How to Gold Leaf an Elder Scroll from SKYRIM

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six years ago I made an elder scroll it was a commission which means I sold it and I didn't get one of my own however before I sold it I made a mold and they made a copy of it yes ah here we go huh oh right it's right here there we go this is gonna be fantastic and I'm gonna try something new let's head to the bench ever since my buddy Harrison over at Vulpin props made his own elder scroll using gold leaf I have been jonesing for the opportunity to try that technique out myself which is perfect because today's sponsor for this video is skill share and they have a bunch of classes on using gold leaf so I loaded it up and learned how to use gold leaf in your artwork from Sandra Bowers short class covered all the basics most of what she covered was for adding gold leaf to like a flat piece of artwork this is obviously three-dimensional so I have a good foundation to get started and I'm probably gonna learn an awful lot along the way and I'll share that with you got all my materials so let's dive right in for the most part you really just need your adhesive and the gold leaf plus some tools and the thing you're working on I went to the local craft store and bought whenever I could find there weren't a lot of options this was the only adhesive I could find it's called gilding adhesive but this stuff can also be called adhesive sighs a bunch of options out there will link to some good ones down below this is the foil or gold leaf it's not real gold or at least I don't think it is but it's crazy thin there are 25 sheets this cost about 10 bucks so it's not too pricey but these are really really bonkers then I'll show you this is a single sheet gold leaf this is a single sheet of delicate gold leaf and we're gonna use it to cover our entire elder scroll one thing I definitely need to do before trying to put any sort of covering on here is clean all the dust off this has been sitting on a shelf for years and it's super dusty the other thing I want to do is use some of this grease and wax remover I'm gonna be handling this a lot and I'll probably wear rubber gloves although in the class I watched it was recommended wearing cotton gloves I just don't have any of those but I'm gonna be getting grease and stuff all over this thing or they're probably already is so I'm going to use this to make sure the surface is perfectly clean and prepped for the adhesive take a little remover and just wipe everything down I especially want to get down into the crevices where dust and stuff accumulates I'll give everything a rub down and then it's time for glue so here's the general idea we've got our adhesive and I'm gonna apply it with a brush and I'm just gonna brush on a really thin layer wherever I want that gold leaf to end up I found that you want to kind of work in small ish areas this stuff takes about yeah usually about 10 minutes to dry it's a contact adhesive you brush your contacts adhesive on here now you don't need any adhesive on the foil it will stick no problem but you do want a nice thin layer and then you want to let it dry the stuff I just brushed on there is drying and while it's drying I'm going to brush some on this piece so that I can work on these two parts together while one of them is drying I can be applying the gold leaf and then I can brush on a new piece and while that's drying apply gold leaf to the part I'm brushing right now I'm just try and keep that cycle going I don't want to have any downtime where I'm waiting for this to dry with nothing to do in this case I'm only brushing it on this cone on the tip here I don't want any on this part because trying to get a piece of foil down in there with with contact adhesive on both sides is really tricky I'll show you more later I was tinkering with this yesterday and kind of figured out all the things not to do I'm using a crummy old paint brush to apply my adhesive but I also have a couple just soapy water in it so that when I'm not using the brush can wash it off this is gonna get thrown out probably at the end of this project anyway but at least it'll last the whole project our adhesive is mostly dry it's been about five minutes the sort of milky color has gone away and it's got this nice shine so I think we're ready to go to manipulate the foil I've been using plastic tweezers more gentle than metal tweezers and then you take a significant portion and you just sort of lay it down over your adhesive and it will stick right away and it may turn into a crumpled foil mess sometimes that happens that's just kind of how it is it will want to stick right away it will tear and you may have to do everything in a couple of passes but that's kind of how it is the way I've been working is to just tamp it down a little bit try and get it down into details if I can trying not to scrunch it up too much and definitely trying not to get it to fold over on itself if I can this foil can be so unruly what I've been doing is using a 1-2-3 block to weigh a portion of it down and then trying to tear off a pretty big sized chunk with my tweezers but sometimes it just rips however it wants but there we go we got a pretty good piece and then this is going to overlap look see how it just wants to stick this will overlap the pieces that are already there stick there we go and what I found is you're gonna waste a lot of foil that's just kind of how it is the parts that don't touch the glue should fall away like that we're gonna scrub this down a little bit with that brush but I'm gonna lay down a couple more pieces first you want to be super careful in your lay in this town and overlap the pieces a lot if you tear it if you leave just like I'll show you if you put just the thinnest gap like right there between the two there's only a little bit of adhesive showing there and even though you might put another piece over that it may not stick so you want to make sure you overlap these pieces as much as you can you can of course go back and fix those later by adding word he's have been on top of it that's a big piece of foil now that I've covered all the adhesive with foil I can start pressing it into the surface and I just have a paintbrush for this I'm trying to just drive it down into this surface and you can see how there's those lines in the model there that are now popping out and looking really cool so yeah right now I'm really just trying to make sure every square millimeter that I put down is stuck down I also have this tray this is for collecting and sorting nuts and bolts and it's got a little spout here all the shedding with foil shedding that falls in there and if there are big useful pieces I can retrieve them this also hopefully keeps this gold flake free getting all over my shop but a spoiler it's already all over my shop a lot of the loose flakes are falling off as I do this but once I'm feeling pretty good about how secure all the stuff is I can start brushing some of the loose stuff away and it does have to like tear so along the edges between pieces you may still see kind of a line there but just keep brushing at it and most of that flake should get pushed away what we end up with is just the shiniest most gold looking thing ever that is so so shiny I love it it's pretty much that process over and over again with some some nuances there now that that's mostly cleaned up I can brush on more adhesive so I'll grab my brush and I'm going to overlap this edge so that the next layer of foil will bridge the gap between these two and just like before I'm going to add a little bit in just the area I want to work on and I also try and have nice sharp edges like that as opposed to like brushed edges that are kind of feathered so a nice smooth edge and I'm also gonna save this part for later so I'm only brushing it up to the the edge on the bottom there while I'm applying adhesive to the next part I can go look at the part I just did and see if I missed anything maybe difficult to see but there's a little crack in the foil right there and I have a smaller brush so I'm gonna put a little bit of adhesive on that spot and it doesn't hurt to put on more than you think you need to well overlap that that gap and put a big old hunk of foil over it well our other piece is drying now I can add the gold leaf to this part now going around complex curves like this can cause the foil to tear and sometimes it just happens and you gotta kind of deal with it maybe other people with a lot more experience with gold leaf can do forms like this without having to go back and fix pieces but I am NOT at that skill level yet but that's okay I will have lots of practice on this particular project remember - there's only adhesive on this spike part so I can match this in there without fear of it sticking to the part down here that way I can get it down and in that crevice right there brush away all the extra flakes it seems like the sort of friction or stickiness of a rubber glove helps pick up some of those tiny bits and get a nice clean finish I've also found that like little crevasses like in here you can get the foil to bunch up and I've got this silicon sculpting tool which is just grabby enough to like pick up a big clump of that foil and pull it out of there why did I do that it just blew on that sending foil everywhere so now that this part has the foil on it I will add glue to this part and I'm not going to add it over here on this side just this part because this 90 degree angle in there is going to be really tricky to get a piece of foil in there without a tearing same thing with up here and I found that this sort of workflow where you are really careful about the placement of your glue is gonna make a huge difference on how frustrating your gold leafing project is but you'll learn like once you once you do a couple parts with this you'll figure out where to put glue and where not to put glue that one's all set up so we'll let that dry and this one is now dry and I can add foil to it actually where is I need another piece of foil Oh careful and then hopefully I can pull out this one sheet whoop whoop there it goes and then I can close this up so that no wind it takes it away it's pretty much gonna be that back and forth on these two or three pieces for the foreseeable future so lots of patience maybe some good music I will say this is an extremely tedious process but the results are just awesome it's just it's gold it looks like real gold because it is our brass or whatever this is it looks legit so worth it these are some of the spots that just need a little touch-up so I'll just put a little piece in there I'm already trying to think about other projects I could use gold leaf on actually you probably have some really good ideas if you can think of another prop project where gold leaf would be like the best way to finish it let me know I love hearing project ideas like that leave a comment down in the the comment section [Music] [Music] it's so shiny this took an awful long time but the results are worth it and it's not perfect either we'll have to touch some stuff up but we can hide our crimes later the next thing I want to do the other part of our candy cane stripe here has got to be purple so I'm gonna hand-paint that and then I'm gonna want to seal this I do want to protect that it may change the lustre a little bit but this is not the most durable finish I tried out a couple of different purple paints try to mix my own that kind of went sideways I'm gonna go with the this stuff here it is an airbrush paint but it covers really well and you can still brush it with paint brush probably gonna have to do two passes to make sure I cover the gold leaf that's sort of sticking out there a little bit but that's okay it's already looking really nice you know while I've got you here it's a great time to again thank our sponsor Skillshare so I went to learn about how to do all the gold leafing skill chair is an online learning community with thousands of classes and categories like design or photography or crafts lots of different crafts like our gold leaf here if you'd like to get in on the fun we've got a link for you it's down in the description it's skl sh / punish props for that premium membership gives you unlimited access to classes made by experts that way you can learn how to do all the stuff you want to do unlock new opportunities and do all that work that you love of course i've watched a whole bunch of them like on video editing and other skills that i'm interested in i watched using gold leaf in your artwork by sandra bowers - to complete this project and there are many many more in the list i want to watch for future projects to help up my prop making game Skillshare is more affordable than other learning platforms out there the annual subscription cost you less than 10 bucks a month and even better if you use our link you can try it out for free for two months of course that link again is sk l dot s h slash punished props for thank you skills chair for sponsoring our video and of course thank you so much for providing such a wonderful reason two creative types like me here we are after to brush down layers of that purple and I think it looks great that dark Purple's very regal very kingly and I want to seal this protect the paint job but also this gold leaf is fairly fragile so I want to protect it and I'm going with a gloss varnish but not just on a whim we did do some tests on a scrap piece here just to make sure that the varnish wasn't going to react weird with the gold leaf and to make sure it would still look nice and shiny I'm happy with that so I'm gonna spray out a couple of light layers of this varnish to make sure our Elder Scroll stays nice and protected while my parts are drying with all that varnish it's time to do the actual scroll of the Elder Scroll I've got the text over here don't worry it's not the real text no one's gonna go blind here I reproduce this myself I found a Daedric font online somewhere and I used my own text in fact this is actually the Star Wars crawl text from the beginning of a new hope I'm just taping this down to a sheet of plastic here so I can see through it or more appropriately shine light through it and if you don't have a giant she could just do this by taping it to a window so that you can let light shine through with that down I can cover it in my fabric and this is just some linen that I had lying around that kind of looks the part and now we can't see the text yet but we will soon bright light and there we go that's a perfect use I might end up putting this against the window but you can see how we can see through there and just trace our pattern for this work I'm using fabric markers and this one's a grey this one's black and it seemed like it was just too too dark eventually we will weather this in some way so I wanted to look not super clean this thing is ancient it's been around a while it's gonna be dirty I actually flipped over one of our studio lights so that I could use it as a platform to light this up and that seems to be working really well there's all of our Elder Scroll texts but this looks far too new so I've got a water bottle with just some brown acrylic paint in mostly water so I can spray this down and give it a little bit of weathering and texturing I have some black paint too so I can darken this a little bit and have a couple different tones in there but yeah it's gonna kind of randomly spray it down and get dribbles on it and make the look all old just using a rotary cutter here to cut a sort of jagged edge on this that frayed edge I want it to stay fray but only a little bit so I'm gonna glue the edges down with this stuff the scroll is ready to go to install it in our case here I have this roller shade one of the blinds you can pull down and let go and it'll stay there and then when you give it a tug it zips back up your window we're gonna use that same mechanism this thing right here in there so that we can retract our scroll I'm gonna have to modify this though just a little bit inside of here it looks like it's just a cardboard tube and I want you to cut it but I'm gonna get rid of this first let's see if it wants to oh that comes right off save this for some future project I'm sure I'll need it this part will get installed in fact I already have a hole drilled in here so that's gonna go in that comes out there I need to make sure I have room for that mechanism so it's gonna be kind of there but it needs to be a little bit shorter so that I can make room for all of that so let's go about right there there you go it's just a cardboard tube so I guess I need to extract this and install it in there I'm starting to think maybe I should have shortened the other end okay cool we got we got a little spring in there so this has to be secure and then when it twists it tensions it that'll go in there I checked this is the right length so I can seal this up I'm just gonna use duct tape really really strong duct tape and I have a hunch this will be more than enough to keep this whole thing together and then this thing will the spring still grabs on so that's still working which is great not that I was worried but I do have a habit of breaking the things I try to modify there's our mechanism we can attach our scroll to it attaching this to that it's gonna be a little bit of a challenge but I have a three-step plan I'm gonna start by super gluing it to kind of hold it in place right along this edge here and on you go careful not to glue myself down to the Elder Scroll and then I can kick it off with a little bit of accelerant and that's really just to hold it in place while I use staples so this will provide a mechanical connection hopefully kind of worked that's a lot better so third and final steps is more of this duct taped just over that edge to make sure these aren't gonna start to peel up I hope that feels nice and secure perfect because we're gonna pull it out of there I don't the whole thing coming right out all right trying to come up with a way to hold this end this end is already taken care of but this that needs to be held in place and it can't spin the hole that I need to make a little plug for is very irregular and I'm trying to figure out a way to trace that onto a material and I grab some oil paints because they don't dry right away and I'm gonna brush that on this lip and then stamp it on this piece of plastic to leave a mark yeah that kind of worked this thing doesn't need to be pretty and if it's a little loose I can I can overcome that that paint I'll cut that out on the bandsaw [Music] and let's cross our fingers sports fans oh look at that it's great the next thing I need to do is drill a couple of holes for this slot oh nice and snug Oh didn't do it wait yeah okay that can go on there that's just a pressure fit no need to glue it and then the trick is going to be lining up the hole then this odd shaped hole oh I could see it there it is nothing there just holding it in like that and then so I'll want to pre put a little more attention on the spring before I attach everything so it has enough gussto to chuck it back in there so I'll do that get it all tension and then I think I can glue this in I'm gonna do a 2-part glue up on this super glue to kind of hold it and then a five minute epoxy for some of the wider gaps in my mic up there alright I'm just gonna give that five minutes secure that looks like it's curing I'm gonna set this on my silicon pad here so it doesn't stick forever and take the opportunity to glue this part on now there's quite a gap there but we have some of this stuff plumbers epoxy putty so it's a two-part putty we can mash it together and then fill in both the gap between here and glue the two parts together there's the two colors in there so you just want to mash it together until it's all one color again really want to mash that in there so that it bonds the inside was sanded I must have done that a long time ago I have no memory of that but good job past bill no turning back now that is fabulous a little bit of squeezed out I can just trowel back into the gap filling it in if it's sticking I have some isopropyl alcohol here so I can wet the end of my tool and it will not stick to the epoxy which is great our plumbers epoxy is gray obviously the wrong color so I just have a little bit of gold paint here so I can go in and cover that up so it matches well whether that too so it'll look all days and blend it in but at least we won't have that bright gray sneaking out of a paint job and then anywhere else on here where the gold leaf has rubbed off I got this little paint pen so I can do a couple little touch-ups so there that that hard edge sort of worn off I can just go oh that nice and touched up you didn't see anything both sides are installed on our scroll here it's time to put the gems in these are just from the craft store when I designed this thing years ago I bought a ton of these so I had enough these are going in their own little homes on the scroll case I'm just gonna use superglue for that around and around there we go these are the tiny toons in their tiny - girl this is the last one it would be a super bummer if I goofed it up now that looks awesome all our gems are in the correct spot time for my favorite part weathering I've got some oil paints these happen to be water mixable oil paints you can thin them with water if you want I'm just gonna go straight on with the paint I've just got a dark brown here I'm gonna cover it and wipe it off and it should look really cool just driving it down into all the details there all the spots that would accumulate centuries of gross dirt and stuff and then just wipe it off leaving a lot down in those crevices this is really warming up that gold and I think that looks really cool oh yeah that looks really awesome I can wipe off as much as I think I want I can always go back and add more if I need to but that looks nice that's really really warming up that finish compared to what we have before I like that a lot I'm gonna keep doing it I gotta tell you I am again super thankful for our sponsor Skillshare on this one they are fantastic I love using their website I couldn't have figured out this project without them and of course if you want to get your to three months you can go to sk l dot s h slash punish props for link down below also down below i'll have links to all the materials that I used on this project so if you're building your own elder scroll or curious and want to try some of these techniques yourself you can go check those out there all Amazon affiliate links so we get a tiny cut of those and we thank you for that of course I would be remiss if I didn't thank the members of our extra credit Club if you'd like to jump in on the fun we have a link down below you could also just jump in on the membership here on YouTube or support us over on patreon that'll get you access to extra credit behind-the-scenes vlogs that we do every week if you want to see what we're up to in between builds we also do a build discussion on every single project including this one so that'll go up along with early access to all of our build videos they go up on Friday you get to see it before everyone else sees it on Monday so thanks so much for the support you guys are fantastic there's a link down below if you're a newcomer you want to hit that subscribe button and especially if you don't want to miss all our new videos you can hit that notification bell it's the best way to make sure you don't miss when one of our new videos comes out and we put a new one out every single week the weathering is pretty much done I did a little more touching up with the gold paint that looks pretty good I will say though that the oil paint seemed to react kind of weird I think with the varnish because it's it's a little tacky everything's a little tacky so maybe acrylic paints for a wash would have been a better choice although this doesn't look very good either way this thing is gonna have to sit and dry for a few days before it's really ready for handling that's okay I only have one more thing to do and that's to add this ándale I made this off-camera it's just two dowels and a couple pieces of plastic with holes drilled in them and of course they got gold leaf to just like everything else now let's attach it to our scroll and hopefully when I pull this out it'll stay open Dada so now I can remove my little handle here and I'm just gonna super glue this to the dowel I think like that gonna run a bead down the length of this whole thing here and stick it down please stick there we go finally after six years I finally have my own Elder Scroll [Music] [Music] okay Wow this is a single sheet of gold leaf stuck to my hand hold on super snug nope what come on
Channel: Punished Props Academy
Views: 170,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elder scrolls V: Skyrim, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls, Elder Scroll, Gold leaf, Elder scroll prop, Skyrim Prop, Skyrim elder scroll, gold foil, how to, gold leaf tutorial, metallic finish, gold, resin kit, punished props, punished props academy, tutorial, DIY, how to gold leaf, applying gold leaf, how to apply gold leaf, gold leafing, diy gold leaf, prop making, cosplay tutorial, replica prop, painting techniques, skyrim builds, gold leaf gilding tutorial, punished props skyrim
Id: Wvy-3lTt33w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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