Go Unless You Get a No! | Erwin McManus - Mosaic

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how're you guys doing tonight father we thank you so much for this beautiful night [Music] God we just want to pause in this moment just still our hearts we know that you are the guide to over all of eternity and yet you are willing to meet us in a moment so God do we step into this moment we want to lean into every opportunity every possibility of what you have in mind father I want to pray for those who are here that maybe they're not even sure why they're here they came because a friend invited them or maybe it was just an unexpected spontaneous decision and they're not even sure if you exist they're not sure if Jesus is who he says he is they're not sure about this whole God faith thing I just pray that you would you just wrapped them up in your love God that you just make yourself known to them you kind I don't care if they hear a single word I say I pray that they would hear your voice speak to them and tell them that you love them and that they matter that you were here for them [Music] it got for the for the rest of us in this room god help us to tell not watch life happen to step into it and make life happen we thank you Jesus that you came into human history for us she died on the cross for us that she rose from the dead for us that you're here in this moment for us and so we pray in your name amen hey can we just thank God for tonight come on you can have a seat so we've been diving in for the past several weeks into the content of chasing daylight and we've been specifically focusing on how to seize the power of divine moments how to identify those defining moments in our life and step into them in such a way that it gives us a momentum for the life we longed for we've been building this out of a story in the scriptures where Saul as king and Jonathan is a son it's a moment where they face overwhelming odds it's a moment of conflict it's an ominous moment where Saul knows that there's not a chance in the world they can win the battle they're about to step into in their own strength so he decides to pull back he decides to just let life happen he decides to to avoid the reality of the future that is waiting for him and he goes to sleep but in the middle of the night his son Jonathan either wakes up or just gets up and he wakes up as our bear and he says to him let's go pick a fight and this is the moment that we've stepped into to see that two people can be in the same moment and come out of it with two different futures you may have moments in your life that you thought were mundane that you thought were meaningless that you thought were empty and void of anything significant but that same moment for someone else was filled with opportunity and possibility and the great danger in life is to watch life happen rather than to make life happen and so as we dive into the specific section that we're in right now I'm gonna fold together two large thoughts because in Chapter five we talk about risk but you need to live before you die and vice versa that you can have a decision to make in your life you're gonna either live a life of risk or live a life of regret and we pick up here in 1st Samuel 14 verse 8 and it says Jonathan said those Armour bear come on then we will cross over toward them and let them see us if they say to us wait there until we come to you we will stay where we are and not go up to them but if they say come up to us we will climb up because that will be our sign that the Lord is giving them into our hands now right before this when Jonathan wakes up his armor he says to him let's go pick a fight maybe God will help now that's not the most inspiring speech I've ever heard because if you're gonna go fight an army ten thousand to one odds against you you should pretty much know right that God's gonna help and so if you're the armor bearer you're hearing this as the motivational speech let's go pick a fight maybe God will help us I think I'd say you know what go back to sleep wake me when you know now it's not bad enough that Jonathan isn't sure if God's actually going to help them in this moment his strategy is the worst strategy I've ever seen in my life I don't have to study the thinking of patent or Eisenhower or Churchill to know this just doesn't work Jonathan says come on then we will cross over toward them and let them see us that's the worst strategy I've ever heard say I think even as an IRA bear even as an unexperienced warrior I'd go I think that's not a good idea I think we should not let them see us I think since you're going to think so we're going out in the dark of night let's stay in the dark of night and I sort of sneak up on them and let's try not to let them see us let's not even let them hear us let's not let them know we're there maybe we'll live a little longer what do you mean let them see us clearly jad there was not thinking strategically there's a different framework he was working from see Johnson understood that what he was about to do he could not do in his own strength he knew that this journey was not attorney he could ever travel alone see there are places you can go in your life that you can go without God but there there's a life waiting for you that you cannot die Vince you cannot step into without God in your life he says that step across this line and let's let them see us there has to come a point in your life where you decide to step out of invisibility and step into visibility see I think a lot of us we love being invisible because in the invisible you're safe you're secure you're comfortable when you're invisible no one knows anything about you so they may like everything about you they know when you're invisible no one really knows what motivates you no one knows what drives you no one knows what fuels you when you're invisible people can have all kinds of impressions of who you are that have nothing to do with who you are and some of you have found the comfort of invisibility all of your life called anonymity whatever you may want to call it but see I know a lot of times invisibility is a great place because people really like you when you're invisible it's when you become visible that you become a problem it's when you become visible that you get criticizes when you can visible that you receive critique it's when you become visible that judgment comes and some of you may be the most amazing people in the world and people look at you and go through just he's awesome such a great guy so kind so caring so compassionate she's amazing she's such a hard worker she has such integrity and they they know everything about you that you want them to know but they don't realize you're actually still invisible because they don't know why you're awesome there's some of you you've been invisible with your faith and so all they see is you and they think wow you're amazing you're awesome you're incredible but you've remained invisible about the very source of your life and Jonathan says we're going to stop out and we're gonna let them so we're gonna go beyond the point of no return working acceptance is uncomfortable space for people gonna see us and if God doesn't show up we're done I love this space in fact when we were in Ecuador this past week we just returned on Friday and and I heard two of our guys Carlos at Andres and this is from Ecuador Carlos is from Puerto Rico they were talking about some of the journeys we've had together and and and Ernest was telling you now when we were in guy up wheel which is one of the cities in Ecuador he said there's this area called las penas it's the most violent and dangerous favela in all of Ecuador yours and I find out that when error one has a break he goes walking that's Pena's he starts going up and down it was so beautiful I loved it the streets were unique the architecture was extraordinary the people were wonderful so you can't go there's the most dangerous area in the entire sidious I've already been there you ought to come with me and I took him with me he said I've been in Ecuador all my life I'm from Ecuador and I've never been the last - until urban took me into Las Vegas and then Carlos said same thing happened to me we're in pretty Rico there's an area in puerto rico called la perla and he said i've been there all my life and their gondola pedal in fact the only pretty condos gone there is Felix cuz Felix he's good anyway and sorry so we're walking and and and there's a tunnel that goes into La Perla and my wife's like you're not allowed to go down there she already knows and I see Felix strolling in that direction like Oh bro where you going isn't going down a lot better I used to skate down here go you know they they told us not to go he goes I know I said let's go so he went down to prepare the team Fowler's down there and girls yeah I never visitor my whole life but he takes us to the most dangerous part of the city I love this reputation but I want you to know something and get jobs I want you to be confused I have the genetic makeup of a coward I mean whatever the DNA is for fear I have that so yeah whatever has happened and whatever's transpired over 60 years of my life it's not because it began like that when I when I was when I was a kid I was afraid of everything i I always thought they were there there is like a genetic makeup for heroes for courage for nobility those those people were made out of a different human material than I was I'm a coward and I could identify the things I was afraid of well of course it was a long list because I was afraid of the dark and I was afraid of heights and I was afraid of dogs and I was afraid of roller coasters and that's all before I was tad but I realized I wasn't afraid of those things I was afraid of everything and those things were just an object of my fear because as I grew up see it's really it's adorable when you're afraid when you're 3 or 4 you know it's understandable when you're still afraid when you're 8 or 9 it's all unnerving when you're still afraid at 11 or 12 but when you're turning 1415 that fear becomes a real problem then when you turn 18 19 20 21 and you're still you're still paralyzed by fear it becomes really obvious because it was this big deal for me when I was afraid of the dark but then I became afraid of girls it became more important see when I was afraid of dogs and it paralyzed me it didn't bother me as much as when I was afraid just be rejected and it paralyzed me and there's some of you here you're paralyzed by fear and you're gonna live a life of regret because you avoid a life of risk and the huge fire the problem is the language of faith has betrayed us somewhere along the line we thought that faith would give us security as faith would give a certainty that faith would protect us it would make us safe but safe is not synonymous with certainty faith is an equivalent to uncertainty see faith does not make life predictable faith makes life adventurous faith does that remove all the possibilities of danger faith does not remove danger faith makes you dangerous if you're gonna step in the moments that God has for you you have to decide I'm not gonna live a life of regret I'm gonna choose a life of risk I'm gonna let them see me I'm gonna cross the line of faith I'm gonna step out of the invisible into the visible there's some of you here you've been hiding you've been hiding you've been hiding and you're wondering why doesn't God show up in my life if you want God to be visible in your life you need to show up and be visible in your life - its fate of everything perfect I remember is I think around fourth grade we're living in Miami and we were taking swim lessons where I learned how to save no one's life in that pool where we took our swim lessons there'd be free time afterwards and there were two diving boards there was the low dive and the high dive now I was genetically predisposed for the low dive I knew that was the that was the platform of my life I was a low dive guy anybody here comfortable with the low dive and the great thing with the low dive is there was no line because nobody wanted to jump off the low died just me and one or two other cowards and and so I I got to jump off the low dive as much as I wanted to but but the hide was different there was a line waiting to go up the high dive all these kids would just be pushing each other as they would go up the ladder climbing up to the high dive I didn't need that I was above that I was way too mature to need that kind of rush in my life so I would just sit in the pool watching kids go off the high dive laughing mocking me but I didn't want it see if you ask me I don't need that I don't want that it's not for me I'm good I'm good I'm good with a low diet life but eventually my friends realized I was just afraid and so they would mock me and harass me and try to compel me and force me ever people try to set of shame you out of your fear they don't understand how powerful fear is you can bring all the shame on you one if I'm afraid I'm not going and so I they tried to Shea me but I just stayed where I was and and you ever notice that fear resists data do you think that empirical data would help you overcome fear but it doesn't because I watched those kids jump one after another after another kids older than me kids my age kids younger than me kids that had barely been born I mean children we're jumping off that I died and I don't want to be chauvinistic but I was watching little girls jump off the high dive laughing having a great time I had enough empirical data to prove to me that I could jump off that dive and live then it would be okay that I could do it everybody else could do it they were just going one after another after another and they were doing multiple times so I have enough data empirical data to say to myself this fear is the irrational but it didn't help because fear does that go away with the reason this fear is not grounded in reason so one day I don't know what got into me just more shame than I could handle more opportunity more data so finally one day I decided I'm gonna go up I'm going to go off the high dive dealing I'm ever getting getting in line it was a slow line you get in line your ever been one of those lines where you had more time to think about what you were about to do and you didn't even want to do what you're gonna do but now you have more time to think about what you're about to do and I'm in line and then you I could break that line up and to when you start climbing that ladder and even as I was in that line I was thinking you know I don't need I don't need this I don't need this I Know Who I am and i but III just stayed in and then I I remember starting to climb that ladder and as I was climbing the ladder I I started having second thoughts because the higher I went up the ladder the more I regretted my decision and and I wanted to go back down but I couldn't cuz the ladder was just jammed with kids I mean my face was in some kids butt and someone's face was in my butt I mean it was just like moving up and they're just pushing you up the way and there's the way back down I want it back down so bad I just kept going up with the momentum of the crowd and then when I got to the very top and it was going to happen III got to that last step on that ladder and I grabbed the handles on on that high dive and I pulled myself up and I stepped on that on that platform house terrified and I looked to the sides of this concrete on both sides I'm the first person is gonna just go on sideways cause of gas stupidity it's gonna be there in that moment that ended my life story and I was only 10 and then okay okay just just walk out and I just remember just like walking my way out I don't know how the other kids they just walked right out there like there's all this room but when I got there was a really really skinny platform and I remember thinking okay it's hang in there cuz I'm gonna fall off to the side and I just worked my way up and all the kids guarding jab jab jab get out of my head and I just and I'm working my way to the front and I got to the very edge and then I and my brother had told me don't look down but then I look down they have to look where you're going and I look down and that was paralyzed in that moment I didn't know I didn't know it was so hot he looked high from down below but it was so much higher from up here if I had known this I would have never done this and so in that moment I realized no I can't do this and so I started backing up slowly back off that platform up that diving board and this is embarrassing but I'm going down I'd already decided I don't care I know there are all these kids waiting on the ladder but I already just make them all move I just cannot go excuse me excuse me excite but I'm gonna just force my way back down but what I didn't know what isn't factor is the meanest cruelest most unforgiving onion pathetic human being on the planet was right behind me my brother and he looked at me and he said you're not coming back this way I said move out of my way I'm going down he just said you're not coming back this way my brother looked at me and he said there's only one way down it's that way I'm so angry I'm so angry how can he not understand I can't go that way jump I turned around so bitter and angry he didn't understand me he didn't know my pain he'd understand my fear and I walked through the edge of that platform okay here the mall job job it's a fire just a sheer shame I just took that last step the last step of my life and I jumped [Laughter] [Applause] and I lived how alive I felt so alive I got this I'm no longer a low dive I'm a high dive but I think a lot of us we keep wondering why God doesn't show up in our life and that's because when we're retreating he's standing in the way saying we can't go back this way then we become angry with God God why are you showing up in my life aren't you helping me God why are you letting this be so hard Everage has been mad at God because he made your life too hard never met him because he didn't make your success easier here is mad at God because he put you on the high dive and then when you were too afraid you wanted to go bash you God said you're not going back this way some of you are actually bitter and angry with God because he refuses to let you be a low dive and he's calling you to be high dive [Applause] and then Jonathan tells them what strategy will follow their brilliant strategy of going past the point of return saying let him see us he says in verse nine if they say to us wait there until we come to you we will stay where we are and not go up to them in other words when the Philistines see us if they see us and say wait there we're gonna come to you we're gonna stand here and we'll die because that will be a sign that things aren't gonna go well and then he says but if they say come out to us we want to climb up because that will be our sign that the Lord has given them into our hands see they're walking through two cliffs the Philistines are on the top of the cliff if you know anything about military strategy you know the high ground is the significant advantage and if the Philistines had been foolish enough to say wait there we're gonna come and engage you in battle I mean that's what guys do they always tell you ahead of time what they're gonna do if the flows things that started climbing down that cliff Jonathan could have picked them off one at a time because when they're climbing on the cliff they couldn't use their swords that would have seemed to be the better approach but he says if we're told to wait we're just gonna stay here in dialect man I think it's interesting that so many people of faith love the word wait how in the world have we centered around the word wait rather than the word faith howay then the Lord weight in the Lord weight in the Lord cuz you're so fast you're always having them let God catch up with you see the reality is that for Jonathan he knew God was moving faster than him he knew that the way God worked in history was he moves with those who move he says but if they say come up to us that will be our sign who will climb up we'll climb up the cliff because we know that God's given us the victory this is insane and in fact it goes on it says then Jonathan and his are bare now stop for a minute because if you think of the Bible as a sacred text every word matters and they use an entire sentence to tell us this Jonathan and his rbair climbed up using their hands and feet Oh I thought they would use their upper lip I thought he was climbing up just all upper lip saving his arms and feet for a later moment why does he even bother to tell us that it's because he wants us to know that when they're climbing up that cliff they are completely vulnerable they are defenseless except God be their defense and as they climb up that mountain and right before the client the Philistines did see them and they said look they're the Hebrew dogs wander around in the night come up here and we'll teach you a lesson see that's the moment you kind of run for your life and Jonathan goes can you feel like this is like incredible this is one of those moments God has shown up and the armor is going I don't know if that's God I think those are really angry large Philistines telling us come up and die stall you can't see it because see Jonathan had what I would call an advanced mentality and this is really what I want to talk to you about just for a few moments see once you step into risk and you decide to live a life of risk rather than regret you have to advance you have to change your mind about the way God works in life you need to go unless you get her now I think a lot of us we're just paralyzed waiting for God that tell us what to do and so we don't do anything it's odd we keep waiting for a yes rather than no but see God's already given you a big guess say go in fact that's what Jesus told his early followers he said go he wasn't really very specific in fact is that go take over the entire planet start wherever you want just go start where you are and keep going all the way out and transform the course of human history I think a lot of us keep waiting for a go and so we act as if our entire life is there no but I want you to realize that God has already given you the go so just say yes just move see if they say come up this will be our sign from God I want you to know that God is already calling you out he's already calling you for it he's already given you permission to live the life you created to live you don't have to wait for a yes you don't have to wait for a go just get going but then you go yep going doing what anybody paralyzed I'm willing to do whatever God wants me to do but I just don't know what he wants me to do anybody been there what is God's will for my life so I'm going to give you two verses that will answer that question for the rest of your life do you want them it's in Philippians chapter 4 beginning in verse 8 I'm going to read this twice the first time the way we've been taught to hear it in the second time the way I need you to hear verse 8 answers the question what should you think about where should you let your mind go where should you let your imagination run finally brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things and so what we end up doing is we end up using this as a filter okay whatever whatever is true noble right pure lovely ethnical this is the list now now if I can just just pare down with all those I'll finally know what God's will for my life is see I think a lot of us act like God's will is this tightrope God wants me to do this and they wants me to do this and I don't know what to do now so I'm gonna spend the rest of my life awkwardly balance on this tightrope don't want to fall but here's the crazy thing you see your life outside of God is actually a tightrope because when you live your life outside of God your choices get smaller and smaller and smaller so I want to read it to you the way I think it must be read finally brothers and sisters what should I think about whatever whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable think what should you think about whatever you want but anything that's beautiful and true and good and think about it you see when you step into a relationship with the creator of the universe your imagination has permission to expand so angry for the violence this week my heart just broke for this senseless act of violence in Pittsburgh the synagogue has just reminded me that that violence is the action of small-minded people with hardened hearts see violence hatred racism jealousy envy greed that's all been done there's nothing creative about that you want to be like everyone else choose that path that's the smallest path a human being can take and it makes you the smallest human you can be says though there's so much room you know how many things are true so many things are true just pick a truth you know how many things are knowable you could choose your own nobility you know how many things are pure how many things are lovely oh so many things are lovely just pick a lovely thing pick a beautiful thing and create it what should I do with my life create something beautiful but what whatever beautiful thing you can create whatever is admirable how many things are there to admire so many things and so many people says just whatever you would buy think about those my imagination could run wild for all of eternity thinking about admirable and lovely and pure and right and Noble and true things some of you're like yeah that's what you should think about but what should we do oh I'm glad you asked because the very next verse gives you the answer what should we do whatever yeah but specifically what does guy want me to do oh let's just pop back up since you didn't get it the first time if anything I love how specific anything is if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things that's they just go crazy go wild dream imagine and create but what should I do whatever whatever you've learned or received or heard from me or seen in me put it into practice he doesn't even give me my specific look here's how free you are pick up whatever now if you're choosing between good and evil choose good you're choosing between right and wrong choose right you're choosing between hatred and love choose love you're choosing between bitterness and forgiveness choose forgiveness if you choose to beaten despair and hope choose hope see how this works see every time you're faced with a decision choose that which is beautiful and good and true but in that you have an endless universe of possibilities and impulses look whatever you've learned whatever you've received whatever you've heard what you've seen in me pick that some of you are paralyzed because you're so afraid of doing the wrong good thing just pick a good thing and do it I want to make sure blue my god wants me to do I know what he doesn't want you to do nothing if you're doing nothing you're definitely not going God wants you to do [Applause] and even in the physics of this whole thing let's just say you're just so eager so proactive and you go out and you do someone else's good what were you thinking it's not like God's gonna go what are you thinking that wasn't your good that was her good now she doesn't have that good to do cuz of you I think gods were creative than that I think the moment you do some good God goes good on you and the moment you do good there's more good to be done and by the way you're designed for it you're created for it see Jesus set you free but you may not even know how to live in that freedom you may be still acting like you're a captive you're living in the paralysis of fear and regret you're living in this idea that you have to wait for God to say go when God is Ray said go I've given you freedom I've given you in your life now go and live it [Applause] it makes me mad when people without God live as if they have more freedom than people with God it doesn't make me mad at the people without God it makes me mad at the people with God because you're the freest person on this planet and if you're a captive it's on you you built yourself you locked yourself in you threw away the key so stop living in fear stop being paralyzed by what you don't know and just pick God and do it and the amazing thing about the way this works is as you lean forward into life we work from an advanced mentality god I don't know if I should be doing this but I just know this good needs to be done so I'm gonna step into it God has an amazing way while you're doing good to move you to the good you should be doing and when you're doing a good let's say you're doing a good that you're not supposed to be doing you know what God's gonna do while you're doing the good that someone else is supposed to be doing you're gonna be doing a good that will point them to the good they should be doing and the moment they see you doing that good even though you're not very good at it so exact done a lot of good I'm not good at and when I'm doing good that I'm not good at it's amazing how that compels someone's actually good at to come and do that good so let's just all create a revolution of the court let's just go create something beautiful let's just do something that makes the world a little better and stop worrying about is this my colleague on my life and just actually this is what humanity needs and so I'm gonna do it who cares how many times you fail who cares how many times it doesn't work out who cares how many times someone else looked at you and says yeah I knew that you are not going to succeed it's easy for someone watching life to judge yours people who are living life just don't have time to judge someone else's so if you wonder what God's will for your life is its whatever hope that's that you're free I can think about whatever as long as it makes the world better I can do whatever as long as I created good in the world I am so free to do whatever I want that reflects the good of who God is so God won't unless you get a no one by the way when you go unless you're gonna know all the knows you get from people will have no impact on your life because when you're going with God's yes everybody else's know is irrelevant it was probably 25 years ago when I first moved to LA this guy came out to visit and and he said hey I have a day off do you want to go skiing and I'd never been snow skiing in my life and I said sure I'm happy to go but I've never skied you know that's okay they have like these beginner classes and and then after that we can I'll teach you even some more and we can go skiing together and and he was really good and so I said sure let's go so he drove to Big Bear and and I was excited I was excited to go skiing I thought it'd be really a beautiful experience and and I went and rented my skis and all my equipment and then I got into my my beginners class with all the 11 year olds and and there I was either with very short people or children and not sure which one and and so there we were learning how to ski and I realized they don't teach you how to ski in that first lesson they teach you how to stand up and they see sure how to fall without getting injured that's really the only thing to teach you they don't teach you that whatever that is that's wishing things shhh that thing where you look like James Bond you know it's easy see how much I know about skiing and and they don't teach you how to stop because they don't think you're actually going to go there's really no need to teach you how to stop you going so slow you just you don't stop you slow so after my 1520 minute class my friend came over and said hey you ready to go and I said sure and I said now now they told me that there's these different like signs and I need stay at what's called like a green circle and then I should avoid like the blue squares and the black diamond thing it was okay yeah you're sure sure sure come on Schoen so we got on a lift and I I thought the way the list worked is that they dropped you off at the green circle then they drop you off at the blue square then they drop others off at the black diamond but I learned very quickly that's not how they work that every one of those sections has their own lift but my friend he didn't want to be held back by me so he put me on the lift with him going to the black diamond and I had never skied in my entire life and my first effort was a black diamond and I remember when I saw the green circle I said hey where do I get off because you you don't I go no no I need I need I need to get off here and goes hey sorry it's not gonna happen and then we went to the Blue Square and I'm like so kind of can I get off here he goes dude this thing has one stop at the top this is the black diamond that was pretty angry why don't you tell me just it'll be ok so we get to the top yeah it'll be OK for him and we got the top and he said hey I'll see you at the bottom anyway and I'm at the top thinking to myself what do I do I'm in fourth grade again I'm on the the high board I'm going to die and I'm at the top and and and no one gave me any instructions no one told me what to do so III develop a strategy I pointed my skis in the direction of the largest snow drift I could see and I just bent my knees lean forward and Chuck right to the giant pile of snow crashed into it fortunately there was no wood in the middle I was going got myself up I made some progress look for the next giant snow pile pointed my skis bent my knees lean forward [Music] did that three times working my way down the mountain choose a place to explode and go about the third one that was somewhere between the Black Diamond I could see the the blue squares down below and I thought I don't know if I could take one more hit I'm pretty winded so I I worked my way to the middle so that I could be in the middle so I wouldn't hit a tree because if there's a tree in front of me one of us has to move and it won't be me and and so I set myself in the middle while all these people were skiing get out of the way you could tell that guys from LA and and then I just remembered lean forward lean forward so I bent my knees and I started leaning forward my face was like plastic it was going back I didn't know how to slow down I didn't know how to do the site the right thing I was just holding on to my sticks what are those sticks for and I just going and why always tune down that math not leaving all those people in the dust that's they're just huge huge PSU and went all the way down that mountain I'm holding on don't lean forward and I came down and there is this this patio made with large and had some ice on it children I'm eating the logs and they go all the way ski right into the deck of the restaurant with people everywhere eating food watching me and this ski instructor came over it's a dude you have cojones I I have never seen anyone in all my years of working here take that mountain wide open you are fearless I was like yeah [Applause] that's how I roll and I said you know the truth is I didn't know how to stop so I just went forward until I ran out of momentum I wonder how many of us underestimate how far we can go if he would just lean forward and live your life on the balls of your feet rather on your heels if you just had an advance mentality so I'm going to go unless they got a no and that's not a no from all the naysayers and all the haters in your life it's a note from God saying no that that's not that's not your direction right now let me tell you God has given you so much freedom he's set you up so you can live your life wide open it's a strange thing because the rest of that day I didn't do greens they just seemed way way too tame I did a lot of blues for the rest of the afternoon and right before we left he said hey you ready to go I said nah not ready quite yet I went down that Black Diamond but not by choice so I got to go back up so I can do it by choice it took me about an hour I was so exhausted I felt so many times it was the ugliest run recorded in history but I didn't care because every time I fell I got up every time I failed I just pulled myself back up and said now this is just a stop to where I'm going we were in Ecuador and Emerson and Christina from Mexico City they have a four year old son named Lincoln I think he's four so they said Lincoln's kind of picked up a new phrase they say Lincoln it's time for school he says maybe tomorrow so everyday they say we say Lincoln is time to get dressed maybe tomorrow I said oh he's the true Mexican all us Latinos it's like he says manana CTO scared if I'm aware maybe tomorrow see there's some of you here God has been calling you out and you've been saying maybe tomorrow God has been offering you the life that you were created to live and you've been saying maybe tomorrow you you don't even like the life you have you don't even like the you that you are and yet you just keep holding on to the life in you that you want it so desperately to leave behind and God keeps saying I I can change you I can make you different I can make you better I can give you the life you're created to live I can give you a future that you will remember with such joy without regret how many times have you said to God maybe tomorrow see a part of chasing daylight is seizing the power of every moment and for some of you it's time to leave behind but maybe tomorrow I say God today now this moment this is my moment the moment that will define my life the moment that will define my future the moment that will define me it's time to step out of the invisible into the visible to give your life to Jesus and to live for him in such a way that you risk letting other people see what Jesus is doing in Europe would you bow your heads with me just for a moment this close your eyes to stick a moment take a moment but take this moment if you're here and you're ready to cross the line of faith if you're here and you're ready to trust Jesus with your life if you're here and you're done trying to do life alone and you're ready to let Jesus be the Lord and Master and God of your life if you're ready for him to give you the forgiveness you need and the freedom you longed for I want you to pray a simple prayer with me right now just one sense in this moment Jesus I give you my life that's it right now just tell him Jesus I give you my life not tomorrow not maybe tomorrow right now Stalin Jesus I give you my life coz if you'll give him your life you'll receive the life he died to give you this moment step out of the invisible into the visible this moment sees your divine moment this moment open your life to Jesus Jesus I give you my life if you just prayed that prayer if you just cross the line of faith if you just stepped into that space where you now belong to Jesus you received his forgiveness and your freedom I want to pray for you but I want you to make a decision right now to step out of the invisible and become visible you just confessed you just pray Jesus I give you my life but I want you right now just to make a decision to be visible and I'm gonna pray for you but right now what I want you to do is I want you to raise your hand if you just pray that prayer right now step out of the invisible and become visible right now right now just take this this step of faith right now just come out of the invisible and become this well right now just raise your hand say yes I just gave my life to Jesus yes I just prayed Jesus I give you my life beautiful beautiful what if I so many people all over the room anyone else right now beautiful anyone else Jesus you my life father I thank you for all the women and men who in this moment have opened up their lives to you god I think you that they just moved from the invisible to the visible the cross the line of faith I just pray that right now guide you would just wrap them up in your love and let them know they belong to you but you'll never leave them or abandon them that you've placed your life in them there's a new future for them a new life for them and you hope for them and God I just pray that right now they would just begin to get a sense that this is the defining moment that will change everything for them not just an eternity but in time we thank you Jesus that you've met us in this moment we pray in your name amen [Music] we just thank God for all those who respond to him right now so judge so beautiful now in a moment one of our pastors gonna come just give you some real quick directions for the next steps in your life but I just want to just challenge us as a community if we begin to live with this kind of mentality if we have this advance mentality if we go unless we get to know if we begin to choose risk rather than regret if we decide to live before we die and vice versa I'm telling you everything will change so this week I want you to make some decisions I want you to come out of the invisible into the visible I want you take a risk with some people in your life now it can be as simple as just inviting them to church next week that will be a coming-out party for you you go to church go yeah I do I've been hiding it because I've been invisible but I'm trying to be visible see and maybe you can just give them a copy of chasing daylight and say read chapter one if you're interested we can have a further conversation or maybe you can take them to lunch or dinner just do something that gets you out of this invisible space by serving someone else by loving someone else by caring about someone else there's the moment we decide to let them see us everything is going to change there's when you decide to live a life of faith when you decide to step beyond the point of no return when you decide to live a life that will only work if God shows up I'm telling you not only will you become visible but God will become visible in your life let's all stand together at a closing song [Music]
Channel: Mosaic
Views: 32,285
Rating: 4.9106531 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, ErwinMcManus, MosaicMSC, Church, LosAngeles, Faith, Mosaic, Mosaic Church, hillsong, elevationchurch, hillsongunited, lakewoodchurch, citychurch, judahsmith, bethelchurch, Chasing Daylight, Seizing your Divine Moment, Risk, Reward
Id: Fk04WdG9ju8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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