Lord of the Rings Style Dwarven Helmets Made from EVA Foam | Tutorial + Free Patterns

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welcome to this shop fellow maker you've got bill today and brit and today we're going over a project from our new book foam smith three of which we have many copies for sale over at punishpops.com if you want to head over and grab yourself a copy and not only do these books teach you how to make your own foam helmet mask or crown it has some example projects and that's what we're going to be building today the dwarven helmet we should go get some foam and start cutting it out got many foams picked from and i need a variety of thicknesses today i'm gonna go with the lighter stuff this is steve's hd foam in i think ten six and two millimeter thicknesses we've got ten millimeter thick foam here for all the base helmet parts and then a pattern that i printed out on my normal home printer and cut out with a sharp knife so this is one of the free patterns that comes with the book and we've included a link to this pattern if you would like to go download it and try it for yourself this is the right size we're going to need to do two of each we'll do trace one and then flip it over for the left side gotcha it's really fun getting to work on a foam helmet it's been a while and fun working on a film project with you oh and tracing that stuff's pretty therapeutic i just have to make sure i do both the left and right sides and not two rights because done that before that has happened it happens to the best of us time to cut these out i'm going to cut out some pieces on the band saw so i'm just rough cutting them from the main sheet here so that i can use this small piece to go through the machine instead of this whole sheet [Applause] while bill cuts his pieces out on the band saw i'm going to cut mine by hand i swear i sharpen that knife i zoom press down hard enough you really want to think about cutting into the mat all the way through makes it a lot easier with our parts cut out the next thing is this detail this dotted line represents the sort of trench that's buried in the side of our helmet here so we're going to cut that out before we glue everything together i'm just removing this part of the pattern it has already done its job we don't need that anymore go back to this piece and then trace that line on and just like before we can flip this over to do the other side but i'll cut this part out right now i want to cut into my foam but only about half way down it's not a big deal if it goes a little too deep you just don't want to cut all the way through you do want to make sure you have a very sharp knife i can tell this knife could use a little sharpening oh so much nicer and then the hard part i'm going to cut down the side but all the way to the cut i made before this might be easier with a longer knife [Music] there we go okay nice lowered spot there we'll just do that on the rest of the parts so up next we want our flat pieces to be a little more rounded a little more dome shape so we're going to heat form them and we've got a tag team going on i'm going to do some heating with the heat gun and brit's going to do some forming on the foam anvil thank you [Applause] so these top parts here this is the top of the dome these got curved in every direction but the side panels these ones here just got curved in one direction they just go around that way it is time to glue all our parts together i'm going to do this in multiple steps i think we'll put like the dome pieces together and then we'll connect those to the top and then we'll put all of the side pieces together and connect those to the dome and then we'll take the two halves and we'll glue those together i got it just like that uh we're gonna use contact cement it is super toxic so we are gonna put on our respirators [Music] whoops [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice there we go you did a great job oh thank you matching up that looks so symmetrical love it yeah uh this is the back collar part that goes back here and i'm going to wait to attach that until we do a little more detailing on it but also at this step we can do a little heat forming get it into basically the shape we want and it's really helpful to have a head tada so this is a foam head that i put together we have a pattern for this that's super cheap and it's in our store if you want to go grab that um we can put our helmet right on there that's so handy this is gonna be really helpful for all the future steps where we're working on the helmet instead of hand holding it the whole time we did a good job of getting a good helmet form but i'm just heating it up and bending in and especially these cheek panels they kind of want to float out i want them in a little bit tighter so we just heat it up a little bit and then hand form it the way we want it these cheeks want to keep flaring out and i want them in a lot more and the heat forming just isn't doing it so i've got a trick i've put some glue on the inside here put some glue on these strips of foam here i'm gonna bend the cheek in the way i kind of want it and then i will apply this strip actually benny and svetlana over at community cosplay had a video on this technique it was really good and that should yeah see it's pulling that in now and that's a lot more like what i want there we go now that the helmet form is good to go and it fits we can start adding details i think the first thing we want are the horns horns i hope you like my horn and let me know which horns you like to make buy my horn and do your horn cornhorn [Music] buy my horn we're gonna make those by layering some foam together to get a thicker piece that we can use to make the horns [Music] yes [Music] i'm going to add some detail i'm using these lines i drew in my pattern here as a guide these are going to get cut into the surface just taking my time to make sure that they uh nice and straight and parallel i'm changing up the pattern a little bit this this design the one i did in the book was one way and i've kind of made a custom one for this helmet changing it up and i encourage you to do the same customize and personalize your dwarven helmet there's our pattern lines drawn on and i'm going to go in with a nice sharp knife and just score those i'm not going terribly deep here we're going to hit this with a heat gun to open the lines up and it'll look awesome now we apply heat time for the next layer of detail and you can see this was the original design and this is the new one that i came up with the next part is going to be made out of the two millimeter thick pieces that are going to go on like that i have just enough over here to to wrap around a little bit i'm going to need a few more though i need brett you think you could help me cut those those out for gluing little things like this i like using super glue i have a lot more control about where the glue goes that's not to say i won't get it all over my fingers still but it's a little bit more easier to guide than a big meaty brush with contact cement on it that'll go like that and then i want that to wrap over but i'm going to put a little bit of super glue accelerant right there and then i'll do that and i'll hold it for like three seconds there we go other side that's what we want and i'll just continue that down the line my fingers are more super glue than flesh at this point but it's working there we go that looks really cool i'm so happy with that horns are ready to go and they're gonna slot right in there at least the side ones anyway before i glue that in place though i want to round these edges just so they're a little cleaner and it'll be a lot easier to get at them before this goes in place let's get our rotary tool spin it spin it okay those are nice and clean i'm gonna put this where it's gonna go centered on this line right here then i'm gonna trace it so i know where to put all my contacts in that there we go glue goes there [Music] okay i'm gonna take my time with this getting the uh that little protrusion down in the crevice is gonna be our our main concern here let's make sure it squeezes in that looks pretty good oh yeah that looks great the front horn is gonna go right there but to match this i'm gonna cut a little triangle out of here on the back just about like that this doesn't have to be super precise either because the foam is so forgiving that's what i'm telling myself anyway see how it works oh so nice now we can trace this one and do the same thing okay only get one shot at this well it's on the lines so that's good and it looks straight so that's good that looks awesome yeah that looks really good that's pretty great i'm gonna do these decorations on the edge next and these aren't in the pattern it's just a long strip so for the back part here i'm gonna cut a strip out of my thinner foam i think the original was four millimeter this is six i think so it's a little thicker but it should still work so that'll get wrapped around like that and some decoration but first i'm going to score some lines to make my decoration this could be a little sharper but i'm going to score them let's do half inch apart just do a whole bunch of those before i get to gluing i want to round over this edge this is the edge that this is going to wrap around and i want it to be a little more rounded and the edge of this that's going to show that's going to get rounded just like that now we stick this is one of the coolest things about foam because it's so flexible you can just put it wherever we need it and it will conform to our needs actually i can cut this now no need to measure all right now we do a little rapping with you okay that's how evan and katelyn wrapped too i may have made it a little wider than it needed to be that's okay that piece is just about ready to go but before i glue it in i want to add the same kind of edge treatment to the rim here all the way around until we get to the front where the face plates gonna go this will go right there i'm doing this in two pieces and they're gonna meet in the middle here i'm gonna come right about there trim it there we go and wrap it around and i made this shorter it doesn't have to go all the way around to the back there oh look that's handy this helmet comes with its own stand i'm going to just trim whatever's hanging over there now i can attach this back part there we go so up next is this face plate part here and i've already cut out sort of the base shape from some uh the six millimeter foam and then the decorations on here these details those are going to be made out of two millimeter foam i'm going to cut those out ahead of time in a long strip and then i'll cut them into smaller segments i'm going to score this and hit it with a heat gun although i did a test here and you can see that it curled a lot so i'm going to score it now then glue it down then hit it with a heat gun i think that's the right order of operations that's the line where i'm gonna score it and the next one and now we'll cut it out there we go now i can cut this into smaller pieces this one's going to be about like about that that [Music] and it should go like that i'm just gonna super glue this piece down am i am i it's clogged yeah there oh that's so nice this face part is another piece of that it's clogged again this uh face plate is another part that can be totally customized this this design i'm doing here is different than the original uh and make sure these parts are equidistant and parallel i have a little uh skewer i'm using as a spacer there we go [Applause] okay this is a big moment here sticking it down i put contact cement everywhere ah yeah not yet everyone just calmed down i'm sure everything's lined up oh yeah this is where everything starts coming together so many layers it's a good bake the front of the helmet's looking very nice although there are a couple of tweaks i want to make on the back here there's a little bit of a gap you can see i've filled this one in and i've got another little piece of foam i'm going to glue in on this side very nice also on the front here this is pretty thick and to make it appear a little bit more thin i'm going to cut a bevel i did i did one on this side you can see it looks a little bit thinner i'm going to do the same thing over here i'll probably come in with my rotary tool and clean that up a little bit but that that helps thin it out a bit i like that up next are these sort of detail panels that are going to go here there's one for each side and i have one for the back these provide some extra detail but they also cover the seams on the back here this one helps to cover the seams a bit like that and we'll put some more stuff up here for those ones we're going to cut these out of a couple of different layers of foam so i'll do a full piece out of two millimeter foam then i'll cut this template apart and do these little pieces separately then we can glue them all together [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you made a hat brit i love it it's really cool i'm in love with the new design looks really nice contrasted with this fella and it's time to paint it but first got to do some plastidip yes i'm thinking three heavy coats a plastic dip and i'm gonna let this whole thing dry overnight we put it in some hot water it helps it spray a little better a little more even misting goes on a little bit better so there's that all right perfect let's get to spraying it has been overnight and the plastic dip is all dry i put on three heavy layers it looks really fantastic and we're excited today because we get to paint this thing uh for uh for a little bit of guidance on the helmet we have uh some references that we're gonna work from for the paint uh pay no attention to the bandage that was an accident that happened in the kitchen this is one of our hobbit art books and in it has a lot of really cool armor pieces and this is all the dwarven section so we were looking in this book for ideas for the color scheme and bill really likes this one and i do too it's got kind of a metallic blue to it we have some angelus leather paints this is the blue but we also put some silver in there and then i think for the highlights we want to do bronze but before we do these two colors i think we're going to cover the whole thing in pewter is that right bill that's right awesome so we're going to do a whole layer of the silver pewter and then get to these guys now i mentioned before that we have a new book out that's what this helmet example is from it's foam smith three we're both very proud of it both brittany and i uh i did all the writing and photos she did all the layout and editing also paige help she did all the illustrations uh it's a easily our best book to date it's got some 800 photos in it the first half of it is all techniques and instruction and the second half is three example builds one of them of course being this helmet here but we have a crown in there we also have a really cool sculpted more organic mask looking tutorial in there that i think is pretty cool like i said we're super proud of it it's easily our best book to date we have the whole trilogy available now over on our website at punishpops.com in both print and digital you can pick one up for yourself or for a friend and start making some really cool foam stuff today the trilogy as that lana would say please buy my books the thinned we just did it with water the thin layer of pewter color is all dry now and i'm going to start with the blue and all the low spots are going to get blue i'm using just a tiny bit of paint i'm even wiping some of it off and then i'm just sort of scrubbing the surface to lay down a little bit of paint at a time just hitting the high spots so that there's some of that texture still showing through i can do more layers if i want more coverage later but i'm just sort of laying down a more subtle blue and i don't have to get it down in the crevices in fact a little bit of like implied shadow there might look good i like the texture on that yeah the texture is really fantastic and that's from the plasti dip and i'm totally totally down with that i let the blue dry a bit uh we went and had lunch it was delicious what do we have bread sandwiches sandwiches they were great now i'm going over with a little bit heavier of a hand i'm kind of highlighting especially edges like this with a little more of that blue and kind of the center area here the edges i want to keep a little bit less covered again to kind of have more of that implied shadow thing going on looking good i really like that blue now it's time for some bronze i am just about done with my second coat of the bronze that looks really good look at that i think we're just about ready for some weathering good i like weathering i'm going in with some of my favorite oil paints here to do a little bit of weathering especially on these metal parts that are all one color just a little bit of dirtying up actually helps it look look more metallic brush a little on there i can smear it a bit with my finger that just gives it a little more depth which i really like here's a little bit of the before before i did all the weathering here's what it looks like after so adding just a little bit of grime and all the crevices and everything and uh giving ourselves a little more contrast before after there it is all finished next to the original this was so much fun to put together so much fun to put together with you it was a really fun project and i really like the blue color scheme that's really neat blue is my favorite color so in the description down below we'll have patterns for you to download free patterns if you'd like to try and make your own helmet i encourage you to do some different decorations and color schemes because once you get the base down you can do just about anything you want and also if you would like to learn more about helmets we have our foam smith 3 book which goes over helmets masks and crowns and it has some other templates in there to help you on your journey as well as information on how to design your own helmet or help you make whatever kind of helmet you want from like your favorite television show or anime or or movie or whatever yeah go nuts pick your favorite thing and go try and make it uh thank you everyone who's purchased the book so far you guys are awesome and a special thank you goes out to the members of our extra credit club who have joined us over on patreon and right here on youtube by hitting the join button for memberships it's because of you guys we can keep the lights on around here especially over the last few months we'll be recording a build discussion the two of us talking about these two helmets for our extra credit members exclusively for them so uh look forward to that but we also do weekly vlogs uh and other weekly behind-the-scenes projects from here in the shop we have a bunch of projects we've started and been working on that are going to come out in the next couple weeks and months that i'm very excited to share with you so make sure you subscribe that'll wrap it up for today thanks for watching thanks for watching be good to one another stay safe out there and we'll catch you in the next build are we able to wilkerson now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Punished Props Academy
Views: 124,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helmet, foamsmith, foamsmithing, how to, make, build, eva foam, eva, barge, hd foam, dwarf, dwarven, costume, cosplay, doran, bill, britt, brittany, tutorial, books, knife, glue, helm, hat, armor, paint, metallic, how to make, beginner, couple, husband, wife, wholesome, follow along, rotary tool, dremel, painting, realistic, team, brush, hand painted, handmade, crafts, craft, project
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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