I've Eaten a Wolfberry and Started Turning into a Wolf | Animated Story

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hey i'm ashley let's remember how many strange and ridiculous prohibitions our parents impose on us since childhood as for me i've been told that if i go outside without an umbrella my hair will fall out after midnight the eaten sweets turn to poison and if i eat a lot of chocolate well my butt cheeks will stick together these are just three examples but in fact there have been much more things like this and i still doubt that most of them are true so today i will tell you about another weird mom's myth or not a myth in short it's about wolf berries which after eating them one will turn into a wolf pretty cool right that's also what i thought when i grew up a little and started studying plant biology well how can ordinary berries cause a magical transformation from a human into a real wolf indeed now it seems funny and ridiculous but at that moment i didn't feel like laughing at all because bushes with those berries grew next to the playground where i used to spend time how is this possible well easy because in the area where we lived i was the only child and that playground was abandoned as well as covered with plants and rust those berries attracted me with their tempting bright red color and every now and then i picked them and almost put them into my mouth but my vigilant mother always snatched them out of my hands and said that these were very dangerous wolf berries and if i ate them i would turn into a wolf her horror stories didn't really work that's why to make them sound more credible my mom told me how some child ate a wolf berry and then his body became covered with hair fangs started growing in his mouth he forgot how to speak and well it was real hardcore i will not even try to tell all of it right now it looks like my mother could have become a science fiction writer in fact the main thing is the goal not the method and she achieved her goal i began to be afraid of those berries like the plague and i kept away from that playground but then i completely forgot about them because we moved to another city where there were basically no plans at all soon after we moved my mother and i went to a huge metropolis to visit my aunt during the holidays and there i met cool city girls they were so cool that they were doing everything that their parents forbade them to do and even returned home after 9pm i could only envy their courage i hope you've understood my sarcasm but in reality my new friends seemed real super heroines to me at that moment because i had never seen such disobedience before even though i didn't really participate in the girls hooligan antics by the end of the holidays i wanted to relax and do something unusual to feel like an adult so on the last day before my mom and i were going to leave together with my friends i went to the wooded park area to have a farewell picnic it was there that i decided to paint the town red no i still couldn't allow myself to do everything that the cool girls were doing but at some point i noticed a terribly familiar bush with berries yeah that's right these were the same wolf berries which i'd been keeping away from my whole life hmm girls do you know anything about this plant they shook their heads no and then i told them my mom's story after which we all started laughing and joking about myths in short the girls's attitude made me more confident and i finally decided to try the berries well come on mom these are just berries hmm i'll tell you something apart from looking really good the wolfberries also had quite a pleasant taste they were moderately sweet and not sour at all so i really liked them i'd eaten a whole handful of them and well i didn't get covered with fur didn't howl at the moon and didn't even eat my friends the myth was debunked and i felt like i really won but over what over my mom over the berries or over the horror story actually it doesn't matter the main thing is the fact itself on the next day my holidays were over and i had to go home but when i returned i was already much smarter and more mature it was an unforgettable trip where i got an unparalleled experience and this was not just because of the berries a week later the new me went to school started attending drawing classes again and got back into my usual environment everything was the same as before and i even forgot about my feet or rather about the eaten berries but a week later completely weird and inexplicable things began to happen to me first all my teeth started aching at once the pain was so severe that i could not sleep at night to be honest this problem was solved after one visit to the dentist but then new troubles began one day when i came up to the mirror on my face i saw a mustache which was disgusting little black and ugly how did it appear there what the hell is this i felt so sad and scared that i pulled it out with a hair removal strip after which my upper lip swelled up like crazy although this did not solve the problem but only aggravated it because the ugly hair began to grow with renewed vigor and apart from that there appeared fur on my chin and belly if you only knew how creepy all this looked fortunately my parents didn't notice anything strange at the time so i managed to hide the changes in my body with foundation cream and high necked clothes and of course at that moment i started thinking that the berries were the reason for everything maybe because of them my body is being covered with hair and certain changes have occurred in my teeth which is why they're aching so much i was gripped by fear and panic but still decided to wait a little longer and observe my body maybe everything would get back to normal soon or maybe these are the echoes of childhood fears manifesting themselves and i perceive reality in an exaggerated manner in short i had to wait a little bit and within a few days the situation will not significantly change anyway and it really did not change because my body continued being covered with the strange fluff which became darker and thicker also i had insomnia and became irritable then i realized that something really terrible was happening to me and soon i would finally turn into a wolf and become dangerous and cruel like a predator i had nothing else to do so i went to my mother to confess about what i had done i told her everything that had happened while we were visiting my aunt and of course about the berries i expected her to be terrified and get hysterical her daughter was turning into a wolf that's scary but after everything that she heard my mom continued to stay calm and did not immediately understand what kind of berries she had been talking about she examined my body and made an appointment with the doctor a doctor mom do you really want outsiders to get to know about me and take me to the zoo mom do you want me to spend the rest of my life in a cage or even worse to be shot but my mom only replied that the story about the berries was complete nonsense and continued to stay calm which puzzled me even more what if after realizing that i would soon lose my usual appearance she decided to get rid of me all in all i really had to go to the doctor and at that moment i was ready for any turn of events if my own mother is going to disown me then come what may let it be a zoo then we visited a very strange doctor with a weird name endocrinologist who examined me and told me to take certain tests the results of which i had been waiting for ages or even longer when they were ready we were invited to the hospital again this time i walked there on my feet that seemed to be made of rubber i had a feeling of hopelessness and doom to my surprise there was no cage no dangerous animal control service and no zoo representatives in the doctor's office the doctor was there like the last time but together with his assistant ok they probably just don't want to scare me too early and then the doctor even started asking some questions that had absolutely nothing to do with my problem have you been out of town during the last six months has your diet and daily routine changed have you taken hormone pills why do you care i asked angrily and then the doctor replied that it seems that i'd begun to get used to the role of a wolf since i was replying in such a rude manner this annoyed me even more and i said that if they had any relevant information then i would listen to it with pleasure and if not then it's not worth spouting empty rhetoric in short the doctor showed me the results of my tests and said that my hormones were acting up and most likely the reason for this was either acclimatization that is the change of a climate or improper diet lack of sleep and taking hormone pills in my case the reason was actually the change of climate because my aunt lives very far away from us that was how we found out that i was not becoming a wolf but i definitely needed to bring my hormones back to normal because they are the basis of all my problems with the hair and teeth and then i actually felt ashamed damn i'm a panic monger i decided to become a wolf that's really stupid by the way as for wolf berries i learned that they are actually usually safe but still toxic fruits exist although they are so rare that it's almost impossible to find them actually damn that barry the main thing is that i will remain a representative of homo sapiens which makes me incredibly happy like never before and now it's your turn to tell in the comments about the most epic horror stories that your parents came up with also do not forget to click on the thumbs up button and check if you are subscribed to our channel
Channel: Meet My Story
Views: 738,999
Rating: 4.7042713 out of 5
Keywords: animated story, short story, animated short stories, actually happened, storybooth animated, storybooth meet my story, meet my story, animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, actually happened stories, stories, story, storytime, true stories, meet my storytime, I ate wolfberry, I am turning into a wolf, mom's fairy tales, horror stories of my mom, new friends, arts class, mustache, hair on my body, travel to aunt, hormonal disbalance, doctor
Id: ZZWhxmn0YFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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