J vs Ben: The HARDEST Harry Potter Trivia Quiz EVER!

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hey welcome to another edition of a J inverse Bend today as you can tell from the title we are doing the hardest Harry Potter quiz on the Internet okay parent Li apparently so I I would not have been at Li the least bit worried about this until we did the Dumbledore quiz and it became very apparent that you're reachable knowledge for the Potter information is for the mom we will see that was all a Dumbledore may be yet maybe I'd say attention to the one character B you do maybe you do so what's hard to sense let's see how I can so here that will will work we are on Pottermore comm I believe the official name of the quiz is what do you can a the back to Hogwarts quiz firebolt edition back to Hogwarts quiz firebolt edition we will have a link in the description if you want to play along Ben and I are gonna put up a bit of a handicap Derek is gonna ask us the questions we will answer them without multiple choice but if both of us decide we need help we can both agree to get the multiple choice answer right but if you know the answer to the question and I don't I'm just I'm out of law or vice versa or vice-versa right now you're being very friendly today unexpected you know I have faith in you but you beat me at Mario Kart earlier so it happened today it was very sad okay so if you want to play along at home and get ready otherwise it's a 1 point per question let's see how many questions do we have 20 20 oh here we go you ready how many broomsticks are flown in a full game of Quidditch okay yeah okay I think I have it okay ready - I said 15 I also said 15 I was going to be annoyed if the ref didn't count that's what I think it's a girl answer is 15 okay okay good I was like cuz you know depending on how you answered it could have been like yeah I think it's intentionally a trick question so I see how this quiz is gonna be see this was like my problem with just like tests growing up it's like every single time there was ever a question I'm like this is a trick question sometimes sometimes they weren't yeah sure questions are mean but they don't test your knowledge accurately I don't think question how you believe they're asking the questions okay question number two which are not passwords to get into Dumbledore's office cockroach cluster licorice wand sherbert lemon and fizzing whiz B so this is weird that we have to get the multiple choices for the by nature of the question for this yes at least at least we have an answer even if it's wrong three-to-one some licorice wand that's correct I like how you like we're unsure how this public curse may be yeah oh yeah know for sure I have no no no I don't know that's right the chorus that's how it's spelled in wizards yeah let's go with that question number three of which Hogwarts house is terry boot a member usually you can tell from their names you can't often like if they sound mean it's probably in Slytherin for some reason yeah or even like a kind of a grosser name who is that the hair Oh Millicent Bulstrode yeah yeah whose house eviction three two one that's a tough LaBeouf ooh one of us is right really even you know I think I was thinking of Zacharias Smith and I was thinking of Hepzibah Smith as the one anyways my stomach dropped I was like no behind number four which Polyjuice potion ingredient must be acquired at the full moon do you know it I just remembered it no for real okay I know there are two particular ingredients in this that are that give away like if you have received in the writing that you know it's like an Easter Egg for Polyjuice potion okay and I remember both of those and I think I know which one of them anise has to be at the full moon I I think there's only one ingredient that immediately stands out to me and I can't imagine that it's the right one better write it down ah okay although at the same time I'm like I'm not sure how they would get what I've written down at that time so they could be a totally third thing but I'm just not thinking of yeah that's the thing like though what I know I feel like it's just not it's not perfect I'm bad no I'm gonna miss this I hope you do too it's totally possible it's over the possible okay but you don't want you don't want answers no I think I think I'm confident nothing you don't just know it I think you pick a guess already all right three two one boom slang skin neither of those are correct answer is flex weed for we that was I had that written down too and I was like if his lacewing flies or Boomslang skin and that's what tonight always remember the way alan rickman says it in the Goblet of Fire when he's like really swing flies it's like that's pretty good right good solid man but I don't know why I was like the one that sticks out to me I would not have gotten out I am I'm less than 50% right now okay okay so question five what type of creature is an ash winder I feel this is like such an odd plank question like do they mean oh I know actually the way it's used you would not think of it as it's full-grown state I think I've got it I'm not taking the multiple choice I've got to come back now I take some risks kind of take some units early on I'm nervous I'm super nervous this is where I feel like we made all those fantastic beasts videos and a lack huh man this is coming back into play all right all right three two one for the snake oh what a mess that's an Road I understand what you were saying because I wonder are they have to be patched in like a live fire you're right right the serpents yeah a squander egg is like what they use as like a cure that's like what he gives Jacob I think that mmm-hmm three and three question six true or false Aragog wife is called Moe seg three two one FM false it's true it's moles egg oh this you missed it too man this isn't the hardest goes we've done so far oh okay okay we didn't bond that I don't know who would know that it's like is mentioned once in Chamber of Secrets what a question okay okay okay we'll keep going this is a okay which team from the Ministry of Magic is responsible for modifying the memories of muggles who have been exposed to magic which team hmm feel like I know I feel like I have an answer but I don't think it's technically correct this I've got something I feel like sounds right but I don't I also feel like there's it's not the actual you want to reveal oh gosh three two beers I said remember modification squad which is definitely not right it's definitely not right obliviate errs however is right I was like this is just so yeah I didn't know I didn't know if that was gonna be like even though that ago right yeah so they had like the orders from the Unspeakables like the difference oh yeah yeah I think oh I think I have trouble remembering that because I like I knew it was like a destructive sounding or like obliviate to me sounds like it's much more destructive sounding Bend like memory eraser it does it very much does although what could be more destructive than not having your memories man it does sound like they just destroyed they're just destroying baby egg that mogul for me for mogul yeah yeah obliviate errs under Voldemort's rule would have a much different job yes they would yes they would okay question number eight where can the demi guys be found with difficulty like where in the world is this like a question of where would we have seen it in the movie or where would I find it where they originate from okay where do they originate from can I ask you are we looking for a country specific answer no okay it is not even that specific okay that I feel okay what good for real yep what you got bad yeah what you'd be wrong I'm losing okay okay ready three two I'm gonna give it to Jake technically it is they can be found in the Far East with great difficulty that's Asia okay tricky some buddies aren't Harry Potter questions they're like straight fantastic beasts questions yeah winders and Demi guys oh these are more like wizarding world at large yeah okay okay okay what house was Moaning Myrtle sorted into flight you have like a one in three shot having a toss-up for a couple of different reasons I know that I don't remember at Point Blank but there's one I think she fits into well for sure okay oh boy all right three two one that's that Hufflepuff bacon club no dang alright so it doesn't seem that smart you're not doing your dude I'm not this is embarrassing what do they even reveal that no okay this one I'll understand if you want multiple choice okay all right boss number ten halfway through what year was Ollivanders founded oh my gosh okay okay okay okay how old can he be I know I know okay so I'm thinking how the timeframe er the specific dates are there like within one year of each other or were they like decades centuries centuries okay I will take the multiple choices I will take the multiple choice okay so you see yeah Oh Islanders I know I was like BAM literally hundreds me I know I was like eighteen hundreds he's like a hundred years old Oh BC this is gonna be a straight guess oh I know you're gonna get it right I have no idea how you say sure you are gonna get this right I'm trying to remember anything that I know about because like even even like thinking back we don't know that much about like early founders lives and now what I did like in uh you know a thousand years ad mmm-hmm it's tricky you can to be like a part of the invention of the wand I think it's basically what it's saying ah I have four right and we're on ten oh no it is so weird this is not humbling very humbling okay all right I'm gonna go with the gasps okay okay ready yep three two one I said 57 it is 382 Oh did anyone get that right back home yeah how would you know how all right question of lemon if we even want to know select all that apply what shades of blue robes does lock hardware in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets turquoise peacock blue aquamarine and forget-me-not blue three two one I said turquoise and forget-me-nots blue I said not turquoise peacock aquamarine and forget-me-nots blue so we're gonna have to figure out how we want these questions to go because neither of you are completely correct because turquoise forget-me-nots blue and aquamarine are all colors peacock blue is not so Jay you missed one and then Ben you wait I got to you said turtle isn't for coming up blue as well as marine okay whereas been selected a different one than was actually the peacock blue is not one so do we each get two correct yes so we'll just each you want to look a half-point just I think we just each get two sure two points yeah two points on foccacia raking it in on this question all right always I was trying to think cuz actually I had I thought sapphire blue was one of them when he wouldn't we first heard it and then that wasn't even enough I read I had a dish I thought like lilac and periwinkle likes that really blue black isn't it I don't know often I'm totally wrong about colors though can we can we just completely have like a pause right here like mid video where we just have a small little reel of great moments in Lockhart's history and now this hardly any of you remember that my favorite color is Lila at my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and market my own range of hair care pensions I see you've all bought a complete set of my books well done I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at it was pretty obvious what you're about to do okay so we're at question 12 I now have six tally marks I have 6,000 marks all right so we're tied oh boy number 12 what number is Harry's vault at Gringotts wizarding Bank this is I'm just remembering the one the social stone is in which you've got oh you got that right last time didn't you I did I know what that one is I don't have a I don't know why this number is coming to me would you tell me what the other ones what's the sorceress than well that might be the way you think it is okay five three two one it's a 492 687 goes okay cool someone drew 13 I don't know why I thought I remembered of 12 okay question 13 - we suck J we suck these are hard questions uh okay who says this I wouldn't touch a filthy little blood trader like her whatever she looked like three two one three go not Draco Malfoy yeah no it's like palsy Parkinson people worst blaze Sabini blaze easy they're talking about wait wait read the question again who says this I wouldn't touch a filthy little blood trader like her whatever she looked like you know what that's it I was I I heard you say blood trader and in my mind I was like mud blood and that's about more you want a genie not Hermione that's why that's why dang it I knew that this is another select all that apply but I think you can get it I think we'll see at least some of them oh man what are two of the known hobbies of Professor Quirrell so just name - I do what there is a list if you choose to use it one or two hobbies of Professor Quirrell I've even like read the Pottermore article on quarrel a bunch of times anyway this is mentioned I can think of just one but I didn't know if I would I don't think they'd mention this in the Sorcerer's Stone I think there's a straight plot or more information I think it is this is deep this is like deep cut quarrel stuff just gonna make my answers wrong I'm gonna put uh it's decent name - okay I have to I don't think either of them is right but well I will explain why I put these answers yeah I put troll taming something with trolls and chess question Rick uh-oh I put travelling because that's like what he did after he like ya left Hogwarts was basically like when I'm like a world tour or european tour or something and i know that he was specifically trying to I think when he originally approached Voldemort it was in hopes that he could learn the dark arts from him yeah I don't know but see he has a way with trolls he says that and he gets past the show board so troll taming like you could say that and that's not incorrect and me there's the dark arts one for this question the two that they have on here are travel and pressing wildflowers pressing wildflowers yeah those are the two things I don't think that's on Pottermore I would remember remember it so just I want to know where that what what is the source of that but Oh God yes I don't get a point do i the traveling is exactly travelling okay so what question are we on we're on 15 or 15 I'm six and you know what I have seven oh my gosh I gotta I gotta make up some ground I think DK got 51% on this too yeah yeah but answers yes makes a difference especially for some of these yeah what's the name of the wizard who ends up with a buffalo on his chest when he says s instead of f what yeah yeah it's like a rhyme in charms class or something yeah it's like a way to remember something it's like don't forget the so-and-so who said F instead of s and wound up with a buffalo on his chest and that's what I remember of it oh I'm very impressed dang okay I would say give us the multiple choice if you co can do it unless you yes and you're welcome to ask for me to spell any of these out okay the four choices are Borussia Beru steel barrel feel and borough feel doesn't help it's just a bar something no I got my answer though on the count of three one two three Ferruccio I said C no beru Pheo as opposed to barrel fee oh well let's see it is deep Oh what was my ISO is not Bruce yeah yeah you had the first one I'm right now right is it it's an X it's an I think it's really hard I wonder what is no spell he's trying to get them to remember I don't remember well this quiz is like firebolt status I am Ann I was like a fire pole yeah you a fireball Oh see they said the Nimbus was so great then three books later there was the fire bolt all of a sudden it's like well like one but later there was the Nimbus 2001 yeah the best the best broom last no time at all exactly I'm surprised the fireball lasted the rest of the series top tier broom anyway I had a clean sweep at question 60 question 16 who says this my name is down for Evan you know I can't tell you how glad I am I came here instead I assume and is a different school picture over there oh man I'm like between two you were like a novel in between two are you pretty confident I am not even remotely confident even remotely no I've never even heard of Adam Eaton ETO and I am not familiar with a Wizarding school called it there are choices should you choose them what do you think are you good yeah we go with the guess I guess it correctly I'm gonna feel a lot better about myself but better you expressed if you just nail it oh my gosh don't say that oh I mean that also gives me another person I can think of is all right I'm just gonna go with three two one Justin flips Leslie justin flinch fletchling is correct McLaggen why first oh I swear I swear to man I'm super I had that I had Zechariah Smith down first I was like no no it has to be it's a muggle school and he's muggle-born because he's the one the basilisk attacks I'm pretty sure he says that to them in like the first day of her biology when they're doing the Mandrake's I'm just upset and frustrated this is hard oh that was hard let's just finish this is like taking a test in high school and I'm like at this point I just want it to be over right I don't even care what I guess we're not gonna get good scores I'm presently out of us a seven going on a question 17 you would 7 also on the seventh so we're tonight again three questions left okay okay all right this is a good one the door to the prefect bathroom is to the left of a statue of whom I'm gonna ask for the multiple choice yeah myself yeah I was like I thought it was going to be the what fruit do you have to take hold which would be a pear oh that's so that's the kitchen's yeah the kitchen's yeah not to the prefix bathroom correct correct Colbert okay give me give me the ABCD all right look I'm a guess okay me too okay yeah two one Wilfred smarmy it is morosely bewildered so we're brother correct you're both wrong gosh that's the problem with these questions that they like they don't feel so much like trivia as like did you memorize everything yeah pretty much you're like mundane details oh my god how do you do here's my cat looks like crazy that's bet why are you doing captain says your cap boys you were taking forever with the question okay well you know what okay ask away when Harry watches the sorting for the second time in his fourth year he witnesses Kevin Witt be put into which house was this the true or false yes Kevin Kevin Whoopi I have my guess okay three two one ravenclaw hufflepuff did you say couple pop the last two times I've been betrayed Ravenclaw hufflepuff I got another question wrong I basically just guessed wrong I'm Raven blah and off of off today I was actually wondering I was like if that was one of those moments where it seemed like it was a trick question where they like every time we asked a house question its Raven claw and you're like could it possibly be Raven claw again it wasn't it wasn't it was helpful ball foul man hmm or question 19 we tea all right this is mama where did Quidditch originate where'd and Quidditch originate like country not quite country can I say like in the air oh man I'm impressed that you know this I don't know it I just know why he's saying it you ready sure three two one London Quidditch March if I came after where it was yeah queer too rich Marsh I wouldn't unfortunately named him I'm pretty sure that's gonna be in Quidditch through the ages how would I know that is if it's in Wales or Scotland question 19 this is this is a question well this is question 24 now so yeah I am seven and you're at so I can always hi you oh my gosh okay unless this is like what we're working yet multiple is it it would be okay okay there's a one correct answer to this final question okay oh boy alright guys we got this we got this although all the hashtag team Ben people out there we got Mario copy of night at this point got Mario Kart we could see how it goes alright ready yes I'm nervous but I'm ready during their first journey to Hogwarts which chocolate frog card does a run tell Harry he has about six of that was quickie both yes okay okay it's there are I think are the answers I feel like okay you both got it wrong I could be wrong okay I'm changing maybe alright just because I feel like I have to take a risk in order to alright can you run another question one more time during their first journey to Hogwarts which chocolate frog card does Ron tell Harry he has about six of I feel like there's a line in the movie that makes me think I don't think they use the number six but it makes me wonder if they would have changed it all together I I'm sure if you think that it's wrong three two one I put Merlin you have both incorrect uh Morgana Morgana that is correct he says something like I've got loads of Dumbledore in about six of morgana ah see I got the M I knew I knew Dumbledore would my initially wrote down and that would have been my regular guest and I was like I need to try something different so in the movie does he not say I'm like we're gonna all the dimensions Morgana I don't think you mentioned oh my god we need to play the clip if the clip exists that's like I've got Dumbledore it's like I've got about five of those or something like that I've got Dumbledore I got about six of him well then you're won the best of me I don't feel like I want more eoq art it's just sort of like you came in tenth than I came in seventh that's yeah right it's like I be you win I don't feel super great about it I'm very curious to see what everybody back home god oh my god like it was too hard to wear it almost wasn't fun or that's no we're like it was easy no nobody absolutely not anybody who said it was easy if you're in the comments right now I thoroughly disagree with you yes or else you should have your own YouTube channel you let us know because we will subscribe guys for our question of the day what was your score let us know in the towel section down below did you beat us and I probably probably I think with multiple choice hopefully multiple choice I think I could have done better oh we had a bunch of we used multiple choice on several of these we did we still got him wrong okay yeah some of them that the house ones were just multiple choice anyway it was just that was literally people going through the boys in figuring out moments when something was referenced one time that's basically what it was like none of I don't think any of this information I don't think a single question would have been covered as like like a topic like Harry Potter trivia like this doesn't count as trivia this is just How well do you know it right so just like memorizing the books but hey you go let us know are there any other quizzes or tests or challenges you think Bennett I should take on let me let us know tweet them at us on Twitter you can follow us at Jacqueline or also cats that you drew oh yeah because that was almost the most fun that I had during this whole challenge because this challenge was very very difficult I'm throwing at a cat while talking on the fly making it up as I can tell it's his name Milton like Milton Bradley alright guys thanks for watching please remember like this video if you haven't already and subscribe to don't miss any future J verse Ben videos if you want to see us take who knows Albus Dumbledore better you can click this card right here it's probably covering half of us right there yeah see you next time
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 1,687,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, harry potter, pottermore, j vs ben, back to hogwarts quiz, firebolt edition, jk rowling, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, super carlin brothers, dumbledore, harry potter theory, quiz, trivia, harry potter trivia, hardest hadest harry potter trivia quiz, wizarding world, hagrid, hermione, fantastic beasts, fantastic beasts and where to find them, harry potter movie, ashwinder, ravenclaw, hufflepuff, slytherin, gryffindor, albus, gringots, demiguise, quidditch
Id: hu2hjtLeUG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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