it's a plastic container just for holding food but it's see-through so you can see what's in there it's valuable when you're poor you have Tupperware kind of it's a plastic container that holds food but it's old food containers and you can't see through it and nothing ruins your day like going to make a grilled cheese sandwich opening the butter and finding Black Eyed Peas in there oh grandma what is the butter where's the butter though and y'all don't even have butter it's just one butter container with black eyed peas ain't two one with butter one with black eyed peas It's just black eyed peas in there ruin your whole day you ain't even hungry no more you do stuff different when you're poor you go to the movies like regular people just not the ones that just came out or some of y'all right now you're watching them on a fire stick even though you know that's stealing we be saying our Grace and then watching stolen movies it doesn't go you watch Black Panther on [Applause] how you watch it already now I've seen it it was blurry you got to wait a couple weeks for the good one to come out good one gonna come out three weeks we used to go to the movie theater but my mom would never buy nothing at the movie theater but the ticket popcorn you want you got popcorn money when your poor it's always that money you got McDonald's money you got popcorn money you got soda money why don't you just pay for everything we would eat stuff that they didn't even sell at the movie theater we stopped by the gas station near the movie theater by our snacks there put it in the baby's diaper bag in their pamper teach your kids a smuggle at a young age [Applause] but we ain't buying you know PTO rings and stuff we buying canned soda you can't open the can soda in a crowded theater we know you didn't get that from here you like no get out no we don't sell Dr lightning here at Cineplex get out everybody else has a straw but y'all y'all drinking a six pack of Warm Soda builds character that's what my grandma used to say all that builds character when you're poor like that man you you just live a different life even when you grow up and have money you still have poor people tendencies because you grow up poor you always looking around the corner for bill collectors and stuff like some of y'all will have the money for the rent on the first and won't pay it to the third because that's not till it's due watch out what y'all needed on the first floor I don't need a I got it but I ain't gonna give it to you because you don't know what might happen on the second now you got my ring I can't even move nothing around no I'm gonna give it to you on the third when it's due when's the late fee winning call my credit the fifth oh y'all talking about Grace you're talking about Grace poor people have money we got money in our account we don't do no Auto deduct don't be coming to my account taking nothing I need to give it to you I'll give it to you when I have it don't be pulling out just pull it I don't know y'all might switch the day on me I ain't get paid no I don't trust nobody straight money orders for my business we had um such a problem being poor it it permeates into your whole life I got my first car but it was just a hoop deals broke down and when you're broke all the time you'd be frustrated because you go to get an oil change and you only have oil change money and they come back and tell you other stuff that's wrong with your car but it doesn't matter because you don't have it to fix like sir shut up shut up it doesn't matter what's wrong with her if it is not the oil shut up I don't have it carburetor belt filter fan doesn't matter I don't have it don't even talk to me just change the oil give my key back they're like sir there's no engine in your car you think I don't know that change the give me my key back I'll take my money elsewhere give it back give it back give it back now I'm doing better in life but I still got poor people Tendencies like some of y'all you ever go to somebody's house you go looking for silverware in one of the drawers ain't no silverware but it's all this fast food condiments ketchup soy sauce jelly ranch salt and pepper packets why do y'all do that y'all got jelly in the fridge but you got a backup jelly jelly is two dollars we be yelling at the McDonald's people give me 18 sauces you got two nuggets give me eight let me talk to your manager I don't feel like explaining myself give me uh that's why we go to Chick-fil-A because they don't question you they don't never ask no questions to Chick-fil-A can I get a hundred uh Chick-fil-A sauces with pleasure of course yeah we got a bucket if you want it we'll dump it in your mouth I'd be like yeah give me a bucket of socks putting Chick-fil-A sauce in other dishes at home I got a cherry teriyaki chicken with a Chick-fil-A sauce glaze Demi glass got a Polynesian demi gloss on a grilled cheese you ever see the um homeless people with the dog on the side of the road and the dog be looking at you like I didn't sign up for this give him a dollar so he'll let the leash go because I don't need to be out here he got the house foreclosed I'm a dog I will eat trash he got Pride let us go I remember growing up horse so much I was pouring Childhood High School college but College was the worst that's where I really got to know Christ as my Lord and Savior and provider that's where I learned about prayer Faith fasting involuntary fasting that's where you don't have no money so you just pray God look I got nothing to eat let me just cause you ever been so broke when you um don't check your bank account because you don't know if you got two dollars or negative 200 and you don't want to know like I don't know man whatever if it goes through I got it if it don't I ain't got it you'll be dead inside you go overdrawn 30 a dime they hit you with 35 I didn't have a dime so why would I have 35 extra dollars then they added a new fee if you stay overdrawn for five days it's another 35 dollars take it to collections y'all ain't gonna get nothing out of me my credit already messed up it don't even matter I remember really Learning To Pray when I swipe my uh debit card at McDonald's and I didn't know how much money was in there and that little black dot starts going and you don't know if it's gonna get approved or declined so you start praying as hard as you can swipe father God in the name of Jesus we come here right now humbly asking you father God to heal this terminal right now confuse the enemy let the money go into another account and come back to mind approved father God confuse him I decree and declare that this McDouble is mine in the name of Jesus father God we count all these in other blessings as yours in Jesus name we pray amen I opened my eyes the guy was staring at me declined so I got mad I started rebuking him listen here imp of Satan how dare you rebuke me I'm a child of the king run it again right now I'll call fire down right here how dare you tell me it's decline when the Lord said I decree and declare it is so yes it is so run it again Jose his name was Jose run it again I start work walking around the terminal seven times one for the father two for the Sun three for the Holy Ghost four for the bond it is mine when you say decree and declare you should get stuff I decree and declare over this burger my father owns the cattle on a thousand hills huh one of those cattle died so that I may have life he created the fire that you will broil this burger with and yet you try to deny me we're running again Jose [Applause] still got declined [Applause] I am my lovely wife is here two lovely children are here I love you guys so much especially you Melissa zanjo also I had kids early and I love them but man they teach you a lot about everything you know I um I thought I was going to whoop my kids because I got whooped I mean we got whooped as kids it's really they call it abuse now then it was tough love everything's changing I remember the thing about whooping that was the worst was the first Lash because you were six you didn't understand your body and it was like an itch you can't scratch you can't breathe and you feel like you're bleeding but you can't find the blood and that's terrifying when you don't understand how your body works I told my grandma one time she had a big nose [Applause] she didn't even have a belt on her she had a house dress on she did her hand like this and a belt appeared it was like Thor's hammer it was like the Lord was like nah he tripping nah yeah that's mine they got spikes on the edge you caught the bell and she hit me in a part of my back and I couldn't breathe I couldn't touch the pain and I know I was pleading she was like Sean's like [Applause] Grandma I'm bleeding I can't find it you bleeded me why I'm bleeding where the blood and grandma what you did well I'm bleeding but I'm not mess your whole mind up so I thought I was gonna whoop my own kids but it doesn't work for either of my sons my oldest son doesn't work because he's a dramatic child just utterly over the top Denzel Washington on the set of training day dramatic I popped him in the leg one time he act like he got shot in the chest with a 12 gauge shotgun I hate him here [Applause] [Applause] father I loved you [Music] into his hands I commence my spirit he played Jesus one time in the Easter play he want to act it out all the time but he hardly ever did stuff worthy of getting whooped most time good kid younger son different story he was annoying as a child he's grown up great love you son he was annoying as a child he didn't deserve to get whooped for this but it but got on my nerves he had a fat tongue as a kid like clinical it was like fat tongueitis or something the doctor said I don't know and every time we got in the car he would ask the same four questions for however long we were in the car and I'm saying clear now so y'all know because when he said that you would never know unless you knew him daddy where are we going he'd repeat it why okay whole ride bye where you going we're going to church JoJo Kirk yes why because it's Sunday okay 30 seconds later guys where are you going going to church because it's Sunday so this time I said I'm not going to answer him I'm just going to drive and I don't want to talk about it anymore but that didn't work either guys guys foreign yes Jojo where you going we're going to put you up for adoption why so I wouldn't whoop him for that because he's just annoying it's not whoopable but then he had a whippable offense he put all four of the Wii controllers a video game from yesteryear Wii controllers in the bottom of a baseboard heater downstairs no he did that I was upstairs reading the Bible just really getting to know God why would y'all judge my Bible I know the Lord I was highlighting everything and I smell melting plastic okay so I run downstairs and I see them melting into the heater and he's looking at me with that little kid look with this all right I really don't know so I lit him up and I thought he was gonna cry but he did it so I got him again that's what he did [Music] if you ever put your hands on me like that again I promise that you'll never feel relaxed I was like come here come here no hug me come here hug me come here uh we're playing tag come on no get me come tack me come on attack me do you want some ice cream or something what do you want to do I wasn't whooping you out you had a bug it was a bug come on boy you crazy [Applause] that was it that was the last time I don't know what happened there but we talk now how are you feeling buddy I don't why would you do it talk to Dada we off that we don't no more I'm not saved enough to combat that that's somebody else you got to take that before the Elders of the church that's not him Grandma I don't know what talk to him but I love my kids they're amazing and I love my wife she's even more amazing beautiful chocolatey skin don't deserve her thank God for you married for 13 years um and yeah you can clap there consecutive straight through no breaks people think oh man y'all been together so long it must be great it must be perfect all the time not not all the time most the time good but we do have our trouble spots just like any other couple but ours is you know a lot of it's about food most of it's about food I'm gonna tell you how we get into arguments over fajitas and it's a legit argument I take her to happy hour at Moctezuma a lovely little Mexican restaurant they pull out the menus I order she orders okay she gets a burrito I get fajitas because I like it'd be sizzling when they bring it to you and I feel like y'all be at don't be looking at my fajitas as for me that's for your boy she gets a burrito it comes first okay she's eating it she doesn't offer me a grain of rice that fell out of the burrito I don't ask for none I'm the man I got it she's like can I get sour cream guac do you it's happy hour 70 cents what [Applause] she eat the whole burrito in my face stomach growling doing backflips here come my fajitas I'm preparing my first fajita she done I'm putting the rice in peppers next a little guacamole I'm putting that in here she go let me have one hold on hold on hold on they have fajitas on your menu if you wanted that you should have got that if you want a burrito and fajitas you could have had that why are you over here on my side of the table she's like let me just have one and I don't want to give her one why because men are logical with our hungry we order the exact amount of food for our hunger and if I give you one fajita I'm one fajita hungry now and now what am I supposed to do because you're full and I'm at home two hours later like if I had that last fajita right here I'd be good but I don't and I don't want that to happen because she's not going to cook tonight because we went out had a big lunch so today I said I'm not taking this no more I'm the man I'm changing things she's like let me have one I was like no and I knew I was in trouble because she started laughing and bouncing with one word she was like wow wow wow okay okay you acting real funny now okay okay I see how you I do you fam we good over here we good over here me and the kids gonna be all right I was like oh what are you are you in a gang now we good cuz hold on 66 over here and I knew she was mad because when women get really mad at you everything you do is little no you want your little fajita go on eat your little fajita little baby you little hungry baby they tell you little jokes make your little Facebook videos go on do your little stuff so I ate them and I knew I was in trouble so we leave the Mexican restaurant I'm like man I gotta fix this let's let's let me just find out a way to make this right so we go to get a milkshake right after I'm like this would be cool she loves milkshakes I love milkshakes pull up I'm like let me get a strawberry milkshake what do you want babe she goes oh let me just have a sip of yours see see this is now we have to go back through what we just went through why you want to sip of mine when you can get your whole own one I don't want my own whole one I want to sit with yours why don't you just get a large I was getting a large already just for me and if you have something it's a medium now so it's not really a large is it just get your own it's four dollars why do I need a share but they always want to put your whole relationship off a milkshake oh so I just had both of your kids and I can't even have a sip of your milkshake now oh no I just had two C-sections is that a scar that I feel oh yeah you gave me that scar but no I can't have them sip in your milkshake fine I'm like okay hold on all right fine fine get the milkshake I hold it over for her to take a sip of it she reaches for it I'm like hold on why are you reaching for it you don't need to hold it for a sip you don't need to have it in your hand for a sip a sip is a lean over sip back that's a sip why you need to hold it you need to hold it for a swallow a gulp maybe a taste some but a sip is sip but she snatched and she did like that I'm not saying she tried to Elbow me I'm just saying I did this and she did that and if I hadn't moved it's just tempted assault if that's a crime it was attempted assault and the thing is women y'all don't know what sips sound like okay this is what a sip sounds like that's a sip that much of my drink and give it back to sip but y'all don't do that do you you snatch it you hold on I'm reaching for it hold on they got a strawberry in it I ain't even getting up [Applause] oh I didn't even know I wanted that much I did that's why I wanted to offer you your own and the problem is she's lactose intolerant and like plenty of black people we don't want to acknowledge that we just be eating cheese milkshakes I don't care it's my stomach she don't even try to appease it she drank a whole milkshake we go home to watch Netflix and chill but when you're married that means just watch a lot of episodes of Netflix it's not there's no other connotation watch a whole episode season of stranger things in one day really chill when you're married because you already live together middle of winter heat on a thousand we watching Netflix okay and the problem with women is y'all don't think y'all fart but y'all do and it stinks see men we know we fire and we like to make the sound it's funny to us I got you oh my God it stinks me and my kids fart at each other all the time gotcha daddy shouldn't have came in here I go in their room open the door they've been farting in there for two hours you smell it Daddy oh it's crazy and it's all JoJo that is all him it's hilarious to us but the thing about us farting and making a sound is It prepares your nose that it's about to stink so although you're mad as a wife you know you don't fart it again oh he get on nerves see y'all don't even give us the common courtesy of preparing our noses we watching Netflix he on a thousand under the covers we watching a comedy special next thing I know I got fart in my mouth oh yeah what is that what did you do yeah I'm down what was that well you know I shouldn't have that milkshake I told you not to have it but if you would have had a sip you wouldn't do that yeah what is that Isis they throw a bomb in there it's a tear gas it's a tick what did you eat I'm throwing up but it ain't coming out it hurts never throw up and no throw comes out I told you I shouldn't have had that I grew up in church my whole life literally my first memory is our church all of them it's not even a bad thing it's just who I was I had bad grades because of church I used to fall asleep in class like Kevin why can't you stay awake we've had Revival all week I don't I can't we get out at 2 A.M night after night after night I can speak in tongues but I don't know anything about Algebra I don't know how to solve for why [Applause] but I love church I love I grew up in a black church um and I love black preaching I love all preaching it's cool it's great but I love blacks especially it's my musicians joining me because I've become a preacher now quietly quietly quietly quietly the thing I like about black preachers is a lot of do a lot of stuff here preaching towel see you already know I just just that motion means I'm gonna go off black preacher could preach about the Lion King's plot and it would sound so good you think it was the best word ever quietly son I don't know if you think it's about you but it's about even quieter than that if you would a little more a little more right there now there was a lion his name was Simba and his daddy said stay right here on our side of the mountain but Simba Simba didn't listen to his father he decided to go out where the hyenas were y'all don't hear me y'all today the hyenas killed his watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this listen watch this listen watch this listen the hyenas wanted to kill Simba listen now they wanted to kill Simba why why why [Applause] not because of who he was Pastor Adam foreign they wanted to kill Simba for who he was destined to be oh come on y'all don't hear me I'm gonna come and talk on this side because I can't get no help on that side the devil knows that you are the rightful King and if he can take you out of here while you are but a lion you won't become the rightful king of Pride Rock so now the enemy wants to take your life away he'll trick you or he'll stack you because he knows that if you would just die you won't become the king but turn to your neighbor and say I just can't wait to begin [Music] Hakuna Matata it means no worries for the rest of your day see some of y'all been worrying because you don't know that Hakuna Matata in the Greek [Music] it's translated to Lagos nigerios meaning it means no worries so if you are worrying then you are not arrested foreign [Music] [Applause] movies the spirit of Aladdin is in this room right now God's gonna take you from a Common Street rack and show you a whole new world oh no word a new Fantastic point of view [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I preached Toy Story right now one just so we know where I'm at some of you have have forgotten Who You Are you feel like there's a new toy on the Block that's more important than you oh you embarrass you sad maybe it's a new boyfriend y'all used to go together and now you've been cast to the side for a new toy but listen watch this watch this I want you to do what what he had to do Woody when he lost himself he sat down looked on the bottom of his shoe and read what Andy when you forget who you are never forget whose you are your name been written in a Lamb's Book of Life they may be new they may be shiny but you are still his and your chest is important as you'll ever been foreign [Applause] I want you to know that the devil thinks you're a smooth criminal you've been shot by be shot by pop lean with it y'all didn't see the lane [Applause] [Music] I don't care if it went back to him it's anointed now whenever he gets it foreign your legs have been hurting [Music] you need some assistance [Applause] stand up foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] healing all over your life [Applause] what's your name sir see this Spirit of exclusivity in here y'all think y'all better than somebody cause they don't wrote it off ain't nobody VIP in the house of God everybody is the same in the house of God now who's VIP they know VIP there ain't no Reserves [Music] now do you feel different how y'all feel over there what if y'all just get some red ropes over here y'all wanna feel better about yourselves cause the Bible says the first shall be last and the last shall be first now y'all are VIP and y'all is foreign [Applause] you've been healed and upgraded come on up creature let me upgrade you the songwriter Sam I think it was Beyonce but it fits [Music] what's your name sir Phil you've been filled with the Holy Ghost yeah yeah don't play with it don't play with it it's real it's not it's real it's real do you feel I'm feeling myself [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y'all don't avoid eye contact with me I see right through it don't be ashamed of it afraid of it foreign is going to be beautiful handsome tall strapping but he's never gonna have abs are you ex is it acceptable unto you [Music] your hair is long but it's [Music] [Applause] comes from India or Asia it's not all you God is gonna make some things grow that we're never there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody died so that you may have bundles and bundles more abundantly [Music] he took your hairline but I can see his light shining writing [Music] oh God I'm almost done I'm almost done [Music] what's your name daughter Jasmine Jasmine you're the princess in the Aladdin movie [Applause] [Music] Jasmine are those glasses prescription let me hold them things in your life are blurry right now [Applause] [Music] you can't see nothing clearly how many fingers am I holding up you can't tell [Music] put them back on things are clearing up right now [Music] don't be afraid you didn't think I was coming all the way back here the mic is Wireless because I've got a global anointing y'all have the clothes on from The Lion King because God wants to send you to Africa to reach Nations [Music] we're closing we're closing come here young man young man come here I've never met you in my life come here I've met you in my life what's your name Isaiah the lord gave it to me foreign how old are you son 11 years old [Music] when's your birthday August 8th August 8th eight in the Bible is a number after seven [Music] you talk too much that's what God is telling me your room is often dirty there's socks and video games everywhere listen to me I hear you I hear you Holy Ghost [Music] you're 11 you said August 8th this year you're gonna be 12 years old [Music] [Applause] [Music] God is carrying you into your next year [Applause] oh you don't have to walk nowhere [Music] go and sit down son listen I have one more thing this message is for everyone here God just gave it to me in my spirit listen quietly I want them to hear this this message is for all of you listen it's a blessing attached to this listen there are t-shirts for sale in the lab [Applause] twenty dollars even the camera man even you George Spirit of recording is all over you yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] thank you all so much I've been Kev on stage God bless you I appreciate oh well thank you better you know I'ma put it on a snap I put it on the snap and y'all gonna stand up and I'm gonna show my mom hold on hold on let me pull up a Snapchat thank you Rancho Cucamonga the first night of the tour been amazing oh look at yourselves oh thank you so much God bless y'all
Channel: KevOnStage
Views: 152,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 83JgNW6xQ0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 38sec (3278 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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