It's Not Over Yet | Pastor Alph Lukau | Celebration Service | Sunday 30 December 2018|AMI LIVESTREAM

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is a remainder house today your son has victory [Music] shut up geez Jesus is Lord [Music] hallelujah this is a sacred moment this is Normand is very sacred somebody becomes sensitive to the presence of God just pull it down just pull it down just pulled out a picture of your time your time your time your moment you will see your moments mirror your moment show me your son of victory some but Jesus your son of victory victory for you entertainers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are [Applause] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see somebody making honey this crazy [Applause] [Music] God is a good God amen I welcome all of you in the house of God and I believe there's something good happen to all of us if you may I want you to greet the person on your left and right and as you can I want you to declare that something good will happen to him or to her I don't know yeah hey man he's a good guy god bless you amen hallelujah the devil wanted you dead but you are still here Amen Lord Jesus throughout the year it puts you through all kind of pressure but you are still here thank you Jesus that take your grave before time hoping to see you in it but you are still here touch the people say I'm still here I'm still yeah I'm still here today God order to exceedingly abundantly above all you asked and a hook for Who am I speaking to you see God bless you if you may please have a seat and welcome all of you here present in the main auditorium in the accession in the overflow those of you in the premises of this church and that those of you may be watching us live from around the world you are watching us via television you are watching us through the youtubes through a Facebook or any other platform we have different platforms we have a my TV we have TV Africa in Ghana agree to all of you and may the Lord our God bless you norville - Jesus included in the list of those who are watching us live we have all our branches in Namibia a minor media in my Tanzania in Jerusalem with zerubabbel emmazym bob weh mi singapore mi Lesotho a mime Africa we greet all of you in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah it gives me great joy to be able to stand and minister as I CLE do not take it for granted that our stand and speak the Word of God the election of God is done by sovereignity it is only he who knows who you wanna use how and honestly I don't take it lightly so I don't believe that I am worthy I am something important God can use anybody that's right so the opportunity granted to me to stand before you and to be a tool ever so humble me and the day-night a prayin as a lord may I be found faithful faithful to the cause faithful to the assignment till the end so family I wanted to keep praying for me pray for me pray for your spiritual father that he may remain faithful it may still be the aggressive man that kicks the devil out of your yard [Music] I pray that he may never come Malo when it comes to the things of God praise that the audacity of youth of his faith may keep on pushing him into great heights we are here to take over until Jesus Christ returned we do not apologize about it we are here to take over is there any child of God who's here to take over until Jesus returned we'll take over until Jesus returned thank you and I want to say thank you to all of you who this year join with me as your Moses to hold my hand in doing what God has a son me to do here referring to specifically the AL partners those who have God beyond themselves to support the work of God financially the family no matter what we may want to see the work of God requires all of us together and as we put our resources together we are able to accomplish much we have great work to do and I tell you no one can do it alone so those of you who this year decided to join me and be financial partners that are holding my hand so that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ may be preached to the ends of the earth a salute you and may my god remember you may my god bless you in this season and if you are here you are of those who say that I want to be part of the AL but knows I don't know how to go about that but our love posture to hold your hand financially and preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus cross with you I want you to please after the service go to the reception of the church right in front of the wall of Covenant there will be a temple there and get a form fill up a form if you have questions who to ask there'll be answers to give you please be a financial partner help me serve God amen today we have here a number of VIP IVP people that have come from across the world to spend this time with us and cross over with me to 2019 is there any AVP person here glory to Jesus well while I was entering I just saw four more buses coming and we have quite a number of the IVP people on the best man in the overflow God spoke to me vividly he said there are actually hangs and anoint you preparing you for the year to come glory to Jesus and hear me if you have this lastest idea of what is about to happen to you you'll ignore the pain that you may be feeling right now because the Egyptian that you see today you will see them my name is Liu Tao [Music] I serve God I did not improvise myself something good is about to happen to you change sources of your life I perceive the moment as a low say I will anoint every one of you our lay hands personally on every one of you thank you how to declare a word personally on every one of you as a Sufi will manifest hallelujah in Jesus name Amen please let me perhaps a one or two things on an IVP IVP is not a program to just come and get o it is a convocation and it is also a platform that allows me to be a blessing to those who are coming from very far many people come from extremely far places and that they are cost involved in your coming you have to plan it you have to take leave you have to buy a ticket so after such effort it is just faith that a little more may be done for me we were saying we keep on saying you are part of the IVP a VP stands for international visitors program it is the program done for you is not your program so don't program the program you find in you not permitted you fit in the program you don't come and say I want it to be this way man doesn't work here so this program is there to cater for you it is not a program for people who just came you must be part of those who are registered because to those who are register we take responsibility and we take care of you and you hearing me we had somebody who came from other oh we don't remember the person came and it was a visitor but it was not part of the international visitors program so the person booked himself in a certain guest house or chair or something like that just to know that that that was on the threaten Thursday that night he didn't make it the person died in the guest house none of us knew none of us knew why because the person was not was coming to church but was not part of the IVP so coming to church from far does not automatically met you part of the IVP are you hearing me as you can see there are tens of thousands of people that come here majority of them come from here they do not come from outside they come themselves they find a seat they received the word and they go home so if you come from far and you are not you did not let us know and you did not register to be part of the program you fall in that category are you hearing me and the IVP don't you make payment please understand it is free of charge the payment you make is for what you eat for where you stay are you hearing me for what moves you from one place to another do you understand now I know the debate will be me I can get a nicer place me I can get a cheaper place that's your problem this is the IVP is take it or leave it that's right as simple as English says it are you hearing me be careful not to register with people on social media please and be careful to begin to have your registration with your own agent in the truth no pastor is your agent you deal with the offices no pastor no leader so if you have now your personal agent you speak to from afar that takes care of you you must know you are not falling in the category of those who are validated because no pastor no minister no leader is permitted to take your money is permitted to help you in any way whatsoever the best I can do is direct you where the office is are you hearing me amen but if you do an extra deal you are not in the jurisdiction of what binds us are you hearing me now if you are here you came to the IVP with brother kabuki that I do not know have you IVP with brother kabuki and also please let me tell this to my sons and daughters I believe my sons and daughters are very disciplined especially to people who come there are people who are familiar faces but they are not recognized faces here they just familiar because you see them up and down are you hearing me so if you come from far you feel like because this is a familiar faces familiar face it means it is a proof face you'll find yourself in problems I want you to have the best and we are trying our best to give you the best are we together when I look at what God is doing when you look around and you look in the other floors I had said it a thing two weeks ago three weeks ago this place cannot fit us all anymore it breaks my heart to have so many people outside we literally have sometimes more people in the overflows that we have inside we need a bigger venue how many of you agree it will require all of us to work together bigger venue is not a matter of finding one there are technicalities around that one needs to spot a venue fix it speak to the council get the adequate permissions the rezoning and it takes really really long from where we are the idea is that we purchase the entire Crescent and I have our church here but family this would take us between four to five years that we do not have we are not abandoning that project will still carry on on that but I think that the next year we can be here there is great investment here a lot of money resources have been placed for this venue but money means nothing Souls means everything Jesus but I want you to family please stand with me and pray with me that this may be a reality we need at least a thirty five to fifty thousand seater this coming year three to Jesus and that is what we want if we can sit inside one auditorium between thirty five to fifty thousand we will be at peace and grow into it for maybe a cup of few years then we break it again amen I need you to stand with me in this quest don't leave me alone in doing this don't say okay once you find it once you do everything give us the address we'll be there please be part and parcel or what God is today will you do that with me will you do that with me and God will account you in next year what I have in the beginning of the year our forty days fasting before ministering I want to insist on this forty days fasting is there anybody who ever fasted for forty days all right is there anybody who has never fasted for forty days is there anybody who has never fasted for twenty-one days is there anybody who has never fasted for seven days is there anyone who has never fasted at all I still have hands hear me you will not die fasting will not kill you it will build you forty days starting from the 14th of January I want you to write it down I want everyone in the world I want all of us to fast together there'll be a corporate anointing that will be released through this fast so no matter where you are I want to invite you join hands with me as we pray and fast seeking the face of God most fasted for 40 days Elijah fasted for 40 days Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days I want to invite you to fast for 40 days this is how all of fast throughout the day you are free to drink but not to eat until 6 p.m. of 7 p.m. depending on where you are and your capacity if you are come to church because your breakfast every day if you come to church here at 6 o clock for one hour we'll pray then we'll breakfast at 7 but if you feel like a comp in church I'm too far I'm alone you can break your fast at 6 o'clock are we together you don't eat you can drink but in your drinking you can only drink water nor flavored water pure holy water you drink water the second thing you can drink is grape juice no orange juice no mango juice no apple juice grape juice the third thing you can drink is tea with no sugar no milk that would deal with you your Trinity no sugar no milk but because we are in the period of grace through Jesus Christ you can put honey are you hearing me so you can take your tea with honey just drink enough don't drink as if you eating those are the three things it will help you it will help you physically it will help you spiritually 40 days we close our fast on the 22nd of February is a Friday and it will be an overnight and it will also be our first IVP of the year allowing all of us who are fasting across the globe to come here and close the fast it will be our grand finale will I have an overnight are we together are we together how many of you are fasting with me how many of you are fasting now family if you are on medication and you cannot stop it please don't fast how fast for you are we together if your medication you're taking medication please don't fast I'll fast for you if you're a pregnant woman please don't fast or fast eat food what you should do is maybe not carry on your life as usual remove certain things remove chocolate remove pap because you on medication eat tomatoes and carrots and all those nice things it will help you I weight together now lift your hand and say Lord Jesus Jesus I know today's my day today is my day before we go to today's your day instead of mine and my precious daughter have just brought great joy in my heart being a day or two ago they were celebrating their 20th anniversary as husband and wife and today before Minister I want to pray for them and I bless them for the next side of the journey together I am talking about my precious daughter pastor ilat and my precious son pshah Stefan Laurie to Jesus celebrate Jesus am i glory to Jesus please stand here this is how you do it hallelujah you stay together you stay together the secret that keeps couples together is the ability that discover in solving their problems marriage is an institution established by God there is no marriage that is perfect there are always be hiccups but you must know God wants you to go through it with his strength and with His grace marriage is a beautiful thing are you hearing me they say the worst marriage cannot be compared to the best divorce there is no winner or winners in a divorce the two of you work together this farm you should have a secret hallelujah there is clearly a secret evil I just wanna say having leaders who role models and examples even when it comes to family is something that our generation is to see the institution of marriage is under attack the enemy is witchy-woo openly against it we together wanna pray that God who brought you this fall he may keep you together amen and that nothing may come between the two of you you see love each other sorry still as fresh as the first year [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need to write a song that will be singing for days like this we have songs for birthdays and we need to have songs for days like this keep walking together walking together we are here proud of you I'm trying my best [Music] today they have rings your husband cannot give it to you this one if he doesn't love you he loves you too much do you love your husband I think they should get another word for what I feel for him love with you Jesus after 20 years you are still hearing this they want to go higher the well son I want you two today to do something for me you will speak to your precious one and as she will do the same I want to pray for these rings these are the new rings Heavenly Father I thank you for the institution of marriage Lord we understand that it is established value and we pray God that from you they may find grace to keep them walking together bless these rings Oh God accept them as a seal of the Union oh Lord I seek more grace as they renew the vows to each other in Jesus precious name I want you to put a ring on a finger and I want you to say a few words to her tell us something renew it to renew it don't be jealous Am I let's celebrate Jesus no don't be don't be shy on the 20th of October 1993 I set my eyes on you for the first time and I can still remember it as if it was yesterday I know it was God's moment I know it was divine and here we are 25 years later we were engaged for five we've been married for 20 I love you beyond any world hallelujah celebrate Jesus I cannot imagine life without you and Beyond the Lord Jesus Christ and a gift of salvation there is nothing greater and better that I've received from heaven than you [Applause] as I place this ring on your finger I promise you 20 more years of pure marital bliss anyway I failed yesterday I will succeed in the next amen amen Satan attention return we find out fall for this you you know I really felt like crying literally hearing my son speak Jesus Christ this is a kind of speaking that can make other husband look bad your husband your own husband my my own now I thank the Lord for you I thank you for leading me I thank you for guiding me I thank you for praying for me I thank you for the fact that you brought me to my father and my mom I thank you for being the father that you are I thank you for putting us first I thank you for fighting battles for us I know the next 20 years will be even greater and I pray that I'll be that what I was not in the first part that woman will steer whatever the Lord has placed in you to come to fulfillment I love you that's French [Applause] [Music] would your family stretch your hands toward them what an awesome day what a beautiful couple in the name of Jesus cross as a lay my hands on my precious son and daughter I ask God to renew the strength keep them strong together on this race on this journey make the difficult easy make the impossible possible make every crooked way straight Lord a place a circle of fire around the lives around the marriage a degree and a declare in this day the weapon formed against them shall prosper may this year and the year to come be full of grace for them in Jesus name we pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a love that leaves forever love that never dies that's you hallelujah it's a love that leave that's all hallelujah would you stand a fish again [Music] lift your hair as if you can this is your time this is your moment nothing just happens God brought you here and this God is faithful he will fulfill his word Lord we give you glory Lord we give you praise bless us O God today in a wonderful name of Jesus cross we pray amen man god bless you please have a seat I read with you from the Book of Numbers 11 verse 18 to verse 22 numbers 11 then you shall say to the people read with me consecrate yourself for tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen I want to read again numbers 1118 then you shall say to the people consecrate yourselves for tomorrow you shall eat meat for you have wept in the hearing of the Lord saying who'll give us meat to eat for it was well with us in Egypt therefore the Lord will give you meat and you shall eat you shall eat not one day not two days no five days no ten days not twenty days but for a whole month until it comes out of your nostrils and becomes love some to you because you have despised the Lord who is among you and I have wept before him saying why did he did we ever come up out of Egypt and Moses a the people who I am among a 600,000 men of food yet you have seen I will not give them meat that they may eat for a whole month shall frogs and herbs be slaughtered for them to provide enough for them shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them so to provide enough for them and the Lord said to Moses as the Lord I'm being shorted now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not I tell you this is a day this is a day now I want to plan a picture here and take you slowly into the water of the scriptures in the letter surface the third service I will speak to us about tabara somebody help me said that there are today it stops here Deborah the burning in the letter service I will speak to us a bit about tobira it stops you but I hear familiar I want to paint a picture of what God wants you to understand this is a story of Israel in their work in Egypt in the walk out of Egypt in the wilderness the relationship with God the Bible begins by speaking about their memory and because they have murmured expressing their lack of faith toward God the Bible says it displeased God and they were punished for that the Bible say Moses : God and that stop there and he called the place nebera gather for moved as Moses the intercessor stood between God and His people and cried out to the Lord for his people saying these people are your people consider them as your people don't allow me to carry this load alone for day and not my people the Lord is too heavy I cannot bear it every man of God has gotten once in his life at least to that point wastes too much and you want God now or you're quits tomorrow so it is say God heard him and God said I will come down but this now what I will do because they need to doubt me I will show them what I am made of my god is not a weak God I am preaching across the globe I don't serve a broken God I don't serve a God that needs succeed I don't serve a God that needs amelioration I don't serve a God that needs an upgrade he's strong and mighty is it because the people doubted me I will show them this world has turned his back on God this world has chosen things that God is able to do and things that God is not able to do we say if you have a migraine and it started an hour ago God is able to help you but if you have an incurable disease according to your local doctor God is unable to help and if anybody will come and say God still came through for me in that which man had deemed impossible they reject you and say this is false this is alive because you see in the psyche of man they have set a line they have divided things we can simple things of life they say God is able to assist you with what is difficult and impossible they say God can no help you you should go to the doctor as if they are implying that your local doctor the generalist and the specialist is wiser than your God is greater than your God that science is more advanced than the power of the Living God I am here to rectify that in my generation I said I am here to work to fight in my generation because they have doubted that I am able to sustain them and I look back to Egypt and contemplated the lives the head yesterday and say it was good for us to be there than to be here in the plan of God I will show them what a matter of if your God is weak come and try mine I said if your God is weak and broken come and try mine I'm standing on the altar of Alleluia Ministries International in Johannesburg South Africa on this of faithful Sunday on the 30th of December 2018 declaring to the world that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever what he did yesterday he's able to do today somebody's miracle will happen I just don't know who I'm speaking to but if it is you I'm speaking to give Jesus cross and loudest gracious gracious glory to Jesus please have a seat so because they have doubted me this is what I would do I want you to go and speak to the people now God is addressing Moses God is having a conversation with Moses God is speaking to an anointed Moses an appointed Moses not an improvised to Moses and improvise Moses cannot hear him and he provides Moses will be shocked as much as you are shocked because you see is defeated as you are defeated but God is speaking to wonder--i he has poured out of the waters one that I has met in the burning bush one that he has say if they ask you send me tell them I am that I am has sent me he's speaking to Moses and he says to Moses he said go Swift you see this is all about the prophetic because you see when we speak about the prophetic the prophetic is the speaking forth what the Lord has said you speak it it's a go and convey the message Moses was not the one speaking what is they did not derive from him he had in him no ability to fulfill that what you are saying as long as he had spoken what God had seen whatever came out of his mouth was bound to happen everything I declare over you to think will happen to you I was saying I say it will happen to you I was like it or not I say it will happen to you I receive it everything I declare over you today on behalf of Jehovah it shall happen to you I ever say that in the name of Jesus he said tell them consecrate yourselves please have a seat consecrate yourself sanctify yourself move yourself from any form of destruction align yourself you see many of us miss our miracles is because we are too much in the messy things of life you gotta learn to cut yourself off certain things you didn't come here to sit on that seat that's it cannot be the make-or-break of your day-to-day because somebody said you can sit here your days well consecrate yourself touch yourself move yourself you must be Purpose Driven what is it applaud me here why am I here am I here to have a good pocket am I here so that somebody may wave to me there are people family you're gonna ignore you give them too much value over your life whether this person smiles back to you or not it should not change the fact that that you have come in faith to receive from Jesus grass because you didn't know that the wind the devil want to mess you up you use people certain people don't look at you up and down you ask yourself what's wrong with me are you hearing me cosa clutch yourself and look at the person that you say I'm not here for you though I praise God for you I praise God for you but I'm not here for you but I'm not here for you no well I praise God for you when I look at you I thank God for your makeup you have mixed the blue and the yellow the blue on the top and I thank God for you but you can't understand I'm not here for you heaven trauma church off amen I like your hair the way you move it and the way you shake it but it deep in my heart I know it's borrowed it's not your natural head so don't make me miss Jesus over your head look at another never say never I appreciate you I appreciate you but I'm not here for you but I'm not yet for use of life that can cause you to miss your miracle the issues of life that can stand as an umbrella to stop you from getting weight from the rain you made the place of blessing but you are not less why because there is a situation there is a what's up that you receive this morning there is an issue that you left yesterday is it certify yourself consecrate yourself move yourself away live within boundaries some of you would not be here if everyone who have said something over you once they can serious some people told you don't go but in yourself you say I'm going and if I said like I'm calling the devil is a lie I'd call a man from the time of John the Baptist till today the kingdom of God suffers fallen the following take it my fault not Libya have fallen South Africa the followed by food I'm talking about Nigeria the father taking it back loss that father to take it by force the word of the Lord came to Moses and God commissioned him and say go to these people and speak to them Moses was not driven to speak by his own gut feeling he was speaking because God sent him to speak he was a an appointed servant of God a true servant of God does not improvise himself it does what it does because it is a will of God God is the push that pushes him toward direction it takes it doesn't do things because you want people to see him it doesn't want fame is a em is not what he can get is to do the will of he who sent him Moses went to do the will of God by speaking and you will note that the words that he had to share did not come from him it came from God and it did not edit it it took it and give it to them so sometimes when the prospect upsets you the person you suppose ready to get made with is not the Prophet is the one ascending don't give the messenger because you see what is doing is simply convey what he has received he is speaking forth that's where a true prophet should be so strong in his conviction that is not moved by what is seasoned firmly we have no power against the truth the power we have is full the truth if God says it you're gonna be able to say it and if you cannot say it you are not qualified to be a spokesperson of the Lord Almighty so Moses did not edit the Word of God is saying to Israel what God has said you say consecrate yourself sanctify yourself God had something in mind but for that to take place they with things that Israel had to do many of us who want to get everything that God has for us for getting our responsibility there are things that I have been expect of you before you get your miracle and among them many things that God may expect of you before you get your miracle might be that are you join and come here somebody will get this miracle today is simply because it's here that's right I think that you have to do to get your miracle listen to me if you sit and do nothing the probability is that you will get out of here with nothing I am here like a woman with an issue of blood who say to herself if I can only touch the hem of his comment I shall be mad world I stand as one of the fully person who said why should we here until we die I gotta do something this situation cannot carry on like this after this paper cannot have an upper hand on me enough consecrate yourself for tomorrow go scratch yourself what he wants you to do now is for your own good goddess or ask you to do things that I will work against you it loves you so much there are even the things that you may think it's hard to do it's all for your own good it's awful every commandment of God the world that you receive the instructions of God are all designed by God to help you to things to be everything that it got you to be he said the reason why I want you to consecrate yourself it's not because I want to punish you but it is because tomorrow I want you to eat tomorrow I want you to receive he said consecrate yourselves for tomorrow you shall eat meat for you have wept in the hearing of the Lord saying who will give us meat to eat Mastan as a prophet over your life and lost to you what the devil cannot revoke yes I'm a Steve Mostyn as a prophet over your life and add notes to you what the devil cannot before tomorrow you shall eat I ever say tomorrow baby the last day of this year and for some of you you thought that it was all over that you miss 2080 now by hear me if you shall consecrate yourself today tomorrow you shall eat you shall receive tomorrow you shall testify tomorrow you shall glorify God is the consequence yourself before tomorrow you shall eat literally say I shall eat I say I've seen sons and daughters of God study throughout the year and you look back and say oh God will I ever get in the place where I also testified will you relieve me from my pain no this is too much Lord I can't take it anymore Oh God God God come down humid I stand as an author as mouth of God I decree and I declare over your life tomorrow by this time you shall testify the goodness of God I say that before the end of this year before the last minute of 2018 you notice in the process of God uses solid that is a good God God is about to do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask if it is you can you make your own egos crazy noise in desire to Jesus [Applause] we were saying Chamorro hmm you shall eat never sale and they say not only that you shall eat you shall eat the very thing that you really love the for earlier you will eat meat God is about to give you meter ah you tested milk before you have been sustained by milk but now daddy said I will give you meat something big is about to come to somebody here this is how your testimony would say this year was a very tough year and the enemy kept on pushing me down I went up and I went down again my life was full of tears I went to church and I left if it's so hard because every time I thought that God will come down for me nothing manifested this it was painful I went to bed with tears and I wander throughout the night Oh God will you ever come down for me but I came to a mire and God Saint is so better to speak to me and say consecrate yourself for tomorrow something big is about to happen ladies and gentlemen I stand as a living testimony he turned my mourning into dancing to testify I receive it it doesn't matter what you have gone through it doesn't matter what the enemy has thrown your way it doesn't matter what you have seen so far it doesn't matter how scary it is it doesn't matter how ability to speak up you have been remembered I'm here to say you have been remembered idea Friars have been heard there is a miracle that is designed in heaven for you this above went through this atmosphere and reach you where you are even at the nick of time up before hope is gonna God is about to do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask somebody is ever [Music] now you you must understand the context of what God is is speaking to the children of Israel in the numbers it's speaking to them and addressing them not while they are in Egypt is speaking to them while they are in the world ernest and is speaking to them as if they had a great provision in the natural rain whatever he had say could have not been supported by what israel was exposed to see there was no evidence in the natural rain to support concretely what God saved them the items were God saves to you and whatever you say makes no sense you look at what God is saying you you leopard queue up the air and you come out with nothing but it's telling you tomorrow about this time your life is about to turn around I will say [Applause] you you you you stand as ask yourself how can this be I am dealing with somebody you have given it your best you have fasted and prayed you have done all that you could do but yet you have not seen is telling you there is a 24-hour miracle that will change your life completely I receive it tomorrow you shall eat meat oh my god how can this be happy this is the reason why today many people out there go about criticizing and pulling down prophet and the prophetic ministry because you see there is no proper foundation that makes sense when God is operating among men most of the things that God does with us does not make sense an angel came and spoke to a young girl who has still a virgin pledged to be married to a man known as Joseph this young girl was a blueprint of a life in front of her the angel came his name was Gabriel saluted her and say Yura be with a child she answered how can this be seeing that I know no man how often time when God comes and began to speak to you it is impossible your grandfather was broke your father was broke you currently broke but tomorrow [Applause] I receive about you - I like it - this matters to say I shall lose what is this one this is Russell I was given [Music] [Music] how can it be the 50 the verdict is given the set is set how could it be that took out your womb your Humphries you so desire to have a child and the last day of the operation you cried your life out you wonder if the word of God will have ever come to pass for it is now as it's dead impossible for you to be called a mother but you can understand family every impossibility is a seed to perform miracle without an impossibility there'll be no miracle and suddenly the one who was known as womb less is now on a nine month waiting for that delivery time the you will I have what I say you ahead I say you will see what God tell you I received who am I talking to and Jesus Lamb who is like our god hmm who speaks like our God who can do what he does he's strong and mighty this powerful he's the bread of the humble if you hungry is our bread of life there is nothing you cannot do no mountain too high no valley to tea is Jehovah the code is name hello him the uncreated creator the eternal self existing God Elise by himself yes those of yesterday codeine el shaddai the Lord God of all sufficient it does not borrow next door to provide for you whatever you need hee hee hee I received he's strong and mighty strong in battle I call me keep all the Lord God of War is often Missy he will give you victory what he says yes who can say no when it opens a door who can close it OSS my god coming down for somebody God is about to show up in your life I perceive it he said tomorrow you will eat I standeth enough harassment of God to speak to somebody tomorrow you will I receive it tomorrow you'll eat I was saying that which you have been seeking God for and trusting that that will happen and now you feel like I might never happen hear me God is about to turn the tables along I see I am trying to speak to somebody decide I am seeing what decide something is happening today that is right in Jesus name who should I speak to God is tugging chavos Allah thank you Jesus hallelujah Laurita Jesus [Music] nothing nothing will remember say I received oh this is your last Sunday of this season but hear me there is one more day and God said that day is tomorrow you shall eat oh yes how do you say eat amen gee I was saving [Applause] [Music] Yemi there has never been in history a time where the demonstration of who God is and ever to do is urgently required in the world like now [Applause] [Music] it is in this time that all maragon want to show the world and show his sons and daughters that it does not retire it cannot be fired yes is God forever no and then what it did yesterday is able to do today and is able to do tomorrow you are about to experience that the launch of God is indeed a good god we were saying I stretch my hands towards you may everything turn around for your good eye I said may everything turn around for your good eye I said may everything turn around for your game I see the devil is a liar that's right Moses wondered and he said to the Lord the people whom I am among 600,000 men on foot yet you have saved I will give them meat that they may eat for a whole month different Moses was short there are certain things that are so shocking there are even you you be shocked guess it I'm about to do something not for one day not for two days for whole month meaning a whole season it was naturally impossible I have but my faith on this god of the impossible they say I am the Lord God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me to do this God who took bread and fishes after giving thanks broke it and multiplied that thousands of man and woman may eat is there anything too hard for him to do this God who walked on waters his very disciples were threatened and say is a ghost because no one can walk on water the God who stood and spoke against the wind and the wave and they obeyed a man [Music] discard who went to the house of gyrus and men whose total twelve years or girl was dead looking at Hell loveless body he said Talitha koum me the young girl who was dead came back to life this God who went to Lazarus tomb with confidence and boldness and remove the stone the very sisters say he's smelly how could this be and as I remove the store with a loud voice he said Lazarus come forth the Bible reports that the one who was dead for four days he was not sick he was not critical it was dead his body was wasted he did not have blood issues he did not have kidney issues he had nothing left everything was gone but he says the word says it came back alive Lord Jesus [Applause] the god of the impossible is the goddess serve the God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all ask an awful this my god he opens the eyes of the blind he restores lives broken amen irritated the day arrest the dead yesterday he's able to do it today I must say he heals the sick today even the man of God see how can this be may I prophesy over you may I declare and decree a word that the devil cannot before call for your life [Applause] may I say what the devil cannot erase anymore oh yes before the end of this season you'll receive a minimum of seven shocking miracles in your health your work ministry miracles who's receiving this word I ever say that is about to come your way somebody say something bigger than big he's about to come your way I mean before the end of the season the you about to testify the goodness of God you about to dance in the presence of God you say look what the Lord is turning into dancing God is about to - what man cannot - amen [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and the Lord said to Moses as the Lord's arm been shortened hear me when a generation today that from the pulpit we have joined the chorus of the devil presenting our God as a with God we ain't a generation that men and God men and women of God nicely dress have been boring getting the tune and the lyrics from the devil keeping you more low 20 you to a weak God every time you stand in the audacity of your faith believing God for something awesome to happen that said to you don't fourthly let me tell you that is not according to the world God spoken say the arm of the Lord been shortened our God has not grown weak the terms of miracles are not over that's right that's right are you hearing me preacher our God has not grown weak the manifestation of God does not mean the devil is at work miracles come from God if there is a ministry where miracles are not seen God is not present doesn't matter if the aircon is good or the sound is good where the Word of God is spoken in truth that world will take foam and miracles will happen don't fall for those no sense that we have in the body of Christ today please don't doesn't matter what experience comes with it 30 years experience of nonsense yes I am in a postal office oh yes as telling my generation to bring the evidence that there is a God in heaven I feel so strong that he cannot deny that the hand of God is at work right here [Music] where God is his power will be evidence if his power is not evidence you have a clue a social gathering that has nothing to do with God if the Bible you remove miracles from the Bible it remain a simple book with pages that cannot help anybody that's right God has not thrown weak heals today yes he does goddess not grown weak is able to open doors today God has not grown weak his power is at work in the church today he say to Moses as the Lord's arm been shortened as my generation has the Lord's arm be shortened people that they use pure good a low point structured English to express nonsense to us we gotta fix watch with you you've been preaching all this while we're not seeing any evidence but nothing would it be that you provide yourself Jesus could it be don't make me feel bad because that is showing up don't make me be the one justifying what is happening you should be the one feeling bad you should be the one justifying why is it that there is nothing happening geez while you gather em the other way around no sense [Applause] Richard pastor if you are today please hear me clearly tomorrow you shall eat meat tomorrow we shall eat meat your ministry will change your family will change your health also change I see you will not leave the presence of God with this sickness that brought you here in the name I receive in your healing in the name of Jesus amen somebody holla I receive it I per say somebody say I receive it I say I receive it I received can I pray for your knees mama can I pray for your knees knees knees do you have these problems for your knees lift your hands I was growing in your life I mean you had an operation yes I had this one 2016 and I had DVT blood clots I almost lost this leg then I have this one this year this this one yes yeah Boca here Basanta God st. you shopping you serve Him I mean as she's Reverend yes Reverend you study yes but number has been contradictive to watch you stand for a number of things I see you it's like you have a heart already for people because I see you helping people I don't know if as a nurse in the hospital I'm a pastor I - I'm a teacher the trysts your pastor you a nurse yes and you a teacher yes I go for mission you go for mission but I'm seeing a smoke at the ring you you're not passing that Jerry are you you know have you been in Nigeria before I am in Nigeria Nigeria I started my ministry in Nigeria you started your ministry in Nigeria yes because I am seeing people saying fountain of grace fountain of grace this is the name of your ministry somebody celebrate Jesus but you do not see what you want to see yes in Nigeria is not going as it's supposed to this week is small yes you think that the people that are supposed to do the work I'm not doing what I supposed to be as faster you and a best day because I'm seeing you in Europe yes I mean UK are you in UK yes I'm in Manchester England you are in UK in Manchester yeah hear me God said I should pray for your needs it has a pray for your knees I'm praying also for your ministry and man I am praying also for a girl and I'm praying for three boys thank you Pastor bless you because that has been your prayer your children yes God see I have one girl my firstborn got say three boys tomorrow you shall eat thank you Jesus please sevens there is somebody here this world is your world I ever said I am imparting a different dose of Chris in a serving your serving ministry you're serving ministry in the calling of God in your life will be greater than your career as a nurse as a teacher God is about to take you where you have never dreamt to be begins now it begins Rasheeda shush your hands toward her Rea take it take it from race say that lift your hand everybody we begin this thing pray the Holy Ghost if you can bring the Holy Ghost if you can bring the Holy Ghost subtitle-able can town now if you are watching me from wherever you may be I want you to trust God because something is about to happen and the world that God has given us is for you wherever you are all you gotta do is believe God and he is the same yesterday today and forever he isn't good God he answers prayer and there is nothing God cannot do I am praying for you and as you remain connected pray from where you are receive your miracle and receive your miracle ma ba hey how are you sorry I'm grace you are grace grace is your name is my Chinese name that's your Chinese name [Applause] my name is a fluke Oh hallelujah I'm from China with the Jesus lift your hands water look at me I break every yoke of the enemy in the name of Jesus if it's a political force of sitting Satan is after your life yes where you from where did you come to come to church where did you come from I have found Singapore you came from Singapore yes I've gone through many deliverance and many ministry eight ministry know they can do anything and the latest pastor told me that is witchcraft okay you the lettuce your path your pastor told you that is witchcraft and things of that Singapore is life a my Singapore his life so as I pray for her now a by Singapore I want you to turn in I want you to tune in to this miracle now you say you came from Singapore and you need deliverance I said to be set free something is after you yes you feel things moving from your back and sometimes it comes tight it is named dragon I don't know why I say it had been told by some process that is dragon ancient dragon snakes dragon or snake yes so I think it's the same thing but there's pastor says ancient dragon this process a is the spirit of death so you went to a pastor and that pastor say to you it is an ancient dragon yes and it's there some pirate craft to it alright alright alright don't worry I'm not just telling you what it is I'm kicking it out of you glory to geez somebody's a devil devil your reign of terror is ova devil devil your reign of terror is over now look at this the enemy has his hands on you that's why if we do not step in you look keep on losing I see you used to work before is like HR now you're not working because of all this you are alone you are not married you are not in a relationship you have no child this has been the plan of the enemy are you hearing me this oppression did not start with you you are fighting what put your mother down because when you were young your mother died yes she committed suicide yes because I am seeing a body falling from the ninth floor of a building down yes you way 11 years old yes your mother yes took her own life yes but already prior today to that your mother had lost their mind yeah even demonize sometimes you even found a self naked yes is that true yes it's because your biological father was doing black magic yes I'm aware this you are aware of that oh well I know it on my lap I I don't know how I knew it you you don't know how you knew it but you know that you your father was operating and operating in black magic yes not yellow magic not pepper magic black magic oh gosh Iowa City now the attacks that you have in your life it's not because you open a door it's because you fighting your parents divorce every child fight its parent devil that you are family if you listen to me whatever defeats you will go to your children whatever defeats you will go for your children you must we when we do this is a must because if you do not win they will I have to fight by here me the God we serve has located you today what I've been trying to I try cos it off on my own many times they keep coming back I don't know what to do it was their pastor who stopped at there for a day she all say they come back again even your pastor will pray for you yes way they know nobody I think one time prayer is it laughs foil two hours or some it's just as little one minute later come back again often time is because not because the past is not powerful is simply because we have not dealt we found the root cause of that if we do not deal with the root cause of a thing it may keep on recurring that's what we are going to the root is this your first time coming to church I just come by failure I say because that's all main wanna say of course for fresh cars it I'll come by faith if not want to take my life take my life oh so this has been a risk for you to come yes did you come alone no I dread sister with me you have a sister in Christ sister in class yes she's in class where you is your CSUN class yes Eunice you can see angels sustained crash you came together yes and you can see angels that's why safe came in agreement because we came we have to agreement I believe bring it here me you came together yes Papa is your first time coming you are trusting that also yes can I tell you a little bit about your life God is saying to me right now the reason why you are still here is because of his grace and he saying if you believe in the grace that kept you this far you should not be in despair of tomorrow because you're supposed to die before 2004 he hears you in 2004 gossip god healed you of liver cancer God see if I healed you and brought you now you must trust that tomorrow I will still be with you right now my daughter things are very difficult for you financially in fact you coming together you supposed to stand for him with me because the faith I believe miracle it when two is getting agreement God is with us so we come by faith on a bit because but that's why I dress how you no matter how teachers so you sponsored the trip God will bless you for that the heart fear God will bless you for that financially things are very tight and God said don't be in despair because I did not heal you to see you fall again tomorrow you shall eat [Applause] every sale are you hearing me when you realize that our us seek you took whatever you had you pass if your husband because you are thinking that you all died Singapore you gave it to him because you see I'm already diagnosed with cancer I will die let me tell you if you are here under the sound of my voice you will not die before your turn the name of Jesus I said the devil is a liar in Jesus name here is a woman she was that noise with her liver cancer so thinking that she will die she took all the properties and transferred it to their husband all my soft house in Jakarta all the nice of house all the property everything all you gave it to your husband yes where is he now in Jakarta some men are looking for my trouble [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look it's like the enemy you see this was your prophecy now you call your friend you know she's partaking of it but don't feel bad because whatever God is doing in a life it's going to you to receive it in the name of Jesus you supposed to have a lot your hands supposed to have a lot the enemy has made plans to keep your hands empty in fact you used to have an aunt who died six seven houses in Los Angeles under my name but I don't dare to pay [Music] did you see what is happening here do you see card in this you have to be in dip in the pool of deception for you not to see God here if after this you see see the devil here they never seen you did you hear it your aunt was healed yeah in 1996 yes she left a lot in your name yes you know that I don't have to pay because I scared somebody kill you oh you afraid yeah that's what you broke don't worry come and give me a hug that you're getting fifteen million dollars [Applause] this is a transfer of grace that I just did your aunt died living things in your name you afraid that you will be killed yes now I am causing trouble day no I am sick 15 million dollars 15 million dollars 15 million [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Sena something good is about to happen please save it now some of you see when we do this use of thinking could it be could it be you wanna see yes but you'll see a dress inside Seoul by my sister-in-law then I don't have the connection after I come to Christ 1996 they call me can take back the 50 million and a seven and two big house in the Los Angeles oh you know about it I told you that you should come and take the 15 million the seven apartment and into big houses yes but I don't dare because they will kill me you didn't go there because you are you are scared yeah but look from now no one is sleeping is for you oh yes stretch your hands she's moving from being broke yes so big and multi-millionaire ready to receive the subways say that if anybody was ready to receive a samurai seven I pray you to may receive it in the name of Jesus amen I pray that God may do something that will astonish the world hi everything in the name of Jesus I bless you keep serving the Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I practice yoga of the enemy over you I command that devil to leave you you must go back to work for God has a plan for you stretch your hand as we pray for her we break it we break it we break it we command every evil to leave you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Barabbas ohtori bekata Rita so Yoko Shetty Goro bisetta merhaba city jail over Shama I see you every way bless her TD MA [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the last day [Music] here it is so how are you look at me how are you what's your name William William William William William look at me they want you dead look at me William they want you dead I am still I'm seeing a spirit of death claiming your life are you hearing me yes but you have been feeling sick is that true yes in fact you lost weight because this is not the weight you normally have is that correct is true I lost I throw all my clothes away I throw them away no I put new new wardrobe you put new wardrobe yes because you this is not the which normally have I am I am seeing the end of the enemy over you can say we should practice spirit of death look at this Oh capacity in June last year you became sick very sick because I am seeing you in the hospital I'm seeing you rock Kappa Soto it is LM Joseph in LM Joseph you've been there for a while is that true yes first I'm being deaf from almost I don't know because from 2016 treatment today until now I even see an operation like like a scar like somebody who has a scar in operation is that true you've been operated you have a scar here quite a big one here can I see that can I see that somebody must know that this is God speaking not posture got about sharaba said you can see this you can see this this is what I'm seeing Casa de here is and because of that you've been sickly even your work has been affected your work has been affected because of this because of your health is a correct yes I lost my job and I lost my even my business was in the hospital attending treatment my business went down your business went down you lost your job even my wife ran away your wife I see you have many children you had many children is that true yes when I say at your head you still have a lot it's because I see one two three dead but I'm seeing nine children all together but you say your wife left you yes better my wife left me actually the kids that I have had them previous you don't mean previously you mean that you had it with this one with that one with that one that's what you mean with different matters as you go but it is well God God will deal with that that's not the main issue that many issue is your health God wanna heal you for if we do not step in Europe keep on feeling weak the tories alsa this is not also I can see that it's not ours because sometimes it moves to the next to my to my stomach sometimes move to my chest I feel it is a movie like a moving thing inside of my person I can help you thank you thank you pastor thank you so much thank you so much it was my dream to to just see you I used to cry on it in my in my house wish that you view looking at to Questor i even stretched my hand and say that meant of court one day I will meet him I will be fine do you believe God can heal him stretch your hands look I'm not praying for you to pray I am praying for your healing now thank you first believe you receive it everyone who seek what I'm praying for him receive your healing to say I receive it in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] swish your hands we pray you will not die before your tongue I receive I practice yoga the enemies speak complete healing in the name of Jesus Christ heals and he heals you now [Music] may you leave when you justify the goodness of God it is well with you I receive women come you come come look at this how are you doing you're fine what's your name your name is charity yes charity doctor say that something is wrong with your brain that's what the doctors say yes charity have you ever spoken to me before pray for you have you ever spoken to me before have you ever spoken to me before no charity the reason why I'm praying for you what casting has this devil the Lord spoke to me to pray for you because on the 19th of February this coming year I'll give you bad news you are going to the hospital on the 19 of February so poetic they gave you bad news what did I say I'm going for procedure yeah and now that is what I told you you going for because I say there is a tumor here but when I say when you get there they will give you another bad news they will say there is no more thing that can do for you you understand and what is really breaking my heart the 19th of February now give you three days to live and that that is before the 23rd of February the 23rd of February is the date your child was born you have only one child and that child's birthday is on the 23rd the enemy has fled in such a way that when you go on the 19th for that branch surgery if you know what they'll say that you cannot live another three days so that nine 20:21 you go that is before the 23rd and all this happened to you when you were pregnant of tweeze is a truth I am talking about before 2012 you were pregnant of toys one of the things that you kept on seeing you kept on having feet is a tree tell me about that is that true the college was a fitting pregnancy about the fitting pregnancy fitting pregnancy what is a fitting pregnancy but epilepsy or seizures can occur in pregnancy sometimes when people have high blood pressure and sometimes when people are epileptic to start with it is fairly uncommon for people to start having fits during pregnancy all right you are speaking for them because I didn't hear I'm hearing other things right now so they told you that that you have a tumor and you need to go for surgery they saw the tumor 2016 they saw the tumor 2016 yes all this time they were saying is that it as a fitting pregnancy and then they said this epileps then 2016 they say it is brain tumor so I went to I was like shrinking the tumor last year I was ok last year but it's like I'm not making it you're not making it caboose help us lord help us O God grace you can't die you can't know me Jesus [Applause] your child is still young and the enemy is trying to take your life right before the birthday of your child the devil is wicked yes I'm canceling the surgery mighty name of Jesus hear me did you tell anybody what if I told you now did you tell anybody your story if God will reveal it to me is because he's standing on your side when you cry to him it hurts you as telling as a servant of God together with his people we will apprai for you I say I cancelled this surgery you know go on the 19th they will look for the trauma there will be no tumor anymore the name of Jesus thank you Jesus great God if you are here and you believe God can do this special hands man miracle happened to you too I received tomorrow you will testify the goodness of God but eurocity Rebecca tarababu [Music] Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord lo lo I command this tumor to go pray with me pray with me yes Lord by the laying on of these hands or their posture lord I thank you for healing to the roots in the name of Jesus thank you all law that every tumor is disappearing right now in Jesus name Lord wave to Jesus thank you gu not die my daughter in the name of Jesus the devil lied yes you will not die oh yes you will live it is well with you amen in Jesus name Amen which is named in Jesus Allah Jesus name in Jesus name god bless you you and your wife please come here the two of you you and your wife Zahra you to come you you yes come hear me as you remain faithful to God in this new season the Lord will cause your enemies who have been behind your pain to fall before you in the name of Jesus I am declaring a complete victory over you in Jesus name a complete victory something big begins now receive us so - robositter Jesus show toto wasn't I coach you who she she's your friend yes I caught you yes I'm the one who came with with my friend here so you come to Trish with your friend yes because I came here and I receive my miracle here at this church my friend doesn't see anymore so I bring here to receive him miracle so shall it be in the name of Jason you you you come to church you come to church here I come to church and I was positive for prayed for me and then I back to the hospital I was negative celebrate Jesus am i miracle working God so in Jude when you came to church I prayed for you you were HIV positive for 5 yrs you went to the doctor and you got your miracle it was confirmed you HIV negative that's why you brought your friend yes that's why I brought her and she cannot see she's blind my good god somebody connect with that faith so that's why when I called you you brought oh yeah project because I came with the smooth okay thank you Jesus thank you Jesus so go to yoga Jie Jie's here me my son and my daughter God recalls those who stood as obstacle to that which God was doing in your life to fall before you in the mental energy those who have been in the shadows the cause of your pain will be stricken by the power of God the fire of God I mean for your deliverance my daughter in this new year I see you serving God serving serving as never before serve Him lift your hands i impart this grace over you receive what god has for you in the name of Jesus please come come the two of you Zahra bak aroba Shia zaraba photo so Dorobo city [Music] [Music] now explain to me how do you do that I'll call you you bring your friend miracle today I wanted to see because I know that you are two powerful men of coats because today I'm huge and unsweetened hi how are you doing fine thank you how did he start were you born like this or not no I wasn't born like this is that it it was the CH nur I was sleeping the night room someone was pouring st. on my eyes when I woke up I couldn't see all right did you have eyes problem before no I didn't okay all right do you believe if I pray for you your eyes will open yes a - how many of you believe that we believe you are a woman of things I believe here because this church is too powerful also time I'm going to come to this church they don't know what the I do I believe in the name of Jesus hallelujah stretch your hand let's pray for her passes you believe that eyes will open [Music] yabba-dabba bushy kannababu Jesus crosses to see Jesus crust yeah pray for her Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever amen she's if you are here under the sound of my voice you must know thank you you are in the house of miracles everything in this house we give God no limits amen thank you Jesus we believe there is nothing God cannot do I don't perform miracles it does it through me thank you Jesus stretch your hands and as she receives a miracle if you receive your miracle - I was seeing [Music] we are praying Church we are believing God with our men of God thank you Jesus [Music] Jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] Oh God is that you in the name that is above every other name as your servant is administering and releasing the grace of the healing healing is penetrating the power of God is penetrating [Music] and at the hands of the apostille great miracle that were never recorded it's taken Jesus [Music] it coming [Music] he oh Jesus is bad this is a testimony rush over you receive your miracle now now may your blessing manifest now now Ramos a terracotta Soto jet a rebel SATA [Music] Seto come say to say to say to say to say to say to say to say to say - you said - something is happening to everyone who has faith today somebody holla I receive it say I receive it so what is mine is mine say I receive a miracle today wherever you are if you have faith may the miracle happen and manifest to you in the name of Jesus I want you to that 62nd and pray to God speak to God express your heart and your faith begin to pray [Music] Osato rocoto so takuto Soto in Jesus name [Music] the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] geez are those attained yes Lord what is mine is mine what is mine is mine little rat answer Oh Lord oh Lord say hola hola thank you today I thank you today for everything you have done for me for everything you have done for me so oh no oh Lord today I receive today I receive the blessings that are mine the blessings that are mine I command today I command today every evil power every evil power this against me list against me to live in the name of Jesus to live in the name of Jesus tempo tempo your reign of terror your reign of terror in my life in my life is over is over I command you now I command you now take your dirty hands from me take your dirty hands I mean leave now in Jesus name leave now in Jesus name the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit bring down your fire bring down your fire in my life consume in my life everything that that's not glorify Jesus everything that does not glorify him and fire I call and fire the fire of dawn the fire of God fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire in Jesus name Amen so what is mine what is mine I clap it today I claim it today sickness is not my potion sickness is not my potion disease is not my potion disease is not my potion I receive prosperity I receive prosperity received upon health I receive divine our doors are open my chairs are open I shall walk in power I shall walk in power I shall walk in glory I shall walk in glory the favor of God is mine the favor of God is mine the grace of God is mine that grace of God is mine I receive a I will say that lift your hand I'm seeing this God is saying to me that there are people were bound so I am seeing like polls polls and on those falls there are people chained on those polls as long as this scenario remain as a seed you work hard you will see nothing you will try hard you will get no way but God says today if we want to take authority against the powers of the enemy you will receive your freedom iris I want your child of God now take authority begin to commandos ever to leave even ever Jesus Lord ever in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus I said a royal boss I see a basset a live my life in the name of Jesus I return the devil is a liar in Jesus we have authority there are things family beliefs God is doing it trust God with me the athletes that the only God can do for you and not for me and then when he says yes who can say no no one if you are sick I wanted to touch where the pain is and I want you to believe that more than you may believe in any man a man may be used as a point of contact but your eyes should be permanently on God he is the author the finisher of our faith is the one who works miracles miracles will begin to flow now receive your believers receivers will begin to somebody receive do you believe it in the name of cheese cheese praise be to God rocoto Soto [Music] ray Abbas SATA booyah bossy and River hi jeez Jesus [Music] in the name of Jesus receive your deliverance [Music] jehova shamma jesusí [Music] yeah [Music] yes slow [Music] oh wash up my lorry - Jesus see you [Music] everlasting fire yes Lord hallelujah [Music] oh yeah Bassett az2 is your name that's your name that's your name that's your name that's your name everybody lifts your hands so don't pass me by you don't pass me by now let me tell you when God sees you the only thing that can stop the miracle to happen is you right when the eyes of God are on you nothing can stop your miracle thank you Jesus except yourself if you believe that God is not there because a man of God when decide you will not come this way anymore you may miss your miracle if you are under the sound of my voice a miracle will manifest in your life now I receive it the loss gave me your name and the reason why God gave me your name is because he says we should break what the enemy has began to do or else 2019 meaning the next year next year will be hard for you are you hearing me amen now I'm saying this not to work your emotions I am saying this to rescue you are you here in 2013 you got married to a Portuguese white man yes I did is that true that's true I am talking about the true-true this is what the Lord showed me I see her she got married with a man from Portugal a businessman yes he was a businessman this man had it working together things were found but something went wrong that you do not know of that currently only I know but this is what has speed behind the pain you had gone through are you hearing me yes I'm here with you you had a first child where is he now oh he passed away we went home for a holiday and then we on your way back you had an accident and it's not that a young to use oh boy have you ever spoken to me before in your life you have never spoken to me did you tell your story to anybody here no I am speaking what the Lord is saying your child that two years this little one died a death that was not his on the first of January 2015 now you are already favoriting in the pain of your lost on the first of January new year even as people are celebrating the coming of a new year 2015 you are in tears because of a tragedy is that correct your child dad everyone else was fun you came out on fire you survived but a little under that moment she was you were pregnant and God it is must she gives you another child God is in his mercy give you another chart Sierra but is he something happen two years from the 2015 your husband Rocky also that is the truth rocky died and it was mysterious he died with a swollen stomach and doctors were suspecting that it was cancer but which cancer comes so quickly this is what I'm seeing I'm seeing you having a conversation with him way before that few months before that I mean the conversation you are wondering why is it that you are not well anymore you are having discharged and then you friend and on something is wrong because you are not sexually active because of the baby then there after when you became active you contracted a disease essentially transmitted disease it's a truth I am seeing you talking about it and he says to you I also don't understand what happened to me because I have noticed it in me and I went to the doctor correct what are you a pregnant your husband had an affair and you felt like uh maybe it is because he had an affair is that true and your husband died leaving you with this problem this problem is continuing sorry he left me sick indeed as Metallica baby in left you with a little puppy and he left you seek yes now let me tell you what happened your husband you to have a liquor store yes it did he does do a movie yes he did in mouth yes yes it is yes liquor on seven oh good liquor on the seventh is the truth here's this true your husband had in liquor store and your husband had a house in green stove yes he did waited hard he left you in the liquor store and he left you with the house in green stone I am seeing two cars but today you had to Casa two has been left behind the correct may I ask you again have you ever spoken to me did you tell anybody your story he left you with that when it died his family came and that's some data he left you with a lot of wealth he did for me and it wasn't true the family came they came from Canada yes it was his brother and his wife take home live internet is droite what came from Canada yes and they came to put you under pressure he is Easter we wanted a funeral a Catholic like funeral yes not a shortcut funeral no I see them discussing they say she put the body of our brother who a supposed not to they removed the body wherever you had it in Missouri and they put it in captain Park oh yes it was I didn't my Matins inmate in temptin park this but here is the problem is this the enemy is after you they will tell you that you have home cancer in the hospital because they're suspecting it doctors are talking about that I have concerns they say that yes those were the healthiest I told you that what you have yes and that you believe you have it right yes you have cancer yes I have question inside concise inside it yes it is doctors confirm that you have cancer yes thing and it's inside him your husband wanted his business to go well but I tricked him this is what I want to tell you that you do not know they tricked him by his friend his friend took him to make a pact in a knock Arctic group and that who has to help his business go father because the liquor store had potential but nothing was working in desperation he wanted it to work his friend is closest friend took him to make a pact a no tactic pact he entered into a covenant with an altar for his business to prosper he didn't know that it was at week the day your chatter all of you supposed to go death missed everybody he took the job but notice this that was the 1st of January 2015 two years later your husband died now that was last year yes now the calculator nexia is two years they're claiming you so in the pact that your husband entered into every two years one before the child was taken two years later he's taken you now they are saying you have cancer and you confirm you know it is you see unless God intervenes yes as we are entering into next year that will be your last year but somebody said the devil the devil is the life I can hear you the devil is alive I can hear the devil is a liar not only that you have seen death like this everything your husband left has been taken everything pastor everything is pink is gone I sold because I I lose the business and now I'm about to lose the house look at it the husband died last year left the business left a house in green stone left two cars or God from last year to now because the hand of the devil is of Jesus we will pray for you God will restore you you see this cancer that you says here you will look for it you will never find it the name of Jesus race av America is there anybody who believes that God is able to link cancer whereas a cancer would disappear the name doctors like this one doctor please stop explain to her that this what she has to do to discover the switch-up of tests she has to go to give medical advice not to fun cancel that they will not find it when you do the usual test that they do left rather than a call post copy must have done a pap smear called post copy and taken a biopsy writing and they thought they thought that you have a cancer but as pastor stating it's not there anymore now I want you to tell is that the after pastor prefer you going to this place at this test so after pastor prays for you go for an ultrasound go for a PET scan ask them to do the works the best test they can do hallelujah because I know whatever did of the same I speak like this because I know no one who created this body yes and I know is the healer has never cease to be Jehovah Rapha healed yesterday is able to heal today amen I know the Gila and the healer will perform this miracle hallelujah lift your thang Miracle Worker by the miracle way come into a miracle beauty coming men do a miracle a miracle today you are the powerful in love coming here so powerful come and yet so powerful so powerful today I'm in here God man here so powerful so powerful today you name me yeah you you are a miracle working your name is your name is your name you are a miracle Buki your name is yeah ah you are your man yeah how are you sorry no microphone please I'll tell you what you do you don't tell me what you do yeah for the sake and protection of my children big wall bully so can I request like that alright so you want me to speak to you off mic oh yes do you do you know what I want to say no I just wanted to say that you look nice obviously I just wanted to say you look nice Oh flash eight off microphone all right here I understand you don't want me to speak to you on microphone yes and this is what we'll do right first where you from means this you can send a microphone right Philippines that you can see in a microphone you have you turn from the filthy yes it's my first time is your first time yeah so you know those basic you come from the Philippine is it your first time here yes have you ever spoken to me know any better alright the basics this is on microphone right so what you don't want me to send microphone is what you know that posture because Gaddy speak to you so you know what I cannot see because my daughter is in the yellow so you don't want me to speak about your daughter's no I speak to my daughter I need to be careful because generally I'm extremely careful on what I say now if there is something very very sensitive you must let me know so let me just speak to my daughter and let my two daughters yeah but not in a microphone yeah microphone yes [Music] alright should I speak to her a microphone or no microphone okay let's sit down let's sit down sit down here sit down no microphone city so if you're showing me photos you're saying that no things no microphone no photos but I like my microphone what's wrong with mammography [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we had a good session and the not verified is name in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] miss call [Music] my new [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] men of God this woman came with an astounding testimony she said when Pastor Alf was praying for the blind woman the same moment as the eyes of that woman open she who was deaf for 11 years at the same moment [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh right somebody whew Jesus close the best bracelet adora is explaining in english please explain to me what happened to this is your mother yes what happened to me when you were praying for the lady no microphone like that [Music] when you're praying that basically she was saying when pastor Alf was ministering to the lady who was blind yes when Daddy was was I was praying for the lady who couldn't see my mother she was she was praying for her ear to open she couldn't hear whether this side and the other side was very large we always struggled to communicate with her so immediately when the lady started to see her Jesus celebrate Easter the healer today Oh Lord which I am seeing a Rebecca here if you a replica Rebecca if there is somebody dis at you a replica if somebody's a Rebecca Rebecca is that you please come come here this side not not Rebecca there I'm talking about this one [Music] where's your husband is here what is his name Albert hello Albert I'm not looking for Rebecca's I'm looking for this is Rebecca but because you're Rebecca also made a lot less you too I mean wherever you are God bless you Albert how are you doing I'm fine just fine and you are you from Zambia Melissa now look at this you must thank these four men who brought me decide because a testimony of a years warping here our God our God a word for you can a Masato God is about to do good things in your life because you carry that you've been praying for you and you how you doing Albert okay you okay this is your wife yes so you come to church here no you don't is this your first time yes it's also your first time or you come here I come but not every day like once in a while once in a while yes but we child of God yes you go to church you go today yes I got to change not this choice change but here you come once in a while yes all right because you are part of Johannesburg yes you stay because I am seeing you Wiki in premier knowledge yes that's true you're working in a company called premier knowledge thing and that is in huh need you yes man of God do you go to church that side also yes I go to church that side which church is that it's revealed where ministries sorry review administration's revealed word ministry that sounds like a prophetic minutes yes so you got to reveal the word ministry yes that's where you go yes you work Dave yes you are see you working with your hand you like woodwork yes you have your own workshop yes you work for yourself yes do you love your wife too much too much yes do you tell tell your wife you love her too much I always do that you always do that yes do you love your husband I love him so much you love him so much yes all right all right that's why I want to help the two of you please come closer get closer to each other now stretch your hands toward this young couple they've been going through winds and that these winds are very deceptive the winds that I'm seeing may destroy what God has already sent in their lives they have fought many battles before and God brought them this far but now I am seeing the deception of the enemy going into them now Albert Albert Healy you are about to make a mistake that is grave that will cost you a lot do you understand yes you about to make a mistake do you know what I'm talking about no you don't know what I'm talking about no all right how may I give you a prophetic advice not to do what you agreed with your friends to do in November I see you going to a friend's house do you know a guy called tom is married to Pam this is my best friend is your best friend you have discussed over your own marriage that you are about to leave you are planning in your heart that this general you are packing you live in your wife you're going to Canada I'm here you say to them that you have family in Canada you know I've got [Music] before you are too much too much your grace the reason we're selling this is because you a good book that want to prevent something to happen you understand now do you know what I'm talking about you know the conversation I'm talking about did you speak to them that you want to leave your wife or not yes I did look I'm not here to blame you you are saying it is because I can hear you clearly see I'm living this January I'm selling everything I had because I love her but I cannot be without a child it's true you say I cannot be without a child and I am going to my family my siblings in Canada do you have siblings in Canada yes tell me do you know Tom and hell yes man of God you know them yes you were married for six years he's Truman of course you have no job yes and that this is is hunting you inside you say to yourself I can't take it I love my wife but even so the choice you have made is not really a choice of whether your lover is a choice of other I have and family that goes beyond me and her that's why you wanted to leave now whatever God wanna do is to fix the two of you because tomorrow [Music] lo-lo's [Applause] but see how can the blessing of God come into your life if you are don't be don't how can the blessings of God to come into your family if you are untrue to each other I had asked you earlier on do you love your wife yes I do you love each other yes yet in your heart you have already played to liver you are going to Canada true living [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the angel guard spoke to Joseph and said be not afraid to take Mary as a wife I'll bet the enemy is playing tricks on you and this is grave this will cost you a lot the idea of leaving your wife did not come from God today the Lord our serve will meet you at a point of your needs hear me the ax battles that you are fighting the reason was for six years you've been trusting that which ha you have not seen is because of the battles that you've been fasting your battle comes from pesticide from esta side that's my mother s - your mother because the Spirit of the Lord has taken me - Livingstone that's my hometown Livingstone in Zambia yes you are from Livingstone yes who is a courier it's my father's a creator your father yes your father and your mother has only one child and that is you yes is a truth your mother could not give birth once they got married your mother went through a lot of difficulties before having you it took over four years before you came to know about yes now the same batter now is what you are fighting after you your mother could not have any other child you your womb is suffering the same bondage but fear not my name is a flute [Applause] here is you you are trusting that four children it's Monica you wanna have teacher yes sir you wanna have twins yes I see a boy and a girl and a one boy is a correct yes Raja to my parents my prayer point neurotics in your Diaries where's your diary prove this [Applause] [Music] look at is really ready for the public my prayer point I want three kids twins first boy and oh boy lust lorry - Jesus [Applause] now you see the thing is that that you do not want Richard when you want fortunately is that correct yes you didn't want three children did you want four children four children why because my father had four children so you in your heart you wanted four children or you want four children because your father had four children you avoiding the family yes do you have people in Canada my mother your mother is in Canada this so you wanted to go to Canada because you want to go to mummy okay now listen to me this is a young cup of six years waiting for a child she wanted three children he wanted four children the got to a point where they are still not seeing the children I wanted he feels that his training is dragging and that he want to move on but hear me today God's eyes are on you something good will begin to manifest in your giving nuts you know what this time is only the first set of twins welcome somebody says let's answer them God for them we glorify you cheese ready plan next year about this time the first set of twins will come in the name of Jesus did you hear me don't leave you have your wife tell me you'll not leave her anymore I about the tickets for Porter for both of us then I consulted for her because I was cross because you always fight so I can't do that so you will not leave her when you go you go together now you say that initially you bought a ticket for the two of you now because you're always fighting over a child she's saying that it's not a fault you say it's not your fault whose fault is it and you got tired you say remain here in Johannesburg I'm going higher to Canada alright it's okay switch your hands two of them what a mighty God we serve what a mighty God [Music] [Music] my god she saw the mighty God singing again [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] before what [Music] these are live lives your hands if you are seated stand up if you have strengthen you know masala ba-ba-boo break the holy ghost and seal the grace of God over your life break the Holy Ghost and seal the miracles of God leave them [Music] ceil what God has done in your life that sickness that has left you seal it with a word with your hands upon your head this is the time of receiving that which is us receiving that which was imposed upon your life that which the enemy has kept away from you but the word of the Lord came to the servant of God and said by tomorrow you shall eat seal that word over your life father in the name that is above every other name the name of Jesus father we thank you for your mighty works we thank you for the word of God that manifests the Jesus today we thank you O God for the blind eyes opened we thank you for the deaf ears that popped open we thank you O God that you remain the healer we thank you O God that you remain the deliverer father under the sound of my voice every man every woman every girl and every boy child represented generations here under my voice Lord as they have received the word from the servant of God father may it be so in their lives and under the supreme anointing of my spiritual father as a prophetess ordained in this house I decree your Monday blessed I decree your Tuesday blessed I decree your Wednesday blessed I decree your first they bless I decree a Friday bless and I decree your Saturday in your Sunday bless go in the uncommon favor of Almighty God for those of us who are here for the IVP I think that Bishop have an announcement maybe okay Bishop will be able to and speak to the IVP guests so if you're an IVP please be seated as I'm speaking but for each and every other person who's leaving go in the uncommon favor and the peace of God for those of us who are coming back for the third service the anointing is still overflowing the man of God is back in the third service come and take your portion god bless you let's put our hands together as we welcome bishop
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 140,714
Rating: 4.8045602 out of 5
Id: ZLbY9qy8C5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 5sec (11525 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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