How I Started Farming

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weird seeing you on camera it's been a while where you been I went to Canada for a couple weeks and then I went no I've been around but I don't know where the time's gone cold we've been kind of jumping around farming and everything else and I don't know seems like we've been spending a little more time with attorneys this year than normal but that's a whole different story I do want to thank everybody too just for being there lately I've gone places me and Mama cornstar I've had people come up to me shake my hand and just give me that quick talk and it really makes me feel good because you people you mean the world to me and so thank you guys so much for making me feel special wait a second so does this mean you are going to go back to consistently posting videos he's probably tighten that up yes well I just wondered I actually knew need to jack it up and check them I think it's the other side that's loose it could be yeah but I do need to we do need to check them and change oil and stuff so topic of the day what are we going to talk about it's not like a snowstorm maybe coming not ready for that we got a new snow floor on the other side to get a try yeah you can't say I didn't get never got you nothing we do have a new snow blower for this skid loader but I know Mama cornstar all the years we've been together why don't you ever make I always make a little path down the driveway if we can get through it I'm happy I I do not enjoy pushing snow I don't like snow so if you can spend three minutes pushing snow that's what you'll do as long as you will not get stuck with the pickup yeah Mama Corner Store comes home with her car and she's like how am I supposed to skip driving I don't know I have four wheel drives so you no I always make sure she can get parked in the garage and stuff but it can be just a little path and I'm okay with that so but now Cole bought a snowblower the skid loader here has got really nice heat in it so that is going to make it so much more enjoyable as long as I'm running a snow blower and the spout don't come back and bust my front windshield up a traumatic event did you have as a child that made it where you don't want to plow snow I don't know well probably part of it is everything we had didn't have a cab on it or you're just we had a tractor with a snow blower on it and it had heat Houser on it well you were drenched in the snow from floating around I I just never enjoyed pushing stuff and then I got good friends and neighbors you see them out there all day long pushing snow everything in their yard is just clean and beautiful looking and there is a with one little ant track through the snow drift that's probably a good four vehicles a year I'd say get stuck in the driveway usually yeah it's how you keep people away from your house yeah it's yeah oh you want to come over you can't get through the driveway yeah it's like you're not coming over today but for some reason it seems like we have the FedEx man here almost every day UPS man some kind of delivery man so I suppose for respect to them guys they do a fantastic job I probably need to make the path a little bit wider so they can get up and get through ever seen those guys walk or the speed walkers in Spain Park down by the road yeah they can just throw it by the mailbox or something we'll find it so when it comes to working on the farm you work with your two boys me and Cooper and you worked really well with Grandpa when he was alive what do you think makes it where you all work together so well because it seems like a lot of people don't seem to have that relationship with their family when it comes to work find that's the hardest people for them to work with I have seen that with Father Sons I don't know what it is and and well I'll be honest sometimes when I was younger and then as I'm got older a little older uh I've seen so many fathers and I'm not trying to be mean here but I've seen so many fathers you've got to do it my way you got to do it my way and they're trying to do it nicely but son you're not doing it my way you're carrying the buckets wrong or something and actually I seen that with one neighbor once and I'm not trying to put you down the sun was carrying two buckets and he wasn't holding them like Dad and Dad kind of flipped out I guess with my dad my dad was always so easy going there's 100 ways to skin a a rock cat whatever you want to say but we gotta upset we we each do things different and I guess learning over with my dad all the years he was so laid back for me it's just like hey you guys are doing your thing you each you and Cole got your own way of doing different things you and Cooper and I gotta accept it that hey sometimes I actually see it your ways might be better than how I've done it all these years and we got to let them little things go and it's like we're here as a team and I guess that's why I'm really proud of working with my whole family it's just fun working with the family and it's it's our stuff so what if we were doing something you knew it wasn't going to work for us that you you had learned the hard way and then UCS wanting to do that how would you approach that I have done it many times and long as long as everything's safe you know I would never let you guys walk in a trap where okay you're going to get hurt for doing this wrong but I've watched before and it's like I don't think it's going to work but you've sometimes got an experiment on your own like hey this didn't work but I don't want to be the one like well Dad always thinks he's right or because I I'm not it's a lot better to make us feel like we're the ones who figured it out versus you telling us kind of thing as long as it's not going to be a you know end of the world problem by us making that mistake and as all you guys have watched Cooper has really became I'm just impressed he's been come a great little mechanic he stays calm he you know and you've figured out so many things too coal on your own like hey what makes this tick so as a father you know watching my daughter grow up and become a great girl she's always you know on Mama corn star working hard to keep our family together bringing home money from her job to pay bills we actually got a really good team I'm down here in the big shop right now with Cole we're doing a quick film and then uh I'll go over make sure that conveyor you know if I put some boards on her just if Cody needs to load out of it I don't know if there's a whole load yet in the overhead how long have you been farming for now actually I started around 12 years old I had dad let me start getting into Hogs and sows at age 13 years old I was actually paying taxes my dad could not claim me anymore on his taxes so 13 years to now I was in high school when I bought my first 80 acres and it came over the loudspeaker that the principal heard that I bought a farm and it was in the paper so it went over the loudspeaker and that was pretty cool but I tell you what back when I first bought my first Farm it was a lot of money it was fourteen hundred and fifty dollars an acre and I was sweating bullets and now I don't even know if you could buy it ant hill for 1450 bucks an acre I mean things have gone absolutely crazy but it took a lot of work and a lot of time to pay that farm off so you know I guess that's one thing we always got to think about even you younger people work hard put your mind to your dream and go for it so if you could go back to when you were 12 and you started farming and you could redo everything you've done along the way on the farm what changes would you make that's a good question I yeah I don't know I don't know let me check to see who's calling now Texas Houston Texas but yeah oh boy you know and that's one thing we all know we can't go back on time and change time but but if there's someone right now who let's say is 13 years old or 30 years old or 40 you know they're just getting started and maybe some mistakes that you've made along your farming career along the way that you're like oh if I wouldn't have done that it would have pushed me so much further further forward you've learned from it now so like you got that tool in your tool belt but if someone can bypass you know Hopscotch that mistake yeah oh that's kind of caught me on the it's a good one I I gotta think on that one for a minute I think it's good to make the mistakes yeah and it is good sometimes to jump in things and make mistakes I mean I I don't care we can be the most perfect person in the world which I don't know of that person but mistakes are going to be happening we we got to go without the time what looks good and if it fits in you do it in maybe six months down the road maybe that wasn't the right move but you just I guess doing something is better than doing nothing you feel you did a lot of years of doing nothing oh no it seems like we're always working working working and uh I know maybe sometimes looking back maybe I wish might have taken a little more time to go off and do some fun things you don't want to get married to your work and I used to be married to the work all the time and then you know mama cornstar once like well we gotta have a little time for ourselves too and she's totally right in date night just going out spending time together with your loved one it's very very important I'm glad to see you backed out from 52 weeks a year seven days a week 18 hours a day to 50 and a half weeks a year 16 hours a day six and a half days a week the you know and on coal station we're trying to get things a little better and you know you see kind of what's going on with our one project over there that's been slapping us hard in the face and it's it's heartbreaking when you work so hard in sometimes things just ain't working the way you want them but we're going to get through that I'd say in the last three years especially we've made a lot of really big jumps yeah and just Time Savings and being able to do things more timely and I have time to do stuff or something to get to the point now or this year like with unloading corn and beans and stuff you know we're not setting up all the tractors in the cold and you know worried about stuff gelling up and and a big part of that is a big thank you to you and Cooper me and my dad always worked great together and we can't change but my dad ended up getting brain cancer and passing away about the time you were getting out of college so Cole was able to step in quick you know and Cooper was in high school so when he got home from school but now that everybody's out of school we've really pitched in trying to be more time management on stuff and it's it's showing you know so if you look at our operation now if you could make any changes in what we're currently doing what would you like to change and you're throwing some tough questions at me the big change I wish my dad and your grandpa were here yet to be a big part of this uh you know as you know when I was growing up every bill was just are we going to be able to make that land payment are we going to be able you know we made them but so tight and now we're kind of getting where things are coming together and we're still having to work hard to make sure that stays together but for changes uh I don't know I guess the big change and uh you know is to get our bin set up right so we know that's all taken care of but is there any practices in farming that you've seen over the years that you've looked at and you're like hey I think that would be kind of cool that now you're looking at you're like hey maybe I'd like to try something like that I know and you think about it every year since I started as a little boy every year things have changed and you know you won't look across some of the neighbors have tried things that we hadn't tried yet you know at first like oh that ain't gonna work and then all at once like that is a good practice you know we used to plow everything plow everything and then disc it disk it so it was so fine now you hardly ever see a plow in this area running around uh they think it would be neat sometime to try cover crop on a couple fields and see how that works and then some of the things I know we'd like to try kind of scary because it all costs anymore as everybody knows a huge chunk of money to make that next step and then is it going to pay off or is it going to be something you jump into and then two years later nobody's doing it and you got the equipment that nobody wants to buy what would be an example of that that you've seen over the years where everyone kind of got in on a fad they bought into it spent fifty thousand dollars a hundred thousand dollars and then used it for three years and then just kind of threw it in the weeds yeah for a while around here it was grain drills to plant beans it seemed like everybody was kind of jumping into it for a while and then all at once a bunch jumped out they're like hey we're getting white mold in our beans they can't breathe or staying damp in there uh it just seemed like a lot of guys shot out of that area but we still do see guys with the grain drills but I don't see it as much with the like eight inch spacings there's more let's go 15 inches or something we used to have a 15 inch Bean planter right that 5130 yeah yeah and that's what happened in our operation we were starting to get white mold in between the bean Rose and you remember what population you were planting at it was probably kind of high at the time in which we probably could have cut back but I I'm wanting to say it was around 160 000 but that's been quite a few years ago oh I took my hat off I ran into different people lately when I've been off shopping Me In Summer my daughter our daughter one day I'm a cornstar my daughter I don't want to say my daughter and then Mama Corner started saying well what happened to my daughter but anyhow we've been shopping I've had different people come up to Daddy cornstar I didn't recognize you at first you always have your stocking cap on but you were talking we heard your voice and then we realized it was you so take my hat off for a minute it's probably messy and stuff but that's one nice thing about being a farmer you don't need to comb your hair you don't need to look good this one's out and about and they see you somewhere what should they do I see it quite a bit when we're out and about sometimes people are off you know and I can hear them like oh that's daddy cornstar or whatever do feel free I love it I love it people come over they give me Hi-Fi they shake my hand or whatever and maybe say a few words or whatever but I really do appreciate it uh I know come over and say hi don't just try to sneak a sneaky picture and walk away or be scared to talk to you I had a guy the other day that was sitting not too far from me and I could see him with his camera up and all the ones I looked at him and you know and then he did talk but uh just come over I I had some little ones the other day come running up to me hey Daddy cornstar can I get a selfie with you absolutely yes I love it so yeah when's the next video whoo hopefully we can do this at least weekly or maybe sooner I don't know make some comments of what you guys would like to talk about today is just kind of thanking you guys for everything Christmas is coming on here pretty quick I want to wish everybody Merry Christmas and happy New Years and stuff oh I was going to mention Mama cornstar wanted to say hi today too she's up in the house she's just not feeling real good she looks fine and everything but she's kind of got this cough and she just didn't want to wander out to the shops this morning so Mama corn star says hi to everybody too see you guys next time and we'll talk to you real soon
Channel: Daddy Cornstar
Views: 82,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, stories, funny, happy, dad jokes, pulled over, police, combines, tractors, daddy cornstar, Cole the cornstar, magic mullet, chocolate milk, Q&A, farmer, joyful, christian, parenting advice, parenting, children, cats, fatherly advice, good people, responsibility, American Dream, mechanic, electrician, plumber, semis, Jesus, advice, counselor, snow plowing, pushing snow, cold weather, dirty jobs, worst jobs, famous, accountability, dad videos, pets, small business, work, Dad jokes, cooking, family
Id: K9c_AEsRzsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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