Mario Party but you can only win through HIDDEN BLOCKS

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the thing is I could go south get coins and potentially land on a hidden dice BL yeah but one of the one of that chance is that blue space down is a hidden block that's what I'm going to find out that's what I'm about to find out oh my yeah you're actually banking on a hidden block hidden dice block bless me Lord above will Nick get this hidden dice block right here oh my God hey I think skill in Mario Party is not determined by how many mini games you can win but instead how often you land on hidden blocks I don't claim to be good at much but as a master of the Hidden block trade I challenge My Pal to a special game of Mario Party whoever can land on three hidden blocks first with at least one of them being a Star wins for some reason in this map there's always a hidden dice block right behind DK's cheeks so that is my Prime objective to get there not if I not if I get there first not if I get there first no wait I revealed my strategy too early why yeah oh my God first all right toad guys okay watch out for toades she's going to be huge dude I more focused on DK's cheeks than I am St bro go to Mario's cheeks bro Luigi cheeks technically has one too bro there's so many like whing yourself after every Mario Party character at this point I'm just saying it's right there just pointing out that there's six cakes on this board bro why would you pay for that I'm burning my coins I don't want I don't want coins hi guys hi guys that never gets old that does get old you know I'm going to do it more now hey oh that was nous that's like the only blue space in sight too there is no this is this is just a kicking the ass now no that's because you're more likely to get a star now from the Block slightly optimal but not as optimal as actually getting the hidden dice block like I will right now is that wait oh no wa verus no I don't want your money no actually this is fine uh actually it's optimal because now I am more likely to get a star from the hidden dice BX you're right damn it why did I think about that I'm winning why man come on dude yeah you guys have fun all right I don't know yeah why why why hurt our finger muscles is there really any other thing I could do all right don't get a two verus that's what I want to get okay wait did I just H another one no please from event to event go no okay no I can burn my coins again I mean yeah I can burn coins this said burn your coins you're making you're going to get money from doing this well just don't land on it forehead it's fine wait let's see wait where am I going to wait eeve notion donation take it take it honestly take it have it this is verus bro it's like I'm going to invest money and hope it tanks that is what your thought process is which is so funny to me okay oh the DK no oh the DK cheeks there they were not the bless they were not blessed here maybe it's on the warrior cake give me a one oh my useless I'm poor oh this going to be pass and leg yeah dude this is going to help me lose even better nice ow actually this is like oh I didn't notice yeah baby oh oh my I only if you want to lose money do not invest oh this is so Dum I'm no longer investing I ha investing seen oh my gosh we have seen like a an arc progress in front of our eyes the verest financial literacy Arc that's crazy oh I think it's a blue or lucky he is too lucky yeah I just real this this game mode is literally going to determine the the lucky allegations yep can I get a two Daisy okay I'll take oh I think that's lucky damn it no I think you're it's like a it's like a small adrenaline Spike every single time we land on the blue oh gaming I wonder how is going to play this one honestly I didn't need to win anyway so damn this is an awful mini game Bren I hope you destroy this in your review give you five damage oh that's good though [Music] wait this this this this video will train you to develop the sound of lucky or rather hidden dice blocks you will find out how it sounds like dude my ears pressed against my headphones no nothing not blessed enough oh no I don't want to oh my God what me he's going be first the whole time now oh my gosh um oh I I could give it to someone with oh my God that is that is evil he's going to purposely Give It Away wa xray payday not going have eyes this time stop we should all get money bro if we all get 20 coins we'll have money to use together he's trying to make he's trying to inflate the economy don't listen to listen the economy will literally boost it for all of us all right I don't want to be too rich cuz these bzar are getting like too poor so I'll just take I'll take too poor I thought it was just like a cry for help like this is actually terrible skill slide this is horrible this is horrendous my day is ruined it is do you want Bowser or no actually it doesn't really matter but I guess a Bowser cake is rare to land on the Boost bases God damn it dude oh he did want Bower interesting oh I heard the sound I was like what but I wasn't looking sure Daisy sex no this is soting on non Blues Bro [ __ ] I know oh it's so cringe ooh double coins yes no this money this money is only used for buying custom D yeah literally ah no wait guys please what why want money I don't want the money it was 20 coins is a lot 20 coins is a lot yeah we want money oh wait that's good that's is a fresh space a not good enough puby I'm going to say turn 10 is when we get the first h block I say turn six cuz I'm about to get a now verus o the cup of De mark my words editor I think I know what this this bozo man is doing no way he's already going for chance time not yet not yet not yet oh you're not really oh oh come on dude three coins nice you guys are so good at video games you guys probably go outside a lot I'm sure I love going outside yay I could use a five oh he summed a five oh oh I going to land there I swear I was going that was my spot delay okay finally one on the board I would I promise you on everything I was going to land there next wait does that mean it could be in the same spot as it just was I don't think so Nick don't you want to find out oh wait damn it if they move around does that mean [ __ ] that means [ __ ] yeah that means like any space we've landed on previously it has a chance now start how much is one one Leap like how many yards is that three ah thank you Brent why leave oh three thank you berus you're welcome Nicholas I think it's three thank you Eevee I might be wrong yeah it might be three actually thank you Brent it could be three actually maybe oh thank you Brent okay bro I mean you want to lose your money right so yeah but I want to go on more blue spaces Revolution would be so cra very don't you drag us down with you oh that's fine that's fine wealthy accumulated W I can look at the board from here interesting yeah it's funny how they actually look at the actual map in this yeah he's like showing it to us thank you Wario okay well one or two bro dude DK cheeks 100% is going to be the one though okay not there no nothing an eight would be optim sex I think I got Bowser going the club oh w w W well nothing really here can destroy me except if I get a revolution ah bro that's a little too much money you're losing oh W all right all right so BR we're going to participate we're going to win this game come on come on come on we got this we got this we got this let's go let's off to the side no I'm not no I'm not no I'm not I'm not that predictable not that predictable I'm resisting boo oh my God we're we're going to waste we're going to get off the ledge whether you like it or not you like it or not I'm dead please another event yo that's crazy what the he gets a lot of money but yeah verus never bro I how many blue spaces has verus deled on why are you giving me money I don't know why are there so many money oh my God you got un lucky how are we dodging every blue space bro a I don't want this star then don't get it I won't get it then well I hate pistachio then why is did you ask for I did ask for this okay that's fine that's fine bro to be on Pace we need one hidden block per 10 turns we need to pick it up oh I feel I would love some pizza right now oh my god dude honestly same uh pizza or Burger pizza for me burger burger for the last like 3 days I've been eating like nothing but granola bars because I've been just like neck deep into freaking balers gate oh hey a SC yo yummy crust here here I'll get this piece of crust I I got the crust I got the crust I'm tired matching anymore I don't care good freaking thing I did a six good call good call good freaking thing uh is this oh finally he got the warrior cake I knew it bro it was the answer the war okay hold this could be good I think that's a DK space one wi no bro I want your money no it's definitely on the DK's spage stop giving me your money all right sorry boys I'm broke I'm trying to get some monies you can have as much as you you can have as much Capital as you want oh damn we have that was R dbo oh my gosh was double perfect I didn't want oh god dude that's actually so good okay sick okay no green no green I'm free from the green yeah okay well at least I dude I I would have been so sad if that was it it's three I I want you to get out of this point cuz if it's over there I don't want to travel that far it's got to be this one it has to be it has to be right just go cuz I have no items oh wait hold that's optimal damn it okay Daisy Daisy all right what do we need Daisy we have a lot 2 five six 7 those are good 256 7 2567 what the hell oh hi Nick freaking friend bro hi how what the is this I keep forgetting what this one is oh shell shock that's what's up Brent you want to go bro you want to go Eevee H just for fun yeah baby I didn't know I just like violence I didn't I shouldn't have won that but it you need a two two or three ooh o oh oh wait this could be it this could be it this could be it right here right here oh it is it is a is it a star is it a star it has to be it has to be I'm in fourth place there's no way this is it there is no Universe we's not this is quite sad at least you got one yo everyone had one what the except me yeah see I'm beating the lucky allegations bro it's not me watch you got to start right here yeah all right Bubby yeah all right yeah let me add him let me add him just don't be Bowser don't be Bowser don't be Bowser please just because you said that like it's going to be Bowser it could it could still be on that blue space right there so I'm going sh my shot true that is true do indeed also love coping what I'm not coping wait Eevee you could you could you could oh you're right you're right you're right you're right yeah yeah bount Jun AKA Eevee is freaking be over yeah wait wait don't do don't do it don't do it don't don't do it just I have to give I to give my subscriber a kiss okay okay I'll kill bow you know what let me kill your subscriber first get his no my goo you see subscribers I got your back my Goombas oh bro imagine back to back hidden blocks that would have been a little sexy not going to lie come on Daisy come on let's get that too please please oh my gosh this so ass bro who came up with this stupid ass oh my gosh all right I have to play this eeve can't win his favorite game I can't purposefully lose this one I have to win you have to do this Eevee the manor is calling it's this one it's this one by the way it wasn't that one oh my God there's no way this is the run where I win this video this is the one that matters baby everyone shoots a different one no what I tell you this is the only time I'll ever win it when it doesn't matter I agree Nick the editor every time just add like a new monkey image just how many they have to like take new photos of monkeys like there's not enough bro I can probably make like a monkey tier list of like the best monkey images and videos on YouTube videos dude that'd be so funny for a stream you got do like the monkey POG s tier that is actually s tier what am I saying bro yeah like every no every monkey like asset I use is an S tier like like the monkey in the bathtub s tier the monkey with the poging Ester the monkey like bang his chest Ester I have a monkey folder and like a a pipli folder of course a SpongeBob folder D I've got absolutely no organization whatsoever everything is just like a r everything is just downloaded as it's like said as it's like said in the thing I don't rename it or anything I can't relate editor I don't edit my own videos but I he your job yeah baby oh does someone fly off the map or am I tripping I two coins yeah baby two coins what will I do with them I don't know that's fine oh wait that's optimal yeah that's good nobody's even touched this one yet is the thing oh my God oh my God you with me H what I'm in fourth I'm in four you know what on one hand that sucks on the other hand rip boo I have a chance now so this is what matters you know you know who else is about to get the second one right here baby oo I'm going to land the Luigi space on top of that oh that is true so two Luigi cheeks can they manage damn it no they can't Daisy all right Daisy can we get a three can we get a three nine I keep getting such high rolls and it don't do me nice ever you just can't help it man I know my wiener is too big I shouldn't complain I shouldn't complain hot rope jump in lag oh it's going to be ass lag I mean I like this one on top of that Rhythm I ain't got rhythm that's my favorite fit of FB song personally it's the one I remember the most yeah I ain't got rhythm bro I can use King blue right now oh my God look at that Goomba at the back just staring into space that is actually the average Eevee subscriber I feel movement oh there do be one space here that has not been touched yet absolutely not oh my no way please stop bro please I can't get L with no hidden dice blocks yes let's go let's go let's go it's not it all right this is the this is the move this is the move I see come on baby come on come on oh oh give me a give me a one perfect oh wait hold it no oh my gosh you with the crane game just once please oh please let me get one hidden Vlog Nick is finally beating the lucky allegations he's doing it exactly bro I'm not even lucky you guys are lucky jokes on you yall get 20 20 coins damn well 20 it's not bad yeah we're R Health nice bro the event that's hyp kill me there you go fck five or six five or six baby five or six that's good that's an untouched one that's an untouched one a the icing space Oh my god of course let me get out of this area okay wait that's fine wait I think I'm at the icing space I think you're one ahead of the icing yeah oh that was not a taken one though that that was a good one Daisy Daisy yeah nah I'm out I'm out yeah baby damn 21 21 awesome bro that was destined to get Bowser yeah oh I don't care lose a star coins sure buddy take have fun oh don't be I think this don't be I think this bro we have to wait through this whether we want to or not this is the game for sure where the editor shows every single like frame of this game now surely there's content in that to like used for the video right Chad is going crazy over this one too please get me out of this area I'm free oh wait that's a free space I think oh my gosh oh wait hold the color that isn't green under my feet oh my gosh is that is that it oh my God that's [Music] it to be Noe still no stars still no stars what the hell that's crazy ass no but listen I'm I'm going to be the first one to get one with a star so that's what matters wait oh hold the icing space godamn should I YOLO swag it I will YOLO swag it it's that everybody's go in life is just YOLO swag something it is I YOLO or you swag and I'm a swag baby give me that dice give it to me baby give it to me a man Chip Shot challenge maybe a little Cal left do some power here and then full send it you I'm going follow example of eeve so if I go like here right let me see like maybe I think I'll get it here I personally want to get the whole in one achievement oh he he is not hitting that I'm not hitting it berus what yeah you're silly yeah you're yeah e eeve in ver now yeah for real as long as it's a star now they can win maybe we get a star someday oh wait no more green we love seeing the killing green I disagree I think he disagrees that like the worst joke I could have made but at least it made somebody laugh so therefore it was a good joke okay more custom baby three [ __ ] one two wait this might be good DK DK DK hi no it's every time every time I am one above a blue space yay oh God this on lag baseball is this doable with lag I will try this and still lose you I'm going to mash a see how how well that does oh that's a good idea good idea I'll try that as well well I actually already got one no way oh I got one too oh I got one what the why are these why is this working there's noing way Brent's about to win by mashing the a but almost 50% hit rate that's actually not the luy allegations are not being disproven like I did the exact same thing as Brent he got over double M it really it's actually kind of crazy I was thinking about that like who I don't know what's is Brent more lucky or is Eevee more unlucky I wonder this I think it's the lad stop it with the green bro those chocolate chips in the background look delicious oh my gosh what the is that on the right is that a banana oh my gosh that looks hideous up close yeah if it's a banana it's going be like a brown spot bro there's a genuine chance it could be number 10 here this is where my cartography is coming actually the most what if the game just ends right here though right here oh my God okay bro I can't end it without getting at least one bro please okay okay nice okay Daisy please Wahoo wait hold up wait from one event to another baby so I want to I'm going to lose it bro let's go baby attack on Titan oh baby [ __ ] no please he hesitated for a moment okay please please please Dam oh wow this is the first time we've ever went to turn 21 do I know there's a good chance that two in front of me is one yo E is actually like a archaeologist for this I've been mapping I've been cartography this one finish the g e is it oh is it not it's not damn it what marking that one too every time we play on this board this specific space is always a hidden block so you know what let me do it Dy space Dy buns bro you know that's a move every single time we play on this board okay okay okay good good good give me a one give me a one okay I don't know what to do with this that's not a one I think that's one after the skill slide [ __ ] why are youing damn it it's the worst game ever welcome to the club Nick welcome to the club baby the worst day of my life bro oh my gosh I would pick Green but green is mean so we do not do that that's so true I hate Green Man red might be dead but I'm going to go with it I mean nobody ever picks a red that's why yeah Green Oh purple no the lack of confidence there birn but it worked out all right here's why I mixed it up no I take red no red is dead buddy yeah he just copies me bro that's crazy you know what I'll just try the same thing again green that was so sexy e you just just kill me bro I don't want to play this game [Music] I swear to God oh my go every single time is good night hey hey Nick why is he yellow kill him Bowser kill him you know what to do yeah Bern is all right yellow there you go there go that's fine that's fine I just wanted it to end at that point 200 bro we are gigal loaded just don't be a one okay that's fine that's fine wait actually that might be oh oh wait orus always wins the gimmick ones I actually do surprisingly like if it's a gimmick I have a greater chance be a four cuz DK I just want you to get it so we can reset it oh DK DK please wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I DK it's not what if I get a one have we gotten this one fudge it could be the one right one after Nick if you get the the yo the Yoshi C the Yoshi cake oh damn he's like oh yeah this is how you do [Music] it oh damn it I just fumbled whatever I mean I tried to get last so yeah this worked out I'll try it I I'll RK it yeah that that's I feel like it has to be there you just have to knock out a not Bowser 5050 the thick one will never betray me it has to be this one o oh that's so annoying ver is okay you have to sacrifice yourself next all right are we sure no one's hitting that block though yes no one's hitting that one yeah not nobody I've been keeping track of this it's literally a chance I get a star ber I don't know why you're crying bro all right dang oh [ __ ] I'm trying to lose here look at my direction just say where you're going to look okay look forward you get a free win have it have it bro I'm rotating my control stick only I'm telling you just take the win dude just take the win he's not going to Eevee you have to match him you have to guess a i great gameplay Eevee great looking all right verus use that too Bubby use that too well H okay okay I I I guess I don't see the harm in it I want the thiny Winnie don't get a Bowser verus there there's no way you get a Bowser if V get the star here though he wins if V gets the star here that's over oh okay wait please please please all I'm actually at this point I'm hoping it'd be so cool oh she Bern yes you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome if this is you're welcome hold on the hold the phone hold the phone is the video over is the video over hope it is oh my God how the video's like this still going oh baby I have a chance CH I have a chance it's okay I mean it could be it could be it could actually be this one n yeah nah wait that mean these wait these spaces are up for grabs though o tou all of them no wait no you think you should land on one okay yeah I land on come on this one mother 356 356 oh my God I just keep High rolling and is the worst oh he got the he got the got B kick bro 20 and not even a freaking cursed ice oh this is the worst timeline oh my gosh bro b this is not my game not good here I'm going to go drown while I use the bathroom and not try to Dr event bro kill me man no more green yo wait the the DK buns bro the DK all right come on show me DK's fat ass in game oh wait wait this one could be it wait this one's up this one's up for grabs this hasn't been Tak a while it went the after three hidden blocks is it possible let's freaking find out yes I win I win the video we got it bro we got itology let's go I'm happy for him bro he needs this he needs this Victory I've needed a w I've been needing a W for so long bro I tortured myself for this I tortured just not to get even one hidden block bro all right I can never be called the lucky one ever [Music] again
Channel: TCNick3
Views: 275,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ssbu, smash ult, persona, persona ost, smash ost, smash bros ost, mario, captain falcon, bros, tcinick, tcnick, tcnick3, elite, elite smash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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