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in the secretive world of modern military technology Cutting Edge Innovation holds the key to dominance protecting our air space is crucial which is why the US military recently revealed a long-kept secret project designed to revolutionize Aeronautical Engineering this is a mockup of our Hypersonic airplane for the Top Gun movie but what it represents how looh Martin and the Skunk Works are really pushing the boundaries of hypersonics and this is a futuristic vision of what that could be someday this aircraft comes equipped with futuristic weapons showcasing the US's ambition and desire to stay ahead in the global landscape what really makes this aircraft formidable and how does it open new possibilities for the military forces join us as we reveal the breaking news the US Air Force declared Dark Star is real the amazing features of the Dark Star the SR 72 Dark Star is an exciting development in the world of Avia Shion representing a Leap Forward into the realm of sixth generation fighter aircraft what sets this plany apart from its fifth generation predecessors is its ground breaking Ste technology remarkable propulsion system and astonishing speed the Dark Star can reach speeds up to mach 10 which is over 7,000 500 mph far surpassing the capabilities of current aircraft this this high-speed Marvel boasts cuttingedge Weaponry including a Precision laser system and Hypersonic missiles these features ensure the Dark Star can dominate modern battlefields demonstrating the US military's quest for technological Supremacy the Hypersonic capabilities of this aircraft also provide a distinct Advantage allowing it to complete missions and record time and avoid traditional defensive measures Lockheed Martin the Aerospace manufacturer behind the Dark Star has a history of pushing the limits of aviation technology they've been responsible for iconic aircraft like the F35 lightning 2 and the stealthy f117 Nighthawk another of their most notable Creations is the SR71 Blackbird which was known for its incredible speed and intelligence gathering abilities during the Cold War the SR71 Blackbird also known simply as the Blackbird held the title of the fastest fighter aircraft ever built it could fly at speeds exceeding three times the speed of sound around 2,200 mph and soar to altitudes of 85,000 ft or higher these impressive capabilities gave it an edge allowing it to outpace and outmaneuver enemy defenses and interceptors with ease although it was retired in the 1990s its status as the fastest manned aircraft ever remains unchallenged it was a Sleek jet black spy plane that flew missions around the world Gathering crucial intelligence during the Cold War how the SR71 was created as Cold War tensions mounted in the 1950s the CIA began flying the U2 spy plane to monitor the Soviet Union's growing nuclear weapons capabilities although it could fly at extremely high altitudes to evade early missiles and Fighters its slower speeds and vulnerability to surface to a missiles led to diplomatic incidents one notable example was when a U2 was shot down in 1960 and pilot Gary Powers was captured by the Soviets causing a major diplomatic stir another U2 was shot down during the Cuban Missile Crisis resulting in heightened tensions recognizing the limitations of the U2 American Engineers realized they needed a new plane that could both avoid detection and outrun missiles this led to the development of the a12 codenamed Archangel the Lockheed Skunk Works Factory produced 15 of these planes which were tested in Area 51 in 1962 although these planes served in reconnaissance missions over North Korea and Vietnam six were lost to accidents the SR71 a variant of the a12 was later developed for the Air Force the Blackbird could sustain speeds above Mach 3 reaching an impressive top speed of mach 3.3 or possibly even Mach 3.5 as claimed by Pilot Brian shul during a mission in Libya in 1986 this incredible speed meant that enemy missile systems had little chance of locking onto the Blackbird before it had flown out of range Lockheed didn't just rely on speed for the blackbird's defense the aircraft was designed to minimize radar detection with a reduced radar cross-section features such as knife-like tapered edges and radar absorbent iron fet paint helped lower detection chances the plane also carried a radar jammer and other electronic counter measures to confuse enemy missiles challenges of the SR71 Blackbird despite its advancements the SR71 wasn't entirely invisible to radar with a cross-section of 10 square m however it set other unbroken records for sustained flight at 85,000 ft and used an advanced Astro inertial navigation system that calculated the plane's position based on the Stars the Blackbird first entered service in 1968 flying reconnaissance missions from its basee in okanawa Japan these missions helped gather critical intelligence particularly during the Vietnam war although the blackbird's reduced radar cross-section was a significant Improvement Pilots discovered that it wasn't always enough to guarantee safety the black Bird's reputation as a technological Marvel endures with its speed altitude capabilities and uni design standing as a Testament to human Ingenuity Colonel James Shelton Jor a blackbird pilot recalled a memorable mission where his plane spent over 11 hours taking photos of Israeli Army positions near the end of the Yum kipur War the images revealed that Israeli troops were further into Egyptian territory than they' disclosed leading the US to successfully pressure Israel to withdraw its forces the Blackbird had its share of close encounters with the so iets as well though it didn't fly over Russian territory it would approach the Russian coast and draw the attention of Soviet Mig 25 Fighters the blackbird's speed and altitude gave it an edge allowing it to fly circles around the Soviet Jets despite its remarkable capabilities the Blackbird had its downsides operating costs were steep with estimates reaching over $100,000 per hour Additionally the aircraft needed about a week of Maintenance between missions due to the intense stress it endured at high speeds spy satellites and drones eventually took over many of the blackbird's roles providing more efficient and cost effective options the SR71 first retired in 1989 but was briefly brought back into service in 1994 ultimately the aircraft was retired for good in 199 8 due to its high operating costs and other priorities for Air Force funding NASA's blackbirds were retired the following year the blackbird's Sleek unique design minimized its radar cross-section making it challenging for enemy radar systems to detect and track its ability to refuel midair extended its range enabling it to cover vast distances on a single Mission these features made the SR71 an invaluable asset during its years of service primarily for reconnaissance purposes how the Dark Star improves on the Blackbird the SR 72 Darkstar follows in the footsteps of its predecessor taking lessons learned from the sr-71's Legacy and advancing them even further while the Blackbird speed and altitude capabilities were unmatched in its time the dark stars Innovations built upon that Foundation blending imagination and cuttingedge Engineering to create a new chapter in aviation history designing an aircraft as advanced as the SR 72 Darkstar involves pushing the limits of what we know about speed aerodynamics and propulsion Engineers have expertly combined mathematical Precision with intuition to create a masterpiece that transitions seamlessly between conventional turbojet and Ramjet propulsion this allows the engines to adjust according to the aircraft speed ensuring Optimal Performance throughout the flight every detail in the SR 72s design has been thoughtfully considered from the chap and Contours to the materials used each design Choice balances Form and Function resulting in an aircraft that is both visually stunning and highly practical the engineering team prioritized not just performance but also Aesthetics making sure the aircraft's exterior matches its cuttingedge technology the propulsion system of the Darkstar is a Marvel in itself transforming fuel into powerful thrust that propels the aircraft through the skies at breathtaking speeds this level of engineering pushes the boundaries of what we traditionally consider possible creating a new era of high velocity flight at its core the sr-72 is all about speed with its ability to reach Mack 10 or over 7,500 mph the aircraft represents a Monumental Leap Forward in aviation technology this is not just about numbers the aircraft's astonishing velocity opens up possibilities for Rapid deployment and Crossing great distances with ease but the dark star's capabilities go beyond just speed its unparalleled Manu manuverability sets it apart from other aircraft providing a level of agility that can be crucial in high stakes scenarios Pilots operate the sr-72 from a cockpit designed to be an extension of their own mind allowing for quick and precise decisions in any situation this High degree of maneuverability and speed allows the Dark Star to dominate the skies making it a formidable asset in Modern Warfare it also introduces a shift in how we understand air combat with technology enabling Pilots to push boundaries and defy conventional expectations one of the dark star's standout features is its laser weapon system known as laws laser weapon system this Advanced system uses laser beams to Target and Destroy threats with pinpoint accuracy it marks a significant shift in Modern Warfare offering speed and precision that traditional weapons cannot match the laser beam can Target missiles enemy aircraft or other threats either melting their components or disrupting their operation A major benefit of laws is its speed of light engagement allowing the Dark Star to neutralize threats quickly and efficiently this capability minimizes the time needed to eliminate dangers in the sky making the aircraft a formidable opponent another Advantage is cost efficiency as the system doesn't rely on traditional projectiles and has virtually unlimited ammunition as long as there is a power source another us Innovation the ngad the dark stars capabilities in aerial combat are unmatched but there are other Advanced aircraft that could rival its technological prowess one such Contender is another sixth generation fighter developed in the United States under the Next Generation air dominance ngad progam prog this program began in 2014 and has seen a significant investment from the United States Air Force the ngad fighter can reach speeds over 1,800 mph and fly at altitudes of 15 miles the Air Force wants to Fast Track the development of the Next Generation air dominance program to field a new family of fighter systems within 8 years this acceler ated timeline aligns with reports that the program has been going well with at least one full-size technology demonstrator Taking Flight in 2020 the urgency comes from concerns about the F-22 Raptor's survivability in contested airspace Beyond 2030 while the F-22 is renowned for its stealth capabilities it first flew a quarter of a century ago and may not hold up against Advanced integrated air defense systems in the future the ngad program is now shifting from an experimental effort to a production oriented one though the ngad may replace the F22 it's not going to be a one for one replacement the current estimated cost of an nged airframe is around $200 million making it quite expensive the new fighter jets will likely operate alongside uncrewed wingman drones allowing one ngad and its drones to take on the rolls current ly filled by multiple f-22s this approach could help offset the high costs associated with acquiring ngad Fighters moreover the ngad program represents a shift not only in how we approach air superiority but also in the acquisition process itself traditionally fighterjet programs like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter took a long time to develop the program started back in 1993 with Lockheed Martin's X3 5 design winning the contract in 2001 First Flight tests began in 2006 and the F-35 service life has now been extended until 2070 the extended lifespan of the F35 is partly due to the high costs of the program to justify the expense the aircraft needs to stay in service for a long time Additionally the pentagon's traditional approach to fighter Acquisitions has favored durability and longevity the NAD program's adoption of new strategies including using drones alongside manned Fighters represents a significant evolution in how the Air Force approaches both air superiority and procurement the Air Force is Shifting its approach to aircraft development instead of relying on longlasting Fighters that stay in service for over 50 years they are now moving towards shorter production runs of 50 to 100 aircraft which will be in service for around 12 to 15 years this new strategy will lead to more frequent refreshes in fighter designs keeping up with advancing technology and reducing overall costs over time a recent report from the government accountability office go highlighted the F35 program's significant total cost estimated to exceed 1.3 trillion surprisingly less than $400 billion of that cost is for the actual purchase of the 2,456 Jets currently on order the remaining 70% of the program's costs come from sustaining and maintaining the aircraft over their long service life how the US is updating its military cycle switching to more frequent development Cycles will allow the Air Force to field Fighters better suited to emerging threats while also avoiding a large portion of long-term costs initial procurement costs may increase but taking a modular approach to hardware and software will help mitigate research and development expenses for each new aircraft this shift isn't just about cutting costs the US held a monopoly on operational stealth aircraft from 1983 when the F-117 first entered service in secret until 2017 when China's changdu j20 entered service this long lead in stealth technology provided the US with a significant Advantage however with other nations now operating stealth platforms maintaining that edge will become increasingly challenging to address these challenges the US needs to keep up with evolving counter stealth tactics and Technologies such as multi-static radar arrays low band radar systems paired with infrared detection and advanced surface to a air missiles the f-35's stealth design largely developed in the 1990s may not be as effective against these new threats by the 2060s by integrating modular systems into updated designs competing firms can leverage the latest electronic warfare technology metrial and Design Elements to counter emerging threats this way today's technology doesn't need to withstand Decades of enemy advance an MS another notable change in the acquisition process is moving away from a winner takes all model in the past Lockheed Martin's victory over Boeing for The Joint Strike Fighter contract gave it a monopoly on the funding for the development production and sustainment of the fighter this limited opportunities for other companies to contribute new designs by opening up the competition for fighter contracts every few years the Air Force encourages continuous research and development of advanced fighter designs even among companies that weren't successful in previous bids will rooper a prominent figure in the Air Force has made it clear that the procurement process for the ngad program is quite different from the past instead of awarding one big contract for design production and sustainment the Air Force is splitting the work into three distinct contracts this means firms will compete in stages first for the design then for efficient production and finally for maintenance this setup creates opportunities for smaller companies to enter the competition focusing on their expertise in specific areas this specialization can lead to innovative ideas and could shift the landscape of the American fighter Market nad's approach could lead to a series of different aircraft designs over the years as the air Force integrates new modular systems into the latest designs however the most intriguing aspect of nged might be how it challenges traditional Notions of what a fighter jet should be a 2020 report from the Congressional research service noted that nged may not produce a typical fighter plane instead it could be a larger aircraft possibly even the size of a B21 equipped with directed energy weapons and capable of dominating large areas of airspace back in 2017 General Herbert Hawk Carlile then commander of Air Combat command spoke about a program called penetrating combat aircraft a precursor to ngad he suggested that the next fighter might prioritize weapon capacity fuel range and stealth capabilities over maneuverability this hints that the future of air dominance might not involve traditional dog fights although the specifics of the NG airframe and its drone support aircraft are still unknown the program's high performance is evident however it is rumored that the ngad fighter features a stealth coding to evade radar detection and a sophisticated laser weapon countermeasure system it's even said that its true standout feature is artificial intelligence allowing the fighter to control a swarm of drones for various purposes for example reconnaissance drones equipped with precise Radars can track movement within a 46 squ M radius when positioned strategically these drones create a secure Zone nearly 3,000 m in size providing early detection and rapid response in 2020 will rer revealed that the ngad program had already flown a full-size technology demonstrator which had broken a lot of Records while he didn't specify which records many speculate that they might involve service ceiling or top speed showcasing the ambitious nature of the program the development of the European Tempest another noteworthy sixth generation fighter comes from Europe and is called The Tempest it is the result of a collaboration among several Allied countries including Italy Sweden France and Japan led by the United Kingdom The Tempest features a powerful engine provided by Rolls-Royce enabling the aircraft to reach speeds up to 1,900 mil per hour during World War II the Hawker Tempest played a vital role in protecting the UK building upon the legacy of the Hawker typhoon now the UK is planning to replace the Euro Fighter typhoon with the modern Tempest a Leap Forward in British Aerospace technology in the post brexit era France has emerged as a significant player within the European Union due to its status as the only nuclear power and leader in Aerospace capabilities this positions France as a key figure in European security meanwhile on home soil UK Industries have been urging the nation to nurture talent and strengthen its economy in response the UK launched a new manned fighter program as part of its 2015 strategic defense review aiming to modernize the Royal Air Force RAF Fleet the seeds of this journey were planted in 2017 when a British Japanese working group on fighter jets was established by early 2018 the UK Secretary of Defense Gavin Williamson announced plans for a comprehensive combat Aviation strategy this was showcased at the 2018 farboro International Air Show highlighting The Tempest project object a stealth fighter with Delta wings and outward-facing vertical stabilizers key players in the British Aerospace industry such as BAE Systems mbda Leonardo and Rolls-Royce Have Been instrumental in the Project's progress they have overseen various aspects including sensors Electronics avionics and engine development the tempest's standout feature is its modular structure making it adaptable for specific missions and easy to upgrade throughout its lifespan BAE Systems plans to utilize a flexible Factory producing around 30% of tempest's Parts using 3D printers the aircraft's design includes a raised rear fuselage to accommodate s-shaped air ducts behind its two engines which helps to minimize radar and infrared signatures and maintain stealth capabilities the aircraft's fuel and weapons are like to be stored internally to keep the fighter light and stealthy it is designed to weigh between the Euro Fighter typhoon and the F22 Raptor with powerful engines to counter The increased mass of a sixth generation aircraft Rolls-Royce is providing the substantial energy needed for the Tempest their engines will feature a high thrust to weight ratio high temperature operation efficient power management and low fuel consump assumption the engines will generate 1 megawatt of power a 10-fold increase compared to the typhoon and play a crucial role in cooling the aircraft and suppressing its infrared signature Rolls-Royce has been proactive in addressing the challenges of advanced fighter jet engines launching the embedded starter generator E2 SG program in 2014 this Innovative approach integrates an internal electric starter gen generator into the engine core eliminating the need for a gearbox phases 1 and two have already seen integration and testing of the starter generator phase three plans involve implementing state-of-the-art Technologies across the gas turbine including dual Loop generation Advanced thermal management and tailored energy storage for the future operating cycle of the fighter jet a power management system is key to the Tempest project optimizing the operation of its gas turbine and controlling power and temperature systems efficiently Leonardo UK is taking charge of the avionics aiming to advance the aircraft sensors and digital beam forming Technologies the tempest's control system integrates both the pilot and AI with machine learning acting as a co-pilot the smart helmet the pilot wears tracks brain signals and medical data creating a unique database for each pilot in critical situations the AI Can Take Over Control if the pilot faces overload ensuring safety how Tempest Compares with the Dark Star the UK has been focusing on integrating unmanned aerial vehicles to complement tempest's aerial Supremacy capabilities the aircraft is designed to carry six to eight Advanced missiles for enhanced combat performance maintaining a strong position for years to come the exact missile capacity remains undisclosed but the Royal Air Force's typhoon currently carries a combination of Beyond visual range and infrared guided missiles an internal 27 mm Mouser cannon with 15 rounds and up to three fuel tanks collaboration with Japan has led to Joint missile development such as integrating Mitsubishi Electric's electronically scanned active Seeker with the Ramjet powered MB da meteor missile additionally Tempest is likely to incorporate Advanced anti-ship weapons to replace the Storm Shadow escal air-launched cruise missiles used by Britain and France what sets Tempest apart is its potential integration of combat drones and laser weapons meeting the rising demand for advanced combat capabilities the international collaboration for tempest's development reflects the growing complex it and cost of each new fighter generation during the farboro virtual air show in 2020 Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace announced the addition of seven new members to The Tempest Consortium including geuk GKN Collins Aerospace Martin Baker chinetti Q Spirit Aeros systems and phy UK these companies are working together to develop and demonstrate over 60 technology prototypes for the future fighter highlighting their commitment to advancing aviation technology in December 20120 the UK Italy and Sweden solidified their partnership in the Tempest project by signing an agreement Japan joined the effort by planning a shared engine test bed development with the UK and creating a demonstration radar for its sixth generation fighter named Jaguar the financial commitment to The Tempest project is substantial with development costs estimated at over $18.3 billion for context the latest B21 bomber in the United States has a projected cost of around $25.9 billion by July 2022 the UK announced its plans to launch a test prototype within the next 5 years the UK Department of Defense confirmed the Prototype was already underway at BAE Systems in Preston England although the specific debut date is not set for 2023 there is optimism that the collaborative efforts involving thousands of Specialists May yield significant results by 2027 looking ahead the goal is to have Tempest fully operational within the Royal Air Force by 2035 this involves a careful development process extensive testing and seamless integration into the existing defense infrastructure the anticipation is high as the prospect of witnessing the culmination of years of collaborative work and technological advancement in the form of a state-of-the-art fighter jet is within reach the question among military enthusiasts is whether the British Aerospace industry will successfully unveil the new Fighter by the 2030s the answer depends on various factors such as technological breakthroughs effective collaboration among partner Nations and the ability to navigate the complex landscape of Defense procurement and development but note that while the Dark Star relies on Advanced Laser Technology The Tempest uses a more traditional approach its strengths lie in its raw power exceptional maneuverability and impressive stealth capabilities both aircraft are part of a larger team that aims to redefine aerial combat and strengthen Global defense systems over overall these cuttingedge Fighters including the Dark Star are set to shape the future of Aviation with their Innovative Technologies and strategic advantages as these advancements continue we are entering an era of aerial Warfare that was once confined to the realm of Science Fiction Engineers from across Europe have developed a groundbreaking ho design for the Tempest aircraft that blocks radar frequencies this Innovative design uses an absorbent coating and a special shape to effectively deflect radar waves keeping the Tempest invisible to radar surveillance this level of stealth technology enhances the aircraft's ability to operate undetected in potentially hostile environments why China is spying on the Dark Star the unveiling of the Dark Star raises important questions within military and strategic circles people are curious about whether the Sr R 72 Darkstar is not only a technological Marvel and Engineering achievement but also a GameChanger that could reshape the entire landscape of modern conflict these questions hold significant implications for Global power dynamics and defense strategies the SR 72 darkar has also made its way into popular culture particularly through its appearance in the Blockbuster movie Top Gun Maverick while the movie is fictional the the inclusion of the Dark Star was rooted in the Intrigue and curiosity surrounding this Advanced aircraft the plane's appearance in the film serves as a nod to the possibilities of the future combining imagination with cuttingedge technology the collaboration between the film and the engineers behind the Dark Star created an exciting blend of reality and entertainment it offered audiences a glimpse into the extraordinary capabilities of the Sr 72 Darkstar and invited them to imagine a future where technological boundaries are pushed even further in the movie The Dark Star wasn't just a plot device it became a character in its own right symbolizing courage progress and exploration its portrayal allowed audiences to dream alongside engineers and envision a world where Innovation knows no bounds the appearance of the Dark Star on the big screen not only Bridges fiction and reality but also serves as a reminder of human potential and the Brilliance of engineering Minds as we grapple with the possibilities of the SR 72 Darkstar other players in the field of advanced aircraft are also emerging each with their unique approaches to Aviation Technology just when it seemed like the secrets surrounding the Dark Star were locked away a new character emerges in the story intelligence agency I these agencies work as the hidden orchestrators of global geopolitics especially in a world where information is power and secrets are like currency among them China's intelligence apparatus has shown a keen interest in the skies particularly drawn to the SR 72 Dark Star Chinese analysts have been closely observing satellite images catching glimpses of the Dark Star as it slices through the sky this has sparked both Fascination and a sense of urgency the Dark Star is an incredible feat of Technology but what does its presence mean for our strategic calculations China a growing force in Modern Warfare is pushing its technological boundaries with advancements in Hypersonic technology and powerful weapons the dark stars Advanced propulsion system represents a significant leap Beyond conventional aircraft technology deciphering its Secrets could lead to to breakthroughs in speed and efficiency additionally its laser Weaponry could transform defense strategies in the future China's interest in the dark star isn't just a casual curiosity it's a strategic necessity aiming for a Level Playing Field or even dominance thanks for watching see you in our next video
Channel: The Ultimate Discovery
Views: 40,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, unexplained, top 10, top 15, space, universe, science, techology, mystery, facts, interesting, discovery channel, discovery plus, scientists discovery, aliens, terrifying discoveries, top, they discovered, invention, future, galaxy, elon musk, entertainment, Ultimate Discovery, Breaking! US Air Force Declared DARKSTAR Is REAL!, Amazing Features of the Dark Star, How the SR-71 Was Created, Challenges of the SR-71 Blackbird, Dark Star Improves, US, America, Military, hypersonic, air force
Id: _mysrygpqy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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