BURNING BUSH Sermon | Pastor Alph Lukau | Celebration Service | Sunday 13 Jan 2019 |AMI LIVESTREAM

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it is such an opposite a hate it [Music] welcome to the burning push surface okay you know God will show you stuff in your life strong and mighty lift your hand and show your son of victory every time you do this you a claiming victory in every battle of your life you are telling the devil I am more than a conquerer you are confessing the word but just your prophetic sign of victory greater is He that is in you than he who is in this world today the Lord will meet you at a point of your need today that victory you have been waiting for shall manifest in your life I would say today God look close the enemy that is arising before you to fall right there before you in the name of Jesus somebody giving the precious grace oh yeah now today is a very special day because today marks the transition or they dip before our forty days fasting forty days rule of fast I seek the face of God now during these 40 days we are permitted to eat in the evening the breakfasts are 6 or 7 p.m. but we will not eat anything during the day unless you are pregnant unless you are unwell physically and you feel the pressure of hitting something you can redesign your fast and remove remove things that you really desire so that you may still faster somehow but the rest of us will eat nothing during the day and are free to drink water no flavored water you are you are free please go down those things down you are free to drink water you are free to drink tea with no milk no sugar you can put honey on it and that you are free to drink 100% fruit juice away together so that is the fast I want to invite as many of you as possible please join us and fast with me after these 40 days your life are promising God will never be the same again [Applause] how many of you are fasting with me now those of you are watching me live and that you are fasting I want you to know that the Lord our God is with you you may be in place verifying a different continent altogether but if you are fasting with us the Lord would bless you are you hearing me then hear me very carefully on the 22nd of February what I have our first IVP of this year and that the reason why we're having that IVP is to accommodate you were fasting with us from around the world to come and close this fast with us we would I have on Friday one of the biggest overnight ever we call it grand finale 2019 [Music] or on grand finale 2019 will reclaim victory of the rest of the yay already there after a fast it should be not overnight here so we will I have the IVP to allow people from around the world to also be a particles of that moment God will do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask and hopeful are you hearing me and the Lord manifests his goodness somebody's alone manifest your power hello manifest your power in my life in my life in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen now I want to tell you something just in a bracket again every day of the first everyday meaning from Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday we've all come here to close our fast one hour for those who can be here those who cannot be you do it from wherever you are from six to seven and we'll have Holy Communion it is important for you if you can do that come and kneel down before God come and touch your altar come and drop your offering here come and call on your God and call on on a God not at home she went to connect with the altar are you hearing me so it is imperative for you to do that don't say I'm too tired to drive no fight pay that price your life a promise will never be the same again amen now what you stand I want to tell you of an open vision ahead that I believe that is linked to what will happen to you and I today and also what will happen during the 40 days I was on my knees before the Lord and I had an open vision run about 2:00 a.m. this morning and in this open vision I was walking in the funny the place seemed somehow familiar and as I walked closed as so the valley was covered with a black brownish things it covered the entire valley it looked like a big mushrooms that were covering the ground it was literally impossible to see what was under it then a voice spoke to me from right close to me and say much - oh did I say knowing that it was a low speaking but Lord there is not even a little space to fit my foot the Lord say must word it so in obedience took a few steps but the closer I got what seemed to be like mushroom took off from the ground then I realized it was a mushroom it was a different creature that looked like it was different creatures they look like bait with a big human teeth and they were fly that took off see in the vision I was terrified and I was looking they took off the ground and under them on the ground I saw men and women some bitten some bleeding some showed no injury on them but they were crying some were picked in the ground as so young children as so every people as people of all walks of life people from all walks of life from every culture from every race people were turning and creeping in misery and as I saw it my spirit was taken with deep sadness and I said to the Lord why why would your people go to so much right there while speaking to God I heard another voice but this voice was not from the voice that I kept on hearing from the beginning of the vision the second force I heard came from somehow far from where I was and the voice spoke as one who speaking in panic they are flying away don't let them they are flying away don't let them and look up the creatures were already going far I said but what can I do from here now the voice that was close to me which I believe is the voice of the Lord you see I have given you power stretch your hand I heard this my body was frozen I was shivering from within and timidly and I declare the Lord's glory is upon me his power and authority is on me and he puke you Satan in the name of Jesus as I declare the glory of the Lord the authority and the power God on me and rebuke you Satan the creatures began to fall wah bah bah bah what is interesting is that every time one of the creatures will fall to the ground and crash to the ground a group of dosoo a pig in pain will arise and begin to rejoice [Applause] and sitting in the vision that it was so that every time one of the Christian will fall to the ground a group of men and a woman who clipping in pain will arise open wounds that suddenly closed up I saw young children champagne I saw people embracing each other it was a moment of victory so I kept my hand toward them and I kept on seeing them fully one after another I don't know but there are people here a man and woman under the sound of my voice covets you he had oppressed you he had brought he brought so much pain but the Lord in the vision showed me that as I approached with the anointing that I became to fly away but enforcer for the angel say behind me to know let them fly away so with the glory and the power the authority given all to me I stretched my hand I guess every wicked devil every spirit release I guess you I guess your father's house I guess so father says I can still help I can still marriage I guess your children I can some ministry I can show today in Jesus I bind every devil that has been released against you today expect to stand up again expect to our Russian power again today that devil like it or not you will defeat him I said the devil like it or not you will defeat I want you to take 60 second over what I said to you wherever you are and those of you watching me from around the world I wanted to take 60 second commanded ever to leave you come on that evil power to go the Bible said behold I've given you authority to trump on the shop and the scorpion and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus when you receive your freedom today I will sing in the name of Jesus social it's me I believe today by virtue of what I saw that I'll be miracles that will take place all over baby now before I come down I wanna say this to you who are present here in the overflow inside in the extension wherever you may be in the lobbies and those of you may be watching me from around the world this is a prophetic word and it's not done before in the same vision in the same time where God the vision I remain in the presence of God and our shivering shivering as I engage in spiritual warfare this is now round about 4 4 after 4 a.m. still day laboring before God an angel the Lord spoke to me of matters pertaining the term were fast and the instruction it gives me many instruction I keep and were released to you as we go but this one is it to me that next Sunday we may all do something prophetic something prophetic for you for your children and that those of you who love Oh babies we are talking about overflow it will come because your navigation system is working I may never seen it will come because the Lord will lead you now God spoke to me vividly an angel of the Lord he said tell my people to keep with them a natural plant of content that they will bring on Sunday to wave and go home with say I will operate as this will be presented to them are you hearing me now some of you heard me say in a prophetic week that God or gives you the road of Moses and is a spiritual thing but I believe that as God will be leading us you'll give us different approach of it this is one of them the rod of Moses brought deliverance the world of Moses brought judgment to the kingdom of the Egyptian the same Road but at the sea the same Road let them strong the same Road Street I mean that struck the rock brought forth water Ghazi let every one of them take this smallest note the head and bring it to church to wave it before God and you say you will pray for it and after it there should keep it with them and not use it [Applause] [Music] they should keep it with them and not use it for the duration of the fast on the night of the weekend of the close of the fast that we can even weekend of the 20th the 22nd to the 24th they will bring an offering that they will be connected to that meaning that would take the seat that are kept in their hands they are resin offering they all put it in one envelope and I'll present it before the order and LOC the overflow he has spoken about will be so shocking in your life that many will ask you which magic did you do you will say to them there is a prophet in my life who hears from God and tells me how to go now smallest not behaved in South Africa is 10 rain some people may have this small s no not the smallest don't bring McWane you have to have a note and you will waive it before the Lord this Sunday will have a prophetic service with the rod of Moses and this will be the first word of Moses in your finance [Music] we have never done this before don't judge me over this I'm learning it just like you spoke to me just now and I still telling you we've been here for 17 years we have never done this and I don't want your 10 reign just you know in case you wanna come off your 10 reign you come wherever you are with your $1 1 shilling whatever the case may be euros take this smallest note if you don't have a small you want to use the biggest note I think that it is a point of contact right so you will waive it before God in the service and to become the root of the load in your planet but here be careful not to eat that one don't go out and say I will use this one and I'll get another one there were many sticks and roads that Moses could have used but the only one had turned into a serpent Moses for the facility' I'm too hot and too cold now and need wood for fire let me use my road and I'll pick another one it will not be the same are you hearing me are you hearing me so next service next Sunday you will come with the road take it for you take a road for you children take a road for your family and I will wave it before the Lord can we do that now lift your hands as we pray I want you to begin to pray over even what I said now on the road of Moses a prophetic house is a house of prophetic Direction Manama City God said that this year for you will be a a overflow his gracious mercy his power will overflow uncommon things will happen [Music] [Music] we bless you Jesus Lord we honor you we thank you we give you glory there is none like you from everlasting to everlasting you are God bless us today bless us today lift your hands the Lord bless me today I'm here for you don't pass me by I receive my miracle today defeat the devil in my life let the world see your glory in my life I decree I declare the daily favor of God will be on me today and my life will never be the same Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus in my life in my life I receive it I receive it in Jesus name in Jesus name oh man hallelu ss-sure please have a seat Exodus chapter 3 first one to sixth will you read on the screen want to entry amang you are about to have an experience with God [Music] [Music] ah [Music] my [Music] [Music] you are you Molly where are you I'm on um the Lord our God you say I'll never leave you nor forsake you I shall be with you every day until the end of time yes you are Emmanuel we are not alone God is with us we love to love you Jesus we bless you Lord I pray God that you used me as a force or as an instrument as I share your word or God I pray that it may not be me Matthews my opinion but you speaking through me so may I be a simple instrument in your hand use me O God like a musician who uses a guitar a speaker uses a microphone may I be a microphone to you O God spirit of the Living God glorified Jesus Christ in our meets let the chains of pain and suffering for today may the Saints go out free testifying that in the truth which of America no oh God known to us no unto me o God but all to your name give glory for why will the nations say where is their God the world is dying Lord the entire globe is covered with confusion when it comes to you show up Oh God and we will show off in Jesus name Amen hallelujah thank you please have a seat now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to Arab the mountain of God and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the meats of a bush so he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire but the bush was not consumed then Moses say I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush does not burn so when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look got called to him from the meats of the bush and say Moses Moses and he said Here I am then he said do not draw near this bush do not draw near this place take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand is holy ground merav I said I am the God of your father the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob and Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God Moses was poured from the waters it was an answer to an entire generations misery as Israel looked to God and cried for they have been slaves for many generations they knew nothing else but how to serve the Masters though the Lord had covenant with them they were sons of Abraham meaning sons of Covenant but even the sons of covenant if taken by the enemy under an oppression of ignorance not knowing the way out can go through many difficulties so that called on God but it is say it took 430 years some situation are stubborn like that some people suffer very long a situation that keeps on recurring year after year so much so that it tells your identity now when you relate to it you do not relate to it as a situation you relate to it as my situation when somebody approaches you and see how are you doing you say it is all well except my sickness because you see it has been so long in you oppressing you that it is now a condition that you have conditioned yourself to live with but today a perceiving God that the you will go free from an every step own diabolical situation of your life 430 girls Israel cried to God and God heard and dissent Moses let me tell you something about my god it makes everything beautiful in its time the Bible say there is time to cry there is also time to rejoice the return to sit at the back there is time to sit at the front I feel in the Holy Ghost as somebody's elevation is for today I feel in the Holy Ghost somebody's testimony is for today your time of mourning is over God is speaking to me that your life of pain has expired today the works of the enemy in your life have expired today today as I speak under the Holy Ghost may you much on to the goodness of God the glory of God so that they may walk together on the way of perdition Moses was anointed with an anointing that breaks the yoke Moses was a vehicle that God chose to use a deliberate Israel you see if you are struggling if you are going through pain what is really beneficial to you is not another person that comes to ask you questions are you in pain yes we decide can I touch it I'm looking for a solution Lord send me somebody that you have selected among many somebody that you have pulled out of the crowd somebody that you have equipped yourself to stand with me in the battlefield loss send me my Moses the battle is too great I cannot do myself send me somebody who understands you different pastors and different churches we have too many pastors but there is no impactor we have too many churches but yet we are still not recognized we need fire in the houses of God we need servants of God men and women of fire we need men and women feel the Holy Ghost will be a destiny changers nations's as you used Moses used today use me today somebody say it louder Lord as you use Moses use me today he was born for a cold and Absa it began to develop and grow the Lord began to reveal the cause of his existence know why you are wrong why you are you you try to leave there is a reason behind you looking the way you look there is a reason why are you coming from where you come from the reason reason behind everything around you God selected you for an assignment that nobody on earth is equipped and qualified for an assignment that all can only be fulfilled to you we all know as Moses began to feel the movement of his calling in his bosom he went to kill an Egyptian that he had seen miss Twitty a Jew an Israelite the following day he walked the same path but this time you don't see an Egyptian but he saw two Israelites fighting one another he was shocked in Russian the Medes and say do not fight each other because Moses understood Jews should not at Jews a child of God cannot fight a child of God today the church is being ripped apart by the enemy from within we're because we find it's okay that you throw a stone to your brother that you research your brother and to assume sometimes we do this not in private we go all out there we enjoy it when the world applauded for us as we kill one another as we destroy one another Moses understood brothers do not fight brothers sisters to not fight sisters it is true that we are different it is true that we will not always agree but sometimes family majority must understand that are you moving forward with your brother areas where you have to agree to disagree we may not see it the same way this way I like it the other way but we can still live before another twenty fingers trying to pull each other's down does not favor anyone except the enemy so as Moses jumped dance don't fight your brother the Bible reports that the one who had an upper hand on his brother took an offense and say do you also to kill me like you killed the Egyptian yesterday and that Moses realized that the matter was feel that the matter was revealed everybody knew it he knew that it was in trouble for fara will come for him this is how Moses reign for his life he went to exam he remained there for four years he started a new life he married a good wife he had good children he was working in the company of his father-in-law a man called Jethro who as a priest admitted but yet he was also a man a farmer Moses is his son-in-law was taking care of the flock the sheep of the father-in-law and one day he will go through life as usual it did not know that that day was the day that God has said for him you know sometimes we'll go through life as normal so that would go through life expecting nothing because we have everything in control I'll go to church and after church I would walk this way some of you listen to me you have even prepared your faith your transport faith for the a or for the week I will go I will do this because your system is built on sitting things in place that is what we call stability but God is about to shake your waters a little better that which you thought that there will be faith for transportation you'll use it for petrol or fuel because I perceive a pedestrian driving a NASCAR that is about to change things I [Music] we have certain things that that we already said this is how it will be you already know that I need to leave early and stand at the gate for my brother passing by to help me with a certain amount of money do we pray here do we send fire you still see yourself broke you see seen yourself in need of the brothers hang their hand that received is under the hand that gives don't be like this give me give me it is a begging evil spirit in you the beggars they are professional beggars they solve all the problem through making as soon as there is a situation the psyche tells them who should approach I tell you I've been true and loved in my little life I had made a vow to myself begging is not my pushing there were time we had nothing and I hadn't if I was in difficult situation because my mind did not function in a way that all is next who should help me I did not have it as an option I had other options I had other things to do are you hearing me Moses had alive and the Jethro who was crying to him but because of the calling of God in his life the loss setting up of pro glory I don't know which life you are living in some people you are living far away from what God had destined for you you are living a life of compromising you have compromised that's where you live where you live that's what you drive what you drive that's why you do what you do Moses was not called by destiny to be a ship a shepherd but because he was running away from a thing and he had not nothing but he became a shepherd boy some people are right now under the sound of my voice where you are is far away from the path drawn by God for your life but today as a to disown me restoration take place in your life as a man restoration take place in your life those of you are watching me right now man restoration take place in your life may God direct your path back where it's supposed to be makeup direction pop back wait supposed to be in the name of G I see many people today you you keep on compromising you have a compromise literally everything of you you have no dignity anymore in this relationship you are going through it thinking that to get better is getting worse I pray a u-turn in your life I say and you turn in your life in the name of Jesus I think that we are born with that course awesome way that seems to pull you somewhere else this is a reason why some of you I hear something pull what you hear some of you are watching me nobody told you about us the Lord led you you went on on a device to meet your own thing going through your own business and suddenly an absolute cow pops up on your screen [Applause] here is a dust anything is about dust in it something grows you you just feel that what I'm doing is not what I supposed to be doing where I am is not where I supposed to be you are big drone somewhere that day Moses did not wake up thinking of an experience with God it did not know this God it didn't grow among the slaves of the Israelites who some still remembered God he grew among the Egyptian he was exposed to all the idols he did not know God he had no reference to call on him but God set him up do you know that today is a setup do you know that you being here it's not a mistake do you know the guard with his invisible hand behind the curtain okay straight did you be here right now if you are here and you can hear me I want you to know that before this moment is over your life turn awry I prophesied this to be so in your life your life is about [Music] you knowing it and because because it's very time the thing that caused you pain will disappear and the things that you looked as demonic will disappear God is about to do something for somebody who has come to have go that is about to do a shocking thing let me try this I said God is about to a shocking thing I know that you just came to have Church you just came to set things in motion is about to do something that will shock your system that will show people who you don't support that you do not recognize you anymore people who yesterday despise you they will embrace you God is about to turn the tables around the weak are about to become strong the poor about to become rich they also a loss I see somebody was really in need of financial miracles and takes a great deal of money and it places it in the chain and you make sure that the person comes in the area and before the person comes in the area because the a manager is to the point that all the other chairs are occupied the only remaining chair is a chain and under the chair there is a provision now it sends you there to the place not telling you a thing now you're just going as usual you have not planned anything you just go in there as normal you look at this chair is reserved and you find an empty chair you want to go to it they say it's taken some time you feel bad because the chair you want head is taken but you do not know the plan of God now chair may have looked nice for you on the outside but it may have not been the chain that the Lord has set for you the only chair left is that one it may not be as good as a chair you are on but what do I do I just go and sit you don't know what you are sitting on mayhap prophesy over some ID you do not know what you are sitting on I may I declare a word over somebody you do not know what God has set for you where you are right now over you your parrot oh no fun to where you are if you are watching me from Singapore your miracle of fun - in Singapore now if you are in India your miracle will find you right there in India if you are watching me from Ghana your miracle would have found you now what if you are watching me from the basement from the overflow from the extension from the lobby your miracle will thank you right where you are somebody wake I and acetone is so a burning bush the burning bush was not necessarily a spiritual experience because of the heat waves those days here and there a bush will catch fire but this time the bush was not consumed by the fire he saw a bush burning but not consumed so he decided himself my goodness what is this let me turn to look as some of you are still far your miracle is here you have seen it but you have not turned to look here is Moses soit then he said to himself let me draw closer to it unless you engage it you can be blessed by it this is why we have people from across the globe coming because what's the soul the bush on fire the house is on fire let me know just see from let me get a visual let me buy that ticket let me turn and look for Basha let me get it the devil knows that that's what every time you begin to engage it comes to remain here you must understand that it is only when Moses decided to turn to eat and look at an angel of the Lord the Bible said the angel of the Lord every time you hear your angel speaks of Jesus Christ himself the manifestation of Christ in the Old Testament came through an angel and it was not an angel it was the angel the angel of the Lord the Lord spoke to him it's a remove your sandals for you a standing on holy ground meaning that accept into holy ground he had an experience that a nobody warning foe he had what is known as an encounter we see there after Islam turning around an experience he had one day change the cost of his life forever a moment with God turn around the temples forever you must understand moses was already cold but until he had an encounter his calling was undermined his calling was ineffective you may be called to be a great man of God you may be called to be a great businessman you may recall we call to be a great model but until you have an encounter with God that calling will not be effective for you only your fire inside to ignite you need an encounter an encounter gives value to your calling a calling without an encounter is a wasted thing [Music] you can prove to man that you are cold you can have a video of the day confirmation to your calling has been given but that does not guarantee that you will have an impact what guarantee is that are your calling will impact nation's and lives out there is that a aster your holding you had an encounter with God the burning bush was an encounter that the Moses head and it changed his life it was an experience with God some people know God intellectually but they have no experience with God and go to church every Sunday and come out the same the read the Bible every day and remember nothing the life spiritually is literally empty and very light do they call or God it seems like the prayers are hitting a ceiling and falling down this is a sign of somebody who has not been in the burning bush somebody who has not encounter if you have an encounter the things that used to be difficult order become easy are you hearing me the body of Christ will be able to stand strong only when those who are called by God have an encounter you see there was a time in my life where everything was normal as everything was normal because today nothing is normal in my life Jesus nothing is normal with Africa nothing I am abnormal I've made peace with it there was a time where I go to church like everybody else there was a time where I will just say amen to the proceedings and go home there was a time where I'll be satisfied simply because I waved my hand to God until I had an encounter with God I began to exercise my faith differently I would launch in the deep in a risky way to see the glory of God because I had an encounter what you used to be scaring today is very attractive to me there are five things that we see in the life of Moses after the encounter the first thing that we saw Moses was enabled empowered to confront the things he was running away from he was in the wilderness because he was running away from Pharaoh but after the encounter he went to meet Phil you will have an encounter today I receive Europe begin to scale but used to scare you God will make you a destroyer of watches to destroy you Jesus what you used to run away from your run to in this season that is about to make you different hear me a neighbor who had a very energetic dog this dog were back from morning till evening you're back for literally anything it had so much energy and the difficulty we had was at every time I play circle we play football and the ball ends up going to their homes the party's over not because we had no access but simply because the dog now we had a friend who came from who comes normally on holiday in the neighborhood we did the ball and it went to the house we all knew that I was finished it's finished okay we're taking our stuff we say why why are you going so finished with the not abolish there we need to achieve low in the family work time and out roll the ball back - no let go because their little dog was vicious the way he will launch out somebody you feel like a dis dog means evil it's about to really tear you apart so we told him but he wanted to take a chance he was a different breed it came from a different place where we were in the suburb day everybody was time everybody was living like that way came from they don't follow the rules you know I'm talking about our eyes were half-opened but AHIMA every time he comes on holiday you take leadership because his eyes were like this so he decided to go to the house he opened the gate and enter he saw them all day and he saw no dog so he rushed to take the ball as soon as he caught the dog the ball the dog came out and attacked him we all knew that oh god this poor guy that council holiday is about to be devoured but a lil dog to our surprise as he took step to run is thought the dog was coming the dog stopped probably the dog was thinking why are you stopping he stopped the dog stopped it done the dog look after the dog the dog the dog ran still backing but this time not button to attack for help hear me after your encounter that dog that has been after you will run from it'll what I talking to you today that is no devil that has been launching attacks on you would fly away please have a seat the first thing that we see in the Moses the things that are just steamed away irin to the things that scared him yesterday he scared today God is about to give you something this year that will make you so strong as a soul strong I see you look confront that devil he will give you poor nets you look go in the name of the Lord you look at cancer and say cancer you do not reign over my body anymore you'll speak to HIV and say by the blood of Jesus I am crash and here you have most reward in my hand you cannot have an encounter the reason why many people have been running away in the body of Christ over little devils it's cause of lack of experience we asked our friend when he came out we were prodding him applauding for him we asked him how did you do this he said I met more vicious dog than this one he had an encounter his previous encounter told him when he was released one I met greater than this you cannot have an encounter with God once you have an encounter with God you won't be afraid anymore you won't be afraid anymore you will arise strong Who am I talking to the second thing we see in Moses after this he was a nobody but after they encounter it became a somebody in its new season don't look at your academic qualification don't look at your family name don't look at your address mark my word I will roll a red carpet for you I don't know who I'm speaking to but my name is absolute I speak on behalf of my master the lord of glory the King of Kings he says in this season don't look at your academic qualification don't consider your experience in life don't lean on your network don't look at your family name don't turn to a dresser there will roll red debate for you is somebody out of a nobody I receive it only one-third of the current baloney use that are living on the face of the earth is what I call owed money meaning it came from generation one third meaning the 2/3 of baloney yesterday had no dress nor it a billions yesterday our God is increasing popular nears I said God is increasing day I received some head of stitch today if you'll interview them and say while growing up did you see this coming they'll say I don't know I could not see this it was not in me but God poured it out hey God is about to shock the world with you as a God is about to shock the world with you is there anybody was receiving is my word I receive it I speak on behalf of Yahweh i decree and I declare a turnaround in your life I was saying he was a nobody it became a somebody look at you after the first Hey oh yes look at you after the first [Applause] hey I received dose of module admire you [Applause] then look at you yesterday who are you now there goes how are you I mean the devil's about to turn her on nobody to them now but you are going to become a somebody in this side somebody gets ready you'll about to employ your employer I will see did you hear us you employed your employer when they took a box of creation the you are about to create so many jobs at the city you to honor you do I want you this is my word I receive pull yourself together pull yourself together and you're not just anybody fix yourself [Music] you can have an encounter with God and remaining something good is about to happen to you please have a seat the third thing that we see in the life of Moses as a result of the burning bush experience the encounter he had with God he used to be palace his master plan was didn't one Egyptian at a time to release Israel and if those days Egypt had a population of 4 million people he could have taken him 4 million days he was palace first confrontation with his brother Aaron for his dear life but after a chapter he became powerful before they can tell you was powerless after the encounter he was powerful you see God you can be the same week crying baby the power of the Living God will begin to operate in you the power of the Almighty God will begin to vibrate in here I am prophesy but of power from today you'll walk in power as a friend today you shall walk in power who am I talking to answer from today you shall walk in power I see somebody said give me power give me power you see the devil knows those who have it [Applause] jeez the devil knows those who have it I'm talking about the anointing power God those of you out there in the Sun demon or Ashiya Mikoto those in the other floors the power of God is coming I mean those who are watching me live the power of God is coming somebody Allah power power the fulfilling please have a seat the fourth thing that we see in the life of Moses after the burning bush experience the encounter he had with God Moses did not know that before but thereafter in your God God Himself came to him and introduced himself to him he said I am the Lord God of your father's it did not know that he probably never knew that there is an Abraham probably he said I am the Lord God of your father's and it listed them God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob know that God is the god of the dead but God is a covenant keeping God what he had promised to Abraham it was seen in Isaac and in chekhov and it was about to pop out in the life of Moses in knew God the Bible say the people that know their God they shall be strong knowing your God will empower you and they will give you strength the encounter brought knowledge to Moses the knowledge I'm referring here to is not a an intellectual knowledge it was an experience a yada today the body of Christ is filled with men and women who know about God that know everything about him but they do not know him the experience with God brought him to know you gotta know you you have to know him God must no longer just be a guru he enjoys you must be your God when you take your shower you know Amon alone easier with me this is my god the only one who will never leave you nor forsake you he will be with you every day till the end of time he does not need a visa to cross the border with you he said come winds or high water I am here in your life I am here holding your hand you gotta know him John nine speaks of a man who was born blind and after encountering Jesus Christ is as open man came and tried to convince him that Jesus Christ was a fraudster because you see with miracles miracles go beyond us many people many believers believe that the miracles do not exist remove it out of the line because it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense I love things that doesn't make sense all my life I had decided that I have exercised my faith so they came to him and tried to convince him that hey give that glory because we know this man is a sinner meaning that our E is staging these miracles it is not true it is out of evil powers that is doing this is a sinner the men say if is the sinner or not I do not know but one thing I know I was blind oh yes and now I can see one thing I know you see you cannot have an encounter you were blind your eyes open did you see the blood man on Friday so how long was he blind again for seven years his eyes opened it took less than two minutes did you see how he was looking at himself now this man damn that man was blown was blind for seven years John 19 speaks of a man who was born blind and the Bible say he was of age he could have been 40 and his eyes opened they trying to convince him that Jesus Christ is not God there are people if you tell them pass a half is not true they will stone you not because I've tell them to stone you it's because they have experienced my god hallelujah glory to Jesus are you hearing me what'd you say I was blind and now is there anybody who has a testimony here is there anybody who can specify God in this place like this hallelujah glory to Jesus in you God and the last thing he developed in 8mc with God it could speak to God the Bible speaks of the relationship between God and Moses it was more than a relationship between a man and his boss they spoke they conversed a level of intimacy that you can only have after you had an encounter with God and Moses said to the Lord and the Lord said to Moses and Moses replied and the Lord said he had an encounter is that possible that a man can converse with God now well if it's not possible you must tear off some pages of your Bible meaning that as some part of your Bibles are no longer relevant if it was possible yesterday it is possible now amen but you see you have to have an encounter the proof that you had an encounter is not in your title the proof that you had an encounter with God does not lie in your title because you are calling a poster does not imply that you had an an encounter the mere fact that you are a beast of an act Bishop offenders for the bishops that's not implied automatically that you had an encounter the proof of an encounter is not in the mere life experience that you have a ucv you have been in this organization you have been in this church you can be in a Bible School graduate and still not have an encounter once you have an encounter the fruits are clear the glory of God will be made manifest for you if we do not see the glory of God for you it possible you did not have it yet if you do not know God by experience you have not tested him it's clear you did not have an encounter I pray today but you may have an encounter with God in the name and if there is somebody who already had one encounter I pray that you may have a greater encounter with the assailant but you may experience him to be the healer heroes there is no sickness it cannot heal a man there is no disease it cannot heal that you may experience him to be the provider it provides it opens doors lift your hand and pray the Holy Ghost Brenda holy low speak to God in the Holy Ghost remain seated and praying the Holy Ghost [Music] pristiq cigar praise be to God o praise pick to God is a healer somebody's getting healed today somebody's getting healed today somebody's life will turn around today I receive grace victor god [Music] lift your hands so all order Oh meet me at the point of my need may I in come to you Oh God Oh turn my life around I receive my miracle today I receive my miracle today through this experience through this experience the world will know the world will know that you are indeed my god that you indeed my god you a good God with faithful God begin to pray in the direction price speak to God [Music] mad about the saputo Bobo pray to heaven experiencing God pray that you may experience God pray that you may experience God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beyond [Music] let's go hand see I take authority I guess every evil power released against my every spirit of stagnation every spirit of no progress the blood of Jesus is against you take authority against every power of the enemy commanded ever to live commanded ever to live commanded ever to leave authority [Music] [Music] there's so much La Scala [Music] they gotta be back to Yemen [Music] in Jesus name Holy Spirit whoa whoa move me now make my life whole again yeah spilling whoa get your hand and speak to the Holy Spirit to fill you up to lead you in this moment it is true the Holy Spirit that your encounter is secure speak to the Holy Ghost move me now make my life war again spirit spirit spirit of god god of oh sorry Baba tyrannous Spirit of God [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Waiver you are the Lord my God's eyes are on you the day God begins to do something new there are families here that God won't touch there are people that God wanna touch your lives will never be the same again the Lord is speaking right now your life will never be the same again the angels of God are here the evil creatures that has set on you and no more day celebrate Jesus the Lord is taking me to kwazulu-natal Beatrice Beatrice Beatrice Beatrice come here my daughter spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and me what God is doing now me look at you to the loan has remembered you to Thank You G wherever you may be goddess remembered you to an encounter with God and she saw me in a dream as I spent my night on my knees praying for each one of you a miracle is for today are you married no you don't married no is there anybody in your life no are you in a relationship with anybody no no no do this look at me do this I will do it again [Music] something is happening [Music] God is removing shame from me now dude open it open it open it open it open it now do this bring it in bring it in bring it in bring it in bring it in bring it in now in case you are out are you wondering why is it doing this is it some kind of Gregory's and encounters leave me alone what I'm letting him to do is to motivate his faith through prophetic act are you hearing me it is an act that I believe will motivate his faith because it reflect what is happening in his life those that are close must open up amen it's like she's not in a relationship she's not married that is confusion in a life I say confusion now I see how many children do you have the reason why I say open here is because she has none but you're trusting that future I do doctor says you cannot have a child because according to doctors this cannot carry they removed everything you cannot carry listen to this it is literally impossible if you have no notaries and so forth that you may have a job when doctors say that you cannot have a charge they do not cuss you by saying that they're not cursing you don't send fire to the doctor see the doctors will tell you what is real they speak to you about reality you state your current state SoDo you refuse the state do not attack the doctor is doing his part remember faith does not deny reality faith transforms it once you get that though you may reject those statement you know and say I don't want any master it but don't make the dr. Phil occur is in evil do one are you hearing me we ever locked up just you but what men cannot do oh yes God can do [Music] are you hearing me and here every impossibility is a seed to birth a miracle if there is an impossibility in your life a miracle is about to come for everything let me tell you that is about to do something wonderful in your life today you don't move away from God those evil pets that have been causing you pain are gone and you get by the fire of the Holy Ghost I thank you for a wonderful miracle is about to happen lord I thank you for what I have not seen thank you lord what ears have not heard what a mind of men have not conceived the things which you have prepared for those who love you about to take place for your daughter do it Oh Lord that the world may know that Jesus you are the same yesterday today and forever amen my name is a flock cow I serve God today I release you from your misery from your sale from your pain she made my god show up in your life that's a miracle Jesus then you'll never be the same again in the name of Jesus somebody said I received what is my I receive what I stretched my hands towards you I stretch my hands towards you Zoro buzzcity what only God can give mate begin to give you I see that once you have an encounter with God encounter speaks of an experience it is an experience with God amen show me those photos is that your family that your family please come [Applause] [Music] so [Music] bring up where you're from originally no Germany where you from you live in Germany but you're from Kenya how did you come to know I just found it on the screen [Music] [Music] they sent something day they sent something and you knew it was your day that's what you say once you heard them is your first time you come from Germany but originally from Kenya but but let me let me see this let me see this Karina Karina joy this is joy the problem is with joy Fabio's joy away from you is that true I'm Singh and this is answer husband and the children thinking pastor how do you read it I'm just trying to tell you thank you there is a God who loves you oh yes and he knows you by name this is joy you trusting that for joys come back God has seen you this is an this is Peter Peters your brother this is Peter's wife and this is the child ahead the wife of Peter saying give me another one she's asking for another child I will give you the child so you can take it [Music] [Applause] this is your aunt Agnes you must tell your aunt she must not give up because I'm seeing her in the first marriage I'm seeing on the second marriage fix a very tab yeah first marriage and second marriage the doctor that was in Dubai [Music] champions of wrong decision I see she had a daughter who was fine working in the back she was in hotel hotel manager into her now she meets somebody and follows they got leaves the job yes a good-paying job in Dubai as it will tell manager yeah meet somebody online and leave the job to go to Mozambique yes now in Mozambique things and not well exactly you see when the devil is after you you will confuse your mind that's right it will cause you to take decision today that will destroy your life completely now she's crying over my children yes the Sun yeah this is the last fall yeah this is the last fall off your hands now let me tell you I want to pray for you for your entire family this last one this boy has a good mind but no job to an engineer but no job no job if God can see people through photos something good is about to happen to you I will save somebody received me I want to pray for you and pray for your family but I'm praying for two things I see you love teaching are you a teacher a teacher mother God but things are so tough that that you say that because I'm seeing you speaking of going to do you K I've actually quit my job I'm leaving to go to the UK so I gave me as my bathtub so you already even left because you're going to UK to start again yes I cannot stop you to go to UK because somebody in your family that you've been looking for you meet you meet in UK I'm talking about Sandra on the photos I'm saying that she she disappeared depression that's true I'm praying that you may see Sandra again I am praying for joy what happened did you beat up joy we had our usual conflict yes we fought even as a conflict we thought did you beat yes I did all right yes I did because I'm seeing a muck on joy yes yeah and it was some big thing no a simple thing yes it left a mark yes and now that took your child things are difficult yes but don't worry you came to a mine may God meet you at the point of your needs the name see to correct children is important and the road as a word says can deliver child for foolishness as long as it's done in love according to the Word of God and it is not abusive and knows society has set boundaries now that some time max parenting very difficult you have not abused your child because you love your child somebody do this they call for it turn around Jesus you're getting married turn around again [Music] you're getting married turn around okay [Music] switch your hands or bless bless bless the Lord is opening doors for you the Lord is remembering you your child is coming back home the Lord is opening doors is is establishing you Manama city whatever blocked you leaves you now receive it [Music] [Music] [Music] I seen the Holy Ghost there is a woman here you have an issue you have a matter as I'm praying and the Lord is showing me a daughter joy coming back the Lord showed me in a vision there is a woman here you have a problem you married to a man called Christopher and you have a child with this man beside you on three other children the woman I'm talking about you have a tooth that is missing I'm seeing a small tooth because in November your husband beat you up over what happened with that child she's coming on that side now this this is not the lady this is not the lady this is not the lady the lady I'm talking about does not have a tooth is not this lady because I'm seeing a picture there is a tooth missing you have a tooth missing your husband's name is Christopher Christopher you beat up a child in June is are you this small a kid are so short hey that one is also okay look at me is that you is your husband Christopher you you beat up the child this child is Christopher's child the name of the child is Chris jr. look at me this child grew up with you when did you take the child to live with you you raised the child the child is now 12 years old so you raise this child from three years old to 12 years old God is saying that the you and your husband fought on the 15th of November also he beat you up and you lost your teeth is a truth you're missing one tooth can I see that can I see you this is what I saw look at me woman have you ever spoken to me before did you speak to somebody about your tooth now if you look at her now if you look at their face is it obvious that she has no tooth it's not obvious but let me tell you the tooth data came off they had a bit of gold on it past its true past because you can even smile I can't even smile okay now I want to change this because I'm seeing you do to go to court over the matter of you beating the chance you are going to cut on the 31st of January is that correct is that correct now what happened I see a child coming from school and what happened what did you beat the child because he entered no I was kidding I tell him to enter I'm just cleaning now and he what did he tell me when did you speak back to you yes this is how it's my father's house and he insulted me I can't even talk about it you can even talk about it yes the chart came and you stopped the child who came from school from entering where you are cleaning meaning that are probably the child's feet wet dirty or that's your muddy so you wanted to prevent the place you worked in you say don't come in is that what you say yes and the child answered you and say it's not your house is he insulted me past and then you decided to be the child but I'm seeing blood here did you cause her blood which are you be the child and the child was bleeding it was not invitation to do that pasta it was not your intention so you beat the child the child was bleeding yes but when the child was bleeding the child ran out went to the aunt the aunt of the mother not you and they come together is a correct yes pasta is true your misery started in that house that day because this child already was speaking to the sister to the biological mother and when that happened the one day he went there with blood that is how they went to open a case against you his true pastor is a truth this true past true did you tell somebody about what I'm telling you no you didn't because I am seeing the lady coming you know screaming and she she was with the detective yes pants is that true yes / a detective called Malaika yes is that correct yes now look at this she got arrested because she beat a child she came out on the bell of 1000 rain in in the same jail cell yes you came and are you supposed to be in court on the 12 of November and they postponed it for the 31st of January your husband after coat three days after so that's when you fought together yes and he beats you and you lost you two abusive relationship no you are not you are in a relationship of misunderstanding because he is blaming you he loved loving him you say here that is abusive relationship to a schema say I married the wrong woman today that will bring peace the stove will stop please say that is not what you gonna do God is restoring you but look you have a situation over that child because the child was bleeding and it's all smoke a lot when you go on the 31st it will not be very well because I'm seeing a woman Josh that would want to teach you a little lesson somebody lift your hand and said merci somebody said merci see look I want to pray I'm praying for mercy I'm praying that God may change your situation and favor you because it was just home issues but you must have decision not to do that you know in parenting being a parent of a child that is not directly yours your spouse either your wife or your husband child requires a lot of wisdom no matter what you do often time the child would take it as because you are not my parent that's what you do in this and on the other side the spouse the other spouse the true biological parents of that child will always take the side of the truck even when it doesn't speak or she doesn't speak it will always be could it be that that she or he is mistreating my own it requires a lot of wisdom parenting a child that is not yours is possible and it happens you can adopt a child that's not even your styles you can adopt an uncle's child you can adopt a nebbish are but I pray that God may grant you wisdom wisdom and parents must know as a parent you have responsibility to lead your children right one of the key thing if you want to be a good parent that you have to give your children before food is love just believe that you love them let them be convinced that you love them to the works that you presented them this situation could have been avoided and right now it's a very difficult matter simply because of some excess over cleaning the house now there is a permanent problem but God is a merciful God he will turn things around even for you out there the name of Jesus I want you firmly to switch your hands for it turn around God God God God pray pray for her we are praying for mercy and we are praying for peace between you and Christopher your husband we are praying that God made to something Rama Mazzetti pray for her for her name of Jesus [Music] everybody leaves your hand and print Holy Ghost pray for yourself pray for yourself that's the grace of God for you ask the grace of God for you I am coming here for you Maureen I'm hearing more read more read more read more read more read more read don't look back Maureen stand up is that you is that you don't look back the load is same Maureen Maureen Maureen Maureen are you Maureen United Kingdom so you say both you are from kwazulu-natal but you live in UK do you come to church here every time you come around yes this is your first time your second your third your fourth this is your fifth time every time you come from you can you come here because you believe my spiritual father with form are you here are you here okay what I need to do will go to your husband lazy my husband but now you know what I'm where I'm going to thank you PO are you see PO yes master kwazulu-natal Oh United Kingdom both pastor both we work we work in the UK but you work in the UK because I see people in the hospital yes I see a nurse assistant nurse you are nurse and you you an assistant nurse [Applause] come you with the glasses come come come come come here Sabu City Wincott decides that your life is turning around now nothing can stop it you've been trusting God that God may give you children and now everything seems to be very tight but God is saying to me as you pray for you because something good is beginning to happen to you this year there'll be a turnaround in your life just like that the miracle of God is your hands somebody received that for you - God is giving you a miracle that you be trusting him for and you two got together this is your yay the overflow God will give you the desires of your heart stretch your hands with them as we pray for them we pray for them [Music] receive it name of Jesus robo setted you come to church here for my third time this is your my third time this is your third time where are you from sir I'm from returned you are from botswana is there anybody who came from botswana all right I'm also from botswana yeah my friends all right to come with my friend cow you came with your friend I'll go yeah so you inviting him he's inviting me so I called you you Cody yes because it's like that now man it's like that now I'll call you you call him huh yes pasta is like that yes [Music] [Music] whoa see you everywhere [Music] I love ninja holy man [Music] this is your friend that's my friend I didn't call you I've got him yes and because you came here I'm done we paid for his Jenny so you you are the one who is payback time who assisted him to be here all right nevertheless I caught him but because he called you the eyes of God are on you hear me as you will serve God with your finances if you look commit for it today something will happen oh and are you hearing something will happen something big will happen in your family I am seeing you in construction but I'm also seeing you serve a knees like a underground is that what you do and the water survey yes just my company the grotto this is your company yeah but right now is not working as he supposed to you are trusting that football as it touches my altar may miracle begin I am I'm sick juice two boys are you hearing me you have two boys yes I mean children all together but look at me how many children do you have out of your two boys the two boys I'm seeing those are the only children your head is that so yes your first son I'm seeing a 24 or so that your child is 24 this boy carries a different grace I am singing in accounting sorry he has done Seema he has done Seema yes your child both the first one I'm seeing at 24 in eighteen oh shoot those are your children my two boys I am praying for the crest of that not only in your business but it will also be in your children's life you have a good heart thank you and God want to position you in the kingdom to serve Him you serve God with finances but I'm hearing that is saying if you remain faithful to is if you will keep on keeping on working according to him what is about to do with you will be a shock first to yourself you will look at yourself in a mirror and say is this me oh yes God is about to do something green everybody leaves your hands Rocco - so - I am blessing you blessing your business I am praying the grace of God over you in the name of Jesus target [Music] now you can go I'll give it to him you can go you still want it yes no but you you caught him you give it to you at home you lay hands on you at home okay just come just come out joking I think there'll be battles out there next time I'll call you say restauration three times a restoration resolution resolution restoration restoration restoration not too quickly use a respirator on testosterone restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration God is showing me that whatever the devil stole from you this season God is restoring it you have been abused your kindness has been taken as weakness rut in your home with your wife or should I say ex-wife yes how many children do you have together - you had two children together yes because I haven't seen her pregnant and I'm seeing her giving birth and that that was what divided you is true because the pregnancy the security and the chassis gave birth was it yours no sir your kindness has been taken as naivety you oh I'm talking about your wife your wife true how can you bring another child after so long being married to a husband and shamelessly you gave birth and a check is a baby boy is that true is true man of word all right she's not a devil she made a mistake but that is a colossal mistake she's not a devil she just made a mistake that is a very bad mistake and now even as a species paying because a hat is not well even the one who impregnated her your wife is not even a normal man is not free they cannot carry on together Johnny say yes does she have something to do with school your wife yeah she's pretty spun she's a principal yes because I'm seeing children young should like a primary school or something like that it's true man of course she's in a primary school press upon the primary school true men of God second restoration three times you are now working with your partner that brought you here is true man of God as I declared the blessings of God in his life those same blessing because you're working together will show up in your life to receive but this season that is restoring you financially and is causing you to forget the Pens of yesterday you're a Mary again with a daughter of Zion start are you ready for that do you see when I get married oh you are so turn off by woman I'm a little bit but I want to make you have to stretch your hands with her how to hold him switch your hands with him lift your hand I am blessing you today I bless your life from this day forward your life will be better in the name of Jesus the grace of God is on you in Jesus name in Jesus name everybody lift your hand and pray the Holy Ghost brain the whole pray pray pray pray the blessings of God are covering their house wherever you are if you have faith to receive man you receive it now I ever say I say wherever you are if you have faith to receive mail you receive it now somebody holler Irish ever now now hear me this I do very quickly right now if it is you beat that you are inside auditorium or you in the basement if a code and you know it is you I want you to come running come very quickly there is a lady that the Lord is showing me your name is doo doo doo doo silly they call you do too to do some goo to do Shabangu doo doo Shabangu you are born on the 19th of December you are from two malanga Kwan dabeli you come from a place called quanta belly please come come come everybody praying the Holy Ghost bring the Holy Ghost as she's coming praying the holy wars are you there are bubbles so too [Music] [Music] stand up women stand up very quickly look at me were you born on the 19th of December is that you it is about God will heal so many people today God will heal people under the source of all kind of diseases if you are here and you believe it can I hear you say I receive a incurable disease is not incurable - God is incurable - man what is impossible with men is possible with God today hear me if you are sick and you believe my god something will happen to you today if you receive it in I hear you say RS [Music] that is healing you today you have been at knows hiv-positive yes when your husband you had I'm talking about Vic is that true Vic all right okay you see you have kids I see your husband and the reason why you say you have kids with him implying that it is not formalized as your husband is because when the two of you met this man was going to a divorce is from gyani but originally from Mozambique he was going through a divorce you had the first shot together and the Lord is saying to me that after you had the first shot together the wife heard that and the wife said because my husband is going now it is no longer job let me make a u-turn she went on and cancelled the divorce is that true so he calls you my wife but that she couldn't he could not continue anymore because the wife had canceled the devotions you carry oh you had another child but the day you had that nose after you have been found sick you have done know that knows hiv-positive if you said to go back to the wife is that true he decided to leave you is that true you ain't shocked because you've been praying for this day anybody who has been praying for a day such as this God loves us we are not often the God on the cross is not your God your God has defeated the cross he was on the cross and he was in the tomb and he rose in lives forever more we don't bow down to it dead God defeated on the cross no he went to the cross but it's no longer on the cross he lives forever mode the Bible says Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever more if your God is dead come and try mine merhaba city you are in shock you've been praying for this day hear me today God gives you God will cleanse you are you hearing me don't mind this man that left this man when he realized that the you were HIV positive he also went to tests and areolas attack is still HIV negative it went back to the wife quickly I don't like things like this went back straight living you with the sickness but the sickness that you have did not come from a him because this negative it came from your previous relationship you have children with a man called Petros yes and he is the one who gave it to you yes if you would have if you'll bring him because of the children if you couldn't bring him here God will manifest his goodness the Lord is healing you when you come to church today that is telling me to tell you when you come together this is a proof for you that'ii has healed you when you come to church today they you had pain under your armpit yes let your head your head like a pimple you know those people that comes true yes under my arms okay check it [Music] press it press it look for you look for you know somebody did Jesus Braille know it is no longer day no it's gone God see when you came the pain that you came with and that your heartbeat it's gone it is a son for you that he has remembered you and your healing has come whoever is sick today receive healing today in the name of Jesus Jesus name I shall receive healing today in the name we ever see special hands as we pray I released grace of God over you at declare you are healed yield yield yield Hill in Jesus everybody stand up stand up I want to come to the crowd may not be especially peaceful in the basement don't throw yourself on me because you scratch me you beat me you you mistreats me or that because you want to get something from you see we just pull me this side you pull me that side one day you cut me in pieces and I hope you'll be happy hear me when I come don't throw yourself in me God knows where you are don't jump on me can we do that especially as I go to the overflow I want to pray for somebody's miracle is not over in few minutes the miracles of God I will cover the place can we do that we will begin fusty tomorrow so it is time for us to pray I want everybody to begin to prepare for yourself that got me here and that God may answer you lift your hand as we pray Saba City show robositter negative zaterra Cassata zj Rekha citta so toboe sitting so to robos attain Rocco Soto [Music] time I said about something these are just people that came in this morning pasta believing God that you will heal them today God will heal them today bless God [Music] [Music] you're Thomas gum [Music] your miracle is for today like it or not you are receiving it today amen may I come to you now can I come down with you hear me the Bible says if you'll agree and ask anything shall be done may I come to hold your hand and agree with you is there anybody who's dressing up for his miracle now is there anybody who's trusting God for a miracle now I am coming [Applause] [Music] Jesus will do it for you what men cannot do Jesus will do it for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hear me if you can hear me how do we need I need you to pray with me that we may have a bigger venue what I'm seeing here we have far too more people than we can handle it is serious there are literally more people outside and there we have inside the auditorium and I don't want you to be outside can we all take a minute lift your hand take a minute let pray that God may give us a better and a bigger place shall we pray Robo City Roma City Cara bah-bah-bah City rakita City Cordova City euro budget Arabic antara bah-bah-bah ZTE babysit a euro Bellator MMA City [Music] now lift your hands here me from where mmm praying if you are sick receive your healing if finances have been a problem it will never be a problem again Jesus God is opening a door for you that nobody can close if you have a family member who is sick believe God for their restoration if you are here you are blind you ask you're not open begin to see now in the name of Jesus if next to you there is somebody on the wheelchair trust God that that person is about to stand up and begin to walk do you believe that my pastors will come and lay hands on you carrying my grace carrying my anointing tearing the same spirit that is on me what will happen to the hand is exactly what will happen if I lay hands on you are you hearing me lift your hands we pray grab ababa so to my guru Baba Baba Sarah babysitting [Music] we are praying for you I command the power God somebody's working now look at the deck eight eight eight eight brace Viktor God yes pray church rocoto Soto that is lucky let us give Jesus praise hallelujah am i let us give Jesus praise receive your healing receive your miracle receive your healing reasonable citizens receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it Jesus recipient miracle may your eyes open a break every infirmity in the name of Jesus ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit rise up from that will change rise up from now will change if you're in a wheelchair the man of God is commanding you to rise up shake it up shake it a rickety summer time so don't receive your miracle son receive your miracle such as your miracle can you say miracle right now check your ticket ticket right away the name of Jesus [Music] robositter Leah pass under a Baha'i baba sithi your time has come we are talking now we receive it in the name of Jesus never to say never say never the same in Germany say never say his name look at the second derivative esata shuttle Robo City [Applause] [Music] is here in the name of Jesus Jesus wheelchairs are going up all over the auditorium the power of God is all over somebody giving praising people in the auditorium giving praise celebrate Jesus in the overflow giving praise hallelujah glory to Jesus their chest here yeah wheelchairs everywhere this is the power of God my furniture me Sally boy to me sanity Jesus church people receive it he is a good garden keeper recipes and awesome God if you are sick receive one of the cabinets rock rock love it if you see what you couldn't do my Oracle's I'm coming outs here Oh in the name whereas in rain receive receive in the name of Jesus I can place the person flowing there are miracles miracles set a record take in Jesus name somebody receive some delicious praise hallelujah blow receive Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth reservatrol civilly son some rest of it receive it sip your barometer I receive my miracle I received my America I received a miracle I receive my miracle so I receive my miracle I received my merica the printer Holy Ghost pray no honey goes pray the Holy Ghost right now he goes never the same never the same in Jesus Anna say never you look at it the reason we'll check out y'all going up there is a will there is a wheelchair and a wheelchair on inside my the cheese in your foot they say you'll never marry I'm here to say this yet you don't marry I see somebody celebrate animal Jesus today Richard what is your burning bush here maybe it's your head the fires gonna get there is a clutch coming they look at somebody they out there there is a clutch that somebody's working hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah give Him praise celebrate Jesus they get to pray the Holy Ghost praise be to genius blessing you the miracles of gods are on you receive it in the name of Jesus amen now take those hands put them on your head see the blessings of God it is done it is the Church of God to celebrate Jesus you cannot be something down in this maracle's he Jesus appraiser celebrate him he's worthy you will never be again in the name of jokichi who am I talking to never save your life will never be the same again in Jesus name even as you engage and empower the 40 days Russy your life will never be the same again sorry sir I see the social it be it cannot be otherwise in the name [Music] celebrate Jesus for your mind if Jesus praise is worthy he is worthy to be praised hallelujah ba ba take off the power pod be a partaker of the power paths Laura - jeez [Music] [Applause] if Jesus praising hallelujah hallelujah the blind can still see today he saw opens the eyes of the blind he still opens the ears of the Deaf his soul makes the lame to walk his soul makes the impossible possible he's now set the captive free his name is Jesus his name is Jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] Jesus is Lord tap into America this is your day your life will never be the same again glory to Jesus hallelujah as the man of God is touching and imparting the clouds outside you in the auditorium and the placement received receive that which God is distributing it is your portion as well in the name of Jesus [Music] Laurie to Jesus hallelujah glory to Jesus receive your miracle if you had hope watching touch the screen and receive your miracle believe God for the impossible today between a hospital bed in the hospital believe God for the impossible today the miraculous power of God is where you are right in your living room right in the hospital right in your office right in the hotel room is there he is they touching you only present God we give you praise Mayibuye son deliver high above all sickness oh I decree in I declare under the anointing of my spiritual father that every man every woman every girl and boy child who came into this auditorium in LAC will receive in the name of Jesus who came inside this auditorium Sheikh receive your healing in the name of Jesus receive in the mighty name of Jesus glory glory glory he's worthy he's worthy his work got your people o God we are year for burning bush experience let us experience of God that which we have never experienced before the supernatural in an uncommon way in the name of Jesus hallelujah receive your healing receive your deliverance in the name of Jesus labor SIA who you boss send Arriba higher in the mighty name of Jesus with Tavia deliverance in Jesus name rheya Bisaya touch your people Oh God thank you for healing them thank you for delivering them thank you for honoring their faith Oh God yes Jesus the lights will never be the same again in the mighty name of Jesus [Music] CC ender Jesus Jesus [Music] Lolita Jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah glory to Jesus he's worthy he's worthy [Music] rapist and Arriba Abajo positive reaction rich save it will save your breakthrough will save your deliverance in the name of Jesus glory to Jesus [Music] boy you're sitting kappa haea buh-buh-buh-buh sis's Jesus glory to Jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah glory to Jesus glory to Jesus the Savior yelling the name of Jesus [Music] see the America [Music] [Applause] we save the America be playful be prayerful in the presence of God be faithful in the presence of God don't let this moment pass loose your hands lift your hands just lowering of his I pray you receive now in the name of Jesus I pray you receive now in the name of Jesus we just receive take it take it take it fill it dad [Music] that is in the name of G [Music] Johanna I need to catch you but Jesus [Music] I am coming to you receive your miracle [Music] we shave the American in the name of Jesus [Music] the registers lift up your hands lift up your hands towards heaven and thank you thank you for what is doing right now thank him for the experience that you are having right now thank you for your healing thank him for your deliverance thank God for your deliverance in the name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus first self this woman she was brought in this morning she has asthma and she's HIV positive she's in great pain and she's not able to do anything she's just believing God that the power through you will heal her this woman man of God has arthritis she has ACMA as smash he has kidney failure she's HIV positive also for six years yes man of God this woman she fell past the ALF on a heap that makes it impossible for her to walk and she's also she's she went to the doctor at General Hospital Joel bhajan and they said that she has liver failure she's liver failure and she broke her hip but she broke a hip how long done how long ago two months ago pasta for two months this person pasta is in complete body pains all of our body she's complaining of pains and she said when the pains come there isn't a flush of blood excessive bleeding coming all the time and she's very much in pain as well please help me stretch your hands you may be seated if you want you may be standing but I want you to be connected to me switch your hands would this be loved in pain yes and we can trust God for them stretch your hands with them if you are too far and you can see them on the screen as you make it happen for them God will remember you vibration of the power of God look at this Jesus pray begin to pray prefer prefer who prefer prefer came and she's experiencing a burning bush somebody stretch your hands and receive your healing as well none of God is instructing it to receive a healing Oh God is commanding her body to be healed in the name of Jesus I serve I command you to be healed in receive your healing in the name of Jesus Jesus name receive it there's the power of God the power of God my goodness giving praise see the power of God at work look what the Lord is doing glory to Jesus glory glory clean she broke a hip yes men of God brave Sokka robust 80 's Atta Ricky wrought Isetta rotos you see the power to see the power of God at work in a Jesus save your healing God is healing and he's touching at that heap that broken he something is happening something is happening Jesus man of gas is instructing and commanding healing look at the power of God receive stand as a man of God is commanding her in the name of Jesus [Applause] celebrate Jesus I am I celebrate Jesus great worship broke a hip but look what the Lord has done God in the name of Jesus see the vibration of God see the vibration that's the power of God at work inner receive your healing the name of Jesus that's what she has asthma man of God and HIV for five years only Lori - Jesus receive your healing there's the power God chose going through and going through never the same again healed in the name of Jesus even save your healing receive your healing look at the power of God in the name of Jesus free forever never the same again if Jesus brave celebrate Jesus my God give you praise the Lord hallelujah [Music] Church give Jesus praise celebrate you can be seated somebody jump out your seat give Jesus [Music] you can lift your hands say load no I also wants my own I watched my miracle I want it now if you are in the sound of my voice I'm counting to seven and a seven begin to receive your miracles if you are out there watching me hear me today is your day you will have your own experience not your neighbors experience something is about to happen to somebody here in the main auditorium one two three four five six seven begin to receive well receive pictures may your eyes open may your eyes open in the name of Jesus arise upon the wheelchair lights up from the wheelchair your body again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] reciprocal they say financial miracle they see something the skeptic is never assuming is been listening it's a such a faith exercise of pushing the barrage we see the restoration see the shipwreck you [Music] Reza Reza Reza somebody save the poor you've already something is happening something is happening to watch you quit her to me do what you could not do before we eat the name of Jesus we she receive receive this is your moment in Jesus name every turn of the devil is broken in your life in the name of Jesus lift your hand look never mind the heat if he's bothering you do something about it put up Ekans until then never mind it do not allow this heatwave to stop your miracle of your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're sleepy America to see if God can make the lid to receive your miracle mr. Oh [Music] [Applause] celebrate Jesus receive a miracle receive the miracle [Music] Laura celebrating we worship You Lord we love you Jesus we exalt you Jesus now we thank you Jesus thank you we thank you many miracles we thank you for what you're doing with Frank you look at this this is God your miracle is here thank you thank you thank you and keep on receiving let us say is for you but somebody's working from purchasing purchasing purchase unless that somebody's working [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Laurita Jesus received [Applause] [Music] your hands your hands I see James Foley thank you say after me no Jesus no Jesus every bondage of the enemy every bondage of the enemy that kept me captives of sickness of sickness of disease of disease in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I destroyed it I destroyed every bondage of the enemy every bondage of the enemy definitely captive that kept me captain of lack of lack of poverty poverty I destroy it now I destroy it in Jesus name in Jesus name every spirit of stagnation every spirit of stagnation every spirit of no progress every spirit of no progress I destroy you now I destroy you now in Jesus name in Jesus name Oh God Oh God I receive a miracle today I receive my miracle today in every area of my life every area of my life in my fantasies in my finances in my family in my family in my work in my world in my house in my house in the works of my hands in the works of my name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I decree I declare I decree I declare I'll be not bad news in my house there'll be no bad news in a decree and I declare I decree an ID claim no becuse in my house there'll be no bad news in my house every word if we will the Lord has spoken in my life that the Lord has spoken in my life the promises are received the promises I receive the prophetic word upon my life the prophetic word upon my life shall manifest in decisions shall manifest in the season healing is not healing it's not away from me healing is not away from me where I stay where I stay here the east perfectiy stays away from me but this stays away from me but twelve days where I stays stays where I say in the name of Jesus in the name of the joy of the Lord the joy of the Lord is my swear is my strength I decree I declare I decree I declare my house is a house of healing my house is a house of he my house is a house of deliverance my house is a house of deliverance my house is a house of prayer true my house is the house of breakthrough my house is a house of testimony my house is a house of testament this is my air of the overflow this is my year of the overflow even as a love fast for forty days even as I will fast for forty days I will see the glory of God I will see the glory of God for my life for my life every day of this year every day of this year will produce a miracle will produce America in my life in my in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I am blessed I am going out going out I am blessed I am plans coming in coming in I am blessed in the city I am blessed in the city I am blessed in the field I am blessed in the field what I do is blessed what I do is blessed victory is mine victory is mine defeat stays away from me defeat stays away from me in Jesus name in Jesus name hear me now will lift your hand I want to pray for your hands yes still many miracles they're about to happen I mean for those of you out there you are watching me you may be in a place far from here but in reality in spiritual just you because you are connected I'll see you and the Lord sees you and it's grace and His mercy shall manifest in your life we saw the true God is the same yesterday today and forever he has remembered you enough is enough yes you have cried for too long in this season you will rejoice in the name of Jesus say that lift your hands now take it serious as God promised to ignite the light of direction in you you will give you direction you see he activated your navigation system take serious every instruction you receive from him all of them are meant to push you forward that you too may testify I must remember family you can only have what gods they have if you do what gasps they do if you're not prepared to do what gasps ay do you have aborted what gasps they have next Sunday the road of Moses first in your highness as we go through the fast on Sunday come with a point of contact 10 rain if you're watching me you have a currency they find and not not a coin and not even the smallest you are free to get any note but what I said 10 run is so that everybody made see is just a point of contact we will pray together I said we will pray together see children of that the enemy has been playing tricks on your fantasies that tenor and you will go home with it you put it in your wallet don't put it in your account because you're not no way to go keep it in your Bible keep it where you know you will have it and sanctified separate it please you have no right to write on money so don't write on money no this is from a breakthrough no just put it away so you may not mix it with others you will keep it throughout the fast the last weekend of the fast you erase a word be afraid you will put it in an envelope and you will take your miracle connection the road and you'll put it inside I tell you that to bring judgment to poverty I was saving in the name of Jesus it's a bring judgment to poverty to luck that miracle that you put with a worthy offering will be a tool that I will love but the Red Sea for you to cross to the other side prosperity it will catch you that same 10 reign one dollar one shilling one Kwanzaa whatever it gets maybe with your word the offering will cause the rock to give you water am i speaking to somebody Who am I speaking to how many of you are feeling it yes you are ready to obey the voice of God I'm ready to obey you will pray over that as we go as we fast when you fast for your finest when you pray for your furnace you look at that road that is the road of Moses your life is about to turn around I would say people are asked you which magic did you do lift your hands the Lord in my life what you have for me what you have for me today today isolated my life I seal it in my life take both your hands and lay them on your hands begin to speak words over you I am blessed I have bless my doors are opened the real Messiah I am blessed of the Lord somebody decree the blessings of God upon your life my life is blessed I am highly favored of the Lord I have the rod of Moses in my hand lord I thank you for divine direction thank you Lord that my life will never be the same again I'm indeed blessed of the Lord I'm not cursed I'm indeed highly favored of God where the enemy left me the last time I will never find me for the Lord has shifted me into a new dimension I thank you Lord for permanent health in my body I thank you for permanent healing in my body I thank you for the power of God that is permanently settled upon me I thank you Lord what you have blessed me with no man can ever take it what you bless me with no devil from Hell can ever touch it I decree and I declare that I am invincible i decree and I decree that I am and impossible for somebody to find me I cannot be found they will look for me but they will not find me I have shifted and moved from my previous address into my new address this year things will be different for God is walking with me God is gone before me now Lord under the anointing of my spiritual father I declare your children blessed I said I declare the children of God blessed I bless your mundane I bless your mundane somebody received the blessings of mundane I bless your Tuesday I bless your Wednesday I bless your first name I bless your Friday I bless your Saturday and I bless your Sunday let us be in one Accord and in agreement with our Moses our prophet to come with a note as he has instructed us that is our point of contact for our rods the Lord bless you go in the peace and the uncommon favor of Almighty God we bless you those of us is watching us god bless you too
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 175,870
Rating: 4.7653294 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 44sec (11924 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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