Jamie Foxx on Denzel Washington | AFI 2019 | TNT

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Denzel Washington, money earnin', Mount Vernon, New York City. [APPLAUSE] Everybody's a fan of Denzel, right? Are we fans of Denzel? [APPLAUSE] And I tell this story all time. Back in the day when I wasn't on, when I was just in the comedy clubs trying to come up, I used to go to Roxbury all the time and stand outside the club. And they would make me stand on the other side of the street because I didn't have no resume. So I'm just watching everybody come out. And I was the [INAUDIBLE] dude. Do you know what the [INAUDIBLE] dude is? Anybody would walk out, it was a star, I'd be like, oh, [BLEEP] [LAUGHTER] Wesley Snipes, whatever, babe. Oh, [BLEEP], Bruce Willis. You know, and I was oh, [BLEEP] all the time. But I never got a chance to cross the street until I saw Denzel. And when Denzel walked out, I said, hell, no-- I've got to get on the other side of the street. And you know how black people are. When we get excited, we march. Am I right? Black people march. I was like, Denzel! [LAUGHTER] But Denzel does know that karate stuff. Because as I got close to him, he just reached up and did a movie and hit me right in the throat. He said, hold on. Hold on. All right. OK. All right. All right. Come-- all right. All right. OK. [LAUGHS] My n-- there's too many white people out here. I want to-- There's too many white people. If it was more of us, I'd say it. [LAUGHTER] But more personally, I've had Denzel to my house. I like saying that 'cause not a lot of people get a chance to do that. And the one thing he is-- he's giving. He sat at the table. And he talked to all of us one night, to all of the young actors that was coming up and the actresses. And you've watched him now sort of evolve into something different, to where he's more vocal. He tells you how to hold on to what is artistic, how to not forget that we're here for a different purpose. And that night, he talked to all of us, and he made us feel absolutely like we could do it. Thank you for giving us everything that you see up here in your work. And thank you for giving us your heart. Thank you for giving us Denzel Washington. But also, thank you for giving us D. And we will continue to march and try to hug you around your neck.
Channel: TNT
Views: 1,171,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: george clooney, lifetime achievement, afi lifetime achievement, awards show, movies, actor, film, afi, denzel washington, tnt, jamie foxx, AFI Life Achievement Award honoring Denzel Washington, June 20th on TNT, Denzel, Washington, Life Achievement Award, Achievement Award, honoring Denzel Washington, Jamie Foxx on Denzel
Id: pBZ0JncjokM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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