It's fascinating to see 'the reality of that fraud Fauci': Murray

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now also in america i have been fascinated like everyone else to see the reality of that fraud anthony fauci and i say fraud because while this bloke may well have been an expert who's been around for many many years he seemed to very much love the limelight to the extent that he's doing interviews on australian television when of course his job is supposed to be like the chief medical officer of the united states that yes it's getting on top of the pandemic because of its huge vaccination rollouts but this bloke never stops now as you know evidence has been building by the day it's been there for anyone who's been willing to see and weld under our mate sherry markson who has been reporting on it since day one that more than likely this thing ended up coming out of that lab in wuhan there was also plenty of evidence that organizations ended up with some taxpayer money via the fouchy office that ended up funding what they were doing at the institute of virology my apologies in wuhan but there's a new defense here for dr fauci despite the fact that he has said one thing and wrote privately another despite the fact that there is a trail of money that shows that american taxpayer money took a long journey but eventually got to the very same lab where people were sick way before the pandemic was attributed to things like wet markets well the new defense of anthony fauci is the good old-fashioned jedi mind trick which is to change the subject there's nothing to see here even though every day there's plenty to see here if you're just willing to look that he was saying one thing in email and then coming to this microphone and saying something else if that is the case and if that affected the u.s policy posture at the time should he be held accountable well i've talked a little about dr fauci and dr feltchy has been out doing several interviews himself and answering questions on these emails and questions that you all may have dr falci is a renowned public servant a civil servant i should say career civil servant he's overseen management of multiple global health crises and the attacks and and attacks launch on him are certainly something we wouldn't stand by what his email showed that he was saying something different than what he was saying publicly the trail of money shows that there was american taxpayer money that ended up at the same lab where things started to get out of control yet nothing to see here and you see how the feedback loop works which is if the left wants to they can decide to turn something into a multiple day scandal sources close to anonymous this that and the other you have black and white paper trail here reporting up the wazoo that shows here there's plenty of questions to answer but the white house says he's a respected public servant and lefties in the media on free-to-air television in the u.s well they just changed the subject i mean they just keep reaching and reaching and reaching trying to find something here and there is nothing and i guess for me it's the hypocrisy from the senate republicans who did not want to form a bipartisan commission for the january 6th insurrection but yet they want to continue this narrative in these attacks on dr fauci what we're back to january 6th
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 365,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6257624060001, fb, msn, opinion, paulmurray, us, world, yt
Id: VTHV9S3kzMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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