Best bet for beginners

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welcome to the bone zone got a comment from a viewer that you know he was telling me how he picked up one of my throws and been throwing it in a casino and it's been doing pretty good with but he hadn't really been betting a whole lot on it so you know he was improving on his throwing wasn't making a whole lot of money because he would sure how to bet correctly so he said he's gonna go back and check out some of my betting video to see if he can hook one up was his throw now God he's an improved a lot better was throwing see if you can make more money so I thought I'd just come out and rehash a bit a bet that really betting videos I've already done you know which was a 64 across the old-school video you know it's I want to bring this one back up because you know I think this is probably the best bet you can do on a casino table number one it's a low-risk bet because the only $64 number two is you cover all six of your place bets we're playing on a craps table so actually you're playing all your place bets so basically every time he throws long you don't hit a crap number you're basically hitting a score hit okay what you're making money on your throat okay and basically what a 64 could be ten dollars on the four five nine and ten and course twelve dollars on the six and eight because they they go in order of sixes by the others going over the five okay and I thought I'd bring this one back kind of you know but this it's a good bet for beginners newbies also people like you know like he is where he's improving on his throw but he's still not there yet so you don't want to really go any more money than that because you know why bet 200 bucks in your seven hours and second throw your out 200 bucks okay so we'll play a game with this when we're going to be on a five-dollar cable all right and what kind of rehab the kind of money you could make with this with this betting okay all right so let's get going on this thing I'm going to be shooting from stick laughs one we're not it's not about that throw because I want you to focus mainly on the bat but for those who care I am shooting from stick left one on my heart surface table all right so let's keep going okay so that's gonna be a come out selling alright so we're gonna make five bucks off the pass line I forgot to put a dollar crack down so we would put a dollar crap down I know we're going to lose our fast bet that we're going to win five bucks on our pass line bet we're going to put our fast fit back we make a total of four dollars on that throw okay so that's going to be a nine that company our point kid all right we're gonna take this $10 deck we have only nine move it back here is our I'd bet on a path line and now you don't have to move that you could keep it on there or you can put it back thank you when you're on it generally what people do okay so that's going to be a crap okay it's gonna be a tent horror alright so we're going to make 14 receiving $18 on that a 10 we've got a $10 bet that's going to be $28 win or $28 we're gonna go ahead and press our can't you order them and paying $1 to get our two-to-one on what they call buying they called buying it well then you your odds with two to one so it's kind of cost $26 if you lead with $2 left that's what we get for a profit so we'll collect at $2 go up to 6 bucks now okay it's going to be a six all right so we got a $10 bet on or a $12 on stage we're going to make 14 dollars that's going to give us a total of we're going to we're going to press it up we're going to double our bet to $24 okay press it to 24 and then have two dollars left for up to eight dollars now all right for nobody you guys see I do not have my ones out here on white chips I'm only doing this for I don't want to mess with all the chips it just saved on video time so that's why I'm Hanna $24 I hope there is 24 days but don't Tom at me telling me I don't have the right amount so no like I usually get people to do that to me okay that's gonna be an eight okay just like the look sick we're going we're going to press that up to double our pad fresno 24 we're not go back to God now we're up to $10 they're obviously press each one or our numbers one time okay we can get all our numbers press that's going to be 88 dollars of profit that we have out there on there on Nia placement so you always have to remember that we're actually going to make $88 but we're going to have it there so why would you want to pull your bet down at some point in this throw and collect that money because if you don't you leave it out there that means you just made $88 for the casino because you kind of let them have that bet when you throw a seven you just made $88 for the casino plus they won your $66 back that's 144 dollars at the casino just collect it off for you that's why I don't see why people don't pull their bets down why are you making money for the casino because that's what you're doing if you do not pull your back at a certain point so they don't get that money but I see it every game I go to the casino people do not pull their bets down and they make all this money for the casinos and a casino they're laughing Adam okay it's gonna be at 10:00 all right so we've got a quarter on tents we're going to make $50 on that throw net two-to-one odds on a ten all right we're going to want to give back a dollar we're going to bite it in because we want to stay with the two-to-one odds I meet you make a total profit of $49 so we'll collect that now we're up to $59 okay so that's going to be a nine okay so we're going to hit our point a point here all right so we're going to make five bucks off our pass line bet and we're going to make I believe it's fourteen dollars off our out of it which would be a $19 bit the $19 win all right we're going to collect the $19 all right I'm gonna take our Advent down okay okay so that's going to be an 8 that's kind of the other point all right turtle of data click on Lulu our bed the other financial you would do with your 8 we've got a little bit over 9 we only have 24 dollars there we're going to throw the dealer a dollar count making a quarter put that on our nine and we'll put a quarter back here on odds bet or eight okay okay so that's going to be a six all right we're gonna make $28 on your sick we're going to collect that up cells either saying that now R up to 106 dollars okay right now when I start looking to pull down all right so what I'm a look at here is I got a hundred six bucks I've already collected up here on top of my rack I have three numbers pressed up counting our odds bed makes four numbers fret so we're going to have a total of forty five fifty five fifty nine dollars of press up money and we've already made if we add that to our 106 we're gonna have a hundred sixty five dollars that's a pretty good win to me but I'm gonna go for 200 I think I can I can throw a couple more times here so I'm gonna go ahead and move on right now it would be a good time to press to take down to win $165 plus you'd make your money back which is we're 66 original bet but but let's go for two hundred here okay boom there it is get our can alright so again like that ten before we're going to make $49 dollars ten all right that's going to do it for me man I'm out of this game pull my bet down $49 that's gonna give us 155 and we said what was our $59 for win and I'll press that money so we'll add that $59 then it's two hundred and fourteen dollars I did it and less than ten throws one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven throw if you count that 70 through those are coming up basically ten throws we made two hundred and fourteen dollars plus our money back there's a good there's a good betting scheme for you can see how it works it's real safe you could pull down at any time during it bro you don't have to shoot the two hundred my skills are a little bit better so I'll try to get to 200 we were so close I knew I could get there but you could have pulled down at any time during his throat and made it even safer and just collect a little bit at a time and just play that way until your confidence level grows and your shooting ability gets better then you can stay in these games longer and longer so there you go folks this is the best bet on the market 64 cross it's a safe bet for all you beginners out there so try that try what's it was its row that you're good at and start winning at the casinos gain that confidence folks so thanks for watching keep on watching and the dice are in your hands
Channel: Bone Thrower
Views: 32,658
Rating: 4.8320208 out of 5
Keywords: how to bet. how to win with little money. dice control. color up. playing craps.
Id: ifuG2zIijQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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