It's SHOCKING How Short This Flight Is to THIS Tribal Airstrip

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welcome back to the vlog and welcome back here to matayama we're here with the rea today heading over to yambi yembi just on a seven minute flight so let's go ahead and get started igniter's on fuel pump on and low start system test okay about five minutes ago so to let it sit here for a second get our temps down under 200 before introducing my fuel later on prop forward or v2 alternator i'll throw all of our lights on as well at this time yeah so they were just out here doing an inspection on the runway and then everybody here is also just cutting the grass so there's just a ton of ton of people out here on the runway today but yeah thankfully they're all adults and football getting out of the way yeah here we are in papua new guinea and we're a little blue dot today we've already done all the green flying today and like i said we're just doing a seven minute flight somewhere somewhere up in this area let's go ahead and taxi on up to the top all right we're just going up over i think it's just um basically sea level so we're just kind of staying at 7 000 it's only 11 miles away fuel cap sense selectors are good our toss is turned off for 5 800 pounds so we'll rotate at 58 and 60 66 if we had to come back in apps are set we'll get our trims going uh same place we'll be airspeed alive the second cone on the left otherwise we'll board on the runway after takeoff we'll pitch for 85. consider epl consider feather and kind of pull off and shut off if we can't do anything else any full flaps emergencies cracker door ignition inlet lights done high idle or 32 degrees so 15 40 for 15.90 we already did our [Music] my nose off just a tiny bit lots of right rudder pressure it's kind of soft today we're continuing there's airborne you know it's over my speed up and then we'll just kind of climb up to just a thousand we'll just stay up underneath all these clouds today but thankfully the uh our door alarm has stopped thankfully we worked on it this morning thought it was fixed and apparently not once we have over 90. we'll go zero and bring our pop back to 2000 rpm alpha tango for the one two six seven november tango kilo departure november tango kilomorphy ahead november tango kilo departed matayama time one four three pob three one eight i'll climb not above five thousand estimating yum beembee one five call on primary one to a decimal prime secondary six five three eight one two eight five six five three eight seven thank you all right it is time one five right now so we'll switch over to that we can turn off our igniters we'll leave our bypass into bypass our landing lights on because we're only six miles away now better bring our airstrip chart up we can land on runway two five or zero seven we'll choose two five for the time being so we'll just fly over ahead of it lie down the air strip really low check to make sure they cut the grass and whatnot cause i haven't been out here pattern altitude's 1100 feet head on down just 100 feet 650 meters long according to this and uh it's usually pretty soft so nothing too special except it's usually really really soft all stationary me one two six decimal seven november tango kilo is in the circuit airbnb put this fly overhead fly down the airstrip and then do basically a 270 back our selectors are taws or vref is already tango killer check hold now on one two eight days on five primary secondary six five three eight seven rsv 1285 november tango kilo in the circuit yum bmb report after landing four is the one two eight five november tango kilo forest one two six seven november tango kilo no contact one two eight decimal five in the circuit um report after landing number tango kilo nexus alone six five three eight no contact least frequency eight eight one nine six five three at this frequency at eight one nine and over nine kilo all right lights and inlet already done if we do need to go around let's just power up 20 degrees flaps pitch for 73. 320 20 degrees of flaps we're basically just flying a full pattern and then flying down over top of it at 20 degrees of flaps at 80 knots just like 20 feet above the ground just so we can take a look at it first before we commit ourselves to landing because i haven't been here in a year and i don't know what the condition is at all [Music] [Music] yeah it looks like they've cut it actually looks like it's been cut really nice there's a lot of work out here so that's really cool all right now we'll just do a 270 and back on in final at 64 knots climb on episode we can just turn final at 600 feet which is just 500 feet agl up and harness is done we'll do so on the ground and full flap checklist is complete 164 all right we're a little fast now so let's slow on down to 64 knot checklist is complete as far as we can go all right we're continuing now no birds oh soft but not too bad anyways guys thanks so much for taking the time to watch this little video before my video might before my cameras go dead um yeah this is yummy yummy welcome and i hope you guys enjoyed that short little flight so give it a thumbs up if you did i'll see you guys next time three eight november tango kilo on the ground yembi cancel sar november kilometer november all right shut down i'll turn all the lights off everything else all right guys
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 38,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, bush pilot, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, airplane landing, airplane, flight, pilot, flying, plane, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, atc
Id: wLE3INj5hT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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