My Final Message before 2024 Election Results | Dhruv Rathee

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Hello, friends! Elections are now over. Tomorrow, the election results are going to be announced. No one knows who will win how many seats. In March 2024, News18's opinion poll stated BJP-led NDA will win 411 seats. At the same time, India TV's CNX opinion poll gave them 399 seats. There are still some exit polls which claim that they'll win more than 400 seats. Prime Minister Modi began his election campaign with this slogan of winning more than 400 seats. But what do these 400 seats mean? Jyoti Mirdha, Anant Kumar Hegde, Arun Govil, Lallu Singh, and many more such BJP leaders made such statements that hinted at BJP's intent to change our Constitution. They want to change our Constitution. "If we want to make changes in the Constitution, many of you would already know this, for this, both houses of Parliament, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, we'd need majority in both." Later, BJP refuted these statements. Other leaders came forward with clarifications. But this happened after the election campaign had begun. Our beloved country, world's largest democracy, should not turn into a dictatorship. I was worried about this for a long time. But I thought, what difference can a person make alone? Yes, I did have 10-12 million subscribers on YouTube, I get 4-5 million views on my videos, but all said and done, I am just a YouTuber. If I talk too much about politics and make videos on such topics, then I will be mocked a lot. People will make videos discrediting me. I will have to face d€ath threats. I wanted to ignore it. I like making educational videos. I make them and thoroughly enjoy making them. What's the use of getting into political issues? But then, in February, friends, something happened after which I could not stop myself. Chandigarh election fraud. For the first time in the history of our country, a presiding officer was caught committing voter fraud. Everything was captured on CCTV footage. The Supreme Court said that this was a murder of democracy. This one incident was a trigger point for me. It was not that there were no issues before this. Many things were happening simultaneously. Media being clearly biased, elected governments being overthrown, horse-trading of MLAs. But after this one incident, it was too much. I had to speak up. That's why I made the first video on dictatorship. "Is India becoming a dictatorship?" I didn't think whether this one video would make a difference or not. But I felt the need to be honest and speak my heart for the people watching me. When this video was released, I was surprised to see that it got 25 million views! It was around 20 million then. Clearly, you were feeling the same emotions that I was going through. You were worried about the same things that were troubling me. This is why so many people resonated with this video and shared it. But you know what, even after this video, I had no intention of making more such videos. It was just a coincidence that after this video was published, two more monumental incidents took place. First, Arvind Kejriwal being arrested. And second, Congress' bank accounts being frozen. Now, some people will say that there was nothing wrong in either of these incidents. The legal process was being followed. But both, you and I, know the truth. The alleged liquor scam case. On whose allegation was Kejriwal put in jail? A man whose companies had donated millions of rupees to BJP through electoral bonds and Congress was being punished for a small mistake. to cripple their election campaign. Anyway, the point is that I was surprised to see things that I talked about in my first video was proving to be true. After this point in time, I felt that irrespective of someone else doing something or not, I will try my best to spread awareness among people. But this attempt proved to be more difficult than climbing a mountain. In a time when all TV channels have become the government's puppets. Most of the Hindi newspapers have sold their souls, WhatsApp mafia has entered people's phones. What can a YouTube channel do against all these? But still, I felt that, whether it makes a difference or not, it is important to speak out now. A shloka from Bhagavad Gita came to my mind, I talked about it in the first video as well. Chapter 2, Verse 47. Where Lord Krishna says, do your duty without desiring to be rewarded. Stop being obsessed about the results, because you have no control over it. However, this doesn't mean that you become inactive. Do what you should be doing. I thought about Bhagat Singh, when he was being executed, had he thought about the consequences of him being executed by the tyrants? Was he comforting himself that his execution would bring our country closer to independence? Or if we'll ever be independent. Did he wonder if his sacrifice would throw out the British from our country? He did not think about these. He sacrificed himself in 1931. And we got independence in 1947, after 16 long years. He knew that even with sacrificing his life, there is no guarantee that we would get freedom. And forget about any guarantees, there was not even a sliver of hope of getting freedom back then. But he still did the right thing. He was focused exclusively on doing the right deed. On fulfilling his duty. He never thought of the rewards. Look at this photo. I thought about this man when the entire crowd was giving a N*zi salute to Hi*ler, this man, August Landmesser, had his hands folded. He was not willing to salute him. Zoom in and see the expression on his face. He was resisting with so much confidence even though he was the only one there who was not saluting him. Before doing it, had he thought that if he was the only person in the crowd who did not salute, what will happen to him? What will be the consequences? What difference would it make if one person doesn't salute a dictator? Will it end Hi*ler's tyranny? By the actions of one individual? No. He did not think about the consequences. He just thought that he needs to do the right thing. Taking inspiration from these people and events, I felt the need to do what was right. Raising a voice for the democracy and the Constitution of our country. That is the right thing to do. Speaking up for a country for which millions of people have sacrificed themselves. Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. What will our freedom fighters think seeing the current state of our country? That's why I felt that it was important to speak up. If tomorrow BJP does win 400 seats and my fear does become a reality, and the country does become a complete dictatorship, I thought, if someday I have a child, what will he ask me after seeing the state of our country? He'll ask me where I was when the country was falling towards dictatorship? Why didn't I do something? And what would I say? "I was busy with my job." "I didn't care about all this." "I was just focusing on my career, focusing on earning money." But no. Now I can say that, "I had given it my all. I fought till the last moment. My efforts might have been unsuccessful, but I remained standing till the end to speak up to protect our democracy. And you know what? I was not alone. In this effort, I was accompanied by millions of people from all over the country." The videos released in the last 1-2 months will always remain as proof in the pages of history. 21 million YouTube subscribers. Almost 70 million unique viewers in the last 90 days only on YouTube. Do you understand what this means? We reached out to almost 7% of the eligible voters through this one YouTube channel. Many of you might be thinking, what was the result of our mission 100 crores. Actually, it is very difficult to measure the number of people we could reach out to. This statistic is only from YouTube. Apart from this, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, you shared these videos so many times, my estimate is that we have reached at least 20%-25% of the voters. And this credit goes to you. And before anyone comes at me with a fake claim that these are bot accounts or Pakistani viewers, who are subscribing to my channel and watching my videos, I would like to show you the statistics of my audience. More than 80% of the viewers are from India. It is true that some percentage of the viewership is from Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and other neighbouring countries. But more than 90% of the viewers watching these videos were Indians. Either living in India or living abroad. And I am not stupid enough that I will waste money by buying bots or paid comments. So all the comments, likes, and views you see on the videos, all of them are 100% real people. In this struggle, you have worked much harder than I have. I saw a comment by one of you where that person forwarded one video to 850 people on WhatsApp. Recently, I saw a video of a man who was watching our videos in a cricket stadium. In many ground interviews, I heard people mentioning me. I was happy to see that even the kids were exposing the false claims made by the government. In a video, a boy talked about the weaponisation of ED, so, the YouTube reporter asked him, how did he know so much? So, he said, that he knows about it by watching Dhruv Rathee's videos. "You are talking about ED how do you know about it? Do you know what ED is?" "If you watch Dhruv Rathee's videos, you'll know about it too." Several Bollywood celebrities messaged me to say that they felt inspired watching these videos. An actor told me that the day elections were held in Mumbai, they were shooting for their film in Lucknow. But they were so impressed by our efforts that the booked a return flight for the day of election. Many people living abroad wrote to me to say that by watching my videos, they were so motivated to vote that they came to India just to vote. On the other hand, someone told me that one of their friends took a leave from office took a projector, and went to Haryana and Rajasthan showing the videos to people in villages with the projector. In many states like Rajasthan, West Bengal, and Maharashtra we saw people playing these videos in public. In many Indian and foreign newspapers, there was mention of our struggle. France 24, The Economist, Al Jazeera, Time Magazine, The Telegraph, The Print, Economic Times. If anyone was being heard in the world, it was us, friends. Seeing all this happen, their media, their YouTubers, and their IT cell, government's entire support system, was absolutely out of their minds. Their attacks on me, the way they tried to defame me, that was on the next level. Some called me a dog, some called me a cockroach, and some called me a bully. Some called me anti-national, some said that my content is Chinese-funded, and some claimed that I am a Pakistani. Countless false accusations were made numerous videos were made about me. When I started making these videos, I did expect some backlash but I didn't expect them to attack me in such an organised manner. A video from Telangana surfaced where some BJP members were planning about how to stop me. One of them said, "Dhruv Rathee is always factually correct, is always constitutionally correct. His videos do not break any YouTube rules." So how could they counter me? Wow, what a thing to say! Friends, this shows you that haters can be secret admirers too. If I haven't done anything wrong, how can I be countered? They revealed their plan to spread fake news against me. Spread fake news like "Dhruv Rathee said that PM Modi is going to make Sunny Leone a minister." Wow! What a plan! Spreading fake news that Dhruv Rathee has spread fake news. Friends, I often talk about Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT in my videos. They had really paid attention to those bits. They used deepface to spread fake news against me. Someone published this fake audio clip in which they tried to imitate my voice. To show that I was on a phone call with a politician and asking for money. "Don't worry, I'm with you. Don't worry about it." "I'm warning you, they'll do this to you too. Do you get timely payments?" "Yeah, I get it from the UK. My channel is clear." "Please, no need to defend them on this. No need." "I'll call you back in some time." Look at the extent to which they went to defame me. On top of that, the regular videos that they are uploading where I am being continuously insulted, by calling me a dog or a cockroach or even a bully. Someone spread false news that I had someone k!lled. Someone spreads false news that I have a secret WhatsApp group where I troll people, where I send bots and that we have an organised group. There's no such thing. There is no secret telegram group, no secret Facebook or WhatsApp group. You can publicly see my engagement on every platform. There is a public channel on WhatsApp, where I post content publicly. Even a newspaper like Dainik Jagran started spreading false news against me that I am being funded by China. Tell me, would I have ever made a video to Boycott China if I was being funded by China? This is the same newspaper that I exposed in one of my previous videos. They are infamous for printing baseless news. Once, they spread fake news about the Indian Army. Our army had to come forward to debunk that fake news. Similarly, this newspaper spread fake news about farmers. That in the farmers' rally, there were slogans celebrating Pakistan. While printing this news, they had also added a paragraph that "this news could not be verified." What does this mean? Why print a news when you could not verify it? What's stopping me from saying that Dainik Jagran's owner is a t*rror*st. Although, this news could not be verified. That's what they have published about me. "Suspicions of funding from China." Let me do the same, "Dainik Jagran, is suspected of getting funding from Pakistani t*rror*ists." "Although this news could not be verified." Their paid YouTubers do things like this too. They will accuse me of any random baseless thing. They will connect facts with fiction, and then shift the responsibility on me. "They have accused you of so-and-so, what is your defence?" Do I have nothing else to do? Should I spend all day, every day debunking their fake news? A fake news here, a baseless accusation there. Making videos addressing their accusations every week. This reminds me of a line by the famous poet Sahadat Hasan Manto. "An escort and a sold-out journalist both belong to the same category. However, the escort deserves more respect." This is absolutely true. Because an escort merely sells her body. But these sold-out people sell their conscience, their souls, and even their countries. They suppress the issues of the people, and betray their country. It's not that I feel hurt by seeing all this because I have become used to all this but I do feel sad. I feel sad about the culture they are creating in the country. Once, it was written in our Upanishads to accept everyone's way of thinking. And today in 2024, they behave in this manner where if your political opinion is different from theirs, then you become their archnemesis. You can see their desperation if someone's opinion is not in line with theirs, then try their best to label them as anti-nationals. Like, showing them of being foreign-funded. Sometimes, all of this feels very unreal to me. But do you know the truth, friends? I received so much love and support from you that their house of lies could stand for long. Every day I got thousands of messages and emails some of you made my painting, someone made a song. 🎵Dhruv Rathee's voice wakes us up We need to save our country from corruption.🎵 Millions of people showered their love and respect. People made remarkable edits. Someone called me the fourth pillar of democracy. Someone called me revolutionary. That's why, amidst these millions of compliments, the attacks by the Godi ecosystem are failing. People who worship their feet, on a daily basis, keep giving proof of their misbehaviour. While we kept talking about the real issues in the country. Making videos on unemployment. Talking about the issues of farmers, we talked about the electoral bond scam, talked about pharma scam, talked about spices that are added to our food, completely destroyed the 4 departments of WhatsApp University. This is how, our #Mission100Crore continued. It was not my mission alone. It was our collective mission. Every Indian who cares for our country, who wants to see the country improve, who cares for a better future for all the citizens. And no matter what the outcome of the election is tomorrow, no one can take away this feeling from us. I felt the need to convey this feeling in this video. I felt that it should be documented, so that whenever democracy is weakening in any country in the world, and whenever people need courage, let our story be an inspiration for them. And why only for others? This story is an inspiration for us too. Our struggle is not over yet. Who knows, in tomorrow's election, BJP might win 350-400 seats and our Prime Minister keeps leading our country towards dictatorship. What will we do then? We will take inspiration from this journey and this video. And we will continue our efforts. And even if the INDIA Alliance wins tomorrow, it won't be the end of this movement. Because even though there won't be as much polarisation as is now, and the ominous clouds of tyranny will blow over, but everything won't be as it should be all of a sudden. Someone once commented to ask that if the INDIA Alliance forms the government tomorrow, will I still raise my voice? Obviously, I will. There is no doubt in this. Until our country becomes a heaven, there will be some scope for improvement. Till then, we need to continue speaking up. And even if everything is working fine, we need to remain vigilant. This is democracy. And by the way, there is still a lot to be improved. We dream of making India a developed country. But in the last 10 years, the situation has worsened so much that some people have started comparing our country to Pakistan. There is a scarcity of honest and decent politicians. There are problems in agriculture. There is the unemployment problem. Pollution is a major problem. We need to keep highlighting all problems. We must make the government answerable. I want to see a country and a world, where every person can breathe fresh air, drink fresh water. Every human should get a chance to succeed, there should be no discrimination or injustice, no voice being suppressed. A world that is livable for every human and every living being. Is it possible to make a heaven on earth? I don't know. I will merely focus on doing the right thing. I will not be obsessed with the results. This movement has been very inspiring for the girls and women of our country. Do you know why? Because in this struggle to save our country, so many women journalists contributed a lot. Poonam Agarwal, Manisha Pandey, Nidhi Suresh, Arfa Khanum Sherwani, Faye D'Souza, Meena Kotwal, Sarvapriya Sangwan, Pragya Mishra, Fatima Khan, Meera Devi, Kumkum Binwal. And numerous other journalists, not only in metro cities, but also on-ground local reporters. Apart from journalists, women influencers also played an important role. Dr. Medusa, Ranting Gola, Kabiran, Garima, Neha Singh Rathore. Some spoke in a passionate manner, some in satire, and some by singing. In the on-ground public reaction videos, we saw many women speak with great confidence. "If Papa can stop wars, why can't he solve the unemployment crisis?" "We can protect our mangal sutra there's no need for Modi's interference." Do you know what's the implication of this? When a woman takes up the responsibility of the country like this she automatically gets her personal rights. She does not have beg for her freedom but reclaims the freedom given to her by our Constitution. This is the last scene of the film Jai Bheem. This is how every girl and woman in our country should pick up the newspaper. We've had enough of being influenced by the songs by Honey Singh and others and seeing themselves as an object. To see themself as a person whose knowledge is limited to looking pretty. We've had enough of this 'shopping-lover' label. It's not something to be proud of. We've had enough of these stereotypes that women do not understand politics. Get out of this cocoon now. Remember that we've had women like Daphne Galizia who exposed the corrupt people of the world through the Panama Papers and was martyred because of her journalism. But this isn't about women only. Ravish Kumar, Akash Banerjee, Abhisar Sharma, Ajit Anjum, and many such journalists have gone over and beyond to show us the truth. Many influencers like Arpit Sharma and Mukesh Mohan have shown the courage to raise their voices. But you may still think that you can't do anything all by yourself. Many people often comment, some people express helplessness because they feel that they aren't able to do much. Many of you have asked what can you do for the country. I would say that instead of doing 'something' for the country, why not do 'everything' for the country. First of all, get your communal, casteist, misogynist, classist way of thinking treated if you suffer from this kind of thinking. Then, in many videos I have told you that we have to make 'Vocals for Local' a reality instead of a mere promise. Try to buy as much food as possible directly from the farmer. Similarly, it is better to buy clothes or home decor items locally. This will reduce the wealth inequality between the rich and the poor. When you leave your home, always carry a water bottle with you so that we can reduce plastic usage. Avoid littering. Plant trees and plants around you. Maintain them. Vote in every election. There were many problems in this year's election process. At many places, polling officers could go home at 2 am and 3 am. Could this not have been done efficiently? It could have been done. Apart from this inefficiency, there were many instances where questions were raised about whether elections were free or fair. In Manipur, in the Sambal, Uttar Pradesh, problems were reported at many places like Surat and Indore. In one speech after another, the Prime Minister repeatedly used religious hate speech in his speeches. He violated the Model Code of Conduct. We need to raise our voices to make sure that election processes are free and fair, we need to be part of a movement, all of us are responsible for this. If every polling officer, presiding officer, district collector, fulfils their responsibilities correctly, only then can this process be improved. But this is not limited to only those professions. This is applicable to every profession. Whatever you do, do it well and with honesty. Teachers should educate children well. Instead of being arrogant, every IAS officer, should think of themselves as a public servant. And work for the public with utmost honesty. Police should be committed to stop crimes. Instead of making cringe films like Animal, filmmakers should make meaningful films. If you run a restaurant or a smaller eatery, then serve healthy and tasty food. So that there's no ill effect on people's health and they enjoy good food. This will increase our country's Happiness Index. If every one of us start practising our profession with utmost honesty, then the country will automatically become heavenly. Every single one of us needs to do this. I have big plans for future videos. We will discuss them when the time comes. But for now, I will leave you with these lines written by Shankar Shailendra. Thank you and Jai Hind! "Our journey waits for its destination, It continues through dreadful storms, Our journey waits for its destination, It continues through dreadful storms, Come, let's walk together, If there's heaven, let's bring it here, Let your life be proof of your belief in our success, If there's heaven, let's bring it here, You're alive... Our desires and our scars fuel us, These unsuppressed emotions drive our revolution, Our desires and our scars fuel us, These unsuppressed emotions drive our revolution, New forces will replace the oppression, If there's heaven, let's bring it here, Let your life be proof of your belief in our success, If there's heaven, let's bring it here, You're alive..."
Channel: Dhruv Rathee
Views: 24,625,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhruv Rathee, Dhruv, Rathee, Dhruv Rathee latest video, indian youtuber, khan sir, khan sir patna, dhruv rathee exposed, mission 100 crore, dhruv rathee shorts, dhruv rathe, india, elections 2024, exit polls, lok sabha, narendra modi, modi, modi government
Id: GnBm3XNcci8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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