J vs Ben: ULTIMATE Harry Potter Feast TRIVIA Quiz

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- [Narrator] Today's video is brought to you by Lumin Skin. - What about Hedwig? Should we give him more of a model stance? - Squawk. - Squawk. I like it. - It does feel sassier. - It does. Oh! - [Both] Hey, brother! - And welcome, everyone, to another edition of Jonathan versus Benjamin where today, we are taking on the ultimate Harry Potter Feast Quiz. - You went full names, all eight letters. - Yeah, all eight letters, both names. - Did you ever notice both of our names have eight letters? - I did notice that. - Yeah, me too. We grew up together. - Yeah. - Let's do it. (upbeat music) - [Both] Hey, brother! - Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. And welcome to the J versus Ben Feast edition quiz. See, it's themed. - Yeah. - Get it? 'Cause it's like- - I get it. - People are eating. - People are eating, and it's feasts. and a lot of things happen during feasts, like trolls in the dungeon. - Slytherins, to your dorms. What? - They're in the dungeon. - [J] I know. - Isn't that a problem? - It feels problematic. - Or were they sending the Syltherins because they were like, all right guys, you're the ones who can handle this problem. Let's go down there. - Head canon. - That's it. That's it. - Yeah. In case you guys are new to the J versus Ben format, this is how it is going to work. Our younger brother, Tyler, is on the other end of the camera. He's going to be reading us the questions. How many questions? - [Tyler] There are 15 questions and three Patreon Quizmaster questions of the game! - Oh, man, Ben and I are going to have to answer those questions by memory only. But if we both agree that we have no idea, Tyler can give us the multiple choice. - It happens often. - Yeah, at least once per quiz. - At least once per quiz. - That should be our new goal, no multiple choice. - Should we try to do it? - Well, we're always trying. (chuckles) - Well, I'll try extra hard today. - Okay, extra, think extra hard. - Guess-ier guesses. - Guess-ier guesses. - It kinda works in my favor 'cause you tend to get it right when we go multiple choice and I tend to get it wrong anyway, so- - I don't know if that's true. - It feels like it's true. - I don't know if it's true. All right, let's do it. - [Tyler] Question one. How many legs does the Sorting Hat's stool have? - Ooh. - Mm, okay. It feels like it should be that, but maybe it's, I think it's this. - Okay, okay, ready? One, two- - [J and Ben] Three. - [Tyler] The answer is four! - Oh, I was like, it feels like it should be four 'cause there's four houses. - Oh, that does make sense. - Well, we're off to a wonderful start. - Hey, question wonderful. - Hey, we didn't get multiple choice. - We didn't. Look at us go. - Ha, that's a win. - I'm proud of us so far. - [Tyler] It looks like it spells Oneders. (laughing) - Is that a "That Thing You Do" reference? - [Tyler] It sure is. (laughs) - Oh, boy. - [Tyler] Question two, complete the first line of the song the Sorting Hat sings as Harry waits to be sorted. "Oh, you may not think I'm..." - Oh man, that was really good delivery. - [Tyler] Thank you. - It didn't seem like you wrote enough. - Is it... (laughs) I don't think there's much more to it more. I'm gonna write more. - It feels like you're not writing more, but just squiggly lines. Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - I said "pretty." - Oh, I said, "much to look at." - [Tyler] The answer is "pretty." - Yay! (bell dings) - Does that rhyme with "but I'm the sorting hat"? - Well, it can be an AB rhyme scheme, AB AB. - I also thought of that. - [J] Yeah? - [Tyler] Could be ABCB? - Yeah, doesn't have to rhyme at all. It's slam poetry. - Slam or slant? - No, slam. - Oh, okay. Wait, no- - It's like a style of poetry. - I think, but slant. - Yeah, that's a type of rhyming. - We were talking about rhyme schemes, and isn't slant poetry not rhyming? Well, it's like almost rhyme. - It's like almost rhyme. - It's like a slant rhyme. - I was saying this would be a kind of poetry that doesn't rhyme at all. - You know, slant and slam are good examples of slampt poetry. - Of slampt poetry. - Yes. - Slampt. - Slampt. - Slampt, I added the a P in there. - Great word, slampt. - If you guys want to leave your best slampt poetry in the comment section down below- - Yes, leave all of your slampt rhymes. - [Tyler] I'll bring them to an open mic. I'll wear a beret. - I'll bring the bongos. (laughing) - [Tyler] It'll be like "An Extremely Goofy Movie." - Did you know I can't snap left-handed? - I did. (gasps) Oh! - That was pretty good! - [Tyler] Question three. Which Hogwarts house does Harry see a student sorted into first? And for a brownie point, who is it? You know what's better than brownie points? Pierogi points. It's alliterative. It's heritage. - Pierogi is like, I don't know, it's too many syllables. - They are delicious though. - Yeah. - [Tyler] Mom makes them. Mom doesn't make brownies. - That's not true. - She sometimes makes brownies. - Yeah, we had brownies. - I've had brownies before. - [Tyler] I mean, so have I, but when people are like, "Oh, what does mom make?" I'm not like, "Brownies." You wouldn't believe it. - I'm also not like pierogis. Oh, you're missing out. You should tell people about mom's pierogis. - You're missing out. - I'm not saying they're not good but it's not the first thing I think of. - Okay, ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - Hannah Abbott. - Hannah Abbott. - [J and Ben] Hufflepuff. - Hufflepuff's the real answer. That was the brownie point. - [Tyler] Yes, (bell dings) you both get brownie points and pointy points. - Yay, pointy points! - Yay! - [Tyler] Question four. Who is the first student to be sorted into Ravenclaw? - There's certainly questions about that opening list where it's like, they were mentioned on this list once, and then they're gone. - I'm trying to think of how many Ravenclaws we know from Harry's year. - Gryffindors don't spend a whole lot of time with the Ravenclaws from their year. - They don't, no. - Harry likes Cho, above his year, and then Luna hangs out with them, below his year. - Yep. - Yeah, I mean, Ron goes to the Yule ball with Padma, but. (Ben groans) - For some reason, the only name that is coming to my brain right now is Roger Davies, who is a Ravenclaw. - Correct. - But not the correct one. Then there's also that reference, I think, isn't Luna sorted, or the Luna character is sorted in Harry's first year, but they call her, it's like the last name is like moon? - Oh, yeah, I think that's a thing. - Yeah, so that's, there's like that detail in there as well that could work. - Like her original name? - Her original name. 'Cause then it'd be kind of like, huh? Who's that person? You guys both looking awful smug right now. - I don't know, if it's not this person, then I have no other guess, so I need it to be this. - Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - Terry Boot. - Oh, I said Padma Patil. - [Tyler] It's Cho Chang. No, I'm kidding. It's Terry Boot. - Yeah! (bell dings) It is not Cho Chang! - Is it Padma? Is she the one that's in Ravenclaw? - Yeah. - Okay. I had a first year Ravenclaw student. - Yeah. - So it's not, it wasn't the worst guess in the world. - I mean, I did reference her while we were talking about the answers, so yeah. - Oh, yeah, okay. - Well, there's that. - [Tyler] And now for the first Patreon Quizmaster question of the game! To get your question in the quiz, or to vote on questions for the quizzes, go to patreon.com/SuperCarlinBrothers, and select the Quizmaster tier. Quizmast-tier. - Haha! - [Tyler] Quizmast-tier. - That's pretty good. - [Tyler] This question was submitted by Nolan Faber and Wesley Walker. Question. What color robes was Gilderoy Lockhart wearing during the start of term feast? - Mm. - Okay, you ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - I said turquoise. - I said midnight blue. - You are both incorrect, but kind of close. It was aquamarine. - Aquamarine. - Aquamarine. - What is aquamarine if not turquoise? - [Tyler] A different word. - Yeah, basically. (laughing) - Well-noted. - Would have also not accepted teal. - [Tyler] The options were lilac, aquamarine, turquoise and jade green, so definitely cannot accept turquoise. - Turquoise, okay, okay. - Okay, okay. - [Tyler] This next question, the format's a little bit interesting. Question five. At the beginning of the feast, Dumbledore speaks four random words. Which the following is not one of them, is your option if you opt for multiple choice, otherwise you just need to name the four. - Are these all from the first year? No, no Lockhart. - No. But that was a Quizmaster question. - [Tyler] So far, maybe, yes. - Okay. - I think this is right. - Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - Odment, nitwit, blubber, and tweak. - Yeah, the same. - [Tyler] That is correct. - Yes. (bell dings) - [Tyler] Ben has the order right though. - Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak. We have a theory that they're all supposed to be a reference to the specific houses, right? - I think so, right? I know we have done that video. - We have done that video. - Yeah. - [Tyler] Question six. What type of food does Percy Weasley first offer Harry? - This is also first year. - Yeah, this must be, right? - All I can picture is Ron Weasley in the movie, just shoveling down some chicken wings, double-fisting it, just like. - Some chicken wings. - Is the fact that it's Percy relevant? - [Tyler] He's the one that does it. - So he's relevant in that way. - Is it like a, this is a really boring, lame food or something? - Like Brussels sprouts. - Right, yeah. - They're pretty good with some balsamic vinegar. - Right. - Yeah, I feel like I would go multiple choice if not for- - If not for our- - Our overeagerness. - Right. They're sitting down. - They're sitting down. - He's like, "Hey, Percy. Who's that professor over there?" "That's Professor Snape." - "Teaches potions, though it's Defense - Oh! Against the Dark Arts of job he wants." - Everyone knows that. Want some... - Lollipops? - It's probably not, we can rule that out. - Okay, okay, okay, okay. Fun game for the comments. Wrong answers only. - What does Percy offer Harry? Wrong answers only, go. - Tweezers. - Koalas. (laughing) - Koalas, their meat is the delicious. Would you go multiple choice? - Sure. - All right, let's do it. - Okay. We failed. - We failed. - We failed. (laughs) - I'm going to write down what my guess was, but that's not, We'll see. We'll see. Okay, this was my other guess too. - [Tyler] You can't have two guesses. - I have two guesses. - [Tyler] You can't have six cards in a five card game. - "Ocean's 11" reference. - [Tyler] Yeah. - You can't triple stamp a double stamp. - "Dumb and Dumber." - We're killing it! - [Tyler] Is it A, sausages, B, roast beef, C, carrots, or D, potatoes? - I'm going this. I'm doing it. - All right, ready? - Neither of my guesses were right. Okay, ready? - Three, two, one. - I said sausages. - I said roast beefs. One of us is right. - [Tyler] The answer- - Is- - [Tyler] Is- - Roast beef. - [Tyler] Potatoes. - No! - [Tyler] Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew. - I almost did that- - "Lord of the Rings." - Look, my guess - Yeah. was literally parsnips. And I was like, maybe it's potatoes, and I'm getting the P's wrong, plus it's Percy. But then there's some other fact about how like Harry was eating a baked potato. We've had that question before, and I was like that's to throw you off. He was eating a baked potato later. (Ben laughs) - And they're gonna know you know that. - They're going to know you know the baked potato- - Everyone's like what did Harry have at the opening feast when he got to the magic school? Baked potato. (Ben laughs) - Wrapped in aluminium foil. - You know it was in aluminium. - Yeah. - [Tyler] Question seven. About how long does Nearly Headless Nick say it's been since he's eaten? - I mean, we know how long it's been. - This is one of those anachronisms. - Oh, is it? Like he doesn't keep up with "Chamber?" They go to his birthday next year. - Yes. - Well, if that's the case, the correct answer is this many years. - Right. This could also be like this, this could easily be something where like the first print of the book said one thing, and they were like, actually, that doesn't make sense because of what you wrote in "Chamber." So when we reprint- - We'll just change what it says. - "Philosopher's Stone" will just change. - That's kind of like how the early copies of "Philosopher's Stone," the wand was on his buy list twice. - Maybe he needed two. - That's part of how you know- - Dual wielding. - One wand, this cauldron, also one wand. I don't feel good about it, but three, two, one. - I said 400. - I said centuries. - Oh, the correct answer is actually about 499 years. - Yes, which is what I wrote down first because literally, they celebrate his 500th death day the next year. - Party. - And so maybe he says almost 400 years or almost 500 years, 'cause that would be accurate. But I feel like there's something about this. Anyway, go ahead. - [Tyler] You would have been right to say that because it is about 500 years since he last ate. - Butts. - Well, I wrote 499 too, so people are going to be like, okay. Hey, J. - Yeah. - You know what time it is? - No. - I've got to go to the bathroom! - Oh my God. Can we just, we're in the middle, just go fast. - I'll be back in no time. - Yeah, I feel like I know where this is going. - Hey guys, this is going to take a little while, 'cause we're on the scenic route. And I'm going to tell you about today's sponsor, Lumin Skin, huzzah! Wow, I am as peppy as a peppered up potion today. Listen up, because here's the cold hard truth when it comes down to it. Your skin has needs. And if you want to continue looking good and healthy for as long as possible, then you need to take action. Hold on. Let me show you what I mean. Action! And look, if you're anything like me, you might be thinking like, but Ben, I don't know where to start. And that is where Lumin Skin can help. They take out all of the guesswork, and all of their products are specifically formulated for men's skin, and they only use high quality ingredients like charcoal, green tea extract, and vitamin C. Oh, hey, friend. Personally, my favorites have been the charcoal cleanser and the moisturizing balm. The charcoal cleanser has like a really nice lather and just like leaves your skin feeling fresh and clean. And as for the moisturizer, let me tell you guys, it is the balm. Get it? Balm, B-A-L-M. (chuckles) Hilarious. There are pipes in this room. You deserve to look and feel your best. So to get started, go to LuminSkin.com/SUPER to get a one month free trial, and start your skincare journey from home. Again, that is LuminSkin.com/SUPER to get your first month free. LuminSkin.com/SUPER, link is in the description down below. - Welcome back. - Thanks. (upbeat music) - He is definitely going to be gone awhile. But I guess since he's going to the bathroom, I may as well at least tell you about today's other sponsor, hellotushy.com. Guys, it's the holiday season. We all feasted today, both on this quiz and probably in real life. And well, I don't want to get too technical here, but let's just say whatever goes in, must come out. And let me tell you, you do not want to be stuck with a post-turkey day disaster. So instead you should protect your pipes with a bidet from hellotushy.com. Did he just walk past the room? Is he jumping out there? - [Ben] Action! - Anyway, Hello Tushy attaches to your existing toilet, no additional electricity or plumbing required, and cleans your booty with a fresh clean stream of water. And all for just 79 doll hairs! Ooh, typo. Dollars, $79. And yes, I know what you're thinking. 79, that's practically 80, which is exactly the percentage of toilet paper the average bidet will save you. So it will pay for itself just in the amount of money you're not spending on toilet paper. So stop wiping your booty and start washing, and join the millions of happy Hello Tushy customers right now. And look, I know this recommendation might be coming a little late. It's already Thanksgiving. How am I supposed to get one by Friday? Well, don't worry. It's okay. Because Hello Tushy also makes a wonderful gift for the hole-a-days. Get it? 'Cause it's like holiday, no, you got it. Yeah, that pun was the balm. Get 15% off Hello Tushy bidets and a free shipping when you head to HelloTushy.com/JvsB. This is Hello Tushy's best offer, so make your hole-a-days a little brighter and your brown Friday a little cleaner when you head to HelloTushy.com/JvsB to get 15% off Hello Tushy bidets and free shipping. HelloTushy.com/JvsB. - Link is in the description down below. Welcome back. - Thanks. - [Tyler] Question eight. Which of the following is not a pudding that appeared on the feast table? Is it A, cake, B, ice cream, C, jelly, or D, trifle? A lot of British- - This is the most British question we've ever had. What kind of pudding? Cake's not a pudding! - People in the UK are like, "Yes, it is." - Yeah, they're like, "pudding means dessert." No putting means gloop. - Gloop. (chuckling) - [Tyler] Sugar gloop. - Yeah. - Sugar gloop. (laughing) - Pudding means sugar gloop, Britain! - Also, let me guess, there's like rhubarb in it, which is basically red celery. Okay, you ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - I said ice cream. - I said B. - Yeah, also. - Ice cream, and I drew a bee as well. - Oh. - A bumblebee. - A bumblebee. - As in letter B. - Okay. - [Tyler] As luck would have it, ice cream was on the table. - Oh, butts. - [Tyler] There was no cake, because cake's not pudding, guys, come on! Come on. Ice cream's pudding, gloopy sugar gloop. - Tyler, no one knows what pudding means. - No one. (group laughing) - We asked Seamus and he couldn't even accurately describe it. And then he failed to have ever eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And then I just ended the discussion. Like, all right, I can't talk to you. - Actually, because I think he thought that it was peanut butter and jelly- - Gelatin. - Gelatin like jello. - Like Jello. - J-E-L-L-O. - Right. - Not like preserves? Is that- - Yeah, not like smushed up grapes. - Smushed up grapes. - [Tyler] Fun fact about Seamus, he has a PB&J for lunch every day now. - Wow, look what we did. - [Tyler] Yeah, he said as part of his five. I think British people will know what that means. He said they will anyway. - Okay. - [Tyler] And now for the second Patreon Quizmaster question of the game! This question, submitted by Emily West and Adam Maw. Question. How many start of term feasts did Harry miss? Pierogi point if you can tell me which ones he missed. - Okay, feel good about it. - We both agree that "Deathly Hallows" doesn't count, right? - No. - Okay. - No, we don't agree. - Oh. - I'm including the, okay, that's a good question. - Because they don't go to school for "Deathly Hallows." - I'm counting him as having missed that one. - Okay. - Just for fairness' sake. - The school's still open. - Right, well, I understand- - [Tyler] He just doesn't go to the feast. - That feels so obvious to me that it would feel like it would go beyond the constraints of the question. Okay, ready? Three, two, one. - Three. - Three. "Half-Blood Prince," "Deathly Hallows," and "Chamber of Secrets." - No, it's "Chamber of Secrets," "Prisoner of Azkaban," and "Deathly Hallows." - Doesn't he miss it in "Half-Blood Prince" because that's when Malfoy freezes him, and then he has to get walked up to the castle? He's got the bloody nose. - I think he still makes it though. "What happened to you?" 'Cause he looks over and Malfoy is like telling the story to a bunch of Slytherins. - That is true. - Or maybe that's the next morning. That seems like too late. - What's the answer? - [Tyler] The answer is four. - Butts! And it's- - [Tyler] It's because of Ben. Ben is right. - Aw, man! - Well, Ben is also wrong because he missed one. - But I thought, isn't that when he finds out that Snape is teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts? - Well, I think that he makes it and the feast is over. I think that's what it is. - It seems an awful lot like he made it to me. - [Tyler] What does it mean to be "at the feast?" Is it for the speech or for the food? - The food. - If you were there before they sent you home, I think you made it to the feast. - [Tyler] I think you have to be seated when the food appears on the plates. - The feast is not the food. The feast is the whole thing. - The ambiance? You missed the feast. - Yeah. - But like if you came and the food was over, would Ron say you missed the feast? - I suppose that would also be accurate. But then, but then let's say Harry misses the food, shows up afterwards, and then like Neville misses the whole thing, and then- - Like, Neville, why weren't you at the feast? - Yeah, he'd be like, "Neville, why weren't you at the feast?" Right? That would still it makes sense. - I mean, you know, stands to reason. - [Tyler] Okay, but suppose like Hermione leaves before Harry gets there, then Hermione would be like, "Harry, why weren't you at the feast?" - Yeah, but then Harry could also ask her that. - [Tyler] Yes. (J and Tyler laugh) - Well, I think what we've gotten to the bottom of here is that the semantics clearly are wrong, and I was actually right. - No. - Yup. - [Tyler] No. - That's how you two will remember it. - But you were still wrong. - No pierogi points for you. - I'll ask mom. - I'll ask mom. Don't ask mom! She'll give you the pierogi point for sure. - [Tyler] Question nine. Who explains that his dad is a muggle, but his Mam is a witch? - Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - Seamus, not Gorman, Finnigan. - That's the one. - Yeah. - [Tyler] Correct, Seamus Finnigan. - Bit of a shock for him when he found out. - [Tyler] Doesn't his mom read the like "Daily Prophet" and be like, "You suck, Harry Potter,"? - Yeah. - [Tyler] Okay, cool. Question 10. Which pier does Neville say his great-uncle Algie once pushed him off of? - Which pier? - [Tyler] Which pier, Ben? - Oh, I'm gonna need the multiple choice. - Yeah, me too. I'll be. Pier One. - Imports. - Imports. Kick you out of a tchotchke shop. (laughing) - [Tyler] Okay, is it A, Blackpool, B, Brighton, C, Western-super-Mare, or D, Bournemouth? - Man, on Brighton, I could have just used the B and her wrote "righton". And instead, I went through all the extra effort to write a second B. - Yeah, you could have put B.righton. - Yeah. - A B. Righton. - I be writin'. - I be writin' Brighton. ♪ I be writin' ♪ All right, three, two, one. - I said A. - I said B, Brighton. - [Tyler] The answer is A! - Yeah! (bell dings) - [Tyler] Blackpool. - Excellent. Blackpool Pier. - Guys, I thought you learned your great-uncle Algie trivia. - I felt like I knew all of the great-uncle Algie knowledge I needed to have. - Uncle Algie is like, if you wanna answer Harry Potter trivia, you need to know everything about uncle Algie. - Uncle Algie is the one who gives him the plant. - Yeah, the Mimbulus mimbletonia - That's the one. - Yeah. - [Tyler] From Blackpool Pier. - Is where he found it. - He's also the one who actually dropped him out of a window, right? Accidentally! - [Tyler] Harry apparated at like nine years old. - To the top of that- - [Tyler] Yeah, we don't talk about that enough. - That's a fact. (J laughs) - [Tyler] Question 11. When does Dumbledore announce that Quidditch trials will be held? You know Dumbledore was the, a hundred years ago, Gryffindor had a first year seeker. - Oh, yeah. - [Tyler] That was Dumbledore. - We made that theory. - We did. - [Tyler] I pitched that theory. - You did. - You did at the beach. - [Tyler] Yep, that's one of my few golden nuggets. - Golden nuggets. That and your tweet about leaving cookies out for Captain America on July 3rd. Didn't you tweet that? - [Tyler] I did tweet that. - I thought that was a golden nugget. - [Tyler] Thank you. - You didn't seem nearly like excited enough that I remembered that. - [Tyler] We didn't make a video about that. - Oh, I just thought it was really amazing. - [Tyler] Oh, I thought it was pretty good too. Or I thought that was a funny one. - Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - First weekend. - I said a week from Friday. - [Tyler] The correct answer is the second week of term. - Seems kind of vague. - It does seem a little vague. - Quidditch tryouts will the second week of term. Who knows when? Monday, Thursday? - Dumbledore is known for being very specific and helpful. - If it's meant to be, you'll be there on the right day. - This is an alarming amount of information in this first feast. - There is, there is. - [Tyler] Question 12. Complete this line of Dumbledore's start of term notices. I gotta get my Dumbledore voice on, hold on. - Okay. - [Tyler] "The third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who..." - Harry laughed, but we was one of the few who did. - [Tyler] That's that's some golden foreshadowing. - Okay, ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - To see a three-headed dog. No. - Does not wish to, ah! - Does not wish to die a most painful death. - I said does not wish to have a very gruesome death. - [Tyler] Does not wish to die a very painful death. - I think this counts. - [Tyler] If yours counts, then Ben's counts. - Mine says, "Not wish to die a..." I've only got one word wrong. - [Tyler] Okay. (bell dings) - I'm fine with that. I agree. But I also feel like people at home are like, Ben got it pretty much. Like not point got it, but like, we know he got it. - Like pierogi points? - They'd give me a pierogi point for sure. - Okay. - [Tyler] And now for the final Quizmaster question of the game! This question submitted by Luke Gibson, ho ho! How many times does Filch claim to have asked Dumbledore to remind the students that "magic is not permitted in the corridors between classes"? - Oh my gosh. (Ben sighs) This is like a very specific number. - It is. - Yeah. - [Tyler] All numbers are very specific. - Well, this is like down to the ones. It's not like over 600 times or something. Are you just going for it? - Pen down. Oh, man, I haven't thought about that in a long time. Remember that, when like teachers would be like, "Pens down." - [Tyler] Remember Heads Up, Seven Up? - I do, yeah. - Yeah. - [Tyler] I'd look at people's shoes. I cheated. Yeah, I'm confessing now. Ms. Tavenner, that's how I won. - If you brain desked a random number, I'm gonna be furious. - I said 460. - I said 382. - [Tyler] The answer is 462. - Oh my gosh, really? - Whoa. (Tyler laughing) - Man, look at this! - I am very impressed. Well, I had the two, so I think I was closer. - Yeah, sure. - [Tyler] Question 13. What do the students do immediately before they leave the great hall for bed? - I don't know if I'm describing it correctly, but three, two, one. - Sing the Hogwarts song. - Sing the Hogwarts song. - [Tyler] The correct answer is sing a school song. - Yay! (bell dings) - [Ben and Tyler] Yay! - Doesn't he like conduct them along? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, aw, music. - [Tyler] They don't follow his conduction. Question 14. Just before he sends the students off to bed, Dumbledore says, "A magic beyond all we do here." What is he talking about? - I almost just said it. - Oh, I know. - Three, two, one. - Music. - [Tyler] Music! (bell dings) I had to cut you off 'cause I could tell you were about to say it. (J clears throat) - Hey, whoa, hey. - Way, oh! Okay- - Hey there, shallow water. - [Tyler] Question 15. The final question. ♪ The final question. ♪ (humming "The Final Countdown") I think Jay's got one in the bag. Question 15. What is the the first ever Gryffindor password Harry hears? - Ooh. Do you have it? - I don't know. - We have made this one for the live stream before. - We have. We have. - What is it? I'm changing, I'm changing my answer. I don't know if this is right. - Crud buckets. That's never good for me. - Okay. - Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - Pig snout. - Caput Draconis. - Ah, yours is right! - [Tyler] It is Caput Draconis. (bell dings) (J growls) - I wasn't right the first time either. - [Tyler] It's technically with a P, not a B but I'll give you the point. - Fortuna Major. - Oh, Fortuna Major. - [Tyler] Fortuna Major. - Fortuna Major. - Mimbulus mimbletonia. - I don't remember that one. (laughing) - That's how Siruis breaks in, Neville. - Is it how Sirius breaks in? - No. - 'Cause that's book five. - You're right 'cause he sprays him with stinksap, and Harry's like, man, I wish Cho Chang had just watched me tell a joke to some really cool people. Kinda condescending. (Ben laughs) You are cool. - Yeah. (laughs) - Doesn't even believe it himself. - You are cool. - What? What? - Even Jim Dale's voice is a little like... Well, that was a lot of fun! Guys, for our question of the day, did you beat us? I have a feeling that you probably did. - But maybe not me 'cause I won! Anyway, also let us know, what did Percy first offer Harry at the feast? Wrong answers only, down on the towel section below. - Werther's Originals. - Like the butterscotch? - Like a whole pocket full of them, like- - Maybe like they're strawberries. - Werther's? - You know the strawberries? The hard candy? - Oh, yeah! - Those are good. - The individually wrapped ones? They always had sort of a gummy interior or something. - Like a jelly. - Jelly. - Yeah. - But not jelly like you think. - Not like jello. - [Tyler] A special thanks to all of our Patreon Quizmasters, especially Nolan, Wesley, Luke, Adam, and Emily, and all the lovely people scrolling by now. - All right, guys, thank you so much for watching today's video. Don't forget to like it if you haven't already, and subscribe so you don't miss any future J verse Bens. If you want to see a whole playlist of J versus Ben, you can checkout this playlist right here, or if you want to hear more of Tyler's voice, you can check out his podcast, "Bacon and Eggs" right here. But until next time, - [Ben And J] Bye! - [Tyler] Percy's pierogis.
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 279,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, harry potter, harry potter quiz, Pottermore, pottermore quiz, wizarding world, harry potter trivia, trivia, game, wizarding world quiz, jk rowling, j carlin, ben carlin, jonathan carlin, harry potter feast trivia quiz, oddment blubber nitwit tweak, dumbledore, harry potter feast, sorting hat, gryffindor, hufflepuff, terry boot, hagrid
Id: cC39eYQSkkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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