it's Wiggler Wednesday

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they added wiggler to this game finally there's finally a good character wiggler Wednesday is real yay I've been craving wiggler gameplay finally I'm locked in yeah yeah I play Birdo I have to play googler at least once on wiggler Wednesday Winkler Wednesday yeah baby obviously that's completely fair I think we should all play wiggler honestly we could do a wiggler Wednesday start that's pretty funny thank you yo it's wiggler he's in the game look at my screen bro I have all four wigglers oh it's 200 cc bro you serious well it's good it's time to learn Athens was not meant for a race track oh he gets mad he's red wait what dude this map is so disoriented it's very disoriented oh I see Brian Pro that's embarrassing suck my balls Nick now we're back here wait we're already a lot three huh yeah lap two is completely different that's why it's diverse no way no oh wait a little Wednesday baby on the regular Wednesday at first how this is so rare this is actually crazy the first time Nick ever got first in a Mario Kart game I think wiggler is literally your calling always play as wiggler I summoned the wiggler oh can I go in the water oh I'm stupid I forgot your golden water oh Evie we're Bullet Bill gaming shut up you're not just got carried by a Bullet Bill you get carried by the bull Bill honestly at this moment yeah baby wiggler gaming all right both girl gaming buildable gaming please bdv oh it's so close no all right this is more like me I think after this one we're going to like change it to 150 cc because I clearly have no idea what I'm doing as you can see I clearly have no idea what I'm doing where was this one from we yes I understand we uh but what what game was this from Mario Kart Wii bro oh that's what you meant I see yeah Evie needs a full title name what the [ __ ] oh my God dad has the worst possible position I got freaking truck in oh my gosh no get away from me Bernie oh my gosh same spot the literal same spot I got zapped in last time yeah all right I'll take it I'll take it perfect perfect no somebody bulld right past me you know about playing the EV squeaky clean Sprint finally please can we get squeaky clean Sprint please thank you absolutely I've been waiting so long for this map this is the one I'm going to perform in for sure it takes a bath at 10 in the morning bro I'm a gamer I don't even shower at any time what Nick no I didn't say anything shut up why would you do this I thought it was funny why would you do that oh that ain't girl is a bastard oh my God oh my goodness editor this Injustice I am facing right now what the [ __ ] oh no Brit's one weakness sorry Runners on my way bro on my way now what no it was too fast are you serious what's going on because of a freaking Mushroom Man why am I here what the boy you know I don't know what the [ __ ] to say to that what the [ __ ] happened all right Wiggler's not my character Nick you can have wiggler for sure I'll take Daisy instead I think it's fair no I don't want wiggler bro I did well with him once I don't like 200cc I don't know why I chose that who the hell chose that I didn't like it because I lost yeah exactly at least you seem to understand we're going to the carnival we're going into the carnival okay there I finally got the speed boost at the start let's go oh my God all three did that work that was those were my green shells oh my God oh my God what I think bombs could be used as protection no no oh my God it's like the worst timing ever faster you took my item bastard I'm gonna take my item back oh come on bro is this one all the way in first are you sure about that Nick are you sure about that dick easy very simple item bro can we please go back to Double Dash please and thank you yeah I agree no this is good bro I am doing so much better in this than all the Mario Karts I know it's like this is the one Mario Kart you're doing well on oh my God look at that [ __ ] Moon bro holy [ __ ] put the bernius on there right now what did hit me that's crazy oh no I'm in first place in a nine in need of assistance from items oh no why are you guys doing so well I don't like that there's no cars anymore I'm not getting run over by a giant 20 ton piece of metal this sucks well that was the whole [ __ ] point I want to get run over by a massive car all Vernors I saw that oh that was a little embarrassing vernius and a [ __ ] blue shell of course bro and enlightened perfect timing there we go I'll take my second place the real Daisy ends up winning it imposter Daisy gets third as it should be bro oh hey I got burned yo yo science okay to be honestly you got his ass all right I was aiming for Nick there but yeah nice aim then oh my God why is Evie just mining on the [ __ ] board bro what the [ __ ] minor Evie's broken every single time oh Bryn these are present for you big guy really oh my God they didn't matter there's a blue ship what moving on that one oh I get crushed when I was I am so mad about that I have crushed for being behind someone [Laughter] says one of my best scores yet God didn't finish above Nick though feels bad Vancouver velocity yes vernius on the Vancouver velocity super velocity burn Nation vancouveration no no no you failed you lose you're in last place now what is that angle what the [ __ ] oh I was gonna eat this no Bernie she freaking disease thank you Brad yes wow that's super horn that's why bro this game is terrible oh [ __ ] I just followed Brent anything he had mushrooms I followed you I followed you the chain reaction of wrong directions do build oh my gosh that's the coolest Guy high neck two Invincible daisies right next to each other that's actually pretty hype oh God why this is the last lap too hey Yoshi no [ __ ] way oh my goodness why that's so cringe that has to be Karma oh hey look at him in ninth place there what if we do teams again oh no not teams again [Applause] all right let's go team let's go team with my gaming prowess and Brent's brettness we shall be able to come out on top of these guys oh Ben you know what they say do it again why the [ __ ] are the three red shells bro oh my God bro and of course it's Nick bro and a fork I got hit by four red shells in this game oh now I'm in 10th Place yippity freaking dude how you doing Bernie how are you doing I'm at six okay keep it up keep it up you're doing better than the Navy and I'm doing better than right sir with me yeah baby hey Lemmy are you stupid we're on the same [ __ ] team you bozo [ __ ] Brian see ya bran are you serious let's go perfect Bren is this how it feels to carry and then your team is ash oh my goodness okay it's verdeus there he is in the wild shut up I spotted the wild verdeus yo I got a communication error oh I got a communication error too damn I got a communication error as well no dude oh and wiggler on wiggler Wednesday you guys are done oh but you got Birdo on your team oh wait I'm on your team Bozo uh I thought Oh I thought you're gonna be someone else oh my God what is happening to me okay the other please not show any of that I'm glad you guys are trying to get Mario karted finally yo me and Bernie is thriving bro oh he's cheating look at me I'm cheating bro that's not allowed bro oh my God baby oh it's so close all right that's fine Bernie forget second and third eighth place whatever what the [ __ ] you said a communication error well what again thank you Game thank you for breaking on me oh my God we have a bunch of literal babies on our team Evie no literally Brent subscribers oh sorry Evie but actually I'm not sorry oh I'm not sorry either [ __ ] you no please piece of garbage oh don't worry I think I'm doing very well this time so I think we're good was that baby Daisy you hit me we're on the same team oh is that TC nick3 using a bull behind me again no Brian way ahead of you you are not even in my range of view bro that's coping he is using a bullet though that's why he's ahead of you I didn't use the Bullet Bill shut the [ __ ] up you're so Canadian it hurts what yeah I got a blue shell on third place Blue Shield on the way let's go let's go oh my god get the Boost yeah baby uh Nick's like right in front of me [ __ ] you let's go yo top three red oh let's go yo 47 though it doesn't matter if I get carry this video all right fine first of 150 wins again okay fair enough fair enough oh I got my stage yay oh sorry brother oh sorry buddy sorry buddy it's either are you serious that was the perfect banana yeah [Music] I'm fine I'm fine this one for sure why did my red shells doing why is bird have the freaking Archangel protecting it from my red shells or something these ones won't go to him either down to him either what the [ __ ] wait oh oh I'm crazy I can't get the red so out of the way okay a blue shell wait no no that's affordable no why Blues I just got a red cell daddy oh wait I'm safe from the freaking red shelf thank you oh please stop uh I saw that neck and then the others saw that too this one has no oh my God huge at the very goddamn and no why am I so so good guys what's your favorite ice cream flavor I don't like ice cream what how do you not like ice cream it's cold what do you mean it's too cold it's perfect for you then I'm not Canadian Bryn I am not immune to cold yeah but you're a penguin excuse me Brian excuse me enough you bring your freaking car home oh red lightning let's go that was awful oh excuse me if you didn't see you there buddy didn't see you sorry at the very end wait are you seriously no yes yes okay we're at home carry it home no no no why girl I hate England girl so much what the [ __ ] happened to our team dude this is where we make a comeback Vern yes this is when we make a comeback yay honestly this is a good one if it wasn't based on the [ __ ] tour version no way why did I do why did I do that that was an awful idea there oh Evie almost knocked me out oh thank goodness that a mushroom there oh that would've been so cool if I did why is this keep happening so frequently and why does it always take me all the way back to the end of there go burn let's go burn sorry still in second still a second no way dude I'm gonna kill myself bro oh damn I still have enough to get this so freaking fast why oh my god oh whatever okay wait ah oh my God that was that was his biggest fumble if I didn't make that I'm trying so damn hard just for fourth place like holy SH now we still lost man okay 169 baby all right 10 points off close call close call here Nick I think it's fair to phone to tell yeah yeah throw it in all right Evie you can get carried this video I got it last time it's completely fine if I get carried otherwise oh whatever I don't care I win got money got paid
Channel: Party Crashers
Views: 207,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: party crashers, partycrashers
Id: 6LQa-FOjdlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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