I've Never Found Anything Like This

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so [Music] well hey folks my name is brad martin and a few weeks ago i was doing research on some good places to go metal detecting up here in the mountains of vermont and i found this place used to be an old home up here in the middle of nowhere i reached out to the landowner asked permission he said yes but he said that a few people have beat me to it he's given permission to others to metal detect here in the past the good news is this place is old middle to the end of the 1700s so hopefully the folks that came before me left me a few things to find i'm gonna get my metal detector out get started [Music] well i just got a pretty loud iron tone and it appeared to be stuffed up under this log and it's a very old knife blade you can see this would have been inserted into the handle obviously this is the blade and it looks like maybe it was a a table knife more than it was like a hunting knife or something used for work but that's interesting how it was it you know if this log wasn't here it would have been on the surface i wonder if people who've been metal detecting here before me found this and decided to get rid of it i think this is great almost certainly late 1700s and it's in relatively good shape i appreciate stuff like this well this was a very very faint target and it was deep and i got a little bit excited i rushed to get the camera out because i thought maybe it was a small silver coin upon closer inspection it is a tiny little tom back button but judging by how deep it was it's likely why the folks before me missed this and it's got me optimistic about what else we might find here today okay well i just got a little piece of brass here you can probably see it was folded up and i unfolded it i can't tell if it's folded again i think it is yeah it is i'm fairly certain there's an image on there but it is actively falling apart so i'm not really sure what to do with this it looks like this is all there is this top part isn't folded those blue jays are really upset with me being here for some reason it looks like it was in the shape of a teardrop uh i'm not going to attempt to clean this up out here i'm going to put this away but i'm fairly excited about it i don't know what kind of image would be on there and also what this may have been a fix too since it is so thin and small little brass ornament of some kind really interesting all right well i don't know what i have here i got a mid-tone on the metal detector i dug the hole found a couple nails ah darn it filled it back in double checked it it was still down there opened it back up again and all i've seen is a piece of faceted stone it might be glass and i found one of these in the past it was a piece of glass and it was bound in silver i haven't looked at this one yet i don't know if it's brass or silver or gold if it's a gemstone or if it's a piece of glass we're gonna take a look at it together so this is as much as i've seen it does look like the stone is yellowish leads me to leave it's probably glass i think is that bound in silver oh it's a button wow it's a button the other one i found is it appeared to be a part of a bracelet or something i'm going to get some water so yeah it's definitely glass there's there's actually bubbles in the glass and actually i don't think that it's bound in either silver or brass i think that's a pewter which speaks to its age it's definitely from the colonial times man well that is absolutely one of the most unique buttons i've ever found very very old beautiful glass button and now that i'm looking at it it appears to be damaged perhaps that's why they tossed it or maybe it was damaged while it was being lost you can see this top corner up here is chipped and the perimeter of the housing here is bent in as well this is certainly one of my favorite things i found recently so unique such a surprise when i saw that glass in the hole i'm so glad i didn't walk away from the hole when i thought it was nails [Music] [Music] so one of the first things i look at when i'm at a new place i'm trying to judge exactly how old it is is the nails and you always find a lot of nails they're absolutely everywhere around the footprint of the building and i just found a nail that you're usually hoping to find this is what folks call a rose head nail you can see that that's actually uh where a blacksmith hammered it into shape uh this is going to be colonial times this is what we're hoping for this is an excellent sign and this is actually a nice looking nail this is a display piece nail it's not bent or anything so it's cool we'll throw that in our bag and you know see if we can find some more things from this time period perhaps more exciting than a nail well most of the time when i find pieces of iron it's unidentifiable most of the time and i just found this a moment ago and i thought well it looks like a hook but who knows for sure and then i just found this not too far away which certainly is a hook and i'm wondering if this is a design or if that's twisted you know broken now we see these types of things in the woods all the time from logging up in here but i am on the edge of the cellar right now so i am going to venture a guest to say this was a part of horse tack or perhaps part of a wagon it's clearly hand forged a blacksmith made this with a hammer and an anvil and for that reason alone i find these things super interesting probably going to try to bring this home and clean it up and i can nail this to my wall and i don't know hang my backpack on it or something really cool old hand forged hook maybe a rope went through here and it was made for pulling something but that's not what i'm going to use it for so i have a great find here and kind of an interesting place maybe you can see there's a bit of a bank right here some trees growing right on the edge of it and it makes me wonder if this little bank was here at the time of the losing of this item or if this is kind of a new feature from frost heaves or whatever but in any case i typically wouldn't find this because there's just a little bit of extra energy to pick up the metal detector and go along sideways along these banks but it's been slow today decided to do it and i got a cool little fragment of a colonial shoe buckle now i will you know double check the hole make sure there isn't more of it in there and it's hard to tell whether this is a shoe buckle because it doesn't have the pin holes or really any of the rest of it such a small piece of it but i can tell because of the design i've found many of this design in the past and i'm confident in saying that that's what that is it would have been on the shoes or boots of a person walking around this home area late 1700s possibly the very early 1800s and they very often broke i have a very small collection of 100 complete shoe buckles the majority of them are are just fragments like this so like i said i'll double check the hole if there's more of it i'll let you know but this is a find that always gets me excited really really nice today is a beautiful cool fall day but for years i've come up into the mountains to go metal detecting or go on adventures in all kinds of terrible weather in the past i would just wear blue jeans and a thin jacket or hoodie and if i got wet i'd be wet for the rest of the day i'd wear holes in my knees and my elbows so i can't tell you how great it's been this last year to be wearing revolution race clothing up here and how glad i am they decided they wanted to sponsor today's video the hoodie that i'm wearing is the mustard colored tornado model and it's absolutely perfect for the type of weather we're having today not too hot not too cool all of the pockets on the front of this hoodie have zippers to keep my cell phone and my car key secure as i'm hiking through the forest and this thicker more rugged material on the shoulders makes it perfect for wearing a backpack the pants that i'm wearing are my absolute favorite i have three pairs in different colors these are the jet black gpx pro pants i'm getting down on my knees to dig holes at least 100 times a day so the whole front panel of the legs is a thick rugged material which is going to last for years the bottom cuff actually has a hook which will latch onto my shoelaces and keep that from riding up and if i feel like i'm getting a bit overheated out here on the sides of the legs there are zippers which once opened exposes a mesh vent which will cool me right down if you're interested in picking up some revolution race clothing i have a link in the description below this video and a coupon code for my viewers which is gmmd15 it's going to get you 15 off from november 12th through november 16th alright let's see if we can find a few more treasures today [Music] all right well this should be interesting i'm fairly certain that the target is iron but it is underneath this rock you can see how big it is in relation to my hand here and it's it's underneath that direction so we're going to dig it up together here as i said i think that it's going to be iron but you know why is it under a rock we're going to find out there we go oh yeah there it is right there it's a can is it full of coins afraid not oh well well that was exciting for a moment so the question is was that can buried under that rock 150 years ago or people metal detecting here found it didn't want to find it again and stuffed it under a rock i'm going to guess the latter unfortunately i'm going to take this out with me you never know right that seemed like it would have been a good place to hide a can of coins i think maybe next time we'll have kind of an interesting piece of iron here i don't have any idea what it is at first when i pulled it out i thought that it was going to be like a pin or a nail because of the head on it here but it's flat and it has this shape to it here which leads me to believe that it's part of some kind of machine or mechanism this part does seem to be broken off not sure something in the home or part of a piece of farming equipment it's interesting anyways i'm gonna hang on to it just in case it's uh something interesting let me know what you think it might be well i just found a thing at first i thought it was going to be a shell casing but it's not we have to assume that this is of the same time period as everything else i'm finding here so we have to assume it's from the 1700s but i just have absolutely no idea what this could be i mean it's full of dirt i don't know if there's something else in there it looks newer i mean it looks newer than colonial times but i don't know 30 feet from the home foundation now there are more targets down here i think that they're probably going to be iron though let me dig up a couple and see what they are don't know let me know your thoughts because i am drawing a blank on that one well i'm still working on this hole here whatever it is it's like right there but before we do that every once in a while digging up a hole you find pottery or glassware or whatever and especially at these colonial sites i've never seen anything like what i just found here look at that swirl of brown and white that is really really unique backside's nothing i wonder if it was like a cup must be a cup right that's worth keeping for sure let's see what this piece of metal is uh it's not very high it's probably a button or junk [Music] uh actually i think it's a coin [Music] well that was a surprise uh again on the machine it didn't sound very high like a button and it's very thin i guess it could still be a button but let's take a look at it together here now now that i'm holding it it's definitely a coin it feels thick enough this side though does not look very good and neither does this side it's really interesting all of the different varieties of copper coins folks had floating around in their pockets here in the colonies back in the 1700s you can find british coppers sometimes spanish coppers obviously the early early state coppers and they were all made out of just slightly different percentages of copper and sometimes they just fall apart in the ground sometimes they come out beautifully yeah unfortunately this one is absolutely unidentifiable as of this very moment but in any case this is 100 an old coin more than likely from the 1700s right at the end of the day too good note to end the day on all right folks well i have doug my final hole for the day i've packed all my stuff up ready to hike out and you know this is my favorite type of place to metal detect not a whole lot of undergrowth on the ground we're in a little bit of a pine forest here absolutely beautiful fall day and the things that i'm finding are almost all the 1700s colonial period you just absolutely never know what you're going to find today i didn't really find a whole lot but the things i did find some of my favorites got it all out on a log here let's check it out all right and so this is my little pile of treasures for the day starting from the back we have uh the knife that it seems somebody else discarded big old iron hook whatever this is let me know what you think on that one this is a piece of uh melted brass got a couple little musket balls a rivet pieces a spoon a rose head nail seven standard flat buttons they're only tombak and pewter the pewter ones are all just absolutely falling apart and crumbly but the tom back ones are in nice shape decorative brass who knows what i did have a chance to clean it up it doesn't seem like there is an image on it it's just all those decorative lines but not sure what it was but it was meant to be pretty i think got my little piece of glass never seen anything quite like that i'm gonna hang on to it a couple pieces of shoe buckle i did find another piece of it in that same hole a copper which i'm fairly certain i see a britannia on the back of so it's probably either british or statecoin and then last but not least my favorite find for the day the small glass and pewter button seems to be damaged but the shank is still there and the stone is still in the setting all right folks well there aren't a whole lot more of these warm fall days left i'm gonna get out as often as i can before the snow starts to fly this is the first of my videos that you've seen i post one of these every single friday so if you liked what you saw consider subscribing to see more thanks for watching and hopefully i'll see you next week you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 67,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021, best metal detecting finds, ancient discovery, real treasure, best thing found metal detecting, treasure hunter, gmmd, brad martin, old coins, colonial, silver, vermont, new england, metal detector, xp deus, garrett, history, unexpected, discovery, gold, pirate treasure, incredible, valuable, old, unbelievable, amazing, lost treasure, treasure found, river treasure, magnet fishing
Id: qx9ntkeqt7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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