JAMU Health Emphasis Week - Tuesday || EJC Virtual Church - SEPT 21, 2021

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[Music] into my heart [Music] into my heart into my heart lord jesus [Music] lord jesus [Laughter] [Music] [Music] heart [Music] lord jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] to come into our hearts we actually take control of the praise that we are offering that the praise that we will be offering will be coming directly from our hearts a heart of gratitude hope that persons will also be inviting you into their hearts as a result of the praise that we are offering bless us continually we pray in jesus name of my heart [Music] i've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart down in my heart down in my heart i've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart down in my heart to stay and i'm so happy so very happy i find the love of jesus in my heart and i'm so happy so very happy i've got the love of jesus in my heart but the peace and mass and understanding down in my heart down and i'm so happy so very oh what a wonderful thing a very wonderful thing to be free from sin and of christ weaving to be made a jointer with jesus my lord what a wonderful wonderful thing oh what a wonderful thing a very wonderful thing to be free from sin and of christ we begin to be made what a wonderful wonderful thing happy happy happy happy in the lord keeping god's commandment and trusting in his word i want you to know god's promise is god's commandments and trusting in his with words to my father's house to my father's house to my father's house come and go with me to my father's house they'll be joy joy come and go with me to my father's house to my father's house to my father's house come and go with me to my father's i have been [Music] write my name on the road i've been changed since the lord has lifted me i want to be ready when jesus comes whether you're ready or not my jesus is coming but are you ready or not he's coming again but they already are not why jesus is coming whether you already are not praying we are not he's coming against he is he's my nearest friend in everything i need he is my rock my and hiding ways closer than a brother jesus is to me i will not suffer i will not make no friend the lord [Music] i will not someone i will not make no bread the lord is my provider i will not make no bread [Music] things already better things already better things already better things [Music] things [Music] things are already better things already better things already been done for the lord is on my side things are already better things are already better things better [Music] [Music] amen [Music] adventists believe the key to wellness lies in a life of balance and temperance nature creates a wealth of good things that lead to vibrant health pure water fresh air and sunlight when used appropriately promotes clean healthy lives good evening everyone welcome to another evening of the jamaica union's i want to live healthy program under the theme i will go embracing a healthy lifestyle tonight we are joining you from the northeast jamaica conference and the northeast jamaica conference covers the parishes of portland and the saint mary let me thank or praise team for leading out in that beautiful song service or focus for tonight is nutrition and that's the end in the new start acronym we have all the right persons tonight to tell you all about nutrition and its benefits to you with us this evening is elder brenton scott the health ministries director of the north east jamaica conference and he will be bringing us greetings at this time good evening everyone it is my distinct pleasure and privilege to bring you greetings from the health department of the northeast jamaica conference the north eastern conference health department embraces a healthy lifestyle and i want to encourage you this evening as you participate in this program to ensure that you take those nuggets away that will improve your life i want to say to you that we believe in health reform it is our mission to ensure that our people not just here in northeast america conflict but across this country that their lives are improved through health as you participate in this program as you view this program we encourage you to share this program with others so that they too can benefit from from this experience tonight i want to join with the jamaica union in encouraging all to embrace a healthy lifestyle so that we can live a fuller life may god continue to bless you tonight as you participate in this program and may his peace always be with you as you seek to live a healthier and a more fulsome life i want to ask you now to listen to our president president of a north east america conference pastor allah blyth who will bring greetings on behalf of the conference i want to tell you that possibly is one who supports health reform and one who has given support to the program each program that we have and i ask you to welcome now pastor allah blight as he bring greetings on behalf of the naughty jamaica conference god bless you beloved i wish above all things that thomas prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers 3rd john verse 2. that is the word of encouragement from our savior to us penned by one of his well-loved disciples john god's wish is that all of us should not only prosper but that we be in good health and that is why here in the george north east jamaica conference we are embracing the healthy lifestyle i will live healthy we believe that our health is our wealth and in this time more than ever we need to promote the 70 adventist health message sister white reminds us that this message is the right arm of the church it is the entering wedge that can be used to reach individuals with the love of god and to point them to the savior christ jesus we're so delighted we're happy to be a part of this program and we welcome you all to this evening's presentation we have an exciting lineup we have three known professionals three doctors we have dr michel hamilton we have dr jerome stern and we also have the health ministers director of the inter-america division dr frank genus who will be doing presentation for us this evening and so on behalf of the administration here in the northeast our executive secretary pastor danila daniels our treasurer sister sashina thompson all our directors or pastors or members we want to wish you as john says in turin verse 2. good health that you may prosper and be in health and how are we going to be in good health by observing the new start program god has given us god has given to us the prescription whereby we can remain healthy and if we follow god's ideal we shall remain healthy may god bless you as you participate with us in this evens program and remember we are not only on for this evening but we'll be here for the entire week for the rest of the week so share the link call a friend tell a friend to tell a friend that this is a platform that they need to be on each evening as we celebrate our wealth which is our health god bless you thank you pastor blight for your words of greetings tonight i feel welcomed and i hope you do too prayer is a very important part of the christian's health journey as it can calm your nervous system and shuts down your fight or flight response it can make you less reactive to negative emotions and less angry tonight pastor andre dixon the pastor of the casaton district of churches in saint mary will talk to our heavenly father on our behalf let us pray gracious god and our father indeed we want to give you thanks for this great opportunity to bow before you we know father that without you we are nothing but with you by our sides we are more than conquerors in a tough time as this lord we present present our hearts before you pray almighty god that you'll wash us from the crown of our heads to the soul of our feet again lord we ask that you'll lead us that you'll go before us and show us what we need to do father we ask even now that for the program that is at hand we ask lord that you will show us that there is no god like our god and even through this wonderful program lord i pray that someone will be drawn closer to you father we ask even now that you will be with a presenter and all those who will be participating we ask lord that as we present for you that will present our hearts to you and that we all will be drawn in a closer walk with you bless us again we are asking jesus precious name i pray amen and amen [Music] those who've gone before us to god's sustaining grace not only for the price but as those who've gone before us let us lead to those behind us the heritage of pass on through godly loves oh may all who come behind us find us baby may the fire for devotion lie their way may the footprints that we leave lead them to believe and the lies we live inspire them to obey o may all who come behind us find us faithful [Music] after all our hope and dreams have come and gone and our children swift through all we've left behind may the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover become the light that leads them to the road we each must find o may all who come behind us find us faithful may the fire avoid devotion lie their way may the footprints that we leave lead them to believe and the lies we live inspire them to obey [Music] oh may all who come behind us find [Music] may the footprints that we lead them to believe and the lives we live inspire them to obey only all who come [Music] find us [Music] thank you sister aline roach for that beautiful song tonight ella brenton scott the health ministries director of the northeast jamaica conference will be sharing his testimony with us on how he started his health reform journey following the testimony we will have a special video feature from the ministry of health good evening everyone i just want to take these few moments to share my testimony with you of my jury journey in health before i recall sometime in 1988 i experienced a severe pain in my stomach and i ended up visiting the doctor that morning my father took me when i was in the doctor's office i i blocked out and the next thing i knew i was taken to the hospital and i ended up spending about three four weeks in the kingston public hospital of course when i realized i was struck to several ivs and as tubers in my stomach through my nose and the doctor diagnosed that i had what it was called upper gi bleed where his stomach was bleeding i think it's a type of ulcer and um i recovered somewhat uh the doctor prescribed a a medication for me those days they the medication cost over a hundred dollars now some people might laugh but in 1988 89 a hundred dollars a whole lot of money when i started teaching free trade my pay for the amount was three hundred dollars so you can see that a hundred dollars a whole lot of money those days of course you know in those days we used to be eating chicken and fish and and goat and all those things and the diet was not we just said anything of course we didn't eat any pork crop or lobster but when i went to teachers college a gentleman called paul forrest an adventist ask said to me why don't you try a vegetarian diet why don't you try changing your diet and so i i i took up the challenge and in 1992 i started my journey and i want to tell you that my stomach i couldn't eat anything i had to carry food everywhere i was going and when i changed my my my diet i changed my lifestyle pertains to to eating i recognized that i started feeling much much better i i enjoyed a healthier feel and i must say i think it once it happened again and that was when i did not stick to to to the prescribed way of eating i want to to to encourage you my brothers and sisters to stay healthy and to eat healthy i i always reflect on the fact that if that adventist guy did not introduced me to a different way of eating i am sure i would not be alive um today just because of that change he said to me scott why don't you i think he saw when i was a teacher's colleagues though they were i mean chicken was served every single day and i remember we went out with him one day and he said you guys still eating chicken man and you must try a different way of eating and i did try it and i can tell you from 1992 [Music] until this day i have been enjoying a better and a healthier life i want to encourage you to take seriously your health as you embrace a healthy lifestyle god bless you thank you so much ella scott for that very inspiring testimony i trust that you or viewers were inspired and will make the decision to start your health reform journey it is now time for our special features of the night dr michelle hamilton a naturopathic doctor is the ceo of hope lifestyle center she will be talking to us tonight about nutrition right after dr hamilton dr stern will be sharing some tips on keeping healthy during the covid19 period dr jerome stern is a general medical practitioner for over 40 years he is retired from andrews memorial hospital outpatient department i know you are eager to hear from these two illustrious doctors but just before they come stay on the edge of your seats as sister john gutzmore lifts her voice towards heaven [Music] my day life carries me [Music] just when i begin [Music] is [Music] this one [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just how much is [Music] so i would not [Music] it's be great i can tell you where i'd be [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] grace [Music] forever running bus losing the race [Music] [Music] good night everyone welcome to our tonight i hope that you have been having a wonderful time so far and that you are known with us for the third night indeed it has really been a blessing um to all the viewers so far as we have noticed in the chat and we're going through the theme i want to live healthy i hope that you have been able to get that document i understand it has been posted in the chat if you click on the link you'll be able to see the eight healthy steps to get you to be able to achieve your goals of wanting to be healthy for the past two evenings we have started since sunday we looked at water then yesterday we focused on a healthy mind and having a positive attitude which is so important especially now so for tonight we're going to be looking at nutrition so download the document there's a link that's going to be posted in the chat whatever platforms that you're on you'll see a link to the 8 healthy steps or healthy habits to get you to achieve the goal of living healthy so i want you to remember to always um purpose in your heart to want to live healthy because there are steps it's all about behavior change and there are steps that we need to make so without further ado i'm going to share my screen as we talk a little bit about nutrition and my question to you is how are you how well are you eating right how well are you actually eating um think about that and we're going to do a little bit of evaluation tonight how well are you eating so we're going to have to think about so why do you eat what you eat right some persons pretty much eat because they're hungry right and they just want to feel full satiety right some persons do emotional eating well if i'm depressed i eat a certain way um if i'm happy i probably want to eat healthy right so some person is just emotional moods or swings that will get them to choose what they eat or when they eat others it's just personal preference right others it's out of habit others because of their ethnic heritage why they choose to eat the way they do some persons eat are influenced and eaten because of social gatherings while others out of convenience if they're around a lot of persons that's always snacking and so forth like yeah they just get used to it as well or it's just so convenient for me to start pick up something i don't have to cook or wait for somebody else to just offer me some food right some persons are quite concerned about their body weight and body image altogether so they have to look good feel good so they'll only eat certain things even if it not doesn't necessarily mean they're necessarily eating um a good amount or portion of food to eat to be healthy they just want to either look so thin or some persons just want muscles right others eat or their influence of eating is determined from medical reasons so if they have certain conditions certain food allergies they can't necessarily eat the way they would want to while others it's for nutrition it's all about nutrition for them right they want the best nutrition and that has helped to influence how they actually do eat now what is nutrition so we talk about why you eat or how you you choose to eat but what is nutrition in essence well according to the science of nutrition it's the the sum of biochemical and physiological processes concerned with growth maintenance and repair of the living body as a whole or of its constituent organs well if that is nutrition then what's food so food is pretty much any substance that is eaten or otherwise taken into the body to sustain physiological life provide energy and promote nutrition and i want you to pay attention to the last two words food is supposed to promote nutrition now nutrition i would think would be anything as i said going back to my first explanation is something that helps your body to grow um for maintenance repair of living body tissues and stuff right and to fun and for the function of organs so you want your foods to be good right because it's supposed to promote nutrition but if we go back here a little bit in history in time this is what we have noticed now going all the way back to the 1940s can you imagine this was the food pyramid that was promoted at the time and if you notice it has it's like a dial with numbers starting from one all the way around and if you notice green leafy vegetables and yellow vegetables were number one followed by citrus foods then followed by some starches with a few other vegetables as well then meat i'm sorry milk cheese ice cream all of those dearest stuff were at number four then number five came the poultry right and they were talking about one to two servings of poultry three to four servings of milk right um two or more servings of potatoes and starches one or more servings of citrus fruit and one serving of green leaf vegetables and then now we have at six we have the everyday stuff the breads and all the flowers and everything like that they were looking at about one um serving per day and lastly you have the butter and stuff and they said to have some daily now this is in the 1940s and i want to watch the trajectory of things by the time we got to the 1950s to 1960s now it was food for fitness and look what was on top the milk group right milk group was on top followed by the meat group followed by vegetables and then your breads and your cereals quite interesting because you know back then they were promoting that hey milk pasteurized milk was a very important thing it is good for you good nutrition some milk and your meats everything that came from the animal was being promoted then and then the breads and the vegetables and fruits came way and down the line and this is between the 1950s to the 1960s now by the time we reached the 1970s we see again that this is called the hassle-free daily food guide so we have fruits right pretty much you can just wash and eat and go then you have your breads and your cereals right you could pretty much just make a sandwich and go very light and easy not much work and then you know you have the milk and the cheese and stuff which you could get some nutrition from then you have the meat which takes time to prepare and then lastly your fats which mingles anywhere along the whole trajectory there so this was the hassle free daily food guys so we realized that there's a trend right now we started to make food come in a form of convenience in terms of what was easy to consume well by the time we got a little way down 1992 we saw this thing coming in called the food primary and the food pyramid now if you notice the size of each triangle kind of tells you a lot so we still see the milk we still see the chicken and the meats we see the vegetables we see the fruits right and then at the bottom the biggest group now becomes starches all of the cereals the bread the noodles you name it it's the largest portion because i guess it says something right for some reason we're going to get into that but just notice how things has changed so the largest group is the carbs right and these are simple carbs all right so let us move on to see what's really happening now today most of you are familiar with the choose my plate right so this is the my plate and it shows you that little spot for dairy but look at the portion sizes so in terms of a complete meal in a day you should have protein your vegetables your brains and your fruits now notice if you look at the vegetables which are in green that is actually much bigger now than protein and then the grains is actually almost the same size right and then the fruits and the protein are measuring up quite quite interesting indeed and you don't really see where it talks about the carbs in this plate right so it's focusing on the vegetables the grains as the largest portion and these grains of course you know consist of proteins too too larger portion then protein and then your fruits now based on the the years that we have seen and what we have looked at right so we went from way back in the 1940s coming to the present time we see a cycle here and over the years as things have changed we have realized there's a not a lot of nutritional deficiencies that has come into being because of nutritional imbalances which has led to symptoms and then these symptoms have led to disease so again i asked the question you know what are you eating how healthy is your diet right so let us look at the major food groups to know for you to be able to understand and know how healthy is your diet or what are you eating so the first major group are called macronutrients right and these are needed in large amounts in your diet these would consist of your carbohydrates your proteins lipids or fats as we would call them fiber and water now we covered water on sunday so if you miss that you need to go back and watch it to understand how important water is now these are macro nutrients right water is needed for survival and i remember the the speakers did indicate to you that water is actually a nutrient you actually do need it right very very important over 80 percent of your body consists of water so carbohydrates though let me tell you the breads and all of that that you buy are simple carbs right you need complex carbs and those are generally found like in your whole wheat bread your whole wheat flour your brown rice right and then the proteins as you know you have different types of proteins whether the vegan source of protein or animal source of protein and your fats can come from the oils that you use as well as your nuts and then your fiber pretty much has a spread in most of these but most often times you see them in your complex carbs and your vegetables and other foods so the fiber will tend to be dispersed in different food groups but it has its own group as well and most of it is going to be your vegetables now the next group is your micronutrient and these are nutrients that are needed in relatively small amounts in your diet and these are very important because these are your vitamins and minerals and many persons think that they need to actually take a supplement to provide these right and it is not so so the vitamins and minerals are micronutrient right they're needed in small amounts and if you follow the macronutrient group that is here that i mentioned before you will actually get all your micronutrients from that group and if you're eating healthy you will have no need to take supplements however there are some conditions that exist based on the medications that you're on that may require supplements and it is always wise to consult a doctor instead of going out and taking supplements okay all right so let us move on and let us look a little bit for adding as a at a um a list um a label that is coming from one of our um food groups um processed food for you to get a little bit more understanding of when you go out and you pick up the packages you need to actually look at the nutritional facts that's on the back of it to guide you so if you notice that number one where we start and it talks about a serving size so pretty much this packet consists of the serving size is one cup how many persons can it serve well two persons right even though we know that sometimes we pick up a packet of something and it says um serve in size one cup and servings per container two some person say well you know this is just for me alone but think again based on what the product is and what's the nutritional value which we're going to go through so this particular product has in a number two the calories 250 calories right and 110 of it it comes from fat where calories from fats then number three it tells us now these are the fats that are in it and if you notice it says limit these nutrients right so total fat is 12 grams right saturated fat is 3 grams trans fat is 3 grams and cholesterol is 30 milligrams sodium is 470 milligrams then you have um get enough of these nutrients which is number four and that is your vitamin a c calcium and iron right and those are in larger portions that is what you really want to see there and it should be 20 or more the carbohydrate should be five percent or less okay and then the last one is your food no that kind of tells you how things are dispersed right in the entire packet itself and then it kindly hits at the bottom that it only has in terms of fiber about 25 grams of fiber per 2 000 calories right and this particular product says the calories and it is 250 so you know you're not getting 25 grams of fiber from this one product and you actually need at least 25 grams of fiber per day now if you want to be able to do some form of assessment in terms of um your healthy weight or height or all of that there are several things that you can do and one of them is called an anthropometric um test that you can actually do it pretty much measures certain things in terms are able to assess your growth development and health parameters right so this is just one tool um i don't know how many persons are living in jamaica or overseas that are watching but you can get them done by different individuals talk to a nutritionist a chiropractor and you can get this done for assessment but they're used for children as well just to indicate how well they're growing and and developing overall and other simple tools that we we are quite aware of here is your body max mass index or referred to as your bmi and that's a simple calculation you can just google it your bmi it will ask you for your weight your height and it will tell you in terms of how healthy you are based on your hit your um your height and your your weight um if you're overweight it will tell you you're overweight if you're obese it will say you're obese or to tell your healthy body weight and everyone should do that calculation it's pretty easy you can just google it you'll find the chart and just plug in your figures right you want to be able to also know your ideal body weight and once you access the bmi calculator your body mass index calculator it will show you even if you're not at your ideal body weight it will show you what that should be based on the measurements that you put in another thing that you want to use to evaluate how healthy you are is your waist circumference which is pretty much what measuring your hip and your waist ratio right and you can um also google how to do that hip to waist ratio so in essence your waist should not be bigger than your hip if your waist is much bigger than your hip you have a lot of excess fat that can lead to a lot of nutritional imbalances and a lot of conditions later on which includes inflammation in your body which is not good it's a it's an environment that cancer can thrive in it will lead to blood sugar imbalance it can lead to storage of toxins in your body a lot of different conditions so your weight should never be bigger than your hip right you can also do this by considering what yours your energy needs for the day in terms of your individual evaluation do you live a very sedentary life in essence do you sit down most of the day whether it is you're working and you're in a job that requires you to sit around on this or you're retired at home and not doing much physical activity or do you live a very active life mean that your job requires you to lift things pull things you're always up on your feet walking then again the next step is moderate activity meaning that yes you may have a sedentary job or you may be retired at home but you keep yourself quite active you have your housework and then you have exercise in addition to that right so this what you're able to assess where you fall within this group it pretty much will give you an indication of what your energy needs are for the day which pretty much you can calculate your calorie needs to ensure that you're eating enough to meet those demands then you also want to factor in if you're a male or a female males require more in terms of proteins carbohydrates all of that may require more than a female and it's also based on age now if you talk with a nutritionist or if you google online nutrition by age you see a entire spreadsheet that you can see your age if you're a male female if you're within childbearing age or not and it can actually tell you how much protein how much carbohydrates um how much fat how much fiber you should be eating based on your sex as well as your age and whether or not you're in childbearing years that varies over your lifespan right and then as i said it breaks down all of these nutrients for you as well and including your fluid requirements which we're talking about water so if you go back to sunday night again in the world when we talked about water it talks about being able to calculate how much water you need now if you're on certain medications that has water um restrictions you want to factor that in but in essence based on how much you weigh your body mass index you should be able to calculate the amount of water you should be consuming so a quick way to to think about it to know if you're drinking enough water the the bigger you are is the more water you need because there's more surface air that is and the cell requires more so if you're a small frame you pretty much know that the standard for you would probably be eight glasses so if you are overweight you know that you need far much more than you're actually consuming so go back to to sunday to look at that and then finally i don't know what type of diet you're on but i want you to pick which one you can put it in the chat if you want so a lot of persons who are watching have been trying different diets and some of them don't even know which group they're falling so i'm going to explain each one for you and you can put our type in the chat if you fall which range you fall in when i give you them so the first one is a pescatarian now a pescetarian eats fruits and vegetables milk eggs fish but no meat so if you're a pescetarian type that in the chat i repeat it again fruits veggies milk eggs and fish if you're a pescetarian type that's in the chat if you are vegetarian you only eat fruits and vegetables milk and eggs right fruits and vegetable milks that egg and then your protein of course will be coming from peas beans and nuts so if you don't eat fish you don't eat meat you are pretty much a vegetarian all right now over vegetarian pretty much they'll have fruits and vegetables and eggs and everything else is off and that's over vegetarian then the lactose vegetarian would consume fruits and vegetables with milk and then the protein of course would be from peas beans and nuts and then the vegan pretty much avoids milk eggs fish and meat and everything is fruits and veggies for them and their protein of course would be your peas beans and your nuts so if you're vegan lacto-ovo over vegetarian vegetarian or pescetarian put it in the chat if you feel free and you want to share that but understand that you don't just say i'm vegetarian and then you're still consuming some of these things and if you identify your group then you can ensure that you know how to get all your macronutrients based on your diet so if you're a pescetarian you know that your protein sources are going to be coming from fish some of it will come from the egg and then the other nutrients that are within the other products that you may consume if you're vegetarian know that your protein is going to be coming from eggs your fruits sorry your peas your beans and your nuts if you're over vegetarian obviously most of your protein is going to come from egg based um products right and if you're a lacto-ovo vegetarian you will get some protein from milk based products based on what they have in and then your vegetables are your grains and your nuts and if you're a vegan you know that you have to have your vegetable real real packed and making sure that you consume enough beans and your grains and your nuts to get that in because all of the other protein sources are no longer there so you can't be vegan and only have fruit and vegetables right you have to still have the balance of the macronutrients because you get your fiber your carbs everything from your your vegetable but you also need to have your grains and your nuts and your beans to have a complete balanced nutrition okay so make sure that you make healthy choices and make sure that you consume a balanced meal and know what type of diet you are consuming because you could be consuming and that that is quite imbalanced okay have a good evening everyone i now turn over to the next presenter greetings everyone uh that was the most enthralling presentation by dr hamilton and i'm sure we are who have been given a lot of uh information with which to improve our diet and natural aspects of our lifestyle so this evening i i'm hoping that you are hearing me quite well um as i made this presentation and um just trusting god to make it clear for all of us this evening i want to look at the my experience as a first of all with kobe and to share with you that i'm not speaking of what i see happening to my patients but what has happened to me and my wife yes i have experienced it firsthand i know what it feels like to be isolated and quarantined i can recall on a fateful sunday evening on january 24th when i was in my backyard trying to extricate a bit of yams out of the earth that has grown underneath the fence line and studying how to extricate this thing my wife came to me and said there's a phone call here from a doctor from the ksac want to speak with you well right away some red flags went off in my mind why is the case is the doctor calling me this evening well i was told that a patient that i had seen on the a few days before about four years before had referred her to the hospital tested positive for coverage and then she needed to have me and she questioned me about circumstances under which i saw the patient and then i needed to have a test done myself so she made an appointment for me to have one done at the nannyville health center and on the uh on the 27th three days after that so i dutifully went down there had my pcr test done and then got some an interesting people [Music] hope you can see it and says here high risk i read i said that that's me quarantine order [Music] home then that's this hit home to me that that's me and i'm being quarantined and told to stay home and then i stole that you had some other things on the back of the paper here too all the direction the date and so forth and direction what i should do in the next few days and then i have to be making this filling all this form here doing my vital signs my temperature twice a day and filling out what symptoms i'm having every day fever cough sore throat difficulty breathing headache chest pain vomiting diarrhea abdominal pain i had to fill out all those i had to be answering phone calls every day at random times and so on i had to miss others to stay at home stay home and some relatives and friends had to get food from other supermarkets in one occasion the person told me she was coming and then by the time i got to the gates just gone she left the food on the on the ground outside of the gate and that was it she was so afraid she's gone and pumped this saw the back of the car going up the road so yes we have experienced that first hand um and the measures that were being followed i was taking some measures this was in january of 2020 sorry um of 2021 rather and we've been going through all of these issues in 2020 we've been doing social distancing and so forth but you know i i was wearing the mask but maybe was not wearing them as consistently as i should have been we're sanitizing but not as regular as we should have been wearing gloves but maybe not as often as you should have been some usually wearing the masks when somebody was suspect somebody who i did not suspect came to see me and apparently that was where the transmission took place i hadn't been in that period of time in however been taking some measures i'd listen to an adventist world radio program sometime in about the early 2020 or late december 2019 and dr neil negley was there on that program and dr charles uh marcel and dr alita layla had my name and that program for level up is called and this you can universally go and look for the program called level up very good program and i took away a few things in that from that program doctor nearly emphasized the need for sleep eight hours sleep very important i took a note of that because i had been getting much less than eight hours due to the schedule that i was carrying on with my work at the hospital then the need for hydrotherapy was also stressed they spoke about sauna where baths whereby persons would be they'll go in a very hot bath and then started me going to a cold shower or cold bath for a few seconds after that and spoke about how that was powerfully stimulating for the immune system i took from that i was i knew already about the hot food baths and how to do that and hot hot baths so that just revived my conviction of the importance of at least a hot hand bath or hot food bath even if we could access a sauna because well these things of course are more accessible in the european countries they talked about dietary requirements of course persons on vegetarian diet or less likely to [Music] succumb to the severe form of the disease and of course i've been following a uh vegan pasta for quite a few years i talked about using charcoal and i knew about that charcoal powder stress reduction and some supplements right including vitamin d vitamin c vitamin b complex quercetin and nac short for n acetyl cysteine melatonin and zinc and of course you have the emphasis on trusting in god all part of the the new start program the supplements are part of the new style program but in this situation where we are facing uh severe serious situation the supplements were mentioned at night right away went ahead and got the nac and they started of course keep me on my regular vitamin c one gram a day and the vitamin d started using that at 40 000 units well i started with 2 000 units and later on that it needed to be increased to 4 000 units a day vitamin d3 that is i found that and the zinc also as i mentioned 50 milligrams a day now i must mention here that these things that you are talking of are not prescriptions but they are here for information if you want to use these things you should discuss it with your health care provider but even though i was doing these things yes i got a positive core result and i was one thought to myself oh that's interesting a little bit this means why i should be doing this but it just made me realize how serious this is and thinking back during that time i had been having spurs of fatigue and pain in my face due to sinus irritation pain in my eyes at times maybe headaches at times and congestion with nose and throat and [Music] after getting this diagnosis all of these symptoms got more more intense more um remarkable however thankfully i did not get fever i felt about a time but when i checked my thermostat it was 98.4 might have gone a little bit over 98.4 sometimes but 98.8 probably but never hundred so that's my what i went through and i had to go through the two weeks of quarantine monitoring my temperature and reporting my symptoms and answering daily phone calls from the kcc um health personnel what did i do at home for the headaches and the bad feeling god the other time i didn't feel good i just felt malays not having any energy to walk well i started walking so every day my wife and myself went for a half an hour walk in somewhere around between seven and eight o'clock you get some early morning sunshine and fresh air and even though i felt like i couldn't put one foot in front of the other we still went for that walk even not less than half an hour and when they we had headaches or felt bad there's no congestion we'd go for the hot hand bath and a little from this i'll come back to that and speak about how that is done uh we go for the steam inhalation with menthol crystals and peppermint oil and some persons spoke about speaking about using eucalyptus oil or there are many other essential oils that can be used that would make it could be effect very effective and i use after the menthol inhalation which steam either then irrigate my sinuses my upper spiritual tract with warm salt water with a tip of cayenne in there and use that very as warm as i could tolerate it and he inhaled it through my nostrils and spread it out to my mouth and then gargled and that worked wonders it could just just dissipate them that fatigue feeling and you could feel the relief in the entire body so of course there was a making ensuring increased fully adequate food addict intake um i say especially of course water with water at room temperature no cold drinks so boom room terms are always plus vegetable juices as well and i use the supplements i mentioned before the n-acetyl sustain 500 milligrams a day zinc 50 milligrams in the vitamin c one gram of day at least melatonin 10 milligrams in the evenings and the b complex and vitamin d which i use that um a saturday 2000 units a day i went up to 5 000 years a day and we had prayer twice a day or sometime more than that being isolated it was very hard to be so confined and you might say why did i be staying in house when i went on i should be in the house i'm not going outside in the first year well where i went out when there was not much traffic on the road and when the sunshine and of course wearing my mask um i had to be redirecting my patients or the doctors or attended by telephone and since then having been cleared and got my okay from the health department to go back to work i've been wearing my face shield and double masking and wearing um i'm more sensitive to to to hand hand sanitization and changing my clothes at the door in the evenings when i come from work practicing social distancing and yes i did get vaccinated after several more exposures and deaths of some of my patients and relatives of these patients so that was a difficult decision to make and i realized i would not be judgmental here with anyone who decided not to take it because there are a lot of persons who are convicted not to take the vaccine and i had no call with that if they decided not to do it i would just tell them well in the meantime these are the things you are going to do and follow through these guidelines now there are there are some guidelines here from uh i'd like to go through in more in with the detail um i forgot let me just bring this up here first of all i mentioned a hot handbag i don't want to time to run out again mention this but how is that applied well you get a small a basin small basin and pouring water as warm as it can be tolerated to about three inches deep and immerse both hands in that hot water being careful not to cause any burns on the skin but make it as hot as it can be tolerated and keep the hand immersing this hot water for 20 20 to for 10 minutes rather and then after 10 minutes remove the hands and if and then immerse these hands into a ice bath for 10 to 15 seconds and then put it back into the hot water again for 10 minutes and do that three cycles of hot and cold if that's change is too shocking well one can just use it 10 minutes in hot water then remove it and wait for it to cool down and go back again to the hot water during that time it may be worth adding with a cool cloth on the forehead that helps to also um drive the blood to the hands what is happening is that the hot bath increases the body temperature and the increased body temperature helps to kill the virus that we will be in the body in the sinuses or whatever other parts of the body it is increased body temperature helps to kill the virus as you're taller in the minister of healing for instance that the fever is the body's response to try to kill the offending agent that's causing the fever so in this case you're fighting the fever with a hot hand blood so when i fell like a temperature i'd go for the hot hand bath that's my sound products gun or go for a hot bath a hot shower and that does help to reduce the temperature greatly um and but we also want to look at this organized way you know what do what are some of the things i should look for and how should i perceive if i think i'm coming down with this virus you might be feeling certain symptoms like a cough that might be productive or non-productive or recovery it might not be productive you can you might have the headache and sinus congestion there may be some difficulty breathing especially even at rest or moving around we have might have i have difficulty breathing that as a sign that something is wrong um there might be some nausea and some vomiting even or loose bowels that's it could be a sign of this um this disease coming on you want to if it if there's any doubt of course what's happening one should concert to the doctor but yeah i mentioned that i was experiencing my legs and running those and not running those other but just mostly excellent periods some persons experience loss of smell and asthma or lots of taste this goose here that's the interesting name the term for loss of taste and these things can occur early on in the disease or even before there are some persons the first sign of something wrong is having this loss of smell and that is that is something that should cause them to want to check with the doctor to see if something is happening in the course of the disease or some process the fifth day the seventh day that's a period of time when in that period of time that the body gets a clearer virus and then the inflammatory sponsor means afterwards so and that in some response can be from a from a natural natural point of view the heart and body the extra way to counteract the dietary means sticking with your vegetarian bed there is something that we need to all of us should have at home as pulse oximeter something that measures the oxygen level liver in your blood because persons might be feeling okay reasonably okay that is and carrying on or force himself to go along with a borderline oxygen level in the blood and then process can be even deficient as they carry on and that caused some person to be collapsing on the road as you're saying seen picture people in the wuhan china collapsing on the road well the pulse oximeter will tell us if your oxygen level saturation level is good there's a little instrument that stick on the finger you can obtain it on the pharmacy the the normal level will be somewhere between 98 and 100 uh for you know double persons but if you know if the level is down to 40 four percent if you begin constantly below four ninety four percent then of course that means one should definitely go to the hospital on the evaluated um i want to and i'm looking here and i also want to mention the use of some simple remedies like we mentioned of steam inhalation that can be done with a small basin or even a bottle with glass bottle and it's held on and put a few cups of boiling hot water in that with a pinch couple pinches of mental crystals and a few drops of peppermint oil and inhale that we pull through the noses and through the mouth and then follow with the salt water in a mixture to make the salt water mixture you can use anywhere from a half to a level teaspoon of salt um in a cup of very warm water not too long to burn but and then inhale right into the nostril squeeze out the mulch a few times and then gargle um with without mixture as well i mentioned earlier that a pinch of of cayenne pepper powder could be put into that just a tiny amount it helps greatly to stimulate the immune system in the upper respiratory tract uh of course if there's a sore throat coming on that that also very essentially approved i prove that many times during my period movement is so so threatening i use it every time to turn back that sorcerer i also use something called a heating compress where uh moist cloth was wrapped around the throat and the dry one folded wide and wrapped around that and kept on overnight and of course it was moist the moist clotted moisture with water at room temperature and wrapped and folded um to cover right around the entire neck and then the dry cloth was folded wider than the moisture to start to completely envelop the moist one and that is called the heating complex the body temperature heats up that thought overnight and by morning that damp cloth will be dry and it works wonders removing the sore throat so it's a simple hydrotherapy method uh i want to mention here also breathing exercises that can be done especially for person who might be having difficulty breathing there's this there's a one where we get dr hamilton before referred to in her presentation i think the previous occasionally the prosecution first time of the first program uh simple means by embedding whereby one can take in a breath but moderately inhale at moderate inhalation and then say counter one two through the mouth not excessive inhaled and then breathing also pressed it just like that i could about to brought a candle on count to four and that can help to enhance the driving ear down in the lower part of the lungs and improve oxygen um absorption from the ear that yes so on the side of that you should all be practicing you take three to take three deep breaths three times a day that is you know using the diaphragm the abdominal muscles so where the diaphragm is not the anterior muscles go but if you're using abdominal muscles your diaphragm will be activated at the same time and using the abdominal muscle to putting air into the lungs is an excellent way to getting the air with lungs working as efficiently as possible and do that three deep breaths three times a day that also can help to maximize aeration for some persons having difficulty breathing it they are reminded that they should use pruning where their causes lay down on their face so to speak they prostrate and with the pillar to support of course the chest area that enhances ear entrance into the lungs as well for persons who are having really bad chest congestion you should not be lying on your back especially if you're coughing much it's best to lie on on the abdomen or on the side preferably right hand side or left um to allow better um ear absorption or entrance into the lungs uh the supplements i mentioned are already i just like to mention why and the an acetylene system i think did well to help me it's it worked it is a powerful antioxidant and it enhances the activity of something called glutathione and other it also works in other body systems enhance the immune system vitamin c uh just for review could be used one gram it depends on the real symptoms are at least one gram a day or one gram twice a day from a natural source vitamin d three four thousand five thousand units a day caution here is that your process is going to use vitamin d3 for a long period they should use uh vitamin k and calcium supplement along with it um zinc 50 milligrams excellent antiviral activity and it can be very very important melatonin was a supplement that has been used for promoting sleep uh the body produces it in the brain but the melatonin also has been found to be an excellent immune system modulator and has was um has been found to be very efficient in enhancing the body's resistance um to this virus i also need to emphasize that you need to take you know water um sorry you have to keep in mind where i'm on this camera here so but then if there's anything else that you need there is one thing that is a bit controversial that could be used for persons over sick and that is a problem called iron mctin we don't want to get into more stability but ivormectin has uh field been proven over about 30 out of 40 years has been used for parasitic infections it has been found to be very effective for some viral infection including cobain and for those who use it a dose of 0.2 milligrams of 2.6 milligrams per kilogram body weight for a period of and if there's some practitioner practitioner but he even appeared up one week up to three weeks or more has been found to be excellent for contracting the disease i think my time has run out now so thank you for your attention i hope that something i've said here this evening would have proved uh to be beneficial and may god bless you all and keep us safe through this and maybe leave to glorify on his name thank you i took my monos for the jamaica unions i want to live healthy program under the theme i will go embracing a healthy lifestyle before we go any further click that like button share this link subscribe to the page that you are on remember to click that notification bell so that you are notified whenever we go live it is now my honor and privilege to present and introduce the health ministries director of the jamaica union conference dr dudley hossein welcome dr hosin please greet us and introduce our main presenter for tonight thank you so much sister thompson good evening everyone bring your greetings from the jamaica union conference and we praise the lord for how he has been with us since sunday evening we are pressing on this journey of health and wellness we know that god is with us and we know that he will continue to empower us to affect behavior change to experience optimum health as we put into practice all these principles that we have been learning we're happy to have with us this evening one more time for the third time dr frank genius he currently serves as the health ministries director of the inter-american division of 70 adventists he's a passionate health educator who has one objective to glorify god and to do his will this evening he's saying like jesus my meat is to do the will of him that set me and finish his work he's a medical missionary extending the healing ministry of jesus tonight god has laid a message on his heart we pray that you listen carefully and attentively pray for him and accept the message from god through dr frank genius sit back and listen actively and follow what god says you must do god bless you [Music] oh to be there when the savior spoke the great command and to weakness in the wonder of his wonder-making hand no miracle has caught my eyes or fought my heart to see but by faith i'm led to realize that there's a miracle in me i have never seen the thousands fed or the blinded to see and i have never watched he embraced the dead but i know when he lifted me there's a wonder right before [Music] yes in my heart is where this wonder lies [Music] oh to have the faith that's measured the smallest mustard seed then all our mountains will be mastered by the master of all i need oh and if we have that child i trust he said he'll do the greatest things and that's to heal the sick and raise the dead and be a miracle in me i have never seen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and i have never watched he embraced the [Music] before my eyes closed [Music] in me and there's a wander right before my eyes enough to see [Applause] in me in [Laughter] [Music] i will go embrace a healthy lifestyle friends i'm inviting you to join me in a series of six presentations that will change our life for good and god willing forever but talking about change we all know that this is the most challenging task that one has to undergo in his personal life overall when it comes to lifestyle changes what we need to change is not of our favorite pair of shoes not a job not even a piece of real estate what we have to change is the everything that makes you you we're talking about total transformation total we knew all of oneself we're talking about what we call total health but what lasting changes is a lifelong journey in this series we are going to focus on a particular aspect of the journey we are going to answer to the question why why is it that we need to adapt a healthier lifestyle friends bear with me as we are going over 10 key reasons why adopting the optimal lifestyle is a must in our day-to-day life in those days [Music] as we know the bible is full of promises for our well-being full full of promises for the people who love god who love god and for people that god loves the third promise that i will go that i'm going to share with you about how well being our health from god is the following god first promise say i can heal you from any sickness second but i do not want you to fall sick but there's a third one there's a third one that god is giving us as a promise he says and this is a verses you will see the son of your sons almost exactly the sons of your sons is talking about longevity when we abide by the law of god when we adopt the principles of health and temperaments that god give us he promises us longevity my friend this is an incredible promise from god incredible because as a matter of fact longevity has always seemed to be something that is far ahead far away from the catchment of of human being but now and here we see that one of the promise of god is longevity let's look at this psalm 103 verses 5 says it you remember this song praise the praise the lord oh my soul but it continues to say this is the god which satisfies your desire with good thing so that your your youth is renewed like the eagle we will not have time to talk about the eagle but the eagle eagles are known to be um to be an animal that know how to rejuvenate themselves and to to to to to live almost double time of their life so we're talking about longevity but you remember this um these other verses exodus 23 verses 26 they say i will feel the number of your days or in psalms 100 128 versus six may you leave to see the children's of your children therefore my brothers and sisters the third promise of god about our well-being is longevity the first one is i can kill you i can heal you the second is i don't want you to be sick and third is if you do what i'm asking you to do what i'm teaching you to do you will live longer than the others my brothers and my sisters this promise of legibity is a promise that we live in our in our in our days in our two day days we know that there are many um scientific researches that have been done on longevity and they've seen that the people that are closer to what god has already told us to do and to be these are the people that live the longest among those we have the seven day adventists living in many parts of the countries what they call that blue zones but what people does not know we know what we know about adventist 7 day adventists living in california and loma linda but advances in poland adventists in northern europe also share the same statistics as the advances in in in northern in southern california therefore the third promise of god is longevity the fourth promise that we are going to share with you from the bible regarding our health regarding our health their well-being is a promise that we knowing that we love picture this we say that the first thing that god told us is that he can cure us heal us from any type of disease second promise is that yes i can cure you but i don't want you to fall sick third one if you do what i ask you to do you will live longer than your never nevers remember this so 19 moses was complaining to god because they did not live as long as before and moses told us that on an average they were living seven years seven years of age picture that in many countries right now nowadays 70 years of age is at one age i mean in many of our countries let me let me let me talk to you about my country in in haiti it's not even 60 years it's barely 56 years on an average that people live there so and moses was complaining about the fact that right now we live only 17 and some of us just live 80 but 82 years this is the this is what is the average lifespan in japan where people live the longest in the world therefore we know that the people of god since long back ago were people that was living longer than the other people than even ourselves in our days but there's a fourth message a fourth um promise from god to us about our health it's a promise that is beautiful it's a promise that we found in revelation 21 verses 3 and i heard a loud voice from the throne saying look god's dwelling place is now among the people and he will dwell with them there will be is there will these people and god himself will be with them and be their god hear this he will ripe every tears away from their eyes there will be no more death no more suffering no more mourning no more crying no more pain for all the other things have passed away amen amen the last point the last and very powerful promise of god to us is that he plan to give us an eternal life without sickness without sickness this is beautiful this is extraordinary uh one good friend of mine a pastor from my country from haiti used to say until i reach this city where there is no cementary i know that i'm still in road in road toward my city because this is not my city regardless the magnificency city we're talking about those days we're talking about beautiful city of big cities or mighty cities like i don't know singapore or canada or in the u.s or in in beautiful cities in jamaica but until i reach the city where there is no cemetery where there is no death i still am on my way to hope because the promise and the vision and the goal of god for us is to take us to this place while there is no suffering where there is no pain well there is no misery when where there is no death brothers and sisters today we actually explore something wonderful we explore the second good reason the second key reasons why we should embrace a healthy lifestyle because the first reason was because we realized that health is a good news therefore we need to practice the healthy habits so that we can we can nurture this good news in our life the second reason we see today is that god promises that if we attack these health practices guess what he will take away the he will cure us from any of our diseases he will make it possible that we become less and less affected by diseases not only this he will he promised us that he will give us longevity and at the end of the day he will take us to heaven well there is no mourning no where there is no death where there is no crying no pain whatsoever let us pray the heavenly father thank you for your promises thank you for keeping with us for us this vision of extraordinary health these things that we did not even think about that you are planning for us thank you for that we pray you in the name of jesus amen [Music] all right [Music] you have longed for sweet peace and for faith to increase and have earnestly fervently prayed but you cannot have rest or be perfectly blessed until all on of sacrifice let your heart blossom you can only be blessed and have peace and sweet dress as you yield him your body and soul would you walk with the in the light of his word and have peace and contentment always [Laughter] you must do his sweet will to be free from all ill on the altar [Music] is [Music] oh you can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and soul oh we never can know why the lord will be stopped of the blessings for which we have praised [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can only be blessed and have your peace and soul you can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest [Music] as you yield him your body and so [Music] as you yield everything to jesus christ this evening jesus is calling you my brother my sister he's calling you to surrender all to him to lay everything on the altar of sacrifice health is good news not only that god wants you to embrace this good news he wants you to experience quantity of life and quality of life and above all things he wants to give you eternal life jesus says i am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly so the call goes out the call is being made for all of us these platforms to connect with jesus he's a great healer he's the one who wants to give us health and wellness it is his plan for us to be above and not beneath to be at the top and not the bottom it is his plan for all of us to be free from disease it is his plan for us to have peace of mind and contentment the bible says in isaiah 26 3 thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee in the midst of this pandemic where there's a tsunami of negative emotions anxiety uncertainty fear depression jesus is saying come to me all of you or a weary and burden and i will give you a rest that's good news and as you do that you will experience health and wellness even a long life quality of life because he says i wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health so this evening tonight make that decision say i want to live healthy i want to follow jesus he has made conditions he has given us conditions as it relates to health and wellness and he says if if speaks of possibilities and potentials if we hearken unto his voice if we seek to be obedient to him he will do things for us if says if we do something ordinary he will do something extraordinary he will do something more so lay everything on the altar of sacrifices equally i notice in the chat there are folks who are asking for prayer to be empowered to embrace a plant-based diet to change their diets their folks who are struggling we're aware of that so we'll be praying i'll be praying this evening for all these prayer requests in general because we know that jesus cares and he wants to do something more for you so i invite you now to borrow your heads with me as we pray for you all pray that individuals will embrace jesus and walk with them and talk with him and of course embrace a healthy lifestyle and say i want to live healthy i want jesus i want quality of life i want quantity of life let us pray father god we pause to thank you so much for your keeping care and your tender mercies we thank you for this evening thank you for the powerful presentations and the testimony from elder scott thank you for dr hamlet and dr stern dr frank genius thank you heavenly father for how you have used them this evening to bring us vital words of information inspiration motivation and we pray this evening that all our listeners on the various platforms will be motivated to embrace a healthy lifestyle those who are already doing that we pray that they will even reach higher levels in their walk on this narrow path of health and wellness we pray o god that you will step in the midst of our existence this evening turn things around transform our minds our hearts you have said be transformed by the renewing of your mind so we pray that our minds will be renewed because health starts in the mind so we pray that we'll be renewed in mind in thoughts because we know that our thoughts are changed our feelings will be changed and our behaviors will be changed so lord just take over and step in the midst of our existence step in and touch us like never before we pray that all our participants our viewers we pray that everyone will experience you like never before we pray for those who have not yet made that full surrender we pray that they'll do so before it's too late and we pray that one and all will experience health and wellness that they will experience healthy behavior change and be saving your kingdom have your own sweet way now bless those who are struggling with challenges addictions bless those who are having challenges in eating healthy food bless those who are having challenges and drinking water those were having challenges in having that positive mindset at the onset we just pray that you will do something more do something amazing and we know that you're able capable and available you have said in ephesians 3 verse 20 now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we asks or think according to the power that works in us so just have your own sweet way now we pray that you'll take us back tomorrow evening as we go on the central jamaica conference platform and of course on the jamaica union platform and other platforms we just pray that you will just bless and keep and strengthen that you'll pour your spirit upon us and we pray that there will be a great revival and health reform in all the churches represented we pray that at the end of this week that all of us will shout alleluia saying to god be the glory hallelujah great things just done thank you father for hearing and answering because you have said in mark 11 verse 24 what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that you have them and you shall receive them so lord this evening we believe help thou our unbelief we pray in jesus precious name amen praise the lord friends thank you for coming this evening we see you tomorrow evening same time 6 30 on the cjc platform and this platform at jamaica union and all the platforms to maybe ejc and wjc please spend more time with the lord ask him in a special way to empower you to press on the awkward way and gain your rights every day in particular as it relates to the principles of a healthy lifestyle as it relates to health reform jesus says without me you can't do anything but praise god the bible also says paul says in philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through jesus christ who gives me strength he will strengthen you he will empower you he'll inspire you he will enable you to experience a healthy lifestyle as you comply with the conditions and as you experience this you need to share and care god bless you have a healthy and happy evening in jesus name amen you will agree with me that this has been a wonderful night in the lord we have certainly been inspired and educated what is your takeaway from tonight's program please tell us in the chat go right ahead and share your takeaway we look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening as we continue to embrace a healthy lifestyle while we go sister nullit ashfall will bless us with special music have a wonderful night [Music] empty and broken i came back to him a vessel unworthy and so scarred with sin but he did not despair he started over again [Music] and i'm blessed the day he didn't throw the clay away [Music] over and over he molds me and makes me into his likeness he flash on the clay [Music] a vessel of honor i am today and all because jesus didn't throw the clay away [Music] he is the potter i am the clay [Music] molded in god's image he wants me to stay but when i stumble and i fall and my vest break he just speak up the pieces he didn't throw the clay away over and over he molds me and makes me into his likeness he fashioned the clay a vessel of honor i am today and all because jesus didn't throw the clay away a vessel of honor i am today and all because jesus didn't throw the clay away [Music] i take this opportunity to invite you to a very special event our health emphasis week under the theme i will go embracing a healthy lifestyle we will be highlighting that i want to live healthy program we encourage individuals to adopt a healthy habit each week we start the weekend sunday september the 19th on the ejc platform where we will highlight the importance of drinking water monday we go to northern caribbean university where we will i like the importance of having a positive attitude tuesday we move over to north east jamaica conference where we will look at the importance of proper nutrition then on wednesday we move to central jamaica conference where we will highlight the importance of physical activity exercise then on thursday we move to west jamaica conference where we will highlight self-control then on friday we move to andrews memorial hospital where we will highlight the importance of resting well then on sabbath we move to north jamaica conference where we will culminate this event praise the lord and we will highlight the importance of trusting in god we have competent and qualified presenters from overseas we have dr frank genius health ministries director of the inter-american division dr zena charles marcel associate health ministries director of general conference dr david williams associate health ministry director of the general conference dr carlos fayard psychologist at loma linda school of medicine we're looking forward to seeing you [Music]
Channel: East Jamaica Conference
Views: 4,511
Rating: 4.8639455 out of 5
Id: rgU2tDvVvI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 40sec (7360 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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