Jamie Foxx discusses his lyrics to 'Storm' | The Graham Norton Show - BBC

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Jamie great musician that you must have used your music at some times to woo a woman happy hour hit what I'll use whatever I could put on my god yeah no absent like listen listen today this is one of my favorite songs this is storm listen to this listen our hot lack of power there's almost a spider-man link because it starts off with lights out like a power outage lights out like a power I can feel the mist every time we kissed just didn't know it down for like this desert there's a flash-forward warning will it will rain in the morning and there'll be puddles in the bed I don't the worthless there'll be puddles in the bed the weatherman said yeah but why were the puddles in the bed listen girl I thought God lers girl the weatherman said it's cloudy skies right there between your thighs I want it soaking wet all over the bed did you sing lyrics he broke them a man hey is it sounds looks better when you sing
Channel: BBC
Views: 5,130,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Spice Girls, Spider-Man (Film), Graham Norton (Author), The Graham Norton Show (TV Program), Emma Stone (TV Actor), Spice Girls (Musical Group), Paolo Nutini (Musical Artist), Andrew Garfield (Theater Actor), Jamie Foxx (Musical Artist), Actors, Actress, Talk Show, Chat Show, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Storm, Singer, Songwriter, Lyrics, Celebrities
Id: e8D6Nhrhsxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 8sec (128 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 11 2014
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