How a Philippine coastguard ship ended up being surrounded by 12 Chinese vessels

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this is a window into part of the world few see at such close range we're in a vast area of water that's played host to a kind of brinkmanship that now looks very fragile Beijing calls this the South China Sea to these men and their government it is the West Philippine Sea this is a strategic Waterway about onethird of global Shipping passes through it it is also the epicenter of escalating tensions and the Philippine Coast Guard want us to see the reality of that up close Dawn breaks and there's tension already apparent we're being trailed by the Chinese Coast Guard our vessel is on a resupply mission to scar brashell a submerged Reef to help fishermen be depend on the lives that live beneath but this is no ordinary food delivery it's a high stakes Venture into contested Waters where confrontation is now common Chinese vessels start encircling the boat we're on blocking its they're watching us watching [Music] them then there's a sudden rush to grab boys in case there's a collision it's a delicate game of cat and mouse but here feels more like a new Cold War there is a clear choreography to all of this familiar moves are playing out every day in the South China Sea and yet you get a sense things can take a turn for the worst very quickly and soon it does the volley of water suddenly smashes into the Philippine Vessel as we're on the deck well the Chinese are now deploying water cannons firing it directly towards our boat it is instant chaos you can feel the water coming through there is nothing subtle about this the force is ferocious the worst they've ever seen it rips apart the [Music] roof this is what we are in the middle of an image that shows just how low relations have Sun afterwards China swiftly got the first word in announcing they'd expelled the ship we were on they claim they have a right to be there they're trying to keep the peace the Philippine Coast Guard disagree they turned back they said because one of their boats raadar was damaged be 4 One Voice you haven't heard from is America but its deepening ties with the Philippines has added fuel to this fire that raises the Spectre of a superp power Showdown even if no one currently wants it
Channel: Sky News
Views: 203,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: china, south china sea, philippines, sky news, world news, breaking, cordelia lynch, Philippine coastguard ship
Id: l3Q7ZBVAKfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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