Jack Harlow Funny Moments Compilation (Parts 1-5)

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yo jack harlow here big shout out to culture link for compiling all these moments for me on the internet uh it's a beautiful thing those type of videos the types of things i grew up watching about my favorite artists and the fact that culture links is putting together all my moments for my fans and anyone that's not familiar with me is is amazing so thank you culture links thanks everybody for watching love i had a lot of cartoon characters that used to get me sexually aroused as a kid she was one of them the female reindeer from the rudolph claymation series when i was in preschool i used to be bricked up watching that [ __ ] and then that fine ass fish from shark tale but she goes up there with her fine ass and i have another kim possible line no you got the wrong one i've never wanted to [ __ ] rufus i don't think it was about [ __ ] oh okay because i was about to say i must have been on one with his little thick ass go ahead learned a lot in that two years huh hell yeah what was you stressing on back then but you know stress was depression was trendy back then you know it seemed like everybody wanted hey and i'm about to bring that [ __ ] back you're bringing it back yeah i'm about to be depressed real soon no i'm just playing i'm dying yeah just in time for the mixtape release you see you're getting love man we're gonna go to kentucky right here what up man patrick yo what up jack i'm glad to see you on the radio man yo putting louisville on the map dude you know the vibes patrick thanks for calling in yeah for sure hey we gotta get that boy in some cast gear though occasionally what'd you say we gotta get that boy in some cass gear out of the louisville gear into the into the lexington cavs gear yo cut this [ __ ] off yeah no we're louisville fans what are you saying he wants to put me in some kentucky gear yeah oh that's what he said yeah i'm a louisville fan one of the things that appealed to me when uh the way a girl bends your dick sometimes when she's trying to shove it into her throat it's like damn and me i'm i'm sensitive about my [ __ ] so i think for me it's a bigger thing because a lot of my homeboys they're they're weirded out when i tell them like i don't like the deep throat really it's too much for me a lot of girls have a very thin throat it's narrow there's not a lot of room to operate in there and they want to shove it back there it's like this is one of the most sensitive parts of my body and they just want to shove that [ __ ] i've never liked intense head i'd rather you just massage it okay that was on dentine what is dentine that song about well that's a gum brand and it looks like we're gonna have to change the title of the damn song team is uh reached out and they're not [ __ ] with us so um is that true that's facts so still make denting wow yeah i like that talk do they [ __ ] them not [ __ ] with him so we gotta change the name i think i'm gonna call it ice was thinking about calling a gun brand just something but we have to change it point this point we gotta change they ain't [ __ ] with us but i love the song thanks for bringing it up so you really got to change that [ __ ] i never no i ain't joking yeah yeah you know i remember these elementary school all the pretty girls used to make them and put them on their little fingers and do that thing i've never made like a big dick line in any of my songs like that was my first one cause like i'm not on some like you know micro [ __ ] you know what i mean but like i'm not i'm also like not crazy like you know what i'm saying but i was so worried that the girls i used to mess with were gonna be like songs hard but just know like it ain't that big nobody said none so we're in the clear maybe they maybe they're like it was like maybe they think i'm telling the truth i don't know d r e e n give me a spirit animal what's the the clownfish the one where the dude has the baby that actually might be my spirit animal what's the there's a fish where the the man is the one carrying the baby around seahorse seahorse the seahorse that's my whole vibe i wish i was delivering my kid i don't trust my wife with it don't got a wife but i won't trust her wish i was the seahorse and i can deliver it i like the accents up here where we're at man those new york accents nothing like being cussed out up here that's just what i'm into what do you do like on days off i know people say no days of no sleep but what do you do like on a day off you go to basketball games kentucky derby you hang around you play video what do you do i like to party uh i like i like to get faded i like to kick it with women i like to kick it with men like i do a lot of stuff i be chilling yeah yeah i just uh i try to enjoy myself yeah no you need to though it's a good balance right hell yeah yeah yeah we like to kick it with men too here in our studio too man hell yeah there's plenty of men in here yeah not like that though but we we can't you know what says the sausage party i don't know what's happening why somebody's snickering that just sounded funny when he said it get some more men in here right now in the ville and i move like a dime eating fettuccine or vincenzo's it's an italian restaurant downtown louisville i think i went there once as a kid but it's fly vincenzo himself heard the song he wants me to come in so we're about to bring the heart to life this is we have a lot of influence within the city don ask get somebody wack i like a tall rapper i love a tall river i'll tell you six three nice yeah there you go you gotta love it i know i like you uh you know there's a there's a story that i'd like to you to tell right now because we have a lot of young people that watch the show when you were 14 years old you thought you might have a chance at a major label record deal and it just didn't happen i have to imagine when you're 14 that must have felt like the end of the world oh yeah tonight is devastating so how did you overcome that obstacle well i turned 15 and then i was good nah but for i just got older um at the moment i was devastated i was a freshman in high school but after i got a little older i was like you discovered girls and then you forgot all about the majors now i discovered girls earlier than that now by the way if you still have an ipod we gotta talk about it you have a shuffle on me right now no i'm just so long as you know the one with the stupid ass band on it where you know yeah go ahead it's just hard need to bring him back lesson i learned is [ __ ] are insane so i remember i was at this this house party at the douglas loop and it was actually up in this like upstairs type area above a restaurant and i was on the aux cord for the night and you know i i had the party jumping like i was playing the right music i had the vibe going like i was you know in high school like i like to be on the aux i felt like my taste was really up there but there's this girl that was in my ear the whole night asked me to play this crazy frog song and i couldn't understand why but she kept she's pestering me about it she kept asking me oh yo play play this crazy frog song she kept showing me on her phone i'm like nine playing this song like if i i kept being host passive at first i was like i got you i got you because you feel like they might leave you alone but when i told her no i'm not gonna place you like crack me in my mouth like just crack me right in my jaw and got carried out of the party she hit the hell out of me you know punch the [ __ ] at me it was like a man punch me i know who crazy frog is i mean he makes like remixes it a funny voice i think but i didn't know that song i don't know why she wanted to hear the middle of this party when young thug was playing i don't know what happened to crazy frog i hope he's still working always been a big water consumer i go to restaurants and the waiters are never up to par for me because i'm just going through that [ __ ] for years i've been complimented on my soft hands i have no idea why my hands are soft until more recently i started to realize i've been hydrating the hell out of myself my whole life and i think that's the reason and uh i'm very disciplined about uh wearing condoms it's a life or death situation in my opinion so throw that thing on got you are you on drugs no no all right cool man we got one all right yeah ain't it crazy that's something new you know i'm just curious a big deal that's like saying you got a pair of new jays you know what i mean like yeah it's common you don't smoke weed either nah man i don't talk about that you know no no no hold up that's a different name i don't i don't do any of that you know you don't drink nah dawg check this out jack it's going to come out if you do one way or another it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't have to come out like this though you don't want it to come out you showed me some wild [ __ ] that's all i was gonna say like like being in hip hop bro i feel like hip hop is the most uh i gotta be careful with my words here but but it's like the most homophobic music genre you know what i'm saying you definitely push the line what you're trying to say no no i'm saying you say some you say some [ __ ] but it's funny as [ __ ] but but i'm sure people question it because they're like people in hip hop aren't used to people being that loose got forward with it yeah yeah like like in a funny way i don't even know what you mean i'm saying like i i even see i see i seen a meme one time i seen a meme you posted and it was like something about a barber like like do you ever want to grab your barber's dick yeah you got the wrong man nah bro no you're trying to make me feel like an [ __ ] right now bro you got to pull it up man yeah that's not like i suck dick or anything i'm a chill dude man i know what you're saying all right [ __ ] it never mind there on to the next one on to the next one man on to the neck i like smooth music you like [ __ ] you could like eat some mushrooms too smoke some weed too i wouldn't know nothing about none of that or whatever he's on his own you've never you've never had shrooms jacked not on camera all right hey they got endorsements to give the [ __ ] is i had this homegirl and the house behind her there was a house with a pool and you know the family sort of knew each other but i found out the owner of the house was blind and deaf at least that's what she told us that he was blind and deaf and so we're like we lowkey had permission to go to this pool she said we did but like we started going a lot like i don't know if we had permission other times but we used to go there skinny did we bring different people in there you know just be a nice little vibe but then one night we went and i remember the window was open and i looked in the living room and there was a man standing there close as hell looking at the tv he was the tv was like right here and he while he was he was standing near the tv and look how he was trying to see what was going on about it like we don't know if this dude was really blind or deaf or not and shout out to the blind shout out to the dev all respect like but this [ __ ] like we didn't know if it was true or not so my whole boy went up to the window it started banging on that [ __ ] like just to see if it was true because we had been in this dude's pool like starts banging the [ __ ] out of the window i'm talking about hit this [ __ ] this dude did not [ __ ] move so we found out it was true that this [ __ ] was blind to death watching tv while we were in this pool and we just kept pulling up shout out to that guy for letting us use the pluto for real pre-show rituals no i don't pray or anything but that's another thing i'm thinking about tapping into in 2019 praying a little bit stepping into church i just remembered the other day that they got those confessional booths in church yeah and i'm really thinking about sliding on one my number three lesson would be just to follow your gut this is just a great memory for me i scored the game one and goal of my senior night i played soccer and that was just a beautiful thing for me i played defense so i wasn't really even a goal scorer i was playing defense i ran up the field i just had an inkling that the ball was going to come in front of the goal it was 0-0 the whole game kicked that [ __ ] in no something went wrong i would have been a jackass for moving we won the game it's a beautiful moment something i'll never forget i wasn't stupid i just i just went down i took off running yeah i went to applebee's and then went home went to bed [ __ ] was lit the party must go on so when i was 16 i dropped a mixtape it's called finely handsome it's my first mixtape i made like 100 copies and i was passing them out of school and i wanted to have a release party it was a friday night and we had it at my homeboys who lived two blocks from my high school party got shut down immediately so i i got i told everybody let's go to my high school let's just go throw this party in the parking lot so everybody transfers to the parking lot of my high school and somehow someway we're in that parking lot for hours with no issue now eventually the cops came the parking lot was trashed but it was a great night i remember i get to school on monday and on the side of the school somebody had climbed the school and spray painted in massive letters the phrase um dim titties huge letters white spray paint somebody climbed to school and put that on the side i remember i saw it on my english english classes window and you could see my principal kind of pacing and me and him we ain't had the best relationship shout out dr aberle he's a good guy but it was always bs like this that he ain't like and he ain't like that we threw that party in the parking lot but i was immediately blamed for dim titties i called my mom he was asking if i said dim titties in any of the songs on my mixtape i don't know who put them titties on the school but it just so happened that it coincided with the mixtape party that's definitely easily the most memorable thing that happened to me in high school it's just that whole chi doug's coming together but whoever did that shit's a legend you could see it from any part of the school it was it was beautiful yeah the la leakers man power 106. just incredible sour milk our guy louisville kentucky's in here jack harlow welcome back to the show man great to be back truly yeah man you're one of my favorite people on instagram man hell yeah like like the the how did the the 10 question things start um i just figured it was time to interact with the people supporting me and i gotten complaints that i don't give enough of myself so it just felt like a good way to start i started about a year ago and i just [ __ ] hate doing it i want to get to a point where i'm like taking my shirt off every show and it's just like it's really like something to behold because i'm not there yet and that's really what i want i want to be able to just like just get naked on stage yeah all right heard it here first jack arlo is trying to get naked on stage don't know if that will happen tonight but it gets too hot you never know no telling no what is this this is like the hardest question to answer honestly though what is the most interesting [ __ ] that nobody ever asks you about or that you don't ever get a chance to talk about sometimes i'm like damn maybe i need some more [ __ ] in my life because people are people ask me about music people are very cut dry with me they don't get into none of that funky [ __ ] with me and me i'm like down to talk about that but i guess i'm just too straight laced with what i got going on in my life i ain't uh i ain't no beefs i ain't in no public relationships but i'm about to get all that stirred up soon so next time i'm here you're gonna have a lot to dive into in that regard and uh so before the show i had a friend actually ask me like he like texted in he was like hey uh can you tell me if jack harlow has like any like before the show rituals that he does like before he like goes on does he make sure he's wearing the same socks or i mean i make sure that in the morning i always got the right socks you always got matching socks on definitely oh okay i i couldn't do i couldn't do any other way real question for you you endorsing anybody uh democratically republican like you know i don't share my political views on camera okay i appreciate you asking okay jack harlingen yo okay let's get let's get into some fat boy [ __ ] uh what what's your go-to like fast food we had chick-fil-a tonight chick-fil-a go what am i talking about i had chick-fil-a today chick-fil-a goat chick-fil-a what do you order what do you order though a whole lot of ranch i respect that have you ever had raisin canes have i ever i gotta ask because they're not everywhere yeah i mean they're in louisville okay fleetwood mac are you really about that [ __ ] some great i'm trying to man that's crazy here we go with the cassidy dj head brother sounds like it's episode two of that we started i didn't do it he starts talking hauling oats and fleas i can relate buddy talk that [ __ ] come on man talk that [ __ ] jesus christ so 70s rock yeah that's a vibe a whole lot of white [ __ ] hey listen i don't have a problem with that i would hope not you know what i'm saying i like white people be racist thanks i like that though man i feel like uh you know it'd be easy for you to get features you're you're kind of a hot rapper right no couldn't [ __ ] get one actually that's [ __ ] just joking no you had the right analysis you know we just wanted to make it me canon encouraged me he's like yo just just make it you know no features on here i've read that caucasian connection with eminem man like i just you know saw myself i [ __ ] with the caucasian connection i didn't think you did i got white friends well now you do west coast i mean i work with him every day what's your ethnicity i'm white man okay you look a little ambiguous kid too i'm [ __ ] i'm irish and german buddy i'm puerto rican so salute you're puerto rican no oh i was like i was looking like i'm like wait what i was trying to do the math in my head like carry the one did it seem possible at all yeah a little bit okay it's the hair though yeah yeah okay whatever it is it's the curls you got the rogan curls [Laughter] who's rogan seth rogan he wants to clear that [ __ ] up who the [ __ ] is broken what are you talking about which rogan are you talking about about joe wrote yeah i really only like to beat my [ __ ] to girls i know that's it's crazy i i don't i'm not much but who do you aspire to to know like who's like you know celebrity crushes essentially oh for me like i got a few j-lo's been you know well j-lo's top-tier for sure um i like constance marie a lot angie lopez okay sandra bullock sandra bullock yeah get that blind side [ __ ] you feel me what the [ __ ] that speed two and one co-starring keanu you feel me that's that 1994 vagina baby i see you you have anybody that's vintage south of 50 years old those are my two goats right there i don't even want to put nobody next to them i respect it man sandra bullock you just shot a shot yeah i'm saying constance marie too i uh i actually had all my fans go to her page and say yo follow jack harlow back did it work it did not work don't know what the hell's she saw you dog i would like to think so that's what's even worse she saw it he didn't fall back she saw you though i got one i'm feeling really good about called i want to see some ass it's already been teased to the public and i want to see some ass i want to see some ass okay you are how many only fans account you to subscribe to bro well i got some discounted ones so they get this discounts well when you become friends with some of the girls oh that's crazy a little free member that's a real privilege i ain't never heard it think about starting my own though hey you know be crazy if you start dropping some [ __ ] on only fans [Music] like yo a week early get the project but you gotta you gotta subscribe to the only fans hey i think you low-key can cut the label out of that too [Laughter] you want a piece of my only chance yeah hey you don't look over there you know what i'm saying a little royalty action so only fans and a premium snap man you got that right i see you confetti out now did we record that yeah i thought we were doing a whole nother thing oh [ __ ] i hope you all recorded that yeah we recorded that all right that's live in living color right here that's is this uh is this saying public stations what do you mean can you curse on here you can say whatever [ __ ] you okay good yeah you just said [ __ ] live i just realized i cursed all through that and i was like oh you thought we were live on the radio no no that's reserved for black people finally handsome is coming out late october still getting the cover already and everything and i think it's just like where i've reached this point it's called finally handsome because like i feel like it's more of a metaphor i mean i'm not doubting my you know handsomeness but it's more of a metaphor for like i feel like i've reached this like level of adolescence where i'm getting more comfortable with what i'm doing and i just love gardens i love the vibe of sitting on park benches i like things that are underappreciated like a gazebo you know um like a park bench like just items like that that you might see and that you feel like nobody's using her they're forgetting about like i'll sit on a park bench like when i see one so wow that's what i'm on i'm kind of like that with yeah with free food like they always have free food same thing and i'm like nobody pays attention man cheese and bread are the favorite things i can eat so when they're put together in any form i like quesadillas i like pizza but this is number one to me it's a little complex what i like to do is take two texas toasts with cheese in there so we got some white cheddar we have some traditional cheddar we have some colby jack and of course some provolone tomatoes and bacon so first thing i like to do is get rid of the tomatoes i won't be eating those but as i've said in other interviews big water guy big water guy over here we also been on a juice wave since quarantine started a lot of cranberry a lot of lemonade type juices trying to stop any kidney stones from going down my dad used to get up in the middle of night like 1am and i'd see him in the kitchen just drinking from the cranberry jug i'm like why are you always on that he's like i won't get a kidney stone i'll tell you that so since then i have been trying to stop kidney stones from happening i thought for a second i was passing a kidney stone during this interview but false alarm you know we go to quito quito is a national chain but people don't know that the most profitable qidoba in the u.s is on the corner of bardstown road in eastern parkway in louisville kentucky and on weekends it's open late we'd be in there sloshed would you rather be buried cremated or mummified well you come back when you get mummified don't you in fairy yeah mummified my ass cause the other two you don't have a shot cremated is what the [ __ ] are you doing like my mom wants to get cremated why y'all snack i love chips i'm not much of a candy but i like savory things i like uh garden salsa sun chips i like spicy nacho doritos but i had to give them up my [ __ ] was ablaze too many times so now i punish myself like every blue moon so what i do is i take two texas toasts oh it's hot open this up no oven mitt take one of each cheese oh i forgot you can close it what the hell am i on yo so you can close it tomorrow's gonna be your last day on earth what's the game plan take the next flight to the ville kick it with the family try not to be depressed as [ __ ] you keep imagining like going to like dave and buster's history last day and i'll be in the corner like [ __ ] my mom's like i know she last day but come on i'm like all right you're right come on let's turn up in my prime or even you could say my darkest days i was eating like eight slices running through them i'm telling you so flat sparkling or flavored water flat sparkling is ass don't understand the appeal the best water is flat it comes right out of the springs there's nothing like sparkling water like fresh out the top this piss is like chick-fil-a is a cheat meal despite how terribly i'm already living it's a cheap meal nonetheless because it immediately just makes me slower and tired it's got big iris in it i feel like cinnabon's like a perfect example of something you just you just gave up that day i never feel good about myself after i finish one of those would you rather fight one t-rex 10 raptors or a thousand snakes one t-rex you only gotta focus on one alright walk me through the strategy here i'm doing a lot of hiding and ducking and trying to get larger things to fall on top of him or i climb on his back and stab him 80 times 80 is a pretty specific number somewhere up there food is so much like sex to me and you can tell healthy my relationship with sex must be i'm telling you it's so regretful sometimes when you're most nervous debuting a new song playing to a crowd bigger than you ever have or waiting for reviews to come out probably like interviews also like right now yeah far from done so we call this a double decker this isn't my first rodeo [Applause] so now this is my first time working a uh george grill i'm not sure if the double decker translate but it's coming together it's a versatile meal you know it's versatile cuisine can be plugged in at any time a grilled cheese and i really haven't even mastered how to do it we don't have a spatula so we do a lot of cooking here i will literally make a grilled cheese with two big ass knives just stab at it and keep turning it over melting the cheese all right man appreciate you being here appreciate you doing this you keep forgetting about that rhonda man okay you always remember ain't a lot of snacking going on in here it's probably for the better i don't know i'll be putting my retainers in at like midnight so to me that's like closing up shop i don't be back in the kitchen after that finish this sentence yeah sex is cool but have you ever sex is cool but have you ever masturbated and then you just kick it okay all right well you in a relationship back then when you came up and said i wasn't i wasn't he wasn't you watching are you in one now what do you mean by relationships okay i need to explain that okay usually i thought it was self-explanatory um you in a committed right arrangement between one of the person that you guys are going to be devoted to each other and not outside of that tandem okay i see what you mean though you still want to know if i am in one yeah not if you don't want to no i don't want to talk about it you ain't no one no i'm not one did you did one break up something happened no no i'm just cooling cooling i'm doing me okay okay now i was listening to the album man you talking a lot you know you got a certain song sunday night uh dentine um rain you know it's a lot of songs where you're making a lot of relationship references in it there's a lot of that going on yeah it's not right now but you know that's that's where the stories are told on the album on the album they're also told in the interviews too we could tell some other stories wow jack harlow is amazed you hear this i like it i thought people wanted to talk about they lyrics i want to talk about my lyrics he's talking about my relationships okay let's talk lyrics figure out what your network is like i know you're going to google my net worth whatever you do don't don't announce it don't announce it on the live look at it for yourself boy you worth 1.2 billion how many times yeah well me i'm taking a vaccine and whatever's in it you're bugging not you're really bugging it's crazy this is really it's really did you did you get tested for it yes and you tested what negative they wouldn't let us do an interview if i was positive why a lot of people have it a lot of people tested positive and have no symptoms or doing fine but they wouldn't want you to catch it so how we doing a virtual interview how would you catch it you can spread that way they say [Laughter] i don't know it was cool the first few weeks and now i'm just like last few days i feel depression sitting there and i can't laugh no really yeah like i got this balcony that i just keep looking at like i probably outside wow like i might jump off that thing oh please shut up your life is too good to do anything like that i'm sorry there you go hey what you drinking boy you ain't [ __ ] you you did your thing on um hot 97 yo i was surprised i appreciate it why surprise man you know the caucasian thing you just bought it out with the hair you know what yeah it's definitely your hair it's the hair it's the head okay yeah and who got you started into like music like growing up in your household like who what was that first song they're like oh man hey i'm gonna be a rapper this is this hot uh fergalicious by freddy very delicious yeah the way she wrote that beat and then she had a reverse on there i remember my fifth grade talent show i went to auditions and i did fergalicious and they just [ __ ] on me they were like no this is far too inappropriate but that's where i was driving my inspo from okay so what is jack arlo putting ranch on is it rancho everything or what there's very few things ranch ain't going on i'll say that but what what's what's give me top five things go on chicken okay give it that's easy i like it on pizza okay i like it on vegetables uh i like it on fruit uh i like it on i like it on chocolate i like wait wait wait wait a minute chocolate and and and ranch dressing why like what what do you know how did you know it would be more fun of a game bro try to name something that i wouldn't put ranch on because i don't know but chocolate though like what how how did you even think of that like let me uh let me just put some ranch on some chocolate you know i've been through some dark times man my best friend my roommate he he turned me on the ranch a few years ago and you know i really just lost control i went crazy but let me tell you something i went to uh i went to the doctor two weeks ago to get tested for corona okay luckily the results came back negative but while i was in there she took my blood pressure and she said that i'm eating too much ranch and she could tell by my blood pressure so for the last two weeks i haven't had any ranch i think you know that little meter they look at uh-huh i don't think it went up or anything i think a just ranch came on top of it she said i've been going too hard so i didn't cut it out of my diet the last couple weeks yeah let's let's try to make sure you stay safe while you're doing this quarantine you want to you after all this stuff is going on you don't want to die for ranch dressing yeah you don't want that for me it's in my bloodstream brother tell me this i think everybody like has like the main question that everyone's been asking people is like what is the first thing that you're gonna do when you get out of this quarantine aside from getting haircut if that was like your plan i'm about to lay up in some coochie ah i see you dozer come on in here yo i need to charge my phone i need to talk to you for a second though you know who i am yo chill out chill out people people thought we were dating because your man apparently looks like me oh my [ __ ] god how tall are you are you five ten i'm six three come on oh no he's actually six feet short yeah three inches man it's tough yeah hi you're great wow you're great i'm happy yeah are you jewish i'm not jewish are you yes real what the [ __ ] my wig is coming up i gotta go uh thanks for this i love you oh man i've had a crush on her for months yeah baby yeah baby that was your cat oh i'm over here feeling good now my tummy feels good you know don't you cat we're fine i want i want to go back cause you just don't live like i think i want to say a few probably a few days ago um what a woman question man what a woman crushing my uh dozen oh yeah yeah she's nice hey i saw it all in your face when she off on the live you was like oh yeah what's up with that uh so she came on there i had butterflies in my stomach i like her she's she's super talented she's super talented i like her creativity of music she is talented i ain't gonna lie i would love to do a record before i'd love to do a record with her before we do anything else he said do anything else oh my god it's going hard asking sometimes that's what i'm trying to say right you feel me and we hold up and we got a video monday monday night no hold on patch don't tell everybody that's why it was a question he was quite useful to say no nick undecided new to the internet and insta hell of a name their comment is drake's son grew up fast damn geez i've been hearing that a lot actually um i suppose we share some features who you think had the best verse on the remix man i gotta ask cause everybody's been asking me i figured i'd ask you i ain't gonna firm but tori went crazy he ain't lying you ain't lying no his verse was hard did you um did you get to hear my verse it was it was the first one yeah you sure about tori being the best one man i'm giving the man props man oh yeah listen he had a hard verse bro i just didn't know if you got to hear mine or not try dot uh dot new bro if this [ __ ] wins you're gonna [ __ ] the whole season up well the season's [ __ ] up then idea for this cover uh me okay this is for 18. this photographer hit me up when i was i think about 17 when i took the picture but he was like um i want to shoot with you and i said i'm cool with that but i really want to like i want to get naked he was like all right fine but why did you want wonder because when i was young i just that's all i wanted to do okay h harlow my last name has a very caucasian history it's filled with caucasity um i'm pretty sure it's like english and irish couldn't be whiter dave white elo keep curling your hair you little prick holy hell now this is the best one this is the content i was looking for it's a comment from a real place it feels genuine damn dave come on well glad for y'all to pull up we got drama yeah cannon yeah yeah jack hollow in the building clap up early what's happening with y'all man amen etaka know where his name's amen maybe it's salmon maybe it's amen not the best white rapper but still my favorite i am the new big boss white i uh i've been grandfathered in by the other whites and uh you know i've been meeting shaking hands apparently there's only one big boss white left to conquer slim shady okay karate i'm into karate i am i'm like i'm a yellow belt i am though i really am certified as a yellow belt no bs no funny business when i was in first grade i graduated from white belt to yellow belt and i've put my studies on hold since but purple coming soon leave it at that oh i got this thing i got this thing where i've been sitting here and i think about injuries and i can't stop thinking about them my eye getting stabbed or something i can't stop thinking about that [ __ ] you know [Laughter] you're all right berlin's the place to go but i'm gonna drop a classic album i'm gonna like get a couple hits and then i'm gonna have my transformation in my evolution in berlin i'm gonna go to berlin and become a mysterious character i'm low-key addicted to this song i hate them low-key comments you know what i mean people would be like jack harlow's low-key cute why is jack hall a low-key fire nothing low-key about it baby bob molly's the better to me you said michael jackson's camera caribbean man michael jackson is the best entertainer he's being the best candy raptor can he rap no you're [ __ ] up michael jackson i said hurricane chris who you talking about this guy he's trying to confuse me i'm talking about michael jackson you want hurricane chris you want to go hey baby hey baby on your [ __ ] hard as rocks put some respect on it uh and noise i like soft noises i don't like anything loud in my hair i don't like people talking to me or saying things or i don't like anything i don't like listening to things i don't like any sounds in my ear giddy gordon this guy sounds like a little pump with brain cells i raped it z zaddy it's like zaddy's like when i like run into one of my homeboys i'm like what's up zaddy like it's just like zaddy you know what i'm saying one of my like homeboys so no none of that just like he's a zaddy like he looks like a zaddy like when he's shirtless now i want to know with all the things going on in the world right now a lot of good stuff bad stuff what is one thing you've seen you like okay that's a path i'm never gonna go down christ being a white supremacist i meant in the industry man i didn't mean to [ __ ] work in the world in the rap industry now let's get into the latest project anyway though sweet action you dropped that on on your 22nd birthday right that was the same that was the same day as the lockdown started yeah i went out with a big bang i was about to ask you like was it was it bittersweet like like how did it affect the album did it affect the birthday i mean recklessly i had a birthday party in louisville that day and we treated it as like i said like a last hurrah before we all had to go inside that was the last day yeah yeah it was it was a smoothie though then i'd like to have my heart broken eventually oh you've never had your heart broken i've never been in love and i never had my heart broken i'm really yeah i'm scum i know i'm sorry let everybody know your social yeah let me can i introduce a song one time please ahead yeah let us do ourselves social media don't do the social media first day still quick all right well i'm i'm at dj drama follow me at jack harlow j c k h a r l w you stole i think that's great and your song was popping is so fun to listen to the lines that you have in there are crazy and witty you give me kind and i don't want to like typecast you but you give me like what are you about to say oh no go ahead you give me like low-key little dickie vibes help me just killed me jesus no no no no no no no no i know little dickie like he's the homie like you're lyrically hilarious like you you think out of the box and you make people laugh and just smile with the funny things right about that i won't be doing that anymore yeah can i do that intro yes yo what's up it's jack harlow and this is ghost that's how they talk i talk how i talk man how do you talk just like that you heard it say it again no no that was it that was it it's gonna be more chill the second time i also heard you jack i also heard you got fans looking your ass man what's up with that who told you about that show grammy nominee a multi-platinum artist and may i say the hottest in the game jack harlow thank you so much for stopping by fresh out dude hello now that is the type of intro i like right there hello hello thanks for having me you know i feel like i look like i'm from the united kingdom right now i used to wear glasses glasses but i wore glasses so long in my life that i decided i just didn't want to wear them anymore so how do you see i just i have one bad eye i just looked through the other one now you're an artist we know who loves to perform how are you going to tap in with your fans and celebrate this album probably just dm them back and stuff i wish i could see them and touch them but for now sorry earthquake i'm in l.a for now um i just gotta communicate digitally and try to touch them as best i can from a distance no they they said for 100 million dollars you suck and dig that's a great question jack let's go with it i think i told him it wouldn't take that much yeah it would but i'm really somebody that wants to feed my family man this is that's just how i am i put my family first if listen if these girls are out here trying to work one job and jumping on only fans to make ends meet least we could do a suck a dick here and then if we have to connection went out yo yo yo jack figured out the cheat code of zoom interviews yo i lost you the connection so these are condoms i really like the grip on them and they're just effective your life can go downhill without them so i really recommend these where can you buy them a lot of places pharmacies grocery stores you know it gets tougher the later at night it gets but there's a lot of options most places most places carry them there's a chance i can't live without them it's an essential at all times all locations uh what are you grabbing today man oh well i need these i'll tell you that all right for sure these got you without a doubt all size 12's for sure big dog you know big dog you know what i mean you know wait then i don't currently have a job like i'm dead broke like it's a rat i'm out here so a hundred million never 100 million not doing it but here's the question so i would have said that in the past until this conversation but now i'm thinking about it why though why because i'm not sucking a dick sometimes that's all it takes that's the only answer some people are selfish they don't care about their family now the album title that's what they all say of course it's out right now but the title when you just read it it sounds like it could be a response to something or someone what's the meaning behind it yeah man honestly that's what they all say is a response to the haters bro like i just really want people to know that i don't give a f man and that's how i feel you know people are critical of me they praise me whatever and i heard it all before i got thick skin you know what i mean so i've been through a lot i was in the gym maybe eight months ago and there was a woman in the gym selling cmos and one of the main things she told me about it is that it increases your libido and just your drive and she gave me something right there and the rest of time i was in the gym horny as hell i was turnt up i couldn't even really work out i had to go home for the right bag would you perform at rupp arena for the right bag i'll do anything we made that clear at the top of this what would you put on the jersey is there a price it's one thing to suck a dick but is there a price to put on a kentucky jersey that says harlow on the back it's crazy that the jersey would be the first one i know i know yeah that'd be tough bro i don't know if there's a bag for that you're right so next i have these i got these about six days ago i really like how they fit my face there's no brand name on them so i have no idea what brand they are my friend urban gave them to me i can hide behind them in a way at the right times you know it gives me a nice like an anonymous feel like when i just want to take a walk and just be amongst society sometimes i get recognized in them but a lot of times i can slide with these and just and i feel good behind them and i've seen myself in them and i like how it looks well first and foremost congratulations on this grammy nomination how's it feel to be nominated for a grammy before you ever released your debut album well not to get sexual but i would compare it to that um it feels so good inside of me you know when the butterflies kind of hit the lower part of your stomach you're just like you know the come up i know you've been in the game a little while now but talk to me about what it was like growing up in louisville kentucky now we're going to talk about how you and drama made fun of me because i said louisville when i met you in atlanta that was almost worse what you just did oh so i said it wrong this again yeah you [ __ ] it up but it's okay all right louisville yeah yo i saw a post you put up you said people just realized i was white and then you put up album covers and you was like i've been trying to tell y'all how white i am for mad album it's a white man on the front of every album [Laughter] loose the loose cover is one of the whitest things i've ever seen definitely my air purifier it feels like my area has been better since i got this yeah i haven't changed this filter yet so i could be breathing in dusty ass air no telling yo what's your tell us when are you going to get a good hair product endorsement jack that should be out there for you you know i've been a little more focused on dropping my own product private garden basically potentially but you know um there's always so many people with hair texture like mine in private garden i don't know if you have to do different shampoos so that's what i'm saying it could be like the first multi uh ethnic hair hard hard body my man's trying to get his percentage i feel it well listen if you have a bald if you do a bald one give me a shot you know i got you it's just going to be do you have trust issues no because i do sorry i'm sorry so you've never felt like you've had a girl that you would do anything for or die for no [ __ ] no god damn so tell me is jack harlow dating right now what's going on with the dating thing right now i'm dating myself man i'm doing that's the best i'm dating my right hand right now i'm cooling it well you just found out something different about me today that i'm black and white and i'm not dominican yeah dude's black and white shocking news right here he was like you're white i was just i was like these are scissors i use these to cut a lot of things there's certain chip bags like let's talk about the veggie sticks because i knew this was gonna come up let's just talk about it the bag is like it's just like it's not built for a man to open and it's so stupid because when you do cut it open then how do they stay fresh you have to eat the whole bag right there so i'll open a bag with this regretfully but i do use these to open certain like sturdy chip bags so again real quick in closing how much money to suck a dick while wearing a kentucky jersey yo man let's get to the song man connection went out keep it light i'ma wrap it up on this question right here and this is something i've been asking everybody who i've talked to recently are you taking the vaccine if it means getting back to these live shows to the head [Laughter] bro i'm deep throat in the vaccine family i heard it like that but that's what's up right there man yeah you heard it here first i don't spill things i haven't spilled anything since i was like 14. i never even shaved myself mom why i've shaved myself you know i didn't anticipate that my man would make a double stack grilled cheese i didn't anticipate three slices of bread i've never experienced anything like that the three slices set it off off the rip but that pepper jacket just hit different top three maybe top one grilled cheeses i've ever had no life thank you [ __ ] was crazy delicious left hand shake find everything okay my man the total was 1259 with 25 cents hey man let me tell you something financial literacy and and spending your money and all it's not about you bro here you go how about you i'll hear him but you can put this on there when i was just buying some drawers man that's it boston all right doug thank you appreciate it get some of this you don't want it hey wait wait wait wait wait no he didn't pay for them come on welcome to christmas man welcome to could've been yeah i'm just happy to be here so tell us man what's up with the experience you're having it could have been everything i've been getting blown up my phone what's the problem shit's perfect i wouldn't change the thing you know i'm happy to be here this is home team home team [ __ ] i'm just making sure man you called my phone last night talking about the problem with the royalties and the percentage what happened we worked that out we worked it up you know it's all good now and you know i appreciate that couple hundred you let me hold last week yeah a lot of people a lot of people don't know about that side of you a lot of people don't know about that society you're a generous man so i'm happy to be like i said as long as i get it back as long as i get it back it's coming as long as i get it back as long as i get that couple hundred back yeah the good loan though man it's coming back don't worry tell me man if we could we know we're not giving our change and [ __ ] just right now all we could do is a shirt no i'm happy with the shirt you know i've been wearing it since you gave it to me this is my third day in the shirt respect man you look good too no i'm look you look good though what are you talking about man you look good though i'm i'm your owner my [ __ ] yeah i'm sorry y'all had to hear that he on some other [ __ ] you don't respect him respect the label owner
Channel: Culture Link
Views: 313,625
Rating: 4.9704199 out of 5
Keywords: Culture Link, Jack Harlow, Jack Harlow Funny Moments, Jack Harlow Funny, Funny Moments, Jack Harlow Funniest Moments, Funny, Moments, Jack Harlow Whats Popppin, Whats Poppin, Jack Harlow Sweet Action, Jack Harlow Confetti, Sweet Action, Confetti, What's Poppin', Rap, Hip Hop, that's what they all say, Druski, Druski2funny, druski2funny live, druski2funny ig live, Druski Funny Moments, druski jack harlow, jack harlow druski, Jack harlow druski basket, jack harlow sus moments
Id: psro1dHHQ7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 1sec (3121 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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