How to Prune Watermelon Plants?

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all right today's demonstration how to prune watermelon plants all right so I had a lot of subscribers wanting to updated video so I'm gonna go ahead and give you that right quick all right you see I have my watermelon right here and I have my Vines keep on growing and growing and I have flowers already so to make sure that I stick to one watermelon per Vine I don't want to have to just keep cutting these flowers off you can do that if you want to that's the option but I'm gonna go ahead and prune this Vine so I know that there's not gonna be any other watermelons on this Vine because I don't want to have to keep checking so I'm gonna bring you in close so you can see me cut this Vine all right there's my nice watermelon when I cut this bad boy it's gonna get bigger quicker all right so if you're nervous about cutting up under real close by it you can just go ahead and clip it right here now I know I'm not gonna have another watermelon on this Vine other than that one unless a miracle happens but I know we're saying but I'm gonna try to see if I can uh propagate just just just to uh see but all right so I know some of you may be kind of nervous about pruning your Vines but just think about it because I had some discussions saying that don't will that cause disease issues when I prove my tomato plant I don't get any disease from me pruning all I know is I get them big juicy juices so pruning is good but that's the route that I choose to go and let me show you some evidence I don't like to just say hey do this watch the evidence let's go all right now if you look real close you see I'm pointing right here I have pruned that vine just like I showed you and look at that big juicy juicy all right same thing I prune this Vine and I got me another juicy juicy so it does uh help if I can get to them I got to that one over here I don't know if I can get you in close because I don't want to mess up the vines but that is a sugar baby look at that that sugar baby is huge let me see if I can get you even close all right so like I said I I don't want to step on my Vines Now if you know anything about sugar babies right look how big that thing is Max size so pruning these Vines got that big juicy juicy and it's still growing all right so let's go back over to that plant all right so I almost stepped on my melon all right so that's the melon but now I want you to track it back with me all the way down to this joint now normally I cut these side shoots off and you can do that I'm gonna leave that up to you everybody's situation is a little different and I will explain mine a little later in the next video but I don't see a uh female flower on it yet so I'm gonna let this one grow a little bit more but normally when I cut this the side shoots are the suckers I normally cut those off so if you're in a good spot you can do that if you choose to do so but everybody's situation is a little bit different all right so let's go cut another uh melon plant all right you see that melon right here and I got the tip of the vine right here so what I'm gonna do is same thing I'm gonna go back in find my spot if you want to leave like one length in between the nodules that's fine I've always cut mine in the middle but doesn't really matter I'm gonna go ahead and cut it all right so I got that in and it may be a painful but when I come back if nothing happens to this melon it is going to blow up boom all right so these uh tips really work now I showed you how to approve the melons if you have a lot of side shoots and if you have a already have a lot of melons then you don't need to uh leave those shoots on you can if you want to and I don't know if you saw the video with I tell you how many uh melons they have on your uh Vines but I'm gonna stick that video near the end so that you will have an idea I want to go through all that if you saw it you already know about it if you didn't see it check that video out now I am having some issues with even more animals that's why I decided to leave that size shoe on because Bears try to uh get a melon but I'm gonna talk to you about that in the next video but you saw the evidence with all the melons that I had so just remember so I'll prune your melons if that's the route that you want to go and let me know in the comments how much success you are having because I want everybody to be able to experience getting the bigger size metal melons look at that big sugar baby melon over there I pruned it that's why I'm so excited about pruning these uh melons the melons are nice and green I got all those uh melons and I got one other uh sugar baby that I prune as well and she's starting to take off all right there's another sugar baby all right so these uh methods work make sure you cut your melons please share this video so that other Growers can get the uh benefits of pruning these uh melons and look out I will have I'm Gonna Leave This open it's either gonna be right here over there I get it mixed up but I'm gonna leave that spot open and show you what other things that are attacking my melon plants so hopefully I can get some melons but if you look once again all those uh pruning tips the melons are looking great it's not because of the pruning it's because of these animals that is attacking the bear all right until next time take care clip them Vines get them big watermelons and tell me all the success you're having all right bye
Channel: Gardening with Bear Brown
Views: 39,743
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Keywords: how to prune watermelons, how to prune watermelon, pruning watermelons, how to take care of your watermelon plants, melons, how to prune watermelon plant video, when to prune watermelon, how to grow watermelon, why prune watermelons, taking care of watermelon plants, pruning watermelon vines, tips for growing watermelon, step by step pruning tips, gardening with bear brown, grow something tasty, clip the vine, cut it, backyard watermelon
Id: 5ajkUY4A10E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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