JACKASS 4 FOREVER interviews - Knoxville, Steve-O, Wee Man, England, Pontius, Lacy, Tremaine, Ehren

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this is an absolute honor i still have my tickets for the first jackass 20 years ago yeah on opening night and literally the night after i mean i was obsessed with these man great thank you i knew we were this song's about your name for a reason why what did the song sound like kevin i'm in kevin and our heart beats so you know we're climbing the stairway to kevin yeah johnny i've always wanted to ask you this because it's so iconic when you say hello i'm johnny knoxville welcome to jackass it's i mean it to me it's just it's an iconic piece of pop culture how did that start how did you know you wanted to start your shows and your movies like that like how where did that come from um when i first did the first thing i shot for the big brother video on self-defense appointment i just introduced myself hello i'm giant knoxville united states of america or whatever and i think it was spike who said you should introduce yourself that way every time and i'm like all right how has the process changed over the years where you do a stunt with real people who don't know you're doing it i know you can blur their faces out if they don't sign the releases but for example that scene when zack hits that pad and johnny you blow up into the ceiling that the staff didn't know what was going on how do you get the cameras in there how does that process work without them knowing for that one we needed a store owner that wanted to prank some of his employees and then we would even bring in some uh day workers just to add more to it so we would hire people for the day that came in and uh yeah it was it's tricky i'll tell you what it's tricky and we've shot this movie uh in covent time so it's really hard to shoot out in public we didn't get to do as much as we normally would yeah the cameras are set up first thing in the morning and after we shoot with a group of employees like those employees are at for the day and we bring in a new set of employees like day workers or whoever yeah you know so that way everyone is fresh and they don't know what's going on johnny this is a question i wanted to ask you as well because i i find this interesting the bull stunt i know you've talked a lot about it i know that you went to the hospital it's brutal to watch in the film it's probably one of the best stunts i've ever seen and the footage is absolutely spectacular when you do a stunt like that you could die i mean that is that is something that that bull could have killed you like you could have broken your neck or something when you do something like that do you like call your family prior and say i'm about to do something like this just just so you know i mean like do you prepare like that because that is a wicked stunt man no i think i think if i did that it would bring too much attention to the fact of what i'm about to do uh right i do give them a hug that morning and but without you know give them an extra hug that morning but when it comes time i'm in a state of mind like let's do let's go now let's do this now i'm like jeff just just get the the ring ready the bull ready and call me at the last second i'll walk in and do it right then because i don't want to be waiting around once i get there that's terr that's awful you know i just wanted like jeff gets it all ready for me and i just walk in and get smoked and then go to the hospital it's funny because of all the guys we have a you know it's a pretty big cast especially now we added some new guys but he's the only one who will do those kind of the stunts that he has no control over the situation at all he just has to stand there and take whatever's coming and that's the big difference i think between you and the rest of the cast it's like you're the only one who will who's stupid enough to stand there in that situation i thought aaron's stomach was about to get ripped open by that bear i don't know how the hell you guys controlled that because then that guy walked in that blew my mind um one thing i wanted to know because i've seen all the stunts i've seen all the movies what is the one jackass stunt that is the best that never happened the one that you wish you could have pulled off you had the idea for it just didn't you couldn't get it done or it just wasn't safe enough wasn't wasn't safe enough or i mean you know in in terms of like it would actually kill someone well we had a really gross idea a long time ago where um basically we were gonna lipo pressed it we would compress some liposuction and then cook a ham and cheese sandwich in his fat yeah and then he was going to eat it and get fat again [Laughter] yeah that was the uh the monte cristo and uh we had it we were about to shoot it in mexico we found a mexican we were going to tijuana to shoot a plastic surgeon that was willing to do it and then it just fell apart uh and we've had a couple other we have a new idea what i don't think we should talk about because yeah we're on the verge of making this one happen and it also requires an unnecessary surgery and uh so uh there's a few that are lurking around and you know maybe we'll do the monte cristo one day yeah that would be awesome well thank you guys very much johnny you're one of the big reasons why i wear chuck taylor's i'm rocking my red button hi yeah buddy there we go so stevo 20 years ago um i had the pleasure i was such a jackass fan i went and saw you on stage it was stevo and friends you came to the norva in norfolk virginia and i have my ticket for that still nice um and if you look here ryan dunn uh signed it for me after the show was over he walked over on the stage and he was the nicest dude and was so cool that was the show where you swallowed a light bulb it was the most insane thing i've ever seen um but just having the film dedicated to ryan having seen him live in in person such a talent but obviously like just what did it mean to you to see the film dedicated to him and obviously you were on tour with them it's so cool that you guys got to do all this stuff together um yeah i mean of course it's it's wonderful to be able to dedicate that to ryan um i wanted to uh honor him because in the in the first movie he put a toy car up his butt when i backed out of doing it yeah and for this movie i thought since ryan's not here he did that for me maybe i can pay it back to him and i asked the director for the opportunity to put the biggest thing up my butt that i possibly could and by expressing a desire to have that happen the director was no longer interested it turned out that was my way out of getting something up my butt my bed airport you know we man i wanted to ask you this because one of my favorite things about these films and i always wanted to know if these were real or like moments where you're looking off the camera and you're saying jeff i i need you to get me out of this like are those are those real are you are are you saying that if i say jeff that is for real because that's that's my last go-to that's very real yeah if if it comes to me yelling at jeff daddy like that's my last straw one thing i find interesting is the mpaa uh the rating system is always interesting to me because of what you can do and what you can show in a film i'm blown away that you got away with what you all got away with in this one in terms of like the nudity and i i always wondered this in terms of when you're shooting moments like that is it is it are you specifically doing it in angles that are that the mpa is going to be cool with do you even think about that or is that like a edit made later i think i can speak for all of us is i don't i guarantee we don't think about that but i know um i apparently the rules of male nudity are very gray there's a lot of gray area there's not an exact amount of time you can show a wiener on screen but the one rule i do know is you can't be hard yeah so you want to look as good as possible but not too good yeah and then you got yourself a movie right you get the stretch a little bit penises are just funny and they're really underused in film as a kid uh i was watching your the scene with the bees and when i was a kid i was mowing my lawn wearing a bathing suit and i went over a beehive and you know i didn't have that many bees go to that area but i had a few and i'll never forget it it traumatized me forever but that scene in the new movie might be one of the most insane things i've ever seen can you talk about filming that moment and kind of like i mean that obviously that would freak me out beyond belief yeah i mean thank you first off and uh i've always felt very comfortable around bees i think the three of us having worked with so much wildlife over the years are that way we we just kind of think you know i've worked with bees so many times that i thought if i just stay calm then i'll be okay but this was a different experience because as soon as the bees came out they were lighting me up stinging me everywhere and that just made me freak out more and more and so by the end of the day i was stung at least a dozen times and in places that you just don't want to get stuck so uh yeah it was it was remarkable yeah with bees the more you freak out the worse the more yeah they freak out right is that some in your body too once you freak out the bees can tell you're pheromone yeah [Laughter] talking to you guys after all these years means a lot to me and and your lives outside of jack gas you guys lived your lives i mean as fans we watch the films they come out they come and go and the episodes but you guys live your lives outside of jackass as well and i'm wondering if you look back at those 20 years from number one to number four what is the biggest change you see in yourself obviously stevo i know you talked a lot about i haven't changed one bit not one bit no no but what is the biggest change you see in the thing and the thing that's remained the same i'll start with you steven steve i know you've been very open about your everything and i i think what you do is so brilliant because you help so many freaking people when you talk about that stuff so i just hope you know how many people are helped by that well thanks man um i think that uh yeah i mean like for me everything's changed and nothing's changed you know um i kind of live a double life now where uh i'm all careful about spiritual practice and and taking care of myself and all that but then at the same time i'm trying to shove things up my butt that's true we man for you and i mean if you look at those 20 years like what's something you see that's changed and different uh from when we started to now i kind of used to just stress over things like in general life and now 20 years later i'm pretty much nonchalant don't give a about anything you know and i just go with the flow and you know life's been good and i just keep keep rolling and not caring i've learned that later in life most older people the first thing they say they would have taken back is caring what other people thought and i thought you know what just let it all go who cares and that's what makes jackass even more fun because we don't we we love what we do but we don't you don't care like we're not embarrassed we don't you know we just do what we do oh there's such a confidence and the the laughter out of it is much greater than anything you can have thank you for sharing that i mean i honestly what you said just now is so important because these films do that for people as well so chris for you and like what do you see in 20 years i think from the first movie until now i mean i i didn't realize at the beginning how special of a thing that we all had and then you know i quickly did when the first movie came out and how big it was but i think i was just valuing what we have and like during this movie all of us were you know making every day like it was our last day you know filming ever like just making this one count and and um you know because just thankful to be to be able to be making another jackass movie like and i think in life just like like we man said like not caring about what people think and and not trying to like control things life's really about what it throws at you and how you react to it yeah it's not about what you plan because it never goes as planned now and we can never imagine that we'd be doing this yeah at this time and but you know we've been together our whole life and you know you know we know how special it is that's awesome well last thing i'll ask you guys is this i mean over the years i've watched every single episode of the show i've watched all the movies um i've seen all the stunts that have been visibly put out to people for each of you what is the what is the one stunt you heard of that you that never came to be um like something that you were like oh my god we're actually gonna do this and then it didn't actually happen hmm um we've been pretty good about going through with most of everything there was one where um there's a bit i made up called don't poo on my pee that we never we never got to film so hopefully we'll make another movie there was one where uh they got a bounce house that we were all gonna go down um like an olympic ski jump in the bounce house and uh the problem was that what kept it inflated was a huge generator and to have that weighed like 500 pounds yeah have that like trailing behind us to land down a huge mountain yeah a big jump in the schools we jumped yeah it was the worst idea yeah yeah we didn't do that yeah we man for you generator we could hit our heads together it was a it was a human hamster ball you know like with a lot of hamsters it was it was the worst idea ever right when i saw that i was like nope that's not happening yeah yeah and we meant for you anything that was presented to you that was like that you that never did but that was insane now i usually try and talk at myself or chalk jeff in out me out of ever like the bits he brings but in the end i still end up doing them yeah well yeah there's nothing uh yeah i kind of know when you when it bits for you i think and some [ __ ] certain you're just you think that exactly for that bit yeah like how do you figure out stevo that you would get the b bit is that do you present it i heard about it i said i want that and then i said i want that to be my new skateboard pro model that's awesome well guys this has been a pleasure i really appreciate it as a fan this movie was everything i wanted and needed in a jackass movie you guys are awesome i appreciate the deep dive as well into the emotions of what these movies mean as well so i appreciate it guys awesome thank you thanks for having us how old are you man i'm 37 37 because uh you're really holding it together fine dude good looking guy oh flirting with you hey you know what i'll take it that's awesome bro nice talking to you guys y'all be safe okay have a good one aaron i'm gonna start with you only because out of all the jackass stunts i've seen over the years the one where i genuinely i mean i was always worried for everybody but i thought that bear was literally gonna rip your stomach open and i just i wanted to ask you about how that scene goes down because there's a guy outside the door that goes i'm going in to get the bear yeah but i mean at any point that bear could have done that no yeah i had the same feelings that you did i i didn't i thought i was going to rip my face off like my whole head so we sat down and that we were supposed to do this polygraph test and whatever i knew something was set up or whatever i thought they were going to release a bunch of bees when the honey and i'm allergic to bees i'm like that doesn't make any sense uh but then he left the room unless you want to just kill me oh i'll tie him up and so once knoxville started pouring the honey and the salmon on me i was confused i thought it was bees and then they opened that door up and a brown bear comes out it's like this it was the biggest creature it's ever been and when you're strapped into something and you can't move it's a completely different feeling like i didn't even have a chance to like run or anything and at a certain point and i got a dog caller shocking me so when it's reaching down it literally reached down my pants and and ate salmon off my dick like it was like the hardest thing and i'm strapped in and i was using all my power to to and i couldn't move and then i'm getting electrocuted and and then finally it ran out of salmon and it like opened its mouth and ground at me like this and its mouth was about this big which could totally fit around my head and i just i i basically thought i was gonna die right there um how did they know it wasn't gonna tie that hand they could have easily ripped your stomach open what are there's no control over that oh my god like the contrast of what was happening to you and then you got this shirt it just says yeah so many books i didn't know what was gonna happen to me that day but i thought that would be a good the perfect shirt to wear okay but then i ran out of uh it ran out of sand and it almost bit my hand and that's when they pulled the plug on it and got us all out of there it was crazy that was insane dave uh you are probably if i someone asked me my favorite jackass stunt of all time it's got to be in the first film when you take a [ __ ] in that hardware store thank you i think that might be one of the funniest things i've ever seen in my life when you do a scene like that how is it set up in a way where you get approval to put cameras in there to actually do that scene how does jeff and the team even operate that back then we did not have that kind of stuff dialed in at all so so we were thinking about the idea and i'm like i know a place this hardware store called hippo hardware in portland oregon like they are jerks they're going to be perfect every time i go in there they're so mean to me already and i'm just trying to buy something for my sink and they're mean they're great though yeah mean in a good way they're just like like grumpy old funny guys or something they've got everything you need for toiletry yeah so anyways yeah i knew that was the perfect spot but um as far as i was waiting in that parking lot three hours that's why i ended up you know [ __ ] my pants in the van because they couldn't figure out a way there's too many people in there and they couldn't you know our process was so like flawed that yeah i ended up making the movie better i think because oh awesome well they're giving me a minute left i'm gonna go to preston and go to eric preston the the sweat from jackass 3d i mean i like talk about like vomit like in terms of like that sequence in terms of like stevo and everything what do you remember about filming that scene that scene is so funny to me it's just being extremely hot in there you know 140 degrees and getting really dizzy and then wanting to get out of there really bad eva got sick quick that scene is you could you can feel the heat when you're watching that scene like it was it was so incredible i like the parts you picked out of our stuff and it's funny that's all the [ __ ] i love eric i mean one of the things i find i love about these films and like obviously with the idea of being part of jackass is this idea of like being a part of it being able to say you're stunt into the camera but one of the things i find interesting is i think jasper at one point even says i want to say my name and he actually says his name into the camera um for you when you do a stunt is is the in your mind do you want to get hurt and sense of like the injury you know what i mean because the injury almost makes the stunt better arguably like i mean aaron your balls man i don't know how the heck those are still going um but you know eric for you like how you know is that is that part of it do you want to get injured oh well i may be a bit crazy because if it wasn't you know looking as good and as gnarly as it could you know sometimes even jeff would be like maybe do it again so there was an aspect of you know you wanting to to deliver the performance in the best way you can and i think the real reactions come from that you know you can't expect it you can't control it you know it is what it is uh jasper for you i love that idea of being able to say your name and then introduce the stunt i mean to me that's the first thing that i would want to do prior to the stomach that's it's an iconic thing for jackass so can you talk about that aspect for all of you and the idea of what the art form to that is and how you figure out how you're going to do it do you practice it or is it kind of off the cuff ah it kind of just comes of whatever comes to your head so there was actually a stun that we was filming and i was supposed to say like hi i'm jasper welcome i mean not welcome to jackass wherever the stunt was but somehow i couldn't do the stunt so i wasn't able to say my name and it bummed me out cause i'm like man i want to have one to myself so when i got that moment and i was like no i want to say my name i'm glad they put that in there so it felt good that was awesome you know rachel for you the the scorpion uh botox is one of the most insane things i've ever seen i there's a few times in this film where i did look away and that was one of them the one that the close-up into your lip um is is that entire scene what we're seeing were there more stings than that is that exactly how it went down did you do it more times i definitely did it more times there was actually another scorpion that isn't shown that's smaller and had way more of a powerful sting it was one of the most painful things i've ever felt in my whole life and i told myself i would not cry on the set of jackass but after that bit it was like sweat was coming from my eyes wow it was so painful it was it was lovely to watch it was gnarly to watch it was insane jasper everything with your dad i i that that spider scene i will never forget in my life um you know i've always wanted to know this because this could this could be a general question but you can also speak on it if if this is a scene that you would you were involved in in terms of that but when you go into a place with real people i know that eventually after the bid is done that the sign releases or they'll blur your face if you don't sign it like that furniture store sequence when johnny gets lifted up into the into the ceiling can you talk about how a scene like that is executed like in the store doesn't know do they just know that cameras are being placed in the store that day how does that work um i'm not even sure well what happened i know because zach and i were in that scene um i think the store i don't know if the store necessarily knew what was going on but the people that we pranked did not have any idea what was happening they thought they were hired they were tempires to work at a furniture store that day and so um i don't think they had any idea i think um they had to like sign something as if they were going to work you know at the furniture store but they had no idea there was a prank that was happening um so poopsies i i feel if you're cool with me calling you that cuz i just think that's an awesome awesome name um i want to ask you because as i showed you guys in the beginning i was a fan of this as a kid on tv then i obviously going to all the films the 3d one was brilliant um to be in the jackass film and then like to do a stunt in front of the actual original guys like is there is there a is there a specific like do you want to get injured is the injury kind of the badge of honor like do you expect that um of course yeah if you wanna you wanna show up and give it give it your all you know you don't you don't wanna be the kid that freaking didn't do the best he could do you know so yeah you got to go full force send it as hard as you can and yeah hopefully it ends up good or mostly most of the time it ends up bad but that's that's what you want you know what i mean if it ends up oh he didn't get hurt you know like no you gotta do it again so yeah you definitely want to have the best like uh i don't know how to say it but the best performance you want you know yeah you got to give it give it your all yeah part of me wonders sometimes like if you see wee man going like hey jeff get me out of here i always wonder if those are like real moments like like being like like dude get me out of here like like when when uh who is the with the bear um i'm blanking it yeah that aaron's oh my god i thought that bear was gonna rip his stomach open that was nuts so zach in that furniture scene you're you're obviously you jump down and you lift johnny into the thing how many times is i'm assuming you only have one take for that right uh yeah i mean we did it a bunch um which it's like it's funny because like sometimes like people would react it was funny some people that were working there just like like oh no like you know normal work for us like they're like didn't like they didn't react at all i was like what the [ __ ] is going on like when those two people when those two people didn't react i'm like they have seen some [ __ ] yeah like what do you think what do they see at work every day you know exactly normal but uh but yeah but that was like i think like one of the best ones though that was classic well congratulations to all four of you this has been an honor just to see this film and talk to you all you guys all crushed it you had scenes that are iconic in the jackass filmography from now on so thank you very much hope you all are staying safe and uh thank you for your time today appreciate it nice to meet you
Channel: FOX 5 Washington DC
Views: 203,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment News, Movie News, Interview, Film, TV, Celebrity, Clips, Trending, New, Viral, Kevin McCarthy, JACKASS 4 FOREVER, Jackass, Johnny Knoxville, Jeff Tremaine, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Danger Ehren, Dave England, Preston Lacy, Wee Man, Jasper, Rachel Wolfson, Sean Poopies McInerney, Zach Holmes
Id: 7Y9a4tI0hCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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