I Have NEVER Hit This Much Metal In A Log

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[Applause] yeah it soaks in makes a little red or looking [Music] [Music] so guys we're gonna have we're gonna have to interrupt this process of getting the log home to the mill real quick I just discovered this wire coming out of this tree that these are yard trees that I picked up last week and you know they're really nice trees but yard trees are notorious for having stuff in them the last one that I cut have managed to hit a nail in it and this one looks like it's got a pretty big wire this was probably used as a clothesline it looks like some kind of an electrical cord cable maybe a maybe a satellite dish cable I really have no idea but anyway it's possible that it was something neat somebody use as a clothesline but we're gonna see if we can dig it out I don't want to have to cut through this [Music] [Music] so I didn't get very far here but you can kind of tell what's going on I thankfully this is you know just regular electric wire or I don't really know what it is but it's not you know it's not like a not like really not a hard something like a nail or screw so hopefully I won't do a whole lot of damage to the blade but there's really no telling what the story with this thing is it could is there's a good chance that it was wrapped around the tree years and years ago and the tree grew into it there there's just no way to know and I guess what I'm just going to have to do is plow through it and see what it looks like which is really not what I wanted to do but I feel like if I start digging on this thing it's just going to it's going to be one of those things it gets worse as you go so guys we managed to position it so that these wires are facing up that way you know it was kind of happenstance but it's nice because we'll know as soon as we cut into it what we're dealing with if we're dealing with something that's on the surface or if we're dealing with something that's really deep into the tree you might be wondering why don't I cut it off right here just to deal just to not worry about that anymore or should I deal with this log anyway well I think it's worth it to at least try because this is a really nice log we're looking at about eighteen and a half or so inches on that end about 17 inches on that end it's a really nice log and it's got some super nice lumber in it and I just would really hate to have to cut off almost three feet well almost three feet of this tree of this log rather to you know just to just to try to avoid that it's still evening with seven feet but still if I can get those extra three feet I want them so let's just cut it let's just see what we get and we'll go from there I'm gonna leave the old blade on the mill that has already been damaged by nails it's still cutting pretty good but it's already had some had some had some battle scars applied to it so we'll let that be the sacrificial blade as we as we learn about this log let's give it a try [Applause] so let's see what we've got here of course our best-case scenario man that's our worst case scenario she's gonna say our best case in there while our best case scenario would have been if that would have been you know just kind of along the outside of the tree but we have got it just dead center right there and you know it's still possible that the tree down in the middle very small portion of it toward toward the heart was when it was actually done and this was actually wrapped around it let's take another slice off the top and see what we've got all right so by the sound of things we're not improving a whole lot so there's our top slice right there and there's the we found a nail we found a nail on top of that yikes so I'm not sure what y'all can see it but here's our wires right here here's our nail that we just hit and those are actually coming directly out of a now I don't know if that's a knot or if that's just damage from that wire but if it's a knot there's I guess there's a possibility there could have been a limb there at one point and that's what they put it around and maybe that nail was there to anchor it I I really have no idea right now I'm gonna flip this log over and take a slab off of the other side and see if this wire shows up on that side as well you know the blade doesn't matter because it's already pretty well wrecked it's still cutting okay and these boards are for siding for our house it's not like we need precision cuts here so let's just keep going we're in too deep to quit now so it did not show up on this side at least at this depth so let's go ahead and flip it again and and keep going [Music] [Music] so here's what I think I'm going to try to do here's our problem right here here's where those wires go in and of course I don't have any idea how deep those go but you remember we hit that nail right there as well so I wonder if this was put on somewhere around the same time as this nail was put on if that's the case I bet we're getting close to the end of this so what I'm gonna do is flip this 90 degrees and start slicing off of this side and see if we can get up under all this mess and once we get up under this mess and cut this cancer out I think we'll I think we'll be okay but you know like I said I have no idea how deep it goes but I think that's the most the most reasonable plan of action here [Music] [Music] this is starting to get painful y'all that's our top board that came off of that and that's what we just sliced through I basically just produced a cross-section of a nail you know see that plus there's a nail there's a nail there's a nail and there's the cross-section right there all right so let's go ahead and take like a two inch slab off of it and see what we get actually I tell you what at this point I think I'm gonna try to dig and see if I can get these nails out alright guys I think I got it before we go back to Saul in here I want it I want to demonstrate something I got a lot of people on the channel telling it hey you need to get yourself a metal detector and you know of course that would be a pretty good idea but the problem is you know these actually I've actually got one but the problem is these things don't really check more than maybe a quarter of an inch down into the wood we have used this in the past for just metal detecting boards before they went through the planer just to make sure there's not any nails in the boards and that works great for that because the thicknesses you're dealing with are not so bad so let's turn it on and I'll give you I kind of give you a demonstration of what I'm talking about so real close to the surface we've got these nails and it'll detect them just fine so that's actually it's actually about two inches inch and a half two inches that it's detecting those nails but once you get a little little bit farther out it just doesn't pick them up it starts detecting them right there so that's only an inch inch and a half maybe away from those nails so as you can see it just doesn't just doesn't go that far so yeah the metal detector would be a great idea but these little handheld detectors they just don't they just finish don't go that deep into the log so anyway I hope that answer some questions about Wyatt don't bother using a metal detector with these logs that's why all right so I went ahead and I put another blade on it and we're gonna go ahead and make a few more cuts and make sure we are we are free from metal in this log and then I've got something a little bit special I want to show you all [Music] I think we are good I don't see any more medal there are nail holes that we dug those nails from actually produced a pretty pretty nice figure in there that's kind of cool so I think we're good I think we're good let's flip this log and I want to show you all something pretty cool so a couple of videos ago we took that wood miser blade that had endured a couple of pretty bad nail strikes and we put it on the cook's cat claw sharpener and tooth setter and we were able to repair it well cooks happened across that video and they left a comment on it and they also sent me an email and they were kind enough to send me a box of blades they sent me a box of just standard 10-degree plane blades and they also sent me a box of what they call this are they 75 of what they called their super sharp blades now this is one of the super sharp blades and I can attest that it those are those are some pretty sharp teeth on this thing let's put it next to just a standard wood-mizer blade and see how see what the difference is so here's a wood-mizer blade in the cook's blade right next to one another and you can kind of see the difference here's the wood-mizer blade and you can see that tooth is a little bit I guess you'd call it thicker and this tooth from the tooth face to the back of the tooth face is a little bit thinner and it looks a lot more like you know looks a lot more like a cat claw I guess I don't know if that's going to equal more longevity of course that has a lot more to do with the hardened hardness of the tooth and of course what you're cutting and then it does and then it does all of this I would I would assume but something else is interesting this is not a new wood-mizer blade by the way this is one that I have resharpen but something that's interesting on this and it kind of gives me some hope for for good quality blades here is the case hardening or The Temper on this is much darker than the then the wood-mizer one and now like I said this one's kind of been through it so you can't tell but right out of the box that's something that I noticed that the on this on these teeth were a little more pronounced a little bit darker than the wood-mizer so let's uh let's go ahead and get this on the on the saw and see how it performs so just kind of take that comparison with a grain of salt a better comparison would have been between our brand-new wood-mizer blade and this brand-new cook's blade but that's just kind of what I grabbed it fits that's a good sign so what I'm gonna be looking for is you know how fast this blade can go through the cut and also longevity it's going to be kind of tough to test longevity with this clean log that we've got here but I'm also going to be testing the quality of the cut I'm going to be interested to see what kind of saw marks it leaves on the boards alright let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so guys that's it we managed to get through that a very very challenging log we managed to wreck a blade I don't I'm not sure if that blade is salvageable we chipped some teeth off of that when it was it was pretty rough but either way we got a lot of really good logs out of this despite the nails those were either 16 or 20 penny nails I'm not sure which but they were big and they did a lot of damage plus that cable on it I'm not sure what his name is but the gentleman that runs us the YouTube channel southern Indiana sawmill I'll put a link to his videos in the description but he said on one of his videos that saw milling is something like saw milling is not about not about sawing lumber it's about winning and I think we conquered I think we won on this log so I'm pretty I'm pretty happy with it we got about 17 like 17 boards out of that we there that are 11 and a half inches wide three-quarters of an inch thick these are going deal on the side of the house as pine siding of course we're going to put some kind of a water treatment on the outside to keep those looking good for a long time in a board and batten type style and we conquered we conquered this log and I'm really really really happy with it that cooks blade that's a pretty good blade I'm pretty impressed with that blade I think the sawdust removal from between the boards is a little bit better than wood-mizer and I think the gullet is just a little bit deeper on the cooks blade that's why it manages to do that of course the best comparison will be two brand new blades between wood-mizer and cooks but if those cook's blades have good longevity to them and I suspect that they do those are nice blades very sharp good sawdust removal a very nice cut the cut is the cut quality is comparable as far as the saw marks go and you know those are those are nice blades I'm not sure what the cost is but I'll put y'all a link in the description to cook saw and y'all can check out what they've got and a big shout out big thanks to cooks we're sending me those blades and yeah really appreciate that that'll go a long way to helping this sawmill keep going so thanks for watching in this video thanks for enduring all the all the horrendous noises of blade hitting metal I know that's a painful thing to have to listen to but it was it ended up being worth it and we managed to conquer this log and that's that's what counts so I appreciate you all watching and I will see you all next time thank you all by yourself oh thank you Oh all done all done go do it again look at all that water [Music] was too heavy for let's not put it in the dirt gap it up here
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 593,876
Rating: 4.835546 out of 5
Keywords: pine, pine log, destroyed blade, blades, cooks, cooks saw, wood Mizer, woodmizer, fall line ridge, sawmill, mill, saw, metal, nails, homesteading, siding, work
Id: 7bQt0rfhZ_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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