It's so easy. Living comfortable on 80 grand a year.

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morning folks welcome to the bones on ok this video today we're going to talk about a couple of things number one we're going to talk about winning with the short game I can't bring a short game up enough people and this is recalculating on the money you can make plain and short games it's really probably gonna be surprising to a lot of people out there let's talk about what we're going to do in our throw first I'm going to show you another throw different throw today we're going to be using a 3 B set which is a 6 3 5 3 set that's how we're going to set our V set all right 6 5 on top there's 2 3 V and the way we're going to throw this thing is we're going to pinch the dice in the middle with our middle finger and our thumb ok that is to grip that's a to finger grip basically if you count to tell me the finger has a finger down you can throw it like this but I like to go ahead and bring my other two fingers and rest them on the dice even though they don't have anything to do with the throw I just rest them there and then what we're going to do is we're going to bring the dice up off the table and then when we throw this down we're going to give them a little spin around that's how we're gonna throw these dice again that spin is is crucial to this throw okay what's all from stick left want on a hard surface table this also works on a bouncy table which might have to try different dice that so try different die sets find out what works on the bouncy table okay now another thing we're going to talk about in this video is the short game okay I can't bring up the short game and not people and my short game which is a winning method of playing this game folks is 66 inside bet okay you're playing the 5 most popular numbers on the table the 5 6 8 9 those are the most popular numbers on the table and all we got to do is hit three of them and if you go and you listen to you know all the great in the scientific way is you can't throw you know the dice more than seven times without hitting yourself okay that's fine we're going to play their game their game is you can't throw because of all the you know the odd the calculation you know being six-sided dice or 36 you know variation to throw you know there's seven Seth or six seven so they make math mathematically you know cipher or all up all it up and comes out to six points something basically seven throws you will hit us up so great will play within they're not within their game and win if we can hit 3 inside numbers out of those seven throw that we're allowed to have and if you can win and you can won't do this right here so we're going to do this within their seven throats okay and if you can go into a casino and do this four times a day just going to throw the dice four times play the short game pull your bets down that's key to pull your bets down people and you did it five days a week you make eighty one thousand six hundred dollars a year playing craps in the short game now that's pretty good living in my boat all right let's get throwing this thing you know like many throw people it has to be thrown correctly you've gotta throw every single throw correctly if you watch all the great shooter dressed me at a casino where they you have a Aruba shooter you're watching me he does everything the same way I'm not talking something guy throws random he throws it's 50 throw or whatever it's one time in his life I'm talking to consistent winner and he's hit the table who the carbon copies his throw and watch how he works man it's beautiful just a lots of work okay it's gonna be a cannon but they take their time and they throw correctly each rope that could be your last throw don't make it your last throw put everything you got into that throw and throw correctly man that's all you got to do is throw correctly okay so that's going to be an 8 that's our first inside hit do we complain with our six and let you work your come out the roads now I work my tomorrow so I would only be one throw away from winning this game but in the video we didn't work it so you know it will be our first number hit okay gonna be a nine yeah there's a second number popular numbers on the table folks you know it had a percentage ratio of somewhere in the ninety that you're going to hit one of these four numbers every time you throw the dice man that is I mean people don't realize that man people play with greed and stupidity man and you know I'm not and I'm not bringing down on anybody or we're talking bad about people because I played that way too so you know when I talk about this stuff I talk about me okay because I did play like that for years and it's something you know you're playing with and you don't really realize what you're doing that's the way the game of craps is they get you into that mode first that first thing it takes over when you start playing crafters green stupidity and then you get a locked into that and you were locked in and and don't even know you're doing it you have to play discipline but you got to know how to play discipline and smart for those and it's rare that people do that so that's why you don't see a whole lot of winners on consistent winners okay people that go can go in there every day and win okay that's what we all right now we just hit our point and we're all there that's our third number now if you look at this we've thrown five times and for those numbers were what I told you the most popular numbers on the table that we hit and all we needed to hit was three over and we just did that so we won so we're going to pull our bets down that's the discipline part first of all we're playing smarter we know what's the four best numbers on the tables are so we're playing smart we're playing with a low-risk bet so we're not risking a lot of our money you know you can make the mistake and throw a wrong and hit a seven so now you're gonna lose that $66 and it's easier to come back from a $66 loss then it is a three four or five hundred or even thousand dollar loss on your first throw now you're in a hole so deep you're playing just to get your money back who you're not even playing the wind you're trying to get your damn money back but with the sixty-six loss such a low-risk bet you can get that back on your next throw and we're playing smart by playing most popular numbers and we're playing discipline by pulling our bets down because now we're a winner at $85 plus our $66 back actually 190 because we get a point we're going to win five bucks on the pass line which is a $90 win plus our money back this is how you land casino people if you want to win more than $80,000 a year plain smart playing discipline this is how you play the game of crap and become a consistent winner for the rest of your life living comfortable on 80 thousand over $80,000 a year folks so there you go thanks for watching keep on watching and the dice are in your hands
Channel: Bone Thrower
Views: 80,491
Rating: 4.5414782 out of 5
Keywords: how to play craps
Id: bm21CPQa_C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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