The new way to the future in craps throwing.

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all right hello everybody thanks for viewing thanks for tuning in boats are over here ok I'm gonna do a quick video here so I got a video coming out it's being too uploaded right now and I'm going to be putting it out shortly right after you guys see this video here you'll see another video pop up and it's going to be the throat where I'm going to talk about what's coming up on that on that particular video and what we got to look forward to now in the future ok because I've been kind of studying something for the last month and I think I found out with the next wave that's the casinos are coming out with now to counter dive controllers and die setters okay especially said it okay you know back in the early eighties man when how to start it playing craps and we're talking about almost four years ago you know all of us out there were hard surface tables okay and you know and that's when people started coming out with books on dice control and die setting and that's one you know YouTube was starting to come out and you know you had you know early people liked you know the Dominator and the captain all these these greats that were out there before all of us you know they started doing promo commercials about you know I'm coming to their schools and I'll teach you how to learn dice controlled all this and you know so that started coming out and all these people really started learning how to throw you know you setting their dice and you dice control and they're favored to win you can see you don't notices all this you know it's hey man we got more dice controllers coming up now it's a new way by blah blah you know we got to come up with some encounter these guys so they came out with the bouncy table okay this is the counter to die setters and especially the dice controllers because it's real hard to control the Dyson 100% of the time on a bouncing table because of the radicalness of the balance so you know that worked for a lot of years man you know but now people are getting smarter these bouncy tables and they're learning ways to win I'm showing a lot of ways to went on to but they're showing different ways to win on these bouncy tables so now the casinos got stayed one step ahead of everybody so now they're coming up with the new way just like the bouncy table was to the hard surface and the new way now you know you know I got casino watching me I'm probably going to get in trouble because they're not gonna like them coming out and say this because I guarantee you 99% of you people do not even have a clue that what's going on in casino now they're coming out with weighted different weights of dots okay and you know I wouldn't told this I have found this out from my research and studies and watching and checking stuff out when I go to casino and this and what this is going to do is it's going to also stop the dice controllers and I said it because I found this out the hard way okay I first found out about this about a month ago when I bought these dice here okay - purple dice okay and of course I'm always use blue and red dice and I always noticed that the blue dice and red dice I mean I'm we're only talking my new grams of weight and we're not talking you know major differences like 5 to 10 pounds you know we're talking but you know I picked up dice a thousand times a day - my practices man you know I just constantly pick up the dice every single day so my hands are a good scale okay and they were good you know I can tell the dice as soon as I pick them up you know there is a difference in the weight okay but I really never thought anything about it till I bought these purple guys and seeing the comparisons are really great okay really great as far as you know weight differences okay now and they're both nineteen millimeter dice cut edge casino grade you know both the same boats the same side there's no difference in size okay it's in wait okay they add weight to these diet now it's not a weight that makes Evans come up okay not nothing like that not cheating and I found what I'm saying here to see them to change is this is not cheating at all this is just they have to stay ahead of everybody and this is what they come up with if you know just just think if you had a different set of weighted dice Monday through Sunday I mean I can come back and use another the same way but you didn't know which sets were being used because there's a different weight in every day okay so and what that does and it really does affect your throat if you're a setter and a dice controller okay good I mean I found out the hard way because I wasn't going to this casino but I was winning with every day and I was throwing up a tickler throw where I was setting my dice to a five three five four which I call half hard way and I was just gripping traditionally and it's just coming in with the pendulum swing to the wall with my throat okay and I've been playing for like a week doing this throat at the casino I mean I've been playing it for like two weeks but really got strong with this roll in the last week and I would really pop in this thing and hit hard I mean hitting up fire bet I mean one day I hit three fire vets in a row and I was just you know I'm walking out of this casino with put a couple of grand everyday by throwing this okay and then we're using not you know I noticed everything when I go there you know I first thing I usually do when I get to a table is I focus on the dice on what color dice they are that's the first thing I always focus on like okay we're using red dice that's good I use red dice yesterday okay so okay but this particular day I came in with green dice I know right off the bat like now they're playing all week with red dice and now there's green dice and as soon as I picked those dice up I knew right there a name I could feel it was a different weight in those dice okay and when I threw those I threw this die set the same way and I'm a master on same mechanics okay that is my cup of tea man but I am I'm going to go ahead and say I am the finest when it comes to sane mechanic throws I repeat my throw down to the tee because I throw it thousands of times a day okay and I can repeat Mike's mechanics down to the tee so when I started throwing this dice and I seven down after about four or five throats I'm like whoa wait there's something right here okay I mean I knew of the first time I threw the dice you know tight threw it did you know this morning you know all these fractures on my table also - its recession before I head out to the casino you know and I was killing it on my table okay like I normally do and I'm going through the casino on sudden I'm seven out on five throws and it's like no way and I don't do that okay so I knew something was up so you know my turn came back around again I threw again same effect man could not throw this throw okay I said well you know I know mama can't you're not wrong or something here it's not right and you know so you know tried one more time again did have real good luck with my throat I mean not the luck that I was used to and expected okay so I left you know I knew that you know something was different I knew those dots I had a feeling it was those dice and you know so I didn't really think anything out then I ordered these dice some commanders all these different colored eyes as soon as I got I'm like whoa man there's a big difference in the eight of these dice compared to these these blue dice these blue dice are a lot heavier than these okay and then these are heavier than the red dice I don't have him here due to amount of red dice I got some orders I got some used ones but that I don't use it now I noticed that all three dice was a difference in weight change I mean it's my new change I mean we're talking like maybe a grammar so you know what I mean so there's nothing like most people are not going to you know notice this but I do because you know a number of times I pick up the dice so I started throwing different sets using different colored ice and noticed that like for instance I was throw a particular set a certain way with these blue dice and get a whole different game with the purple dice meaning that maybe I threw 20 times with this ties but can't make it past five and these dice and get totally different numbers and what numbers were coming up on this dice and really I started doing I did a lot of research on it and there is a truth to it people that different weight dice will stop a certain throw and you cannot because your Dicer than a roll different you know like for instance throw a neat dice with the weight maybe I'm only getting a single pitch but these dice being a different weight they've done getting the double pitch when I throw these dice that's going to make me come up with wholly different numbers and maybe seven out quicker if the seven is in line for a double pitch okay so this is going to happen and I don't read another letting you guys know this it's because it's going to be the future it's going to be a new way of throwing I guarantee you the dice editor setting your dice it's gonna be a thing of the past okay the new things coming out ways and you're going to hear it here first this will be I mean you know I'm the first one come out with this notice this we come out with a video showing the studies I've done in the different weights and now way you're going to have to throw a Keith casino there's Rock Calling a controlled random and that's what you're going to see on this video coming out shortly and what I'm talking about control random is you know you're not setting your dice but you know you're not going to set your dice two sevens hardway sets or horn numbers okay you're going to set them to your place that number so every time you set your dice like this one this one here the three and a five I see it better on here okay like this one here is it three and a one okay so that's a four it's on our place pit number okay Thursday's seven we're not gonna set that okay ten six and four we have that can we'll throw that okay seven again a for you okay a 9 5 4 we'll throw that see any number day you can bring up that's a place bet number is what you're going to set your die set okay so it's gonna be basically a controlled random set but the part of that control is SR grip we're going to grip it the same way every time we're going to throw it the same way like in that video it coming out and doing a push push throw so we're throwing the same way we actually have a landing zone that we're throwing to every time so all that part is control okay and what we're going to control is the way our random world grows then once the dice hit the table is when they turn into a random throat because we're throwing in this particular video we're throwing out here by the come area which you'll see shortly okay and so our dice are going to roll random but yeah we're going to have a control on because we actually control to that point and the way our dice wants to row by rolling low to the table so that's another thing we're throwing low to the table every time and so we're controlling our random row to a point where we can control it okay now horseman you see a regular random sorry he's picking up to die you know and he did maybe he's shaking maybe just picks him up and then he just throws it okay he's throwing to a different spot every time he throws it to dice the heights are different the velocity is different everything about it complete 100% random throw is different from a control random so I'm just glad you got an in on it Oh start doing some videos on this like you're going to see one from the back on a hard way cable a hard surface table I'll be doing one from the stick one positions right in the left also put into position but I'm telling you right now people this will be the wave of the future how to win on crap tables is controlled random throwing so you're seeing it here first on both rower enjoy the video coming next thanks for watching keep on watching and the dice are in your hands
Channel: Bone Thrower
Views: 52,269
Rating: 4.5936794 out of 5
Keywords: Boner thrower, craps, dice throwing, dice, dice control, gambling, playing craps, color up, dominator, craps for dummies, how to bet, how to, how to win, strategy, throwing dice, craps 101, betting 101, winning 101
Id: qRv0SPXfosY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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