It's All In You | Erwin McManus - Mosaic

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what a great day to work sit together and it may be a little bit hard to perceive this but you are not alone there are people right now we're shipping with us in Orange County and in South Pasadena and in Seattle and all the way in Quito Ecuador and in Mexico City and then this afternoon and Venice Beach and we just welcome everyone from every campus good morning guys great to have you here it's just exciting to watch what God is doing and and summer is always interesting time because we have so many guests from around the world around the country who come sightseeing and and they get here to Hollywood Boulevard and they realize there's nothing here we're so glad to get to walk the sidewalk and see the stars and but everything that's really happening in Hollywood's happening right in this place right now I said we're glad you're here [Music] now let's take a moment and pray together just thank God for this day before we sit together father thank you so much for this gift that you've given us of life that we would know what it means to love and to celebrate to enjoy to laugh to sing to worship such a gift it's hard to imagine this is just a small glimpse of who you are so today we want to revel in that and just stand in your presence and allow you to be life to us god I thank you for 61 years of existence and 41 years of life and I'm so grateful that once we enter into relationship with you the numbers become irrelevant they're just a grain of sand in the backdrop of eternity so in you we truly become timeless we thank you Jesus for your sacrifice on our behalf for your love that is intended toward us you got it pray for anyone who's here we're listening across the world it still not sure if you're out there has not yet trusted you with their life today they would just take that deep breath and cross the line of faith and find life in you we thank you Father we pray in Jesus name Amen we just thank God one more time for this beautiful day then you can have a seat so yes I was thinking to myself why can Falcons fly and chickens cat you ever have those moments see just they're just so profound they're so deep they they almost create this internal turmoil of the injustice of nature I think some of those I happen to have this nature channel called the hunt on and it was a little disturbing to see the kind of violence as they can place all around us in the wild set out in the wild chickens have no chance and so I started doing a little research and and just ask you the question oh one can chickens fly which is what I really want to talk to you about today can tickets lie because if you can resolve this question I think you'll deal with most of the issues in your life the technically chickens can't fly just not well or they could fly it but they forgot how or they were designed to fly but they were redesigned by the environment which they live their lives says chickens lost their ability to fly where they became domesticated and fat I'm just gonna let you apply that wherever you need to and probably I really don't have to say anything else today their wings became too weak and their feet adapted to walking easy feeding and safe living stole their flights they no longer needed too hot because they were being fed and they no longer had the fear of being hunted because they're being protected so they became a source of food but the peregrine falcon of their hand is not only the fastest bird in the world of the fastest animal in the world that's needed by falcons now actively there are other birds that are faster when you're just measuring direct flight but the falcon achieves a speed of around 200 miles an hour when it elevates to its highest level and begins to dive in the hunt so the fastest bird in the world the the diametric opposite of the chicken is the Falcon and it finds its greatest speed when it's focused on its objective the peregrine falcon when it is hunting dives and in the stoop is not only the fastest wooden bird it is the fastest animal on the planet at first it soars to great heights and then dives deeply at speeds over 200 miles an hour now it would be absurd for a chicken to hear a motivational speech and decide it's going to live like a falcon and I think so often times this is what we've created we've created a world where we hope to be inspired enough to we can stop living like chickens and start acting like Falcons and we've been told that that if you'll just act like a falcon and believe you're a falcon and think like a falcon you'll be a falcon but you'll just be a really really awkward disappointed chicken needing a massive therapy all of your life because people look at you and say you know you're not a falcon you were yes I am yes I am and you will never stoop it 200 miles an hour except maybe in your chicken dreams see I think a lot of us act as if faith is God telling us chickens we need to start acting like Falcons and so we live in this perpetual frustration and disappointment because we cannot be what we're being asked to become and inside of us that there feels like there's a peregrine falcon ready to be awakened especially if you come to it a falcon centric community like mosaic so you come in going I'm a falcon I'm a better but but the problem is that sometimes we're chickens trying to act like Falcons but I think other times were unaware they were actually Falcons who are still acting like chickens in just a few months we're gonna enter into a conference called the new and Kim keeps asked me but what is the new yes but what is the new and she's asked me this probably at least a dozen times what's too new what's the new what's it new in many ways but I want to talk to you about today is the foreshadowing of the new I I want to prepare you because I think we're gonna enter one of the most important conversations not only for our lives as a tribe but for your life as an individual because I am killing the wrong conversations we're still talking about right and wrong and good and bad when really the conversation that God is trying to move us to is from right and wrong and good and bad to old and new so the conversation that Jesus is trying to take us into is a conversation not about right and wrong but old and new if you keep trying to figure this thing out from side to side from right and wrong and good and bad you're just playing this chicken Falcon game I'm gonna try to act like a falcon today even though I'm a chicken or maybe you're a falcon who still hasn't been convinced you're no longer a chicken but just like in nature a chicken will never become a falcon and a factor will never become a chicken if there is not an old in the new then you're just the same you were and there's no new anything there's a peculiar passage the second Peter chapter one I'm going to begin in verse two Peter writes these words may God give you more and more Grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord by His divine power God has given us everything we need for living a godly life we have received all of this by coming to know him the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence and because of his glory and excellence he has given us and precious promises these are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires now there's a lot in just these few words and I want to summarize it in just one declaration if you want to understand how the process of becoming everything God created you to become happens you understand how it's you find your way through the chicken and Falcon dilemma is you need to understand that when you enter into relationship with Jesus Christ when you allow the God who created you to recreate you everything you need to live the life that God created you to live everything you need to fulfill the destiny for God for which God designed you it's all in you and a huge problem in religion is the religion works from a basic assumption that it's not in you so you must be conformed to whatever pattern is desired because you will not inherently naturally become what God is calling you to become religion is a lack of confidence in God's ability to recreate you and so this is a part of the process this is part of the tension that you may not understand exactly what's happened to you and so you don't know how to access what's in you they're saying may God give you more and more Grace and peace by the way those two words cover so much more and more Grace and peace I don't know if you know but you need more grace and I think you're probably pretty where you need more peace but you may not realize that those who are interconnected the more grace you receive the more you're able to live your life in the in the environments of unconditional love so when you live in this beautiful thing called grace you're no longer trying to earn love you're no longer trying to earn acceptance you're no longer doing things to get things right with God yes grace understands that the relationship is a gift and are there any people in your life that you have a grace relationship with or does everyone have to earn your trust your acceptance earn your approval I think that only do we need to be recipients of grace but we must become dispensers of grace we have to stop trying to force people to earn the right for us to forgive them we have to become dispensers of grace where we give grace as much as we receive grace and I am convinced that our ability to experience peace is directly connected to our ability to give grace and receive grace he says you may grow more and more in Grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord by His divine power God has given us everything we need for living a godly life what a statement he has given us everything not he will give you everything but he has given you everything you need to live the life God created you to live he wanted a practical definition for living a godly life it's living the life God intended you to live to live your life in the way God designed you to live your life because you're designed do you reflect the image of God you're designed to be an extension of the essence of God as it God designed you to live in a certain way he says you'll be given more and more Grace and peace as you grow and by the way that word grace is also connected to that conversation around gifts that the gifts of God that God actually gives you gifts do you know that hey some of you know that you're already a gift from God very but you're not quite the gift you think you are but what the Scriptures tell us is that God gives you talent and intelligence and passion God places even within your genetic code gifts and everything that you have the potential of becoming is God's gift to you and to the world through you but not only that but it tells us in the scriptures that God actually ports into us his gifts and so he gives us different kinds of gifts whether it's the gift of leadership or or the gift of a discernment or the gift of wisdom or the gift of administration or the gift of services all these different kinds that guess it says and God will give you more and more Grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and here's the key see you'll access all that is in you as you grow as you grow III think that there's this there's this this connection between wanting everything God has for us and not taking responsibility for our own personal maturity because you're gonna experience more and more grace and more and more peace as you grow now we don't really talk about a lot of the nuances of beliefs between different groups in the faith but I'ma just talk just for a moment because well when I became a follower of Jesus around the age of 20 I found myself at the intersection of of like 2d fruity it was like all of these different Christian groups there's all these different beliefs telling me what I needed to experience and become anybody experience that and I mean I went to everything I I went from the Catholic experience the Baptist experience the Methodists of the Church of Christ at the Pentecostal to the Assembly of God to the nondenominational denominations and I mean I was a part of all those groups and I didn't know cuz I was so new to Christianity I didn't understand that that that they were not just different the Lilan were just crazy and everyone had an explanation of what I needed next and they've been asking well you know have you given your life to Jesus oh yes I've given my life to Jesus have you been baptized yes I've been baptized every group had had their next thing and then I remember I was traveling I was in at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans I was hanging out with these really cool people and they asked me have you received the Holy Spirit of course I've received the Holy Spirit because when I read the Bible says Jesus gives you the Holy Spirit so yeah I have the Holy Spirit of course I do and I think oh no but have you received the Bachelors of Holy Spirit that go is that different than having the Holy Spirit oh yes the BAPS of the Holy Spirit is different than having the Holy Spirit and and the goal I've been baptized in the Holy Spirit to whatever it is I know I've got that too and I think oh yeah but then you speaking times they go that's never happened they only you've been lied to and I even somebody who told the dabbles told you a lie I go I that was having the conversation with the devil I and I found myself constantly told and then after I met BEC that there's another group their Nazarene group and they told me nobody have you been sanctified well how does that how does that happen you oh no you you receive Jesus you get baptized by water oh by the way this Christ told me I had to be baptized in the water because that's what actually saves me and then the Pentecostal no need to be baptized the Holy Spirit and speaking times and then the Nazarene told me now you need to be sanctified because now you become sinless like how's that working for you and when I found over a lifetime of faith is that we keep trying to find experiences that fill the deficit of who we are with who we know we should be and we want it to happen in some kind of dramatic way because we still hope magic will change us but here what it says is may God give you more and more Grace and peace as you grow see I don't think there's one or two or three things you need from God I think you need an endless number of things from God see if there's one baptism or two baths back to the three baptisms I think you should be authorized every day if that word baptism means to be drenched in the presence of God because as you grow God is able to give you more and more and more and if you're frustrated that God isn't giving you more maybe you need to look at your own development and your spiritual maturity because God will not give you more than you can handle because you'll misuse it anyway but he's given you everything you need it's all in you see III think they were - what I notice is that all these different thoughts about how God changes us they're always about how God does something from the outside in you need to receive this you need it receives this you need to receive this and I'm telling you what the scriptures are telling you you need to unleash this it's all in you but you cannot be unleashed from within you if you do not take responsibility for your own spiritual maturity she's got to grow up there's got to be some point in your life where you go I take personal responsibility for my spiritual health and development as you can you can be a part of a community and always hide you can come and listen week after week after week and no one will ever be invasive because there's always this tricky line between wow people are way way way too pushy and no one cared about me right there you know people are just trying way too hard no one even talked to me no one even cares about which one you want so I'm gonna reverse the whole thing how about we don't know what to do with you so you do something with you somebody just need to go to the back here and go I'm a chicken I want to be a falcon but I got skid marks all over my knobby knees cuz I don't know how to fly we're gonna solve that today some of your falcons and you're still acting like chickens and so you've given up on God because you know what this is everything God does but just because you're a falcon doesn't mean that your brain understands that you've been changed he was on to say middle verse 3 not only has he given us everything we need for living a godly life yes we have received all of this by coming to know him the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence and because of his glory and excellence he has given us great and precious promises ok God I I believe it's all in me but I'm not able to access at all I don't seem to know how you ever wrote that sometimes it's a different language you feel like there's there's a hero inside of you waiting to be awakened but he's trapped under the coward that's you some of you feel like there's someone extraordinary inside of you but it's trapped under all the rubble of your failures some of you feel like there's a new you inside of you but that new you is being suffocated by the old you and you don't know how to become new so you keep hoping that that's some magical experience that's why some of you had traveled from place to place from religion to religion the church the church hopefully that somehow some outside experience will change you but I want you to change that God wants to bring in your life to change that God can and must spring in your life will only happen as it is unlocked from within you you everything you need I'm not trying to put something inside of you I'm trying to pull something out of you it only comes as you grow and as you go so we have received all of this by coming to know him that's as you grow see the measure of growing is knowing Jesus and the one who called us to himself I find this is such a beautiful language he calls us to himself because whenever we think about calling we think about some where we're supposed to go right or if we call there's some we're supposed to do like what's your calling and we connect calling to destiny or intention or purpose what your calling and yet here it says the one who called us to himself and what becomes so clear to me is that any future that God calls you to will call you to himself see any future you choose that pulls you away from Jesus that's not the future of God is calling you to any future that separates you from God it's not the future God created you to live every future God calls you to close you into greater intimacy with Jesus because you you grow as you go and as you follow Jesus that here here's here's a beautiful thing see Jesus is not static I I think that's a part of the problem is our mindsets of religion have you ever noticed that whenever we create religions we tend to create statues and idols and icons and so we go to the Buddha or we go to the Virgin of Guadalupe or we go to the shrine or we go to the temple or we go to the the mosques we go to the place and so we end up with this false view of the static nature of God that God is just sitting somewhere waiting for us to come to him but you see if God is anywhere God is in your future calling you to it and if you want to be close to God you have to move forward with him as he calls you into your future and for some of you this will explain your own spiritual journey there is a time you felt close to God anybody but you don't feel that close now there's a time you felt so close to God but now you feel distance and you can't feel what happened I can tell you exactly what happened you were close to God but God is not static and you were static God does not stay where you are you have to move to her God is going and when God called you forward you did not go we have received all of this all of what everything we need God has given us everything we need just I'm gonna do a Kim McManus look at the person next to you tell them you have got us giving you everything you need right now tell them God has given you everything you need do you believe that God has given you everything you need and it's all inside of you it's more than potential it is potent because God is not trying to change you through experiences he's trying to change you through relationship cuz God is not trying to change your behavior he's trying to change your absence we have received all of this everything we needed by coming to know him somehow we we always want to make knowing Jesus second Terry and the moment you're focused on some spiritual experience or the moan your focus on some spiritual gifts to me that's the tragedy inside of our own faith we put so much focus on things like speaking in tongues we're making Jesus secondary to an experience really some kind of spiritual gift can bring me closer to God than God himself I've given my children a lot of gifts and none of them have not brought them closer to me all right it's true you you know when that guy is buying bling for his wife they ain't close he's trying to make up for distance there's no gift that God will give you that will bring you closer to him except himself he's done all of this it calls us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence and we don't have time to Annapolis and because of his glory and excellence he has given us great and precious promises it's just because who God is all of God's promises are an extension of his essence I don't know if you ever just taken time to to revel in this reality the reason you can feel and love the reason you can laugh the reason you you can experience intimacy in and compassion and the reason you can dance and celebrate is because this is who God is and when you experience the best of life it's just the smallest smallest taste of who God is in his essence the life God longs for us is the life he is for us he says these are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires now I think it's interesting historically the second half of that declaration has been more focused on and escaped the world's corruption caused by human desires now I don't know if you know this but the world is corrupting if you did know that you're probably just like fully corrupted you just don't know and the world is in decay we have the Amazons on fire and maybe because of human greed certainly because of our lack of attention and responsibility our atmosphere has been corrupted our oceans are being corrupted our children are being corrupted you see it's a deny that there's a corruption that is created by our out-of-control desires is to be dishonest about reality but the solution is the key see we keep trying to fight against the corruption of the world by by conformity the corruption is more powerful than conformity since these are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature no one ever focuses on that part that's a little unnerving it says that you actually have been transformed by God to share in his divine nature another translation and I boldly here's you that you may participate in the divine nature did you have any idea that you're participating in the divine nature yeah I think we don't focus on this because we're really worried about what humans might do if they actually think they're connected to God and so we want to make sure there's this huge divine God in His divine nature than us and our corrupt nature but if you still believe that you do not believe the Scriptures because the Scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ has given us everything we need for living a godly life and it flows out of our participation with His divine nature and if you want to know how to get it all out of you because it's all in you then it's as you and as you go and as you flow because it's in you now back to the chicken and falcons because remember this whole talk is about chickens and falcons see what we've been tied as it were all chickens and gods the divine falcon and we aspire to be falcons but we're just chickens who have a narcissistic delusion of grandeur and if you think that you were created to be a falcon you misunderstand who you are because why would God ever make you a falcon because he's not going to create any competition for himself so we have a God who's a falcon who creates a bunch of chickens and then gives you the rules that can only be lived out by a falcon and then he hold you accountable for being a chicken we see what it tells us here is a guy created us as Falcons but then we chose the safety of domestication so we lost our ability to fly because we became domesticated at that and our wings became too weak and her feet became accustomed to living on the ground see you were never supposed to be a grounded creature you're supposed to always be a creature that source you're supposed to be a creature who's not afraid of being hunted and is not powerless to hunt you're supposed to be a falcon because you're created in the image of the ultimate Falcon or maybe this metaphor has gone too far you are created in the image of God let that sink in for a minute you are created out of the essence of God you were designed to live in communion with God jesus prayed that we would be one even as he and the father one that we might be one with him Jesus is restoring to you the divine nature that you were created to live in it's supposed to come out of the flow of who you are you're not a chicken the guy keeps telling you you need to live like a falcon or you're just fry chicken but the problem is if you've been living like a chicken long enough and one day somehow you were transformed into a falcon it may take your entire life to convince you that you're not a chicken anymore and some of you you're living like you were because you don't know who you are seeing it you keep working on the right and wrong so you keep trying to fix the wrong and get one more thing right and just fix one more thing that's wrong and make it right one more thing that's wrong and make it right and you're just an exhausted chicken God says oh this is no longer conversation about right and wrong this is a conversation about old and new and old and new and old and new your battle is not against right and wrong your battle against the old and the new but you are not the old trying to become the new you are the new shaking off the old you can hear this in the scriptures this is in the words of Jeremiah this is not a new idea this is God's idea in verse 33 says this is the Covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time declares the Lord I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts I will be their God and they will be my people on Ezekiel 36 26 and 27 he says this I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you I'll give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh I will put my spirit in you and move you and move you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws God says I'm gonna transform you I'm gonna change you from the inside out I'm gonna give you a new heart I'm gonna put my spirit in you I'd love to be partakers of this divine nature so I need to convince you know you've been living like a chicken though you all you see is sick it's all you now it's chicken I have to convince you you're a falcon I convinced you to get off the ground and start flying again it's all about know it's the new you it's a new heart and with the new you and the new heart we can create a new world we don't have to sit around lamenting that everything is falling apart we can be the conduits of the new but it's all in you everything you need everything you need everything you need to live the life God created left when you give your life to Jesus Jesus comes to dwell in you and isn't it incredible that that the creator of the universe comes to dwell within us and we could still be convinced were lacking something everything that exists was created by God if God dwells within you what exactly do you need to live the life he created you to live it's all in you now you have to decide whether it's gonna come through you and become you have you ever tried to do something that just wasn't natural to you you tried so hard and he just never felt comfortable with it and then you tried something that was so natural to you I remember once there's this little boy who's maybe six seven years old he was on Aaron's friends when they were little and he drew this cat the cat looked like a cat and I was in shock so we're his parents I said how did you draw the cat because I looked at it and drew it so of course it's so obvious and and I looked at the cat and I couldn't draw it I guess from my whole life trying to do that and it just would never come out of me see there's some of you you're trying to become who God created you to be without God it's impossible to become who God created you to be without God some of you are trying to become who jesus is calling you to become without Jesus and it's impossible to become who Jesus created you to be without Jesus some of you you've already become Falcon's but you're just living like a chicken and the problem is that if you become a falcon but you're still hanging out with chickens they'll never want you to live like a falcon because the moment you start living like a falcon you indict the fact that they've chosen to live like chickens you want to create a new standard in the world choose the new but Jesus make you know that him Creed in you a new humanity let his spirit dwell in you and give you a new heart a new life a new yo would you pray with me we just bury heads with me just for a moment this is really a simple two-step process everything that God wants for your life will come out of you it'll be a part of the flow of who you are and as you grow a relationship with Jesus it'll just come naturally it'll become so natural to who you are but for it to be natural to who you are you have to let Jesus change you the Scriptures tell us that if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation she is a new creation it says behold the the old is gone everything has become new there's some of you here right now it's time to cross the line of faith and leave the old behind and step into the new sea once Jesus dwells within you the new becomes natural forgiveness becomes natural compassion becomes natural courage becomes natural faith becomes natural hope becomes natural joy becomes natural love becomes natural they just come out of the flow of who you are if you're here right now and you're just done doing this alone struggling to become who you longed to be who God created you to be by yourself and you're ready to trust Jesus with your life you're ready to give your life to Jesus right now I want to lead you in a simple prayer just with your heads bowed and your eyes closed if you're here and you're ready to receive the new in you would you pray this prayer with me right now Jesus I give you my life right now just tell him Jesus I give you my life just whisper it to him right now Jesus I give you my life he will make everything now everything yeah everything yeah if you're here you just whispered that prayer Jesus I give you my life I want to pray for you right now so wherever you are right now I want you to muster up all the courage you have and just raise your hand and say yes I just crossed the line of faith I just prayed Jesus I give you my life right now just hold up your hand hi I want to see you beautiful wonderful anyone else beautiful wonderful wow so good anyone else some of you're still raising your hands it's good Jesus I give you my life Wow anyone else beautiful anyone else is Jesus I give you my life father I thank you for all the women and men who in this moment have crossed the line of faith and put their trust in you god I just pray right now you just declared to them it's all in you that you've come to dwell within them that you will never leave them or abandon them that they belong to you that you've changed them at the very essence of who they are today you've given them a new heart and a new spirit and now it's all about moving past the old and stepping into the new I thank you Jesus that you're the god of the new and you came to bring new wine he told us is it possible to put instead of old wineskins and so you just let the old one explode and you make us new I thank you Jesus for your love I thank you for the new lives being born right now we thank you Father and we pray in Jesus name Amen we just thank God for all those who just was finding out where you are sadena an Orange County Seattle computo here in hundred so God [Music] I'm so excited because God is always doing something new in that good to know and there's never so much old the guy cannot do no he just takes the old and he repurposes it those new things so sometimes he just sets it on fire and creates something brand new God is so inventive never believe your life is so messed up or so twisted up or so damaged that God cannot make you better than you know it's a beautiful thing that happens when you come to Jesus site I would encourage you guys if you haven't yet signed up for the conference in November get outside sign up for the conference go on the line we're going to be talking about the new we're gonna be unwrapping these concepts it's gonna be a beautiful beautiful time together and then one of the pastor's gonna come in a moment just give you some other instructions about things to come hey thanks for celebrating my birthday with me let's all stay together [Applause] [Music] so the
Channel: Mosaic
Views: 20,279
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Mosaic, Church, Los Angeles, Mosaic LA, Erwin McManus, Joe Smith, Mosaic MSC, erwin Raphael mcmanus, mosaic los angeles, Los Angeles church
Id: OTXl7iMuh58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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