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Anyone know what that light cylinder behind him at the start of the video is?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/4istheanswer 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
so many uses but so little time good evening my name is Gloria Borger and Borghi bhaga bhaga boo let's just jump into it Tyson my name is poppy Harlow and welcome to piñas the most respected trusted news source of all time especially here on YouTube thank you very much now our first story comes from goose Wayne last week pide pide did a video on goose Wayne who appeared on dr. Phil people that are breaking the wall and I try to bring them to justice now it turns out goose Wayne has responded in the most epic way pocket you're not supposed to say that so Steve just sent me a reaction video comes up for me I'll be watching I'm a supporter now I'll protect you when you come to Florida well concerning all the Florida memes it looks like I am needed wait he's from Florida it all make sense now police say man with no hands and no legs is armed and on the run in Florida it all makes sense now we need goose wait in florida florida mcdonald's 9-1-1 and demands a ride home to change his underwear we need goose lane in florida yeah so I have never subscribed to anybody before and uh so yeah but it's about time I liked I liked it I liked the video I thought the editing the editing could have been better the editing some constructive criticism on the video I appreciate that goose Brad - or sigh however is in deep pain I hope you realize the pain and suffering you have brought the punch side I want to cry you're the first person L subscribe to the first person oh come on yeah right here I'm just gonna boom and yet the notification Thank You GU Swain very be cool on behalf of PewDiePie of course I'm just popping Oreo Goods Wayne man what a legend thank you very much namaste like I said though the editing haha could have been better the editing could have been better you hear that side the editing could have been better everyone's been tweeting this to Brad because everyone thinks Brad tweeted I mean and Brad one left a response I cannot imagine caring about anything less and also sigh bedded in the video so y'all can stop asking me this now but we are one of the same brand that's right equal rights equal opportunities thank you very much I'm hungover man so my bad I know this ain't like a good video or whatever but he literally has prawn open on his chrome are you kidding me see that's the thing I saw this an 18 year old blond elf with braces 18 year old elf with braces gets tucked in bye Santa bye Santa I'm not supposed to give my a bucket all right I'm sitting like saying stuff like that I'm like he's obviously trolling maybe he's half trolling I don't know I do know for a fact that I'm very proud of you guys for being so nice and supportive and not just going whoa what an [ __ ] dick therefore f this guy or something like that you know there was some really constructive comments in there I was also genuinely concerned because like I made the video and I wasn't sure if he was real or not just because it's such a weird story about a man that refuses to listen to his fiance and he just want to be Batman right before their wedding and he had like the censored version of his wife in the banner so it's kind of like oh god but he tweeted out that he's gone on his first date in two months with his fiancee with no masks and I paint you nine-year-olds help me love myself more than you know it's no longer Felix its dr. Felix what a nice wholesome message he said that he read a message that he was inspired by a message saying goose it's not about the mask it's about the man behind masks and I really helped them so I think that's really cool I'm really glad I also saw a video that he made with his fiancee so I'm glad they're still together and it was obviously very sweet and it made me think wow this is actually real I actually don't even really know who cutie pie is you don't even gotta post anything we're just going to subscribe to PewDiePie for you okay okay number 12 the you know goose might have mental issues when you first got with him oh my god yeah so yeah I don't know I think that it seemed like a positive development and I'm I'm happy to see it I don't know that's it comes from James Charles is in the news again what the James Charles do this time big oopsie massive oopsie James Charles tweeted what's your favorite step of your makeup routine mine are eyeshadow and baking solely because I love how it looks LMFAO then some random guy posted this tweet saying absolute wanker simple as they nothing more to it what an effing wanker AF okay AF thank you for your input now so fun posted to this guy another photo of James Charles saying thoughts on this part question mark she could have it fella nothing wrong with pink hair would smash after a few pints AF now a lot of people were quick to point out to this gentleman that it's not a she mate that's James chops this got retweeted everywhere and it got a lot of attention on Twitter people started reposting it and to ridicule this guy and he was not having it and posted this if this isn't removed in 48 hours you're in massive trouble bonds haven't stopped taking out of me for this calling me gay bent [ __ ] shagger really started to piss me off delete or consequences a F delete or consequences I never seen a more threatening response he gave 48 hours as well very generous he then after noticing that this was not slowing down whatsoever this AF man decided to make an official statement that's right an official statement came out from this individual you might want to grab a tissue this is very sad they on the 18th of January I was the victim of a largest of large-scale deception and fraud a man masquerading man skating I think it's a right term as a wyman managed to fool me into stating I should shag him ah this is shaking me to my core been feeling sick upset angry gutted now I can't show my face in public without receiving comments and speculation on my sexuality this has to stop this has to stop immediately I would never never shag a bloke never James Charles should be in prison for fraud this can't be real like this can't be real I am the victim victim of a hoax designed to bring my sexuality in question anyone taking the piss of me it's getting reported to Twitter no warnings no second chances this incident has left me scared to walk two women in case they are transgender sickening I am the victim here signed as a Quebec what an amazing signature where's everybody three-year-old Jesus Christ he then started threatening James Charles basically indirectly because people pointed out that he was in Birmingham at this time James Charles should watch his back he then got deleted on Twitter because people reported him obviously this is pretty terrible behavior and honestly I mean if it's real it's a pretty shocking reaction I mean obviously the homophobia is bad but looking at its handwriting he's clearly not the smartest individual so maybe it's not the most surprising reaction either but a good good old laugh regardless very nice thank you James Charles very cool next week we have an update on the roblox ban of PewDiePie next week Peter Pan was banned from roblox and I'm not supposed to give my opinion but this is probably one of the most grievous offenses of all time this is reported on every new size of all time as well because of how important matter it was the verge post said while Peter pied treated the entire affair like a joke like a joke do you think this is some sort of joke The Verge huh what did you go copy strikes and people criticizing you The Verge okay but I want at least 500 roblox as an apology and I also want a written apology saying subscribe to PewDiePie to show that you don't support T series and he also gave them 25 hours to respond and lo and behold roblox responded PewDiePie posted on Twitter there is a God my roblox account was unbanned PT 1 2 3 t32 has been reinstated incredible I've never been this happy there is hope there is faith in humanity faith in humanity restored I also personally hacked pity PI's email to get the response from roblox and it states as follow in December Peary became negative memes on roblox and we began blocking the creation of new usernames that incorporated PU die legacy account that Felix used in his livestream was incorrectly banned as part of the in the ministration policy goddamn it I'm bored is that it is that all you got roblox where are my 500 robots I'm not joke otherwise roblox you're gonna be angry alright I appreciate that yarn by my account but a deal is the deal and I said I said specifically 22,500 robots I think since you miss correctly banned me it's the very least you can do okay thank you very much robux thank you I'm waiting I'm still waiting patiently okay all memes aside I actually am very thankful to everyone that tried to raise their voices to get me unbent I like I don't care at the end of the day it's just a meme it's not like I play roblox or anything like that but I still appreciate that people suck their neck out for me especially in the roblox community thank you very much I really do mean it I appreciate it and everyone who raised their voice I don't think they would have unbanned me otherwise or PewDiePie so I appreciate it regardless next me Takashi 69 pleads guilty to nine counts cooperates with feds what Takashi this might mean the Takashi six nine who previously would spend 47 years in jail which would mean he would come out on the age of 69 which Woodruff's had been the ultimate meme of all time that would just be the best legacy you could ever let leave behind but no no no Takashi 6-9 just had to ruin the meme I mean what happened to the initial response were Daniel Hernandez is completely innocent of all charges being brought against him ah what happened to being innocent on all charges Takashi he admitted that he paid someone to shoot a rival rapper to scare him hero he also admits finally to be involved in the gang I don't even remember what they're called it doesn't matter a ninth ray gang I mean to be fair most people would probably ride out and to avoid that long of a of a prison time but at the same time I mean he obviously did a lot of bad things if this is what he's involved with and and when Takashi if he gets out now I mean he's gonna be in trouble he's gonna have to hire a lot of security but the most important news out of all this is of course Takashi 6-9 for meme review confirmed let's make this happen guys bye you know news chuck-e-cheese that's right there's a conspiracy going on popularized by Shane Dawson that the pizza slices from the Chucky Cheese are always uneven as followed in this image here why are the pizza slices uneven aren't they supposed to be cooked as one pizza Chuck is Chuckie Cheese reusing the pizza slices from other customers that don't finish their pizza to make a whole pizza the slices don't add up Shane Dawson went to Chuck E Cheese to investigate on this conspiracy [Music] it looks like it was [Music] I mean this one is [Music] [Music] he then asked an employee what their response was so we walked over so we're talking and then I say hey like what's like going on with the betta it's just like what do you mean she's laughing and then she kept doing this for critics ready ask me like what's going on pizza okay what's going on with the pizza No okay so is it like do they put a bunch of pieces together and she goes are you filming what is there's something going on now chuck-e-cheese was forced to respond to this conspiracy a spokesperson claims unequivocally false unequivocally false we do not recycle pizza slices they also stated that no conspiracies here that sounds a lot like someone who is part of a conspiracy would say chuck-e-cheese I mean most likely what they do is they cook a lot of pizzas and based on what people order a half of something which seems pretty common and they just distribute the pizza slices accordingly I mean that seems like the most possible explanation and they probably don't want people to find that out so that's why they're just going no conspiracy I doubt that they're reusing slices it just seems like a high risk low gain kind of a kind of deal where they would just potentially harm their entire brand based on just saving a few pizza slices I don't really see that happening it is funny though like I really enjoyed this conspiracy and I think you know out of all conspiracies is kind of one I can actually get behind just because it's it's a good life YouTube has stated constantly that they are and they've got a lot of blowback from the media about conspiracy videos that YouTube recommends conspiracy videos and that they're saying that they will recommend fewer videos about conspiracy theories and that you can go down the rabbit hole on YouTube I don't know what I feel about that I think it's fine if you want to enjoy conspiracy theory just realize that 99% of conspiracies are false which of course mean that 1% of conspiracies are real and the chuck-e-cheese slice conspiracy pizza reuse is confirmed I rest my case here pew newts signing up smash like check out new merch that's right very ant Oh God Jesus Christ limited time only very nice emerge if I may say so myself and I'm not supposed to save that thank you guys for watching another video and I see you brooch skis on the whole ski if you buy the merch and you get the brofist okay how about that well this is posture I'm bending over for the sake everyone keeps commenting about my pasta listen I'm bending over for the sake of being in the shot alright do you want the goddamn bro fitting you're not no breakfast no breakfast you get no brofist buy you want pyramids we got them oh you're into casos huh we got you covered baby you want some bets easy we got it all this game is still relevant goddammit
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,203,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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