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clone playground I'm huge Happ hey ha ha hey look you got a basketball team here the Kobe Bryant you Kobe Bryant why your face like that Kobe Bryant look at all these little people got to step on them cuz I'm a giant I'm a giant I'm a big big big big big big big giant if I hit this hey it's a me it's a me it's a me Taco Taco I'm hey get stop I want to talk stop it I want to talk to you get stop stop it I want to I'm TR I'm trying to talk to I'm trying to talk to you man just stay still be still buddy it's whatever bro you you seem crazy okay can I talk to another it's two of me hey you hey stop it can I talk to can I talk to one of you can I talk to you get out of my head can I talk look at me look at me no look at me look at me I'm trying to talk you know what okay let's go let's go let's go have some fun it's only three of us how many can I make how many can I make that's one two three it's only two 2 it's three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 oh oh got 32 cones 32 cones of me let's go look at us we're all big we're big and funny looking we look good though we can't go through doors though we're too big wait a minute I know what to do wait we can't go through doors we're going to take over this building we're going to take over this building we're going to name name it nacho nacho Corporation that's what we're going to name it nacho Corporation nacho Corporation I didn't want to do that I do do all y'all go through the house or not do all that's one why do you fall through the second door for it are y'all all of them waiting to go inside the house like me y'all go in nacho Corporation go in go in why are you walking through the wall for oh my God my clothes are special you know what how far do I need to go oh my God I'm getting out of here you know what that was a little too annoying okay let's get out of here clones come with me clones come with me clones come with me I want all of you with me all 30 of you with me we're about to take over this town hey hey you you look at you you're a little you're a little how does it feel being a little little short person huh how does it feel being a little short person we're all Giants we're taking over the world we're going to take over the world what does this right here do oh god oh what is happening oh what in the we're all long what we're oh my God look at us we're like pray mantises we're like pray mantises look at us we're all in the line can we do this watch this oh my God we look crazy we look crazy we're the cool family on the Block we're a cool family on the Block we're doing a ritual right now it's a taco ritual only family members know this one we're summoning the taco taco God wait a minute we're not in L we got to get in the circle [Laughter] guys come on let's go this way what does this one do can we get [Applause] um okay we just streamed like a funny phrase there oh I forgot we can jump oh my God we're super humans look how how we can jump can I upgrade that let's see can we upgrade our jump I want to jump higher our speed we can jump we can get a we can get a bigger jump I could have got a bigger jump but I didn't what is this I we don't have enough money for that what is that what is this we got another ability don't know what it's for size four what is it we have the biggest size why we care about the the other size for here we go what does this right here do what does it do it didn't do nothing it Lally this literally didn't oh our head's getting bigger oh my God our head's giant oh my God we're getting we got big round Boer heads what happen we go over here nothing's oh my leg my leg what the my clothes are fing blown up we got to get out of here oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh all my clothes are getting blown up and we're still dancing we're still dancing nothing can just oh my we're we're jumping we're Super Saiyans we're Super Saiyans watch look at this look at this look at this we can't run anymore let's still doing it though what is that over there what is that right there close don't step in those grenades oh look at them going so H he's so high up there can you come down oh can you come down please the Clone please be okay oh he fell back in line my clones are amazing what happened if I jump on there is that a trampoline it is a trampoline oh my look how oh I can land on the building now I can land on top of the building go go go go go go go oh my I missed it I'm terrible I'm horrible I'm going back up though I'm going back up though not all the way back up look at the way I'm spinning oh my God what am I too many of y'all get out of here wait a minute wait a minute I want to jump on top of that building can my head get any bigger I think this is Bigg as my head get can I get smaller oh I can't get smaller again but my head's still giant though a giant headed Taco can I please get I can't get up over there they won't let me go any higher again okay it's okay maybe we'll try it again some other time look at me my head is [Music] enormous okay wait wait what my head got back small uh-uh no I want the giant head give me the giant head buddy I want that giant head give me that big head I'm that big headed boy can I hit this what is that noise do what are these steps over here can we go up those steps what does this right here do oh my god oh okay get up oh my go we jumped so high look how high we jump oh my goodness I'm like a superum super human oh my I just went down it I didn't even I went down when I jump I go oh no no I didn't can I what's up here look at those stairs over there there can I go over there come on clone where are you at clone clone you're slow oh there you are you're slower than me why are you sitting like that for can you stop doing that can you dance let's [Music] dance Hey jump how high is this jump oh my God these stairs are terrible okay we can upgrade let's upgrade we could get like a blast oh we get we get our top speed let's get the top speed cuz we're slow look wait we need more of us oh my God every time I get more clones I get smaller hey hey why is this ha still big for all of our heads are hor normous hey hey what else wait wait wait is there grenades over here these steps what do they lead to are these steps the stairways to Heaven are these steps to Heaven because let's go let's see what's up here but we're doing it can I just walk on this would that be oh we're up here can all y'all come up here all yall get up here now get up it's only one clone with me wait but stop dancing why the rest of us can't get up here for okay oh my God we're getting smaller oh oh we're little oh oh my we can't even see us now let's go down here oh it hurts it hurts going down this don't go down the stairs it hurts it hurts no no no no no hey we're little like Sonic look how fast I'm going hey [Music] look at my leg my you can't even see my legs I'm going so fast what if I jump on this can I jump up there now if little me jump up there I jump in the building I didn't want to do that oh okay I want to go to the top but it won't let me can I can I I can't even I'm so fast I can't even okay let's get bigger let's get back bigger oh wait not that I want to get that bigger what is this one doing oh I'm shrinking what happened I'm I'm B I'm just ahead I can't even go out oh my I'm so little I'm going to die if I don't land that trampoline oh God can I go on top of the building please oh I might can land up there this time can I land on top of the building I think I did it I think I did it I think I did it oh my God I bet hurt it no are you kidding me oh I landed on top of building and I still die it's crazy well this was this was fun this was fun it's kind of easy you you really just run around and do crazy stuff until you get enough cash to like to to do stuff why are you bigger than me I don't like that you know what you know what uh look at this look at this ah I'm bigger than you now ah you're SMY you're SMY I'm biggy I'm big you're small a you know what yeah but this was fun I had fun with my Clones look at all of those dancing why are y'all not dancing for get to dancing get to dancing get to dancing get to dancing yes hey hey hey
Channel: MrStealYourTacos Roblox
Views: 1,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox clone yourself, roblox clone, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, funny moments, roblox clone playground, clone yourself, roblox clone yourself obby, roblox clone yourself game, roblox clone yourself army, roblox clone game, roblox clone army, roblox funny videos, roblox funny memes, funny moments roblox, clone yourself game roblox, roblox funny videos shorts, roblox clone game name, making a clone army in roblox, best games on roblox ever clone yourself
Id: 5N5jHSt7ZGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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