10 Things Jacob Elordi Can't Live Without | GQ

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this is very technical but it's quite deep so when i need to it's kind of like a mask and i have my cover mask and then i have the hat but now i've just sold myself out because if you if you ever see this hat it's not me g'day gq i'm jacob belordi and these are my 10 essentials [Music] had a watch with me you know for as long as i can remember since i was small but it's not so much sort of like the time keeping aspect i like the weight of it and i like the way that it feels it helps me kind of not feel naked i suppose this watch is from tag it's the monaco i got this just recently in monaco this is the dark lord steve mcqueen wore the original monaco with the blue face of this back in the day kind of feels like a cool piece of history to have then i you know i found out there's pictures online of stanley kubrick on the set of clockwork orange with a monaco as well so it kind of has a rich cinematic history which is you know it's exciting [Music] this is a recent essential a deck of cards is a recent essential to me i have never understood cards my whole life i could never learn card games i didn't have the patience for them i was reading val kilmer's book of poetry someone at the start it might even share i think it might have been share cher said he had this poker chip that he would flick between his fingers and she asked him like why are you always flicking the poker chip and he said i don't know what i'm gonna need it and then his film with his came out and it cut to a scene and he was sitting at the table for no reason flicking the poker chip and she was like and so i was like you know what i don't know anything about cards i don't know how to handle them i don't know how to shuffle but i was like i want to have a you know i want to have a poker chip i want to be able to just pull out something sometime whether it's a deck of cards i don't know i'll learn a little blackjack i'll learn a little play this game called slapjack it's a high-stakes game of snap i don't play for money i play for the thrill of it [Music] this next thing is um it's not specifically always this um you know a cigarette case i don't smoke this has post-it notes in it i consider it like a totem and i always carry one of these especially when i'm creating a character it's something that kind of centers the character for me or gives me a base you know i have it in my pocket all the time when i'm shooting and this was playing um a character in the film i just shot called he went that way and it was set in the late 1950s and he was this young kid who got discharged from the army and went on a spree killing sort of across america and he smoked a lot of cigarettes so i found this on etsy which is kind of this period cigarette case and i had this on me the whole time i was filming i don't know it sounds a little pretentious but this is like has the soul of the character in and then i can put it to the side when i go home the first films i ever made i had a this uh this silver necklace and the thing is i have to i have to buy it myself and it's kind of uh i wouldn't say ocd because it feels more spiritual than that but it you know i guess it converges on that kind of idea i have a lot of different cameras but this camera is a medium format rolleiflex this particular camera is special because there's this great documentary called i think it's called i am heath ledger it's one of the cameras that he uses so this is definitely one of my most valuable cameras to me i think the lens is glass and you know the pictures are crisp and there's just something kind of timeless there's a very satisfying feeling that comes from hearing the shadow the main thing that i you know that i try to shoot is the people around me and the things that are happening around me because i feel a lot of the time when i first came to uh to hollywood you know so much of it is you wouldn't believe it so for me it's just kind of about catching all these memories and moments so that you know maybe one day i'll just sit in a big house alone and i'll just flick through them all and i'll have you know i'll have them all there you know it'll be like they're all with me i think i mean i've already felt the effect it would have thousands of printed photos at home in boxes you know and every now and then you'll just go through the box and it's just like you can smell the room you're in you can hear the people speaking you can feel the moment you know what was going on around you in that time you know that's like it's kind of magic [Music] my next essential is uh fairly simple it's just a cap just a black cap this particular cap is from um it's from left bank books which is a little bookstore in new york this is very technical but it's quite deep so when i need to it's kind of like a mask you know when i have my cover mask and then i have the hat but now i've just sold myself out because if you if you ever see this hat it's not me somebody else that bought the hat from this tiny little bookstore you know when superheroes in the superhero films are like being regular people and it's like chris evans in a bomber jacket with like the most standard sunglasses you've ever seen and a black cap i think that was the goal it's like when i go outside i'm like i'm out in public like you know i'm not saying i'm a superhero out in public at all i think it was just that like it's kind of like witness protection so you know what i mean [Music] this next item is a uh is a tote bag somehow even if they look small it's kind of like hermione's bag um you know in harry potter and she just like pulls a pulls a tent out of it you know it's kind of like that you just like keep digging and you will find everything you've ever lost in this bag i have too many tote bags tote bags also expensive now i got one at an art gallery the other day it cost 54 but i didn't yes i paid for it because i didn't know at the time and then they were like that'd be 54 and i can't really i just get so nervous i'm like of course it would be yeah i'll definitely pay for that that sounds about right it's ridiculous you know i was too nervous to be like for a tote bag ah this one did not cost that much like i don't even wear that one because i'm like disgusted with myself [Music] i do always always have this with me everywhere i go this here is a little traveler's notepad this is just you know personal thoughts it's by my bed when i fall asleep in case you know i have a dream or something like that my theory is with having so many books on me all the time is you never know when you're going to end up in a hospital waiting room which sounds dark but the amount of times that i have ended up in a hospital waiting room for some ridiculous thing and i have to wait like eight hours and you have nothing to do and you know i don't like sitting on my phone so the theory behind it is that you never know when you're going to be in a hospital waiting room this is a set of plays by tennessee williams for if i'm in the mood for that and then i also like to have like fiction on me this is just another personal notepad that i've had for a little while this is a workbook a journal for the character i'm about to play in this this film i'm doing and i found this recently in madrid this kind of adam and eve notepad and it kind of something about it felt like the movie to me so this is in my bag now all the time as well i hate to be without things like uh because then the ideas and the thoughts just disappear you know i don't want to miss anything i think i underlined something the other day conversation should be like juggling up go the balls and the plates up and over in and out good solid objects that glitter in the footlights and fall with the bang if you miss them i i like that description of a conversation [Music] kind of speaks for itself it's tasty keeps your breath fresh and when i feel uncomfortable in social situations you know you look busy if you're chewing you know you don't look like you're just standing in space awkwardly great social tool this is the only pack of gum that i can find but i would say that i'm a five gum guy you know those massive commercials that they used to do and it's like this is what chewing five gum feels like this ridiculously physical experience that's my gum for sure [Music] my next essential is a lamy fountain pen i didn't much like being at school and i found it kind of boring i think i found ellie on like by going out and buying the stationery that i wanted and riding with like you know stuff that was different to what everyone else had it helped me stay interested in what was happening i've gotten to a point where i really can't do script work or anything without one i can't just do it with you know a regular bic pen these are the refills of the ink and this goes with um this is a script binder that my dear friend just gave me recently and it's kind of like the hat i've been looking for for the perfect kind of leather bound script for for the longest time and this one kind of just fell in my lap which i'm incredibly grateful for usually you bring things to people's houses when they're throwing a dinner and he sort of came out of the room and he just kind of threw it on my lap and he goes i think you need this [Music] this next essential is a pack of uh watercolors i read this book it was about like this fascist sculptor but it was illustrated by um dali and there were these illustrations that had just the most beautiful watercolors in them and i think i bought this immediately after with the idea that i have no idea how to do watercolors but in sort of those journals and stuff if i ever get bored if i do it for the next you know however many years maybe i'll like have nice paintings i love the way the colors look when they all start to bleed like this you know and it makes me look way more serious than i am when you see this [Music] my next essential is a uh a bandana or a face covering this was before before covered this like the hat i searched for the perfect bandana it needed to be old but not you know like super used and gross and i found this in paris it's also fun to play with you know if you get nervous and also my friend alex fitzallen taught me something if you don't have a belt you can put this through the belt loops and then you tie it in a knot and it pulls the the pants together so if you're ever without a belt get a bandana [Music] my next essential couldn't be here because she has a very busy schedule but it's my dog leila she's a one and a half year old golden retriever she speaks about 500 words of english she's a genius she feels shame she feels happiness people say that dogs don't smile and if they smile they're in pain but this dog literally has dimples when you wake up in the morning and you say good morning julie give her a little you know a little thing she comes and she wiggles up and her face curls up in the corners she's my best friend she's my comfort aunt i run lines with her that dog's my rock she's so special to me um yeah she really is not i don't know what a deal is i think she might be like an alien or something because she's um she's in touch she really is thank you for watching and listen to me talk about my stuff i appreciate it and cheers
Channel: GQ
Views: 1,147,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, 10 things, buyers guide, elordi, euphoria jacob elordi interview, favorite stuff, gadgets, gq, gq 10 essentials, gq jacob elordi, gq magazine, gq10essentials, jacob, jacob elordi, jacob elordi 10 things, jacob elordi 2022, jacob elordi and his dog, jacob elordi dog, jacob elordi essentials, jacob elordi euphoria, jacob elordi gq, jacob elordi gq interview, jacob elordi interview, luxury, menswear, must have, saltburn, ten essentials, want list
Id: xwENzwfmIvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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