James Robison – Discover His Kingdom Purpose

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what a joy to be here I feel like I'm with family I told some of the leadership before we came out I just feel like I'm here with family and I really do believe the Lord sent me and I'm excited to be here and all of you who are watching on television you're family too we're just glad all of you're here you know when we go through this time of the year around the holidays they're very emotional times because they bring back a lot of memories many of you know that I grew up without a father we had Christmases where there were no gifts one Christmas tree we had a piece of white paper that I water colored a tree on that was it I'm not telling you that to make you feel sorry for me I'm just telling you that's the way it was and there are a lot of people who have tremendous sorrow this time of the year it kind of reminds you of it many of you in this church put your arms around us at what I'm told is perhaps the greatest burden weighed and sorrow that a human being can back and that's the loss of a child three days after Christmas six years ago we said goodbye to the light of the world and our family the little miracle baby that was born when Betty couldn't have another child and we'd adopted a son and had a beautiful daughter little Robyn came into our life three beautiful teenage children in love with Jesus on fire for God no one ever believed in the power of God to heal like little Robyn but three days after Christmas we said goodbye to Robyn this church put their arms around us many of you who knew that every elder here was at the funeral in Tulsa her three children spoke pastor Willie George accepted Christ about fifty years ago and one of my Crusades a great pastor when you listen to the children he said in every mom at that time 40 years of ministry I've ever heard anything like this magnifying the Lord that little fan but Robin was a tremendous blessing I don't know that we could have walked through it without you and I want to say thank you wonderful friend of mine Hugh hunt is over here he's always well matter of fact he may be on this road where are you get over here he said goodbye to his 34 year old daughter our daughter was 40 we said goodbye not too far apart I love you here you've been a tremendous blessing to me I just want to say thanks family of God and you may think this is pretty light but over a year ago year and a half ago I told you we said goodbye to a little puppy named princess I wrote a book about princess and what a little hey everybody all wouldn't know you gonna tell a princess story every time I preach Hotel a princess story she was really an inspiration and you really you really did feel sorry for us and pray for us you prayed us another little miracle and let me tell you something if you don't think God loves his kids he will design a little puppy to fill a empty hole in your heart and fill it up and he gave us another one let me show you the little eight pound bond the love that God gave us there she is right there now you look at that little girl I'm gonna let you see you see that girl holding her that's Betty that's my wife would you stand up Betty we've been married 56 years god bless this boy well now let me show you what that little puppy looks like when she's not bidding at the cutest little boy let me tell you what she's doing whatever we're doing she's watching to see where we're going and if she thinks we're going somewhere she never gets out of my shop she's right there she checks all the luggage to see what we're packing because she can tell what we're packing tells her where we're going but she teaches me a real lesson if you live in the shelter in the shadow of the person you love you will come to understand something very important you must move when the shadow moves because the person's moving and I want you to know that if you live in the shelter and the shadow of Almighty God you'd better stay on your toes because he's not parked he's not camped in this church he may feel this place with his manifest presence but he lives in the temple of your life in your body and he wants to feel that temple in that house to overflowing and when you walk in the fullness of that spirit you're going to be ever conscious of his movement and you're not going to want to miss a step wherever you're going father I want to be right there I don't ever want to get out of your shadow I want to live in the covering of the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire I want to move with you when you move and I want to tell you our God is moving right now I have been preaching think about this I have been preaching for over 57 years I've been in public ministry that long you think about it nearly 40 years ago Robert Morris walked into our life Debbie walked into our life something began to happen in that relationship about the same time Mike Huckabee walked into our life Robert teases me a lot he says yep my country me and Robert Loras works with me the same for years and one of them turned out to amount to something something happened in our lives years ago that led this man to be sitting right here by this beautiful woman and I want to settle something tonight so you'll understand the importance of what I'm gonna do my best to get across because if God has ever sent me anywhere to speak to a family into a people at a certain time it's right now because after 57 years in public ministry listen to me I have never in my life seen God moving as forcefully as mightily as powerful and if you doubt it you just look how furious the enemy is you look how angry the father of lies is you look how angry the one who brings dissension and division the great deceiver the Great destroyer and the murderer you look at his fury right now but you also look at his foolishness he is revealing himself to be the evil one that he is and you can see it in front of the whole world do you agree with that he's overplayed his hand right now well God is warning to reveal his nature not only to his family but through his family to the whole world and the stage is set for the greatest awakening in human history and if the church will realize what we must come to know and we get suited up in the armor he wants us in and we understand why we're here in the assignment we're on we are going to see heaven come down we're going to see his glory feel the earth through his family and people are gonna behold his power I am watching God change people right now that you would never imagine God would get through to and every person you see that you see as a problem are you see us gifted but you don't understand why they're not sold out to God you start praying for them very directly you start asking to God to move them I want to suggest that you pray for entertainers you pray for gifted people you pray for people in the arts you pray for people in education and academics you pray for people in the political arena you pray dear God get their attention get their attention take them to the core of their being and show them why they are here and what you can do through them if they will become a channel yielding to the flow of your truth your life your love and come into a personal intimate Kingdom relationship with your son Jesus Christ and manifest the reality of that presence in that person will you pray that well you really begin to take seriously prayer here's what I'm seeing right now that amazes me I am seeing prayer answered whose prayers the prayers of a covenant people the prayers of a people who have been born of the Spirit into the family of God those of you who have come to God through Christ which is the only one because he's the only mediator between God and men those of you have come to that personal relationship with God through Christ you have an ability as covenant people to pray through and watch God work miracles how many times have we heard second Chronicles 7:14 quoting you could probably say it if who my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face not just my hand not just my works my face my pleasure then turning from their wicked ways why don't we just pause a moment ask the question if we were going to turn from wicked ways what would they be you know Jesus did call the servant that he gave the talent to even the least of all the talents he called him a wicked servant because he did not invest what he entrusted to his watch care they called him wicked do you realize that God has bestowed upon every one of us seeing in this place special unique gifts you are uniquely designed and uniquely gifted and if you do not allow him to take control of that gift and use it then you are actually guilty of wickedness of not allowing him to do what he gifted you to do and you are actually contributing to the demise and missing the blessings that God wants to pour out on all humanity oftentimes through you just like he has through me a fatherless kid that never had a chance until I met the father and he changed my life so you've got to understand that if we're not letting God use us that is in essence a form of wickedness so we need to let him take over right now and use all that he's gifted us with for the fullness of his glory and for his kingdom purpose now think about this if you're indifferent you like compassion you're like interest in others you don't have a love for your neighbor you're contributing to the downfall and demise God deliver us from indifference deliver us from lack of compassion Jeremiah said oh that my head will brothers and my as a fountain of Tears that I could weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people we should be weeping over everything that's not happening that could be happening and weeping when we see people in place that are doing damage God please deal with him change their hearts God change us so that people can see the light of your glory we need to be filled to overflowing with compassion but there's something else that God wants us to have that many people don't recognize today he wants us to be people that are filled with courage let me ask you this question when you look in the revelation chapter 21 verse 8 where he talks about all the people are going to be in the lake of fire all those going to be cut off to our eternity have you ever noticed what the first word has cowards cowards do you know one of the greatest contributing factors right now to the failure of our nation to rise above the areas of defeat and demise and pain that we see people are lacking the courage to take a stand too often our pulpits are filled with preachers and ministers who don't have the courage to speak the truth to their people let me ask you this question do you believe Robert Morris invites people to come and stand in this pulpit that love you enough to tell you the truth do you appreciate the fact that Robert says I won't he just say it tonight I want you to listen to these other streams you don't just listen to me listen to the other gifted people that God has do you know one of the reasons that God has blessed life outreach so much in life today television we have shared the entire outreach that God's people support with many gifted people all over the world some of them highly visible some of them no one's ever seen and yet the glory of God's own them and every person that comes through our staff area through our ministry on television they know they've come into the presence of somebody that loves him and wants the best for them do you know what the message of the church should be to everyone in this nation and around the world we want the very best there is for you and we know the perfect father that always knows what's best for you we want you to know that father to have a relationship with it and to loving and we have the courage to take a stand against everything that would keep you from having what the father wants for you when my people call by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear from heaven I will answer and he will do what he will heal our land do you think it's possible do you think it's possible for our nation to experience the fullness of the blessings of God in our lifetime in our day that you believe that we could actually see his blessings poured out on us as a people do you think God would like to use us as a people to share his love and his blessings all over the world I believe he wants to I believe that God wants to raise up a people right now we're through those people you knit to his will we get his arms around a broken hurting suffering world do you believe that is there someone you can touch with his love is there someone just waiting for you to notice I promise you if when you walk out of here tonight if you walk out of here and say God from now on I'm not only your child I am an instrument in your hand I have been redeemed I'm on a kingdom assignment and I'm gonna look through the eyes of Jesus and I'm gonna notice what you notice and I'm gonna speak love and concern to someone in the next few days and then you just keep your eyes open it's not your mission to win them to Christ it's you're missing an assignment to reveal the love of Christ to them to let them know what Jesus has done in your life and to let them know you simply care I find myself many many times looking at people that are gifted and praying for me I'm looking at the camera right now with this hope and I have communicated with you I don't know how many of you noticed a very gifted man by the name of Jordan Peterson but he's a man that has stunned and shocked much of the world of his wisdom I don't know all about Jordans life I've asked you to come and sit down and let's talk but here's what I do know I know that men like this had been gifted of God to get our attention just like Ravi Zacharias can there are people who can get our attention and cause us to stop and consider the very important things that we too often overlook and Jo to us to our senses and that's what he has a gift to do so Jordan I'm praying for you every moment that you will find your way so into the center of God's will that you will be able to help lift all of us up in so many ways out of the bondage of defeat and perception and dissension that has divided us and hurt us so deeply and give us insight and wisdom because you've got the ability with God's oversight to give us that insights that's my prayer for you how about you pray for those in authority like Paul said to Timothy how many of you are really praying for our leaders you know what I'm watching I'm watching God change the people that are in authority because of prayer there's something I want to get clear tonight and strike I mean really get it settled God only uses imperfect people to accomplish His perfect will imperfect person standing right here oh this is me you know you may not understand how important this is that you get this and by the way your analysis of other people is not the determining factor of concerning their perfection or imperfection I want you to know imperfect stands before you tonight Betty would you mind standing up again will you please confirm this man is imperfect right thank you ma'am now I really hate to break the news to the Gateway Robert stand up Robert Morris is not perfect Debbie not perfect not perfect now some of your saying yeah but you're living with two women at pretty narrow and Robert and I would say you know what you're right let me tell you something we probably do think so because God gave us gifts here that there is no way we deserved and I want to thank you for loving them and praying for them let me tell you something else I want to thank all of you for praying for our children because I was not a good father I was a missing father I was running all over the world trying to get everybody's kids right with God and get everybody ready to go to heaven because all my friends said Jesus is coming in a few you better come to our town and get everybody saved now that was not good feel article thinking God's not in a hurry he's not panic-stricken I still had time to be a dad I wasn't a very good dad and I believe Betty was a wonderful mother and I believe many of you people saw me without giving my time in my life to try to help your community and help your kids and I believe you prayed for our kids and our kids look past the failure and adequacy of this father and saw the perfect father and they fell in love with you and our kids loved Jesus and our eleven grandkids love Jesus and eight of them are married and they're married to spouses that love Jesus and I'll know the others are gonna marry spouses that love Jesus and again I believe it's because of prayer and I want to thank you so much for that but you see God uses imperfect people many of you who are asking God are you let me just ask are you asking God to heal our land are you asking God to heal our homes to heal our communities do you believe that we have to turn our family our neighborhood our community our city our County our state over to the deceiver do you believe we have to do that then why do we do it why have we allowed deception to rule in too many of the academic centers in our nation why have we allowed too much deception to prevail in our courts in our legal system in the political realm and you get this straight and you get it straight forever the church is not an arm or an appendage of a political party never has been never will be you get it no part [Applause] we are an extension of the Grace and the mind and the heart and the transforming truth of the Living God and we speak to all parties to all candidates to all voters to all politicians the unwavering unadulterated Word of the Living God period and do not do not criticize someone who's involved in a party because that's part of the system you just keep reminding them you're a part of the party to present to the party the absolute standards and principles of an unshakeable Almighty God did you hear what I just said don't fault somebody who's active we need people active in every party but we don't need another party we heat parties to move back to the standard of God and quit moving God's standard quit changing God's truth into a while so if you've got people you know in a party you pray for you lift them up you pray with them and those of you in the party you point that party back to the truth of God and you need to make it known to everybody that there's no Pharaoh there's no Caesar there's no federal government no nanny state that can take the place of father God period ever some of you may be saying are you talking about politics I'm talking about choosing people to represent you who are hurting you too often hurting your families do you realize that the people that won't change God's truth into a lie have too often taken over public education higher education universities are not championing the truth of God they're not holding up what God says are you familiar with what Romans chapter 1 says about God revealing himself and what he created and when you know him and you don't lor if I am as God knew you are suddenly going to be controlled by your appetites by your own lustful desires both natural and unnatural and when you are listened to it then you will make the mistake of changing the truth of God into a lie I want to suggest before you go to sleep tonight that you just open your Bible to Romans 1 and start at verse 18 the whole chapter is powerful I'm not saying the gospel of Jesus Christ it's the power of God unto salvation that's how we all walk out of here but then you read and you reach a point where you see everything is lopsided nothing is natural you're suddenly moving against nature's God and nature's law you're moving against the nature itself now I keep keep seeing it did you ever think that they would come then you could find out you're gonna have a little grandbaby or somebody's gonna have a child and they say we're gonna have a baby we don't have a boy you can be arrested for saying that you said no you can't oh yeah that's where we're headed that's we're headed you you can't call somebody something other than what they say they are no matter what the birth certificates in some states now are changing New York has changed theirs not even once a boy or girl just pause of it did you ever think we could reach a place of such total insanity well how do you get to this place where you can't even think straight and if you think that's one of the problems that's a minor problem compared to what the people are doing right now to change everything in our nation to her that we the people are going to have virtually no safe because we're gonna have a new Pharaoh a new Caesar a new Empress a new power system the federal government were no longer we the people no longer will be governed of the people by the people for the people it's going to be whatever they say is for the people who are the subjects of this new power system we're real close but we're also real close to flipping and reversing the direction you realize that we're very close listen to me the stage is set if Christians will quit just sitting in church and clapping and singing Kumbaya and stand up and be a light pierces the darkness we can turn it around please listen to me excuse the part but I love you and your children and your family we do not have to give him the future of our kids and the future of our country to the father of lies to destroy you in the murderer how do you murder anything more innocent than a child in the womb I'm the product of rape 40 year old hospice nurses rate caring for an elderly man for the alcoholic son 40 years old he conceived the first child she had adopted a child for teens early because she couldn't have a baby now she's pregnant no husband no stay job he goes to get an abortion doctor said no I was allowed to be born she went home and prayed she said God said have this baby this baby bring joy to the world she had the baby put an ad in the paper gave me away somebody that can level it what I'm getting I listen for lessons here's the lesson it's not getting mad at Roe versus Wade it's not go out and pass along saying if you get raped you got to have the baby that will never pass get your eyes off flow versus Wade and get your eyes on the presses and potential of every life you can get rid of Roe versus Wade tomorrow if a woman that's pregnant doesn't think that baby's precious it has unlimited potential she'll kill that baby the only way you're going to keep life coming you see the potential the preciousness of same way with incest don't get it an argument you can't win but we should not be aborting little innocent babies in the womb and the only way we're going to stop it is to show people might be a little baby in there let me touch somebody like Robert Morris like Mark Jones like Kari Jobe these these are kind of like my kids that grew up people sitting all over this building we put God's arms around you a long time ago God had a purpose for me the only way we're gonna stop the Holocaust is we're gonna show people the love of God and the power of God if you read the last first most people totally overlook this several things happen in that last part of Romans and the only reason I don't have you who you just look at verse my verses I can preach ten minutes on the period in a scripture so I'm doing my best because it's a record for me to preach under 45 minutes and I got 30 they're fixing to pop a trapdoor on me I'm out of here so I'm pretty I'm pretty nervous right now that Liz listen to thee that listen to me that last phrase in Romans 1 most people never noticed it I don't you missus they not only have this reprobate thinking well they can't determine right from wrong night from day good from evil but they give hearty approval to those who do that means we just vote it in let's move it in to the law can't call a man a man ain't called a woman a woman you can choose whoever you want you want to be a horse or a donkey so far this I know some people well on their way I can tell you that all right I'm not I'm not even fun even close to finished I'm gonna shut up [Music] [Applause] [Music] but here's how I'm gonna shut up you want to know why I have kids that love Jesus you want to know why Robert and Debbie have kids that love Jesus you want to know why a kid that never had anything you never had a dad can have such an incredibly indescribably blessed life do you want to know why because when I was a teenager with that beautiful girl I lost my life to find it I didn't try to hold on to it somebody said to me if you lose your life in my kingdom purpose you'll find it if you hold on to it you'll lose I lost it I didn't know what all that meant but I signed on for good and the son of the Living God the king of kings and Lord of lords came to live in a teenager's heart and took the shyest kid that ever lived and filled me instantly with the very fire and the conference and the courage and the compassion that still fills me more than fifty five years later and filled Robert and his children and will his grandchildren and I believe it's filling this church and so if you would say to me James who do you believe God wants us to do listening to you and here get I believe God will change this nation I'm watching God changed the greatest people that I have ever met I'm watching God changed the greatest minds the greatest thinkers the greatest creators I'm watching changer I'm watching reach up into Washington and change the people around the leaders I'm watching miracles everyday I live my eyes pop out a miracle of God I can't believe what I'm seeing in that man in that moment and that person in that entrepreneur and that businessman in that gifted person it's a miracle it's a miracle of Almighty God he's answering the prayers of his people don't give a president don't give attended it don't give a party credit God's answering prayers he's answered my prayers oh stop pray and he's just getting started so when we walk out of here one thing I say to you would you do but Robert did I believe with all my heart Debbie and Betty did but I know I did we lost our life and his kingdom purpose did we understand all that meant no but God can take an imperfect person that says I just want to lose my life in your purpose and he says you're gonna fight it you're gonna find the fullness of my life and my power I want to ask you I want to lose my life totally and your kingdom purpose and I want the king of kings and Lord of lords to fill me with his spirit the one of the same kind and overflow through me and give me his compassion and his courage and his zeal and his wisdom and his fire in his well I want and I will give you God my life this clay you take it I mean
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 8,508
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Love, Discover His Kingdom Purpose, James Robison
Id: cXvvqmrg0Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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