Dozer Going Through My Private Property AGAIN!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel hey today's video is sponsored by jackary I got something cool to show you later on in the video that I hooked up to my breaker box that's going to give you ultimate power when the power grid fails we all know it's going to go down it's not matter um if but when it's going to go down and yeah here in Oklahoma we've been having crazy storms abnormal don't know what's causing it you guys leave me some comments down below um I'm going to show you this and um yeah it's pretty pretty dang interesting so I'll see you guys at the creek property we'll come back here and then go back to the creek property so we're going to be bouncing back and today's video stay along with us you're going to learn something cool today and I think you guys are going to want one of [Music] these well I caught a dozer on my property uh-oh did I start didn't start you guys have a nice walk that we'll go I'll go down there later and we'll get it going okay so I wanted to show you guys um before and after Jackie still up here with his Dozer and um he's cleaning this top side up for us now he got the road done I'll show you guys all that but I want to show you before and then I'll show you after of this so he's taken out several trees for us now he's going to grade all this um we knock down the the wellhouse walls because we're going to do something different over there but he going get this all cleaned up right here it's going to be looking nice so we got all the we got all the electric lines out of the way all that stuff so now he can just start grading it and doing all that and we're going to get all this mess cleaned up from the previous owner what you doing Li it's raining starting to sprink a little bit Yeah so we have been dealing with a lot of storms here in Oklahoma and with storms comes power outages so in today's video I'm going to show you guys something that you can you can get for your home to help you with power outages and we'll go more detail about that and then when we're done with that we're going to come back here and I'm going to show you what what he's got done if you're just joining us we've had tornado watch in effect for the area during the afternoon these storms are continuing to move to the East and so we now have three severe distinct areas of severe thunderstorms that are located V's on the one that's on the areas in Brandon to the Northeast let's take another quick look at the storm that is up around the prior area and vaugh and get an update from vau what are you seeing with this cell as it's moving further to these yeah this is on that Leading Edge right here coming through Sho that actually had the looks of a funnel and I saw some something underneath it too so that area could be rotating right there Travis um right there in the center of the shot little thing sticking down but it look like a funnel just a little bit ago okay as you guys already seen um the tornado warning the power Alles that Oklahoma is facing this is a common thing here in Oklahoma and um what can we do what can you do to help prevent critical things in your house like the refrigerator um fans lights um things of that nature what can you do to help prevent outages during an outage and today I'm going to show you guys I'm going to show you exactly what you guys can do and I think you're going to find this very helpful and informative and interesting because some of you guys are going to want to do this and I think it's going to be good so check this out all right so you guys may not know this but I've actually been using the jackary brand for probably five years maybe more um right around that Mark um when we lived at the old property and we've had this jackary um uh explore 3000 Pro for probably a year and a half 2 years now it's been a it's been a while uh we have been using this during the whole build process during the whole off- grid Journey life that we were doing um all that we have the jackary um putting it to the test for a lot a long time now um so you guys can see all the different Outlets it has four of the AC 120 volt outlets and then it has this um 30 amp right here that that's what we're going to be working on today is hooking this Jacker up to the actual breaker box itself so when your power goes out you're GNA be able to still have power how awesome is that so we we ran anything you can think of pretty much at a normal home pretty much anything you could think of we have ran with this minus the central heat and air this will run a window unit um this will even run our um um our mini split because it's 120 um this thing has been put to the test and we love it we love jackary the 4 3000 pro has been awesome for us and um we're going to be hooked I'm going to show you something real quick so so today I'm going to be installing this transfer switch um to the breaker itself and um we're we're going to be able to have power what I'm going to work on what I'm going to actually work on um first is getting the um kitchen set up on this as the refrigerator and the lights and stuff in um our stove our stove is propane but it still needs electric to light um the igniter you know unless you just use a match or something but we're going to hook this up and I'm going to set it up probably in this journal area and we're going to run through so I'm going to give you a few specs before we get going just because I know some of you guys are going to be interested in this jackary 3000 um and I'll definitely have links down in the description box and the pin comment so you guys get in there and get in on the savings for all this you guys have some emergency backup power um so the jackar 3000 Pro is a solar generator um it's your ultimate home backup boosting a 324 um wat hours and capacity of 3,000 W output U it supports I can I can tell you this right now this whole run 99% of your household appliances minus um the central heat and air as far as I know um that's pretty much it um when it comes to um your household thing 99% um of things you got is going to run so this isn't just for emergency backup power you guys can definitely use this like down at the creek if you guys are going camping and um I took mine um to um the the sulfur tornado just in case um people needed some emergency backup power obviously they did and um we had it on standby so the 3000 Pro aligns with Jack's Mission um as advocates of green energy it presents a small but significant step towards sustainability emphasizing their belief in collecting power power of individual choices for the environment stewardship so what's cool about this too it charges super fast in just 100 minutes it will go from 0 to 80% um battery level charge so the EPS is emergency power backup function automatically power switching in 20 milliseconds which you won't even notice the difference cool feature they know this is heavy and big and bulky and um if you don't want to pick it up you can just will it around pretty handy makes it very convenient for Branding the girls to move around about the house if we need it to but since we're hooking it up to the main breaker it's going to be stationary for a while okay the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to hook up the actual this Outlet right here to that so I can plug in um the cord to the Jacker to the transfer switch itself so let me get this all set up and we'll come back and I'll get it up on the wall so I got the outlet screwed on now you just follow the color coordinated instructions black green and white so let me hook this up and then um we're get it put on on the actual board itself okay I saved you guys the boredom of me hooking this up to the wall I just pulled my wire through the wall got it set up just like that I think it looks pretty good nice and level and I wanted to put it below here um that way I can just easy access to it now I'm going to hook up um a couple of these circuits so I probably I don't know if I'll show you guys in detail because I'm not electrician and I want you guys to go step by step how I do it um so we'll just hook it up and um go from there but yeah not bad at all okay I got my ground hooked up I just turned the breaker off to the refrigerator let's go see if it's off okay so the breaker is off now I'm going to do is connect um the neutral to the neutral bar and then I'm going to connect the two black ones the two black wires the black wire I pulled out of that breaker hook it up to this wire hook the red one back in to where that black one's at and we'll be ready to go so let me get all that set okay so obviously I'm not a um licensed electrician so if you guys do not feel comfortable doing something like this on your own um just hire electrician do it electrician do it this won't take them I'm going to say 25 30 minutes to hook up and um you'll be ready to go it does not take that long the longest part uh for me was just getting it wired up in here and that's just because we've already got a lot of wires in there and I'm not electrician um so so me not being electrician I felt comfortable enough to do this and it's working just like it says it's supposed to so that's pretty cool so like I said always hire professional if you don't feel like doing it yourself or feel Comfort comfortable doing it yourself all right so I got it all wired up in there Hadley Hadley Hayden is the um refrigerator off check and see if the refrigerator's off okay hold on a second so now I'm G to this transfer switch I'm gonna go down to line line coming into the house is it on yeah okay now it's on hold on a second okay so I'm going go ahead and turn it off you probably just say that on I'm going to turn it it's off again no it's on yeah now it's off okay it is off yeah okay hold on so now we got our cable which is going to hook up just like this let's see here push in just like that and then told you got the 30 amp outlet right there let's see make sure you guys can see it and I'm hooking it up in here still off yeah hold on okay got it on 100% now we're going to flip it to generator is it on so now it's on so now the transfer switch we just switch uh from the main line coming into the house now we're running it from the Jacker we can hook up five more circuits for time sake I want to show you guys this the most important the refrigerator now we can run the refrigerator solely off the Jacker and what it's running right now it's actually running bry's coffee maker and some lights and stuff in there but you can see it's only it's only taking 18 Watts as of right now because the compressor on the U refrigerator is obviously off when it kicks on it'll go up but right now just run the refrigerator and whatever else they got in there we can run for 96 hours look at that 96 hours 99 hours just on what we're using right now is that not amazing so now you have Ultimate Backup power with the jackary 3000 explore Pro pretty dang cool okay you can see it comes with at least a 10t cord um and we can run this the jackary out further 10 ft still plug it in and still use these um 120 AC outlets for whatever we want we can still charge our phone right here with it the USB ports um we can still use this regular while we're running the refrigerator and stuff too so it's pretty convenient I don't have to take this over to the refrigerator now if the power's out we got hooked up directly to the breaker and it's running that and this can run five more um circuits um when we choose which ones we want to do so how cool is that it's got a little meter up there too on the show you guys you can see the Watts so I can turn this off now and just run the main power coming from the breaker box now it's back on the line pretty dang neat still close it up too the protran to so like I was saying earlier you can hook up six total um and we can hook up five more slots and we'll do that um but just for time sake for this video I want to show you guys doing at least refrigerator and kitchen area and once you get it hooked up you literally leave the breaker on because you're still running electricity through the line it's so self-explanatory line coming in and you just leave them all on and then when the power goes out you you your wife whoever just come in here and flip all these to the generator mode right there that's all you do just flip it up to the generator mode and then um you'll be able to tell cuz it's not going to run every circuit in your house so obviously like if you have a bathroom light um that you don't want to hook up to this once it comes back on on you'll know hey the power's back on so then all you do is come down here and just take it off the generator mode and put it down to the line mode put them all down there and you guys have um Power again but man how handy is this going to be okay if you guys found this interesting and helpful give me a big thumbs up leave me a comment down below and tell me if you guys got a jackary how you guys like it we love our Jackies we've been using them for I think at least 5 years and um they just come in handy in all sorts of different scenarios like you guys seeing this is super easy to do like I said earlier if you don't feel comfortable doing it don't do it hire someone to do it or have a friend that maybe's electrician that can do it but if I can do this I'm telling you guys you can do it now I have do I do have some experience in electrical stuff we've wired two houses with some help of friends so I I am familiar with a lot of electrical stuff but that being said you don't have to be a full-blown licensed electrician if you have some knowledge of it it's pretty self-explanatory comes with a easy instruction manual literally easy instruction manual you guys can do this All right so like I said earlier if you you guys are interested in this whatsoever if you guys are interested in just a jackary or the combo the jackary export 3000 and the transfer switch just click the links down below I have one uh pin comment and in the description box it'll take you right to whatever you guys need and um like I said this going to come in handy I already know it is because I know the Jacker for the last 5 years has come in handy in multiple situations this is is going to make our life a lot easier let's go back to the creek property and see what they got done out there [Music] [Music] hello is that Turtle still there when you came up here but it turned around it did [Music] well Randy good luck with the shed I had trash copperheads just to let you know so don't blame it on I'm fair warning if you find copperheads when you get home that's your fault not mine it ain't coming off no man we got that thing cined down good yep I do we put a we put a wooden border all the way around it I'm going to follow him for a little ways and it's only sticking off the side about a foot on each side so I think he's going to be good okay so you guys seen what we're doing with the um with the uh the shed you guys are asking tell me don't get don't get rid of it don't don't throw it away U someone could use that well ry's going to use it ry's taking it home he's going to use it for his garden I just I don't want it collecting copperheads up here no more I've done learning my lesson with that if it don't have a floor don't even put it out here your fingers nay keep eye on him nay so I'll follow you out Randy okay thank you yep so before we go I want to show you guys an update um an update of everything I don't know if I okay if everything he got clear I started to show you guys at the beginning of the video this is where the bus was at we got it all cleaned up I don't think you've guys seen any of this yet look at this got that all cleaned up walk around over here still looking for copperheads obviously now we just got to take care of that that's some of the stuff came out of the shed look at this if you guys remember just how bad this was if you go back to the very beginning of this little series about a year ago just how bad this was look at this it's nice and cleared now so ry's going I'm going to follow him out here in just a minute got this knocked down I can't remember what I showed you guys this is the wellhouse so this is where I want to put the bath house the first thing we're going to do I want a place for when we do camps and stuff that the kids and us and whoever can take a shower go to the bathroom normal so me and Brandy have talked and we want to put like a bath house up here maybe three stalls you know shower bath and sink boom boom boom right through here but um talking to Randy we may end up building that along with maybe like a little one-bedroom cabin a small like tiny cabin that goes with this so possibly right here we'll have living quarters for me and the girls and brandy or whoever if we have friends over they want to stay out here or something and then maybe event maybe make this wellhouse a storage spot too you know maybe go 20 ft that way and so many feet that way but have a storage along with um the well so I have all the well stuff enclosed along with inside the cabin um it'll be all be S we this the plans can change obviously but this we've been kicking around I could have a lawnmower parked in here with the Roll Up Down door and uh yeah I think that'd be pretty cool so we'll see I really like these two trees for the shade trees but if we're wanting to put a structure up here we might have to take these two trees out um we'll we'll just wait and see there's no T I hate to get rid of those two too but we need room for what we're wanting to do so in the future maybe we have one two three bathrooms maybe even a washer and dryer up here and um yeah this would be awesome so I'm in contact with septic people um uh the perk test people and all that so we're going to have to set up a meeting where they come out on site and we're going to tell them what we what we're wanting what we're wanting to do up here and they will tell us where our septic goes how big a septic that's going to be a huge huge cost is we have to have Aerobic System on this piece of property cuz we're so close to the creek and we had an aerobic system at our old house and um we had trouble with it time to time but it wasn't that big of a deal but um they don't leech into your well obviously so we have to have it so many feet away from the well and um all that stuff and so many feet away from the creek anyways I actually talking to um the well or the septic people and they said you could literally put these um aerobic systems 25 ft away from a creek and it's not going to affect the creek any because it's shooting clean water away from it with that being said I don't know that's just what they're telling me but yeah you guys can see we've got a lot of work done Jackie's done a lot of work we're going to have to hire him back for a couple more days probably this summer when it dries out and do some more clearing and um it's all looking really really good up here we got all this cleared now our friends can pick him out a camping spot if you guys remember just a couple days ago this was just full we got some piles that we're gonna have to pile up over there getting burn piles let them dry out but it's looking way different already so that's where we are at with that Jackie just got his Dozer so he's done for now I said we're getting back out here for a couple days or more just waiting to see how it goes I want this place to get dried out a little bit we got some more rain today I thought we were going to lose power this morning with um the heavy thunderstorms that hit the house like it's just never ending here in Oklahoma it seems like going across the nation these are just abnormal um storms that are causing power allergies everywhere and damage and tornadoes it's just been a crazy year the worst year that I can remember for storms is this year with the hell tornadoes and all that yeah so I don't know but hey if you guys are interested whatsoever in the jackary setup I got there will be links Down Below in um the description box and a pin comment click them get in on the savings and um you guys can have some of your emergency backup power and also like I said earlier it's not just for emergencies if you guys go camping you can take that with you run your box band run your run you a air conditioner inside your tent we've done that before in the middle of June July in Oklahoma it gets hot but yeah down below if you guys are interested thanks for thanks for watching today's video guys we love you we couldn't do things without you guys without your support we really do appreciate each and every one of you guys so with that being said we'll catch you on next video thanks for watching
Channel: Keeping It Dutch
Views: 69,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keeping it dutch, keeping it dutch homestead, off grid, off-grid, off-grid house, husband wife build house, farming, homesteading, modern homesteading, trent & alley, arms family homestead, animal rescue, Survival, how to survive, surviving hard times, survived, surviving the end, family vlog, daily family vlogs, abandoned, abandoned land, abandoned creek property, abandoned mansion, abandoned homestead, camping, hot tent camping, canvas tent
Id: hYBljVQcSDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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