Its Time to Pray - Mother May Dupree

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it happens I got again didn't have to be here tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the house [Music] [Music] hi there something you can accidental see when we come the house along with shipping coming Regan's oh no somebody hallelujah sometimes would you want to look at the assessments that long you probably Pokemon Evil Queen thank you Jesus he didn't have to allows you to get up this morning also I didn't have to have you here like some people fish starving somewhere one it was a net meal coming from what you want to be glad [Music] people that are on their route so we thank you for my for your word Oh time we thank you for you being you tonight we thank your public hard for this opportune time to show our love Colin do you for your serving oh my god we Commodore appreciate the gift that you have set hallelujah we thank you Father God even open a lot more eyes that we may see my ears to hear with the spirited thing and open up our hearts to receive other God the gifts that you laid before for I use father got to help better us in the kingdom of God we thank you to my father in the name of Jesus that what you have laid before us and we thank you for that gift father God we ask that you bless the gifts but you are a giver of gifts but thank you for giving the gift in the body of Christ in this particular simile and father we thinking that you were blessed in the name of Jesus even the more and strengthen the body father God hallelujah supply everything and we need every meet hey hey hey supply everything father God in the name of Jesus what would I talk about a Yoshida lead over how to Lou you make a way out of no way hallelujah but you are the waymaker hey Thank You Maya yes Lord take it to their play okay what a turn for the people Oh God but strengthen that party in the name of Jesus I'm the girl in mourning or we take you for the gospel even allowed us to have the opportunity hallelujah to share tonight and plant seed in that ground father we thank you hallelujah for what you get ready for the future hey bas T if I speak odubajo Oh Marcia hallelujah hey glory hallelujah hallelujah okay thank you all for what you getting ready to do what you're already doing and what you want to do for us we open up our hearts to you tonight have your wait tonight have your way tonight in Jesus name thank God [Music] hallelujah I think it tonight I give honor to my pastor was able to sit with us today makes the Lord to continue to strengthen him in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah I think if all the minister the minister staff tonight and to our honoree dr. Siegert respect my fellow cisterna gospel man - mother wilkins - mother hubbard the elect lady of honey act I think God for Jesus tonight and thank God for mother still avoiding her absent hallelujah praise him tonight for my soul is rejoicing yet tired everybody but down in my spirit of happy amen we ought to be happy people in showing our appreciation to one another and I do praise God and I think I want to say this for sister Stax I remember my encounter Minh and meeting her years ago in 1972 that came to Toledo Ohio and minister at the church where I was attending was a member there and by their coming it did something to me and it calls me to look that way there was something different about them and I asked my pastor and his permission for them to come and have a render a youth revival and he gave his okay and consenting and they came and for some odd reason the devil you know he got in the way I wasn't there not one night but God still had me on their route and I didn't even know and the enemy tries to stop me from getting with them I felt there was a hook-up time then but he started working overtime however I believe they were praying for me and I never will never forget that and as time went on I had a chance to meet them one more time not knowing I would end up being here at Shalom but when I saw them there was something different and my spirit was hungry so you got to be hungry for the things of God amen and I was desiring something from God and I was fasting and praying and there's time you can only go so far in the church that you're in you need someone else to take your present but one thing I did have was a prayer life and I studied my word and I was faithful in my church Sunday school teacher on a missionary board and missionary you name it I was there but that was not fulfilling my hunger amen and I kept praying and kept praying until God made away in his appointed time for me to meet mother boys and sisters - I went through a lot but at the time she prayed for me and I always remember needs to call suspect Trudy that letter I found years ago and it was something different about her at that time and it still is it's the gift in the person she has her own style but there's a gift that would cause you to ribbons if you're really a praying person you're gonna step back you're not going to run up on the gift because you see you can discern that there's a dishonor that it says eyes to see Amen but there was times there always longed to be with them at times and I wasn't but then God called me off the job but I didn't know that's going to happen either to be full-time in minister and I remember sister Stax when I put my robe on the first time she said how does it feel I said I don't know because excuse me it was a thing when you're growing in from place to place and or glory to glory or moving up or passing in your classes going to the next grade I'm learning the language going to the next grade and you feel kind of different it's something different although the church where I've come from they were you know and praising God and out amen given the word and so forth and but yet still there was no power anointing and yet you hear some people there saying everything everybody get up there they say there's anointed they don't even know the difference between anointing oh he's anointed but don't have the spirit of discernment to know your spirit amen and that's what I'm learning and have learned is knowing the Spirit at one time he was dealing with being that Arian been you know at times being the only one you feel like you too misfit you try to tell them something and they don't understand it so I just said well Lord I don't know maybe I don't belong from that area maybe I can't I'm just going to forget it because they looking at me like I'm stupid or they say you know your deed maybe y'all haven't been there but anyway I went through some classes like that but I kept on fasting and praying mother workers also mother Wilkins was there with them I never forget her coming and but there was a hunger on the inside but one thing I kept doing was praying it's time for us to get back into praying when you stay in prayer and then in a word and fasting your spirit becomes King and you can pick up things you know for example someone can be talking and if you're really in the spirit while they talking you can pick up you'll hear one thing all right so we need to get back to pray we need to find our place in God of course if you're not really in your place you become discouraged not only that but then you start crossing each other trying to tell one another what to do and yet you're not in your place they're not in there so you're both pointed one another so if we're not in our places the church cannot effectively mature or develop like God is calling for the church to mature in to develop and to grow up and get in their places so they can cause others and bring others in so I'm looking at how the church is not functioning the way God designed it for the function because we're not working in our places for if we're working in our places we could understand the gift more we can appreciate the gift more because the gifts the fivefold ministry is too perfect the church lot of us if you're not careful you start talking about the person looking at the imperfection think they should be perfect but they are human beings that's like we are come on well I won't be long but I want to help somebody a lot of times what we'll do we'll look at the shortcomings or anything of a person and try to put it with the gift you're with me it will get mad at a person and not trying to understand and pray for them all right I'll use myself some time I come home after I've been on the field you know a lot of times when you in battle and worry and fight many spirits when you go home it should be home a rest and recuperating not battling come on so many if you don't have anybody's understanding you they may come to you and want you to give them all of your attention when you need somebody to understand you just came off the battlefield it means you have given out your strength is gone Jesus especially when you go in strange lands and there's nobody really understanding but you're trying to help the people and when you get back and you're trying to come to get refreshed if you're honest able to play instead of getting refreshed you can look that wrongly or not being understood so then we think well she don't like me she won't take time with me but you've been a person around the ministry should understand she'll be praying because we're on the front line and when you're on the front line that's when you get all the darts before it comes to the back hello so every out there trying to help profess the church to help get you in your place then the devil gets in your mind hello have you look in all kinds of ways that's a person pose they didn't look at me right or they didn't speak to me what could you spoke there and speak to them yourself I didn't mean to go this way all Norway hello so buddy but we got to learn how to appreciate the gifts not always fight when you really get improv away we go the holy goes well put in your mind you know it's good to have these vases all right underneath I'm alone with it but it was in a while maybe be way before that time God could be laying on your heart to go and give her $200 but now we want to know why but when you really get in the spirit see we hold up our own blessings because we won't follow suit what the Holy Ghost is element Amy if you want to be blessed obey the Holy Ghost when you obey Him do you open up doors for yourself come on you may tell you to do something and you don't have to go tell everybody just do what he tells you to do when you do your part then he'll bless watch this and then he may in the time of your knees touch somebody else they surely coming around and they in just the same way you right there do the same thing what you saw is what you want if you do it quickly somebody else gonna do it quickly but if we do it slowly you be sitting at Lourdes wind Lord I'm prayed and fast like it's not gonna happen because you progressed to me but we want something from God but we know do what he tells us to do come on like I was staring someone at the laundromat I said you know what as a lot of times we won't gothic quickly hurry up and do some where we're gonna fasten and you know get somebody touchin agree but we won't do what he's saying we won't obey Him but God wants us this time think I'm out of yo slow for this come on it's time to consider instead of Lord I'm going to turn from my ways and obey you because i'ma tell you something the time is fastly approaching for the return of the Lord Jesus they are making ready to hurry up to do the things that will come against the people of God they work in overtime and it's time for us to seek God for our place induct to do what he said it's more than just coming to church come on somebody here in the word clapping our hands praise the Lord jumping and shouting getting blessed but then going back out there doing absolutely nothing there's people in the valley of decisions around you but not keen enough to know it sometimes we're arguing for them instead of said okay radar in and you know quiet yourself we need to be Minutemen this you know ready to do it in a minute whatever the Holy Ghost sense do it people need to be delivered they need to be set free but how many of us are doing what God really called us to do how many of us now knowing that the Holy Ghost is tugging at us but we have issues and those issues if you don't get deliver gonna take you straight to hell but only God can do things well you can't do only if you get in prayer then he can open up your eyes that you can see he has it in control anyway and a lot of times things happen to us to let us see where we are are we ready to serve God someone was not really ready we ready to fight come on we got to get the fight out once one another but fight the devil amen all night let's see I don't know why went they way but anyway it doesn't cost you that it was the Holy Ghost but every time I pick up the bow eases so alright I see what you're going to do a mate I'm not going to be long but you know what it's time if we call you to preach preach make sure he called you come on now you got to get on your face a lot of people isn't that awesome they want you to give them a word I said this is the word right here they too lazy to get on their face they want instant but don't want to go through anything but they want to go out and preach the word and whatever but they don't want to fast I don't want to deny flesh don't wanted that come on we don't have Church up in here and we're having it right now come on buddy you know what I was thinking I said gone whatever you have for me I wanted and I'm one after sister Sonova with all my heart because there's a charge to keep that we all have to god there's a job description there's given to you in the spirit but you need to find out what it is it's just like what we used to work when I used to work they still working at GM on the assembly line they have to start out with something and as it come down the line watch this all of us having our own place doing our own job to produce one thing many is in the body of Christ we all have something to do if you call to be usher be one sanctified Holy Ghost filled ocean with the love of God whatever it is everything affects the church God I think when we do our part in this in this assembly it will cause it to grow it would cause ministries to be able to go out not waiting for a turn because when you really get in God you don't it doesn't matter when I was going it didn't matter what I got up there that long as I was doing something it shouldn't be watch this missionaries working together if we're working together we should be happy one for another no some won't disposition and some won't that it's not about positions honey it's about love working together and when you're working together you get to enjoy one another innocence understanding one another isn't ironic on the job where we were working on a line where they weren't even save but they were able to talk to one another if there wasn't a difference they wouldn't fussing and fighting they were helping one another what's this then they told you you know well that wasn't right so and so okay what do you think I want to do you tell some of us we get mad why I used to wonder why is it on the job they got better they got a loan better than they did in the church winter in them then all the times somebody in need they all got together put the little monies together whatever and bought these because they knew that they were in need we all sometimes going to be in need of something hallelujah that's why we don't Dow one another but help one another and this lighten the load on the gift when the body is functioning right in love say in love not trying to what you know you in there's a way we can do it in love come on somebody let's say why I said now with the gifts that God has placed before us in love we should try to love and understand they understand now they said no they understand me now I know we got to understand the gifts that God has placed in that church and they're not on our level to be coming you'll get common with God's gifts they are precious you don't do me any kind of way when you bless them watch this when you believe in the gifts of God and treat them right that's when you open up to them you can receive from them now we have picks and chooses come on but if God has called the gift they didn't call themselves it's God that called them and set them in the body where he desire for them to be all right now let's go to Ephesians Oh hallelujah I'm not gonna be before you alone away when this way but thank God for Jesus amen he wants us to have understanding somebody vision for start at eleventh verse features for 11 uh-huh and then also will go to first Corinthians 12 why don't we go to first Corinthians first first Corinthians 12 and start at the fourth verse and go down to the eleventh and then verse 18 okay first Corinthians twelve and four correct now there are diversities of gifts there are difference of gifts but the same spirit but it's by the same spirit come on and there are differences of administration and there are different ways of them administrating in the gifts come on but the same Lord but it's the same Lord come on and there are diversities of operations and there are diversities of those different kinds of operations but it is the same God but it is the same God which worketh all in all it worketh all in all it's the same God that's working it all over same spirit but they operate a little different so don't sighs it gives up and try to say well she didn't do like so-and-so and so-and-so didn't do like so-and-so come on come on but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal uh-huh four to one is given by the spirit word the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit yes to another faith by the same spirit it's all by the same spirit come on to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit gift of healing come on to another the working of miracles huh huh to another prophecy yet to another discerning of spirits come on to another divers kinds of tongue come on to another the interpretation of tongue verse eleven but all these works but all of these gifts worketh that one and the selfsame spirit and the same spirit dividing to every man dividing to every man severally as he will as he will not up or they but as he will says he will okay verse 18 but now have thought that the members every one of them but Blas now has set the members say members come on every one of them every one of them in the body in the body it has pleased as it has what pleased him not them but him so sometimes we get upset with someone because they're not doing what we think they ought to do but they can't help it mother help it because God has set them in the body where he wants them amen so he knows what he's put in each and every one of us and sometimes we don't know what's in us until we seek your face or less it for a person like mother voice of the sexes have the gift to discern and tell you about forgive he meant but these gifts are to help us all to profit all right let's go to your vision now mmm-hmm for in started 11 any game from apostle and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists yes and some pastors and teachers and watched this next verse for the perfecting of the thing for the perfecting for the maturing of the things not for you to stay as babes but to grow up and to develop in your gift the way God wants you so you can bless the church bless the people bless one another read it again for for the perfecting call approving vaccine of the sings come on for the work of the ministry for the work of the ministry which he has called hallelujah we are called to a ministry to work and if we obey the call he will make us hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus he will make us the because that prophet that evangelist and in the call of God you may not be perfect hallelujah but as long as you're striving you're going to keep working with you told somebody that's why when the gifts are together or we as a body working in love with one another so we one can develop and mature and grow up let me say this we are in the end times God is going to have some endtime ministry I can say I feel this summer said right here but not falling in order what God wants them to do that's why you live miserable another thing you won't get all the blessing that he has for you because you won't obey anyway God is going to have a people he's choosing a generation out of a generation that's going to show forth his brain or be free because hallelujah there's people praise them and there is they present being in iniquity I'm talking about being redeemed the redeemed of the Lord look like that so shifting taking place a shifting of the ones they've been in the forefront there's been an iniquity he's pulling the cover it's called an ax shaken in the land so guys getting ready to bring forth the redeemed once the call out ones the ones that are left it and call to do a work in the end times so if you don't get on your faith and do what he say you're going to miss the call hallelujah he's calling now for the come on and to the place that the Holy Ghost at night watch this is ruinous to come on even in the daytime it's not a time you're doing things and you can feel a rushing you can feel a hurrying up you know that's a definite hurry up I've got to do this hit because of the call of God it's an come on people hallelujah there's a job that must be done groove it again big these people that he's callin gonna help protect the church there's must be a repentance and cleansing coming through to bring on a revival and Glenn listen that this is a revival coming to get the checks ready for the return of the Lord Jesus we don't have alone hallelujah thank you Jesus wow we're sleeping the devil is still at work I having to turn on TBN and heard this man he was saying that a friend of his having to be at a meeting he wasn't supposed to be there but these were the people that are there are enemies things they want things that hurry up they want to hurry up and get things in line and get it working against the church when it all boils down to that Antichrist is on his way the stage is being set and we need some instructions from the Holy Ghost to know what to do before it happens come on you either get this time to come it's time to humble ourselves and come out of our meanness in our deficit and all kinds of stuff that you know that you've been hearing the world a long time you should be the ones I say helps getting the thing the those those souls in cuz you know it won't be low no we just Sydney come and sit on the seat paisa lord thank you Jesus and go back the same way and at the same time they working all the time but why did you think the Holy Ghost is he warned us to come up because there's something important that he has for you that's going to help you to make it there's something that we must do it be prepared because if you don't get prepared you gonna compromise with it pinky Jesus it's time to get in your closet he's calling more preachers he's calling more evangelists that carry his were the ones that going to sell out to him and not compromise we're not just getting shots and lit hands laid on for nothing and you know what we get a moose tip there and the devil steer warmer to mine and you still accept what he's saying rather than looking at here's your enemy hit old wall shoulda make it hit on wants you to get blessed hit alone to the hair what God is laid up out there for you but you've got to make up in your mind I'm gonna take it down for I'm going to pipe God will strong soldiers he won't warriors who's on a war until they conquer what God wants comfort in their life and in somebody else life if you only knew that Julie what if someone came and said you only have one year to get a stream that the Antichrist will be on scene you wouldn't be ready for it we're getting hands later on in shots in the word for us to become strong soldiers holding the fear that we won't make Rex won't give up you got to know that spirit but that difference from that deceiving spirit that the spirit would come and say no you don't have to do that do it this way but see if we're not far enough we will compromise hallelujah it's time to pray there's a call to get in your closet because we don't know what's about ready to face us see when the body gets in prayer and gets the fasting and not always have to be told and praying for us as we go because we need it we don't need we don't when we come in it should be strength refreshing amen you should be conscious yourself of working and be sure you're doing it the way God wants it being always acknowledged and in your mind Lord how do you want me to do this acknowledged at all see we are supposed to be people of God then we're supposed to be what our mind should be always what towards the things of God and doing it his way you know a person I was telling so if I said you know what a person can learn how to preach do all the things in and study and know how to do things and you can say oh honey we're gonna put them to work and never solve the Lord you're supposed to have people that are annoying tested to do the job not just because they have a degree I'm not not going to Greece it's alright to have it but are they called to that job to help perfect that body not cause things that happen in cost other spirits that come into the cult distinction or the cause of fight or war among one another back then they didn't have this anybody over in it any kid with your relatives and nothing they didn't matter they wanted ones that are called by God to do the job and when they're called by God things can grow in and be nourished and it'll go well and it be anointed if you get somebody in there's not anointed not called by God that caused a headache come on somebody it's time now to seek the face of God why it's going to help you in your everyday life and you making decisions because of the latter day things the enemy is after you he wants to destroy you he wants you to get interested he's waiting for you come on somebody thank you Jesus I'm saying God I said I see now it's time to make a sin hurry up wherever I go all I want is get to the ones that God wants me to get to others will wear you out take your strength take your time and still do the same old thing give it to the ones that won't talk come on so many they want to be changed that one honest and not want to fight and be based if you're debating about a thing you don't want to give it up come on somebody when you really want God it doesn't matter what I'm ready to give it up come on somebody because I want I want somebody to teach me that's where I tell my little nurse mother sexist or whatever because I want to be helped if you see anything let me know because I want to because there are people that are further than us in the spirit I said gun I said you know the devil it should be deceitful and if you don't know that slick thing he would get in your thoughts and everything about you and around you and you jump in and shelter and thinking of I'm on my way yeah you're on your way all right right into his trap because we don't know him by the spirit he can come in here and sit down and you know in the end and act like us and still so you got to know the spirit just because they jump and shout don't mean they safe amen it's by the spirit try to spirit by the Spirit of God What did he say but before the perfecting of the thing for the perfecting of the things you can't be perfected if you got the wrong one in a place for the way if you can't you can't because they want to do it that way and they assault some kind of spirit but it wasn't the Holy Ghost come on What did he say well the work of the ministry for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body like right for the building up the edifying of the body of Christ how can it be build up when the people in the wrong place mothers about getting us in our place so the sex the same way that's a daughter she been working for a long time and she know what I don't know I say sister stacks I've been I went somewhere and prayed and sought the Lord and yet until I said I want to know for sure if I'm right he made we got to be thankful that we can't go to somebody you know similar to get mad because we ain't got it and they got it what I've done I'm going to get good no it's not about that it's about accepting what God has placed in our midst and cherishing that and growing and being obedient not being debatable but when you do that you lose out but when you open up and tell your secret when God is moving and you open up to the gift he'll bless you but as you got respect the person you won't get blessed to also money till we all come in the unity of the faith so we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man uh-huh until the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ no what's the next verse that we henceforth be no more children that you won't be no more children tossed to and fro toss to info and carried about with every wind of doctrine from one place to other by the slate of men through whom and cunning craftiness come on whereby they lie in wait to deceive see the enemy is out their land and waiting for you when you would you go from one place up he gets you all confused but God wants you to be in a place where you can accept what he's given you being open to receive and as the thing of it is our spirit he know our spirits when you know a lot of time you trying to fool people you know you get up there like you really wanted and you really don't want it because you don't want to give up your mask or you want to hold on to something you know you know it's being secretive about things God wants people who's willing and open and said okay Lord Here I am you know it doesn't matter how cool your dressing how you look at everything it's what's in here so if you come with an open heart and willing and wanted in it and your mind and your heart is untoward God's going to call just gifts to come and help you along the way but if you stopping and stiff-necked it always want to debate it want to compare want to do this you want to do that you won't get anything you may get a little touch to jump and something that's all you did but God is about people's now it's time to Lance out everywhere everything that's your normal out come on somebody yes small hallelujah thank you Jesus who you fooling don't hit me tonight Jesus mr. stacks but you know what you can feel these spirits you know walk nothing because if you're dead you'll get it just like that no one has to keep telling the same thing oh no movement over over and over again in same hands laid on it should be a change in your life when you want something it happens just like that now faith is how bad do you want God come on do you want it bad enough that you can forsake everything sake forsaking getting with your mother y'all sitting down and telling each other what y'all won't do when you come to church when the truth has already come to set you free and you won't accept it God is about changing those who want to be changed fivefold ministry and the gifts is about you know what a gift is they're given in the body of Christ to help that body to be perfected in other words they help you to come out of your message we transform it be changed you can be changed in an instant it's a mind thing if your mind is made up and you have come to youi will be to go when you have come to your head and you realize I can not go any pub no matter how I try in my own way it's not working come on somebody you know walks away anyway he wants you to have and take on his way that's why he had this he called and showed an anointed of the hope you get out of your met Jesus but how bad do you want to be delivered why you here is the word world has been administered if you want it bad enough he's doing work already but see we don't believe that watch this we want a handli no but if you come to a church anywhere you go is sitting in whenever there's a meeting you have prayed and sought the Lord and you want to change the moment you step in as you wait a minute we will know that the time that you have in your law at that moment turn towards go he begins to work already look you know what here's my confirming things what do you put in your spirit and let you know I hear you okay thank you Jesus and I'm coming to making my born in your house they are all hallelujah when you really want a change to the girl being when you have lost the thing you have to go after God with all your heart but why are you going after the devil where we get to pump through your mind just say you'll never get it kovarsky hallelujah but God is a God that loves his people any time of year that steps out of the will of God and when they did you speak gotta come he's there waiting for them all it has to do is make up your mind hi go over to cause I don't want to be chance I have come to my lord I have found out the thing that I have tried is not working but when you begin to repent that's the key honey take over the car and how far your surface and Lord I repent because I didn't obey you I should have done this I should have done that you told me to do this but I didn't do that belong here I come they are cool hallelujah thank you to the devil begin to work with your mind and tell you it'll never happen honey you lost it and you out of it now now it'll never be and down on the inside then you feeling a pull towards that thing while what this enemy is working in your mind at the same time the spirit and the flesh is worried lower to God come on somebody the spirit has been come on but the devil and your mind has said you'll never do it you lost it it will never be you see she did she praise what's on so she didn't pray for you tonight oh yeah he'll start what could still bring every little thing hallelujah thank you Jesus but watch this if God had you in that service at that time hey then that means the door is open [Music] especially when you have come to your ear and you're bleeding it look like what is what do you do when you come around the people kiss of a neck insane they don't love you see but you shouldn't get you mine on that Alleluia because the devil is warring in your mind but in your spirit the Holy Ghost this what do you do you'll say get up and go to church today and at the same time he's fear working in your mind sit you pray on getting it but when you come to the church why because it is your time and the Holy Ghost is dealing with you then come on I got a blessing waiting for you well hallelujah I feel the poor glory I feel a ride hey maybe all that a week long we've been in your mind I want to change but if the law don't help me I can't change come on somebody but what's so ironic brother Lord he's hearing your cry he's hearing your petition keep hearing your groaning keep hearing your pleading tell all I'll be the pain if you don't help me I can't pain muscle memory and not pay us look Wow the devil is war and he's trying to get you not to go there the Holy Ghost you know and you can't sleep at night anyway come on somebody cuz he's there your spirit is restless because the time is nigh and he's calling her to come on in Jesus hallelujah but as you react watch this why are you reacting to the spirit get in dress the Billis they're talking you know you're tired come on something well you keep on listen to the spirit on the inside because it's your path cuz your came today hey uh slow so don't let the devil continue to trick you man when you get here sit in your seat and the service is going on and as the word go forth or whoever's ministers bear witness to your spirit you can feel the move of God and yet the devil Sam talking in your mind but at the same time there's a war going on say yes Lois worrying for your soul cuz somebody pray and the door is open so why do we come in towards them come on somebody the devil said no you ain't gonna get nothing or dangle my hands on you or they're gonna pray for you but long as you get in the house of alone say yes Lord and God has his vessels already charged say yes all you got to do they have afraid because we know that we're here to serve you say yes for but you got to have the faith and believe that has you come he's going to do it foot that's all you got [Music] whoo hi see that's where your face must ride beyond the attacks of the enemy would you make the stuff into the house of the Lord you should be shown and giving God glory because he was on your side but your time had come and he's ready to do it for you what are you gonna do it Oh tire blows sample he's ready he's ready he's ready to physically he's ready to change of clothes hey uh oh okay Tao say a sword tell ya he's runnin the stick suspicious he's ready to turn everything around Sam oh yeah oh say yes Lord saith Lord he's ready to change across over your life so he gonna stick the furnace hey uh how's wait a little bit let's roll yeah people are saved your situation he go [Music] say us alone say a tight crew yes alone yes yes come up over boats please take away that habit take it away take away the tanks without desire oh yeah hey you're not here by chance today is a new beginning oh yeah hey I swooned same set up free tonight save set up briefings of set up receiver set up free go hey hey ho ho remember one of the most Gina yeah yes hold delivered us go Terra freed me Oh set up above us see ya hi Sam oh oh oh oh oh give it to oh yeah come on free tonight let's look oh hey hey hey [Music] hey oh oh oh hey ooh yeah hi yes hope so yep yep yep yeah yes oh yes oh oh free the hunt yeah boom oh yeah oh oh yeah Oh giving you suck give it to the loan even to the Lord how give it to us give us abalone dance and a long talk time people alone here they come on oh yeah come here yeah come on prizes time yeah come on honey come around look at me [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah oh all the way all the words pop up above tyre yellow floral berry gift oh yeah Oh hon every diesel oh yes oh yeah hi every get home haha speak Thai get room oh yeah yeah oh hey wait how come you suck kai yeah pop see Fabio - yes no yes yes yes robot see die die yes room oh yeah [Music]
Channel: Harold Harris
Views: 34,195
Rating: 4.853147 out of 5
Id: ujRI5UOUkkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 47sec (4187 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2017
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