Jack Harlow Funny Moments

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she's bad she's fun and so I had a lot of cartoon characters that used to give me sexually aroused as a kid she was one of the female reindeer from the rudolph claymation series when I was in preschool I used to be bricked up watching that [ __ ] and then that fine-ass fish from Shark Tale but she goes up there with her fine ass and I have another Kim Possible I know you got the wrong one I've never wanted to [ __ ] Rufus must be wrong one his little dick is go ahead learned a lot in that two years huh what would you stressing on back there but you know stress was depression was trendy back then you know it seemed like everything way and I'm about to bring that [ __ ] back you bring it back just in time for the mixtape release you see you can love man we don't go to Kentucky right here Patrick yeah see you on the radio man move on the map dude you know the Vice Patrick thanks for calling in hey we got to get that boy from Tasker though occasionally would you say we got to get that boy in some cats gear out of the Louisville gear and the Internet Lexington kappa yo cut this [ __ ] up in Louisville fans put me on some kentucky gear yeah oh that's what he said one of the things that appealed to me when on the way a girl bends your dick sometimes when she's trying to shove it into her throat it's like damn and me I'm I'm sensitive about my [ __ ] so I think for me it's a bigger thing because a lot of my homeboys they're they're weirded out when I tell them I I don't like the deep throat really is too much for me a lot of girls have a very thin throat it's narrow there's not a lot of room to operate in there and they want to shove it back there it's like this is one of the most sensitive parts of my body and they just want to shove this [ __ ] I've never liked intense head I'd rather you just massaged it okay that was on dentine what is dentine that song about well that's a gum brand and it looks like we gonna have to change the title of the damn song all 13 is reached out and they're not [ __ ] with us is that it's facts don't make denting Wow yeah I like that talk dude a [ __ ] them not [ __ ] with him so we got to change the name I think I'm gonna call it ice was thinking about calling it gum brand just something but we have to change it point us when we get a change game focus but I love the song thanks for bringing it up so you really got to change that [ __ ] I ain't joking yeah yeah you know I remember these elementary school all the pretty girls used to make him one put them on their little fingers and do that thing I've never made like a big dick line in any my songs like that was my first one cuz like I'm not on some like you know micro [ __ ] you know what I mean but like I'm not I'm also like not crazy like you know what I said but I was so worried that the girls I used the best we're gonna be like songs hard but just know like it ain't that big nobody said none so we're in the clear maybe they maybe they're like it was like maybe they think I'm telling the chick I don't know we are we we can give me a spirit animal what's the the clownfish the one where the dude has a baby that actually might be my spirit animal what's the there's a fish where the the man is the one carrying the baby around seahorse the seahorse that's my whole vibe I wish I was delivering my kid don't trust my wife with it don't got a wife but I won't trust her wish I was a seahorse and I can deliver I like two exits up here where we're at man those New York accents nothing like being cussed out up here that's just what I'm into what do you do like go on days off I know people say no days off no sleep but what do you do like wanted day you off you go to basketball games cuz like a derby you get hanging around you play video what do you do I like to party I like get faded I like to kick it with women I like to kick it with man like I do a lot of stuff I'll be showing yeah yeah I just uh I try to enjoy myself it's a good balance right oh yeah yeah yeah we like to kick it with men tool here in our studio too man oh yeah plenty a minute here yeah not like that dobo we keep it says the sausage party I don't what happened found a funny buddy said some more men in here right now bill and I moved like a die even fettuccine a bench Enzo's it's an Italian restaurant downtown Louisville think I went there once as a kid but it's fly vincenzo himself heard the song he wants me to come in so we're about to bring the art to life this is we have a lot of influence within the city Don asked get somebody way I like a tall rapper I love a tour ever I'll tell you six three nice there you go you gotta love it you know there's a there's a story that I'd like to you to tell right now because we have a lot of young people that watch the show when you were 14 years old you you thought you might have a chance at a major label record deal and it just didn't happen I have to imagine when you're 14 that must have fell like the end of the world oh yeah no it was devastating so how did you overcome that obstacle well I turned 15 and then I was good not but Faraj just got older um at the moment I was devastated by was a freshman in high school but after I got low old I was like you discovered girls and then you forgot all about me no I discovered girls earlier than that now we have a shuffle on me right now no so long as you don't have one with the stupid-ass band only were you the nay-no yeah it's just hard neither bring him back um lesson I learned his [ __ ] are insane so I remember I was at this this house party at the Douglas loop and it was actually up in this like upstairs type area above a restaurant and I was on the aux cord for the night hey you know I had the party jumpin like I was playing the right music I had the vibe going like I was you know a high school like I like to be on the aux I felt like my taste was really up there but there's this girl that was in my ear the whole night asking me to play this crazy frog song and I couldn't understand why but she kept she's pestering me about her she kept asking me oh you're plate place crazy frog someone she kept showing me on Oh am i nine playing this song like a file i kept me a host passive at first I was like I got you I got you because you feel like they might leave you alone but when I told her no I'm not gonna place you'd like crack me in my mouth like just crack me right in my jaw and got carried out of the party she hit the hell out of me [ __ ] I mean was like a man punch I know crazy frog is I mean he makes like remixes it a funny voice I think but I don't know that song I don't know why she where the year in the middle of this party when young thug was playing I don't know I having to crazy frog I'll be still working always been a big water consumer I go to restaurants and the waiters they never up to par for me because I'm just going through that [ __ ] for years I've been complimented on my soft hands I have no idea why my hands are soft until more recently I started us I've been hydrating the hell out of myself my whole life and I think that's the reason and I'm very disciplined about Wayne Connors it's a life or death situation in my opinion so that thing on got you are you are you on drugs no all right cool where we got one all right that's like saying you got a pair two new J's yeah it's Karma you want smoke weed you don't drink dog check this out exactly let's say it's gonna come out if you do one way you know wanted to come out you show me some wild [ __ ] that's gonna say like like being in hip-hop bro I feel like hip-hop is the most I gotta be careful with my words here but but it's like the most homophobic music genre you don't I'm saying you definitely push the line you say some such [ __ ] but it's funny as [ __ ] but I'm sure people question it because they're like people in hip-hop aren't used to people being that loose now forward with it in a funny way I don't even know what you mean I'm saying like I even see I see I seen a meme one time I seen a maybe you posted and it was like something about a barber like like do you ever want to grab your barbers dick trying to make me feel like is all right now bro I gotta pull it up man yeah it's not like I suck dick or anything [Laughter] smooth music you like east of mushrooms to smoke Samui - I wouldn't know nothin about none of that Oh would I he's on his own yeah never you've never had shrooms jack not on camera no more I had this homegirl and the house behind her there was a house with a pool and you know the family sort of knew each other but I found out the owner of the house was blind and deaf at least that's what she told us that he was blind and deaf and so we're like we Loki had permission to go to this pool she said we did book like we started going a lot like I don't know if we have permission to other times but we used to go there skinny-dip we were bringing different people in there you know just be a nice little vibe but then one night we went and I remember the window was open and I looked in the living room and there was a man standing there close as hell looking at the TV you the TV was like right here and he why he was standing near the TV notice how he was trying to see what was going on about it like we all know if this dude was really blind or deaf or not and shout-out to the blind shot to death all respect like this [ __ ] like we didn't know if it was cheering us oh boy oh boy he went up to the window it started banging on that [ __ ] like just to see if it was true because we've been in this do school like that's banging the [ __ ] out of the window I'm talking about hit this [ __ ] this dude did not [ __ ] move so we found out it was true this is all [ __ ] bonded deaf watching TV while we're in his pool and we just kept pulling up shout out to that guy for letting us use the pool over pre-show rituals me no I don't pray or anything but that's another thing I'm thing about tapping into in 2019 praying a little bit stepping into church I just remembered the other day that they got those confessional booths and church yeah and I'm really thinking about sliding on [Music] [Music]
Channel: Culture Link
Views: 451,745
Rating: 4.9747248 out of 5
Keywords: Culture Link, Culture, Link, Jack Harlow, Jack Harlow Funny Moments, Jack Harlow Funny, Funny Moments, Jack Harlow Funniest Moments, Funny, Moments, Jack Harlow Whats Popppin, Whats Poppin, Lyrical Lemonade, Cole Bennett, Jack Harlow Dark Knight, Dark Knight, Jack Harlow Sweet Action, Jack Harlow Confetti, Sweet Action, Confetti, Generation Now, Lil Uzi Vert, What's Poppin', Rap, Hip Hop, Brand New Whip Just Hopped In, i got options, 18, Gazebo, Loose, Jack, Harlow, Kentucky, louisville
Id: EqrYyonWO-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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