James VS. George Drift Competition!!!! The Freedom Factory Took a BEATING! (complete chaos)

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James has clearly been drifting after hours, never seen him link two curves before. Damn good fun to watch tho

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JackstandJ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

James and George go so well together. Heck, send the boys out to Chelsea Denofas School of Drift! That would be really interesting to see.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrJamesBanana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think LS George got cheated a bit. His 1st run looked pretty dang clean!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Beta_Ray_Bill πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

George's laugh is incredible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadly_Flipper_Tab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] oh no oh oh no oh hell yeah brother you're on the policeman for our own youtube channel hey you think you can uh he can outdrift a little freezer burn uh probably he's a little reckless and you don't recall him driving into a catchpin you think you can out drive out drift old jack stand oh [Music] have but have you ever drifted or driven a drift car of any sort uh i drove the bmw once okay so a little bit angle yeah like 300 or something like that all right a little bit of a unit boys we got a challenge let's go let's head oh we're getting some get a new gasket on that blower boy fire me up is that gonna work yep hell yeah all right what do you say we head over the track do some drifting i say that's a good plan all right i just want to say that ty did a fantastic job notching the hood to fit the motion race works throttle body hard 90 and new intake tube the c7 is going to need this either that or we put a turbo out of the hood yeah compound now we're talking dude compound compound boosted we're done out of the hood we got twins out of the hood we got a single out of the hood dude compounding you know what we should do when it's time to build the blazer is we should compound boost i've always wanted to do a turbo and a blower on something i'll just think oh oh you're saying turbo into a turbo i don't think that will work turbo blower thing really well the internet's gonna tell you in the comments yeah i know they will but they know everything all right let's do this like 83.85 on like a healthy ls that just feeds like 143. we need a healthy ls yeah yeah dude they got this thing running so good and then look at this guys they got a little switch push that up headlights come up and then they turn on and then you put it down and then there's my trunk release like that oh yeah and this thing runs good i mean what we tuned to the one time yeah damn we should have him tuna while i was here i totally forgot all right well guys we're gonna head over to the track do some drifting today see what uh george and jackson got i'm gonna set up some cones yeah and see which one you can get through it better yeah but he's already did a drift gonna have to quit tennis hey listen the people said they needed more james and george conte and there's nothing those two dudes like more than competing against each other so do a little drifting today tearing up i'm sure they'll tear something up i'm gonna let him loose and rock it i think james is going to grab his uh his drip car too so i guarantee this is going to get a little rowdy oh and it looks like george is firing up uh rodney so we just put some wastegates on rodney and uh you know because the burnout fleet's got to be ready we got these cars october 2nd we gotta have all these burnout cars ready and uh you know i posted on instagram the other day i'm blowing up everything i own at least in cars houston october 2nd y'all come to houston raceway park i guarantee you you're going to see some live action that's gonna be uh toast will be there too so fire me up it's going down dude look at how sick the view is out of donny texas speed intake just peeking out the hood man this car is so sick i kind of forget that sometimes this is a bad to the bone drift car i mean i guess it's not like pro level but for what it is this car is sick dude brought out the personal drift car yeah what do you got going here you're doing some bodybuilding some yeah i got bored because i had nothing to tank around so i started sanding on some spots that were out you did not bond those and i found some like multiple layers of bondo fix it make it one color so you got a trunk lid that's nice spray paint job on here actually doesn't look half bad so i'm not just the whole thing just maybe give that a little more sanding before you throw a coat on that yeah it's b shift uh project all right uh let me tell you my plan here all right all right here's the deal you know what we're gonna make this a real challenge hold on yeah make it good all right none of this burnout pad nonsense come on over here oh in between the grass yep yeah yeah you you break one blade of grass and you're done you gotta come through from that direction okay and you have to slide in between this fella and this cone it's about 1 240 length apart what yeah sideways you got to drift around this turn and come through here without hitting that or that should we maybe just try to do the turn no no no throwing some precision at you boys i want to see what you got hey listen this kid worried about staying off the grass dude i don't want it freezer burn junior we can not be hitting him all right keep your bumpers off of this guy brother i'll put the corvette there right now [Applause] right maybe a little wider [Applause] oh couldn't ask for a better situation yeah she might need an alignment now i just parked it against the barrier i don't sweat the small stuff man it's just a little hopefully he's knocking her out of alignment too hard [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we're on the wall me all right oh lost the tire [Music] blue tired [Music] [Applause] oh yeah i think every time you make a shot at that turn it's an attempt you know what i'm saying so if you have more attempts in jack stand he's technically a better drifter for the record george has never driven out here have you ever i mean you did burnouts on the burnout pad yeah but no but he ain't never done it or nothing like that so whenever you feel ready if you make an attempt we're marking it down on your scorecard for your spreadsheet so you take as long as you want it ain't going to burn out the tires don't forget you hit the grass you're fired [Applause] oh he's going for us did we count that i think he was driving straight when he got to it jenny's stay in drift all right he got dunis oh he's in [Applause] that's it send him home send him home back up your box boy unreal i'm going right here i want to be in the danger zone that's his fourth attempt right i might have missed the first film to be honest he's going oh here we go oh is he coming all the way across [Applause] here we go we got it oh he's straightened out again here we go [Applause] [Music] is this number six oh live action come on dog i thought you had it [Music] unreal dude we gotta stand more inside i thought we were in the safe area he come blasting in here oh he's flying what is he doing he's going home [Applause] [Music] there's this guy i gotta attack him hey when you're going that fast towards the grass you got a hand brake that's when you hand brake get some angle and slow the car down you're on number nine yeah i know you don't need it but you can use it all right take your time bud you got it let's see if we get a clean run [Applause] dude this guy reckless he's not doing any practice like he's just burning dude he's just out here he makes it through that side no problem [Music] [Applause] he just can't finish it he said that he's like he goes i always slide better left and right oh [Music] [Applause] we gotta send this boy to drift school [Applause] [Applause] we should probably give it to him before the car blows up we're calling that one [Music] all right we're calling it uh attempt number 13. what i almost had it the first couple then i just got worse what happened out there dude if i hadn't known the handbrake trick i might have been able to save myself but i mean the handbrakes haven't been out there the whole time yeah i don't know what that thing does slide it down you should have watched the youtube video before you did this oh my goodness that was good though i mean obviously you can control the car it's just that precision stuff little little grass touches but nothing juicy i don't [Applause] [Music] i'm getting in position boys [Music] oh that's tip number one [Applause] [Music] hold on i need to go to my judge here can we call that adrift he was on the break i mean he was definitely on the break what do you no breaks i thought that was a rule we're calling it no no doesn't count you're on the brakes too hard that was a burnout not a drift that was a drift no no that was no drift got to be 40 miles an hour you got to be i was doing four you got to be accelerating through there you were on the race way too hard no left foot break plus it was so loud that our eardrums are all blown so we're gonna disqualify it i knew that kid's history maybe i'd give him a tap on three hey good news good news you got 10 more attempts to go before you're funny dude he smoked that thing yeah he did perfect content i feel like that's like a five extra tries that we should add on just for the abuse to our stunt man dude that car is so loud [Music] [Music] oh he's showing up he's showing off [Applause] oh definitely has more than six miles on that thing he might have just barely tapped it on that one dude that was pretty good yeah that was good that was pretty good did i get it on both sides yeah frankly the sign was shaking the second time like you neck honestly i'd give you bonus points for just making it not knocking it over that was pretty good that's donnie's old motor donnie's little short block is it really i didn't even know that you stole my motor dog whenever we were going to put that rod pissing six liter oh yeah he said just take donnie's if you can fix it yeah because it was good so i cleaned it all and i put uh it's got a white trash can in it now a set of johnson lifters nice yeah i mean the lifters just turned in the old motors so really took the camera the damage was to the cam i mean you might as well the bearings look good i cleaned it up real good dude hell yeah donnie's old ripper back in action man that sucks to know that james is better at uh controlling cars than you huh he should have drove to rocket this thing drives way better than that thing i just want to put on record on a line i think it's been aligned with the tape measure and string by me who doesn't know how to do alignments with the tape measure and string this thing's pretty dialed zach you're good i'm gonna come tandem with you all right all right all right zach's gonna make some rips [Applause] [Music] there you go zach [Music] [Music] all right zach's pretty good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dang zak showed you boys works every time [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dude that's really good yeah he is pretty good he didn't even get phased at all by me being there that was good like you know normally when you tan him with a newer guy they're like oh gosh he just paid attention dude you did great hell yeah all right so just get comfy and then when you feel comfy just you know just do it just just try to do like a roux and then whip her back that way or something do you think she can do a figure eight no no he's not born oh turning on the bottle just in case you got turbos yeah i didn't think you needed that no more all right all right dude what this guy what's a yacht oh he's got your other wheel four now i got a set of two and he grabbed him yeah this guy i would never land george a wheel can't have nothing nicer oh no shot oh shot let's go oh oh dude he is a truck guy oh there he goes well the thing is he's got he's got a grass we need a grass checked he's got no rear brakes so he can't slow down the back of it at all yeah all around dude not bad if she had a manual valve body and like some angle that would be sick all right guys hey great day drifting you gotta tear it up a little bit more yeah i'm gonna do another all right jackson's gonna do some practice georgie's gonna do some practice but we'll end off the video there let these boys practice in peace running off there thanks for watching over today we'll freaking see you later you
Channel: Cleetus McFarland
Views: 597,510
Rating: 4.9619966 out of 5
Keywords: leroy, 1320video, drag racing, boosted, cleetus McFarland, cleetus, McFarland, Leroy, bald eagles, bald eagle machine, 1320, modified, boost, turbo, twin turbo, precision turbo, Texas speed, Texas speed and performance, Fasterproms, tuning, tuned, burnout, stick shift, six speed, corvette, Leroy Vette, c5 corvette, Chevrolet, unicorn, c5, supercharging Leroy, turbocharging Leroy, freedom factory, ruby, auction corvette
Id: t4wPbumPXYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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