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[Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] you to life if you're glad to see this morning rise up on your feet put your hands together let's celebrate jesus rejoice in the lord lift up your voice and begin to appreciate him give him all the praise give him all the glory for the privilege to see today he has brought you upon this mountain since the first day he has been blessing you with his word lines upon lines precept upon precept today he has brought you again this morning he is never tired of blessing you if you know you are the one that is said to be blessed today lift up your voices power your prayers celebrate him for that which he has done and that which is said to do in your life today lift up your voices don't look around make a case this morning thank him for what he has done yesterday it says the first day second day he revived you yesterday the third day he raised you up today the fourth day he will perfect all that concerns you celebrate him for what he has done celebrate him for the testimonies you have received and the ones that you are yet to receive give him thanks lift up your voices to heaven appreciate him appreciate him celebrate god he is a faithful god unto him be all the glory for his strange works in our lives in our midst we give you praise he is the reason why we are live today is the reason why we are gathered here today now begin to express your expectation what do you expect from this service this morning you are not returning the same way you came make your case known unto god i am here today i am not returning the same way i came i have seen your hand yesterday i am set again for your hand today send me my own word my own word that will announce me my own word of excellence please send it my way in the name of jesus ensure your voices be heard in heaven if your voice is being heard your answers will be released declare your expectations to god today i am returning a changed person today i'm returning with my testimonies in the name of jesus be lift up your hands to heaven celebrate god for the answer if you know you are the one that he will visit lift up your hands to heaven and give him thanks celebrating more celebrating them all in the name of jesus father we give you praise we declare today service the blessed one in the name of jesus thank you heavenly father in jesus mighty name we have prayed if you have i know since you've been on this mountain god has been visiting you in different ways you have testimonies the pastors are waiting for you at the honor entrance to document it put your hands together for jesus as we welcome delivered for their praise [Music] hallelujah somebody [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody's greater you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody lifts up your hands unto heaven with your hands unto jesus you are excited to be here today give the lord [Music] celebrate jesus right now come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] you [Music] our [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] has celebrated celebrate [Music] somebody dance right now give the lord the best dance you can give right now [Music] [Applause] not my father not my mother [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] somebody [Music] your god is [Music] somebody [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] up [Music] i feel like shouting [Music] i feel like shouting [Music] i feel like dancing [Music] i feel like dancing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 2021 in pursuit of excellence put your hands together for jesus and please be comfortably seated in a short while we are going to be rising on our feet to pray and we are going to be saying father in the name of jesus raise an army of world changers that will take the world by storm for you at this year international utah life convention in isaiah chapter 16 verse 22 the bible says a little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation i the lord will hasten it in his time with this understanding shall we jump up on our feet and say father in the name of jesus raise an army of world changers that will take the wall by stone for you at this year international utah life convention father in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the world by storm for you at this year international utah life convention lift up your voice to heaven and say father in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the world by storm this year international utah life convention further in the name of jesus raise an enemy of the world changes that will take the world by storm for you at this year international utah life convention lift up your voice to heaven make sure you are praise the father in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will stick the wall by stone for you of this year international utah life convention left up your voice to heaven make sure you are praying this morning say father in the name of jesus raise an army of world changers that will take the wall by stone for you at this year international utah life convention let up your voice to heaven so far in the name of jesus father in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the wall by stone for you at this year international utah life convention lift up your voice to heaven in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the wall by stone for you at this year international utah life convention lift up your voice to heaven make sure jesus is hearing you this morning so far in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the wall by stone for you at this year international youth of life convention lift up your voice to heaven say further in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the wall by stone for you at this year international utah life conversion lift up your voice to heaven make sure jesus is hearing you so far in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the wall by stone for you and this year international utah life conversion further in the name of jesus lift up your voice to heaven and safar in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the world by stone for you at this year international utah live convention so far in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the war by stone for you at this year international utah convention say father in the name of jesus raise an army of the world changers that will take the war by storm for you at this year international utah life convention lift up your voice to heaven and begin to celebrate jesus thank him celebrate him for hearing us loud this morning thank him giving glory give it home magnify him celebrate him celebrate him and giving thanks giving glory giving glory thank him thank him thank him thank him and thank him for making us the world changers at this year international utah life convention left of your voice to heaven and celebrate him and jesus wonderful name we have given thanks please be comfortably seated aryak 20 21 shortly again we shall be rising to our feet to pray and when we do we shall pray like this father in the name of jesus let every perpetual heal and everlasting mountain in the life of any participant in this year's leveled out god's word in albuquerque chapter 3 verse 6 history that measured the earth he beared and drove asunder the nations everlasting mountains were scattered perpetua he did bow with his understanding rise to your feet and give a strong voice to that prayer father in the name of jesus let every perpetual hill and everlasting mountain in the life of any participant in this year's international utah life convention be leveled out let every perpetual ill and everlasting mountain in the life of any participant in this year's international utah life convention be level out is somebody praying is somebody praying father in the name of jesus let every perpetual heal let every everlasting mountain in the life of any participant at this year's international utah life convention be leveled out don't look around focus your attention on heaven for answer let every perpetual here let every everlasting mountain in the life of any participant in this year's convention let them be live without every joblessness every chronic sickness every marital delay let them come to an end i thought you were praying like a youth i thought you were praying with fire i thought you were praying with faith let heaven sing out your own voice father in the name of jesus let every perpetual heal and every everlasting mountain in the life of any participant every participant of this year's international utah life convention let them be leveled out no problem no challenge we survive this convention no delay we survive this convention no one participant will return with any mountain in their lives no one participant we return with the same way they have come father in this year's convention put an end to every perpetually level them out level out every everlasting mountain you can pray better you can pray with more intensity pray with more intensity forget about the person standing beside you it's your turn for a visitation it's your turn to receive an answer let every perpetual and everlasting mountain in the life of any participant in this year's convention be leveled out let every joblessness come to an end let every chronic sickness dissolve on this mountain oh god visit every career stagnation visit every business breakdown lord let everyone return with your desired testimony you have not called the seed of jacob to seek you in vain let everyone receive their desire let everyone be visited let everyone be touched let everyone receive the answer with the same intensity wave your hands give him glory bless his name because he has answered us thank you and thank you and thank you in jesus mighty name we are praying give jesus a begin and be seated higher 2021 in pursuit of excellence to take us further in this month in our fountain of excellence let us put our hands together as we welcome youth alive enugu honey somebody give jesus praise in the house higher 20 21 we give you praise your lord can somebody just raise those hands to jesus [Music] my own [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] christ [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] i'm not sure you heard what i heard that song among many other things declared that our god is more than enough that when we call him once he answers how many times and seven is the number of perfection that depicts excellence this morning an excellent work will god do in your life that amen can be excellent [Applause] that amen can be useful [Applause] and that a man can turn things around [Applause] lift up your hands with me and lift up your voice magnify the lord for bringing you an eye to this mountain of excellence understanding that he has not called the seed of jacob to seek him in vain let's give him glory gain access into his presence with thanksgiving and praise somebody gets excited you are lifting up your hands you are lifting up your voice you are voicing out your praise and appreciation what a privilege to have a god that we can run to what a privilege to have a father that we can turn to what a joy we are in his presence no one can come except he draws let's give him glory you and i we slept and we woke up this morning because he sustained us are you still thanking him you can't thank him enough you can only thank him some more youths in the house rising giants lift your voice give thanks to your lifter give thanks to your helper give him all the glory he has done all things well our father receive our sins blessed be on him in jesus awesome name we have given signs further with the unity of faith we return as responsible children acknowledging your goodness from the one you brought us safely and you have continually furnished us our lives are no more the same thank you for sending us your word thank you for your visitations thank you for waking us again this morning thank you for what you have in store for us receive all the glory and right now lord we are before you ready eager hungry let everyone be satisfied let every destiny be transformed let your name alone be glorified in jesus awesome name we have prayed one more time your amen can turn things around let's be seated and give jesus a big hand of praise well for that wonderful ministration from the levites all the way from lfc enugu let's give jesus a big shout of praise amen i counted a real privilege this morning granted me by god and his servant the apostle over this commission to bring us the first word for this morning section you are clapping for jesus make it bigger and better and this is we do recognition and acknowledgement of our own beloved wisdom pastor who is very much here in our midst let's celebrate jesus everybody the theme of this convention as we all know is in pursuit of what you will get there and we have been exploring a teaching series captioned gateways to excellence access to excellence this morning we will be considering another gate major access to this realm of excellence and that is engaging the demand of intellectual exercise engaging the demand of intellectual exercise let's begin with defining excellence this morning and i'll be bringing two definitions of excellence one literal coming from inspiration another verbatim from our father in the faith bishop david with the book first this morning excellence means supernatural intelligence daniel chapter 1 verse 20 talking about youths like us children of god like us the bible says and in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them he found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers that we are in all his realm from today you will not just be the best you will be the best among the best supernatural intelligence supernatural enlightenment comprehension understanding illumination ability to solve problems including hard ones daniel chapter 5 11-13 there is a man in thy kingdom when the matter became tough when jungle matured when the problem became thick they told the king there is a man in thy kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy ghost and in the death of thy father light and understanding and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods was found in him whom the king nebuchadnezzar thy father the king i said thy father made master of the magicians astrologers charities and suits sayers for as much as an excellent spirit and knowledge and understanding interpreting of dreams and showing of hard sentences and deserving of doubt we are found in the same daniel whom the king named belshezza now let daniel be called and he will show the interpretation the guy was so loaded that he didn't need to talk people were talking for him there is a man the matter is tough for you o king tough for us okay but there is a man that has remained relevant from the days of your father he solved her matters then he has been solving her matters call him and this one shall be solved good news from now you and i shall become the reference point supernatural intelligence ability to dissolve hard matters what is excellence from the words of our father the apostle over this commission there is nothing mystical about excellence he said it is a product of man's tireless commitment to improvement a product of man's tireless commitment to improvement under scriptural proverbs chapter 4 18 the path of the just the path of believers is ordained to shine more and more to the perfect dawn so there is nothing mystical about excellence is simply put practical god-likeness if you are godly if you are a believer if you are a child of god it should show in your god-likeness and our god is an excellent god how he is tirelessly committed to improvement lamentation chapter 3 from verse 22 beginning down the line to verse 23 talking about your god and my god he says it is of the lost message that we are not consumed because his compassion fell not verse 23 read with me if you can loud and clear they are what new every morning great is thy faithfulness so our god is an addict of improvement every day is an improvement of the former new new new new every day but by these two definitions it's clear that excellence is impossible without paying attention to our minds why our mind is the seat of thinking and reasoning the mind the soul of a man is the seat of thinking and reasoning and that goes to say that our mind is the true worth of our lives if the mind is the seed of thinking and reasoning in man then the what of a man this through the true word of a man is in his mind proverbs 23 verse 7 as a man think it in his heart as a man think it in his heart exactly so is he therefore it's important to note that your what and my what is not in the coat we wear you can have brazilian hair the question is do you have brazilian brain our what in life is a function of this death and use of our mind our ability to think well not our showmanship carry a lizard from nigeria go to italy he's still a lizard because of the way carry him to french or france he will still be a leader the only thing that would change is the pronunciation from lizard to lizard but you'll see the same the same thing long term for legs the same your what is not in your size it's not in your stature stop crying because of your height zacchaeus was not the tallest in fact the way you are is the best you were created in god's image are you getting me right now some people think it's just good to be tall the bible says lo i am with you some people are complaining ah i'm too fat i'm too fat the bible says you shall be fat and flourishing [Applause] and some people are wondering why am i like this i'm eating it's not showing narrow is the way that leads to heaven so your limitation is not your height your limitation is not your weight your limitation is not your complexion leave bleaching cream alone [Applause] your limitation is the state somebody touch your head set the state and the use of my mind take for instance if you check why is it that we don't reckon with mad people they don't count they don't matter you see mad people may be huge they may be fear strong but they don't admit them for war they don't admit them for wrestling these are fierce people that you should bring to deal with what's his name they'll finish our joshua that man that beats unto jesus what's his name again that fat one despite how fierce they are they don't count them they don't vote for them they can't vote they don't count them joining census but if you check some of those mad men are taller than you and i some of them are fatter and wittier some of them are very beautiful there are some of the mad ladies if you see them in their mad state you are they are so beautiful you are now wondering what will happen when they buff yet with all of that they don't count not because they're not alive but the state and the use of their mind you and i we either think well or will we think well we either think well or we will soon start stinking well thinking thinking i pray the same way the god of this commission has helped our father to become a tireless thinker that grace comes upon you and i [Applause] mensah uttabil one of the great leaders we have in the christendom in ghana came to chile once and when he was about teaching he said your father bishop edible is abnormal and you know some of us we are ready to fight because there are some fights that are good fights so i was waiting for him to conclude he said i say your father he's abnormal i say you are just starting finish he took me to his house in a tour and showed me one room okay another room okay this one library okay this one i asked him what is this one he says my thinking room and i asked your what thinking room what do you mean by that he said that's where enter to think no wonder everything is working you have bad room you have dressing room you have bed room you even have football room have you got a thinking room i want to be available oh god in the name of jesus i receive i receive i receive do you have thinking room now what is thinking very quickly thinking two definitions is taxing our brains to increase our gains without providing pains to god asking our brain to improve our gains without burning the lord without pening the lord that's the difference between thinking and scamming thinking is god's scamming is the devil's thinking has in mind solution without pending god scamming even if god comes i will still even if he's gone i can i can't even kill him forget god now forget god now forget god now is this the impending god is part of thinking providing solutions tasking your brain somebody hit your head say tasking my brain asking my brain i passed all the station i believe some people might be in this place right now from that station somewhere in nigeria in south south in border court now when we were privileged to get there we were in the office there was no rooms the office was in a school the church was in a school building up there just one office one hall the office doesn't have window blinds the office is when you have window blinds that you talk about intercom no intercom yet we had staff in the office before long they brought me an assistant pastor and now one office one hall assistant pastor i will do this thing i began to think tax my brain and i called him i said pastor this is an executive meeting between me and you you know that i'm the resident pastor you're the assistant you'll be having visitors i'll be having visitors and there is one office i want two of us to stay in this one office but the thing is will you be comfortable when your visitors come no so we need to think about this thing let's provide a place where you can be comfortable let me stay in this room you the whole church will be your office and i told him go to the choir stand and put all those barricades pastor don't be sleepy no because people will be coming to the church when they are coming just continue with your work you'll be shocked that they will start treating that place as an office before long people will come to see him they will come to that place and where he is empty hall they will do this he say yes coming after a while i started noticing the problem of communication i told you there is no intercom what you are even looking for for office table so i call another executive meeting i say there is a security there is some job that is for security men another job for pastor and sometimes when i'm counselling and i need to call them from my office in one room i'll be shouting pastor i won't call his name pastor but i need to be looking like he's another champion not too much because patrols are not normal pastor pastor oh god security security so suddenly i started thinking there is no intercom no need to complain no need to grieve what can i do to improve this thing without pain in god i remembered flashing what people use for nonsense i called another executive council meeting the subject today is communication security from today when i call you don't pick the call check when i say flash because we need arrow b for fuel if you waste my credit you won't like yourself so if i call you once and it caught it means come if i call you twice see where to if i call one cut call to god it means call assistant pastor now if i call you one god two god and i call the third one it's ringing it means peak don't come assistant pastor from today your own code is if i call once i'm caught it means come if i call once and cut once again twice it means peak so i will be doing counselling and somehow it will be a matter that concerns the security i said oh okay um i need to call him right now and the members you know winners are responsible they will stand up oh sir let's go and call him because they know there's no way you can get him i say no continue just sit down he will come so as we're talking i've done the communication and suddenly the doorway there will be a knock they will open it down coming and the person for counseling will say hey sir the spirit is one yes the spirit is one the spirit is one the spirit is one task in your brain to increase your gains without pending the lord without pending the lord what he's thinking is processing scriptures in our mind to provide solutions over situations of our lives processing scriptures in our mind to provide solutions over the situations of our life one day in john chapter 8 from verse 3 they carried a woman a trap to jesus say this woman was caught in adultery most he said we should stone her to death now we have cornered you what will you answer what should we do and at that point jesus knew there was a situation but good news there is no situation without a solution in god's revelation and at that point jesus needed to think not to pray the bible said he stood down and began to write he was thinking he was processing scriptures from his head and i think he remembered that if you say you don't have a sin you make god a liar he stood up and looked at all of them the one here that doesn't have this that doesn't have a sin let him cast the face to you see this scripture is very important for women doctors of god here i'm not exempting men the doctors of god you need to keep yourself you are more delicate you are very special to god men we are created from sand you you were created from from from man now the devil targets you always the first because he knows how special you are when he came to eden he's a woman check out now if there is immorality who suffers the most the woman they carried a woman to jesus see what about the man pregnancy who carries it abortion who suffers it you know stigmatization who would drop out of school the man that did the thing now if they are doing abortion and die who will die this woman we caught her in adultery we got to know and jesus thinking many of the people that brought the woman were men any one of you men who have not done this kind of thing through the first stone and by the time he lifted up his head they were all gone good news those problems and traps the devil said by the key of thinking i see you shaming him [Applause] he was in the same church that we were and the church was not growing the way we wanted and there were many excuses he said that the church is in two story buildings you see pastor this church is let's talk to leadership to increa to to give us a land 500 place where we can have a church on the downstairs because see now how can people be coming to up two-story building we have headers headers before they climb up if they climb two times they will go to the nearest church and the nearby church is a headquarter church with ace so i began to think is this the way these people want to send me back to my village you see what i will go and tell god servant that you see the church is upstairs you see you see the the branch beside it it has ac you see you see when you are not thinking nobody will see you stop saying you see you see and i took the scriptures there must be a way i refuse to go back to my village there must be a way there must be a way and suddenly the light came boom the mountain of the lord shall be exalted above all the mountains and all the hills and men shall flow into it when the light entered me i went to church i read it to them i said when there are churches two stories one story downflow and blessing is coming from heaven where will he get to first they say up that's okay from today do you think we should be looking for down states or aussies hope says upstairs before you know it the church began to grow one service to two services sorry one service to other hosts in the school to two services to three services boom boom boom and still growing the good news is this what you are looking for in sokuto is in your shortcut bring out your bible and think listen to this only few people actually think some people think that they are thinking why so many others most others don't even think at all they are in the category of la casara believers cancer sarah what will be will be nothing good comes like that some have minds that are in bad state hence useless that is smart people bad state of their minds but there are people that have minds in good state but put to bad use and because of the bad use of the mind and good state the mind soon becomes useless in a matter of time in the matter of time by carelessness romans chapter six romans chapter eight rather verse six and seven the bible says to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace that peace there means shalom prosperity without pressure news without noise to be spiritually minded to put your mind into spiritual use it's life and peace we must therefore be careful how we use our minds if we must make the most of our life we must very very consciously and intentionally mind our minds until you mind your mind people will not mind you they don't mind mad people because of the state of their minds we must be conscious and intentional in the use of our mind and i have two recommendations we must guard it critically somebody say god security guard you must say clear it critically you must guard it critically in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs 24 23 he says keep thy heart that is talking about your mind with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life jesus would trust it by saying from within from within comment thoughts that defile stealing autism pornography he starts with the thought from within so he's talking about the mind what that scripture means is keep your mind with all diligence somebody say all diligence keep it with all security consciousness like somebody who is a goalkeeper second corinthians chapter 10 5-6 speaking about the mind again it says casting down every imagination and everything that rises against the knowledge of the truth cast it down you know how goalkeepers act is that they cast at the ball no matter how he must not enter the net that's how people no this thought you want to kill me you want to make me mad you want me to say you want to send me back my village never never you are pushing it out you are pushing it out or you are guarding it like someone who is guiding his team during free kick you know how how people how men position themselves join free kick how do they stand they don't sound like this studio watch me there are many parts of the body but there is one part they got with everything they don't agree to use one hand you tell them a guy if the ball touch your hand it will be penalty he will tell you it's better penalty than life guard your heart with what all diligence because anything that touches it touches you got it got it youth let's get it daniel purpose in his heart he gathered it number two how do i use it guide it well guide it well give it direction it's like a steering of a car no matter how aligned the car is if you don't mind the steering it will soon catch you guide it tell it what to do give it direction in philippians chapter 4 verse 18 to 19 philippians chapter 4 beginning from verse 18 to verse 19 paul the apostle provided guidance to us i have all and abound i am full having received of a powerful detours the things which were sent from you an order of a sweet smell is sacrificed acceptable we're pleasing to god this is not where i'm going he's talking about thoughts to permit he said if anything be pure if anything be holy if anything be virtuous thank you studio finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things guide your mind think on these things and when you do that what happens verse nine he says those things which he have both learnt of me and received and heard and seen in me do and the god of shalom shall be with you we have examples we have fathers in the faith who according to examples are proofs that these things work paul is saying guide your thinking according to scriptures and according to our examples our examples bishop edible follow the prosperity plan of god unveiled in the life of kenneth copeland by following he began to reflect on him bishop a beauty followed or edible he began to reflect on him we heard about pastor david dibiomi that the first shiloh he trekked with the wife from song am i correct to this place for a man to trek from sun go to here that's a problem but for a man to be taken with the wife there is a problem under the sun honorary son he shows you the level but he said by following by following it is follow follow today that becomes wonder wonder tomorrow you call them old school how come they are still making news you call them old-fashioned how come they see making news winners youths beware of what you follow this new trend how long has it lasted there is no new truth truth is truth take it all leave it hebrews chapter 6 be followers of those who through faith and patience is time as youth we sit down document the footsteps of our fathers in order to follow suit if not the future is lost what is our pattern as a commission what has god given to our father like the richard bites that we say it doesn't matter jeremiah you may be a prophet but there is a standard our father said that this is our pattern we don't drink isaiah jeremiah said man this is the church of god i am the prophet of god this tombo is the tumble of god they say it doesn't matter i know what i'm following your grace teaching cannot disgrace me i know what i'm following my focus is clear that's how to guard and guide your mind may the lord give us understanding in the name of jesus christ therefore we must be constantly and continually reminded of the following number one as believers we now possess the mind of christ the difference is clear first corinthians chapter 2 verse 16. we now possess the mind of christ at salvation one of the benefits that accrued to us is a new mind the mind of christ the re-spirited mind as our father said in the first night a re-spirited mind at redemption you and i received the very mind of christ that innovative mind that could not be trapped that creative mind that inventive mind came as part of our benefits in redemption let these minds be you number two this mind of christ puts us at an advantage over others so if an unbeliever is making it you and i should make it more if an unbeliever is surviving you and i should thrive we have an advantage by reason of this mind second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 you have not received the spirit of fear at redemption by the spirit of power somebody say power talk like a star talk like a winner you have received the spirit of power and of love and the spirit of a sound mind you have advantage you must therefore believe what god is saying he says you have not received the spirit of fear when fear comes remind yourself of what god said remind yourself they say you cannot pass mathematics remind yourself it's not what the teacher said it's what god said didn't they say that my smooth was a dollar dollar one of the greatest brands that ever lived how about albert einstein said he called the mother and said please we called you invited you to come to carry your son back because he won't amount to anything but not after redemption when you are not coming to christ all things are what pass away all things become what new one of it is a new mind the very frequency of christ lift up your right hand say with me i have another advantage number three whatever we don't put to use no matter the potential no matter the advantage becomes unused disused and useless you have a mind of christ you have advantage over the world but you must put it to work if you want it to work eclipses chapter 10 verse 18. exactly chapter 10 verse 18 by much slothfulness the building decayed and through i don't necessarily hands the house drop it if you don't mind your mind it will not mind us and listen to this the word will not mind us even god himself will not mind us in philemon chapter 1 verse 14 god says without your mind i can do nothing i can do nothing i can do nothing christians christianity is not important stupidity wake up your mind wake up your mind wake up the sleeping giant in you jesus by the division of the word in isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 he says come let's reason together let's use the mind let's use the mind if your sin is as read as crimson not to bother if it's as black as charcoal not to bother i will make it white but if you are willing to do what i said if you are willing to come and reason i said one night and if you are willing and obedient to reasoning you will eat the good no matter how bad the situation is however if you refuse and continue fasting and prayer continue unnecessary wishing continue unless i see you hoping without using your mind he says you will be destroyed because i cannot help you switch your hands may the god of our father who has kept him thinking till today manifest the same help in our lives [Applause] i say somebody's mind is coming alive again [Applause] for somebody here your thinking faculty is catching fire right now he told us how that many years ago he was in a meeting like this and as the man of god was teaching suddenly he began to feel sparks in his brain as if it was enlarging and from that time he could dissolve any matter from that time he could answer any question from that time he could redissect comprehend he could he could diffuse any tension that he will be speaking with a president and the president will say we are finding it hard to know your field because wherever we come from you have something relevant to offer that's you and i it's like father like son like father like daughter in case you are thinking that your limitation is your biological father no the blessings of your spiritual father has prevailed over the blessings of your progenitors am i talking to you right now elijah had a father physically but his spiritual father gave him a say in the land connect your roots spiritually what do i do therefore as we rush through to keep our intellect activated we must be committed to the following walks to the following exercises not just once in a while but as a lifestyle number one reading let me hear somebody say reading i didn't hear you one more time not browsing if you check the meaning of browsing in agriculture it's connected to goods but readers end up as leaders daniel chapter 9 verse 2 and i danielle understood by books the scripture admonishes everyone to be committed to a lifestyle of reading let it be like breathing a lifestyle of reading first timothy chapter four from verse 13 to 16 first timothy chapter 4 13-16 the bible says from verse 13 let's start from verse 13. let no man despise your youth paul was talking to timothy get overstating she like come tell the neighbor continue tell them about keep at it till i come give attendance to what to what and what and what verse 14 let's read louder right now as rising giants neglect not the gift that is inside you tell your neighbour there is a gift inside you tell everybody your mind is a gift which was given thee by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery which prophecy you have not received the spirit of fear but of sound mind neglect not the gift and the prophecy let's read the next verse verse 15 meditate think upon these things give thyself holy to them that thy profiting may appear to all number 16 the loudest everybody won't go take it on to thyself and unto the doctrine continuing them for in doing this thing you shall both save yourself and them the hairy can't you see how by thinking a man that was going down to death by tuberculosis is now providing healing solutions to the world including solutions to corona habits of this virus by doing this thing you will provide solution good for yourself and to the world many of us here why god brought us is to remind us what you are crying about is waiting for you you are crying my family is not marrying there is no breakthrough in my dream nobody is a melody in my house god is saying you are the joseph i brought in that please think just think just think just think you are the one i brought to change the narrative just think just think you think you got saved by your power no i chose you specially you may not be biologically positioned but spiritually i chose you like david wake up and start thinking and how best to do it is to ensure you are reading you see david came from the last what helped him oh how love i die lord it is my meditation all day daniel became excellent by books there are two things to note attitudes for reading that will help us number one possess a learner's attitude albert einstein said once you stop learning you start dying henry ford said i quote anyone who stops learning is old whether at 20 or at 80. anyone who keeps learning stays young the greatest thing a lie in life is to keep your mind young how do you do that learning learning many people are looking at me right now to see the mistakes you will see many but if you have a heart a learner's heart you'll be hearing the voice of god behind the voice of your teacher not behind the voice of your mate not your brother the voice of your teacher if you cannot be taught you cannot imagine a teacher leona bishop whatever father he said what you don't know you don't know what you won't learn you won't know and what you don't know you will pay for it there are certain lessons that you either lend it now or you may pay for it for life learn it now these keys learn reading now let's read it now number two to maximize leading reading you must have a secret attitude isaiah 34 16 search out of the book of the law nothing shall lack is met only seekers end up as fine dust matthew chapter seven verse eight he that's accents received he did a secret find it in luke 15 8-9 if a woman is looking for a coinage his inner house the bible says she puts on the light and keeps sweep sweeping sweeping until she finds it so have a topical way of reading don't just read anything you see don't see any sight and begin to read many people say that they can't read but if you check the volume of information you consume by checking instagram update story telegram story whatsapp story update if you merge it together maybe it's more than one book you can read but have such a mentality it will help to drive you what am i searching for when it was sought for prosperity he got it he sought for the key behind the holy ghost he got it what are you looking for okay you are here now you are here praying for miracle marriage medical community have you sat down have you gone to the classes have you read books don't know what it entails to enjoy miracle marriage somebody came to me and said sir i have a problem and many people are asking for handling marriage i said they're born again you see all of them that's the problem all of them are born again the problem is that i don't know who to choose it's okay among them who is closest to you this one are you sure he's born again yes no vices at all he said no vices he doesn't want my nice no no no he doesn't drink no he has stopped he has stopped but i caught him once now i caught him once okay you caught him once what did he say he says you know i have stopped to but is the weather anytime the weather is cold i just drink i don't drink again but i drink if i drink at all because of the weather sense of god is everybody in america that is drinking where's no false which kind of code in nigeria you know it's just good to think what are you looking for how to find the right person how to maintain a home how to build my business what are you looking for it will help the second thing you must constitute as a lifestyle is studying second timothy 2 15 study to show yourself approved a workman that need not to be ashamed reading is searching studying is researching bishop says there is no situation on earth that lacks a solution in the word of god so if you search it and you don't find it research keep searching on the light take the broom keep searching a woman was seeking after a solution for the mentally deranged husband and she began from genesis running running running running and running i think around jeremiah she got the light have a sacha's mentality when you are looking for something there is an attitude sometimes when you are looking for something sleep cannot even deter you when you are writing work when you are writing a work listen to me when you're writing a work did you sleep the way you're sleeping now sometimes some of you ate cola cola to stay to stay awake because i did not walk you drink you drunk nice cafe coffee it didn't work you carry your leg and put bucket water put i can't tell you it didn't work you stood up photosynthesis is the because you are seeking something somebody is blessed here lastly as we close and this is a question for somebody here beware of sin and carnality as a lifestyle beware of sin and carnality it can rob us of our excellent potentials t.l osborne said once you sin something dies i believe one of the things that die is the mind when adam sinned and if sinned the mind that could walk at the same frequency with god keeping the garden teaming the animals suddenly could not cover themselves how many heroes have been lost heroes of excellence potential has loaded positioned even by bed but lost to sin and canality let's read the scripture and close genesis chapter 49 3-4 genesis chapter 49 3-4 everybody one goal reuben stop please make it louder reuben now at my first bone my might the beginning of my strength the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power verse 4 but unstable as water thou shalt not exhale stop loaded excellency of dignity excellency of might excellence your power first born by right bought but but every bot standing between you and i to get into our excellent heritage today we are bought it right now we are about it right now jump on your feet receive the grace for excellence in life receive the grace for an excellent lifestyle the next time i see you i hear about you it shall be excellent excellence excellence excellence excellent you believe it your airmen can contain surround one of the proofs of revelation is joy and jubilation you believe that this word that came is your word you will be praising god jumping shouting as we welcome the levites to lead us in very high prophetic praise [Music] you guys declares your majesty who can compare searched all over cos anything that'd be rare they must tremble at a mention of your name now thus crumble outside of your voice our bodies are warned by the power of your mighty hand we are strong cause we have a very big [Music] [Music] any time [Music] [Applause] [Music] your majesty [Music] of your voice our voices are worried by the power of your mighty head real strong cause we have a very big guy all the way i told you i told me [Music] [Music] boy [Music] you are [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you [Music] oh you who i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] iac 2021 in pursuit of excellence put us lovely hands together for jesus and please be seated this morning to further launch us into deeper realms of excellence let us put our hands together for jesus as we welcome the covenant university for their presentation the louder your club the faster they come make it better make it bigger shout hallelujah um okay [Music] [Music] people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow that was a wonderful opening act now you are welcome to the international competition of excellence now here today we have two teams with us on my right we have team a and they go by the name wcc and on my left we have team b and they go by the name lfc and how can i forget my wonderful judges we have george armor george sharma judge obama and george simona now today these people are going to be showing us their skills talents and abilities but one thing is important they must show this with excellence now team a can you tell us how did you prepare for this competition thank you my host my judges now in preparation for this competition i and my team exacted a lot of physical strength we stayed up for hours and hours rehearsing a reaction one day one only useless person on this team came and said we should pray i said for what is the spirit of excellence i said what's that nonsense how you get it is that you walk you walk you walk you label and that's what we've done and just get ready we are about to blow your mind are you ready physical exertion yeah all right let me see you take us away uh [Music] i'm is [Music] amen amen wow wow i think they really wowed us so much for excellence anyways georges do you have any comments for them all right moving straight on team b can you tell us how did you prepare for this competition thank you for this opportunity first of all see there were two dimensions of preparation for this competition the first dimension was the fiscal dimension this is where we lost sleep we spent weeks and even months preparing and it may have seemed like too much but excellence is not birth in your sleep but on your knees and the second and the most important dimension of our preparation was spiritual dimension we committed our ways to god's hand and we're very conscious of the fact that the horses may prepare against the day of battle it's only god who truly gives you excellence we prayed we fasted and spirit of extent are still up within us we pray that you are blessed by this all right can you take us away hallelujah do we have excellent people in the house this morning do we have people who are in pursuit of excellence by the spirit of excellence hallelujah as a minister may you be blessed [Music] [Applause] [Music] was [Music] i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we put our hands together for them that was a really wonderful performance now judges do you have anything to say to team b i love the harmony oh my god what up was obvious purely now we have come to that moment of truth my judges please can you tell me who are the winners of this year's competition i've heard from the judges now for the winners of this year's ice competition winners are the lfc let's put our hands together for them now excellence is not just about you putting physical exertion is not just about you bringing out those skills and abilities but it's about you committing it into the hands of god so that you can actually make your ways excellent i hope that you have been blessed god bless you [Music] in pursuit of excellence for that wonderful presentation put your hands together for jesus amen this morning it is testimony time amen let the following brethren come out quickly to their testimony ikenna benning sister catering sunday ogona christian yuvet siri over eifour joseph a macafete uber catherine sunday ogona christian and a cana an event siri please come forward and share your testimony your name what you did and what the lord has done praise the lord my name is catherine sunday greeting from living faith lukoja i'm here to i'm here to thank god for breaking a yoke in my family i'm the fourth born in my family my family member all of all of them had catholic except me i enjoyed this commission when i was 12 years old when i discovered the condition in my family after that because my family was like why would you go to another church this is your mother's church i say there is nothing like mother church i'm looking for where my salvation will be found and my mother and i said okay if that's the kid that should free me i should go to where i choose i soak him our first one finished second school he suffered for admission for several years he gave up second bond the same thing thought the same thing i'm default when i enter just one i say i have to prepare ahead and this yoke must be break when i finish i wanted to proceed writing my work something tells me i should wait for my two brothers to finish say two must agree together to work i have to wait for them when they finish and i told them they say journey we are going to are you people ready to go with me they say yes and we're back on prayer and fasting for 31 days after the prayer and fasting we all put on our and shiloh 20 2019 i was in the chilo at abuja so i received a message and i'll be giving admission and i rushed outside and i called my brother check your phone a message just came in my brother checked he said the same thing the same minute the same hour the same day not teaching i said my senate may not be glorified in jesus name shall shall shout hallelujah the siege is broken your name and what the lord has done praise the lord praise master jesus my name is above faith amakka i'm privileged to stand on this exalted daughter to thank god for settling me in my academics 2016 i got admission into the university and after my first year exam that i wrote all the results came out and i had numerous outstanding results carryovers and missing scripts then in my second year i decided to join the winners campus fellowship and i was having god in the choir god began to notice me i i intentionally started giving my tithe and my offering unlike before when i will give god at my confidence and god said noticing me my exhausted getting better my grades are coming up during my final year i was privileged to engage in oppression push and i converted all my thai cash to my converts i wrote their name down and i was praying for them it was not interesting because i had to leave my own prayers and i was praying for people i don't know and god came up and showed up big time my final year i wrote my first semester exam five of the results came out all of them bsa as if that was not enough i reluctantly went to check all my results from my hundred level to my finale so i would know my education and my academic status and i will know how many years to complete all my missing results lo and behold as i went to check my results i didn't see any missing one everything was cleared no outstanding i'm here standing by the grace of god to say thank you jesus today i'm a satisfied graduate by the grace of god thank you jesus shall shall shout hallelujah amen your name and what the lord has done praise the lord my name is azim uche for the past eight years i've been suffering from chest pain anytime i do any strenuous activities the pain will elevate so yesterday when one of the brain was testifying he made mention of 22 years sleeping immediately i told god this is the order of testimony i want i'm not going home the same way i came immediately the pain disappeared since then i've been checking i tried to lift heavy buckets of water this morning no pain till now no pain and i believe god has done it praise the lord she has been made oh celebrate jesus your name and what the lord has done praise the lord my name is siri yvette i'm cameronian i'm living for living fake magbo i want to give the glory for god yesterday i was here one voice give a testimony that the mother has not seen period perform for some months so i'm disabled four months not seen my period so i say as god did it for for the mother you did it for me so yesterday i'm going back to place i'm living and when my period come i want to give god a glory instant answer amen your name and what the lord has done i bring greetings to a new ghoul [Applause] my name is ngozi agu but now ngozi equivalent i joined this commission by november 2017 shattered and battered by 2018 i did my bcc and took a boat step concerning my marital life i decided to work and my salvation by engaging vigorously in kingdom advancement and divorce so winning invested in church planting i took a booster once again of my faith attending shiloh 2019 for the very first time with three things in mind which is god or their husband and settlement fruitfulness and then a trip to canada during the service papa said shiloh 2019 is the mountain of prophetic intervention testimonies breakthroughs answers to questions diverse world encounter vision and revelation baptism into the realms of no limit he also said many will take their first step many shall receive their resolution 2020 i waited nothing was happening but by september i took a dangerous step i left my branch to the state headquarters and i engaged in special a september special will be addition i kid into it with the mindset i said i was going to get my ordained better health my husband showed up i also sued two lives of my lecturers today we are gloriously and colorfully married to god beyond the glory amen marital settlement [Applause] your name and what the lord has done moment my name is ebony neijoma i just want to thank god for making it a privilege for me to be here this is my first time of coming to this commission and i graduated as a 2019 and i was posted to serve in a burden so i joined this commission on june at iwata local government though so i just want to thank god on my reaching here for the past two months now i've been having severe headache to the extent that i cannot turn my neck i cannot even read sometimes i will have lost memory but i came here and during a yesterday ministration god intervened and god grant me my heart desire i said to his name be praising jesus hallelujah the name of what the lord has done greetings from lfc water resources worry my name is ike nabeni i joined this commission 2015 in 2016 i was so battered and shouted i even borrowed money to come for international utah live conference and i used 30 000 from that money to buy books by papa with fasting and prayer i was divorcing those books until i got to where i was going i was supposed to go back for my hn did i very well i stayed back because papa said one thing that during the course of the teaching on the very last day he said that a man who is lazy has no future so i stepped back and lent a trade the business i started with 45 000 era in the space of two years got turned into a a 10 figure business god made me an employer of labor i was still schooling in petroleum trading institute i started a building project on the 24th of may in the midst of covid in several months that building was completed to the glory of god also during november 2020 i got engaged i said let me try this i started engaging in kingdom advancement prayer and during the course god connected me marvelously to my dream woman in which i'm [Applause] in which are currently working on it to get married and lastly when i gain admission my sisters will ask me who sent you to go and get to go and apply for admission i suffered so much but in on june this year 17th my final year result came out i graduated with a very good grade to the glory of god glory your name and what the lord has saw my name is oboena christian i bring you greetings from lfc above instead i've come to return all the glory to god of libration mandate i joined this commission tonight 2019 in since january 2019 that was the first sunday of the year so after the sunday the state pastor declared 21 days fasting and praying and as a believer i never did fascinate to learn 21 days but god gave me grace i did it vigorously with all energy after the 21 day praying and fasting jesus broke a yoke of five years peptic ulcer then december 2019 by october i did i did my worldly october special then i got the revelation of divine healing before then in the space of two to three weeks three months i suffered severe malaria and headache but after they would be god broke it from 219 up to now i never go to hospital let alone buying any drugs celebrate jesus amen 21 i bring you greetings my names are obviously four and i bring you greetings from lsc each of our epoch bini i have come to thank the god of of boehner for the teams for the good man of becoming christ before now i have been going to church diligently but the ungodly habit is still in me i think before this will be august special comments i'll be trying to go to will be alcohol reform i will not feel whenever the class starts i will keep before my time i will not go this period will tell me no no no until this other special our arrested pastor pastor israelite said if you don't want to fall in the ass of fake prophet you must pass through obi and i came to the world as soon as the wobby class started i engaged in it partially before then i was drinking alcohol off any kind any foreign spirit just name it uma nazi smoking of any habit so five years fabulous smoking upbeat uma nazi and drinking are suddenly broken and my back i misplaced i have no better for two days than they are find it in jesus name somebody celebrate jesus amen put your hands together for jesus amen hallelujah well if you are clapping for jesus make it bigger better and stronger this morning glory to god well your own testimony will be bigger and better right now this morning it is offering time can we declare my blessing time quickly let's package our offerings and every other form of giving we have appeared before the lord with this morning quickly package your orphan label it appropriately as we get said to honor the lord with our given second corinthians nine and verse seven the scripture declares every man according as he has proposed in his heart so let him give not grudgingly of necessity because god loved a cheerful giver how many cheerful givers are in the house this morning please jump on your feet lift up those seeds to god this morning and give him thanks for the privilege to appear in his presence with a seat in your hand lift up your voice and give god thanks appreciate him you have not appeared empty this morning there's a seed of honor in your hand for your god present that's it right now father we thank you blessed be your holy name in jesus mighty name we have prayed now with your seed lifted up high above your head our father thank you again for every hand lifted with a seed will declare every city acceptable before you we pray for open heavens over every giver this morning every hand lifted we never lack again in jesus mighty name we have prayed let your amen be faithful this morning [Applause] please be comfortably seated and as you said give jesus a big hand as you receive delivers for the administration scripture says be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind if you are said to live above the systems of this world just say i choose your way i choose your way jesus i choose your way [Music] we choose your way jesus [Music] [Applause] yes i totally rely on your words no matter what [Music] i live above [Music] no matter what may come [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] shaking [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's you i live for jesus [Music] can you declare it say i live abroad [Music] no matter what may come away yes sir [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] wall i stumble your promises it doesn't matter what the words it's only you i choose to leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't care whatever jesus [Applause] [Music] i believe in your name is [Music] [Music] where everyone is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] it's only you i choose to live forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] together [Music] lift your hand to heaven and give glory to god for the world that we have received already will never receive the seed of the lord and remain the same therefore thank him for the blessing of his word that came so powerfully to us in the first world session father we give you the praise we give you the glory we give you the honor we give you the adoration we bless your holy name you are worthy of praise you are worthy of glory you are worthy of honor i thought somebody was giving thanks unto god this morning lift your hand and give him the glory give him the honor give him the adoration and celebrate him father we thank you we bless your holy name you are worthy of all the praise you are worthy of all the glory thank you mighty god blessed be your holy name now ask him to speak to you again he said the word of the lord came the second time lord speak to me again this morning i'm set to receive more i'm said to receive more i'm said to receive more more of your word more of your light more of your insight more of your revelation let it come my way let it come my way let it come my way the light that will shatter my darkness let it come my way this morning thank you mighty god blessed be your holy name in jesus precious name we have prayed father in the name of jesus we have come this morning to give glory to you since we arrived upon this mountain from tuesday to this point it has been lined up online precept upon precept light upon light change upon change testimony upon testimony and for it we give you all of the glory our eyes are on you again this morning speak to each one of us by your word let every one of us be changed we give you the praise and the glory for it in jesus precious name we have prayed and somebody believes say loud amen it is done give jesus a big big hand everybody and please be seated if that hand club was that of a youth clapping for jesus it will be louder it will be louder it will be bigger for the king of kings for the lord of lords for the everlasting father hallelujah hallelujah i act 20 21 am i talking to you to am i talking to elders i act 20 21. and in pursuit of excellence excellence shall be your testimony after this encounter in the name of the lord jesus christ i want to give glory to god one more time for the opportunity to stand here upon this altar at this great international youth alive convention appreciating god and appreciating my father in the faith god's servant bishop david and i believe that the grace upon him will find expression this morning like never before in the name of jesus our series of teachings has been gateways to excellence and this is the ninth part in this series of teachings and this morning we are going to be looking at the subject the power of right association the power of right association the power of right association we have come to understand that every child of god is ordained for excellence that is god's package that is god's expectation that is god's ordained destination for every child of god romans 8 verse 29 and 30 for whom he did for no he did conform to predestinate them to the image of his son that they might be he might be the firstborn among many brethren he said whom he did predestinate he also called those he called he also justified those he justified he also glorified so you are not designed to be shamified you are designed to be glorified you are packaged for excellence you are not designed to be relegated you are designed to be relevant you are packaged for excellence you are not designed to be ignored you are designed to shine as light you are packaged for excellence you are not designed for mediocrity you are designed for excellence that shall become somebody's experience here somebody believe he said louder amen i said that shall be your experience here in the name of jesus but we have discovered that for every divine package there is a demand and one of the demands for anyone that will arrive at the place of excellence is right association let me say this you cannot have wrong association and arrive at the right destination your association determines your destination the height you scale is determined by the company that you keep those that you walk with determine where you walk to your association is a vital secret in procuring your destiny of excellence according to scriptures we are either made or marred by our association in the book of psalm chapter 1 verse 1 to 3 the word of god tells us blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly nor standard in the way of sinners nor seated in the seat of this comfort but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of the waters and brings forth fruit in his season his life also shall not wither and whatsoever he do it shall prosper the connotation of this scripture is that who you walk with determines where you walk to that scripture said blessed is the man that wall can't not so in other words the associations you deny determine the destiny that you arrive at it's so important for us to understand that in the journey of life association is a non-negotiable factor in determining destination association is a non-negotiable factor in determining destination in philippians chapter 3 and verse 17 the word of god tells us paul the apostle speaking by the revelation of god is her brethren be followers together of me among them which walk so as he have us for an example be followers of me among those who are followers in other words who you accompany with must be following you to a similar destination and then he tells us in the book of romans chapter 16 and verse 17 another caution so it shows us who to walk with but yeah he told us who not to walk with he said i beseech you brethren mark them that cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine that you have learned and do what avoid them there are doors to walk with and there are those to walk away from mock those that are followers keep company with them mark those that cause divisions and offences that are contrary to the world that you have been taught and avoid them avoid them no matter how dedicated or anointed a wrong company can destroy a great destiny don't tell me i'm anointed don't tell me i'm dedicated don't tell me oh i'm passionate i'm zealous a wrong company can wreck a great destiny your destiny shall not be wrecked i said your destiny shall not be wrecked your destiny shall not be wrecked somebody believers say love thy amen [Applause] in ii psalms chapter 13 verse 3 we have there in that entire chapter the story of a young man amnon who was the son of david a fair man an individual who was positioned as it were for the for the throne but the bible tells us he had a friend whose name was jonadab the bible says jonathan was a very subtle man he calls him a son of bilial you find here an individual who was positioned for the throne but kept association with a child of the devil i want you to understand that no matter how well positioned you are wrong association will make you lose your position what was the outcome in the life of this man called amnon amnon lost his life because the council of jonadab pushed him into the sin of immorality and as a result of that brought him to the place of destruction it's so important for you to understand that it is not about how anointed you are it's not about how dedicated you are it's about the association that you keep wrong association will never bring you to the right destination but it's important to note that right company can be an asset to destiny the bible tells us in the book of psalms proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 proverbs 13 20 he says he said he that walked with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed the company you keep if you have right company you end at the right destination i pray for you this morning that by the encounter you are having today every company that is contrary to your god-ordained destination i pray that that association be broken somebody believe he said louder amen i said i pray that that association be broken [Applause] so you must watch your company if wisdom is your desire look for the wise sanctification is your desire look for the holy if success is your desire look for the successful you must understand that where you are going to determines who you walk with sanitize your association be conscious of those that you surround yourself with this is so important it is better to be alone than to be paired with the wrong person it's important to understand this be cautious about your association be careful about your association i discovered something as a student when i was in school i discovered that when students write exams and many of you will notice this every time exam finishes you see people they write the exam they drop their paper and then they walk out of the home and they go and wait outside the right they walk out of the hall and they go and wait outside right go and walk out of the hall and wait outside after a while you see a company of them together they are waiting outside what are they waiting for for the intelligence to come out and ask what did you write in number one they say this water is ee and that's what i almost wrote what do you write in number two and i discovered that all of them that gather outside don't do well they are confirming their results with those that they consider intelligent so if i will not be considered as a mediocre i must not be among those that are waiting outside is somebody getting it the company you keep determines the life you live the company you keep be cautious and be conscious of those that you walk with that a man goes to church does not mean you should work with him that an individual is in your service unit does not mean that they are worthy of your company be cautious of those that you work with ensure that your company is sanitized i pray that for each one of us again every company contrary to destiny i pray that it be destroyed in the name of jesus let's understand this morning the dynamics of association association can either be direct or by proxy it can either be direct or by proxy so i'm talking about those that you work with physically and those that you interact with via other means it can either be direct or by proxy first corinthians 15 33 the bible tells us there it says that be not deceived evil communication corrupts good manners so evil contact evil association has a way of affecting your destiny your disposition let's look at three of these dynamics that we must watch out for number one take heed what you hear be careful what you hear many destinies are destroyed by the voices that they listen to what do you hear what god is saying to you unto me this morning is that we must hear selectively here selectively the bible tells us in the book of luke chapter 8 and verse 18. look at this very closely luke 8 and verse 18 he said take heed therefore how you hear for whosoever have to him shall be given and whomsoever hath not from him shall be taken even that which is seemed to have take heed how you hear don't open your ears to everything you must understand that your ears are one of the gates to your life ezekiel 2 verse 2 said the spirit end turned into me when he speak unto me many of us listen to all kinds of things teachings songs all manner of things that are not of god please hear this and understand this very well the cheapest way for transmission of spirit is words the cheapest way for transmission of spirits is words the words you listen to infuse your spirit that's why you must be conscious you must be conscious what you hear you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in romans 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and hearing by the word of god so as you hear the word of god faith comes up in you as you hear the voice of the devil fear anxiety and corruption breeds itself into you the voice that you hear determines the life that you live be cautious with what you hear be cautious with what you hear be cautious with what you hear second timothy chapter four verse three the one of god tells us he says that the time will come and we're already in it he said when they will not endure sound doctrine but after they are all lost they will heap to themselves teach us having itching ears we are living in a generation today where the the ears of many are itching they want to hear the things that will confirm how they feel we are in an emotional generation people want to feel good they don't want to hear truth they don't want to hear the truth we must be cautious what we hear anytime you hear ask yourself is this just facilitating my feeling or is this illuminating me with the truth be cautious with what you hear number two very important we must mind the books that we read in second peter chapter two and verse one peter the apostle makes this very clear statement he said but there were false present prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who will previously bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction there were false prophets and in the same way there will be false teachers who will bring damnable heresies we are living in that day and age now where there are all manner of damnable heresies that have been exposed to believers damnable heresies i'd like you to understand this morning that these damnable heresies that are being spoken of will come from people who were of god because the bible said they will deny the lord who bought them they came to christ but they turned from the truth and began to lead others into error that is why you must be cautious in this day and age not everything that sounds good is true the truth of the word of god must be upheld and that's why i charge people all the time settle down and be a student of the bible many of us are cheaply manipulated because we don't know the word of god ourselves somebody comes to me and just tells you something and then suddenly just embrace it as truth and before you know it life begins to go down the drain but i pray this morning that for anyone that may have been connected to any such damnable heresy may today be your day of liberty in the name of jesus acts chapter 20 verse 29 look at what paul the apostle said to verse 32 he said here he said for i know this that after my departing grievous wolf will enter among you not sparing the flock he said even also of yourself shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them he said verse 31 therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years i cease not to warn everyone night and day with tears now i commend you to god and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified we live today in a day and age where many people are speaking perverse things live anyhow the grace of god covers you and they just find themselves exposed to destruction exposed to damnation people who were on fire before going down the drain i was told the story of a young man and this person was telling me the story said they were encompassed together this young man was on fire he wrote a book in the campus days about living a holy life on fire for god passionate zealous he was commanding signs and wonders at the strange rate one day according to the person who was telling me this story he said that one day he entered into the place they were leaving and the landlord's dog barked at him and said hey and the dog died straight landlord next morning say please please just leave this place for us he said why he said i saw you when you did like this and my dog died i don't want trouble young man on fire but this friend went to south in another part of nigeria and was there for a number of years after service began to walk there and came back to the city and he met the same young man who was formally on fire the fire had expired the fire had expired he said has begun to make findings what is going on this person had about five different women pregnant the same one that was on fire before he said he began to engage him to see how to recover him and he discovered he said no the grace of god the grace of god damnable heresies extinguishing the fire of fervent believers but i pray today that for anyone that is under any such siege that seed is broken in the name of jesus [Applause] that siege is broken in the name of jesus [Applause] be careful what books you read first timothy chapter four verse one to five look at what the word of god tells us now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the later times some shall depart from the faith what will cause it giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and what will happen they will speak lies in hypocrisy their conscience will be seared with hot iron and what will happen verse 3 forbidden to marry commanding to esteem from me that god has created to receive with thanksgiving of them that believe and know the truth and there's four it says for every creature is good and nothing to be refused it will be received with thanksgiving and verse five look at what this is for if he's sanctified by the word of god and prayer let's go to verse 6 and see what he says here it says if thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good minister remind them let them know there will be seducing spirits in the last days there will be doctrines of devils in the last days it is not everyone that holds a microphone that deserves your attention not everyone who authors a book deserves your readership are you getting what god is saying you must understand the necessity of select selectiveness in the pursuit of knowledge it is true that for a soul to be without knowledge it is not good but it is also true that wrong knowledge can wreck a great destiny wrong knowledge can wreck a great destiny there are books that have led people out of the faith they just read the book and the book paralyzed their faith it is vital for you and i to understand that if we are going to keep our walk with god we must maintain association that is vital that is helpful and that includes the books that we read shout hallelujah i say shout hallelujah number three we must guard our exposure guide our exposure sorry to social media guide it some of us are addicted without knowing there are people who inside the church now as i am talking they are on one social media app or the other there is a spirit calling them telling them somebody must have said something on what subject telling them somebody posted something on instagram you need to see it he can't wait till the service ends check guide your exposure can i tell you the truth some of you need to sell your smartphone because it is not making you smart [Applause] the addiction of many today is unusual the addiction of many addiction to seek attention addiction to expose ourselves to all manner of things that bring degradation and that is causing all manner of destruction across the world do you know in recent times in particular parts of the world they had to disable certain functions of some social media sites because suicide rate was going up in some parts of the world you can't even see when you are liked because people will look at it and they become depressed nobody liked what i said and then the person killed themselves because of because of this this evil exposure is somebody getting what god is saying what's your exposure to social media watch your exposure to social media it has its profit when used profitably but it can be very damaging when exposed when you are exposed without guidance watch your exposure i'm telling you the truth these are some of the things that bring destruction and devastation to many the one that we live in today if you are not cautious you will find destruction locating you where you are but i pray for somebody here that your hour of liberties now [Applause] somebody believe you say louder man i said your hour of liberty is now i said your hour of liberty is now i said your hour of liberties now [Applause] numbers chapter 33 verse 32 let's look at what the bible says here numbers 33 32 it says hallelujah numbers chapter 33 verse 52 sorry 52. look at what the bible says he said then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you and shall do what destroy all their pictures and destroy all their molten images and quite pluck down their high places why let's jump to verse 56 55-56 it tells us there it says but if thou will not drive out the inhabitants from before you then it will come to pass that do that those which you let remain shall remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes and thorns in your side and they will vex you in the land that you dwell and verse 56 he said moreover it will come to pass that i shall do unto you as i thought to do unto them why because you didn't destroy it destroy even the pictures we are living in a day and age where pictures whether they are steel or motion are causing destruction destroy it before it destroys you destroy it before it destroys you i pray today again that for everyone hearing the sound of my voice every captivity of the enemy upon anyone life i see it broken today in the name of jesus [Applause] i said i see it broken today in the name of jesus i see it broken today in the name of jesus i see it broken today in the name of jesus [Applause] so look at those you surround yourself with look at those you listen to look at the books you read and look at the social media contacts that you make this will help you to sanitize your association quickly this morning how do you identify right company this is very important and this is what we are going to dwell today because this is the vital point how do you identify right company number one look out for spiritual alignment look out for spiritual alignment we saw earlier in the book of philippians 3 verse 17 paul the apostle made that very clear statement he said their brethren be followers together of me um mark them which walk so as you have us for an example so in other words check out those who are aligned with you the company you keep must be a company that maintains the same alignment with you you say somebody's your friend and is talking down your god talking down your church talking down your commitment is not spiritually aligned you must watch out is somebody getting it you must watch out somebody is always asking you when it is time for you to go to church you are going again and you say it's your friend watch out the company you keep must be the type that charges you on that when you say i'm tired they say tired of what come on let's go that's the kind of company you must keep those who when you say look i think i've done enough they said done enough you haven't done anything yet let's go that's the company you must keep the company that maintains alignment that is in line that is continuously looking ahead and pursuing after shout out hallelujah i said shout out hallelujah rona stay with ronnas john pastel with jumpers footballers stay with footballers believers who stay with believers is somebody getting it now believers should stay with believers spiritual alignment not the one who you say your body is on that particular attack and you say i'm strong he said look stop saying i'm strong just say it as it is now spiritual alignment when you find people that are not aligned spiritually disconnect from them immediately i met with a man a number of years ago and when i met with him he is a minister and we had that one meeting i sat down i stood up from that meeting and i went my entire system was out of sync i got back home and i said lord may i never meet him again may i never meet him again the company was toxic to my spirit man he was not spiritually aligned i'd like you to understand that you must be decisive when it comes to your relationship be decisive be decisive you say god commands you to love everybody but not to befriend everybody not everybody is a friend be decisive look out are they spiritually aligned are they spiritually aligned this is a vital requirement if you are going to sanitize the association check it continuously and some of you i want to give a word of caution you know somebody who perhaps has gone out of the way and gone into error and you are trying to recover such a person do it with caution galatians 6 and verse 1 the bible says if any of you be overtaken in a fold ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of uniqueness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted there are some times you are trying to help a person who has gone out of the way and you are exposing yourself to temptation the bible tells us in the book of jude verse 21 down to verse 23 look at this very closely it says to us there he said keep yourself in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life verse 22 and of some have compassion making a difference verse 23 he says and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment that is spotted by the flesh what is god saying he's saying they are in fire don't get comfortable there you want to help him he has gone to beyond paulo tell him to meet you at home don't go and sit down there you who got brought out of alcoholism you are helping to recover him and in the process the smell enters your mouth your nose they say well there's nothing wrong with it let me just try and before you know it the one who went to recover the order is destroyed with him hear this rescuing a brother who has gone into error is regarded in scriptures as rescuing one from fire the greatest killer of fire fighters is fire don't sit in the fire pull him out and if he says i'm not going leave him there is somebody getting it don't sit in fire to save from fire pull him out and he says no i'm not going you are not going you want to sit inside the fire you are free but i won't sit here i'm born be cautious be careful your destiny will not crash i said your destiny will not crash in the name of jesus christ number two seek people with similar values seek people with similar values in most chapter 3 verse 3 the bible says two cannot work together except they be agreed seek people with similar values do they value what you value seek those who have similar values to you who are who are packaging themselves in the same way that you have been taught to do in second corinthians chapter 12 verse 18 i love what paul said here he said when i when i sent titles unto you and with him i sent a brother the titles make gain of you he said walk we're not in the same spirit what we're not in the same steps those you work with must be working like you so you must seek those who have similar values what values do you have the value of passion for god seek those who keep the same value the value of diligence seek the same who keep those values and ensure that you work with those who maintain the same values that you have shout hallelujah number three locate people with proofs locate people with proofs particularly as you read books as you listen to messages locate people with proofs personally i will never expose my ears or my eyes to what a man has to say until i've investigated him until i'm satisfied with the proofs i am not interested in what he has to say you have only one life to live so be cautious about what you expose yourself to if somebody is going to speak to you make sure he has proofs of what he say shout hallelujah i say shout hallelujah proofs the bible says in hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 he said be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit promises be followers they must have proofs for you to follow them they must have results for you to follow them you know today with social media anybody has a voice anybody can see anything and gather attention so you have opinions flying everywhere of men without substance people without results and that's why you and i must be conscious be selective what proof does he have what proof does he have if somebody promises you something he promised you a cloak you will check the one that he's wearing to know the type he will give you true of us you check it what which one is he wearing so that you will know the kind he will give you if the suit is like balloon then you know that that's what you will get so check it what proofs do they have the bible says show me your faith without your works i will show you my faith by my works there must be proofs there must be results there must be tangible results and let me say this particularly in this social idea social media age check the result check the result what is the source of that result somebody just wakes up and driving a big car from nowhere and tells you i'll tell you how to succeed he said the man is enjoying see him is successful you see what has happened one of the major criminals that was caught in dubai the other time many of you used to follow him he says see see enjoyment the man is enjoying he's living large now you know where the large living came from proofs proofs men who through faith and patience here is what i want you to understand men must have results but the results that they have must have explanation is somebody getting it so understand that proofs are vital don't just listen to people who say everything but but there is nothing around them depicting it ensure that you are a follower of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises jeremiah chapter 6 number 16 the bible tells us there he said ask for the old ways wherein is the old path he says and you will find rest for your soul but they said will not work therein there are those who have gone ahead of us that can show us the way to go just go after them look at their results and follow after their results and you will see the same result answering on your behalf and that's why it's a blessing for us to be in a commission like this where we see god serving our father who goes ahead taking certain steps and we can walk in the same is somebody getting it now we can walk in the same by reason of seeing the proofs shout hallelujah i say shout hallelujah so locate people with proofs locate people with proofs what proof do they have what authority do they have what results do they have and the moment you position yourself under those with proofs taking similar steps you will discover that the same proofs begin to answer in your life i pray today that the proofs that are answering for us as a commission will begin to answer in your own life [Applause] somebody believe he said louder amen i said i prayed that the same proofs answering to us as a commission we begin to answer in your own life in the name of jesus christ that's why the bible says to us in matthew 25 verse 9 he said go to them that sell and buy for yourself buy into the truth that has gotten them the proofs i will see the proofs replicated effortlessly in your own life i see that becoming somebody's experience somebody believe me say louder man i said i see that becoming somebody's experience in the name of jesus christ number four be spiritually sensitive be spiritually sensitive galatians 5 25 says if we walk in the spirit if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit be spiritually sensitive it will help you to pick those to walk with and to avoid those that you shouldn't walk with be sensitive in your spirit it's a very critical thing years ago i had a young man that was my friend and one day i was going to his house i was driving to his house to go and visit with him and on my way driving to his house i was stopped by the police this was in another country i was stopped by the police and given a speeding ticket i didn't take note of it quickly another day i left his house and i was going to a baby salon to cut my hair and as soon as i finished i left the place and i was just waiting on the road in my car at a stop light a trailer failed brick and hit my vehicle from the back the car landed on the circle's other side of the road and after that i sat down and i considered it well i was going to his house speeding ticket coming from his house accident i don't want to know what to be next so you are me no more sensitivity sensitivity what profit has arrived in your life by the association you are keeping be sensitive be sensitive there are some of those things have gone down because of those we walk with and we are not even seeing it be sensitive be a lot in your spirit man the bible makes us to understand that though we walk in the flesh we don't walk after the flesh so understand that there is more to life than what can be seen sanitize your association with spiritual sensitivity check those who are around you what is happening around your life with the company that you are keeping i'm saying this because there are numbers on your phone you must delete there are people that you used to walk with that you must cancel your association with them are you getting work on the saying what is happening around your life there are people who used to be on fire before but as soon as they entered into your life you just began to come down you began to come down everything just became cool calm around you you say well there's no need to stress you understand no you just find your spiritual life going down because of the company that you keep i want you to understand that you see if you want wood to burn well it is not the one soaked inside water there are some that they are wood yes but they have been soaked in water so they can't burn they can't give you the heat that you need watch your company by being spiritually sensitive shout hallelujah i say shout out hallelujah i just told you about somebody that i met and as i met him i told god lord may i never meet him again that was 2018 2021 we have not met once because of sensitivity even my body was reacting if just everything about me was no something is wrong something is wrong he didn't say anything wrong but something was out of place we don't belong together no watch your company by spiritual sensitivity be sensitive in your spirit first corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14 the bible tells us that the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit of god they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned they are spiritually discerned be sensitive in your spirit man you are listening to something you see a message or somebody coming online be sensitive in your spirit should i be listening to this or not and may i say this to you it will help you stop going around looking for what is not lost alone many of us are just looking everywhere for all manner of things and you find all manner of nonsense say have you finished digesting the one that they are teaching you here have you finished within our own spiritual family tree have you read the books there have you listened to the message there as a commission we are blessed with a robust spiritual family tree ministers of the gospel around the globe connected to us who are blessings to their world what took god's servant bishop of god people to this point cannot struggle to take you to where god is trying to take you to all you need to do is settle down and be sensitive is somebody getting it now i pray for someone here today that every spirit of error that may have entered into you today i declare you free [Applause] in the name of jesus christ as i begin to conclude this morning friendship is not by choice by force it is by choice alone is not by force it is by choice so make a choice for the right association that you require in your life every man's destiny is at the mercy of his choice there are those who god brings you to that the reason for your blessing and they are those that the devil takes you to that the reason for the curses the bible says concerning lord lord was it abraham and god blessed abraham and also blessed lord who was with abraham but lord made the mistake to think that the blessing was because of him and the bible tells us in genesis 13 and verse 13 verse 10 and verse 13 it tells us that lord lifted up his eyes and saw all of the fields that were watered and he went and pitched his tent towards sudan from there we see the decline of lord the man who went with great substance came out of sodom and gomorrah with only his two daughters the one who was associated with covenant you know who lord became the father of he became the father of those that are called the moabites the moabites were chronic sinus a covenant man by disconnection lost his part in covenant make the right choice judas was with jesus himself he left jesus and went to meet the pharisees from having a throne in heaven he lost his place with the master by making the wrong choice i want you to understand this morning that the choice of your association is yours you must be decisive about making the right choice i pray this morning that no one here will miss it concerning the association again in the name of the lord jesus christ no one here will miss it concerning the association again in the name of the lord jesus christ and i pray that god will bring right people your way in the name of the lord jesus christ i pray that god will bring the right people your way in the name of jesus christ and every wrong entity around you i see today as the day of severance [Applause] in the name of the lord jesus christ so shall it be for you in jesus precious name before we go any further this morning i'd like us to understand that the starting point for anyone that will have any kind of a profitable walk on the earth and a walk in eternity is salvation until you are born again stay around the right person all you like until you are born again you cannot attain this destiny of excellence that god has in store for you wherever you are this morning you want to surrender to jesus with all sincerity you have tried your own way but now you know you have to go god's way you want to surrender to jesus and become a child of god please hear this being in church does not mean being with god until you are identified with christ the journey remains a journey in futility activity is not what god what matters to god is connectivity that does wherever you are this morning you want to surrender to jesus you want to become a child of god quickly rising your feet now i want to pray with you quickly god bless you god bless you everywhere rise your feet now you want to become a bo you want to become born again want to become a child of god quickly on your feet quickly on your feet don't let anything hold you back don't let anything hold you back are you clapping for jesus as they rise everywhere is what your praise is worthy of glory his word of honor and his word of adoration thank you lord thank you lord secondly there are those who are here who need to rededicate their lives to jesus you have missed it you know it inside of you maybe wrong associations have taken you off your course you have found yourself disconnected from god no more passion for god no more zeal no more favorably you are not like you used to be before and you want to return to jesus so that you can be restored i want to give you an opportunity right now you want to rededicate your life to jesus stand on your feet right now quickly quickly quickly god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you don't let anything hold you back don't let anything hold you back don't bother about who is looking at you take your life in your hand and stand on your feet now take your life in your hand and stand on your feet now are you clapping for jesus as they are standing everywhere as they are standing everywhere as they are standing everywhere right now wherever you are rise on your feet rise your feet join others and jump up and take this opportunity it's time for a new beginning stand on your feet there are still some people sitting down wondering what would people think if i stand how will it look if i stand it doesn't matter what they think take your life in your hand take your life in your hand take your life in your hand and rise on your feet right now clap your hand for jesus everybody as the arising is worthy thank you jesus thank you lord blessed be your name now suspend fill in your form for a moment everyone who is standing and lift up your right hand suspend filling your form lift up your right hand before god and pray this prayer after me from the bottom of your heart say after me lord jesus loud and clear lord jesus i come to you today i am a sinner i cannot help myself but i know you died for me on the third day you rose again just to save me jesus come into my life as my lord and savior take control of me from this day forward i will follow you no turning back i will serve you no turning back thank you jesus for saving me in jesus name amen now keep your hand lifted father i thank you today for these precious ones they have surrendered to you and according to your word no one that comes to you is ever turned back thank you for receiving them now give them grace to keep following you all the days of their lives and never ever come back thank you father for doing it in jesus precious name amen and amen it is done praise god congratulations please complete the form that has been given to you and hand it to the official that is closest to you shall rise everybody on our feet lift your hand before the lawn right now and receive these words of blessing by this encounter today i declare the spirit of excellence resting afresh upon your life [Applause] i declare the spirit of excellence resting afresh upon your life [Applause] the grace for decisiveness i declared release upon you from today [Applause] in the name of jesus every association that is bringing destruction confusion every association leading you astray from your walk with god i declare several today [Applause] i declare the release of right connections upon your life in the name of jesus so shall it be in jesus precious name lift your hand to heaven and give thanks to god this word [Applause] i was expecting someone's excitement i was looking forward for some energy in the house somebody thoroughly blessed with your hands and shout hallelujah that's not looking good enough louder hallelujah [Applause] that's not looking youthful enough hello motive glory for those words of wisdom from heaven realigning every one of us and positioning us for eternal excellence give jesus a big big hand of praise and please be seated in god's presence i act 20 21 in pursuit of excellence you shall make it please pay attention to the convention announcement for this morning section we thank god for virtues and grace released on everyone upon this mountain since this convention began to god alone be all the glory your testimony jesus deserves a big hand of praise amen number two everyone is required to duly register for this convention all who are yet to register should endeavor to do so immediately after this service at the registration desk located at grace entrance number three please be reminded that the convent that the covenant out of prayer still holds tomorrow morning at 5 00 am and you're clapping make it bigger [Applause] i'm pleased you are required to make sure you are there and then number four good news [Applause] the workshop section for this 2021 international utah life convention concludes today the time remains 12 30 to 2 30 pm and the details as follows please take note of these adjustments for the academic excellence class the secondary category shall hold today at aldc secondary category ldc post secondary category g201 g201 for entrepreneurship and career class the business class shall hold at cu chapel today not ldc the business class holds at cu chapel today while the career class hosts at c401 not c301 today c401 please take note for relationship courtship and marriage the relationship class continues at lecture theater 2. the courtship class shall today hold at c 301 c 301 not lecture 31 whereas the marriage class continues at youth chapel then for the lifestyle class where we are destroying ungodly habits of all sorts it shall hold today at lecture theater one not cu chapel lifestyle class today shall hold at lecture theater one please take note of these adjustments number five ayac 2021 job fair and exhibition continues today [Applause] all youths are required to fully maximize this opportunity the venue for the exhibition is ldc lobby while the job fair is located at the field opposite cu medical center remember to visit with your resume time is 10 30 to 12 10 p.m 10 30 a.m to 12 10 p.m then we shut down for the workshop section starting at 12 30 and will resume the joffrey and exhibition again at 2 40 p.m to 5 p.m to get ready for the night section number six be reminded that the variety night for this year's ayak comes up today by 6 pm somebody excited shout hallelujah it's a future diverse ministrations and praise sections we shall be appearing gorgeously in our native attires and convention t-shirts for those who are yet to get their copies please proceed to the bookstore around the honor entrance that's the location behind where the passwords are seated there's a bookshop there located and get your own copies also available are books of the commission at discount rate for the youth with what you had today i was thinking you will be more excited than this please get to any of our bookstores and pick books at discount rate it's also good to know that our books are available at our various online platforms apple store amazon store domain online store please avail yourself of this privilege number seven the special thanksgiving service for ayax 2021 comes up this sunday 19th september in the first service [Applause] we shall all appear in our convention t-shirts to celebrate the faithfulness of god in this year's conventional time is 6 00 am number 8 we advise to remain vigilant all through the event and report any suspicious movement stroke persons to convention officials all lost and found items during the convention can be recovered at a recovery stand located at love entrance and finally good news [Applause] please note that the impartation section for this year's convention is coming live tomorrow morning [Applause] the details of the time shadows shall be communicated in due course i want to know is there someone here today who is sure of excellence already i am the first person the second person will jump up with a shout out wave your hands one more time give glory to our god the most excellent king he has done us well we give you glory in jesus awesome name we have prayed i have a surprise today's sports competition shall be with a different the difference is this there will be should i tell you well one of the competitions we have in the finals of all the rounds but one special competition shall be a match between the national schools and fit tabernacle pastors now please [Applause] the question i want to ask you is this number one should i play okay number two who should i play for the fact that barnacle pastors are also youth and where am i do you know who else will be playing that game you want to know you want to know see you and see you by 3 pm jump up and shout out zanna now lift up your hands everywhere we take the goodness home loud and clear surely god's goodness the message shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever amen peace welcome to 2021 your year of supernatural turnaround then i expect turnaround to become your new identity from henceforth amen and amen ayak 2021 in pursuit of excellence you will get there be blessed you
Channel: Living Faith Church Worldwide
Views: 22,417
Rating: 4.9324579 out of 5
Id: QoSV8ZekXQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 22sec (12082 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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