Jamie Foxx serenades Serena Williams at the ESPY Awards - Tennis Ball
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Channel: ClubExotica
Views: 8,979,177
Rating: 4.9091868 out of 5
Keywords: Club, Exotica
Id: fhOH7Z8QEgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2010
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I love how everyone is cracking up so hard. This is hilarious!
That was hilarious, but if I was her boyfriend I'd be so pissed rn lol
More Jamie Foxx serenading
I got sad when there wasn't a part 3,4,5 :(
Meanwhile, she marries a nerdy white guy.
That moment Tom Cruise is laughing but ends up losing Katie to Jamie.
Brons reaction at the end...
Most talented guy in the business
That little orange dress tho...