Jaipur - Game Play

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welcome back to watch it played my name is Andrea Smith and this is Luke Smith and we are here for our playthrough of jaipur j / Jasper Jupiter I got a lot of comments on people saying hey you have to pronounce it this way and who will say no perhaps it this way so by the end of it I still don't know how to pronounce the title of this game speaking of YouTube comments thank you for all the nice good jobs and stuff like that it's really awesome to be able to read that currency so I'm gonna be going around to the other side of the table you guys can be able to see my cards boy play and let's go and so now to get started I'm gonna deal with me and Luke five carats each hope you have a handful of camels I like camels and then I'm gonna deal two more cards to complete the marketplace for my first turn I'm going to trade in two silver let's get rid of things right away yes I know two silver now wha for my turn I'm gonna be taking the spice and the gold and I'm going to be putting back the silk and the leather I don't really want to leave this gold for Luke and spices don't look too bad to me so for my turn I'm going to take the lever and I don't have to put anything back because it's only one per yeah now your turn Andrea and for my turn I'm taking all these cameras out for you Oh your turn Luke one more car needs to be placed yep forgot about bugs go bankrolls silk and your I think I'll take them you can't have all for free I know I know I'm gonna place two card three cards down to lever and a camel now it's my turn yep and now for my turn I'm just going to take this one gold and flip over the top card it's a silk so for my turn I'm to take this silk and then I'm gonna flip over the top card love your German for my turn I'm going to treating these two gold cards I get to take the top two up stack and remember that when dealing with precious goods which are diamond gold and silver you have to always treat in at least two cards your turn Luke so for my turn I'm going to trade in for silk Wow and get four silk tokens and I get a special singing macabre token bonus token now it's my turn yeah for my turn I'm going to take these three leather and then put up three of my camels and now as you can see I have seven cards and that is the max here my turn okay there's your turn so for my turn I'm going to take all the camels no not what I call camel time love you know restock the marketplace now and then - your turn will be my turn now my original plan before I saw these new cards was to trade in these three leather but now I'm going to use them to exchange them for the three spices its spice town your turn Luke okay so now it's my turn and I'm going to get all this lever and then I'm going to trade in with four of my camels what do you try to do Luke make a leather jacket I don't know probably any guesses of what I'm gonna do I'm gonna trade in these five spices like top five tokens and I get to take a bonus token now it's your turn Luke so now it's my turn and I'm going to trade in all in for a lever scoff it out make a big trade so yep two three four five wait for word and I'm gonna get this special token and your turn now now this turns with me pretty quick I'm just going to take all these tables I'm just going to restock the record place yeah now Luke it's your turn whoo so not my turn and I'm going to take this jewel diamond and then I have to replace it with a card oh my goodness and this is the time where you would want to have a lot of camels so I'm just gonna take these precious Goods and put some camel's back so now it's my turn and Andrew I know you got all those precious cards but now I'm gonna get all the precious tokens I'm gonna put in two jewels and get to yield back two diamonds diamonds my turn you know what Luke I'm a big fan of what you did last term I'm going to do the same trading in two diamonds to Diamond tokens my turn so not my turn and I'm going to take this card well what is it um it looks like a wrinkly blanket it's a silk oh sorry now it's your turn Gary I'm restocking the marketplace now in here turn yeah I'm going to sell my to silver then get two silver tokens your turn Luke so I'm gonna take three of these camels it's the special camel yay now those camels kind of special it actually has a stuffed or dead panda on its back and to be honest I'm not a hundred percent sure why it's there but it is a pretty cool Easter Egg for this game so I going to take this goal for my turn and now it slips turn now I'm going to take these two spicy spices and train in two camels now it's my turn I'm going to empty my hand this turn and trade in my two gold cards and get two gold tokens your turn Luke now I'm going to take all the camels like you're expanding your herd whoo oh now it's my turn I'm gonna take the diamond of the gold and put up these two camels I don't like anything here so I'm just going to take the camel or camels leather diamonds here a turn now this is a pretty simple decision I'm just going to take this one diamond right here now I'm going to take the silk and the spice I see spice and I have to trade in two panels now if you haven't noticed yet I'm just really in the selling mood so I'm going to sell them these two diamond and usually I take two four there's only one left and now one of the stacks of goods tokens are going and once free are gone the round is over and I'm going to take away one of those stacks my training and free spicies and I get a bonus now it's my turn and I'm just going to take these three handles silver and some leather your turn Luke I'm lucky that all those camels because now I can take five cards which I'm going to do there you go now Luke you've left me no choice I'm taking all the camels I even got a penalty for getting down in our pile your turn now I'm going to sell free leather and I get a bonus token your turn so I'm just going to take these two silk and put up to my camels not putting up that special handle one and now it's your turn Luke now I'm going to end the game by buying two silver and take up the last piece of silver and now three Goods tokens piles are gone so the game ends yep so I've come back around the table now as you see I left up my camels I have the most so I'm going to get that extra five bonus points now we're going to clear everything off the table except for the tokens me Luke collected it's time to add up our points so now it's time to count up the points you can flip them over and they just have the plain numbers on the back which makes easy for counting and also I would suggest you put them into groups of 10 points so here we have a two and eight that makes four be ten five and five another 10 five another five now me look we're going to finish counting up the rest of our tokens and then see you the winner is so my total was 75 in mine were 73 I washed by just two points I know it was pretty close and since I win I get to have the seal of excellence now remember in a usual game you'd play again till someone has two seals of excellence so technically Luke you didn't really lose you only lost the first around now I know if this was a game you guys couldn't really participate in but I hope you still felt like you are part of it and we'll see you in the next game and if you have any questions or anything you want to say about this game just leave it in the comment section below thanks for watching you
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 69,452
Rating: 4.9671459 out of 5
Keywords: Jaipur, GameWorks, Asmodee, watch it played, rodney smith, learn to play, play by mob, board games, let's play, card games, gameplay, tabletop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2012
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