IT'S THE REAL MINOTAUR!!! - Assassin's Creed Odyssey | Part 44 || FULL PLAYTHROUGH (PS4) HD

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well I hate more trouble with the phylidia come on oh boy every time I can take a bug you know I don't really mean everything I say to you right yeah it's just for the video we I mean we get alright forever oh I Love You Man Oh God go away you stupid okay well hello everybody welcome back to another episode of Assassin's Creed mumu head Yup'ik smack-heads and today well it's been the most fence it's terribly Oh visual customization system the visual cuz message system allows you to alter the appearance of your gear you can perform this action directly from the inventory menu by selecting the equipped gear you want to change so wait wait are you telling me that I can just change the way it looks but still have the head oh so if I wanted to I could have the spawn hero set equipped and then all I have to do is click Square and out of all the heads I've got can I even can I put on everything including that this oh my god there you go so we could technically as long as we've unlocked it I'm assuming where everything so I could even I can have this and it could be like the best armor right oh my god that's really good actually okay so well to be honest I'll still wear the the minor to a helmet just cuz it's like way better but for the breastplate should we I feel like we should just put it on anyway just put the theseus's armor on and I think we did we get his feet we've got the sails Greaves and do we get his gauntlets they says the sailors count let now oh did we get his scared did we get his little skate no well we've got the goelitz well no okay no mom we just got the breastplate and the Greaves so today we're gonna be taking on the mantle I hope I bloody hope so we've done everything and now let's go see the little boy about his dead dad the old caretaker said you whoa he told you stuff did he tell you anything about my brother he's dead he did but what about the collector he said you were like your father you know I made bad decisions in the past I'm just gonna go that one you didn't say anything about your partner either he knows something look he's dead caretaker said you and start fish What did he say you found him right you told me where to place the disk said you were rude hmm do I really want to tell the kid this is how we see the vine toy you just said you know okay come on he said the key goes in the steel I know but wait what's this key you're talking about the old man said you stole something from him no I didn't wait what did he accuse me of stealing the key to the labyrinth a disk you look great you happy I always wondered what it was for swordfish mentioned there was a place to put the disc in a steely oh so what do we do now if we put the disc into the steely the entrance to the labyrinth should open and then you're fighting a mine at home I see about the Minotaur and and you'll save my butter too right huh your father's probably dead out of those I don't think your partner is still he's alive I know it we just have to hurry it's been 20 years I'm just a tiny [ __ ] man well that's more exposure we can't believe we're going to see the mind at all I'm such a big fan look at me Oh does a freaking bounty hunter naming course there is he waits open the labyrinth cannot just jump down and save a lot of time jump down whoa right what save time Oh kind of not really yeah no go away bounty hunter shouldn't still be on me surely yeah I first traveled here once and I just appeared like right here staring it I was like ah alright then oh how you got here there's big many tours what to do it's time for you to die first we must perform the ritual [Music] oh that's a big hole your target is currently one level up of you do I give a rat's bottom no and it just miss I almost missed it bloody ell or anything here no all right to the surface yeah give me a tutorial now I know what to do I will now press this thing oh it's a loading screen that's the worst this can't be what is this Malaka it's real oh my god wait why did the kid not come in he's the one fighting the mine at all so is this the labyrinth oh this is interesting mister my dad or gods Wow well there's a labyrinth nice drink see see us use to navigate the library how did they get back out that's all oh no well I find your dad whoa oh this string follow the string whoa where'd it go just ends here cars gonna need a torch or something oh well that is a yeah that creature of rage did these this is interesting oh I'm looking forward to this it's going to be a good day house must be Nico's ring artists might want this oh well um yeah he definitely didn't survive that's for sure can I jump down there it looks like I'd probably die okay I guess I can leave now I found a dead pattern Hey okay guess I guess I'll go this way I mean whoo-hoo oh yes treasure a perfect oh my god that's awesome okay cuz that's all that was here whoo Oh mister mine at all oh seven human skulls how does one suppose he navigates this area do you watch Moomins normal oh I'll go here ah more treasure take it all even more gems okay right well I got enough to do a big hit straightaway I really probably should have upgraded a weapon Oh does he count class as an animal I could put stuff on that would be good for an animal I don't know I think world is there you're about to see my idol you think it you think it's too much to ask for an autograph hi buddy well you're very angry look at that Moo cap hey bud mr. malakas minotaur oh Jesus all right yeah there you go oh god it's gonna rush Oh God yeah why don't I just shoot him in arrows that's party the best idea who are you God not so good I mean this is the best thing to do right is this our to be he'd have worked on everything else so just bad time ask for a signature dude hey echo did you walk - oh you stun yourself ha ha Oh booty mister well why not have fire our Jose can you can I set him on fire oh I can right then but little arrows little arrows god damn damn oh there you got did me to do that Oh God short space of time to light him on fire and it's out oh my god he takes it you eat so many arrows does he class as an animal or a cryptid what are you I am no man I am Moo what is the man I don't think of this actually it there's another minor talk good little squirrely puny monotone I am big do much damage to Iowa for more arrows damage not so good well we got him on fire no I'm gonna get Manhattan going in the head in the head yeah 10,000 oh that was 3,000 that's good jack jeebus other than the EM I need it I need to make him hit into the air pillows that's really the best thing to do not too tricky to be honest it looks cool I really like the design of them so like doesn't when compete like Ray Harryhausen a bit like the Sphinx was not there was anything wrong with that it's just like a different style this is more like a realistic mashup between a minor or a human Oh Lord oh I somehow stopped him Hey [Music] hey that's it I'm not backing away now son BAM all the kicks gone I got you I'm gonna set you on fire up the potty oh he doesn't stand a chance hey kid Boosh oh no that's not so good I'm a good boy teach me your ways teach me you're bullish way Wow yeah why I hate more trouble with the bloody air come on oh boy you pretended good day to come back and take a bag yeah don't get close to him is what I've learned is fire arrows it'll wait I've got like better arrows what are we doing but you in there are oohs yeah these ones the 30 of them their waist all way better 30 mm oh hello didn't like that what oh I like that tipos you is in for a second whoa did you just heat up is this truly Dark Souls mr. Doug there you go 13,000 someone needs to calm down Jesus don't like her buddies like this he's a big meanie there you go come on we can do this I couldn't imagine like doing this without rain in it again yeah I'm saving my life stamina balls for uh-oh we could fire tornadoes Wow okay at least he doesn't do too much look at a girl 16,000 okay just go to watch out it's gonna watch out they say go and this really is the best tactic right okay when he runs over too hard to tell when he's gonna run there it is Gardens like nothing they could do when he gets in he gets that in there you go seven thousand Thor can't afford to take a hit oh come on he was right there you go one out one hour left oh no oh I can't use the world map now I got craft arrows well that's no good but we've got three left Barney should have made some more before I entered this should man up there you go those last one probably going to switch the swords swords are better grinding son oh I should have been fired by fire be fire spartan kick what there we go there we go cool god I don't like the war he's to the top jump Palicki killer punch thicket make it big what y'all there it is whoo Corbett dodges getting close and personal you are spot rage harsh way to take the party yes I killed the middle mother would be so proud oh he's got gold so that's it I did it down he was just a little scrawny man all along slay the hardmode version of each mythical creature to claim their legendary rewards and complete the abomination set what ooh said the drop once all items have been claimed for a given monster or we can do a recalculate is this is a hard version I was gonna say it didn't seem too tough so I don't get anything for killing apart from like completing the mission I suppose so I've done the Sphinx I've done the mine at all what's next just a cyclops oh hell oh my god the Lighting's really weird he's dead thanks for your help out of those smeared on the floor I searched the labyrinth and didn't find him I didn't find him there's no way anyone but me could have survived down there my butter was fast and really smart if anyone could have it would have been here maybe he got out that's why you couldn't find him I shouldn't say keep looking for him because he's dead Arthas he's not coming back you said you looked right and if you couldn't find him he must have made the dogs a crack in the wall oh you know he climbed out the way you went in yeah probably no no your partner loved you if he got out he'd have come to see you I'm afraid I'll forget him I don't want to forget him he's a ring take it to remember him by better ring thank you thank you so you did find him yeah we should get out of here what will you do now I don't know misty us without battle I don't know maybe you can figure it out together our dos remember you're never alone there will always be people who care stay out of trouble boy you know I can promise you that I'll make sure of it mysterious thank you maybe something there will help us find your party yes [Laughter] well there you go so what else do we have left to do that was like the main thing I wanted to do the resistance talk to socrates and pericles oh yeah that's about Cassandra so we got the Cassandra we've got this in the gates of Atlantis so one octave one octave fact is in the Corinthian and one octave ax is in less bus I think we'll probably continue on with this one at the moment oh my god they're miles away what is this the grand mean earth or hey no minato for one day what we do something different gonna be American oh wait I'm being spotted by gods Wow okay oh I didn't know that this was gonna be the problem whoa okay well I guess a corrupt city is corrupt eh do you all want to die is that it I can kill you also very easy yet Chris get him hello wait oh okay well you'll miss me I'll see you later I gotta somehow get out of here come on jump also I need to make all my arrows again kind of use them whoa we're going back to his place oh my god don't know how we didn't die there was a zip line there why do I always miss those there's a zip line going down even further no but that looks like oh right place oh yeah also something to do with this game is uh the fact that it paints because I was watching a video on this actually it pains Greek civilization in our almost flattering light because you'll see and you would have seen it in this playthrough a lot of people are different skin tone whereas in actual ancient Greece a lot of people were just white or you know like Mediterranean colors like quite a lot of dark-skinned people which I mean if they want to be historically accurate they wouldn't do that but I can kind of see why they did cuz I mean there's no I mean there is record of like mixed races but not as mixed as this games making it out to be well no I'm not really first I gotta kill a minor to a mummy of course I did batter novice was ready to go after you again like you said it's the thought that comes right apparently come the others are wait also don't hug me my lamb horn on my shoulder is killed a few people especially with every Athenian guard looking for you Cleon will have to do more than that to stop me what's all this we've begun working on a plan to take down Cleon although I hardly call it a plan lots of talking not much action going on so you're taking down Cleon tell me the plan it won't be simple his death would disrupt the peace and be worse for Athens he's right we must discredit him first Aristophanes apparently has some he thinks will do the job some play it is so much more than that oh don't get your tunic in a twist I just don't see why we can't all love each other it's so much more fun that way get out of here with your damn innuendos we can't just sit around Triana sending a boat to meet Ali need to kill the people they're the people trust Leon they'll vote for whatever action he puts forth but that does not mean we plan to do nothing taking down Cleon won't be easy but with your help it will be possible padhu's I suppose now I can talk to everybody oh my level 40 oh so close multiple quests hour for God's sake go on and give me one calm down what are you talking about my masterpiece it will change everything amuse astound titillate and open people's eyes to clearance matcha Nations but I need you I'm no actor or poet Aristophanes by the gods No it's this piece my living that is missing a play with no star is no play at all I'll get the ESPYs so where would I find him first piece usually doesn't go far from his home you best start there all right this shouldn't take long prepare the show and I'll be back as soon as I find him all right an actor for me have you got a quest as well oh you don't oh also like another topic that was brought up in that same video was how kind of like open and like sexuality was back then like like this game kind of paints a picture of like oh you're like man that's completely fine oh you're like women women yeah that's that's also fine too and it there was no like there's nothing to prove that there was more like homosexual activity in ancient Greece then we have nowadays it just seems to be the Oh God look at that cheers brother without also AM adultery as well was taken very seriously so I think it's like a couple of times in this game words like we it's fine it's completely alright we could we can treat it's cool and then that's more a case of this game rather than them being historic lacquer it's like I will give the player loads of choice so when scrutinizes - I mean that's the thing it's a game right so it's not it's not like a historical trudge through history it has like elements it's it's the classic case of what to call it based on historical evidence or something like that see that's that's like what most statues look like was like pale skin like that if not all statues because they've scanned recent monuments and stuff and they realized that the Greek world was a lot prettier than once thought oh I guess I'm a wanted mine at all I've got a piano lesson soon I'm gonna get amazing a piano then I'm gonna bring up Jeff Goldblum and we'll start another jazz band and you'll leave the one he's in and he'd be like you're so much better than my other jazz band oh really oh for God's sake fine fine whatever I'm after an actor not you and also at most level forty so probably should upgrade some weapons I'm sure I've got a better weapon I just I kind of want to just try that a the big acts out so like can I change the axes and like the weapons aesthetics over here oh he got it got us tell me where we are all right so we're probably gonna have to do three things three missions and then it'll all come you late accumulates or actually I come I come whatever yeah in one final takedown and then I don't know something with Cassandra where she becomes invincible lord knows is this his house who's it behind around here hello that's piss is he dead it's gonna be bad isn't it he's got to be here you don't look like an actor unless you're playing an Athenian guard aye-aye hush I'm going to ask some questions and you're going to answer what command directional what's your name bullies well bullies it's your choice whether you walk out of here do you understand yes well yeah well Thespis what have you done with recipes some of the boys are meant to keep him drunk in the tavern down the street tell me what are you looking for some stupid play they don't tell me anything play I just do what I'm told and they told me to destroy the manuscript fair love you'd better be telling me everything all I know is they wanted to keep this actor busy see for yourself he's at the tavern you sure that's all I just follow the commander's orders I don't ask questions hmm he seems okay get out of here and count yourself lucky thank you thank you I still haven't frigging okay talk to Thespis up at Davin he's not far away that is he hold on okay so let's check what weapons we've got so at level 36 or level 38 yeah that's awesome okay and stinger ooh weapon damage becomes poison damage oh that's good I think what does it just do or did it just do poison damage that might not be so good let's try this anything higher go 38 so that's good oh that's even better 40 a little bit more oh that would be awesome the me oh I didn't realize I got that the Minotaur's LaBrie people have told me for Poseidon's trident but when we get to level 41 I'll equip that or just a regular trying but that's way too low I think that's it okay well we've got a better axe thing oh no almost forgot we got a theseus's stupid armor on so might as well change that where is like a Memnon's that'd be good where is it it's gotta be it's like a epic right armor of Achilles there you go Spartan warrior we are very high level though above that so it's about like what I think where is it Master Ottoman sandals of Achilles is this one spot hero boots and I guess I could put this helmet on you know now that I can put this helmet on let's see what we can put on instead your pretty little hot dawn or shroud AHA yes I know but I punch yeah that's what I wanted all along okay this game got a lot better I suppose but now because it's done not there's no point to really have a look at what ever else you where you might as well just keep switching to the better armor and then changes cuz medica suppose have you really like that where is it tavern is this a tavern oh here it is I think he's had enough and what business is it of yours friend yeah was business oh look at you you'd best be leaving I'm here for his employer Aristo funnies so he's not working now yes it's not working I like him though Aristophanes funny man butts opinions told him it's dangerous that it is I need him sober and rested I don't think you understand the situation come on directionals orders are he's not to leave I said I'd stay don't want trouble ah let's make a deal shall we give me thirst piece and I'll give you something in return I'm sure we can come to an arrangement what I'll pay any drop me take this and get out of my sight do you think what farmers that can be bought for beans take your money and stick it up your ass we'll be seeing you misuse the commander's not a man to be messed with also it did work well there you go yeah are you kidding me I'm a 1 2 dude I was just a walk all the way back I'm supposed to go to his house okay that's fine so that did work even though they said it's not gonna work it worked anyway fair enough saw as a ball now now don't you kill him how do I get rid of him there we go okay so now I'm gonna take on about okay never mind I'm safe thank you but you can go further for I know true love I just need you ready to perform tomorrow of course and I just need my muse my love I can't I won't perform it out you want me to just like kidnap somebody off this relay you need to sober up this play is important so say katerini I need my muse please she's just west of here at the house of Aphrodite if it means you'll do the play or find your muse all right I know oh I didn't want to kill anybody Oh guys we have to let's work this out no need for jealousy just because your mother was a goat like mother like kid Saguna die oh I have to kill them that it's it's part of it now ah P no oh Sh next one please we all earn push Icarus you beauty well you did you did a good job for a while I suppose there's a bounty hunter like now there it is she pretty well is Jesus right okay um no please come on you can work this out but both after the same goal no my god oh you miss me I rediscovered would you just let me kill things all this two of them okay did I kill all the guards this is still one god whoa god this ain't good this ain't good at all where's that other guard what boys are barriers okay never mind good in you I got a poise Oh get back here there we go yep and he's dead oh never mind well you die in a second anyway of poison you go on then fall flat there we go okay now really Oh Mike what is I'm level 40 Oh God so what is good well I'm genuinely curious you've got dogs fine people oh now he's going after me we got another bounty hunter after another dog this is quite fun actually oh no the bear I wish I had a pet Ryan just give me some Oh under the Badgers get cup loaded think the bear might have just got what does three of them here now all right oh god if I are oh Jesus oh I can do this no poison oh there we go oh I can poison the bear ah no the fire are oh oh it does it does not last long ah Jesus Christ bad bear there we go well do is freaking insane the fire poison yep okay go on then yeah oh that was awesome Oh walk you want more oh that was beautiful I kiss dagger all right let's do it again you're gonna go on fire again Oh don't kick it's just like blowing it these guys are terrible terrible bounty hunters ha poison for everybody oh god she's gone somebody oh there we go poison oh my god it poisons instantly I love it Oh God there's my poison and you ah Jesus just like explosions everywhere it's amazing Oh God okay you gotta heal I kind of wanna recruit all these you never know one of them might be good oh come on it's just bombing someone's got like super fast bombs though oh did you just say Alexius I think you did oh my god I know my name I must be famous gunfire you you haven't been hit at all here for this one poor hands oh god you're gonna get ready and she's almost done though the one with the shield because we can sort of take her out pretty easy Oh God oh I gotta kill each other this is the one it's amazing I love this okay okay oh yeah there we go No oh I killed her um well let's kill this one she's almost dead oh wait hold on tell you what if I can get like there we go yes I think she is she knocked out yeah she's not that awesome okay just this one now you're poison you can yeah there we go no stop packing oh my god she's up she won't oh she doesn't have the fast oh Lord I'm never all God oh oh it's killed a bloody dog alright then oh I don't have me rose oops can I recruit it yet but I can take a stuff that's good how did you you you blew yourself up here how did you do that no come on she's got my disability that when you get nearer she just like does a lot of damage and I can shove you off it's called weapons oh okay yeah these guys are tough I'm just amazing Oh more poison please there we go have I just switched to this this will Oh God gain with them don't you - kill her you might do a box end it's the third one the third white with this is old glue is really good but I don't want to poison her anymore I wanna try and recruit her it's impossible there we go just a couple more hits don't you fire on me No you killed it Oh shake the flower oh are you uh all this time oh my god she's so good right you're mine there we go come on come on now come on that's the rest of the video I suppose oh that she was really good that one damn eight okay right we've got a skill point to use you might as well use that oh and somebody told me that I have an extra ability wheel if I hold like l1 down or something yeah there we go we got like a melee wheel yeah right okay what can we use what's good and the charge of abilities better fires better that one's pretty good I think we do the single strike and you guys have told me to do that for ages so why not yeah let's go for it a sign ability - yeah let's go with that one sod it I think it probably has to be an assassin ability though the objectives please hey am I still going to get his misses or his muse I think yeah there we go is she far away yeah she's not too far well that was fun that was a break from the the story I suppose it's ashamed of the two of them died one of them shouldn't have died really it's my fault I didn't realize that them bloody be killed Oh boss hello I come here bearing gifts is your gonna hate him is this it yeah I'll reap it not my usual type too many muscles but if you've gotta drag me we can come to an arrangement recipes said I'd find you here ah my darling Thespis an artist in so many ways but let's talk about us okay that's so much for love it's that's interesting actually because the way that I see it is that women just like like muscles but then choose like Oh too many muscles how'd that be interesting a survey do women really like super buff men because I feel like a lot of men think that that's like the epitome of like oh yes it's well physique I suppose interesting so much for low I thought this is great love what are you into no Vespas wants you to go to him he needs you to help him perform tomorrow this bees deserve to perform but he'll be doing it without me this time but you're his muse command erection or has made it clear it would cost me my life if I were to associate with this piece right now uh who's this guy I've been hearing about this command erection or a lot recently he's one of cleon's favorite dogs I've heard stories from some of the girls likes to play dress-up but a fancy Robin mask likes to hurt people too hmm he's our coldest he runs the local garish Sun he's a men always here they tell him in an instant if I was gone looks like I'm killing him then don't worry I'll deal with command direct Senora you don't understand what a bastard he is he's more than just some Athenian soldier what do you mean secret meetings strange visitors he gives me the creeps you have to kill him there's no other option Oh Michael it gives you the creeps will you go to the ESPYs it'll be bad yeah don't worry I'll take care of you bring me back his little sword as proof I'll be back soon wear what you want his PPE no man be called happy before his death till then he's not happy only lucky ok well whose ghost over 40 good job or a delivery for him so then so we this was one we had to do I was a Spartan this one's the Athenian so we'll probably get like the Athenian hero outfit from this one of Cosmos god you're a weirdo his little sore ah I was right here a girl is help right well we found him all right so good job we've got that amazing ability hey let's go there's a lot of grass over here so I guess I'll hide hmm Can I grab him come on bring them back bring them back no now what you doing no God good lord I've gotta hide don't look here look whatever you do don't look here I mean I if I wanted to I could take them all on or there's the cult dude directed it where the seaweed is always greener that detector going to kill your captain apparently I want is a full sword god this camera angle what's going on oh there we go oh he used a smoke screen he must be level 15 and also a horsie [Music] that's the Rihanna now still not dead he's getting pretty close to it though you are and well he's almost dead now might as well just kick Oh God there he goes right you you little [ __ ] little upstart you're all dead your own poison that's for sure but where you think you're going that's good it's just like climbing that's a bit overkill right gasping dad again to this guy phew all the poisoned damages yeah ha ha I don't think so oh please just get hurt by the other guy boy he's doing his lunch well I went from like I could never take on all these guys to basically being able to take on all these guys what the hell happened to dad and just to kill the confirm the kill no no don't carry him confirm the kill takers would resort did I get it oh no it was actually a sword okay well seeing as we're here and I'm stinking out the place oh hello oh it was good on the end stuff I'll take his little short steel can it not just be called borrow oh god I'm level 40 guys guys let's do Oh what was it I got yeah yeah boy I look so badass now ha ha ok let's go mess this guy's life up hello dude Boosh that'll do I'll take what is a would is one more treasure amazed well get in here and take this is that all the treasure two out of three and burn war supplies you know what Icarus go find them cuz I don't see why not who is one is the one in there not in there in here yes there's one where's the other one wait what out here what the hell oh is a black oh okay yeah there's one there and one in there okay time to bring the torch why didn't nobody wears eye patches anymore do they why not they look so cool I'd wear an eyepatch I mean I mean I mean you talk to what you'd have to lose and I wouldn't because you actually wore an eye patch you'd uh pretty weird and it also do like permanent damage to your other eye oh so there was a war supply like out and about there you go so that's this place completed its report to a cadet that under audit did today so that's something separate over there alright bring his little sword I'm surprised that didn't bring my bounty of it like she loaded it cuz I killed the dude Accorsi Alexius is up a little sword no my part is done go make sure their species at the theater in time for his performance you are too tense come here we've time to have a little fun have a little fun always business with you no no you've probably got all of those horrible diseases what is it with you there is more at stake here than a few moments of pleasure only a few you don't rate yourself highly in love then this play could help decide the fate of Athens I need you to keep your word and go to Thespis do not worry I will see you at the play with recipes my god only much of a musician not very amusing hahaha I believe it here enjoyed it well pirate I'll see you later until next time oh boy
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 258,811
Rating: 4.9371862 out of 5
Keywords: Assassins Creed Odyssey, Assassins Creed Odyssey Gameplay, Assassins Creed Odyssey Part 1, Assassins Creed Odyssey Xbox One X, ps4, gameplay 1, part 1, full play through, walkthrough, lets play, gaming beaver, all bosses, medusa, complete, all monsters, mythical beasts, story, complete story, sharks, whales, great white shark, wolf, armour, all armour, horses, minotaur sphinx, minotaur, sphinx
Id: 23iIQmf4InI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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