May God Open Your Eyes This Year| Alph Lukau | 2nd Service | Sunday 24 March 2019 | AMI LIVESTREAM

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[Applause] [Music] Jesus cross hey my number one hey is there anyone who can say with me Jesus cross my number one Jesus Christ my number one as long as ye Jesus cross will be your number one you will be the head and never they tell a man we will still be above and never believe you will always always the Bible said when the Son of Man will be exalted he will draw all men unto him this morning we have come to bow before the King of glory we have come to worship the Lord of lords the Alpha and the Omega we have come from all walks of life to step in his presence and give him all the glory all the praise all the honor now and ever we have come from all walks of life from different places and pockets of our land to bow like the angels in heaven who they eat and they all say you alone are worthy to be glorified they say holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come somebody worship Him just let your hand and worship Him different glory because it's God he said I am that I am it changes not he's the Alpha and Omega our Redeemer our healer our deliverer waymaker we love you Lord Jesus [Music] yes we loves you Jesus Santa Tomasina baba city we have come to bow before you [Music] we have to give you [Music] Robot City we bless you Jesus we thank your God will give your glory or praise now I never madam I said that you I woke up this morning this morning the burden of the Lord who has upon me to pray for our country for it is an instruction of God that we may pray for the country where we're taken captive because our well-being depends on it now you may not be from South Africa you came from all over the world but I want to share this burden with you that we may pray for the country the enemy will try all he has in his book to pull a nation down we need to pray that God's grace may be upon us this year is election year for the country and just before the election so many things happens there is an evolution in every pocket especially in the petite political sphere so we need to pray that God may intervene this is not the first time as alia ministries we pray because we believe is demanded but today I want to share the burden that the Lord has placed L in the morning in my heart if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from the wicked ways he said I will hear from heaven I will forgive their sins and heal the land what you see now we face calm being really under pressure should not just be something that you are literally insensitive to when you hear SABC going literally bankrupt it is time for us to stand would you join me as we lift our hands and pray for our country let pray that God may heal South Africa God meant to feed let pray for the sake of our children that God may bring peace let's speak against crime there is hatred covering many pockets of our lane the level of hates and hatred that we have not seen before libretto spirit let the light of God shine in such affection robust a day Lord we pray for the country my god we pray for South Africa arise in your power you say if your people call on you you will hear and heal our land so Lord we pray for unity we bring against every evil every evil power for planes of the enemy Lord bring about prosperity destroy remove hatred or garden betrayal bloody fellows were going through election season Lord we pray that the election season may be peaceful low interfere intervene orga intervene Oh God we pray we pray according to your wheel according to your word arise O Lord God inshallah fika ba-ba-ba-ba city hey so - arise O God - what only you can do we trust you Lord we bless you Jesus my precious in the same breath I want us to pray for the body of cross the church of our Lord Jesus Christ irrespective of denominations names colours and branding leprae for unity in the body of Christ let pray that the spirit of division and competition be destroyed let pray that the Church of God may arise as one and as the enemy is arising against the church body of Christ let pray that God mistress and his church the prefer pastors ministers those appointed to lead ministry to lead God's people and that pray for the believers who are now exposed to all kind of person attacks of the enemy that God may arise in the church so the church may shine again with the glory of God lift your hand and let pray for the church will refuse division will refuse competition in the Church of God Lord bring us together in unity of us all God be the light that shines in darkness help us O God be the light that shines in darkness robositter they will be looked out the reflection of your glory may we the church be the reflection of your glory that man and woman may come to know who you are through us let me pray in the Church of God restore the Church of God reveal your grace and your power Oh Oh God let man appointed to lead others be filled with Revelation relations of yoga robots today look we believe that the strong souls would lead a strong nation a strong soul will bring about the glory of God nor a destructive church Oh God oh yeah baba city we trust you know we trust you for restoring faith in the church we trust you for bringing revelation of who you are in the church we trust you for repositioning the church and reforming the church for the last revival we give you glory and Lord we thank you for being part for giving us the opportunity to be part of the body of Christ thank you O Lord for choosing us for time such as this when you say yes no man can say no we too strong to be defeated because of you and we give you all the glory all the praise now and ever in Jesus mighty name together we say thank you Jesus before you see it I wanna make two announcement the IVP that is coming will focus on God the helo it is called Rafa IVP it's that from the 5th the 6th and the 7th of the next month April if you are meant to be part of it you have already filled up the form I want you to fulfill your obligation for your tell your accommodation your transport and so forth with the office so you may be part of it I'm looking forward to spend a very cozy time with you we live in a world that does not want to recognize the power of God they say as long as God is a myth they have no problem with him if you begin to trust him and claim that the hero's it delivers that becomes a huge problem but I believe that our God is the same yesterday today and forever I want to trust him with you that he will see you out of your trial I weigh together so I want to invite you if you have an impediment you have a difficulty in your body there is sickness he heals is says that is Jehovah Rapha the Lord who heals I we together and if you have somebody who may not be here but a person is sick please come and stand at a gate for that person it is all done by faith the Bible say it shall be done to you according to your faith are we together so make sure that you do so the second announcement I wanna say if you are trusting that for healing in an earlier ministries if you are here there is a problem in your half you've been in a doctor's room or Hospital before and so forth may I please ask you this is not a law this is not a master whenever you come to church because I have a feeling a number of things will begin to happen in this season so whenever you come to church if you can please bring your medical report next to you just in case that just means the bring your medical report Nets you so that as God heals you your testimony may be stronger are we together when you wave it you say this is where I have been and no one will dispute your miracle now this is also not to lead us to a place where you begin to watch everything you will not be free to worship God that way I say it is not a must if you do not have your medical report will still praise God for your testimony hallelujah are you hearing me will still praise God if they don't believe that are you are healed we we will believe that you are here are we together but as I say again if you can why not if you can bring it along why not I want you to find a neighbor a give him a prophetic high-five of his miracle you may be seated God with us revealing us your name is call Imani wear eat my heart away [Music] my your knee [Music] ha [Music] you ain't Manuel your name is called Emmanuel you are with us you say I'll not leave you nor forsake you I'll be with you every day til the end of time God with us revered on your name is for [Music] him [Music] in my own [Music] EEMA [Music] that's your name Lord they called you Yahweh's Shama the ever-present God who is like you you don't need a visa to cross the border with us when everyone will go your remaining because that is your name Emmanuel your name is my promise caboose [Music] because of your Lord definitely not lose heart for you knew that oh he may be walking in the valley of the shadow of death you are and you were still there your name is called Emmanuel I told you it [Music] yes you are in money where [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we thank you Jesus we give you glory we thank you for your love your kindness this morning we pray that you do unto us according to your will that every man and every woman oh God use me as nobody else but a simple instrument Laura pray that I may decrease that you may increase let it all be about you not about me reach out Oh God Lord through the declaration of your word today as seal somebody's miracle [Music] somebody's believing you for it turn around somebody has come broken looking to you Oh God somebody's eyes are full of tears wipe those tears away with trust you God do what only you can do it Jesus name together we say thank you Jesus [Music] god bless you please have a seat it is good to be in the presence of God and just so awesome to be able to minister hmm lift your hands so you open my eyes or Lord open my eyes lift your hands to keep it II have that assess you [Music] ii open my eyes oh lord my eyes yeah I think so only God can do yes I can open my eyes oh Lord I am believing the all for a miracle to happen to somebody you have to believe that there is a God in heaven and that God is not insensitive to your cry I can say Lord open my eyes number blessings will rain down but if you do not have eyes to see you will miss your miracle today I pray that every man every woman under the sound of my voice may receive that which God has for him we receive if they tell you God is not able to do what you say you will do don't believe that if they tell you your God is too weak to act today don't buy that your God is strong amen he said I am the Lord God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me to do believe in a God whose powerful is not a trick of a pastor believing that God heals today is not a trick of a church it is the Word of God having somebody walk keeps on pushing your faith to believe that God is and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek his face is not manipulation it is the Word of God and this world that proceeds out of his mouth will not return to Him who for he is stronger than anyone is greater than anyone is lift so hand against the Lord opened my eyes there is a generation who's hungry for God there is a generation that wanna see God today a generation that is longing for touch from God a generation that wanna see more than what we see today a generation that wanna go deeper a generation as hello there are men and women under the sound of my voice that undeterred no matter what the devil is doing no matter was sitting with either acolytes are trying to do to persuade you that God is not the god you know they said no I serve a mighty God son of God I believe that God he has never cease to be the healer he healed yesterday he heals today and he will heal tomorrow thank you Jesus bigger than you is bigger than me yes is bigger than my ambition speaker than my tactics of you he will do something for you today we said to you I dare to believe this God yes I have laid my life on the outer of the Living God I have seen him do mind-blowing things oh I'm smelling a miracle coming that is [Music] he's able this is God this is the God I'm talking about oh yes he's to say he's the same thank you Jesus he said calling me and I will answer you calling me thank you without you God you can do nothing without your car you can do nothing that's why the war does not work the message of your God the world does not want you to stand with your God but we I the time we're sitting through many schemes is trying to undermine your faith and it's doing so by trying to blind you from the truth he want to turn the truth of God into lies he want to discredit the source that the Lord has established in your life as a vehicle of your miracle but I'm here to say therefore [Music] somebody takes 60 second and : yo God 60 second call on him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you wake up you are strong and powerful [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you glory or God will bless you bless you Jesus may something good happen to you I say from wherever you are may the grace of God which you in the name of Jesus cross please have a city you can the Lord will open somebody's eyes today join me lift your right hand and say Lord open my eyes now when I say God will open somebody's eyes today I'm not merely referring to you globular organs in your head through which you are able to perceive or see things I am talking about your spiritual ability to see to see things beyond the visible world from today your spiritual eyes will open who am I talking to as if from today your spiritual eyes will open Jesus was look to the Pharisees and say they are blind leading the blind the door they were able to see in the physical realm but spiritually they were blind there are people that you know you see in the outside everything seems to be well with them but because spiritually they cannot perceive and see things they are not able to produce the result they have - I am praying today that something good may happen to somebody under the sound of my voice blind person is a painful and challenged life a blond persona is limited in many fronts if you are blind you may be in a right place but you will not benefit from where you are simply because you cannot perceive you cannot see if you are blind a blessing may be right in front of you you'll remain blessed lesser because you cannot see it there are many people who are praying prayers that have been already answered but the reason why they keep on praying over the same thing is because they cannot see what God had already done but today as God will open your eyes you will enter into a celebration mode that you did not have are you hearing me if you cannot see you will not know what may work for you but today again I say the Lord will open your eyes you will see you will see the opportunities that God has for you you will see the blessings of God in front of you you will be able to do at ease the things that you could not fulfill before delays will not leave your life because now you can see and you will not know what to do as God opens your eyes you will see and identify opportunities blessings in front of you but also you will be able to know who is your enemies yeah often time we lose battles simple because we call an enemy my friend somebody wants a lord protect me from my friends for my enemies I can handle why because you see when you know your enemies you position yourself for battles but when you call an enemy your friend you are vulnerable to him when your eyes open you will know that that your enemy is not your spouse your enemy is out of your yard also you will stop fighting the wrong person are you with me you will not know the things that are behind you pain when your eyes open you cannot really begin to fix what you have not properly that knows you must know exactly where is this coming from as soon as you know waits coming from you will be able to deal with this family the Lord spoke to me that today is the day you've been waiting for I don't know how many people I'm here to speak to but there is somebody who is tired to be tired of somebody who's lost in the jungle of God God said today is that there you've been waiting for jeez the enemies of your success the enemies of your progress in the next few minute will be exposed thank you who am I talking to after now I promise you as a notarized muhfucka you will see your life going from glory to glory high from success to success from victory to victory if you believe is when you connect with God in faith you connect with expectation and your expectation has to be spelled clearly I am expecting a turnaround miracle in my life God opened my eyes that I may see my miracle but I may see my blessing so shall it be in your life it cannot be otherwise I want you to read with me 2nd Kings chapter 6 verse 8 to 17 at the count of three we had it on the screen with read one to entry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody now allow me to read it again for their audition now the king of Syria was making war against Israel and he consulted with his servant saying my camp will be in such and such a place and the men of God sent to the king of Israel saying beware that you do not pass this place for the Syrians are coming down there then the king of Israel has sent someone to the place of which the men of God had told him that he warned him and he was watchful there not just once or twice before the heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled by this V and he called his servants and said to them would you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel and the one and one of his servants said none my lord okey but Elijah somebody said but Elijah but Elijah the Prophet who is in Israel tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom [Music] with the pastor's of Alleluia ministries in moment like this we see ie so he say go and see where is that unashamed and getting they are after your prophet and it was told him saying surely is in gotten the four sent horses and chariots and a great army day and they came by night surrounded the city and when the servant of the man of God arose le and I went out there was an army surrounding the city with horses and chariot and his servant said to him alas my master what shall we do so he answered do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them and Elisha prayed and say Lord I pray open his eyes that it may see then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha I want to bring you to the point where you understand what God's intention for you today easy I perceive in the Holy Ghost that today God want to open somebody's spiritual eyes that you may be able to see because often the way you react to situation depends on what you perceive your perception of life is a make-or-break you may be under the sound of my voice right now and you say pastor things are very bad it seems like the devil is winning but let me tell you that the oftentime is not a right way to see it may be that you are not seeing the battle right for if the devil was really winning you will not be standing by now the reason why you are still on your feet is because God has a plan and displayed will work for your code often time the conclusion we get to very quickly live specially in the presence of adversity is because we see nothing else but the greatness and of the challenges that we are facing I pray that God may open your eyes that you may see that God has a plan for you and something good is about to manifest in your life in this time the story we read is a remarkable story that reveals a number of things I will not dwell on many of those but our Lord touch one after another till we go to our main point it is said that the king of Syria was making war against Israel in the olden days we know that the kings and kingdoms survived through crusade the strong wall of a Jew who dominate the region by taking over every spawn of land ruled by the weak this is how strong kingdoms ruled they will have dominance by taking over smaller kingdom so it was a normal phase that if you are vulnerable you will be attacked so the king of Syria was making war against Israel and in his plan with his a high rank two generals they will come to a plan and you will say we will position ourselves in this place and this is what we'll do to get Israel not that Israel had the best of the armies but it is say that the Israel had a prophet Elijah the Prophet was able to perceive in the Holy Ghost the plans drafted by the enemy the Syrian and he will reveal it to the king of Israel the king of Israel Daniel reposition himself this happened again and again every plan Syrian army had designed against Israel wasp well I stand as a prophet over your life I decree and I declare every plane design against your life by the Syrians of it shabby squirrel in the name of Jesus Jesus you must understand no matter how good you are there are enemies out there that I wish you down the Bible said the thief cometh to steal to kill and to destroy the devil is after your marriage is after your wealth is after your health is after your relationship is after your children is after your dream but I stand as a notarized buff of God and said no weapon formed against you shall prosper so the king of Israel who was always informed I keep on saying you cannot go down if you stand with a true prophet of God in your life the reason why Israel survived it was not because of some good generals the head no it was because of the quality of the Prophet that was in Israel that's right the quality of your prophet will guarantee the quality of your tomorrow I think is somebody under the sound of my voice I decree over you they will not come against you by one way they shall be started in seven different ways the same issue a prophet his name was Elijah who walked with Elijah who had long to have doubled of the potion of the anointing that Elijah Elijah a spiritual father hair and got it he was a man of character he walked differently if you God he had a relationship with him he did not improvise himself he wasn't called a prophet because he wanted some big names he was not called a prophet because he wanted to have a position he was ordained by God whatever is born of God shall overcome the world he was established in Israel for an assignment he was not a prophet for the Syrian he was a prophet for the Israelite and He fulfilled his work we fear and trembling and because of his work Israel had a victory the wages that are after you before midnight tonight there were no much were made of ladies and gentlemen I am prophesy The Witches of your family from your mother side from your father's side that our broom flying against you Lea me father is coming from heaven [Applause] Who am I talking to [Music] every thing that that is Syrian army had drafted against easily help they had the best plan that knew that their plans will work they knew that there was no way out but because in Israel there was one being appointed by God one during the anointing of God hub may I tell you family that the anointing breaks the yoke I said I know it'll break the yoke there'll be no yoga over your life today I assure there'll be no you come for your life in the name wall they will draft a plan in the bedroom in the chamber baccala Messiah the prophet Elijah did not need the same spies this is how God works he did not need to put some cameras on microphone from where he was he was able to hear what the king and these generals were talking about in that process in the Lord please understand we're talking about Elijah who lived in the days before Jesus was came and died meaning that the anointing was only on him and not in him like you and me I'm trying to get you to the place where you understand that you are called to do far more than the season I must say that he was not born again the anointing of God was just for him if you are here and you see that operate you see God operate in the prophetic where words of knowledge have been given and you begin to wonder is this magical no it is biblical and often time what really shakes you is not something greater a name of a person has been revealed and you say wow how do you know that let me bring you back to the Scriptures the Bible say Elijah in a different country who was able to know what the king of syria was discussing with his Generosa in his chamber a flow cow is anointed by god for this generation to do far more than Elijah oh yes we believe it I am believing God and I believe that the YouTube you can arise an anointing and do far more for the Word of God somebody said this is the Word of God this is the Word of God if you believe that this is the will of God you must believe also this is the will of God because the will of God is what is revealed in the Word of God if it is his word it is also his will amen may you flow in the prophetic I was seven I said may you flow in the profits in the name of Jesus before the enemy moves so you don't know it I ever say the Lord will open your eyes and you will see family have a seat the Bible says then the King therefore the heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled by this fear and he called his servants and said to them will you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel because his plane was always squirrel the king of Syria began to look amongst those around him trying to discover who is betraying him the field disturbed the King so much so that he put his entire army in review just to find out what was his weak point what kept happening what caused the enemy meaningless Israelite to always win you see there is nothing that attracts more trouble than holiness and anointing there are certain things that if you do it you attract trouble elijah was not the only servant of god in israel but they began to look from the King's chambers and Palace to his army who could be the person causing us to fail then one of his servants came and say okay it is not that any of us have betrayed your trust and broken royal tea the reason behind our failure is simply because in Israel there is a prophet Jesus thank you Jesus get out just take a walk I'm just taking a walk [Applause] truth when you get it you must just tell digest it I'm just taking a walk oh Jesus we love you my name is a fluke ow our prophet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Heelys the servants say it is not that we are betraying you all demons flying all witches all group trials saying is not that that we are betraying you the reason behind our failure we try sickness I didn't work we tried poverty is didn't work we travel kinda confusion is dinner world the reason why it did not work is that there is a prophet [Applause] [Music] you see the one of God is given to us and when God gives you the word you cannot digest it it is your word you must take the word hallelu the king of Syria got annoyed none of his plane worked he wanted to discover why he put his entire army in review one of the servants saying it is not that we have betrayed you the reason why your plan did not work is because in Israel there is a prophet [Music] [Applause] hmm who knew can we find and neighbor said I have a prophet in my life I am a prophet in my life yes we do I say Who am I yes [Music] Jesus how can explains work against you the try determined Eric tried it on Tuesday they tried it on Wednesday they tried it on Thursday and tried it on Friday the tried it on Saturday the tried it on Sunday it in the world who didn't the enemy keeps on changing goalposts it's still not working how can it work how can the plains of the enemy the Takahashi's work over your life certain is upset yes second is not at peace they did your grave last year hoping you will fall dead but you are still here somebody shall still here can I hear you say that I am still here I am Celia yes 8000 befall on your side ten thousand on your right side it shall not come near you with your eyes only shall you see the reward of the wicked a man please have a seat so there is a profit not that there is an army but there is a profit so I say go see where is he weighs their Amish and and get him and he was told saying surely is important when the King understood that the reason behind the failed attempts of getting Israel Israel was due to the profit big anointed position and operating behind the scene with the king of Israel it directed all his might and strength to him he say forget the plan against Israel focus on the profit [Music] because today has been revealed to us yesterday is it forget about the former playing the former strategy to break their family attack the profit to destroy that marriage attack the profit as long as they shall be a profit anointed in this man's life you know keep on being undefeated thank you Jesus show me where it is so I may send men to go and get him ladies and gentlemen may I announce to you that they will look for you they will not find you I received [Applause] who am I talking to I agree and I declare under the Holy Ghost they will look for you there will look not fight you I never say that verse 14 please have a seat if you can the forest sent horses chariot and the great army day and they came by night and surrounded the city now this is big family this is heavy to get a man the king sent chariots horses a great army they came by night and they surrounded the city a big city to surround it you need a big army for one mega night just for the sake of walking take another walk [Applause] [Applause] that's our profits [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the times for victory Oh God will asked you is walk he said to Israel in the conquest for Jericho take a walk Jesus declaration will receive it [Applause] [Applause] hear me family have a seat it is said [Applause] therefore he st. horses chariots a great army they came by night surrounded the city all that for one man [Applause] [Music] sure now you're gonna be intelligent enough to know when they are horses chariots a great army against your prophet is not because of him is because of you right we were saver you can understand that the reason behind the attacks of your prophet is because he's a plan spoiler yes they send a great army threatening one position well-equipped after Elijah not because Elijah stolen not because Elijah kidnapped somebody but simply because Elijah well the plans of the enemy over Israel as long as I remain on my knees yes you'll remain on your feet Jesus I said as long as I remain on my knees you will remain on your feet I will say that the Lord had no at me to be a servant to be an intercessor over your life I said therefore your reign of terror is over you do not die sick man I say you will not die see I ever say the Bible says if two will agree and ask anything in my name he shall be granted I am standing an agreement with you you know not that I will not die sick in the name of Jesus please Hannah Cu over time as you read the word you see and come to realize standing on the gap and serving God in truth brings great trials great tribulation many servants of God across the globe will tell you that the spiritual body has scars scars of betrayal scars of lies many of them will tell you that the modern walls the help they have been set up as you read from the olden days to now prophets appealed not because they are evil simply because they stand for God that's right whoever stands for God will be an obstacle to the devil the devil here represented by an old king of Syria in the bracket we're talking about Syria here it's not the current Syria take it as an illustration of the old and syria are you hearing me it's a figure of style today to us this king mobilized is on me against one man to know the man who carries something see how the devil ria toward him that's right there are people who give the devil trouble the devil has trouble if they difficult kill him he would do so a great army was released against this man of god but let me tell you the law says no weapon formed against you amen shall prosper eight thousand may fall on your side and ten thousand on one side then it will not come near you with your eyes only shall you see the reward of the wicked I receive a God be for you who can be against you amen somebody do this you are under the blood of Jesus I receive it you are under the blood of Jesus I receive it I say you are under the blood of Jesus blood of Jesus so here it is and in the morning the servant of the men of God probably cos he woke up and as he went out that morning is so agreat of me around him there are problems that are overnight problems today gosh dry every overnight problems in your life in the name of Jesus as Jesus was spoke against the fig tree and it withered may every overnight problem with that in your life in any regime say that often that problems are problems that we did not have yesterday that's right you you you woke up this morning and it's all over you Jesus everything was fine when you went to bed and 2 o'clock is that comfy six o'clock you could not walk anymore they had to call work and say he or she will not come because he or she is not well overnight you go to the doctor and the doctor say hey it too late everything was fine that Monday as you got to work big problem you asking yourself where is it coming from May every offer not problem in your life dry up now in the name of Jesus and men of God and servant of God often time where the enemy does it brings you overnight problems because overnight problems are our problems fabricated that have no roots damn problem deposited in your life then and Emma comes and sticks it with you Elijah and his servant were fine they had a meal probably and went to bed early in the morning as usual he came out and there was an ami where they coming from and according to him alas meaning Oh last whoop my master it lost hope there are situations when you look at it in the natural rain the little stress your head disappears there are things that the enemy will meet together and when it presented in front of you you lose strength you do not know how to stand anymore you go to a doctor and it opens the envelope and reads and report to you you do not know how to stand anymore your joints are telling you you have stomach cramps the issues when they arise and stand in front of you it's like light is switched off everything seems to be dark you begin to wonder will there be a tomorrow and this young man faced that ordeal overnight problem in the morning it was there it was there a great army they didn't come for the king not for the Minister of Justice of the face they came for the Prophet and it just happened to be a servant of the Prophet some damping attached to a prophet you will feel the heat of his battles that's why many anointing upon your men of God multiplied in your life in the name of Jehovah 7 mega anointing upon the men of God multiply I as the Bible say sons answered the enemy at the gates heavy a man who has many sons the sons of his youth why because they fight the father's but also at the gate they did not allow the enemy to enter the father is in such acting get the one of God says the Bible says the son of the Soviet of the men of God went out in the morning and there was a problem a heavy problem you may be here and there is a situation some time you do not even want to pronounce it because it's so big it destroys your PC destroys your job you came to church everybody's screaming everybody is laughing everybody specifying your focus is that issue it is so heavy in your heart is so oppressive that you do not know how to smile when you smile in public is a fake smile it's a makeup smile as you go back home in the process in the privacy of your room you remove your makeup smile there is a broken soul you live in tears because of this thing that the enemy has blessed in you that's everything away from you today you can follow that dream because of it up when you begin to stand and say that ah I would buy myself a house it comes in front of you and immediately you move away let me tell you God today will step in your Mata God will step in your matter I'm the say that it was a huge problem huge battles are the only vehicle for youth victories you can never ever have a big victory unless you had a big battle if you find somebody who has the muscle to fight a big battle just know you have for somebody with a life to enjoy a big victory unless you have been to something you'll have nothing to say I get a read and then when the servant of the men of God arose le and went out there was an army surrounding the city with horses and chariot and the servants say to him alas my master what we do how do we deal with this matter who do we call so he answered meaning the master answered do not feel for those who are with us are more than those who are with them the master say do not feel family fear will paralyze you that's right fear will paralyze you fear f.e.a.r force evidence appearing real right is the sense of insecurity you did not know what to do fear is contrary to faith you cannot stand in faith and in fear at the same time and the enemy knows that that he will get you easily if we can scare you if he scares you out of your faith you can't fight anymore you must not be afraid in the Word of God there are 365 mention of this word fear not 365 times it is written fear not as to say for every day of your a there is a fear not of the Lord I will say that we live in a society that is prone to feel we fear as our children go to school with fear when we hear there is a new somewhere our hearts beats even when we are already in our house and we lock the room because anything can happen but God is saying again in the battle against the Syrian fear no fear not because those who are with us a greater in number than those who are with them are you hearing me the solution God has for his people is to always bigger than the problem they are facing you are not stuck thank you no matter where you find yourself there is a way out Travis and the day you are getting your way out in the name of Jesus 7 it's a fear not for those who are with us are more than those who are with them here again those who are with us are more than those who are with them so again those who are with us are more than those who are with them one more time those who are with us are more than those who were with them [Applause] god I would have asked what do you mean because as I open my eyes and see reality is contrary to your declaration reality is not always truth truth and reality and not one in the same thing reality maybe you a siik but the truth is by my stroke she said you are healed [Music] you see those who are with us and greater number talking about numbers there are horses out there there are chariots out there there is a great army and you are see that they are moving us then get out with them I want to encourage your child of God it doesn't matter what you are facing it has your back thank you I said it has your back you are covered I'll never leave you nor forsake you I shall be with you every day till the end of time and he who is in you is greater than he will easily sworn those who are with us in greater number than those who are with them though the servant could not see Elisha prayed the prayer a prayer that I want to pray for you today that will change everything in your life a prayer that will change perception of reality you will o encounter the truth you will feed your faith from this you'll be able to arise and look at how small your devil is because you're about to have the revelation of our great he prayed a prayer a prayer that brought change of Domitian and realities Elijah prayed and say Lord I pray cannot open a bracket and speak to the world we serve a prayer answering God man we don't pray to pray we don't pray to pray our God is a prayer answering God I see you've been praying for your son you be praying for your son you've been praying for your son his name is coby is that true [Music] [Applause] somebody said my god I saw sprayer my god ancestor man I see you been praying for your son Mackey help Assad if God is answering her your prayers are being answered today I receive whatever it is whatever you prayed for God is hearing God is assuring your prayer somebody received human whatever you praise for the law say he hurts you thank you Jesus I see her praying and asking God for a 43 years old and said my son Lord is not married I wanted to have children is that true and you also pray for peace between you your son and daughter is a truth you must show your boss it a goddess say your prayers have been heard lift your hand somebody say I thank you I thank you prayer also regard prayer answering God second I thank you I q prayer answering God prayer answering God my prayers are answered my prayers are answered the Spirit of God is here the Holy Ghost is here he loves you God is real God is not a myth this is not magic this is God at work according to the scriptures and descend God want to reach you wherever you are I want to pray for somebody the prayer answering God is here whatever you are trusting him for I wanted to end faith with you and pray that you may receive a miracle today in the name of Jesus there may be a manifestation of the answers the Lord is giving you today I was saying receive your healing and receive your deliverance I command every spirit of infirmity to leave you name of Jesus in the name of Jesus so told robo-seal I'm preaching a prophesy woman look at me the Word of God is for you it is well mouth it is where it is where our sillies blessing [Applause] [Music] universi please I had a seat the men of God prayed Elijah prayed and Elijah said in his prayer is it Lord I pray when a man a woman of God said by God prays something happens amen I grew up knowing the power of a praying mother never underestimate your time on your knees because every time you call on him he answers amen receive it we don't pray to pray we pray to a god to the only one who answers prayer amen Elijah before Elijah challenged the prophet of Baal say to them call on your God I will see if he answers and I will call on my god the God who answers by fire he shall be God amen there cold on the guard from morning till noon I did not answer from noon till 3:00 he did not answer then he stepped in and say move Oh boys let me show you what a clicker can do you have to build confident in God your confidence in God is the expression of your faith in Him oh well the devil has one lakh people was so bored with God know the disturbing the men of God prayed is it Lord I pray every time upon my knees and I said lord I pray I believe in my heart that whatever I say to God he hears me because I God is a prayer ulcery God callin me say and I will offer you that's why sometimes lock yourself you don't need a prayer meeting called by church you and God nobody else prevail in his presence as a father bring as a mother praying as a son pray as a partner brain as a colleague pray pray the system is not afraid of one who stands to shout but its evils whenever it sees a son of God on his knees anybody can claim and speak but you must understand the true connection and communion is seen on your knees the distance between you and the solution you seeking to have in your life is the same distance between your knees and the floor [Music] yes you will see the goodness and the glory of God and Elijah prayed and said lord I pray open his eyes that he may see open his eyes that he may see now this is the same young man that's so already the great army he's not blind physically he's shivering of fear because he saw now the men of God is not praying for a fire in him no is not praying for flames no is praying for us to open but please understand again this is the very man who saw the army but the man of God is saying lord I pray open his eyes the reason why he was afraid after seeing the army is because only to see in a natural ram was challenges all the cauchy was a great the problem was not how great his God was so he said lord I pray open his eyes that he may see meaning this do his natural eyes were open he was still blind you can have both your eyes open but you are still blind many people in good suits long hey nice dress cannot see the approach of life will be determined on whether you can see in this room or in another room if you can only see in one room the enemy will play tricks on you that will work this young man was a servant of the men of God meaning that he was in proximity with the anointing but yet is eyes were blind there are many folks in the Church of God today that are blind that's why the enemy will play tricks on them they'll rather listen to what is said outside than what the Spirit is saying why because they are blind he prayed and say open his eyes if there is a prayer operated a is that your eyes of the spirit may be open lifter rudder has the Lord opened my eyes but I may see that I may see and the Bible say then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and his soul nothing on the outside change the change that began to happen happen in the same man who was afraid the situation changes in you first your victory comes in you first you get your breakthrough in you first before anything changes updates to change inside he prayed that God may open his eyes and God opened his eyes here is he praying that God may open the eyes he didn't open his eyes God open the eyes and God answered and God opened his eyes and when God opened his eyes he was able to see seeing in the spirit is is everything are you hearing me seeing in the spirit is every thing do you understand when angels speak to you do you stand up what's your name and make honest do you understand angels have been speaking to you but do you understand when they speak to you you do not you just a good son of God feel with grace over your life in a hospital a lot of case of people sorry I an oncologist and then you touch them and you pray for them you Minister today yes because not only that you are a doctor but on the other side there is a vibration of the Grace and anointing of God in your life but the message God is trying to pass to you you are missing it my son come let me open your eyes [Applause] I want to pray for him and God will open your eyes do you understand I will pray for you and that will open your eyes the plan of God for your life is B and for you to achieve that which God set before you you will have to hear and see the spirit I see you have a big project you do not even know how to go about that project that is true is that true that is very cool it is to do with a medical thing like a medical center CTO something very huge that is correct what is correct what you are saying is correctly daddy C to see that project and everything is set before you materialize you'll have to see beyond this rain and already as I speak to you angels have been communicating with you bringing you messages but the thing is that that you cannot capture it do you understand you cannot touch it I have seen many people you have dreams you think is a dream some people cannot even remember the dream the dream let me tell you a dream remembered or forgotten the steel works for or against you the mere fact that you forgot a dream if it was a divine message will still affect you that's right that's why the king of Babylon dream and forgot the trip and say please come that'll be my dream remind me of my dream and give me an explanation in my soon coming book I speak about it intensively it will help you are you hearing me there are many people see vision but they do not know the fitness or the Sun because they do not understand how God operates the grace upon you is big you cannot fulfill it the true reading you need God Himself to hold you him and as a pray for you now every spiritual activity that kept on missing you will see it and it will make sense now lift your hand I'm still preaching Elijah prayed and God opened the eyes of his servant and B so if we pray God will open eyes your eyes and you see is reality that is greater than your realities I pray for you magazine the Rakata oncologist doctor today as a lay hands on you may the grace of God come on you Reese may the anointing on me multiply in you son today I release the grace of God are you from the state have you been in the state before are you from the state are you from the state yes sir so when you say you're an oncologist it is in the state yes but is your project in Africa yes sir so you are in the state but your project is in Africa because I am seeing people from Miami Miami standing with you yes does it mean something to you yes I'm a professor at University of Miami you are a professor in the University of Miami [Applause] now I am seeing God sending people and I'm seeing people taking plane with you is like a big delegation coming from everywhere and people leaving Miami coming to Africa God is saying he will be leading you himself and the grace in me or multiply in your SATA I see that slip your hands know that is this is a professor who has come to seek God Jesus is a professor in the university not in a college downtown in a university in the state is a no ecologist but is seeking that you you pass metric by chance [Applause] but you undermined everybody you think that people who follow God have lost their mind whatever you're smoking is not helping you [Applause] lift your hands Madame 'santa son Mayo eyes open may the Lord hopeless disgrace in your life begin to lead you and his blessings over you today Oh wha eh I'm holding your hands something begins never the same in the name of Jesus name of Jesus lift your hands keep it up then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and his soul and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha God will never leave his servant the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around not the city Elijah Elisha has an army greater than an army that is attacking him I found strength in this thank you Jesus with your hands up today may the god I serve open your eyes and receive it that you may see today amen we spent rise na kotoba capacity now I want you to stand up lift your hand and I want you to begin to pray pulling it now God is making you prophetic in a higher level God is speaking your prophetic even high dimension rubba Mazzetti pray with me that your eyes may open some of you begin to see vision others it will be just a new perception of things you realize that God is on your side the enemy cannot win over you is a miracle working God is a good god Rhonda SATA rocoto yara mama Bizet a coat oh shoot oh the other sentence yeah ba ba ba ba ba Chiquita koto city [Music] bekata suit yonder Regla de Soto Baraka race [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] it was the eyes of the Sun and your Tatas when you see the grace of God may you see the opportunities that God has for you in it [Music] Cassata core opposite [Music] [Music] [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba they can somebody bring me the third row the men improve you did yeah just come I want to break the yoke of the enemy and release power over this man receive it as we continue what's your name your name is easy doe your name is easy to where you from the u.s. New York from New York originally from Africa right yes yes we're in Africa are you from Togo yes Togolese yes please okay you stay in new us in New York yes Kiribati and you come often here I came only once in December for the IVP you came for the IVP in December yes and you came again yes welcome again thank you did you come alone no I came with a team we have like New York - you brought them just organized to come yes they come from New York yes from New York one pasta and three orders okay just bring them let me lay hands on them yeah passata there is the profit in the land oh yeah what you mean revenge Elena means Reverend Giuliana means Reverend Julia covenant-keeping god [Music] there is no [Music] No [Music] all right you came with you came all together yes you came all together I want to release power over your life and I want to break the yoke of the enemy but let me start we Emmanuel you a man even your name is Emmanuel now the Emmanuel of God in my Imam [Music] EEMA [Music] if you are Emmanuel coffee it is that coffee oh yeah you name is coffee man yeah is it the first time or you came before is the first time for you the second time but for him the first time you've been here before this in December you came together I came I left and then she followed me all right so she didn't come for the IVP you came just to come to church in december was it the first time in South Africa yes it was it was the same the first time in Center in South Africa I came to Pretoria first you want to put down your first so you went to business then you pass future yes is that true yes God is about to miss you but in a good way are you hearing me yes by the 26th of July [Applause] by the 26th of July you will see things you have not seen because I can I can read in your heart you are trusting that for ministry because your heart is no longer in hospital you a nurse you a nurse your heart is not only in the hospital you you want to serve God you want to serve that and that's a today as you pray for you the prophetic in you will be activated because you will be called a mother of Nations naturally you and wish to carry you have to but they're not yours yes am I correct you are correct you have to dub them you adopted them please but I'm talking about biological yes it's because you've got to be a matter of machine I see sons and daughters from every culture every race coming to drop from you in your life is this your husband's - the enemy wanted to kill you God is saying because he did not kill you because I'm see sorry to the brain tumor yes you had a surgery through your nose you had a surgery through your nose through my nose on 2 October 2010 look at this the devil sent this one would not see the 15 of September sorry does his birthday thank you Jesus now you may ask yourself what do I had one know it I don't know I just know it because God is saying is there a trick there is no trick I'm ministering to you on behalf of the Lord today because you survived it the grace of God now activated in you will restore you and my practice will leave with no sugar no blood pressure no ice problem no hearing problem receive His grace in the name of Sivas robust oh geez I'll pray for impartation over you you also came you also came yes October the 3rd my birthday is your birthday yellow me to choose October the 3rd my name is you also came from New York yes do you know it's Brooklyn yes you Europe you're staying in Brooklyn yes all right I see a stall and you are inside yes you are working in the store kalium a suit oh jeez look today God is turning things around in your life you not married no the enemy will send all the wrong people your way and relationships of has always been like this up and down but God is changing it men men no way to change may I declare that this year your fund stability next year you'll be called a mother we shave it Jesus name we see but look God is doing something awesome here look at me do you have any child No [Music] oh you speak French yes happen to speak French also but you understand English right it is your component all right I pray for you now it is well I pray for you God that will give you your children may not give you children give you children Rama Soto our releases grace over you in the name of Jesus see that I am releasing you Jesus they say the pastor yes and cannot be Methodist come here do you beside what I'm seeing want to start your ministry you wanna set your own ministry yeah I read this ministry you register the ministry is it registered already yeah it is now already okay because the Hope International no I'm not talking to me I'm just hoping to match the name of it to be a name of shoe industry it's perfectly all right now in which ministry are you in is that in South Africa in New York but you plan to set your own ministries you register the ministry yes okay that's good wash your hands lift your hands are you happy today very are you feeling what then are you feeling it you're feeling they're going to hear do you know inside that today everything is turning around you know that have you ever spoken to me before No what brought you here because of your husband he said I wanna go too I wanna go to Africa so I try to bring him that's why you came are you feeling that today yes Oh Lord pray never the same never said cheese god bless you you are a store easy dou Z dou yes you are from Togo yes this is the second time you're coming to South Africa why I came here because I saw in you in my dream a couple days ago delivering me the moving snake from my mouth and from my butt and actually I'm having pain there and I'm having you know a lot of stuff so you had a dream that I was delivering you the next way coming here and you have pain day yeah have been a pain is because of medication that you are on yeah I took magnesium I went to the bathroom and I have is because they had that nose you with a blood pressures on here exactly one two three months ago exactly that is why you have that exam but the problem is not that that problem is the smallest problem you have you have spiritual attack I am singing here in you I am you are an engineer I'm a civil engineer you are civil engineers yes you are in New York yes you are working in New York New York City Transit yes but what day at work they planed something against you that's true do you understand and this thing I just sorry I guess but I don't intend to know if what I'm guessing is true but now you're saying it yes you're guessing yes I know I can see what you are guessing you are guessing that Indian gotta go you know it's true yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he forced me to eat he brought the food I revealed you forced me to eat i I ate but I pray on the food by after it the same week as everything started everything that that's what you say yeah this is what happened yes Indian but that is wrong that is to 2016 exactly it male exactly exactly Masuka top the difficulties started you fighting at night fix a movie in your family exactly yes yes do I have seen somebody you married yes yes this is Barbara but oh yes too much a mondo oh yes yes yes but the risk I'm seeing you need dream you keep on dreaming we found another woman that's true that's true even that two days ago I was you know holding the woman I said what is this I'm praying I'm using the oil why a woman would come to my dream I don't understand that's true that's true doesn't go because you complaining I said oh man yes yes can we keep that woman oh my god I'll be harder to chase have you happy but you see you got a weed to your faith you must believe I'm praying for you I'm releasing I'm increasing the dose of power I'm releasing over your life now yeah as I'm Christy you feel it you feel pressure in your body yes but you must seal it in your life by faith okay are you hearing are you ready for him [Music] [Music] Toto Toto prefer you prefer you prefer is the difference prophase the difference with brackets brackets ring credits in the name of Jesus Jesus she look at it's very very good that is setting in the free to get free name of Jesus praise Satan Jesus be free [Music] deliverance never get devil [Music] three in the name of Jesus your hand if you can I want to all of us to pray I want you to receive your miracle wherever you are in the overflow in the extension you watching aspect television you are streaming live from wherever you may be oh you are right here in the main auditorium if you will release your faith God answers prayer for you and your loved ones something good will happen you may have a family one is loved one a family member who is not here but he saw the Lord as he opens your eyes you will cease miracle today lift your hand if there is pain in your body that's where the pain is if there is pain in your body I wanna trust God that you will do something for you now if there is a difficulty that's where it is may you experience the glory of God lift your voice and begin to pray receive the grace of God will receive your miracle I command every evil power to leave you in the name of Jesus I command every Oneko spiritual leader addendum of Jesus receive the strength of God healed achieve a nice brain I pray for you I pray the grace of God over you have a brain that's a miracle manifested in Jesus I pray that God do something wonderful for you I prayed for you experience the power of God where you are receive receive receive grateful people pray pastors and ministers lay hands on somebody mentally ill you facilitate somebody's miracle facility somebody's breakthrough facilitated in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we see the grace of God [Music] resurveyed you swear in the name of Jesus I am praying for you I prayed for you I am reading for you I am pray for your love to us wherever you are [Music] doors are opening Felisa those are opening miracles opening those in your palaces those for employment those for business doors for multiplication metal or decrease you manifest in your life I bless you today this is the miracle we receive your miracle in the server you are receive your miracle I'm practically your compare me a break every yoke on Satan in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Tata Tata Tata deliverance is taking place there is deliverance taking place deliverance is taking pleasure receive your healing [Music] here in Sochi and salsa here the angels of God here receive what God is for you receive the orders for you never say never the same never the same the Atlantis akuto facility the opposite receive it with civet rissalah to bring family my house shall be called a house of prayer my house shall be called a house of prayer [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] there are 19 of the Holy Ghost anointing of the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh receive receive your miracle receive your miracle receive your deliverance receive a shuttle that is touching you that is blessing you whatever feet that is moving in your body leaves you whatever [Music] bekata sat down take a job [Music] [Applause] Yatta Yatta Yatta sato yes Otto local city in animal ceases in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kotaku Davao City [Music] [Applause] Jesus [Music] my shut up my son top shut up [Music] release your hand everybody lift your hands we're mucking on spiritual warfare I see chains and Gaza is breaking those chains say in the name of Jesus Satan I command you I command you live my life live my life in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I destroy I destroy every yoke of the enemy every yoke of the enemy I guess my life is my life in Jesus name Jesus name now keep your hands up if you are here I want to make another call move this move this movies I want to make an article if you are here you have frequently dreams where you are either bitten by snake you are chased by a dog something bad in your dreams from only dreams don't come if it's not you don't create a problem where there is no problem if you are here you have those constant room you see yourself that dead you see yourself drowning quickly wave to me now if it is you Oh God so many those of you can I wanted to come in front here those of you can come in front if you you have such dreams everybody's standing this is spiritual warfare this is spiritual warfare Corriveau psych attire Baba deliverance is about to take place you Machiavelli don't be distracted you keep on seeing yourself sleeping with a man or a woman in your dreams and it sounds and seems real your life is blocked Carrabba Basha Katie RIA Cassata [Music] if somebody came here and left his belonging neighbors take a voice check on the belonging of your brother if you did somebody's belonging that is not yours you open yourself to more troubles lift your hands everybody lift it as a high as you can get Corriveau see Katara [Music] next space for their metrics for them med space for them come in front and next space for them who has too many people coming this is the enemy playing tricks on you I want you to believe that there will be a flow of power power that I will bring about deliverance to you today whatever the devil and down I guess you today we break it the name of Jesus your hands as a high people run at the bank wherever you are lift your hands and trust God lift your hands as high [Music] yopo Lobos is SL oh Jesus whoa Jesus second Lord Jesus Lord Jesus set me free set me free the Bible say if the Son of Man sets you free you shall be free indeed the spirit of the enemy is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's just get rid a receipt you free day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] machine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Legos Tet Tet's c-max little sassy [Music] oh Jesus your hands are the spirits of the Living God is here yes and as a spirit of the Living God we'll have flow here every you caught the enemy shall be destroyed I say sub you destroy Holy Spirit Holy Spirit touch me now touch me now keep your hands up some of you will feel like fire going through you don't fight the Holy Ghost don't fight the Holy Ghost is doing a work in your life something that is doing that will reach every member of your family [Music] [Music] [Music] we shave [Music] [Music] the name of Jesus I destroy rules their evil spirit under the anointing of my father I break the back of Satan over your life in the name of Jesus I break the back of Satan can I have pastors lay hands on them as they're being delivered as they're being delivered impartation it's needed on some of them I destroy I destroy I break the back of Satan no more sex in your sleep no more men or husband of the night a woman of the night in the name of Jesus as the man of God has decreed you are free you are free you are free in the name of Jesus only pastor's of Alleluia ministers and ministers lay hands lay hands we have received power we have received authority to trample on the scorpion and the serpent therefore at the hands are being laid on you right now you are being freed you are being freed don't be a spectator the back stretch your hands towards heaven and receive your own miracle receive your own deliverance receive your hands being opened we save your marriage manifesting in the name of Jesus every contract under the sound of my voice that has been delayed I destroyed the delay in the name of Jesus I command speed to bring it into manifestation in the name of Jesus every god-given idea and in the sound of my voice I push it into your destiny I push it now into your being under the anointing of my father I destroy every sickness under the sound of my voice in the name of Jesus and I come in the name of Jesus under the anointing of my father and I break the yoke over your life I the yoke over your life be free be free receive your freedom now in the name of Jesus Father we thank you we thank you no unauthorized person laying hands on women and men only pastors and ministers that has been attained by the men of God I want to see your hands touch people this power going through you now the same power that's on your father it's flowing through your hands now receive it receive the fire of God in the name of Jesus father we thank you we thank you if you have been touched by somebody power has gone through you go back to your seat go back to your seat you have received it your children are free your destinies open you shall fulfill purpose that ever will not keep your back you shall fulfill purpose in the name of Jesus father we bless you now God under the anointing the supreme nur anointing of the prophet of this house we thank God for a prophet in this land we thank God with the prophetic voice in two nations we thank God for a prophet with God's voice into the world we thank you Lord for destinies being unlocked destinies being unlocked parts are being cleared father we thank you i decree and I declare your monday blessed I decree and I declare your monday blessed i said i decree and i declare your monday blessed your tuesday is blessed your Wednesday is blessed your Wednesday is blessed your Thursday is blessed your Friday is blessed your shattered in your sunday is blessed now go in the uncommon favored and the peace of Almighty God god bless you we love you where you are receive the blessings of the Lord come back for the third serve god bless you we love you pastors are still continuing
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 292,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HXKP48uEkWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 19sec (8299 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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