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ah my hair is a mess but that is one nice thing about being a farmer you don't have to worry about your hair nobody sees you I'm not sure what's all on my agenda of plans today but we will get things figured out I can be my own boss today I can make up the rules as I go we're gonna have to wax that this summer again we've waxed it before planting time we put a whole 120 Acres on it it's probably time to clean it up and wash it and give it another wax but I'm not sure if Cooper will be using that this year on some hay baling or not we'll have to find out can't lead water to a dog but you can lead the dog to the water oh that fresh water feels so good dinner time today oh it's dinner time every day I guess now they think about it but right now it's time to eat it's noon 12 15 actually I gotta go get some food for Neva Cole Cooper and then I'm dying of starvation so mainly I'm going for me otherwise I probably really won't worry about it well no my Call of Duty for the day is Cole needed some seed so I brought out the Tinder here right now he's up there putting some telephone it's almost like powder that you put on your face this running around stuff it almost seems like it wears a guy out more jumping here jumping there than actually like running one of the tractors or sitting out there all day planting I almost feel like a donkey without no kick so I'm gonna walk up to the little tiny house and get me a water do you guys remember Barney how you doing girl how is Barney you gonna come over to the little shed with me and get a drink this is neva's brother's little puppy where's he at he's not really little he is a big pork chop Barney don't quite sound right oh it's brownie brownies are named look what my mom made me [Applause] well she actually made that for Cole and it got put on my fruit I shouldn't say my refrigerator or a little refrigerator here in the tiny shed out of there what are you doing almost like doing a C-section on the bottom of the water to get it out I'm going through the field and I'm running right beside a deer I see a deer running beside me Cooper just pulled in with the 24 row white planner he is all done planting for the year so well I shouldn't knock on wood before the wood gets knocked on Cole has about 40 acres to plant unless he has some kind of issue with his planter but hopefully he doesn't have any issues we thought we were having a little issues with the yetter trash whippers come to find out everything there is working fantastic but we think something maybe with our planter Hydraulics or something seems like it's wanting to seep a little bit like in the middle is wanting to stay higher than the edges but right now I need to get some stuff moving around I'm supposed to be washing up the Henniker cultivator and it seems like the days kind of flew by so I haven't got that far yet I say that looks good enough well you get the picture it's a message of it's going to take about four hours yuck I just about fell over I got the bill on this oil there's four drums 55 gallons each four of them there's over 6 300 bucks in case I forget to call you Uncle Rick your Barrel is now ready I'm a cornstarch just brought me butter out some pizza little Eddie's up there huh can't smile hopefully Cole will get done planting here in just a little bit I think we are all ready to get it again so we get things move on to the next project you're a wild driver asparagus in my teeth I thought it was bug guts it looked like it it did or I thought you started chewing or something you didn't tell me yeah I'm gonna kiss you for a month till the bug guts around I wouldn't either see you later you look good in that machine though just ran out here in one of our no-till Bean Fields just checking out and it's always hard when the beans are so little to really see them but they're popping through there really really good you look at all the corn trash and stuff and you just worry are they gonna come but they're in there what I'm doing I'm grabbing the seed tender out of here I guess we're done with that so I'm taking tube's truck up I don't know if we got any bullet or any extra corn left if so hopefully we can return that stuff's darn right expensive oh it's nice and warm in here it's getting kind of chilly out there on the John Deere Gator oh just about ready to quit for the night just kind of walking around making sure everything's put away kind of got things scattered here in the shop got the seed tender all cleaned up the little seed tender got it all cleaned up ready to put away this is how you know when a little baby Eddie is a farmer this is a zip tie out of the shop so he doesn't lose his binky you just gotta keep them in the dirt morning is kind of a busy morning Cooper got done flattened and Cole got done planting so got the tractors here today is cleanup day so cubes trying to blow off the dirt and dust got some stuff over here to move somebody is really really tired today wanna go check the cornfield come on buddy you wanna come talking a little chance of rain tonight what's a nice half inch of rain to soft inch would not hurt a thing I was just kind of curious this field here yesterday Cooper said there's a few spots just ready to poke the little kernel through I want to see if it's up oh I do see I see a little one right there that's a little corn right there always makes you feel good why are my shoes wet been washing stuff today I guess I got more feet on my water than my foot on my shoe so now my feet are wet oh yeah she's coming up nice in a soft rain would kind of soften the dirt a little bit there's a little bit of crust I got crust in my eyes from washing things today but like here that kernel there that ain't too bad but there it's just a little bit hard you going for a jog buddy where are you heading to this is Mama cornstarch and my little fire pit nothing fancy but it's kind of nice on some of the quiet nights in the summertime we'll come up here we're kind of bad at last year we're just I don't know where the summer went we just didn't get out here A whole lot well we gotta start one of the world's most fun not thing to do in the world we need to wash up the planter I suppose like they say you want to do it I'll let you do it [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] this fresh cutting that Cooper's doing right now it doesn't make you think of dirty socks or anything it's just a fresh fresh smell this is something Cooper started a few years ago as kind of a hay business so he will make some of his own hay and sell it and he will do custom Mowing and custom baling or just custom mowing or just Custom Custom bailing so he's got kind of a neat thing going there last year it grew quite a bit so hopefully this year it grows more I'm hoping this year I can have a little more time to help him make hay I don't know where last year went if you can see that now he's switching it to the other side that's pretty cool as a dad it just feels really good watching you know you raise your kids everything else and then seeing what they're doing makes you feel good as a parent they grow up way too fast I know that but it's nice when you can be in their life when they're older also they're like for us we're lucky our kids they're still here at home helping us working with us and my nose itches all right here comes a little gopher well the hell ain't sitting there beside him she's bouncing around to you right now little Ellie sitting there I want to go home with daddy cornstar so she can run around and chase Birds but it's really nice that Cooper's got a companionship out there riding with him also little Eddie was down here the other day looky here looky here what do we got man look at all kinds of stuff here I don't know what all here looks like we came to the end of the show wanted to thank everybody and please hit the like button and don't forget to leave a comment please I read the comments and I like to learn what you guys are doing so please leave a comment I'll talk to you guys on the next one foreign
Channel: Daddy Cornstar
Views: 202,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinery, tractor, combine, sprayer, farmer, farming, farmher, daughter, farmer's daughter, american farmer, cole the cornstar, daddy cornstar, farm, family farm, advice, family, dad jokes, dirty jobs, john deere, case ih, semi, planting, harvest, farming family, vlog, cornstar, funny, Cole the cornstar, magic mullet, Q&A, parenting advice, parenting, children, fatherly advice, American Dream, mechanic, electrician, semis, worst jobs, dad videos, small business, Dad jokes, planter, laugh, corn, beans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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