IT'S FINALLY FINISHED! Resin Mehrunes' Razor Dagger | SKYRIM

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if you're anything like me then you've got a pile of projects lying around that have not been finished yet in fact I have a ton of these unpainted kits that I've had for years that haven't been worked on it they've just been collecting literally tons of these this is me man all of them some of these I've had around for more than five years but there's one thing that I've had for even longer and that's my Maroons razor dagger I made this seven years ago and I don't have one it's time to paint this fella this is a resin casting the mold was one of the first molds I ever made so it's a little gnarly definitely a bit of a fixer-upper I've got some little protrusions to get rid of I also have some bubbles and voids that'll need to be filled and the seam in some spots is just a little gnarly so I definitely have my work cut out for me on this project this is an example of something that I made as a commission a long time ago seven years to be exact that I made and sold and then told myself I was gonna cast one for myself and paint it and I never did well before this mold died and it died catastrophic ly Britney got a couple of good castings decent castings out of it and that's what I'm working on today is a casting from the mold that has since gone on to the Reynolds advanced materials in this guy the big old gnarly bubble from the mold there I gotta get rid of this project when I put it out in 2012 was one of the first ones of mine that the internet really took notice of in fact I remember the artists from Skyrim who made this model for the game commented on my final product and he said that I nailed it so as far as I'm concerned that's the only opinion that matters to me there we go so long little friend anyway this project has been on the shelf for seven years and I'm finally finishing it but I bet you have a project that you've been working on for even longer if you can beat my record of seven years let me know in the comments what project you've been working on on the longest the scabbard here needs a little work you can see I /cast it so that it's hollow so the dagger and go in there but the seam is pretty gnarly so I'm gonna knock it down as best I can with just a knife here before I come in to sand it oh and if you notice I have a fancy new knife look at that our branding on it and everything we're actually selling these now we got our own knives made which is perfect because if you're watching this the end of November and 2019 well then we've got a sail for you we have a sale going on on our store I'll tell you more about that in a little bit but suffice to say if you want a really nice knife for your foam and prop making needs we've got them over it punish props come to get some of these really gnarly seams I'm using a needle file to remove an appreciable amount of material but I also have some of these bubbles to contend with this shininess in there is no good I want to put a filler in there but to get it to bond I'm gonna rough that up a little bit and to do it I have my rotary tool with a little round grinding bit I'm just gonna go in and rough that up they're a little tooth for our filler and then that'll get sanded once I fill it in to fill in my tiny air bubbles I'm using a body filler it's a catalyzed body filler it's also got polyester in it bad to breathe so I've got well ventilated area fan blowing it all the way from my face I'll go put on a respirator too but first I'm gonna mix this up with the catalyst then they'll get the reaction going I should have about five minutes of working time with this filler and I'm just using a metal spatula to fill in any of those holes that I drilled out I try to overfill it a little bit I will have to sand a lot of that away but it's a lot easier than having to mix up another batch of filler I gave this about an hour to cure fully cured and now I can start the slow process of whittling it down flush starting with my needle files my setup for this is to use the needle file to remove the bulk of the extra material and then I've got my sanding stick here and then 220 and then 400 and then I have a scotch iPad so I'll go through these grits to get the surface to look uniform between the plastic part and the filler that I put in there our shape is coming together here but now I have my nail file to get a little bit closer to that final shape that I want I can even go in and kind of round that indent a little bit until it looks correct and this is still shaping after this I'll go to some higher grit sandpaper to smooth everything out you can even see the very clear edge between the filler and the plastic and hopefully once we paint that after I do all this sanding if you won't be able to see that edge at all so I'll do some 220 there maybe go up to 400 if you were really really thinking about the surface you could wet-sand this you could climb it and sand it a bunch of times I think this will be pretty good for me the last step will be to go over it with a scotch brite pad and round over any of the offending edges that's pretty good and I'll prime this and we'll see if that's acceptable later but I have a lot more of this to do on the rest of the dagger this seam along the handle is a pain a SuperDuper pain my mold never properly registered together on that part so there was always this weird and early seam so I'm going in with a square file a little needle file here and knocking that back I'm also trying not to just flatten these areas so as I'm removing the seam I'll go around the circumference of the handle there so that I I don't have a big old flat spot there but I still get rid of that seam this is the tediousness that is prop making got the scabbard here too that needs a little work big gnarly seam down the side of it this was a two-part mold actually actually it's right here I'd still have this one I've only done a few castings with this mold which is fly it survived but this was cast right out of it like that and it was slush cast so with the mold closed and nothing in it like this the whole thing got strapped together and then I poured resin down in there and then just slushed it all around until it coated the inside and that's how we're able to make a scabbard like this that's hollow that our dagger fits into that is the first round of sanding all done and I think I want to do a second pass of sanding on this but before I do that and everything with one layer of primer I know there are blemishes on here but they're kind of hard to see that gray coat over everything will highlight all of my errors but first I need a good way to hang this and there are these little dimples there that's where I attach these little detail bits eventually I will go and put those on there these will be separate for painting but I can drill a hole in there and you won't see it because it'll be covered let's go through the other side and see if we can get those two to line up then I can feed this wire through there we go now I can hang and spray this at the same time my kit also had these little fiddly bits that are separate so I have some double stick tape here so I can put them down and hit them with a little bit of primer as well there's also this kind of big part that goes on the scabbard oh there's also this tiny little part that goes in the middle of the oblivion symbol there we go my primer is all dry and I'm just looking over everything looking for small blemishes that I missed and sure enough there are a couple some little tiny air bubbles from the casting those will need to get filled in and sanded and then along the seam there's a couple of spots that need a little bit of cleanup tear so I've got my spot putty I'm gonna fill those in and then you guessed it I'm gonna do some more sanding I got the surface texture to where I want it and now I'm gonna add a little extra the recess here in the blade there is a little texture in there but I want a little more and then all the flat spots here on the scabbard I want to have just a little bit of texture and I'm gonna do that with this PVA it's just a water-based air drying glue I'm gonna brush it all over everywhere and when it starts to set up I can stipple to leave a nice texture I put some masking tape down because this part I don't want any texture on and I'll be careful with how I apply this but you know you might Oh accidentally get some on there and then I'm asking prevented that from happening you can see as I start applying it it's leaving a really cool texture but that'll soften as it dries so I'm gonna come back in later when it is sort of tacking up and stipple it again to kind of have a sharper texture so I'm not too worried about that right now mostly just covering and spreading it out while I'm working on this I figure a good time to remind you that we've got a wonderful sale going on over at punished props comm slash shop of course it's always a good time to head on over there and see what we have available but this weekend is Black Friday weekend and we always have a sale all through the whole weekend and we have some fun new stuff in this store that we figured you guys would really appreciate we have our new knives actually I have one here new knives in this store very excited about these with our logo on them I think they look really fantastic they're bright orange which is not only our color but these EDC in the shop when you're trying to find it the recesses of your dirty work space we also have a ton of really great digital stuff all our books are available in digital forms we have the punish'd pack though that's the good one it's the two current foam smith books with a bunch of extra stuff and this weekend only we're gonna include the basic helmet pattern and the basic shield pattern both digital you can print at home those are all included in the punish pack this weekend only so head on over there and check that one out especially if you're just getting into this and you want a great place to start those books are designed exactly for you we also have our new head form pattern if you're looking for a gift for a cosplayer friend or for something for yourself if you want to maybe make a helmet stand or something you could get the head form pattern and make as many head forms as you want again all over at punish props comm slash shop and especially this weekend you want to head over there and get a deal on all of the wonderful stuff that we've got available just for you our PVA is all dried and it dries transparent so it just looks gray now which is fine I can peel this off and everything else stayed smooth but now I have this cool texture down there a little little something extra that looks pretty good we can see the difference between the textured part and the nice smooth part now I think I can go prime ease the last round of priming before paint my primer is all dry and I'm really happy with how this turned out the texture on here thing is gonna be really nice later when we sort of call it out with some maybe some dry brushing there are two primary colors for this whole kit here there's like a darker metallic which is what we're gonna start with I have a gunmetal paint here and then the rest of it is just a brighter metallic and I have a silver for that so we're gonna airbrush those and a couple of layers with some masking to get the effect that we want starting by covering these two pieces with our gunmetal it's time to do a little work on the pommel and I wanted to do something fun it looks kind of like a marble in the game like a marble coloring but I wanted something fancy so I did some paint tests on some Easter eggs here trying a couple different combinations and layers of paint I think I'm gonna go with this one here the good news is I know exactly every step I need to take to get to this finish and that's exactly what I'm gonna do on my finished palma on the real deal if you want to know more about this process we actually covered this in an extra-credit club video if you're not a member of the extra-credit club we have a link down below where you can go join and get access to a bunch of exclusive content we do vlogs every week and we do a build update discussion every week on whatever project we're working on including this one as we make our way towards finishing it anyway I know because of the notes that I took right here that the next step is black so I'm gonna head back over to the airbrush spray on that layer I masked off just the pommel I'm gonna paint the whole thing black this part here will eventually be painted over so it doesn't matter that it's black but I I don't want to get any black on this spots that I want to stay that gunmetal I want to add some veins to make it look more like marble so I'm using this silver paint and I only need just like a teeny tiny amount and I'm gonna thin it a ton so I have just just the width of paint and then I have my thinner here I'll mix that up so that there's really just a tiny bit of pigment suspended in all that thinner so we have a really thin paint and a really tiny brush so that I can just add a little bit of sparkle in some thin lines I'm just eyeballing where where these are kind of going they're drawing in some little veins of marble I mixed together a combination of paints I made this very thin with a lot of water I wanted to be pretty transparent but add a little bit of a sparkle and a little bit people starting here and kind of fading out as it goes down so I've got it all mixed up and I'm gonna just apply a little at a time and try and sneak up on it that looks great I can let it dry and while it's drying I can start masking for the next layer of paint I'm gonna have a brighter silver going on this part here so I'll mask all of that off I also have a ton of masking to do on the handle here and some more on the blade this part needs to stay the same color this is the part that's gonna get painted so my masking tape goes over here right along this line these straight edges are easy but around here it gets a little more complicated that goes in there and I like using something soft to persuade that down into the crease and then I can take a nice sharp knife and trim it and it's okay if the knife digs into the plastic a little bit because that part will never really be seen the fact we'll put some paint on to weather this and that'll fill any of those little cracks right in there we go that looks pretty good come in with my cotton swab and there we go of course every other band on this handle is a different color so I covered the whole thing in tape and now I'm just trimming out every other line like that and then I hopefully can just peel this out there we go oh very nice paint is dry and we can carefully remove our masking tape all the time it took to put these on and I can just scrape them right off but the work was worth it because that looks great oh this big guy is awesomely that ah worth all the extra work all of the really tedious work is done now it's time for some fun actually before I get to weathering even though that's what I really want to do I'm gonna clearcoat all of this and protect all the work we just did I think for this one aqua gloss is a good clear coat it should preserve all the nice metallic sheen we have going on here we are just sprinting to the finish line now I want to make the gem in here this glossy it's clearly not as glossy this is a two-part five minute epoxy it does take longer than five minutes to fully cure but it's still pretty quick I'm using an old paint brush to apply this I'll throw it out when it's done this paint brush has seen many projects and this is his last one all I'm trying to do here is put on a nice even coat I want to make sure there aren't any spots that I miss when I did my tests I noticed that there are a couple little spots that I definitely missed so I'm just trying to be thorough here and even if there's like brush strokes and stuff in it those will go away later I'm not too worried about that oh if you're new to the channel this is the first video you've seen then you owe it to yourself to hit that subscribe button I put these videos out regularly and we have a lot of fun doing it and you definitely don't want to miss when we have a new one go ahead and hit the bell - that's the best way to make sure you get notified when we have a new video out that's where it is now after only just applying the epoxy and hit it with a heat gun and that should warm it up and level it out a little bit if there are any tiny bubbles which I don't see any but if there are it'll pop those too that looks pretty fantastic I gotta set this somewhere where it can cure fully without me touching it so I'm gonna let it be for about half an hour well that pommel is curing I can attach these parts to the scabbard I'm just laying everything out so that I have a pretty good idea of where it's gonna go this fella here is pretty big and might get bumped with these wiggling sticking out the side so I'm gonna sand this in this a little bit so the glue has something to grab on to let's just sand this wonderful finish that I got it's painful but I'm chewing down to the plastic so that when I glue that to the back of here or I'm also gonna sand the glue will be grabbing onto both of this plastic in that plastic and not the paint between them and that should provide a stronger bond these little pieces down here I'm probably not gonna say and I'll probably just glue them right down on the paint it's unlikely that those will fall off but this big guy needs a little more help and I will put some like on the paint as well every little bit should help whoo before I stick it down just look at a reference image so I have a Google image search here of some references and fact that one let's go with this one because that's one I made seven years ago and I can kind of see where everything is placed there I'm gonna put a little bit on here as well to help that end stay down pretty lined up and it looks like I got it good enough for a Daedric got anyway it wouldn't be complete without its oblivion symbol so let's glue this guy down and then this teeny little piece I have a pair of tweezers for that there we go and I put heat shrink tubing on the end of this pair of tweezers so that it won't Mar whatever it is I'm grabbing it also helps grip these tiny pieces and then when I squeeze this it'll let go these little fellas need to be attached to the little spikes that go around the pummel and I'm gonna glue them but I want to put a little pin in there so it's got some mechanical key that holds it in place along with the glue this is just a piece of wire it's actually the wire I use to hang up the dagger for painting and I can insert these into these little spikes and insert them into whoops into the dagger I just need to drill a tiny hole partially through it carefully to I don't want to drill my fingers and I'll just put a little bit of glue in there and then put one of my little pins in there nope you stay in there there we go lean that up a little bit I'll let that fully cure and then we can install it on the pommel of course I need a hole to install it this will go in there I'm gonna put glue on this part I have some of the superglue accelerant and you want to be careful it can strip your paint so I'm just gonna put a little bit right in there and then when I push this in not upside down in the correct way it should cure just about instantly so I want to make sure it is nice and straight up and down and it is and that is in there and I can do the rest of them now when the user holds this they'll be guaranteed to stab their hand on this spiky thing why it's on there those danger gods have no consideration for ergonomics we've got these water mixable oil paints for doing my weathering and I do want to weather this a lot this artifact has been kicking around Skyrim for a long time and you know it's got all kinds of dirt and grime all over it I'm gonna imagine this thing has spent some time like underwater somewhere for like a few years and then someone went and discovered it and had to clean it off that's kind of the story I'm telling myself in my head so imagine this is like a bunch of mud and then someone was like oh look at this legendary weapon I found in a lake I said clean it off a little bit but they're not great at cleaning off so they left it pretty dirty which is what I'm gonna do but what's left down in the crevices helps tell that story that this thing is artifact that's been around a long time and picked up a lot of grime I think that'll do it for the scabbard that is good and grimy especially when you compare it to the fresh and clean dagger well I'm working on this I'd like to remind you that we have a sale going on on our website right now for Black Friday for the whole weekend we have a bunch of new stuff in the store like those cool knives that we just got in stock we also have a bunch of discounts on things this weekend so if you're looking for gifts for the favorite cosplayer in your life or a little something for yourself head on over to punish props calm slash shop take a look around so we have for you and treat yourself because you know what you've earned it this is all clean and that's all dirty it's amazing how the oil paints actually make it look more metallic than just the bare metallic paint so good the very last step is going to be a little bit of rubbing buff this texture I have I really like it and I want to sort of call it out so I have a little bit of rub and buff on my finger there and I want to very gently just graze that texture just try and hit the high spots to call out that texture so we have that sort of medium tone of our base color we have the darker tone of our weathering paints and then we have this lighter tone here it just adds a little bit of visual interest of the whole thing I think it looks awesome a little goes a long way with this rub and buff though I actually practiced on the back first and it looks okay before I committed to the front the edge right there I want to get a little extra on that too playing a subtlety game here that should do it look at that in the scabbard it's perfect oh there is one more thing to do of course we're gonna need to make a sacrifice oh yeah to mehrunes dagon now it's done [Music] comes out of there me oh there's another hair I got all over me I should wear gloves grab just a little bit of thinner here and then let's whoops didn't get any and of course it's plugged got my oil mixable oil mixable really [Music] this is worse [Music]
Channel: Punished Props Academy
Views: 86,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mehrunes razor, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls, oblivion, Dagger, resin, how to, painting, weathering, metallic, mehrunes dagon, cosplay, props, punished props, punished props academy, skyrim dagger, dagger from skyrim, daedric weapons, sheath, resin kit, look like metal, black friday, sale, painting tutorial, airbrush, DIY, chinbeard, mehrunes dagon skyrim, cosplay tutorial, punished props sword, punished props academy skyrim, resin kit painting, oil paints, Quest, Sanding, Fixing resin
Id: 0W0ZbWlgeew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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