Jake Gyllenhaal & Conor McGregor Heatedly Debate Fighting Styles & Irish Whiskey | This or That

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there's just such a great great history of boxing yeah so do MMA it's younger it is a difficult question they're both great it's clear clearly [Laughter] MMA oh go de fighting that bears Andy one that trained with bears back in the day only little F went by the way I'm going bear too and the only reason I'm going bear isid there's more information online about that there's less information about fighting gorillas I've seen more stuff about fighting like to fight a gorilla well then go that like fighting me n all all all F that the bir's [Music] handy stray away all day that's that's show you don't even got a [ __ ] what's your angle who you walk for why tequila over a whiskey Tequila's nice too I like tequila too Tequila's Tequila's for shots whiske whiskey the question at the wrong time I no I you shoot tequila you don't sit and shoot you know no I like you shoot to tequila and get on your way it opens up into the The Ice opens the flavors tequila is a k to vodka in the way you know it's more of a quick bum it's not there some great tequila yeah like for what the Sip to sip oh yeah no you have we can talk we can talk okay I like the Irish even better than I like whiskey though that's fair enough that's fair enough American whiskey is not so great it's like but why do you like Americans but I love Americans yeah there you go that's fair enough there you go they're just in a rush with with their whiskey there's no legal time limit that you've got to keep the liquid in the barrel for American whiskey to be registered Irish whiskey it has to be kept in the barrel for All Above three years and then it can register as Irish whiskey American whiskey doesn't have that so it's almost like microwave Bo but it doesn't matter where it's done like you could do Irish whiskey in America cuz it's been there for over 3 years no I don't believe that I'm sure I'm sure Irish I would imagine so Irish so we could get into that would be a deeper conversation do that you know some reputable competitors of mindget this game some reputable competitors of mine don't actually make their whiskey in Irish soil yet they yet they use the label so from a legal term I don't believe you have got to be on Irish soil but the liquid has got to be in the barrel for the above for it to register as Irish whiskey mine is Irish whiskey now whiskey whiskey I like Irish whiskey forever so I will go with that all day [Music] long you know it's controversial cats are good cats are probably better but it's got to be dogs it's got to be the dogs wow now you know a cat man no I'm Batman I'm allergic toat allergic cat are you allergic to cat yeah but I I mean in what way like what happens if you see a cat like like not just see if I see a cat I'm fine I'm okay to look at cats it's just cats just if I touch the cat if it like comes if it like gets on my lap and stuff like that sneezes sneeze and like rash sneezing wow what is that called like is there allergy no I know it's an allergy but it's like like oh like a specific name I don't know cat allergy yeah no W that's m what about dogs I kill with the dogs same but I I love them I do love them so much I'm willing to withstand the allergies it's nice it's cool to be a handy man but it's you know more cool to be a wealthy man or or is it I don't know I would I would get the brand new one I want what I want what the professionals know I don't know how to fix up a car you got to go there I'm going to go with that n yeah perfect go you're driving it out the showroom who the [ __ ] are you imagine us T trying to fix super car I don't need it it's Danger on the road you wouldn't even get the thing licensed I a going to go that and drive out the showroom yeah not that I wouldn't like to be able to do that I'm going to go classic yeah that's fair enough both yeah but don't you also think a classic doesn't it can be modern well yeah but a class you know classic without the classic there ain't no modern you know so classic is the is the OG we go with the mod be the flash window oh D went home cooked cozy cozy and we would rather fight grizzly bears and eat at home thing the only difference is tequila and whiskey and that's [Music] it I do like melin and I like experience of the quality and the Artistry of it but it's a bit too fancy sometimes mitchellan you know I'm I prefer to Classic Plus I own a public house myself I'm not making a choice I'm right in the middle yeah that's fair that is fair enough that is fair enough oh stick with it oh stick with the classic book I mean I I think they're both there's a great you know it's just great food it's just about skill and [Music] love I already know his no what you down on one he wants a Dream Collection of his dream I want it all yeah I'm going for that the dream car it changes every you know you see a new car next week it ain't your dream car anymore so quantity over quality I'll stick with a multitude of cars options I live in you know why cuz I have I have the car I have the I have the dream car so I just maybe want one yeah I don't want any break and driving in New York is you know and parking more importantly so I would just say this I'm going to go with one that's fair one really nice [Music] one Jesus for me is this don't you think I used to always do midnight and late night my whole career was based on Late Night in fact he wouldn't catch me on a [ __ ] morning Mo out at all true never or he would actually miss the classes and show up on my own late I'd do an after late afternoon one and then I'd come back 1:00 a.m. 2: a.m. I'd blast the music I'd go into my mind frame and just visualize the sequences and the fights and I'd put in the best work that I put in that was my rise up yeah but as a ground man with children and family and regular life work life business all the rest of it and even just health and energy the better one is the early one so you know but the but the but the other one was the one I succeeded on if you get me right now it's this the morning but don't talk yourself out of success if you're a late night person and you're not on the clock because I wasn't either and you know look where it got me but right now I go with [Music] tomor am I even allowed to answer this question of course you in the presence of this man you can do I've done them both I've done them both at the high level I know exactly what to what it's you want more weapons in you want want more tools in the tool box there's just such a great great history of boxing and there just such incredible minds and to me to me the philosophy of both is really to me that's what was amazing about working with you as an actor because they call they call it obviously martial arts and acting they call an art and that's where I think we met was like your understanding of of that even in your ideas of asking qu like you ask questions you want to get deeper about the questions just like you want to get deeper about your skills and understanding and and the communication as you're moving with somebody it's it's a it there's a lot of similarities in it um and so like I I would just say boxing has that but so does so does MMA it's younger I hear you though it's a time thing it is a difficult question they're both great but it takes ancient Arts it's not like it's so it's not necessary I mean and what about tie boxing what about kickboxing why M MMA has risen up beside boxing now but there's many other fighting disciplines MMA baby all day I don't even know which one it was at this point this this that that [Music] it's got to be love my man it's got to be love of course we' been broken love I just want the one really nice car not bad it's not as good as Rich love but broke love is you know love all day love triumphs all absolutely neither I'm just going to say neither you got the Liv in the now this interview is over that's it this interview is over this or that yeah now it's liveing the now cuz if you live in the future you're anxious if you live in the past you're depressed if you live in the now you're happy what's up guys the notorious Conor McGregor here and I'm here with my man Jake Gyllenhaal check out Roadhouse on Prime video March 21st [Music]
Channel: UNILAD
Views: 751,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unilad, ladbible, original, viral, funny, jake, gyllenhaal, conor, mcgregor, mma, boxing, fighting, cats, dogs, cute, puppies, kittens, ufc, winning, acting, spider-man, nightcrawler, film, road house, remake, cars, fixer-upper, brand new, whiskey, whisky, irish, american, barrel, aged, tequila, mexico, liquor, brands, proper twelve, proper 12, drinking, laughing, bear, gorilla, silverback, animals, restaurant, michelin star, pub, beers, food, drive thru, mcdonalds, home cooked, recipes, warm, workout, routine, fitness, wealth, money, love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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