Sunstone Crystal Mining | Spectrum Public Mine in Oregon

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let's go to Oregon and dig up some Sun stones you can join too as this location it's open to the public Sunstone is a plagioclase feldspar the Oregon Sunstone contains copper which gives it this crazy red colors so we're not the only ones looking for Sun stones nice setups here on the way out to the spectrum mind there it is here we are we made it to the spectrum Sunstone mine in Oregon you can see behind me all the areas to dig here chris has got a lot of places open you can come out and check this place out go check in at the office and we'll be digging some stones before you know it so here's the Sunstone mine you have different options of how you can find these Sun stones you can check out those different pricing guidelines on their website but this is one of the high grading in the screening process really find a lot of Sun stones this way so here we have one of the many fee digging pits that you guys can dig in so just walking in here I look down and this is just low-grade stuff but you can see the Sunstone coming out of the matrix here so who knows what all is in this pit so this is the pit area that you can come and dig right out of the wall here and find your Sun stones and this is also the place where you can have the option where they bring the machine in take a huge scoop out take it over to the section for you and you can shake the stuff out and go through it find some songs so if you decide to do the hydrating or option what they do or the belt run they take all this out with a machine and then they get it down and they process it to this material here so that you can really screen it well and easy it's a lot faster and you'll find a lot more Sun stones quicker then you will just digging straight out of the pit wall but sometimes it's fun just to dig right out of the wall so here we have the screen plant option and what they do is they take it out with the Machine and they dump it here and it separates the big rock from the medium-sized rock the tiny stuff that you don't want goes out there and right over there where Terry standing that's the pay dirt and you can stand there and pluck these Sun stones out left and right while all that work is done for you super easy so terry is about to crank this machine up and we're gonna see how it operates stones coming right off this belt here it's gonna be great Terry here we'll be sure that you've got to have a great time he's the man here the Sun stone mine pick these things up one after another [Music] so here's the piece just pulled right off the belt they're amazing red color and a handful of pieces there's that nice red one along with a huge handful of Sun stones in just a few minutes off the belt there just blows my mind how much fun this is you guys can come out and pay the price per hour to do this and you can have as many people lined up as you this is also a great option if you're handicapped or just in a position that you don't want to get down and dig come and sit down in the chair and find sun stones all day long just walking around here look at this rock sticking out of the ground you can see a Sun stone protruding out of it that is just awesome yes there's a huge chunk of Sunstone Wow so after trying the belt option which was really fun I think I want to get down and dirty and dig straight out of the wall over here out of the pit so now we're gonna check out some of this wall pit digging chisel hammer that's about all you need basically at this location you've got layers in your top layers pretty much non-productive once you get down to this lay in here that's what you want to be in you just want to crack into this stuff kind of break it apart and the Sun stones look at that come out pretty quick nice so here we have a close-up of the pocket and you'll see a piece right there I haven't even pulled out yet there it is it's loose oh yeah they just come right out pretty easy when you find them look at the colors that has red and green it looks like wow and there it is in good lighting it's got all the colors a little bit of yellow green red spectacular look at that there's a little pocket of Sunstone pieces of Sunstone all in this whoa so I'm gonna carefully just kind of break it down here look at that look at that Wow I didn't think it would be so easy to find some stones honestly I thought they were more few and far between but I tell you one thing this is just a short trip for me but I can't wait to get back next spring as soon as they open up out of that one piece just wow that one's got pieces all in it probably keep a few of these in the matrix just because they're really cool it's another one in matrix there's a little pocket see them right in the wall there do that it's a little vein just pull them right out one after another see them all in there [Music] there's no matrix let's take some drop a bucket here do a little screening there's all kinds of different screens you can use you see there you'll find one see my to miss that you're breaking them off the wall there that got a touch of green looks like pieces of glass just pull that right out of the wall you can see the whole layering Sunstone there oh yeah nice can't wait to see these cleaned up that red Schiller so here are the Sun stones from the day these are wild looking obviously that one being the biggest the best one that came off the belt run right at the end there and then a lot of these have color I kind of hydrated the better ones here these still being really cool great color but look at that [Music] [Music] so here's some of the greens just amazing colors check them out oh look at that skin go pink in it when you tilt it certain ways just got the green and the red and as you turn it look at that the green disappears so these are cleaned up slightly wet so you can see the really good colors and this is not really a typical day because I dug all around in the pit using the belt here and there so you could get more or you could get less according to what option you're wanting to do at the spectrum mine to go on this great adventure yourself check out their Facebook page spectrum Sunstone mine and public dig their page has tons of awesome photos to look at but go yourself and mind some world-class Sun stones at the spectrum mine in Oregon to help and support this channel please like and share and we sure do love your comments thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: The Crystal Collector
Views: 192,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stephen universe, steven universe, rockhound, rockhounding, rocks, gems, gem hunting, rock hunting, gem healing, crystals, crystal, crystal healing, crystal healer, 1111, christ, gold, panning, gold digging, mine, diamond mine, diamond mining, mining diamonds, sunstone, spectrum sunstone, moonstone
Id: A-Nt2zMj3XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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