J vs Ben: ULTIMATE Harry Potter Christmas Quiz

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hey brother guys Merry Christmas Christmas and welcome to a special Monday edition of Jay vs. Ben and not just Monday they should put holiday edition as well holidays is your Christmas today we are going to be taking on the ultimate Christmas Harry Potter quiz [Music] okay we have 35 questions to get through so it's a lengthy quiz but we encourage you to play along with us we'll have a link to the quiz in the description below you will have a bit of an advantage though the way it works is Derek is gonna ask us the questions and Ben and I have to answer them from memory even though the quiz online gives multiple choice yes so if you want to play like the hardcore version try to find a way with your friends so that like they can ask you the questions and you don't have the multiple choice answers right the speaking of the multiple choice though if we both agree that we are stumped we can ask for the multiple choice and I'm feeling this is gonna be a quiz where there's a lot of like who gave Harry this idea man this verse or this Christmas and I it's gonna I think we're gonna need it more than we have in the past because it's such tiny I bet it things like that it's so true I'm I loved the Harry Potter chapter like every single time I was reading one of these books chapter every single time it was always so fun to like hear what Harry got but now I'm so nervous because it's so different listen oh you must have been a challenge for her to like come up with things that are interesting for him to get but that aren't too useful for him to use sure sure lots of candy yes lots of candy okay let's get going this is so many so many questions number one complete the sentence blank looked like a Christmas card the Burrow the answer is Hogsmeade okay over one number two what color were the jumpers given to Ron Weasley by his mother every Christmas maroon it always annoys me that Ron doesn't like maroon because it's like one of Gryffindor's colors well sort of yeah I think there's a difference between is it like scarlet and gold yeah like I don't think maroon is one of their colors yeah I think this I understand actually because if someone were to say like Virginia Tech's colors are like burgundy and orange I'd be like it's maroon question three all right which of the following is not celebrated every year with a feast at Hogwarts Christmas Day Halloween Valentine's Day Valentine's Day no although I always think it's out of character for Ginny to send Harry the song yeah you know I think that that's one of those were you like how developed was the future of that relationship at that point he was still gonna marry Cho all right number four who was Florida liqueurs partner at the Yule Ball I have a name that came to my mind and it might not even be from Harry Potter at all oh no I have no clue I don't know why this name came to my mind I'm so sure that it's from something else I'm I'm like 99% that this is the right answer I know and I just I just listened in deathly hallows to the memory where fleur goes by Snape and Dumbledore with this person oh wow that's really specific yeah well I bet you get it right I don't think I do art 3 2 1 Roger Davies oh my gosh you're so close I had amazing Roger Davis close is Adam Davies something's like the name said smells like you're mixing like Adam driver what family heirloom was Harry given as a Christmas present in his first year the invisibility cloak question six Aunt Marge once gave a deadly a computerized robot for Christmas what did she give to Harry in the same year guys hard then knows I do no no oh no there is a reason why I know this one though basically it's like it's obviously like rubbish of some form like this you're terribly gonna get one back up in here I trying to sign up enough to do with our dogs at all it's even more confusing because the Dursleys send such pitiful gear I know it's like it's like on the tip of my brain the brain you're gonna tell me I'm gonna be like MJ's had so many sleepless sleepless nights lately due to having a brand new baby at home so if I feel confident this isn't it alright three two a box of dog biscuits you know what almost wrote down dog food but it seems like that was too mean man I think we probably would have been okay with it I think with dog food I think we could have counted yeah number seven which of the following did not adorn any of the Christmas trees in the Great Hall in Philosopher's Stone or Sorcerer's Stone depending hundreds of candles tiny icicles or alive fairies candle candles live fairies were not on the Christmas tree really I remember they spent fairies once before maybe that's a Flitwick decorated his dang it you know what I was like who would put candles on a tree well you know that would seem like something that like candles on a tree used to be very much a like a way that they would decorate Christmas trees but it would almost seem like the Wizarding World would would do something more special sure I guess you could magically make it to the trees would it burn I think I was thinking the candles we're very specific like a Halloween thing because they float mmm that's really the reason I didn't choose it but oh well okay man would for Ferb's me too oh boy alright number eight right what did Dumbledore swap his pointed wizard's hat for at Christmas dinner in Philosopher's Stone there are I think I know why I know is it there's one answer uh-huh he only ever wears one hat that Christmas dinner for an Philosopher's Stone I don't think there are two answers that are coming to my head I'm gonna put in parentheses my other answer so you can see this he pulls it out of one of the like the crackers doesn't he the wrong one a flower a flowered bonnet yeah the reason I was thinking of ultratop had maybe something I think he insists that maybe Snape or something where that I don't know ours isn't the vulture top hat what no but I feel like there's another who did Harry take to Slughorn's Christmas party question 10 what did Hagrid give Harry for his first Christmas at Hogwarts a wooden flute a wooden flute [Music] yeah question 11 what blossomed out of Professor Flitwick swanned to decorate a Christmas tree in Philosopher's Stone golden balls golden bubbles is correct how many things blossom flowers I don't think bubbles do not blossom they do they do in the magic they're magically coming out of the lawn all right number 12 what gift did Harry receive from the Dursleys during his first Christmas at Hogwarts I remember a few of them but I don't oh yeah you're right there's like several key things that there's three particular gifts that stand out to me yeah all right ready three two one a 50-cent piece well it's a fifty pence piece which I think that counts yeah I put fifty pence piece I put previously at Ruth pick on the bottom so that people could see what my my question thirteen who gave Harry a luxury eagle feather quill for Christmas in his second year at Hogwarts Hermione Taurani getting your 14 who nearly broke their teeth on a silver sickle embedded in a slice of Christmas pudding in Philosopher's Stone what was it philosopher's stone or stone the silver sickle was embedded in a slice of Christmas pudding you know the whole idea of a slice of pudding doesn't add up to me I'm putting is more like cake in England I think pudding is goopy I think it's pudding is like goop yeah like it doesn't even always leave the spoon if you dispense it from the spoon on to like a plate right I'm really glad we don't generally call it goop because if someone here was like here's your chocolate goop I'd be like nope I would I would by goop from the store all day long three two one wrong Percy Weasley no Percy 15 in which book does Hermione give Harry and Ron homework planners for Christmas I'm changing changing this is tricky this is tricky knowing like which one although if it had been in this book what did she give them I'd be harder to Phoenix the correct answer is order of the Phoenix yes question 16 which of these events does not happen on Christmas Day Harry Ron and Hermione take Polyjuice potion Harry has his first kiss Harry discovers the mirror of Erised the Yule Ball takes place at Hogwarts Christmas Day this actually wasn't my first guess but I think I have a reason why I think I know this is the right answer let's Polyjuice potion first kiss the event that does not happen on Christmas Day is Harry's first kiss because or they leave her Kristen gosh I was thinking the Polyjuice potion happening on Christmas I feel like would stand out more to me like even if I might never ever feast the Christmas trees yes right because I think that's actually one where the movie helps me remember it because it's like a like the cupcakes yeah I think mouth was even opening a gift and I think that was what I was I think that's what I thought they were trying to trick you with whatever now we're tied alright question 17 mrs. Weasley usually personalizes her Christmas jumpers for Harry but which of these images has she never used a dragon a Golden Snitch a lightning bolt and a Gryffindor a lion I don't actually know three lightning bolt she never puts a lightning bolt lead regained it seems like the lightning bolt could be a little insensitive yeah like and then once I found out the answer I was like oh yeah that makes sense okay eighteen select all that apply which of the following students stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas and Harry's first year Fred Weasley Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger Harry Potter Ron Weasley George Weasley whoo okay I have an answer okay I don't know all right three two one Draco Harry and Ron I had wronged Fred George and Harry the correct answer is or Ron Weasley Harry Potter and Fred and George Weasley oh it's in chamber new hole in the middle of the night with Draco there's he tricked he says he wants to do a little show up and that's when they're doing how come they discover fluffy I was really unsure I remember that Malfoy obviously I know that he did stay in chamber but that was different from the year before so I didn't think he was there and then I couldn't remember there's one year where her mind he's like I'm going skiing with my votes but then she doesn't go skiing so why would fright what was their memory that friend George were there i they come in and they say that mrs. Weasley this is when the first time you're introduced to the tradition of the sweaters like we're not stupid we know our names are Gretta and forge the Weasleys winds yeah George all right question 19 serious sings an unusual version of God rest ye merry gentlemen what does he sing instead goodness gracious do you remember this it is multiple choice okay okay here we go god rest ye merry hippogriffs god rest ye merry Hinke bunks god rest ye merry nifflas and got rusty merry basilisks there we go you ready to I mean serious serious mr. Gribbs yeah there you go honest I thought we went for because I was gonna say like God rusty Harry something no honestly I really think that I was in right realm of knowing that all we were trying to figure out was changing the last word of right god yeah I was like [Laughter] all right question 20 which spell does Hermione used to levitate the Christmas tree in the Three Broomsticks to hide herself Ron and Harry from view I'll be super impressed if you get this one I got a wrong choice that makes me think it's not the really obvious thing like the obvious choice is regarded love you sir right yeah do you know another levitation spell dang it where are they the Three Broomsticks I don't know if I'm right it's just if I don't this isn't it then like I don't know mm-hmm yeah I feel like I would go multiple choice no to guess nope too bad I have a guess if you're faking us out and it's Wingardium Leviosa I'm gonna be super mad I gotta run twice as always it gosh just like it this isn't like trying to remember something that's just you just don't know oh I know right like dog bowls you were close though I was close this one I honestly I'll be a bit impressed if you get even a little bit closer man I don't know three two one locomote or tree all right Johnathan's you're at you're actually pretty close it is not when Guardium Leviosa or levy corpus which are the two that I thought it was its mobili Arbus ridiculous but that word Billy isn't like mobility and Arbus isn't tree mobis no you've got a kid that's mobile harvest that is stupid I take issue with that because who would ever learn that the application for that spell is so minimal the Billy Aramis like unless you've worked in a Christmas tree farm it's pretty stupid I'm gonna use it a single all the time unless there's other trees that are moved question 21 in Chamber of Secrets what did Fred bewitch Percy's prefect badge to say during Christmas dinner it's got to be some type of play on the letter P look like prefect so right does anybody else read it as perfect oh yeah that was that was okay this is the thing is that our dad liked the first Harry Potter works our dad read to us and he I didn't read it I swear okay miss read it is perfect yes and okay so prefect badge chamber secrets I do it does seem like it would be something off of the word pre-factor I'll see like like so you wouldn't notice right so you don't want to get multiple choice on this okay I would go for it okay okay go ahead pinhead pimples poo head and pompous do you know yep I feel I'll explain but you'll see okay three two one pinhead pinhead is correct would you say I had before we wrote it I had big head I was pretty close you were destined that's not bad that's not bad I honestly I was trying to think of like some type of yeah I was thinking head but then there's like the head boy and I was thinking do they do like big head boy [Music] question 22 who said come on cheer up it's nearly Christmas okay all right 23 select all that apply name all of the chapters whose events do not take place during the Christmas period so select all the names of the chapters that do not take place over Christmas the beetle at bay flight of the fat lady the apologies the mirror of Erised said and the Yule Ball we're selecting the ones that are not which ones do not take place over Christmas okay all that do not apply to Christmas okay three two and the beetle at Betty and the flight of the fat lady that's correct man well I've already heard of talked about the Polyjuice potion anyway yeah yeah the me Rivera sets here's one where he gets their made sense okay so 24 24 in Prisoner of Azkaban what was the name of the extremely nervous looking first year who Dumbledore offers chipolatas to at Christmas lunch this is specific a reasoning for it I do I do to the first year the Prisoner of Azkaban he is an extremely nervous looking first-year okay okay okay his name is Derek Derek [Laughter] I figured at worst-case scenario even if I got it wrong the people at home would be like okay well he knew who was right get the name Tarik Black Flag good call Benny who of the following did not attend Slughorn's Christmas party Hermione Granger Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape or professor Trelawney is it just one just one did not attend Slughorn's Christmas party okay I'm good good the answer is Albus boom dang it yes there I thought Malfoy sneaks off and reports to Snape's there he's not supposed to be there but snitch there right I think because Malfoy is there select all that apply I probably would have put your Lonnie too because they don't remember if I Trelawny smelled like something like sherry always all right question 26 complete Ron's sentence when he reacts to Harry surprised at getting presents what did you expect blank yes I know if I hear if I heard it I would know it do you want to do multiple choice I think so okay the answers are parsnips turnips sprouts cold the answer is turnips actually when I heard parsnips and I thought it was like a root vegetable oh and so I was like crap you know my guests before we heard was like I'm sure that's a British thing all right question 27 who is the first character Harry sees on Christmas Day in Goblet of Fire could be wrong Dobby doesn't Neville like isn't the Yule Ball on Christmas Eve and devil comes in dancing in the middle of the night like he comes home super late right so I would have thought it was like he woke off sure devil coming home I think all I could really think was like the only reason it wouldn't be wrong is because he was abruptly awoken and Dobby just sort of does that yeah all right question 28 what did Harry get Ron for Christmas in there fourth school year do you have the answer I have an answer but I know that I'm wrong for the same reason I have an answer and I'll explain it once we're a few I feel like I know what your guests might be based on that but no okay this is such a trick question let's say right you ready one a chub Lea cannons Pat I said some kind of Quidditch hat but shoved a cannon hat is correct yeah which is some kind of Quidditch at so you're not wrong it's not a specific you don't have to give the thing about this particular one is that Harry buys the omni oculars for him at the Quidditch World Cup says I don't know you a Christmas present for ten years and so I put on the oculars first oh wow that was like what the gift was but I'm pretty sure there's also the situation I don't know what is it there's something with the gold Ron gives him gold at one point that's a gold the Leprechaun is he pays him back to the Omni oculars his blood work on gold and disappear and that is all like upset later when he realizes that Harry didn't even notice the gold disappeared oh I thought you were thinking of like a Quidditch like the gloves or the broom compass and I was like but obviously Ron's on the team yet so anyway I know I know answers in the question the broom and the gloves yeah question 29 how many Christmas trees does Hagrid bring into Hogwarts each year three to twelve twelve is great I was thinking 13 I was like a baker's dozen right I was like but is it like 12 like it could've been 13 for like that like a center one like six on each side plus the center yeah I was like the 13 was the number that immediately came to mind so I wasn't it wasn't even that far off I know I was like I'm just going with what instinct all right 130 question 30 what was the name of the vampire who attended Slughorn's Christmas party do you know this oh yeah okay BAM like I'm good enough I'm getting a small lead maybe yeah you're pulling ahead hard here at the end I don't weigh a few more questions like 5 more questions what about 30 this is question 30 okay if I get this one right and you don't know I think I'll have to question lead you know you'll have clinched not clenched mister plenty of questions left cuz there's like multiple conversations about the like about the other thing isn't it yes trying to remember if it's if it's like a famous name or if it's a Harry Potter name three week Dracula its sanguini's Kuro I hate you I just hate you who remember sanguini's linguini and I was like that's Pixar but I don't know yeah question 31 which gift did Harry give to Arthur Weasley when he spent Christmas in st. Mungo's this can't be right this isn't a thing you could give people I don't know how I don't okay this is I know it's something anyway some plugs screwdrivers the answer is fuse wire and screwdrivers give him spark plugs at one point does he get one spark plugs not not in this instance but he does give him spur I was thinking it was I was first thinking wall sockets and then second batteries but he just collects batteries and then I was like honey your super wall socket how you gonna wake up dead oh whatever okay fine all right screwdriver I hate you for knowing that screwdrivers cuz he likes all he likes I know I know something bundle which Christmas Carol can the Hogwarts suits of armor be heard singing in Goblet of Fire I don't know is something specific about like soldiers the only I only have a guess and you don't wanna get multiple choice I don't because if we're so close to the end and I have a lead backfired so like at this point I'm okay I'm it's better I'm better off if we just both get it wrong and I feel like even because this is like a British story that it's less likely to be like one of the very common American sure carols like it's certainly not like frosty or Rudolph or anything totally I agree it's probably something much more traditional but like it could still be something like sort of Christian deck the halls' I said deck the halls' deck the halls' is not correct I was like there in the corridors so it makes sense that's exactly would be yeah I would be very funny actually yeah I'm so glad that we put the same thing though makes me feel like okay I'm gonna say what color fastenings must a Hogwarts student have on their winter cloaks what color fastenings Mustang must they have on their winter cloaks why would it matter on the winter clothes when would this be covered I don't even know what they would have said I don't know why yeah Harry don't forget your blank fastenings I'm all I have is a guest three two one silver yellow the correct answer is silver all I could think was that like silver is kind of white and snow that was about it I was trying to think of something that would be like distinct from snow so that like you bridgers but there we are black cloaks it's not like I get to worry about I have no idea that's weird I don't know where it says that in the books at all but okay all right question 34 in Goblet of Fire what color socks does Ron get for Christmas from his mom he gives him the Dobby doesn't he so he gets them and they're hideous yes it gives them away three two go send maroon again I said in mustard violet violet Wow why would his mom get him purple socks I have no idea sometimes you think is he the only one who gets like the hideous dress road like she's got multiple other students at the school no question 35 the final question oh boy what did Hermione give to creature as a Christmas present a scarf the answer is a patchwork quilt Rach yes man I think what I don't know I have I think I think I'm 22 Oh if you have 22 then you crushed me oh I think I have 17 I'm Derek we'll know it'll be on screen somehow we'll know in wine but either way it's Christmas and we're just excited to be together absolutely man that was those were hard cuz we're hard we're hard cuz they're not like plot-related real for the most part so I don't think we like focus on them as much yeah honestly going into this because I knew that yeah you're exactly because they were non plot related items they could be so ridiculously specific and oftentimes they had so little to do with anything mm-hmm I couldn't believe that serious is knife key was not an answer to a question oh I know that was one rose like at least I know that one I'll have that I had a feel like Hagrid's flute would come up which is yeah that well that one was easy as a fluffy right that one is plot driven it is plot dresses an invisibility cloak right right yeah so oh okay I lost two in a row the wind you lost two J's Lucky guesses well he's got a few like that's the silver is over fastenings maybe I feel like the other ones were pretty good no I guess not totally totally well either way it was a great year of super Carlin brothers and it was we hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and be sure to let us know how you did on the quiz and the towel section I know I got a perfect I just don't believe you when you're cheating yeah there are so many people that will tweet me after we take these do like hope I got a perfect score it's like how many travel in a dress how many did you look up the answer I'm seeing through you right now yeah that would be so unheard of it'd be hard it'd be hard alright well so I think that's all for today this is already long videos so until next time bye bye
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 1,242,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, harry potter, harry potter quiz, harry potter challenge, super carlin brothers, j vs ben, ultimate harry potter christmas quiz, the big bumper christmas quiz, pottermore, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, hogwarts, sorcerers stone, christmas, the chamber of secrets, hermione granger, ron weasley, hagrid, prisoner of azkaban, goblet of fire, yule ball, polyjuice potion, voldemort, invisibility cloak, who gave harry the invisibility cloak, fleur delacore
Id: Yy37PC8ErsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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