Jacob Elordi, Cailee Spaeny, and Sofia Coppola Break Down a Scene From 'Priscilla'

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I'm Jacob AI I'm Kaye spany and I'm Sophia Copa and we're breaking down a scene from our film [Music] Priscilla MH we're back baby be where my hello hello hello dod you wait up for me too bless your little heart in this Scene It shows um Elvis's been away on uh with with the Memphis Mafia on they on tour or shooting a movie they're off doing their thing and Priscilla's been alone at home going to high school and um you know having this life of a student and then there's a big shift when Elvis comes home and trying to show that shift in energy when Elvis comes there's a lot of excitement there's always music playing you always have the TV on he always had people around all the guys around and kidding laughing and so just to have a real shift in the energy of that scene and just to go from her being alone to when Elvis is there and kind of I think in any relationship when when you reconnect with someone there's a kind of a moment of awkwardness where you're trying to find your footing and we wanted to convey that I think this scene is interesting because um there's a lot of thought put behind how she was going to present herself when he comes home and so you could sort of imagine the time she took to do her hair and to you know what color would look best on her and sort of what what she could do to sort of catch his attention Stacy uh costume designer did a great job of assigning certain looks to certain moments and I we had spoken about Sophia was talking on the day about the energy when the train of us just kind of burst through that door it's it was Elvis at his uh Prime like it was he was absolutely killing it he's back from Germany he has the girl that that he wants at home the world still loves him and he's on fire so it was he kind of came in like this great white you know the white jacket is this like Godly thing up to his color and he was just completely in his in his element welcome home baby good to see you baby oh F what's for dinner so come here that's schol oh it's okay I didn't really talk to anybody there grandma and py have been nice I missed you been trying to find things to do with my you got to keep up with your school work otherwise your father won't just stay I know but you sure didn't look pretty come on let have some NE you know there was in the book she talks about that moment where she had been at home and she was could really couldn't connect with the other kids at school and she wanted to like tell him about that but then she didn't want to be a drag and burden him as he's just coming home so she's trying to put on a happy face so that was what was behind the scenes yeah just finding that balance of this sort of heartbreaking moment of being so excited that Elvis is finally coming home and get trying to get that one-on-one time with him and then him being sort of shuffled into this Whirlwind and them never having a private moment together and her always sort of longing for that and the guys are always around the mafia is always around the house is so full but everyone has learned how to effortlessly not take his space kind of what he is doing is what is the sole Focus so everyone kind of passes and doesn't really stop him it's just a kiss and a peck so he can get to his sort of Throne whereas in in that beat there he had like chosen to give Priscilla that time but she kind of wasn't at the stage yet of learning that you kind of have to like be like water around him you know you have to be a to just like get out of the way when you you know yeah and I don't know yeah just that Jack's opposition of those silent moments when we're on we're focusing on Priscilla's point of view view um contrasted by this sort of chaos and storm and energy that Elvis and his Entourage sort of provide and I just thought the boys were so great and coming up with banter the whole time and it was really it it made such a difference in terms of me reacting off of this world and um sort of um how disrupted this quiet space that she was in and uh trying to fit into these moments yeah and I feel like they all they have these private jokes and the um the actors that play the Memphis Mafia were so great at coming up with stories and she's trying to fit in but obviously she wasn't a part of what they were all a part of so having that contrast I should miss you my whole I'll tell you that Ursula she was always right oh godamn man she was a big woman was is she pretty God she had a body like a man no hi shoulders brother than mine God I was scared to take my shirt off next to her the Memphis Mafia was a big part of Elvis's life they were the guys who were always around and some of them lived with them and so Priscilla was always trying to find moments to be alone with Elvis when she wasn't there with all the guys and and um that was always an element in her her story and and I think this scene just shows that Elvis is with all the guys and they're all telling jokes and having fun and she's trying to feel a part of it but they're talking about a time she wasn't there she isn't really part of it so so that contrast and and luckily with these great actors who are all improv comedy guys who could come up with um with great lines and it's a kind of corny guy humor that I don't really know how to write um but iel like they really embodied how I imagined that they were and U they they were a lot of fun in the book Priscilla talked about him just working with Ursula Andrews and how he was always working with these starlets and you know how that made her how made her feel and trying to be cool with it but still uh insecure one of the things that was really important to her was um the love between them too and um us trying to focus on the highs and lows and we wanted it to feel really human and like you were saying um didn't want it to feel one note it wanted it to feel like a roller coaster like a lot of relationships can be especially first loves yeah and how she described it yeah I think like you said she's trying to sort of play it cool and not obviously she has so much fear and and has so many questions about what goes on when she's not around but also is trying to tow a line and uh sort of be sensitive in the moment and not be too much but also what was she like was she pretty you know what was going on and to try to sort of pick try to pick things up all the the little details and take in the cues and also when we um settle in on her and her just trying to take in the surrounding conversations and her feeling like like I'm not exactly sure what my place is in this moment and her just trying to navigate that he's from the south at a uh from a time period that's completely different to how it is now and he's sort of was um bought up on like a traditional gender roles and um it's pretty consistent throughout uh his career in interviews and in writing that he liked um you know his mom his mom was a stay-at-home mom and like you know the woman playing the role of the woman yeah so it was it was pretty pretty clear in the text which I think was true for I would say like a majority of people from the South in that time period she only had eyes for you no way man with that John Derek just luring around with him be eyes SNES like Shadow I tell you man I gu stand that guy God God the whole story I really wanted to be through her point of view and her eyes and how she felt so we always try to connect it to her and her emotional experience and and in that scene um in the editing when we were kind of trying to see how long we could stay on her and and there's a shift in her face where she's like trying to go along with it and then you see her kind of be more internal and she's not connecting and so much of that scene is about her trying to connect and not really knowing how to and um and I think Kay's so able to convey so much just on her face you can really feel what she's feeling um in such a subtle way thank you you know Sophia is sort of a master at um telling so much with with um very little words you know and I think those are the moments that you you know your heart breaks for someone or you feel like you're you're with them um just those internal ups and downs and and so yeah I I I think that's exactly want I wanted to portray in that moment and um her just um uh letting the reality of what this life is like and sort of um balancing out what she hopes this moment would be but actually what what is usually like
Channel: Fandango
Views: 119,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cailee Spaeny, Sofia Coppola, a24, a24 movies, fandango, fandango scene breakdown, jacob elordi, priscilla, priscilla movie, priscilla scene breakdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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