Poopies Overdosed During The Filming Of Jackass! | Wild Ride Clips

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so we might as well break the news that poopies has become clean and sober yep yep and you recently celebrated nine months of sobriety so awesome and you take sobriety very seriously yeah I do I have to fight for my sobriety every day and steo you are a big big help in my sobriety W steo actually made a phone call I showed up to meeting and I was like steo I need help I need I need you know I because I was like living at my friends I got out of the U-Haul leaving out my friends yeah let's explain what was going on with the U-haul you were uh living in a U-Haul truck yeah living in a U-Haul truck um smoking smoking crystal meth all right I don't mean to laugh but that's pretty funny yeah no it's not funny but it's gnarly it was gnarly and the ey kind of just like didn't really care about anything except my addiction and you know kind of wasn't surfing wasn't hanging out with my friends just wasn't filming YouTube kind of just went down that really dark path of addiction and thank God I'm freaking sober now I I can't believe like I never thought like getting sober was like fun you know and it's like I'm so much happier now like I don't I know it's hard to explain you got to really like do it to understand you know I I understand but yeah everything like life is so much better like I have a great apartment and I moved to pad Del re yep and I got a great apartment with my amazing girlfriend Hanah and yeah yeah now I'm I'm almost 10 months sober on the 7th yep so yeah how long ago did he do our our podcast when when was that maybe like a year year so then you had like two months after that podcast where you just went ape [ __ ] yeah I got yeah I think um yeah when I got home cuz I after the tour after your tour I was kind of like withdrawing and I got home and just like from what withdrawing from what from drugs and alcohol have you been um candid about the time when I think uh jackass was still being filmed Med and you uh ended up like almost dying like ambulance to the hospital with the fenel overdose oh yeah that was gnarly I was trying to keep that like no one find out about that but yeah it was well they're going to find out about it now we we can just move on and cut it out if you want I don't know yeah I mean whatever do what do you care yeah I mean part of your story yeah it's part of the story for sure um and how did that happen I I it was our last weekend filming and you were trying to do a little bit of sniffle snacks yep I was trying to do a little bit of sniffy snack little sneaky snack some below Yeah by that we we mean the the powder cocaine yep and um I actually went and saw Rachel Wolfson doing standup up on top of this garage and it was our last weekend in the in the hotels um in um Universal City and I was like [ __ ] I'm just going to I went back to my hotel and I was like [ __ ] it's my last night here you know I want to go out and party and I went out to freaking um CBO Grill and there's this huge line and I was hammered off wine you know that was before I got addicted to to the bad stuff but um yeah and I was hammered on wine I was like [ __ ] I need something to wake me up and I asked this like random person on the street for some cocaine and they gave like I had like 40 bucks and they gave me like half a gram and I took two key bumps in the line and all of a sudden I was freaking I woke up in the ambulance oh [ __ ] yeah and luckily I was like wrapping it out with these people in front of me these super cool black chicks and like I think they um called the ambulance or called 911 what's the last thing you remember just doing a couple key bumps and then it kind of just went blurry and then I saw I went to like the darkest like you know when you cover your eyes and then like and then you keep layering it and it gets darker and darker MH that's what I saw like the darkest darkest color and I was like what the [ __ ] what's going on you know and I was dead did your heart stop yeah they had to freaking put the freaking ful the pads on you no they didn't shock me the Nar the narcans I had I woke up with Nar in my chest Jesus and I was like they're like he's alive wow he's alive yeah and then I went to they took me to the Hollywood P Presbyterian Presbyterian church and I was like it was like 4:00 a.m. and I was like [ __ ] I got to get out of here like I can't let anyone find out I'm pretty sure they didn't take you to a church or yeah not the church the hospital he's like the Hollywood perspiration church this boy needs to pray yeah yeah needed that too yeah and then I snuck out of the hospital like go and everything yeah I got a I got a uber out of there a go uhhuh with no underwear on no just I'm trying to remember who told on you for that like cuz yeah cuz I called Rachel and I was like Rachel I freaking just ODed then like that morning you know and then maybe Rachel told everybody yeah I think so I don't yeah I don't know was that your first time oding yeah I was so scary and I'm such a dumbass too cuz when I went back home I started doing blow again too how soon not the same bag no how soon did you start doing blow that night probably that La next weekend that's how bad my addiction was with drugs jeez when did it go to math [ __ ] when I was looking for blow at this one bar and this guy's like this guy's like I don't have any blow but I got this where were you in Hawaii no I was in Carl's Bad you never did any ice in Hawaii um I tried it like one once or twice but I didn't really get addicted you know is meth and Ice the same thing yeah yeah I think ice is just somehow like a gnarlier version of it it's so bad it's so bad but it's so addicting you know like once you try it and you get a taste of it like you don't you just want more and more so this time like you had the whole bag so you got to use it but then you like went home with some or something so this guy said he has he's like no but I got this and it was a some meth and he was he smokes it so we went to his car and I took like a little you know he like held it for me and lit it for me I didn't know how to do any of that [ __ ] and then like the next day dude I stayed up all night and [ __ ] and the next day like I called him up cuz he went home and I called him up I was like hey can I come over you know and he's like yeah come over so then it just like I kept coming over to his house and he kept freaking feeding it to me then did he start selling it to you no so he he just kept letting me use his pipe and stuff and then like I kind of just hung out with him all day because I was just wanted to freaking what city in Carl's bad huh and I'd hide out in his house cuz I didn't want anyone to see me all [ __ ] up on math and [ __ ] and like and then he's like all right dude you got to [ __ ] stop bugging me like here's the here's the plugs number and like here's where you go get your pipe and then I [ __ ] bro yeah yeah yeah what a bro and then I became officially a tweaker and I like despise Tweakers dude and I became one it's heavy when you were leaving the hospital you worried production would find out like you worried you'd get fired off the movie or something CU I didn't want any any of you know the crew members or my friends to find out you know yeah cuz I think they would just be super pissed and like look down on me andless I don't know I just like felt like they'd be bummed so what was the reaction cuz everybody did find out um so they didn't really tell me they found out until like I got in trouble with something and then like actually steo was like [ __ ] you [ __ ] OD and [ __ ] and then oh well yeah cuz I was mad at you because we uh brought you to one of my shows on my tour oh yeah my stupid [ __ ] friend signed the he wasn't the only one to sign it you sign it too what whatever matter but we put you in an Uber think I don't know I don't think so we we ordered you an Uber home order you an Uber home like Scott got like his a notification we had a pay for a cleaning fee yeah I was hitting my my weed pin I think yeah alcohol and I yeah I had a beer in there bad it was just bad yeah it was super disrespectful like Scott was like we use this Uber for business stuff and you're trying to get our account shut down and you're acting a fool and your buddy's like vandalizing the the venue and and like you know it was just kind of a bummer but like stuff like that was pretty common where like if you're going to invite poop somewhere then you know that's kind of like what would happen yeah that was at the same time that all all this was going on with like the OD and improv yeah maybe like a couple months after yeah it was all around the same time there was another time where uh you guys were promoting um jackass forever uh with the UFC oh yeah that was bad you were like there's an open bar we were in Dana White's freaking Lounge was that in Vegas when you came out and you doing the crane he's like trying to pants Dana White at the UFC yeah I freaking I wasmer did you get him off I mean I think he was just kind of Faking air pants you know but still got up out of my seat and went over there and was like trying to be cool and like impress Knoxville and the boys and [ __ ] and like check this out and [ __ ] like air paned him I didn't touch him but I was like and they're like what the [ __ ] are you doing dude yeah it it was bad dude damn yeah open bar at freaking Dana White's lounge and then like the happy Dad or the nek boys were there so I was all pump Steve will do it's like [ __ ] we're doing like shotgunning happy dads and [ __ ] and I felt so bad because like I asked ponti's uh wife um I was like hey can you film this real quick and it's me and me and Steve will do it [ __ ] shotgunning happy dads and like and ponnie's like what the [ __ ] are you doing dude like my wife's not a filmer you know oh wow yeah I think ponas had kind of reached a point that night where he was over me dude yeah I was sloppy drunk yeah it was it was I'm so glad I'm out of that like [ __ ] [ __ ] dude cuz I was just pissing people off and disrespecting situations and just being a c you know how about Shark Week 2 Shark Week 2 got hammered like I mean hammerhead shark here here's what I heard cuz I was on the plane on the plane I wasn't on I was on the first Jackass Shark Week I did not go on the second jackass you would have been pissed I heard I heard that um on the flight there maybe there's like a layover or something or or like but like at the airport flying to it poopies is just getting obliterated in the airport and then like getting on the airplane like blaring like speakers like vaping like blowing the huge clouds of Vape smoke like like like going like he's like trying to get kicked off the plane and like everybody this is like a production you know like like no regard for if he gets kicked off the plane like his contract to do the show how's he going to get there like it's funny it's like now that is some steo [ __ ] right big time back in the day and then uh and then when they were at Shark Week like poopies didn't like you didn't have any money and you were like hey like can I like like I don't borrow some money or like someone they they you didn't have a credit card to put down for the hotel room yeah I didn't have a credit credit card so shaa like let me use her crit C puts the credit card down and I wasn't going downstairs for dinners I was just getting room service she's like do not abuse this card and then sure enough when they check out of the hotel room poopies has like racked up like some crazy 800 bucks 800 bucks and I was like tripping too I was like what the [ __ ] cuz there's this one night where there's this one night where I like stayed in and then like all of a sudden there's like another big Bill on there and I was like what happened yeah you couldn't remember yeah I couldn't remember cuz they were drunk yeah and then like I went up to the desk and I was like yeah like um I don't remember like spending all this money and they like took some of the money off oh wow and Shauna was pissed she was pissed I remember and dude I felt like I was in it was the worst like thing ever cuz you I'm we're supposed to be having a good time and everyone's pissed at me and dude I was like [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] did I do well you were having a good time not when everyone got pissed at me yeah cuz when everyone's pissed at me I'm I'm just bummed you know so we painted a picture of what it was like yeah yeah you don't want me freaking drinking and and then what happened was uh I reached out to somebody I know who who owns and runs a rehab and yeah but why did you reach out did you call him and say you need help or did you what was the last day like for you like why did you think out cuz like I was in my friend's um House Brandon glade's house um in a detox like a residential detox cuz he's been through the program and stuff and like he's he's like our Mentor like one of our mentors and I was doing good and then New Year's came around and I freaking relapsed and then he's like dude you got to [ __ ] figure [ __ ] out dude like so I went to with Tommy I went to H AA meeting you know wait why is this it's anonymous anonymous I'm sorry cut that out that crucial second a i relapsed on New Year's and then I went to a place and saw steo wait wait wait what what you how'd you relapse on New Year's what what happened [ __ ] I don't know I got a like argument with my girlfriend and then like we never ended up meeting up and then and then you just went off the rails y yeah yeah do you like shopping on Amazon I do and good news is sto's butt wipes for your butthole are available on Amazon and if you want a real bundle of a deal you can get sto's hot sauce fre your butthole plus sto's butthole destroyer and sto's butt for your butthole it's the butthole bundle available on Amazon right now yeah dude
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Clips
Views: 265,846
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Keywords: Steve o, steveo, jackass, wild boyz, wild ride, Steve o podcast, steveo podcast, Steve o pod, podcast clips, Steve o interview 2023, hilarious, funny, awesome, crazy, incredible
Id: fdzMKEkSZLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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